vAfiI pleased ,with Mr.- Murra.y'as wo'rk on its 5$135,00 sýstem ; Weston peo- pie Sive favorableo testimofiy as to tlieïr systeor n ai the North Toronto ~dsPosal plant 4ppears to- be working perfectly. ýWîth h Iis ýWeight of 18v- -orable dvidence lusupport of' Mr. MurZraY, had the CoÙnoil nmade the seeto !of e witl4 litt>leor ioth- 1lu& to e4iow fil biii work, the rate-, payerB - Ànigt weiI haie queq-tined1 thewidom c~their choiceè and niiglit bave'held them iembers to atr As' it ls, ther" *s-eve rea- sntbeeve thatthe COun4 mad a good selection, A large nunber, of -ratepayers wili be bchind t eb Couicil i a, move to..very soon bc~~ the con- struction of thse long-needed system, of sewers.- The great successo! the venture matie lst mli to .iold a Scisool IFair, at Breokilias encouraked tise Dis- trict Representative of tise _ Depart- Ment of, Agriculture, witis the sup- port of the Agriculturai Advinory Committee, to hold four suci l!airs thi fli la duffreit parts dl. the couaty, two. i the north aid two i At>e soutis. Those Who atteaded thse Brooklin Fait lagt year, are loud ini ~~ intercstiigý aid lu- structive f eatures.,- ndeed- it lias been.] said that thse School Fair stirpusel that o! mà ny Agtlcultural Scletles1 as'regards'9xiblits o! produets o! the soU. if the:,,.htiai-fait 'was such s sucS., it> la net too mucis te hopis tisat the fairs--of ýthis.,year will 'h superior toi tisat cf last, for thse m- perienoe gaiîed -and Interest aroused 'Good hlealth is largey dependent i~o théboweia. Wisen they become siugge htie waste material that ia tbrcwn 'off by tise sytem accumu- * - , fates. Tis .Condition generates loions which circulate tbýougisout tis boy, endigta creath coated * . ton~sead brati, headaihe,- dul brisacio, erouneabihiousies Omd oter Laoances. -- Avcid harsiscathartics and physica Tkry give but temporary relief. 7-Tiseyoften aggravate tise real trouble. Tisey are particuisriy bad for chai- dme, deicateor aged persans. * , Corne in tableS form, tante juat like candy and are noted for theireêasy, soothing action upon thse boweis. Tisey-- don't purge, gripe, cause nausea, loSeneas, rorise inconveri- jonces attendant upontise'use, of purgatives. Tieir a9tion jse pleas- at tisatishe taking o! Rexais Order- liu almoust becoines a desire instead of aduty.- Childreii lics Reifahi Orderlies. Tley are ideal for aged or delicate uibles ad stfor theis Departmost of -'Agrienl for the boys-' and gI.r] the faiitstie prizes offe bq.ut $65. Thse prizei wo n is aà moîg -the leas' fItIS to thé pupils contei ia a strong -atimu1usi Iortaý votes vey (Continuad [rom -pagel.) The Finance, domxnfttee, prier to tus ýdiscussion te a sewerage systen,ý pasied these accounts Muiia-Worid ..... H.I R. Budge .3 .25 Jos. Heard a iïI'I .:. .. 300 J ï- Coins .......... ....1.50 The Streets Comnittee also ôad aý -number o! accounts for P*aymet,: John MacCari.ý--........ ..P.8W00 R. Piaskett ............. .. 22.00 T. G. Deverel. .......... 4.80 R; maoCari.... ........3.00 .JOB; Head & Sons.w. ... ...0 It *as recommended, that raflrdad Irons b. purchased to cover'tise ciwn Iwells, some o hc r-dneos Cernent.sideiks.-were alec recom- inended to' be laid on,,Green str!ea, eià t aide from DuniQp street to Mfrs. WâPace's residence; Gilbert- street, nortis siden, Gr een to Atisol li KiîgSt., west side-, Ontario te, St. John; Brook- street,. east side, John te Mr. 'LJ. J. oley, n enl f one cr the West end residents, asked for thse decision'o! tise Streets -Commit- we - iill refund .your money as chieer- fuliY as iré take it. J.' 'Wilsh sole agent i.n Whitby fur'- Sagene - o b. sure te go to J.E. Wiliis' dzig store,,Othse], stores ,.d0nt have it - ouly 5Oç, a.large. b ottle. ,Do't for-, get tiseý naIne. WhIyfIower how W431 (Contiîued-f rom -Page 1.> table marrow 'c'f, woidetulSie), growi by .'Master J4ames,wisile thse punspkiný; piaýifed aid citivatèd .by- lý. uïe, was an evidenceof yoüug, Çaîadas abiiity as a gardenr Pt#zes, were awardod te -- eciool chidrea as, !ollows,: - Asters-,.grown ' b Y cisidren .widet years o! ýa.e-lstaid,2îd p-rises won. by,,Isabel flavey.. Asters growi by ciildre oor9- years o! age-lst, Normai . corner; 2nd, James Colb; ;Srd, lon Rowe, 4tis, - th, _AÎtisur Rice. Corn grlown by chlîdren gi. years e! age ai:d under-lst, Edward Oke. Cota grown by chldren over 9 yts. o! age-lst ' Marjory James 8'2îd WiI- lie Brown, Srd, Harold Richardsoa; 4tis, Jimmie Colby; 5tis, Lorne Ra- yen; - tis, lossie Augustus 1 7ti, -John YVickery. Tisese cblidren have done tise cultivating tisemeelves and deserve great credit.. Mr. R. M. Tîpper was judge of tise escol children's competithon. TiseDept. c!fAgriculture, 50 abiy m-anaged by Mr. Tipper, had an ex- hibit Of aPPles, 8isowing tise goo-i re- suits cf sPraying. Il tise awakea*ng intereat continues, weOcf tise county - to'Wn nîY 100k for a' show next year iicludiig fllwers, fruit and vege- tables.- ILLUSTRATED LECTURE O(N FLOWER TOPICS. Tis i teresting flower shoew .was followed by a lecture on Frhdayý even- iug, under tise auspices o! the Horti- cultural Society, by Mt. Wm. Huit, Of Gueilh College, wbich we a real treat. lis illustrateti talli- on rose culture> cisrYsalntiemum culture aid geraiiuma culture, wiIi long be te- meOmbered. by those present.- The Hon- t'cultural SocietY is te ho7 congratu- lated upon tise part talion tO tis in- tereat oui townspeople lilcivie im- provemeit. We OniY regret tht tise audienIce was nOt as-large as il ougit. t hv been, aid sisould mHt. Huit ree t svsit te eur towu we - epeak great iitorest iinisis lecture. Tise lecturer, also reforred te a visit lie made during tise afternon te *tise beautlful garden of MajorHrpr Esq., aid tise fine 4ual4ty Qit the roses grown there. t.E dm uÛd Starr, Preideat o! tie Horticultural SocietY, waa -clhair- mai, and before--introduoing the lec. turer , iaviled HtPFL. Geen. - w. CORNER HARDWARE,ý t4ble- haste fer- thés scenie.- The Pieli- em g h .ie iseswere sable te jet cou- trol o! the, Sfaines belote tisè - WhitbY brigade artlvred, -aid word was-sent oeut,-tç--t"',eith ie requested as-' sistance would neit be needed, cou9e.- qunty m-ie '-,parîsis-house: and -the, r7otof'- - tise 'chichiwere destroyed, isowever, befôre. tise brigade coud step tise-fr let a there was a" veyhigli wlud blwigat tise timà e.- a _Great- Mahl ..saiâ to the Gre at Cnda Parisn 'Sage la ýa dlscovery cf a celebrated scientist, who speat tise beat years of hie lite perlecting this great hait toie. In givixfg hie recipe te tise Canadiai people lie said : 'Pariiai Sage je tise meet deiiglitful hair dressing intise worMd." It cures daudruif by hilhsg tise germs tht infet -tise roots o! tise hait ; it stops falliig hait ; it gives vigor aid strengti te tise hait roots. A., H. Alin seflaParisian Sage luna large fifty cent bot tie-aid guarantees to de ail that la clained fer it, or your monoey-,la refunded. It stops faUhing hait, dandruif, itcing scalp, and restore s life aid beauty te duil, faded isatr is two weeks.- Police Court. A case o! more than usuai hterest was tise subject of mucli discussionïni tise Police Court on FrJday even* g lat. W. F. Entai, o! Oshsawa-,- was tise defendaut, 'aidMesrs. Chas. Hodge sud T. Desmond were coin- panns-Tise charge, wns tisat -on Wednesdaýy niglt MtrH. Enten t;an his motor 'car - ito a veisicle being dniven by tise two gentlemen -.above named, . ad tisat ha damaged tise lai- nlesa, and drove,.on witheut stoppiisg. flotis BU. Hcdge and- HMr.-Desild: satid -tisat they- were on tise nortià side, o! tise Kingaton, Rend', o mlis' w est to Whttby. Tley did 'otjetlait a Iota biowa or any w'=ntulgven. Sudden- .1y Mr.. Eaton's car -goigat à a 4hIgs speed;, shet'aloîg J ise rend. 'Tise.rear. eeeïmd te elide arounidagainst 'tise w - prso ns as well as foi tise mostrobuat. Thyact toward relieving constipa- tion, arid ale ta ev'erome-its cause and te makes unnecessary tise fre- querit use of- laxatives.. Tisey serve te tarie arid strerigtheri-tise nerves aid muscles of tise bowels anid asso- cinte organe, or glands. 'Make -wUs Prove It We guarantce te" refurid every penny paid us for Rexail Orderlies if they do'-net give eritire satisfaction. We ask ne promises aid -we iune way obligete yen. Your-mer&word is âufficierit fer us te premptly and ciseerfully refund the mariey. Doesn't, that prove tisat- Rezail Orderiies must be right? You must kriow we wouid net dare make sucis a Proms unlese we were positively certain that Rexal Orderliceswill1 do ail we dlaim for them. There is ne meney risk att.ached te a, trial of- Rexail Orderlies, anid in justice ta yourseif, yeu shouid net hesitate ta test them. Rexali Orderlies -ceme lu cenven- jent vedt-pocket sise tiri boxes. 12 tablets. 10c; 36 tableta, 25c;,. 80 -tabiets, 50. CAUTION: Please bear inha n'id t haS RemiS Orderlies are net sold by a&l dru& -gS". You cari buy Rexail Orderlies only aS tiseRexahI Stores. 7 Yu.can buy Rexali Orderlies in this community ouly atoeut stoie: - Au- He -ALLIN Whitby TI SoeOitario Thero la a Rex» Store in nearly every town and City la thse Unitedl States, Ce nada and G 'reat iritain. Thiers. ', i.dfle«4reneuli Remedy 1cr nearly v? r b a 1- * ach eqxcaiaiJy designed frtbe partiaular ii for wbiobc ,rcnrec.d - -*The Resait Stores are America'. (reateat Drug Stores i gether - w -fot awimw rived fro, teaehiu g 0f sWimmuig -andid l *he Is n greatstbon t tat is,-ever comne to anny Cana4lan institution for tise. - particularz, nccomipissisnents. Mies Beaten, thé. .uoted' tendherî ofawim- mnig, -has- tin -in charge o!tise cîn èas, aid bany, ladies cf tise- towi tisat wisis te -receive Instrifctixha cai make ar- ýrangements to df'> so.' Tise lessoxsWilil ogve eery Wedfiesday alternoon . M., HILL SNOEING £4 SENERAL BUACKSUaiTlNO TERmS MODERAT.r opposite Qtader Chuâ iobnKuston Road TUAIN SCHElDTJLEý. WHITBY JUNCTION 'olngWe.t .. .2a.m. 1Oolngifast .... 8.2o 1. ... .7.-56 p.m . .g3o Sunday fraim lave lfor Toronto, 4.52 a.m. -and 7.56,pa.. rom Tor- ôà to-traini stop et Whitby ,Juuction at 8.15 and 9.55 a.xu., and 9.30' p.m. Ulï-TUOWN STATION. Qoing N4orth_.83oaii.Going South ..7.18 amn *...3 P ":.1.5 Il .6t4o p.m. i ..~o . STAGES., Ljeavos Whtby -for Oshawa at.1 a.m. and 4 ep.m s. o. oiden, po Liave for Broughà m nAt10a.m. MAILS YLO SE. 'For Wet- 6 30 8,.1. Yor PorL WhWby--, 12.30 P.M. 6.30A.mi. 6.30- P.Ii 6-30 P-. 8.30 P.M 4 For auL6~3b*~ 21ýrOsawa~~szpm D. SINPSON & -0O. Mihoer the grai4est cf 'tsid iil .el sud We entendlacordial' our openung id otise if the beat miliners, highly- rf iw Our hats are- Pari,-j 0oW opeln nd re )ýNE-BELL 1 eI-as he -done on-the iout. Thi and Iet u3& service is at RN.-Bw JEWELER AÀ OPPOSITE NEW E-oS O'FFicE. LOG~E AT YERY MO W e hi Y specialty of. foi -many ye in. large qi have learned to the best-- For this r( _nOt only' abic an assortr rangae but prices ufiusu Here, for-. MasonïieBu as 5oc; Pins as low carry einble many societ quality, ýCO' judge that-fo We guargnte BAS JEWE R - ~The Eîghte4tih4 --Ontario--C6unty 1 Temperauce Union Steneoe street -Osbiawa,- on Thursd vention speakrer, IM of Toronto. Thse i --tends a cordial we jraukish, Cor.-Sec Staxr, County Pre 1Locaf la - We have a coRnPl4 working boots.1 saine at PeeVs shoe Mfr. F. B3. Mosure a business trip to' i>e- absent about a i Ai iang -votes -ù ii~jo tst must Repars for l at, &clatyres. - Remember the Pc per, Methodist Tnt Admission 25C. Every new yearply toile-Gazette and Ch rhousaud -votesI piano contest. For Fountain Pei go te Bassett's: Mr. Jas.ý Hoye Au-town on Tuesda heiey, and . fould, did lotr-bis line of! P Brock St.. is where, we can also Vinegar- anti,. ply wVith the forn= -~the saideexami quaiXy lfe advaiic 'ALUsummer goo The [ asy Laative la Justceto yourself you should try Rexali Orderlies, -your inoney b" cIl-you don't 11k. them. They are a candy con. fe4lon tlat really 4o give easy relief -from <coistipatIon. 1.