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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 9 Oct 1913, p. 5

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Thos. Jûbir, reÈi ,Brok - ýMo wsan ys A and BAP' ~8..d i I [HTBY fitty per het cobol,, aid aid more- i ainst t s 1 *-of-the ropA biles brIÈ9 .1-ENCE; 1%. DatWiWn, sectlUy. 9-furaish -a --- - FOR SALE. ýs fl - \hich K.A 4'qiet young driving hereo ut aid tire sëA-, able' for lady- or cildren -te drive. ia ai acci- Pertcctly s a.îe_.. APPly te M. W. Col- aicd great lias. - ral- ceflt -p.. apanies _'are *,--AYPA Éls.o get Tire net regular A PÀ meeting *111- be held ou -TuesdaY eveaung iert S> -frallroadah85.Alyugpplettcon ýt more tiratigregation cerdlaly -iivlted te- attend. or Ladirect.~- ulotloas -a - QxaîttyG*! pod splift peas for a siand agents sale,. Large itr sinall lots. C.M. WilV1- ith auteiwie- cox.--tt.. Mr.. James Deaiw - nid3Mr. Win. Maw arrlved irone -1rpm.Darlmoor ,oa Sa±rdy lat, a r teilgRobt. Flemmlaiig's big_ sale. Mr.- Denny puir- chased a .carload o! >Pure hredAbr deen 4ýýngus câttle. This-sale. waua'a greaI 1succeseIl *aiounting, te 84,1>00, an& was attended by âbout 'coe thquiand people. Mr- -Maw haidfed. thie- sale -alone lan.leur. heurs. Hie- faine is spreading evlden.tly, for ,Dart- iras -severat sales. ia sighithtirid triat as, a, result ofs is sl.- -A OPN. A nahi ni flerved2wI- n.r ext i e' -automobile,- accidents. eausiUg-deatir --Iýand determiaed tiratiMdré--tirai thir- - ty-o! tiremr-cdue te-tre-effecteofo, alcoirel on theo drivers.. Aid BU-- on --tirrougir a long list ci! iazardou s oc- -cupationi. l c lHip e ig Pel f ôr tire -begt aeo - sçirooci1boots on tire market. -- - tié -ra olrapl", te tire -Whitby Fruit ud ViearC. MÈ. R. Mcl(ihn las .recentlY 8su!- ~'I5~o! istaiirrwiro died: $Oghawa a bout to i ago . Ti - 0piaoiîotest- muijecorded esuir ti Perry's PeleaPýýe llled a t two-nlgfit eagae d , tic Mslc 'W Hall bee on Te6y~dWenedy- evnlis at weýe4, f ar,attend 'l aace preted -tire conian7 t ah er. torm~ie. -i Doî't.lail to çaillaid 'sec dl' ýbaâr- -gain tabléso bôsaz6sio1'Ibe t4bis at 89C.- 81,25"-and'$I 8 O.nly iu thre origialpro.MW oifs M.H.C. -Match,; former y ni- tlàs townt W Mo re 1recenily -iof Vaiccu- t- veBGwas a viste 'r lak. ,a- Witay tua wek , ehias purcbTlid-abU8lI ness. la Toronto, aid kll take-chargé tritho near- futurfe. * Alsunm8er goode, sucir as. -pumpa, Oxfords, whte boots, and- iroeé at rock bottom, Plices ati -Peelet 6,îo 1 - any. or WUit au Fl Z1.main lom êo Awuoçt or digtreu-iaftoe «Utg syda mqrde. -that uhould Itlsno)twba*youetbut*hatyou trouble tua adraordered 7tÃ"mainad ma tlroug diogror abuse-cf the W, urme aui ho stufe- fren Idi. 1, or dypealt - tryRiu D'Tabi"etAitw uenundeir. stading-tiat vo -W'.11efuad- the formai5~,If mt ie you are aot W, recommead eiDseas Tablets b o ustoiïne v _ ,IIand hay.ftle ho-leu cf oaa w>O'Lobant efied.We beieve tireur ta beuWithout q~.They çive prompî g e-t e iei îiY tira promete lefee nutrition and oereounireltlrymptoms. 'Three as s, 5cnts, 50 =eaU, and $1.0 You eau buy feuil DyqppsiTableta la tua oommunifiy'only >at urstore: A. H. ALLIN.- te iipallet, S fS eh '*Petsonal Mentioni. Miss -Marcia Ross ias beenilU-1 for tirie past.iew .4éys; 1Mrs. George -Ross, -cf, Toroateè, i-l ,vistag'ftends la n . MisMy Kempiorne lias. rptura~ d -tO -Victoria- unlversity, - Tùrontoi t reaa her tdI lgr- -,erraa TaCàrl; -o! Torone,_ paiti avisit teiris 'Parentson Tues. LOI mltth le wo rtby of!-speôlal comlmeat, Il depiofiing as iL doer "'A. Madonna o! thre %Mrýies," p Mw>moose and ber~ c, photograpbed la their natural habtat 'Mooethe Swanip Iog et ihe Canadian Foret," is'thre. eadiag art4cle, ý-belng a sWudy cof moose faÈ Ilnr fralthwaiteý's-country ln Cmn- "tral New Brunswick, - wilth photé& graphs o! liVe moose ia their naturàl, enviroûment. &"Whea Fortune SmMed, in Moos&- land,"1listhre stoty of a big game bumt Ia NortreruL Ontarlo,.- and is bl'lof! interest to, every sports- mai. «Tire Gaine Tralis of!Canada" by S.E. Sangterie a resume of the va riety and ciraracter -of * glme te ire found In thre dlfereiit Canadilan prov- -lacesai cudsn estImate ýof thre approidinatie outlay involved la a blg gaine hu At,-for a non-resident, A each ot these provInes. Other stor- les there are or out-door interelt, and' thre regular departinents ar" wePI maIntalaed. 'Under Alpine.Club- cf Canada- appears thre story o!fLire 1<Cathedral Camp"' held tis summer îl* the Canadi n ,Rocles aid .under Thre Trap departinent Uhere19s&aspec- l write up o! tire l3tir Annual PropertyWa -ted 5 to 10 acres, with buikct- ings, wàânted -Snvenient to Raliway'Dep. -YfDHN FISHER TORO NTO %ie nagest mariet ai~neza UJL Tasî'elevator, Fciýt, Wiftb] Eami - -preparad- te- pay-'tire) iceç for Red_ and,.Alsiketilovi Lveed at my place ýo! busis JA3MffS LOI NOTICZ. me.r. sday, -ctober -Iê--i.Mr, Wm. wfllEsel by- auction -on ibi 16,' Est Wbftby, al of his faim' iad ýnpIlements. Sale te cqn_- at one olôc6k.,, For fuirtier flars 8ee large billîs-. JTimès auctlôneer. y, Oct. 17.-Mr. ,.Lvman G! 11 elIl by auction at the stck~ Canàdfàn Nortbern Station. , twentyT-1lve cows. renewed ;Prlneg,-Yorty bafifers -and sale lie commence at *>ne ~issand buliding lote for s foI lu te Towireblp 'of 1TRANTÇ E. IMMNFS- WE WILL WIRE YOUR -HOUsE and aupply you with any electrical utility. Charges -reaonable. J.. Së FINN Fhone ro, Duadhs St. West. Whitby ROYAL THE-ATRE UIG.H OUs ýMOVINO PICTURESI, Open every evening. Aduits, ioc. 'Cidren under r12 yrs., Sc. Saturd;ýy night, roc te ail. BAIN PERRIN, ROY BOOM ER, Maànager. Operator. THE QWINTON BOOT 1Is the Boot for, moi ORDER NOW Co'Fi WitrW a CRIPPLES' AND DEFORMED -WORKi A SPECJALTY.. Brock Street, - Sotith W-IJTBY -Whithy'. OîIy Repair Shotp On Speècial Orders- Y-Ou- need neyer, hurry for Semi-iready T 'ailoring is ai- ways on time. Il yoU are wedded to Habit,- th ew fahosadfabrî'cs. Will- sutely-- divorce you fromn the.old-,fash.ioned,,retail tailor- ing. -Psily you'drather-make techang e in easy stage- ý'hl'ý-try -our Semi-,ready- S pecial 0Oiýders-yàuse1ect the cloth, and we make.>you a ýsuit to your exact m easure from the pattern chosen. ,-That. -takes -a *week-and y (-u havea ranrgeo-f - $ 1-9',to . MIAURIC-E MURPHY TAILOR i Door South-of Royal Hotel WHITIIY - - ONTAI RIO JillgetM.ntrels, andi 35 EPE-3 Thelf fleb. dObra TLI b. Pumes. SIveandsa ULU TheF yCm.in Th. swest Solelats The. Lateat Jooen ThU Great*et et flacee S EThe Wenmiufi Acrobate The 'ialn'at Piret part SE eut UNI Seatumes ThGrand Uoenery - I.ACTS - 12 -Wa[oh for grnd Street - Parade Audý iear th e Gl"btedai se- CM Saut se front eof Muaic Hall. Seuls on saleat AlIias DMu Store. ItASWREII"SSALE 0F ,:ýLA NDOI? RTA XE8 B virtue of a warrant undertbeiiand of the Warden and the seal cf the Corporation of the Couaty of Ontario, dated'the i9tb day of.September, 1913, commarIing tue 'Bto leivy upon the lands-mentioned in thre following liat for arrears ofiatain thereos and cos as.herein set forth;-,I hereby iîve notice-that unless aatch arrea&ruand f-fftz -are Buomer paid , 1 shall, in compiance wlth the Assesnent- Act, proced ft sell-by Public Auction, thîe said lands, or so muc h ereof as may be _neceqsaryfor thre-taxes, -at the Court Hlouse, in the Town of Whitby, on FRIDAY, DECEMBER 26THï 19 1( at the heur ~of two o«cIock -liu-the afternooa Part s 34 Part Saintfield -Plan,' Lot i, being pa t Blockr D, Lot r, Prince Albert, being part îE>( P4rt Pt. Part Pt. Pt. s> Pt. W-l rs~rr5uee N> TOWNSHIP 0F RAMA Lot Con. Acres Taxes Costs il G îoo $-4 88 $MçO 15 G Si 10 49'-2 5ÃŽ lîg -M , o00 $15716 $2 64 TOWNSHIP 0OF REACH' Lot Con. Acres Taxes - -Costs 1213 17 Lot 12 Lot 4 19 31 26. 7 8S il 21 Go. Bldgs.,' Sept. 23, 1913. iSearcehing f -Total.-Pat-or Unpatt:- $7-38> - Pat_- 13 Wc- IJapat- $18 -40 Uapat, Ttoni Pat or Unpat ' 929 z50 I 895 870 Total Pat orl 2093 - Pat, NolacO o! tir- E Canada Ltd., !r< G reater' cc., Lti rish Potý- r.You. 1p r t.1 LVtý r25c - 5 4/100 6 4.ç250o .11 50 6 3 250 TOWNSHIP 0F BROÇK." Con. Acres Taxes Coste - ~ 1 22 -Sa 2.71 -TO WNSHIP OF-MARA - Con. AcresTaxers - Costi- 5 6e -T612 87 9 4-, - 2ý-4 250 il~~~ % 78 422, 8 25 -514 2-50 12 e10 4 95 3 Il 12 .. 00 22-56 -a 81 12-W 2 258 12, 35 1485 62, - .1

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