Keep 'MEDI ,Who ai j' Voung Who want*Dlgnieèd Clothes wh other kindan, alwaýYs wear. Bccaume they have ktone of tl craftisuen.can glveèîrthèm. Hli ;ban :de commnùon sorts. -Bettcr new patterns for Fail and WVinter M.. < Solo Ageîýcy Aaramit of a -vory erlous IWUY 8 éel lOCOKO au1I d ozllSD , avs d5* iilr lia ~ SorrY, te report Aual Mi . 111- Te o woatWtnda iwa Ivrys rios condtionHens a. bttraI f Ùn d"" fm;iii l s ,tuine.d coqidition,. vey arou cndtin.H.W5 dIV MLeonard 7Hoss was- la Toronto wlth! é' xlb Jirokon, bleedlag trfi ug the roller and had la hltchçd b Ilut weY U. m utufbebInd the eats, d rd e 1co t . Someth lg, -frg tened the ho Ir J Mr. J. . Beaco * al ad d " ar ahe m uw ' ,ap voa 1'S D e , whlcji. gave a jolt,' t irowiiig ý 1 ft sai Sa ur noa det. ca -aféT s l.t w i nd w r--ea ao.t k Batty forward, eso ht th~e roUer, sl nt4 ayls._Tetoýné Wee»e bÙ h d M.Passed over hlm. Wlamu pbcled upI -Mr. F.. Duff la busy,,paintilg bis -Place and adbiiitteti havlag seen thé cah ew, hhuoutuh".e Y.aes was found - litiha collar- boue vas hue hshl ahmefoauidany cashothedcee! tt saulad takbroken .and ,bis body terril>!>'bruied. 1 Urob-eMay. A -tralis hoe heard nhe J opes are ýentertalned for 'is recov- sl ~ a ro ery.@A thé aik s e as ls rs.erbut t wlll be aoie atimca bofbeW er o! Mr. Batty will b. 'able'.-toattend t îsenrun1i>ÃŽIi8 lb. Pplg bouse dovua Pofaded aMd klcked. ________________________Magsr Hoaeveier remaaded Iheý r.and Mm. matou IHoflldà y aaâd -,t'oC meuté Whltby for tral, hr lamliy are vlsltug'_tWr . pareanti haro theelct'Jteb tri ya judgee, aI prceat.Instea4 o! waitiag tililýte Auwn Ou, to tiliam _la- g9. ag-up a- Asize.Te ilcreU îSp gia séo .tem Por erry Fair tomber --.- ti.year, Setembei 12.,-Greea Haver Shâmrocks caa'î sMae our boys. OLmss-of flir Misses. Delma -GrâaainMabol 'Bry---;WpwUpf orwato ueI gt andlifabel J)uC 'et Tuesday a!-R_ y95 aI on doésn tfèraooa la Port ?ery ptUOBtu PwUofor-hfr. Miss -OlivO -VaoNegt has'ouad ~ al epeic lkhd iorne, - alter seil~afu 'ea toniS thèloiwt has o -otto, Wifriands ln Solha aid Oshagda.cé jsRexalIU14 Tliqseasn O -tution e-Toûic. We, ave sclil- 'llqsesono! uchea ales. Is it1 foeddWath *inii Il at ihand,,The GztoChol1 offIce, U0tr 't a is--If il deesl Wlutlby, oaa get -ouI yourhui;la for you w ll you ir vt ru eh ladoble qulck, ime, aM&-you oaU enient i&Pdytame. Js îi~ug ter irthe service, ! if' -#" HirToùte doe'- Wm. !(aw, -auc$o~neer. who i od- 51releda ~ iEve icalii the big siet thio,, %,u'i fr floua fallUng son-Ou -Phonos-ire, 'Bell23, fsj.. toaifà li o'iudslelst rtr pendent 59* thsoeu -phsd fot ad o Il M à s ythe .Eari has retuirneti Ydw.ny- 'I nà hi - npedin n-fw ayt wbIn ck, or.-n any lber satt l Bwmn$î way oba auy I'tifs? "Weoal medidiasmeioou Dos' hn treaon that, we as erteios wou1d 112t uc uh éqU liO offer asChmera1u ÇliCholia ad if *e<lïd t truWbeiîY éeve Dianhoe Reçdy, lb. world would Reufll.3.Ii Tewilld i '4fi Séte ffwé cltiki-foWr Wý-tht it *WIldo al b~mc otrofand 1h..perceà t. -- ~r h~~yohrremedy? ageo!aufornggreatay decreased," W. bave. ev M" -th lere us a de- *rites Llndsay _Scotl, ofTemlld aidfr i r a e ho iudge the' For sale by ail dtheers.-g. - e isell!. Cul- szes.Thero are more .ç uIQld us -of Rizal AUDLEY. '"93"9 Ità ,.sirTniothau any simihr- prepanation wrtieiL. The .annual, gardon -Party o! the. Stt tesinenà t o!Rexan!9~ Audley Kethodiat church was iheld on far t a otoay.if o --lt. ucrins lvala4- Thursday -cieeYou Wliltbank us for tia eveUing9. The w>eather Was ideal, and sdvlce.. TwosibIottWe, SOc ud $1. tite attendanoe .was quit. up hle ,'YOu caà buWr afUà 93 "Hair Tonk 4 e l i - standard, - therebeiag. rnany present -.r1stoAL e: 0froua Whity and. Oshawa. The. sup- ~ ~ ~ ~ , w s* ~Per pctvided byhe. ades received u b m7. - b much praise, especially from lb.e meua- and -oit lUait ed- St«go, an iich are distinctiv.Iydifferent tix the bers o! the bondaway u Gr at 7bffl £ dà :ffoetResat 4, aWay a uagr .-o M» dk-na,y;ua aggregatioa. Aller lb.eIon - hnd been à ='Ã-Ioetb.èfk S!,zI se v d h a l , th e p a sto r to Ik ch a rg e w ua m r ,. A i . O o u l 4ADE-O-ME -SURof th. program. - Miss, Jackson, of -%pug ene IADE-TO- EÀSURE.Newcastle, and Miss- Lawrence, elo- WT heir own that olily the Most efficient cutioniste, gave splendid contributions WTRWOnKS ,E-XTENSION. [obberhin'clothes do flot cost any more comblalng sultably humorous- and Worki ls again ina-progres on the. 'cali now and inspect the 500) or -ïore more seriqus readings.r. Tgijkj sang waterwotik' exteaision nortb b tihe sweety, dnd a splendid brie! address C.P.R. tirs-. The four-inch pipa . was npprecinted by the audience. Thee ru4ii rom.John sireet' north for a- -34t4 Regimental Baud wus in attend- couple oS blocks <s beiag taken up and "~" '~ ~ E anc., and ln lie absence of Bandmas- rOplaced- by sfx-inch- pipe, wic wil - e vans, vas coniducted byMn 'cO te c quired distance. I< ~ I O AE~-FOR -- LÂBOR DAY 01< LIN. by lie rushing-business- don. aI -'lie VIA GRiAND TRUNKRAL Y - - - efresiment booth. -Rtn S*i ii e£Iued k- ut - - "~~ýâI vas çured o« dlarioea, by on. tween ai'-satis u anaatofD dos 1o!Chýunberlann'CoU1c-, Choiera Pori- tii,-is Dlri i ~ - --~ ---. ni Dlrrlioèa-Rernedy," jwrItes .X.B. Pont>tiuo, MC..hBfla, io lack Gebitand>.Orfole, Pa-. Teeu ob ok NjaaPalle 'snd -Suspouisîtua Su -- -- i p e ; i . F o i , s a l e b y a l d e a lè r s . - 8 . - B r i d g e , N . y : o i g . S t on BASE LINE W ST. iiday, Su-d y d Mo d y, Agut, o hie Charlie Bnydges is working.- on 301h and 31s1, aid September lot. thedrege.Vnlld.for retunai until TuesdaySp -- Miss Anale Lomas left last week tember 2nd, 1913.Ysp for Belleville. -PARE, ANDON .ffR G lh -Mn. Albert Burtonj spent Sunday golng Friday, Salurday, Sunday and Lé 'With is brother,- Reglnald.- Mouds-y, Auguist 29th, Sth, 31s1 aid A 7-9 Miss Ida Story spent tie week end Sep',tember lst.. Vnlid fon neturn un- OliVer li Toronto wlthMn.. MLE. Story. t111 WednesdaySpebr3 93 A aewcemet wnk on na areet Pull Part*iSuars, aid tickets aI alil No SII, i.' being buit by tie govrniment. Grand Tnunk Tickeï offices, and es- - ~ Miss Annie F'ltton, of Guelpi, la eia from -E. Stephensong,, up-town visitlng ber brother at tie Reynolds tckt= gent. ?oe36 home. - - niel Munr ! . - vent ft>ot lift. depth-_ fr as -a 's wonderfui plow. ,~t cseffort 11 L .7-- . SPECIAL-îo dozen -Childenà Blue and Bfack'and White 'Dresses, Tuarkey - Red Trhnming!s,-Ameriçan, make, ho- fit ages 2a b 6 yen. 94ul value 33-to450e. --Sale. price, e4 SPECIAL-A remarkabLerol!er, durigti ae fMensilrÃMade Tweed and Worted,,Suits, modëls usèd b12vlr o i~ fte ags ae to-measure houses- in'Canada..- Over 100 suites b select from, Sizes 3to 42. Regular selliugeprces$ .5t6$zo -Yri dhoice dur ng -this saleo.l,.."~~ SPECIAL-î oznLadies ' tseadCunFii.PnAgemki -filor mde cxcept black,Rval - Sale-price, 2-,p vlue 2f .2 SPECIAL-29 Youighs"Thre» Piece S itsdr adl'gkwedbomer- an pin pants.RS--eI val Sal , - zs2tÃ"_33 Re,-gular vaue 3.50,10.79 SPEC IAL-.o, Peces Coloried,-Muslijus, White , and Colored- Popîins, Check, Muali , Piùts, Vestins, Ginighatni. Regular value 18 ho 35C. S ale _pric e, - , . L C D Ê' A Y -- .i ~ i . - o en , rin s an d , »o>rs P lain Prinî a nj W h ite P ic SI .i 5 Szes '3to16.> Regular value îo o ,.5 SP E CIA - M en'sand C hildreni's Straw H ts -SJ prce, ». SP~ClALLadics' PiecePrnît)D stsne value *1.50. Sale price, N iI - , . Vh0ýis wit or soedurin thasl. W N'o charge for -lookiug. ]ROCK STREETt l MORTf! N e w Teleplione- Director ,y The- Bell Telephone Company o! anadaïsl soon to.print a new issue of à Official- TelÇp1%one .Directory for4t1e )istrict of' Central- Ontario, including Vhitbyd - I Parties -»who -cotemplaw-becoming, ibscritiers,,,Or -ihose -who wýish changes their present entry.shoull place their rders with- the* Local Manaer at once isr nertioiq ln thi1s isue.ý Connecting Companies, liould alto re port additions and changes thebir list of subsciibers, either to the. ffli Maager, or diét'io the Special gent'i Dé4mrtment, Montrea!. 'lie Bell Teleplione Company," of Canada 7e5clar 75C il bher you .Wat WALT[ p. Our Bifocl onesar really two lenses welded lis -% oie solid Ions. Pnice per pair, $.o - Speceal grounde -7.5e F. E. LUKE. i89YongeS~TOBONTO ~wq~ Whitýbye P aglan, 'Y "8£. - Tue -U'sme Of j At WitbYmk -JNO. E. r, Baralater, Count : O f ic e& o u 7 w f BOiISts ono~ O.fffie7Brock St., IMo oL G. VOUNG - MARRIA Court House, -Byron St., lYlit St.' sS to LFairbai L 1ICËNSED j , AND-VA AU iknda o!fas toý_ . Arrangeuenta TWnna resuonabi 0;ONT&~ Carpenler,-Bu-id~ Plilnsdranà do '-Repairs,,Alteratiî S# 467 ý WHI' Harria~.é - ronto, -yo- nn --trïtaed b o ei - aris. W. -o Bus3iness Scbý City. -We-wu send >'ou our1 - jogue. -Fali! Sept. 2nd. - -W.ff Toronato, On.-- StricdtlY -Firtt.ClnssID ail De ,,Meals. Noue Botter là - get gooci positions. year.. Enter now.-C ,lBrent, agent., r.Touge aid I w 14ÃŽ aid, axa. Aeadesa nigit promùptly ,atgea moderate. o i; E OOl<U)POUR Openýi. by' "Youghi 't.Bluo "George No Scrantoa lbwmllpuyyjou t. adinapeot ion o les ,.m.ld b- mot nnploy tho -l e ;«-nat, wihuok »j AÇaII5Ir&unl SNIO LSO TORONTO