Geoi~ge. Robb iueawrgor WÎ'B Wataon w.- Miss Willii A Howde~ Chà rles Wdcox îoysacaiappucmuonu. as :uq manos remisa tise k'alterson anê Jos. Co1lln~, ealh ol Idleauuiuunioaof lb. sar. T1t~eIa oaly elle 'whoxn aa14 they bâti ~ee 'thè defend- W*L... in. 4uilly yéWbayearumislîa ~oau4orlas isL~ameii vvni~ or ea&rcîy dont!, n~ g back~ *0~I#, Who have ~>epn4aklng e. holiday ~ the ~door. - He denfrd~ lisin tnp tbrougI~ ~I~puidtejt Statea. -a~iâ calais tt>Istubereueorolîolisaorusalcom4hloa - - - ~a~t~i~' ca*~t. atoi>pett OLe.4. ~ mgWIllb..dastroyId fGt~v*r; 51* * abusive îan~uageIsoirnîon waa ~. UNSTAI~I by wL~ their ~ ~ on ~ ~ viscla ~if serveti unitil ilezt~eek. - a - ~' ~ -John Lawrencê' appeared B lii o! i~hIs we~k, aid apent the day wIth ~ ~oea.ed bit oetarzh) lu Omis Ruadrst! Ddlars for any. charge ot having Ii'quor j» hI( poussa- - ~r. Holden's niother aid bIs Sll~~, ~1~1~<d i>y intarrh ~ bu, bis b~isg - a prohibited person. é lins. Aibent Jackson. Mn.. HOldirsa I Job» P. Geehan was accusât! o! siip- -~ sr.~ l<,ft wtth them lor ~ visit b P. j.CllEN~Y * CO.,'roldo, ~ hi Both~ mon abaolutely de- -~ . tliofr SUmnier home aI Lake Genova, ~e'~ai1~ypiuaiorcoaatipatioa. uied haviug arrangeti botwoen bilers lad. Phwiê 14 I ~ ~ ~ '.MO. - - -~----~~------~- ~ ~ ~ but Lawre»~,e satd ho _________________________________ J Satloa~, IL YUSd~r.JL fl<~ I<»~ ~~<>»~ E~ibfti@»' ~ Personai Mention. - bad !ound il. Tho latter was flned - - t -gaôI aid g i. bure waiaor. ~M~bsaIa Mile ~ ool'ntry, ets gotng September- $10 ant! was iven ~ tivation. ~Good buildings, ~u1isnty o!. W,. -~snry tho 1ari~euî stock of -good ~ - coite, $16 s» ail, or i month pears, phzmbs, -~-vrieZnom$1 te ~u. for 9Oc~ SpeclÀl days, Sept.' 2nd 8usd - I~J4iuoounts'ou~au pnoseista. 4th, only 85c. Ail gooti--to retenu ~u ~ c<>i. ,j~. ~aaeweu le au ~. ~s».. day-to Pay~G~bai wns given a sol- chorvies,»~rants, and .berries< AppI tLaTtI0lo~, Of~wIiioh we show a 9th~ Buy th<>se muid ail -tickèt~~ at ~ Miels., '4!or ropairé" - - , orna wanuing. - - on - promises. Jas. Shinner, Brook- vety, - a Stepheeson'u c,~oe'- <o osito stanqi' ~Uss Ruth Down&y, o! Torônto iiflr Ont.-8. wr -~ flAOorTr ard Ba»k, Wbltby) aI your ~ iiolidnylng W4!thher -parents -Isere. - -~î~~- - 1~'OR SALE. - Y Tickets redeemed If prevented gol!ig lues L. Wyatt, o! Detroit, ~ WARNER-Àt- Woedatôok, Ont., o» A. noughcaat,, two story bouse, Seve sJ~W~IWaud OI>TIOIA~I ~ hours-6.80 a.rn. 'te 9.30 ~8 ~~îh her sîster, It~s»~ jl~'~ ~"~' I Tuesday, Aiigust i~, 1013, to Rer. - rooxils, op 1~mdas~ St. east. Good t '~ WIUT~y. Western Canada. :AIso - Miss Peen1~Nugeut, et North- Bay,! .. M. anti lins. Warner (nise Lueila bard- anti soW water, qisauitity o! ,~, $10 Farm ~l ~ ~ ~ ilils ~u ~ ~ McAmmond, O.L.C.) a daughter. Ilar~è ~nd umall fruit. Gooti stable. ____________________ Miss EatIs1aCtiw~ (haai~te.d - tickets, 'T'uosdays, weekly. ciso~ce ~ Oulda - Vtekers, of Smith's~ _______________ - ~ ~. Oecar wki Southwell, - i -~ ( T ~ - - routes. Alun cb6lce ail occan S. s ~ VlSlUis~ SALE REGISTER. lby, Ont.-8. 14no~ to or front Englsuid, elânti MiSS Mutuel Young, o! Osliawa, s» 3O~Auction FARM FOR SALE OR RENT. Scotlnuxd, one way, round ~ ~,p visitina with Mn. and Mns. M. Saturday, r - Mai-1 Augusi sa4o , - SAI) cxrn~. ~ Tounjst poInt tickets via ail ~sloi is a ~ two koisses anti lots, anti houais- 155 acres 3~ routes. Sois or write Stophenson f MisS Jeaiet ipeisding liolti Ç~ - .~ lot anti i'art lot $3. J4~n.. 4ow~rji. £ ~hat*i,. tubiulIy: ~Wldtby, ~bofore 'traveling. ~ few days la Osbww~ this ivOck. 'Samuel ~ the pnoperty o! Mns, rear sisventh concession, - Whitby Tp dreèaod - à nd noady for wonlr, PauX advt. i» tisis paper. I Mn. anti lins. WE. ~WoIfenden ~ Platten, Pèrry Streot, Wbit-1Posoessioui Nov. lat. Apply te Fris» Godorwaii, a Swede abopt ~twouîy- . - - Miss Wolfenden are 'visîtingMns - by. ~ ~ î.3O>~1oc~ ~b3Xp. Wl»,- B. Joues, Whitby ~.o.; -on S. H - J. jMaw~ - Baisant, PO. ,elght yoars o! ~ suicide - ~ tE. Farewoll. ber sister, lins - Jolies, Jl'OR SALE. - wlth a raser lu-a boaxdln&bouse kept bis weeks 1» to'w» wjth j - - ~- tUs niornimg by cuttlng bis Ibroat - Mn. Ira -Edwards bas opejeti- Mns. L.S. Herron is~epOndîng aie W.S. Gunsalus, a fârmor living I i27acres,~belng part ~ôtiot lb, à nd '~ A-ndrcw Nicholson at 109. Socord sbops for unaklngVbarreîs aI Whltby C A Goôdtellow. ~reet. -- anti Brookllss, anti can f111 ail ordure! Messrs. E.W. Evans, W.A. Jiender- near Fleming, Pa.,says ho bas u~od 11, concession 1,' Beach, hait a bite The ~man le beliey~d to bave bison prOiiiptly.-tf. - - - sen, anti C.A. Goodfellow returneti Choiera anti front C.P.R. muid ono mile' - fi~bm Ibe - ,Djarrboea Rejnedy lui bis famlly for ing wells; one gooti cistenir; good euffonlng irpus - delirIum tremems.I IIis -'.4--,... from their holiday at Honey Harbor tourtes» yuars, anti that bis bas 10usd garde» o! amali fruIt, I~ acres o! or- - -, - ~i~ql~ was 1191! cul lui twaln,- jugulai FARM SOLD. j on Satunday last. il ~ bis an excellent remedy, and 1chard; one row o! evergneens bai! ~ vNix and wiuidpipe botb bbuig sopar- A deai bas jusI bison completeti Mn. muid lire. R.A. Holdun anti tam is ~ it. - way arounti orobard; bush aud maple ~" 011 -ateti aid tho blooti flowisd eut over wbereby Jas. H. Downey bas puis.- with ~ ily, cf Preston, spent hast week may hie clot)zlng - muid luthebatls tub s» a clsaeud meut Jas. Moore the iatter's lire. James Holden. - y -ail deà lens.-8, anti beech trocs. - Que gocir !ram~ it wit groat strisant. - - farm on Brock sLreet nonth~ Grant Miss Georgie Dauntremond~ o! To- I ~ f ~>* ~ days Lait nigbt tho mai was afi6cteti by inslfrovuments may bis looketi for -on nosito, speut Sunday aI lins. ,Ssil-i- - Miscelianeous Ad-verts. pig pis». Appiy - te Richard- BIight, - over-dnlusklng anti ncted atrangely anti thisilno faim. 'Va»'s. Myrtio.-14. - - - this pooplo e'! tho bouse wanted hlm - .......... - ~Mrs. Edwin Annis anti Mr. Hugh b go to Ibis hoepital, but he refusuti. HIGH SCHOOL ' Annis, cf Danlinglon, - visituti Mis. - WANTED. - - - . -~ A week ago Tuosday bis appuareti ta REMPENING James Holdun on lionday. 11-1gb Scboci puplîs for roomers o le achool. Ap- ROYAL - TI-IEATRE the police court f b1 duak and Wbltby Hîgh Schooî wiîl re-Open Ofl Miss Josephine Newsome o! Toron boarders. Convenlent alune then bas been tininki»g heavliy, Tuueday, September 2nd. To facilitate b, is spentiing hen vacation wiLb ber ply at Gazette anti Chronicle office. HIGH ous~ uov~~o PICTURES. whlcb hrou~bt on bue state cf dol-fr- -Ibe organîzation o! classes, ln~tèntling grantimether, lins. Sullivan. j - LOS?. studente shoulti bis on banti Ibis first Dr. H. B. Powell, cf Ocean Spnîng, Fountain pen, "Onoto," between Opon every eve1ming. F - lum front whlcli- lie was suffening.- rnonni»g. Miss., is spending tise week lis town, Court House anti Royal Hotri. FInti- Adulte, soc. Children under un yns,, 5C. Fort Artbur Daiiy Nisws, lunch BIb, +-- _ -~ the guest o! bis mother. I er will bu rowardod suitably. Loave - Saturday night, soc w ail. 1913, - BAIN PERRIN, ROY -BOOMER, I - - - TI-IRESHERS AND FARMERS, Miss Sadie Srnitb, cf Or-cisc, Is ut Gazotte-Chronlclu office. _________________ ATTENTION. - spuntilng a few d~ys with hon fnienti j - AIJ WANTED. - - Manager. - Operator. "Ceai Up-Town." Miss Lizzio Pinlo. ____________________ - - -- - - ~ I have just - ruceivuti a trush cen- - Mn. Jack Fitcbett~, o! Montreal, 151 House witb gardon anti shatie Irises. - - - Au ' sigumeuit 0f the celebrateti Mopongah.. - spending two weeks aI Ibis borne o! lis geoti locallty. Apply A. Lukos, -i~~~- Sel j - Local if ~ppea ela-Yougbioglseny lump ceai ton stuum Mn. anti lins. F.G. Ersklnis. Greenwood. - ~ Ba~aIn W k Sq -"- j anti tbreshlng purposue. Deliveteti up Miss liclnnis, cf Tononto, las been WANTEIX Quintons lewis or at Ibis barbon yards. vlsiting lier sister, .Mrs. Frank luth- E. R. BLOW. Isen. - Young gIrl to go to Tonosito te as- ________________________ Ail W. M. Prlngie's . ~ J Maymo anti Lorelta New- Sist ta light bousowork lu tarnily o! I~r îl~e nuit- ton dnys, ~orn- piano vc>tes. ta Misses tistue. Gooti liome. Appiy te Mis. mocc:ngAug. a8th, we wull supply piano contest muet bis recordeti' oaob - NEW C, P. R. STATION. - semis, cf Tononto, spent Sunday Preti Hollitiuy, 71 Pacifie Avenue, To~ and put on Rubber Heels for tbê ~Vedneaday. - ' W71nftby's »isW C.P.R. stalle» wm be wkth 'Ilium graudmoîben, Mis. Sulli- nonto. - -~ - -q- ' a Il ~ van. ' - imail sunt et 250 aiscompanicti by - - - FOR SALE. this coupon. Splendid building. to cost1 lir. anti Irs. M. Cpilins anti chilti- C Dut,. Adants dunlal office wlil ho Wis are Informoti, anti wjil bis roc, et Benlin, are vlniling wi'tb lins. I lis the village et Brookliu, Wbitby closeti front Auguiel 22 10 Sept. Znd. cf brick. Grounti., wesl o! Bnôck St. j Bandel --aI Ibis Whiîby Ilouse. Tp.,: ton acros, fruit aid ve'getable, This coupon aisti 25b ehtltlea Ibis anti soulli o! Iho track lias bec» dean-, ~ Fluinmertell anti daugister, <,~ ~ gooti sou lu blgb stato et cul- bearer toi pair rabberbeeiu. lots o! slio~s-are - oti anti mou are now - ut work 01C8' Toronto, Ont., wenis witb W. A. __________________________ -'a I _____________________ j Bs I NAME.................... Bargaîn rslay vatfng for Ilsis foundation o! the new anti Mis. Henderson over Sunday. ADDRESS....... j a Colline' shois stone unher ceet 4~r4ice. building. A waber tank, wlth a ca- Mn. ~ Hum, o! tbo C.P.R., anti, - I - - -y-- -Mn. Leonarti TtuItan has been - - ~ bé erecteti. it bbc ail wIlI hlsscs~ Norman, were ta town witb - - TEA N'otlsizsg but fini quislity nibbisi~ i passinglils exarninatlons aI agroeusient-betw00» Ibis towu anti Ibis1 Mn. J.H. Jantes, je confinisti te bis' - - _ bgels-iueecl.. - Ibis summor -Motel Sobool-- st--Bruce-I -.R. ton Ibis supply -o! water; will home Ibis wisek ow~ng ~ ~» i~j~ i~ Who's your Ta Masi? lay - - bridge. Ho lefI oh Tuesday $ i~O OQliSiilfluiiatoti veny ubortly. It~Iîl I bis- back, whlcb ho roceivisti lasI- Sat.. nighîly b. asked. - - ~mo bis '-dutios as touches! .at qelent, Fise. rnUtUaJly advantageous. to both - - - - .*o..uam*Iw ~ - I parties.- "y--- - urday. J -- TIllA ~LbSON ,,~ .I~ -- i - - ' Mn. muid Irs. Gise. R. Rose nnh.~ <""' r--h' -~ ~L55.1.. v ei>e * u..qiniiiwi The sobool. chuidren Wbo have - bisou~ -- BAPTIsT ' - '~w-~"'~» WI5O - havis bois» lu towu ~~or- lowen tissa ~ buyusg ~ .7 cultlvatlng flowsns muid coru sea- C~IIURC~ Toronto urlcas (titeF Br&k -Street,- - South $ 1111e Sunday, Auguat ~ some menthe with C. T. Stewart, ris- - - bà ving lb. - md'vsnisgo -of iso Ion, are numintieti Ihat they are ex-j Sisrvloes. as usuai. - turnuti te Ilium home in Klntierslsy, trois-bt têpay); 'Thlu,-you may pecteti to isubibil at-bbc Hertlcultut-I :TI5O paitor-: w11! prends.-- - - - Sa*,, luet week. - - - depwsdleavosa-sznaJl zisarg'n- WHJTBY - d aI Show, September 111h, lu Ibis townL MônnIn~ Les Mn. anti Mns. W.M. - Vauvaikenburg,' PeibaPe mono aSsIS. - -- - Wbîtby's Oaiy Ropaîr Shop - hall. rom- tbo J~'8o~o i~ètiuniieti o~i Saturcfay -Iront a tare, Passuge~<, tise Roc! Son."--' - ~ tnp to tise Wost. Thisy wteê A PI~DLAR - - - j~ EvoiIng ~ Jon. as fan arisaI as Brandon. - - lire. Abrame tioslres-t6 obtuin ~ j!iOm Ibis Modem Bausklrsg Systent." i~ns,. Wm. Doubt~, o! Brook 5$. E~, Oomiss~ alOm%, nil. yen your needlework ~r nureiiig. 'She Is- an 01s- ail i t lire or more -- A cGrdlal invitation fé ertende~j te 0sflawa,-isà ~ ristunnoti borne moisi ~ "Tes" poolcots - is1usi~,,,. lins. Bon- a~... i.-'.- --~.-- Liver ponienceti nurse, anti ntay tus nemnus- WIIO tic net worehîp ___ ~ ~ cellts a pounti,-but nemi, nover nicateti wltb aI Mi. ~Geo I. WilBon'5 -- - - '-' - zw'>u- f bis .,....~ lb. .~. te - THE TAB~IRNACLF~. - ueIt, &S*b~ro ~luffs. swooten it. Sois jus point? Great quanîlîy o! barguin shous - RAT. --Dr.- -Abraliani isi1~ -à iid ltté' W.E. Tbontp- A Y~ Cartâge -- ~ - - - - ~ netun~ed or ut Ibis WblIby ~O~58is - - - - - Susday Au~î ~. t~ i~n~ueiô; ~tê~- s~isuqts~, several RICHT and TeamiflOs sow belng soiti aI KW. CelU~~', home fer nuit Sunday anti taise b!~-~so».' ' bisy wbere pois cuis tic Ibis ~ ~ u-ecenîly mdded te my wel1l~ 4own work, se bobli churclies wlll -go Mn. ~nd Mira. J. ~tormaît Notter - <01~ s 7OU~ ~igliî, even a tiuty, - - - 1¶OOO votes 1» W. M. ?nlngie's piano back le Ilium regular services ezcopt anti iittie datsgliter, 'o! Toronbo, aie - beat; but-a show,- oaîy a fain- - conbeet go WItb every new yeanly, Ibe prayer iiieistlng on Thursday 1» 'vtpl*Ing Mn.. »oItisr'~ parents, Shis».. show, shoulti ho given tIse tissa equippisti iivery stable a beavy touai subscnlption to Ibis Gazette - anti Ibis Yuhornacle S.. S. - rooma, - which tif anti 'Mrà , Paxbon. ~, - j - that-shovel*s sugar. - - - anti dray for ail kisutis -et cartage and Chronicle. - wllI bu our luet union prayer- - moisI- Mis... ~ J&CI(BO»~ WIth Ion ~ TRINK IT O~VER. - - teaming work, anti will tue pleuseti te jing ton lb. - lielitinys. -Letjug s»alsa'Iê littIe gr~ustitiaughtefs,.Cf4ra anti fiel-, receive erdens, whicb will havè t The echools o! lb. town wili epen our besI e», yutunueti on Sa~and4 front a - jpnomp next week, on Tuestiay, Sep'bentbor 2,1 Morniug service lu. 'Lb. T 0~ - 'vlqit' itiê~du al 5*,.' Your busiîboss frieîd, anti caroful attenulo». - Tho amaîl boy' lu bereby w~rnoti $0 aI il p'olock. on- -~$~fljitton f PHONE 6;. laku bis lait ÀwIm for tise suntulêr ou suntin~ ~'lre." - ~ -. - ~o1dAIIZ, IIJIKJD I -~ Evenlng eonvIs~~ Zo'ol~ WM. - - - . ~- - J ~ who >Ma~aw5a IL ~ - Ilverytblng lis ware ut lowosî TheDt!nib B ~ - Phono ~q, '-.. WHITBY F101111 - UiiiiuiVL - - - -- - »UILDAS ST,, WEST, -pnices. Giso. L ~, ~<2'-- - - - .-~ - ~ - - 'a,.,. - ng fuit information, ai r have ns cail and give you ai ITEED 5V REAL 7I~ANK E. j - Pump lanufactuper ~Sbip sud i<esldsnoe, Duudas Stre.t WII1TBY W* I@ium~IvooI fros pamp cm short mollo., .b. REAL ESTATE. ~ l@ 011 hindi of r.. you have s tarin erother prop~*t~lor maie lear the towna cf Whltb8 er~ Oshawajon - b - nd It te b. greatly to~onr advaiitage t. Est Agoni celle Ontado Wind XiU~ mi..- b me. Moderate -co'umlsalon. cbax~ged on otion ef-asie. I will be fa Wliftby wcrai gusolin. enghus mmd lb. ~aeh wee~ altér the firat of April. Write ~ ~ (,~ serorauua. Lddreu, 1*. W. STEVENSON, 80 Fluber St.. Porento Plions No. DB inIde.o.. GRAND TRUNK RAIL WAY SYSTI3M ARM LABOREI~s' EXCURSIONS ,. $IO.OO TO WINNIPEG - VIÂ CHICÂGO AND DULUTII Proporîionaîeîy ~ow rates to Edmonton and intermediate stations. O. 22-Prom ail ataLiona Toronto te Sarnia Tunnel inclusive, via Str&tford, and Sontb thereot la Ontarso. g. 25-Prom ail stations Nerth 0f, but flot iacluding Main Line Toxontoto Sarnia Tunnel, via Stratford, ail stations Toron~ and Nefth and Enat et; Toronto to Kingaton. pI. 3-Frein ail-stations Toronto and E~, and Eaat~of Orillia s<bd Scetia Jct. pi. g-Prom ail stations Toronto te North Bay inclusive and West thereef in Ontarlo. té Grand Trunk PacUk Raiiwa-y is the shortesi and quickest route between Winnipeg, Saskatoon,' Edmonton. FoU particalars at ail Grand Trisnk Ticket Offices, or Write C. E. HORNING, D.P.Â.. O T. By., Tomate, Ont. anadian National Exhibition, Toronto Wbilby toToronto and Rehir» ~oc front Aug. 23 te Sept. 6 inclusive.. - a on Aug. 27 anti Sept. 3. 850 on Aug. z6 unti ~ 8, Sept.2 -AIS tickets vulid for retunis until Seyt. 9, i9i3-~.~ - - anti 44 mil Particalars f rem any Grank Trnnk Agent. and especlaily E. Stephensen, Town~ sren, Ticket and Teiegrapb Office. opposIte Standard Bahk~ Whitby, Ont. Teleslbu -.1V---~~ ~WW~WW~NN 5earching for 5undIê~ However high gradea satisfactory a bicyckiu 's bu, it is plot. mi IOVY ro offer tho ai, i - On 'T ~U lA> lAttis t~d wi~h o McGrotity ITARIO given - for on or lieforo ~aoh cent; nôt ~DING ORE very d '60<