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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 9 Oct 1913, p. 3

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the eho -they m ans.. ý,It L <DO Irai who iyeru 11k. wild Ton tènS oi kn oorneaç1"li s4 rm oe 1ou can tame 1 Dotr., n.mUol' ilsu bi. faoe, und.lue aw nav. '<Rut'X-1 aould 1Rtrsthreatened ta sude&d .pUtýber glewitb- Lrma.anbf6r FOR SALE eys & haftIM, icl. for MliII. Manu1aeIurin 1 ani f Pa-Inu Routsa, Et#;I. àl-pi Pulley, -12Y. M 45 7116 in. .euait. Split Puiiey, 10%~ x M 7/16 cf. smhm<.-"" be .oId at very 1<>w fïâ Box 23p, n ,PubIlshlng Co., ýTmt ~ed ~itu efrôwn. patience. ïbedItw 4awithin- the Zoom ad h4 ht A& ah glanae, maigai %Mt - ý çsIthreatanlng, tClvsbut with * .n4 'u t e Joluetih tu lau Ont ý"Pardon, my lýdy," »ah.- murmured.'1 - *1 4 t'kuow-I ýLelouhI flue roam ial Mentô but ber entrance bati brakauCthe é~I~ndUli¶!e rose -iiti a foelng of r* Alevl-at your word.' Ili.so yauýr kind oEfer, Ldy> Editl,; ieei -'crvely. "If I ueed aur holp 1 tubfni 79n jjc¶iveme for nmre of Mr-poor Wpeopa coéta youa. I amn vey gtte!nL' 3 Sbr O. ýaie bhller liand linauenoe, -ber 0ye oncaut, ber cface noir Palau Zjyr :1Jv 1uuu nutas after leh. bailgon -ehle Re, livea ii in arîia fIn -bie1l o va-nagea mthu oaaemtC Cie marris o ovenienoe iIé ut~ ~ ae o.fayeoxohanre>~ reeetrnent. whch aoie fromt' LWhhu l .t7t aydeeper mogre mua-lace abjectIon t aa very aBbeauA ^i:tii.s&vntal -Nio; ho ooutdnot do it; ttu h; Df yeÂilt aObw eek Ing-l boty, sZditam- lue san [-bippnèi ae oi o u 1 la pimer ta hin ta b M0 au. 1 booro h12lmfjabuttbant = in et h. lb hebtC he-le a reaohed the,-en- t=uer- b"etoppeit. short, bitlnq Id. live. bi ae pale "and ata-aine, de leart ja- beatint bewrgly- for wilt Le uusiai o n emed to ave'paa.ed out o! bis 11fs. 'W Stae wan rigit-4&e lInetinet boru Et of herpuity' -ber inuste goodnems,,,ber ae hild-Ilke brluking jr6m an u ;7on g liwmý t: 'le muet îelier no more. Yéwý,IIeXIug &d gne>out of!lie. . a Ird fbihusavague balnoea bandi he tittheéIlmago acntely aI. il voice and manger proclaimed It plainir. He, na-about Iis Parlsmnanîduueus way. R.e a-sata hveepk sn onfu Chhr ~niglit siter tbeirpaIg but hémai sn, etoeise te b.WIup, ani ait dumbmanti 'iuenon$ lIdoi place. It wasswiti-somethlng k Ca bli hat, Curniug over hie oen- 'fasementbook a week later, h lueew fluaI :uewsegaredto>ta pouk et the. Work. meule: Hall agaln. 'lh. BUI for. Che.][oni- lut af the Poor lui'bain brought lu bj h', Gavnentou tgIwao a&boolutely ne- aonary that hliehobuM igo dovu ta s u Halanti xplain ilta C hé Bond- o! BRW à"déome note-forcing lilmseel Il itOt-oemblance Of interest lu tie amb- * - aetl-and on -the. ightappaîntoti weut idOwn to fie hall. It iraan cwed; but h., noticeti hat hm. appearance iras fot gretewithe'isugual - aue;, rDt- suimer. neI meato tol1n1 11h0h ast oný bdalk urn -sape caof g o- omlàen- er efort t m ber a .. .. . . r ,ithÉý a .wtf aIa à ,u1 ih1i% .marnant.-ha ber atsetude. -h. epectacle o! he-bwolm.. -yeiohan n iot otrîke him agtuuh i lt6tuck hfimi »X66P bacli1 Y-ou iball not touch him-,ru hal lh me ft! 7 - I (To be.ountinued.) THE C.OURÀGE. 0F DUSPAUte Rotai. Action of Australien Sohool. lo» ad Brsvery o! a Mous.. Tie * Rritiih Auefralaïasn, inu-à long .artiéle, gÈires somùe înt.ërestïàg inforinsation about nsâkeà. -If 'ap- Pearsà tht wle 2(>000 eoplie a yýear'AîdinluIndis fram sîùske-bite, only about 10, a-yesr die îlu Austra- lia, 'thougih a very -large number get bitten. The low dgsthTate in Aus;- trali ledue ta varions causes., In lthe ftatplace, lhe bite ia uaually reoeiý«1din,.tthe iegi whioh île ro-, tected ta sogme extent by elothig, orou-the-hand; -Il in quite aa nenai thing for -an Austral-ian boy who pute hie hand into, a burrow ýor. as holiow log. in quest ai a rabbil snd pulls the. haud forth-witlx a veno- mous snake c]inging ta il-by no meanh, an infrequent occurrence- immediateiy lW take heroio meas- uris. Re. chope off tiie bi tte-n Augr witii a iatcheÏ, whioi l h mot li wsyeparÉt.;o! lb. -equlpmienitWhen, besareW nin àbis rgetà him. Faiiing' tha is-_e aàt ny raZt;e tlahe ti.bitten fangér vigorôuily-ý ràwà1 th onm a1i iek l~gtû~ïtgh-' rIid ii i nge r sud' round-,ie s-rm, i re checi' tiireturn o! tii. polizan'edý ~bôoÃ"d to i the.heart. m1- tus like' le ~cariyîng PoUtr'th% ruooeewhlch are posted. by- lb. 'Govèïânient - vItoý-ria lu .everyrstateeciool a.nd- on -evéry raiiwa3#iain ila Z Oun ii. sc'hool wali*a' and station1 î4tfomma sara e en everwhere oî ored prints depicliug.seme-of thecý Mmr- veuomousasnakea; the two P unctures p!.. htheon water. lo ew People.-seem to* m~know tMis. a 8' alads need ual banis h the onioxi because àf,ùnplflaiant aftâr- ,fects. .~I s ttaordiarilyr good for thel Sblood; 'and à,_up--of' etvong coffes 7-.- WMflbanilsh tâtb-'ànd umefi. V Ygetableo,'-eould always b. kep -t, le. ýon -aa ton6 foor. -When- theirvturn k-riye Ëor.a h..-usucepap,. if yout i.place. a smïaIl.piece' ci dripping 1a0aL 'the top, in'ýh, Middle, -there will Obe'no "1biiit $ýyver." iAn excel- li, lysb cut'a,rosa theefibre foir âIt greatly adds ta >theirj Stendbrneui. - Peopleto bavê ta pýeel -onioi.* PeeL J' thein iunder water,, and that, trou à ble48 9v0r. «Potatoen of 'unequa1 ume sbould. *not be. boiled t6oýether, but- if theyl muet, then giv& elarge, on" a, fe mnte.' trt, and pop the. woih atng.~fjfyou gta, slep -eart ê ,cè t. bottom ïwithýwaterj pixe tii.lettuées in, and caver, them.w1th.a. piece pf- >wet muulIn, t Y t Ihey ill retain their Cfspfçs perety i*Artichokes are ual fay'orîýes, 'and as thýay are Sa often sre lc instéad -of white, liaI May, a«ount for it, The addition of a litt1e vine- gar tti.cooking water will keep themqite White, The. avent of -thQ broad bean le of intereet ta thos. with-warts. The inside of thé sheila rubbedý on warts, wýill, in a very few application~s, re- -move themM. Il is,a great iztake ta ehel- -peslong, ibefore *they Are going-ta be cooked.' "Out of the. ehel and inte the, Pot" lu the. correct meth- od. Pean whioh are too "scugary"$ cap b. made les o if a teaspoan, fui of vinegar be* added ta the: wa- ter three minutes before etraining. Onioné chare w'ith miii the quai- ity. of absorbing Po Isou and infec- tionsa mells. JNévr est a étale onion, therefore. Xlu aick-rooma an omxon ceut in pieces will absorb Much -0! the infetion. It should be renewed euch day, and the. aid pieces buret. Seleeted ReoipeS. Cors-Cake toi Afternoon Tes- Intoa a iecb 'o! .bread or biscuit- dough -tii.'iZ.o 01 an orange,-k»ead, and rail Oee cuplui cof granulated yelo'w meal, a tablespoonful of mýugar, sud- al-litt4ie-galt. _Roil v6ryý *kIin, and bake où tin sheete until very -Weil, dne.- Out iu strips. wet 0'tteS--Buttert,-a ýbk ing-iàiwdb1i; -eut, aweet Patatoemi- Mualea. or Cubes and put the1 Ii j -me -I Tlie Guaraàntee That You CtfueBs ft is wk.t fe Trademarks amen rou RG$~ECs th' ré-gistered. trde nainefor The Tht ompany's -pure reÇfined, kerosene. as -bsolutely,- unifomgies n o -smûlke or soot;- and i hebest oil obtainable for general Iighting adheating purposes. - RAYOis -the trade nmeof the»I-estand most iex- pensive lanp on the market- ýPERFECTION is the, trade nainme Of th e bentoil heater.1 bar-nonie. Owingtotheunequalled distrib- ttiing fai-,tis 6f Th e imperi a10 1Cmaytrgh outthfe!Don=inon; youcan getthese goodsýeverywheïre inth6 SmaUR countr store as weflas »in the 'cities ana towns. You are assured of, bet lIkht and mnost heat at lowestý cost if yUuse RayoIdaxnpe. PerfectionHeerad Royalite Q0& e, ARCHIVES 0F C s'- 1fIl7 i. -shwm l'1 711 OIL COMPAW, Linùbd 'Toronto monhed wùýmIe9. Vancouvïr Ottawa -Cdgaryý Hafifax Ri -1

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