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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 31 Jul 1913, p. 4

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OFF a; icE *Boyhood 'Spen Wb1ýtbyý On, 14obody hears muc *days, exoept as a- Lake Ontario wher *rels for the apple c of this leafy. place *youth-Hanar Gre gqne ta the publi 'Whitby 'and iad al from thelIoaI, ped Iought most of tà 'town, had beùiun aayone else, had te Stolen apples, Wril gfirls in achooI, aiù after:wards in the 1S, II Corner Hardware, Up h-Âk Young , , 7- Éale. nature, bis asbltion .ê 1dm ee -I--dfd not the univer4 Eé fouglit and d- clImbed hi *nelther fear hWe ow n-ahil on hlm.- Gret topect!uI, bil was - baylng, ýy a, judge..V Lit, l'Ilbeut- ebody -some ne -n-ouderfui PËh ail right, aPplause -!ron aill strong, 1' lie emerged ie daffled lu, 1away !diagi itia and' be îad apa '0i FARMERS EXC TO Via.the G. T. N R. *Manilla juuctiôn Sonya E Seagrave - Tort Perçy Prin'ce AILbrt Manchmter -- 111gb Point, . - Whitby Junctien Pikering ýDmib«Vton - M 1 -a n twuiu Jtk.DotertLýoronto manSI Arrestecd. I S eI 'tà -rndi~- * tax raesuer fS. 3M. Qmble, a nijgr.r a t:)c o« the *<j sdeof e Man~, 37 years Of! a ge, r '" ~ndt owtl iaar renwood'. at19~edQ YrlUe, wag r i Ueted agistry offceaa en y or tdafterl b- *- - b tlpeae.$ u esra-y-- Zo< E N-., the' book' tb1mfürt YuStomac v ras accorpaxledby Actin'g- ANe.,,1 ~tudents enter- ay .or thls.treatin nt il It tect4v o m s a i l a t p r . s c , b . ~' " luhÏ h~r o teauit* ropUy rfeeIdgs hended on -the serious charge ',f*Cbe!ng 4 ta VpfpfSU ie Gae.niehnaS r;ned -'n the p to cuse thé col- ne'0 housad (1,ý000) voest apy nth-e plinod Rexag o rty epË.al1ets-remedy 1 sýof the':SCffold.: At the timeo o d- ciz o h ania Hi ~ somc ambtio - udBs larrest tasacoa he S h udprove abonaz otecuia lhisThis 1é:At& sal bcaibs o h. "dn. fl ii mintiv ad t~he necçss8&y M Wyto take p a conference o 1stý Wn on te e inte the p atetoS PIv the strike .prier to -th geieraî meet_ -8U finuajry nw usr' hlimnues, ~fl hO £SStrYIO i ,c1s ndgs- ig of the Structural Iron WorkÏers at tion Ild dysiea. -They -aid the tbe LbrrTml 1+ htjî M J.Tune, - and indomitable atomacmade ndigeat foed t.teoývclay asu iig(Il.., R. D.- - - ~sad cre ! Convert it into rich red- blood- ' d 1 ttnet oee,'h»S.1.t r l-Ryo4 Topor(,M .Turner,-E.MF- I esy, andsc o st rry1 ý * arhnldw ed . Lonw -W ib -- .uio fTre.r.(H.),, -. J). Wafl -'c e &- ., F merely , "pa a l nesaiyDroverconung. _h6l.. OW. njat-()'. EWatÊû1L, L.G Ws.<" rough , as h mote pe àps a able of Relieour s by,'-Inspectôr -Boyd this- moridng tj . 1up -, ,stndingfox J Allié et4 .Wlim, R .'oU - drug sqiedad r -ethemlaYour rooXù. 'ak1" laswrth- serlous charge -preterred BO --I-len-aly IeeAlg id wayrme thanh.dueatrec ay atad~v galhst -hm.Ile was-held inthe it-away' IaeLdrn oyBo,--i UI ilewy othr o r gsionrtion that thiey wMIIkeep imdi- *police -ce Us at the -request ,of théa plc>Donald, LOve; tJohu a 4t, Anme iity. No hoary We know what Rxaue. lsi oght-TallSane,7. Soth.,l. BurdR- MaLiTS Grcenwood by are and what th - xJdo. jruoGoe --* iM oo-F de . urdei g,1r akMlets adi a o aranta thm ter îee laGlobaebfr 'îo ~i vi laaJ lw Suhel,*weIllthis, week. The ueatly - eut euwood's man gestion and dyfipepsia, or te refund taeHrper on Wednesday moîrnîug>e A. McLeodI, L.- ýCox, A. 'Starr, F . lawn - inu' front leadiug -ote-gre ît underueath It gZurmn,f they failto do s.aat, hetrate I-laeredwih in tadIt resan t a w aid d w as r e :a n :ded for a -W e k i C r u ché ; G ant k. * te lenc e b oeed. i thro ag , hePrsoerasd t b .llwe t enior,-Primer-E. Richardson, G. well kp lwrbd asn hog Y-OU.IýXn9 0ig Taletswili atisy yo? ,hE. mthe - gae oes e ro l omet ith order- day!"25 cents, 50 cents, -and $1.00. 'balp to one bundreU thousand dol- LoIwe$ A. Wii"'a- e. S abl . yweisa xows ovaerloud emali - qyYou can buy Rexait Dyopeia Tablets tars, if required. Jr-. Prime - ar , .Seu vgthe- .nda1- geue.u, ottt s, butrnoHe inh this community only at aur store: The CroWn tonyvr togyJ.S A. 14 ALLN. Ojeete te ail ein raatd. Hg N.Goldring, . tarE.CrucC. West -aüd north>are rows of currants n the facult:ies. Wh n. à 3b . u.eOtarlo said that the crime charged Il the ReynQlds. hatyadaeyedn 1 ëbjet_____bail________ Niedau& _raspberrieu. The * bushes look ambit4eus -and Ilim a toe t inea% tSmfirst o! ýits kind h6re,anhd th*-- -apeniu d ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ n from Unvr-m ittnthejntd~tt thrmUis er tu ht ~Get~in.i.df. a..n f«àU1ty rope not been dls<,ojvered the DEATH 0F MRS. 'COLLINS. qupp1y of frui'ts L ibid. Hend in- *so3,eath ora" lv hu=dl'o f le migh~t have been heavy. Ther'e ______________homein________ JOein J - .e o h.irclrl TeMaitaetold -the prsoer on Wednesday, JuIy23Cahrn câame a -lieuten- jF 'bR«@U ffl «* us m o Cm that he could telephone his lawer in Richardson, reflet o! the late RIch ion i the -- -.tru MoresToronto and.- ha#e 'himPoue u ard Colins. DcasdWho Was lu WA perir Curt ordr fr bilif he her Sth yeari suffered a paralytic-T D AIN .1 WOMEN9S INSTITUTIE COUl4.-get 1t.Gml was then led 'stroke sonie, two w eek4 ago. from awaMss orgoac WaCler MacGrotVy. - which she -never ralled. Mrs. ColisaRmLCLAET-tOcarokSo o MsFlrne-akrhas gone to was a reàident-o! Pickering, Township Sa N %pend the Week-wl-tii frienda lainfor 'over sixtyyears, .previeus V ert rpesn teOl nd Rellabl - G~~~~~uelph.-- comtag Vo Wtitb6y to, resi4e.. After the Fontlill NUr8eries.Spnddit________ -U ,,R S 0 , ýN death ô o! ber husbaud,, about siXteen 'aT fruit and ornamental stock for Fait TO- <> L. C PEOPî~j VANC years ago. Shewa a1 ryiuîtvn evry# 19Uj sud Springdelivery, p4 ID C\ NT -~~~ reserve4M ,trtry esiphnd s e rc U ()- AVancouver paper o! receut date 1t-f!.the . cbutch.She îeuber iStar.t ut once adscr xlsv Baya : The home of Mrs. Cralg 1625'three brothera>i-Richa, anti 1lred,'of, t W upy.!àsoefe I N J Ne son tre t, eceu îy rom the L a . Wh tby, au , IIôbt-,, 0 D e tw are, an o nîit, and p y ighest com m l"i s n. ANé-die' CoIlege,Whlvby was the scene o ee -ultêr Iru. --Stephenson , 6 Write fer f iti pa-Piculars.ORNG a, A( I A Sameut ltere&ting> satlierlag yester- Breugham. -jThe!uneral took place ou RAG Trains, Niagara Navigation ýCo's Steamners and - te former studrestife tai-tôund > Plckëring. 11ev.-M.E. 3àe- SIG legara BeIt LUne Electric Cars, n -dyateno h r da;1e--thSTOeNE'burlà WELL1NGOTONA>PER Ladies' College, Whltby, of whom 'amith efllCelated. T~he palihearersa O there are over !ertY living lu and a-- 1wert Ne sur. Louis. ad -Albert Richà- TORONTO, NT RO , A U r , , hround Vancouver. A large numbere 'd "'u W.J.1 Rchardsou, Georgeý NT Rà these were Preseut ut the anbnRcadan eios sdRlt u mrngtrains. Good returung -uutil August 6tbIad a is h pesreu o eeiRcbadlardson, saRbrt. d% bc 2llowed at aIll pont-on the Scenie'BeIt LUne, Bath miss Copelaud sud Ms ukoderjOJRNEf IV1T ~-ia sidea.(Sec eIr Lne Feders)for'nerîY of the Çellege, Who ~r i-ESULTS 0P ENTRANCE _TD U uixi ~tNDTRUtN1 TIME TABLE itlug lu the city'. SImiaein>u NORMAL- SCHOOL. ' - - Tim~~~ Toronto Niagara Falls are-taking place lun rearly -ail tuie it-, elwar -h nies' o! those who eiyedr,~a îrnn u h ~ i 6.oS $1--61 $3.30 05itemror the East te the West, &Dnd pas e hi ormal Entrance exa n- its entrbsiebT quyL k - . - 6.14 - 1.65 2-35 the Vancouver 0.L.C. girls are, lneautious iu -Ontario' County. Assurance -C'upnra~me rae~- 6.20 1.5 2.30 enthusastie lu perpetuat.ing >themei-I. P. AIdrd Â5 rniE .lth - -6'40 1.50 2.20 cries aud- iu-terests o!t heir Alua ASUng, J:. BiPàaieC V ny otlhei-Coenp"zy O e1î --- -6..44-- 1.45 2.20 Mater han the ex-stUdeultË,in otherj Berrni-(H.îr )j. Britton, 'E. Bruce Canada' Tl1isi seïeas. a*Lahié 6-49 - 1-35 2.20 -centres., Asaislilug Mrs. r-itgath meeICek(HGiuntlcsdcsfuyY- 6.5-2 .30 -220 tea table were Xlir aNoris ;' lTOrin m Coultia j '. P eigusea (11),,.- ÂmP4E- atge o! ht NW01 58: 1.5 2.15 to, and Mrs. mahoney Czo tet BFrnh(H) L- Giveus, E.-O. odte 7o 1.o 2.05 The reenis were beautaful wth i ces al(iR HraiXI) .$3.01 7- 95 1.90 - EoV FDFEjNJhùst0.,J.L.', ohusàtonA.L. Keýafi, fthitig e E 747 .75 1.75- 75J .'0 -L'70 - , .JUNE 1eXAM' *-~~ ~u a~ --7.56 .65 i. -r -So65DViIn he~u~ .5Narnis i» order of n~t ~ I xs ansd over. 5 yiar, hall lare. - - IV -:tiire St Er re ~j ae~~~~ ti eave Yohke- St. Wharf ut 9.45 P. M." upen the - I~vt1V' +1'U -B &¶4 IasVI?- - --- ngQîteôon esivp~oreiston ut 6î p1m3r King-. L e6bè4,9 la~ ~ê EALR 'SHOES 8S'HOE APleasure to Show 4 I * Y. -Comfertable- mauch More enj have gooýd eyj extra atrain -noi * your eyes feri Let Us Be Yoùr AnyTim ~-- -BADS V JEWýELEÈRund --Satictieairi -the arnuai iieetiug Ofic t of the W.C. t the home -a!ofr So11, ou Wedueu4,ayv, - lok sharp. ~ _ larnletsare requesi their -yearLy reports.]- -KILLED ON TUfI Mr-.,Reg. Smith,- af fBlu, wu-s zelurnlug h4 eveuing lastý whenlier the bedy eof a mani on -tracksjust West o!r<the lit niat-jies,' and discov «i poor ufitnïe hd by the 942.3 traingoln-g erail3y cul - Vo pieces.i3 once noti led Dr. Lawsc T.R. officiais., It wua learned tlat the deadi Foies', of jTorontô, and- the twé - straugers- W Brampton, ou -the '8 et 1 the samne uight, and n-aj station fora tinie...Bol 'leinfluence ef tiquer ui Orderlvs-Chief Kidd n-us On seelng -hlm- arrive ou, Vto walk up the- track, =111n11gut -the station arrested. -On teurniug 'oý lie wus tak-en back te ti îdentÉfy the bodynds:, 'wus his cempanian. 1l that-Gormxk, wnho W-- .oner.of the four who we~ go te Horniuggs-M S. dam there. . Ail bad b the Alion Hôtel. -W *tnrived euiy twe aiien- "-niêthe-mnu ho n-as railn-ay. Tlièy f- eant that there -w train for,-the north un They -ere . aiigixig -aboi until -they becamna- se ci the eonitable, wnas -se thought that4he poor' auee,-WatkiIIed n-as ying î _*len struck.-BampVon Tinsh- 26th. Local Hapi ison'a- dental p d frem Augugt isti ie Ce. W. 0.-T. U. ýd the unnual meett tishi Guianu -ll it h ýIci-Canad!an Natiolm yfour Paris Green t'are._IV giveg -best -:piano Votes in' T 0coutest must be- r. BErger's Pure -Pa, nl NTrARIC

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