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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 9 Oct 1913, p. 4

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at Le now open: and- ea"dy to accept, forE ýJOHN WATI ,.PHONR,-BELL N.3 GOOD I lo- saiy-wlo and -unvenl-live, 1W' Rexal j3"; lïùaitTome mut &--a ron ad Centre streeâ. 'mrighty good -reraedy and have given The report-pgùaed; great eag ducfloato 01W @ust=m t5if - - -we endore it liUitis? We knew eQI APPLICATIONS. noýmirrndthati.iaguod. it Mr. Wlson' Chgrmaný isbecause tnf wha t te. fl -W ', flair Mr.'Wlso, bsfma, ePorted' Tonie h*s dao Ipr ôtxtirn hat, we thit but oe application'had been *rS- bàck iL with oûr ewn inoaey. oelvèd -fer4hé pcjitlen of asâessor ai Why si4fér "p > and hàif7troiible a ',nàary et '$175; ýMr. Jas. Molellau rb ~R~l 9"Hi Ton i v a tuf.iake. belsg theapplicant. Toni.cô o~rtabi-àand l ealthy, The oommiltée bad been trylng--W' ý hàtaier growLlx and tend te fl4avaluator resdling oôUtaide té rve<baldaeaô - whenwe .will pay for t te tretinuit* ahuuld it, fai town, and had cemmunlcated wlbtb l please you? - Oakilîle. The mean who badl made W. don't obtigate you to any- Oavil: s alato yg e wâs tling, You a pybuy the treat- nwaresident i ta 'jxotdth oeLktou mlý- e ssed =à c.emutttee wanted' timle to àgeL faj we wWil jand baciç wbat you paidu% toucb wlth Min. The comzittee - b - Twolaiies, 50oa ed'1$.OQ a botttl.ý ilevd tat il utsder oul dibet Yo- ena buy Rerali "03" liair Tonic lievedlthat an outsder ould dot our store;- ter weok than a tocal mmln, ,as .hi A,.', 1L1 ; ouId have ný.eltixer friends, nor o.___ The citizens were net satisfied wltb WJTIW l eiem in n tomf the' pÏesent assonsiet. The Couci -4 c i "othe. Unsah s stazit th' ya ib lodtomn emsdy for n .oSdri huma'n Dl- & atien te dol:,somethlng 'o! a radice l Sdfoeý1 hêpâutlola I nature regarding fie ssxetCM~~R-J ,. the r~pyr expepng. them, to do gg.r Bir. Baternan thougbt no- ont was better abie to properly value the pro-kavuay fS.Jh erty than 7 local man. Hie wouldn't MUr. Amies sald an'-outsider wVould C urh have te -get bis Inormation .:as to values trom townipeople, Îac . Memôrial Wndow Dedica1, wouM be no jbetterAtban a to'nma d 10 be tête V.>. dn the sald- Meyrboffer. The Xalorýa1 the ýasnosmet wan rosi*aby bigli now. Wht *as wanl, THE HUMPHREY' FAMILY PRE-' ed- waa an equalization or aENTeIN'A eODY Mr. Stephenson lavored an 'outs-ide -SNTINABO as ho *belleved lihe could do btter St. Johns Anglican churchatPr werk han , a, resident. -týPr Whitby tast 'Sunday held anniversar * Mf. Col-wl»-alpprvdo enlying services te celebrate the re&openlng both a valuater and an assessor;- The of the :church a! ter the recont exton-' people were. clamorlng for a levelllng sive improvements, and also te dedi. up -of the assusment. -ct ieieoil window, presentod. The commlttee- *as gîven a week by the Humphrey f amily;, in emr longer te look intôr the mitatter. - of.! the lato Reév. V.P.. Meyorhoffer., -Stepbeson-CoIWIlJ pioved that hl The services, both froin point-o! . view Council request-th-e .T.R. to elo!o attendance, impressiveness and of- lntc,,the matter o!'-plaolig iigbts a- férings, were the most succesul ever lonig 'the staion platform for the field. convonience and safety of passengers -The proceedings e! the -day were arrl'vlng--and debarting. - conducted by the -Rev. Jos. Fletcher -,:The -Mayrôr réýorted that the.Q.T. andi the minister, Mr. Glover. flet- Ri. ongineer - was here and promised -catiofo the memortal whnàdow took to have tire trock street bridge re- place at the mornlng -service.- Theý planked, and the grading made teo church was orowded ho the doors, -co4form te the'stan«ard requiremeixte among the .'audience helng many olti of' bne in twenty fet.' frientls of years gone by. Memterts of Stehenson:-Bateman movedt tat the the Humpfirey- family_> te the number. reqpot from - the Chldren'-s Shelter of twenty-two were present, anti sat 'fera donatfon, ho laid oM the table. In a -body. They camne down !rem Carrlod. - Toronto ina automobiles. Those wlio Annes-Bàteman ,moveti that the werc 'in attendanice were: Mr., and Standard ý-Bank.ý be requeWted te' CXz- Mrs. E.JT. Humphrey, Mr. and Mrs. tend crèdit on local hrprovement. ac-J A upry r ntMrs.: B., D. count te6,81,,500 on torms simiiar teo Humphrey, Mr. anti Mri. Jas. 14um-ý for.,me n! -Ciete ô ab- phrey, Mr. and -?drs. A.E. Rùmphrey, Mr.Aies ~v ntic o a y-awMr. Caleb Humphrey, Mr. Thomas te ral'e mnoey by debentures te ,pay Humphrey,' Mr. anti Mrs. Beam-isb, forcerent~Idwal~ ati or.BXtDYMr. andi Mrs. IP.R.-Brown, Miss hiàt,- siens te wateriworks. tie. Wlknson, Miss Kathleen-WtlIkln- -Mr. Batemaan spoke ci the need ef a son,- Miss Florence Munroe, Miss lght la fthe Dundana treet subway. Vlera upry m hs hkn 'At 11-30 the Couuclt adîourned te ;HmheMr hs iIi meét agaihi on Monday, Oct. 1n3'f.JieHmpry ____________ -Thé servceý waa a very impressive '4 FATHER CI.INE LEAVING. one, 'ai4w ili be long' iremetibercd by those who wêre present.- The churchï > Ile annollacement that Father Cline was beauttuhly decorateti for the oc- le., W -eplgn lits charge here sliortly ainb telde -l1'ho eelved wlth goberaI reet -Agalu ., the. evenin-aspnd' -has n-ade the- whole cOmn4.xitY attendance grehed tue-preachier.- fredrep~ce o c ,e~ or Speclal music was proNvtded - by the défon4naj*ont by- the excellent service chir. Thé pffýeigs ! heda r 'pbas rendereti ince cem'ing here and, thýe bargest eVe6r.taîien, -and the wboie -*y' bls big bearted 'and broad-nlided of thepoedigwee!akndl p9licy. 1 iatjer Ohne lias been ap- give the greatest encouragement te pùohted tt _tthe position of a parlsb tbeï members of' the churcb and cQn- Fr- 4< ~rock St.~ R.N.~ Jewell WHITI wj WEARI 88885888 MASSA Z 58 sUE 55888888 - ~J' r-,', j 'V * ~ - g t D. SIMPSON & CO~.-~ -.g HAVE. - ,'YQU" BOUGHT, YOUR FALL< HA? the iolesalé trade. OntPurhata 'ê re axi dNew York - styles. Ladi'tsi,-yen >well knOw4iivtiTaüîty s- the princaIple thiag ia a bat., Buy frein us aap-yputifàtwilî ho madé te suit yeuand nq Paswlb j~t~gto nxg-o want. Our Millincryîusincss:-iWcxténdn eer va-thi. - way. You wul i n 1) ST- t.u, rezuracx u t&wn Wo n unay cYv- ing.' On Monday she_,recolved -a. mes- sage. thât ler brother hfaid een beund doa in l is ràom-tht.,moinlng. The- s uddennes01 theý cail bas 'beon ,a great: shocir te the faxily. The dc-, ceased yeung- sman was wiely known laI this towýn, -and mli symy;bithy ta bot for the father,' Thos.. Bell, and.-' the fro sisters, MissesEva and Net- lie. Interment took: pince le Llnd- say. DgATIT OP MRS. JOIINSON. One ýo! - tlW- plôneers '>t Ontario OCounty passed away on -londay of this woek,, in the person o! Tabitha Auna, rellot of the' late Conrad -John- son, ahthe' home o! ber' son, 1Mr. Perry Johnuonï,, Pine*,Street, Witby. ,For' the pait :fdurtoon -years .Mr. Johausonlied been, a great 'sufferêr as ýthe resat o a9, paralytic shroke,. and' had -been confined: oteh ouse -al tht tinte. lier deatb on Monïday, ,was. not,"tlierefore, unexpeéted. -' - lrs. Johnison was bora in HasÏtinga County -.'eeven>y-neven yearn -ago. .- Af- ter.iýer -marriage to Courati Johnson she béeamènéaresidont. o! ReacliTp TWentysven yeams ago shef moveti te yte and for týhe past eigbt years she bas 1"ivoti at the hdmo o!o bat -,SOn la Wvhtby. She wars- 111ie-. long' membor o! theMethLodint churci., Fv-sons andi one.daughter sur- vive, A'rchlo, o!f ytl;Ferof Whitby;John-, o!' Pensylvania ý Ja- cob, George andi Addie, of! Utica, N. Y. Ail o!. these ýcept, _George . were. prosent at the ýfuneral. whicl i as held this (Thursdny) momning. At 7.30 Rev. M. E. Sexsmith, of!-the >Metbodls-t Tabernaéle, conductoti ser- vice at the bouse. The remains were thon taken hy train te Prince Albert, wbere interment took plat' .' F !ne Grovo cemetorv Mr. Campbei., of Marysville, Ont., a brother, 'was at the - funerni. Auoth- er b lrother ives in Harrisville, West Virginla- MISS RUTH RECTO'R. WE WILLGI VEIGÎN FOR ECHONE -CENT 0F, PURCHAS. WARE DURIG OCTOB CORNER-HAI you, ean, take-your wlxolae family bfeeling that a meeting -of the elttzeue see,-and ne.t be oýfien4dti witb -.anythnig w*as calleti for Frlday niglit. reugh. -The orchestra,,, sý i#O, h. Sick ÈIxéeadci .a useti by 'a dis-, àsingiÎg elegante, thse.dancing great,, ordered ealomacli. Take Chamb0rlaiù's, the ~ ~ ~ ~ -ý acondswpdlii fihe SCCy- Tablets,- and correct.Ihat, -at superphthb. co stumes, -pretty, at -Ieheadacs- wýýliî lapa.F - sale electricai 'effodhs beautiful'. Go ,antibyal 131,-l ~ - - see the only fist-class Ininstrel thow _______ next Monday eveaing at the Musi ie . -Uý"Rta - - -all, Whitby. Priées 35c. .anti OC. isev ruby Rûnthswtnha o-,n avlty Seats now -on sale at Allie s dmug an aEsx A meeting of the Boardtoi et àý A SPLENDID-RALLY. tien was calleti for Wednonday 1 ieo- On Tuesday a- party o! Iweety-five ing o! this week, but a report'1 wlli membors o! the Younxg People's Un- eecessari-ly bave te ho held ovef 1111 -l ion of the Baptis-t church attendeti nexl Issue o! this paper. '1 the Associntional Rally of Baptist young people-, helt In leCaremont. A Executors' Sale 0f Farmi party o!_ sixteen came frein Oshawa 1 la autos, and -dhe1r societies wee r- in Picketing Tôwnlslhip preseehet frein Uxhrldge, Port Perty and Caremont. Two sessions wee Temdsio hnrcve l- held, a! ternoon and evenlng. en*'the-stctosroebeectoa!th eveninÈ two powemful addresses wore deliveredi by _ Rev.- Caleb Harris, of UxbrIdge, aed Rev. Harry Noble, of SToronto. A great many helpful hibnts weme tbrown eut for the work, - - -~r-- -anti thé inspiration o! the eveeleg *cannot but-he fbit tbis yeam. SuPper was provideti hy the ladies o! the 'aremeet cburch. Officers for the ensuing ye&r' are:- Presideet, Rev. G. 1-- -,iA. McLean, Witby ' Vicea-Pres1deet, ais Nott, Port Permy Sec.-Treas., $Rev. C. Harris, lJsXbridge. - OSHAWA. Ilt is amoeg the possibilities that A~'4 ~!'rt--the firmiof!- -ooderham & Worts, ais- - -tillera, May locale ie tewn. The Town Couuxil hadti Vreo ively sessions on as many niglits -reetly, ~ chlefly to wrestle wlth-.the -C. P. R. situation.- A resolution was fieally Consideredti t have the mosI îuxur paûsed askng the Ral'lway-Board 'to iant and beaulîful hair in N'ew Y ork. rëscirïd'the'ir order. - The ordier of ibe. Miss Rector says:# "lI find a certain ;Board has --ereated -9-0,mUch public pleasure ha recommending Sageine, ags ________________ I -know Sageine te o e areal heneefit ann -te wonen. I hati a very bard àimeE trying te dress my hait nice -efore...I .1ldit useti Sageine. Tt didn't mattur .what 5 style the hait was ýbeieg worn n'y hair -was always tee dry anti liteles N ' to -dresa poperly. I_ sufferoti- wf-h tiandruf! -more or- bs anti- My haiitT OE -M fell eut utItlil iwasthin at agd xDa tM n m tOer, l-riS i MiY mÎotlier' rgÉeti me te use Sageine0adacho l % en U iir the asea « aunthz e!persens lhad reôQnx- tLeE mienided t, Welier. I used ti il imIfY 'blotooAisvod 'Lag as :onlye'sorrY that 1 bat io~t Thia 11ev Crtism swWikl4 learueti of 41 long hefome. SageÏne iýas 91[etf0'i matieiny hair juat as elce antisBéf t Sr_#_s, anti thicli as you -see-,it. I have, i*ýn 400ë000Lff*",'ý 'cemmendi erY mucb on its uuusudal uiéuty e Is ÈOW soit li 2Mlllt- by..- eotron'3,. 0èc. a largoe~b The-àaldieuJn~wt tic.Be-ura--tego te A.R. Ali,à drug- st6e.-other stores don't have .I&' ' ~It~IRSMINSTRELS JJ#tDYg jwUll of Richard Collins, deceaed,- to ofier for sale by public auction * at thé Royal Hetel, Whitby,, on Stur- day, October 11, 1913, at the. hour of two o'clock in the afternoQn,4 Ui- cen- tral portion of Lot -No. 1 in -he third range of the Broken Front- concession o! the Township ot Pickering,, con- talining 93J acres, -more or leas, and known as the Richar d Colîfra !arm_ On the premilses are a brick dwell- ing bouse and good frame dwelllng, uEred as tenant's bouse f rame ýbaÈra wlth frame dow stable àttacbed and stone root cellar ; frame drlvlng shed. and borne stable. The farm Is 'well fenoed and underdralned ; 4 or 5 acres o! timber witb consideraMqe cedar. Terins-lO0 per Met. on day of sale and balance witbln tblrty days tiiere'- alter. Furtber particulae ànd'con- tions of sale will be made known en dayof sale, 'and may be bad on ýap- plication te the underigned. AE.CHRISTIAN, Whltby, Ont. Solleltor forthe Vendôou Wl!. MAW, auctIoneer.-ùi4. KNt h.P U *~ ilun -fACE -WiTH face iwitlx need glasse inge is fifficult dim and iineer follows even- ai eyes. Thesesmp *a-Il Nýaure's wa'y get glasses. Yo waiting. .IJeci here anti have-y te.* Have con4 long tme -with t R.N. Bi -s F tEwEEI - - Experieuices on i great variety o! -es the failure o! the sese o! the person dent. This -Iact *prmineeece. -andi -rulings bave -hed.- responsible for th under the influencE. Ijiquiries. into -là accidents have shc -- fi!ty per cent. are îy due te incapa<c cobol, and- this hi anti more -stringt - gaixxst its use bY of the rond. Acci - - iles bring ouft'th -ixg premirlen*ce. the Neùw York,-p41 automobile aecic -ati tietermlin.edtit ty o! them were alcohol on th e ir tbrougli a long 3là cupations.- - Sec Peelsf E nglish Pot-- :-are. You itis, a p:retty tern tor ,every, aay -usc. We wilI be'pkasedito -show it to you., !~'g~hI-~/'w'I £ I s Lw-~ T IAL't. ifor 21 Try it- SON & CO0. Bring your app, Fmi agnti Vinega: M.R. Meii ab h~eSot! la leaaabu Ai iano voes panùe ontest Im _ Wednesday. perry's peer1 two-nlgbt engag, Bali here, on Tu evenlnigs of lastý - sce géetdt h - !'rmanxoe- Don't f ail te - gâlu tables o! hc -tâhies at 89c--._ bal! the origina? - -Mr. H.C. Hl town, but nier ~ ve, B>C.,w'as - ' Iis week. le _ inlË oron'ùo there le ie no -- Alsummner 9 ôiOxords, white -rock bottent 'l store. -miss orm!sm VES 0F 'ONT&RInl r- yV. '. PRNGLE' UIDWARE, .* 'Phone 2,5--WUT IL 1

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