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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 9 Oct 1913, p. 6

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"OOtf ed -ofrs uth nrket. Pat'orDestroyig 'or InJurtùg" r so 'a - euv.o kv, Bay pirri.. .aTe Llu ais viis'. wh&î céwN. 2 wliet i 84 l u 'legi4 tion : for-thie ProtectiôU '0#t*-Xo 2Ontaro. ats , quÃ"ted s ai teof shade.*x1d etreet trees, 'thePro- 14186 idèîabi ai 36M I10 o3Me, ,cn tracb. vinéee-of!-,Otarieo sets -a gôod exam- Umt.-'estern Cand old Dait. uot; a~ fti oiin e& et 39 1-2c for No. 2 and ti ano feo .4':l-fr-ýe èto h -lomaylet pgsorta.de. tndt the TreesP1&Itiiig Act -of the ieey6 t*0 me, outeaè. ProyVinee - of -Oltarjo, trees plèaited Mqi-Noi3 Àmezea. on-qoýd o eftetauding on f6lpublic higli- lu n LI eta 76c, .ç... 'Xi otd la jtii -'EP-iPri nominal; t 60 te- 63o- per ways (*nd aleo on, toil, roade) be- bua4L -corne, thep property -cf tii, owner Of 13taà-aiàrin ot 4tWa ïthe. lund adjacent té, tihehwa toin bfflsTorouto.,freighte. -8horte, and neireet ->nuh trees. Thus 2 - any 'conipany or-indýiiueldestroy- - Oont#ry Produes. îng or daniaging in>au-w. ee * ue-~iedafr .22 to 24c- inferior tying. -horse - euch t;iés vithout 10 Io ie;-, ream.1 i ete 2ke for rolle anti the ewner'e, onsentrb 'a -hable tW a to tu '140 for ofîtis. an- -ao B Egg-Cae lot' 'orne-laidc'. 32 to a fine no-Idto exceéd 85én oto ioen; fresI4, 28 *0 'N8e; anti etombS! impriaetinment for not., mne than oi ver dozen. Ole.se-,New cbeee quoted ai 14 1-So for thilrty C1y,e-"hslf Of the fine to go lire êandi- 14 34 k1We or"ln. -te thiiî infDant. Telephion.com- Bean . -ad-piq eLd$Z.o W$2.35 ver pnewo i h jig.gc buibel; prinea. 1.715te $2.*,-,pne,*o i h tign f * oney-Extraet4 in tins. ,,quoted t I l vires, ?very often seriînslyý injure to il1-2û,per 1b; fNe. 1; comnbe. $3 to an'd mutilate ahadetés r p 0325 ver dosen 0te No.1iand- 82.75 fordet6,arap Ponltry_-F w.31 to.,14e -erlb., cick- «0Il w .18e; .*14 t10oj 0ese - ty VOWnerS bY - &ssetinig their-legs! to lie;, turkeys, 1020e right to do such 'prutning' because Potatoe-, tar o otatoes, 70 te 75o ver rcdet nthis -b&gi.n anti Nev gnwick, '85c ier bag. on of se t.8viîshed', pre t I trsck.case, no stsch practice,, however, Provilslons. long it has been telerae% by pro- Bacon long lear. 1612to 16 34c erlb.pethoer-bce s gal lu case' lots. Potk-BShort out.,*$29 lo tiflab le, -and such companie.s. .are mne. $24; hamine xiuni'te Iiht. 21 1-2 just -as li.ble for da.mages tii. last to ne;-,hav.20 1.,2 to Z210;roUle 17c;ti iresa t breakfast bacon. 21 W 2o;2e; ,24 to tulle they injure -h re ste Lar&-'içrceos. 14; tubs. 14 14; pails,aeti.frtim.H evrlna I-k,.wre may bave been attaciied toa -tree., the ovuer, if h. _bas property - 1.ieiU lIy and strav. in the. tree-, -can compel île removal. gaâleti baTx- Il: 1 y je qiioted at $13 While even thé. evuer may net te $q14.-on tvack. Toranto; No.*_? ai $12. At u ke remnove shad. trees, on iiighways uaia .- ~lta 0 n r. To' vithout the consent of the mnii - pal council, y et, on the other hatnd, - Iue~s84IMe5tri21 - oct even the nmunicipa.l' ouncil nMay > reniove any' 1wvie trees, w-, thoit the' - iourea. (lt.7.-Oorn-fl1e~iaf NO. 2 yellowV,. 12 to su. »Oate -4Janadiuin West-1consesnt- -f the ovuer cf tlie . -Pro- em. No. 2. 40 et 10 41o, do." No. 3 39 10 lperty iii front o! which tii. tree 19-2e; extra .No., i feed, 40to 4k 1-ae.Bar- ey-Maitoba f1è., 5 0-1to 60 1e.matlng.1stands, unlesse mciitree is vithin 6to 6&5011-Bnokviseat--No. 2.5- 6 to 57e. thrty leet of otiier trees, anid even «., àr-Manîtabî sprinq wheat taeten i.onruua .gvn-e tste.85.40'. seconde.- S4,90; @troncIrar. te heonrmd egvn-a $4f0 Wnter 'atents., cboieé. 95j straigist Ieast two daye' notice and vam de- roulers $4M60 $475, do.. bame, 126 to *2.1; RlleoaZbarrele. 84.40 to $4.5 Mnand compenBation if 'he iiae- plant- -bai.. 90 Ib.. 19.10 te $2.121-à. Bran. $22. ed and pretected snch tree. Shorts. $4.Xiddlnhe. $27.- fonfille, $28 te. $32. Hsyr-l<o. 3s.-per ton. car loe, p9'The. pro-perty-owner vho is" avare to $13.- Cieee-Filleet weterns. 13 3- to of bis rightï in theseé respecte vill t1%r:aoneot croseru, 27 I213t V 34; i te.grester inter.est in> and greater seonds, 27 te, 27 1*,. Egs-Freuis, m4 O care cf the. treee bordering th. 6EC; usiecteti, 29 1 tc; o kî 27erhxghay oposit _tei Ne.ok. i- 0027 WW a . hgwy p i is_.property. u-car lots. 60, teo4' c.resued h w, iii also have more -ncentive to attoir -killed, 13 S4 to* 14. pori- es' eai tes Canad"- short meo.- bbls., &5 t« 45 plec55s plant hoetes Ça0 do., isort 0eut-ibaôk. bbls.. 45610 5 o.ees 29c. Lard-COmgpound, leercee, 375 b..10 14 10101-2e wood Valli. 20 Ibo. ret. 10 3-4 W ic;. pure. tierces. 376 lbo... 143-4e; pure, wooti Dale 20 Ibu. net, 15c. TF YEISNPiO. United States Markets. MlnneapolsOct. 8 C1o-se-Whep tDe Sentence of Woman Convieted of eemher. 848-le; a.v 9958 189 3-4c. Cash JiurderiuLg iuband. -ueo. iisurd -,6 N-oe; 1 Nrorthen.l 83 64 teO 864k; No. 2 14ont.iern, 815.U to 83 6-80. No. 3 yellcv e-orn. 68 10 68 1-2e. No. & white amie, 38 to38 1-4e. No. 2 rye,66 to M9. Fleur unehangeD&.Bran. in 100-lb- -%m for >fllnuoapoe, $20 tW$21. ~uiutis Oct O.-Cheee-Linueýed, $1142 3-4; May. sl,46 1-4-1 ctober, $1.41 1-4 aketi; No. vemb«e, $1,42 14, 'ober, $1.40 1-4 bîi. Whéit,-No. I ha d843-&k; o. INoi- aern. 84 3-4. No. 2 Nortmr. 82 3-4 to 83 1 4e Deomber, Ui 3-c; Ste,, 89 78e. A deapatch f rom Saskatoon &&y,%: Mns. Dora Wlste, cenvicted o! man.laughtor fer killing lier hus- baud, George Whiite, -cf Goran, ou Junre 2, waàk aeutenced te taen years' confinement t Prince Albert peni- tentiany.Je4xn Qeldapinka, con-- victed osf being an aeeessoryrafer1 the. fam- .- ee,rd a o.'-e ra sen-. Live Stock Market. ]U a * "cvu Nçza 'u XOntreal- Oct. -Beut uteere offeredtei e pold at- $.90, fairly goôd aet$U76to $6. p va the Iower _gadie@ fromithet dv n $4 ,Ver cwi. TI demanti for buttO rs' cowes wsroetprice. ranwg te rorn $4.tO to 'IM., nd ing u.»to.eo! at $& tu 3.50 BÂEM ILD pe6 ýewt. Ews esheep sl 8a 4.16 to ý4 60, andi iamibeet S16 t *6.75 uer* owt. Cavès waet with a ready Éla t. !rom *$3 tic Robert Beatty met Death WhiIe «=-b.au t aim andqnfltiiy. ilr w. no elante in- the .narket for hog.q. for FlagglRg a Tralin. vu 1hlh ti.ole an t~~. * 9 ÇUc A ewpotch f ro m North Bay, O n . 1tocka=d# eto LYs: 1obrt "Beatty, a y0ung p6o per i, w off cave ?oroit4t. .-4Yo. buchem' stmrC4niâIl ft aif±o .RaiwaY *brûkes- sold at to£$$ , $6m0dL to &L50; man of North niay, wsarxka lK»ý ÙW' ýUI"15t9 5-0.kfllod by a - trji ho W" fa~ngf oow àI, -leiuà-- 4, n an ian #180,to 03.71, 84.50; e ndtiers. Pacifie To)rOntO'-Sudbury -branch. c0à an..erýAC 4.0.ti J% -to "ns.75 M 'p, 0 o 0; oBeattY vas iraklng on a fxeiglite adin mone ajad wa sent back to fia.g the. train ~&DUiI CREFOR CANCER Sir Prterlck Treves Declares Aspect Isç Emphat. Cally foreReassurltig.-than Last Vear & ,jp~c*sfro bndon, Eug- -M~i. oay&, i ~rdng tueilm-, p4ttut - rssiltas of the. year's ex- p.ecso! the Britiah Badiuxu I- 1 îtutý, Sir Ffbdenick rvetii. fàausisrgeen, usi/acesa- nounc.ed thve 4isecver ta rdu euimn a ionn have al3,ýw1y, temipOr aiy -'thë; slune'rores Vre 441un1. - 1f "id "We 'have W~ved l hi-at- r-curative plurpoîees te ernaîation wiiin 24 tol48*1'heurs- pi u bbîf~c6leci'Ss 'goud as, aclhmt i$e1f-îe> j hadi been -funhirdsor~d ~ix-Sir Predérick, 'that.,t-t h.edwith radium,> emanatioius becain. ,om-t41es ase treug as e, e stroneat~'kion wural -wtér_ #àdio:ehoStrlisarlos in cssm ver. tremsbed ab tiie Instituts lied te diink hlai! apiut ob thiswater daiWy for six dffl a veek aven a period cf six weeks. b'onty percet. o!t thes. patienta 'hfd aliovitmarkedi benefit, aud lu some instaueatwo Courser, hall appareully cunred tieMu.ý $ir Frederick, sued tiat tiie lia- dium Intitt. us distributin'g the. amvanationa Wo physiciaus vhose pa-, rtieuts. were unable te, attend tii. insttut., sud -'vas se'nding sealed' tubes daily- te alparts of the. coun - try.- On. gram cf the. institute'e- total of! fo ur, grains e!radium had been ,setspart'for p roduoing 'daily emanétCfl euivl-ent te 150 aill i- - gramimes o!pura&radium. T'le- reeerd- in regar'd te ftrat- rMet90f cancer suppiemet.d in'an initerestiDg Maner -t-he- achieve back strikinghlirheaci upon . ta,- C blé, 6siitta.hing the iujury, 1hOM wïiýhghedie4. Paymentà fer ýGratisÂbout Forty ,I deape.toh, frein -WinniPe& seY; J1DLU IiVf1 Tii. ,uxprecedented>,.aud rapid ?'ve- me.nt cf gantru Winnipeg a.gl».evide ned .1f when the A omptoletd Airair. ma~nagr, pf the .1oa4 clearing houa,8. The pYropfe 0 tx 1 gav ot he e.ly tatmet.The doctive mnem'«gof-theeOMMunity. flîrsindicate an >advano. <of bmonif . ~CareIntôeeet, ta abut30pr en. vr the, oorfte-- wlCorne additioin te' the-revenue 30pe cet. oveotate shppow t 'te ' :pnîngweek -osf 1912, and an ,in-bonreâes. 'toush thati .'n-roe'balrI nc crese of 50. per. cent. over the :Cor-. o blhStfièoids D.l r.sponiding week for 191L1. Býk- betii. presentL eris mate that the. advance will be - eebeg1300fSII* out ,1x*Udrën.. Mèoosnlies with, inarked And c'ontinunsth ohtehlrnat 40A"fsie wt tii, mïnth et Gtober. re , », u4fixIh The attment was â6lolo'wà: iaeve y'iië h eée Week.ndi'ng Odober'2', i - .vn.ýèrworae h .1,..........$8,854M 856 7'.<- e . $LW<L tThe =blit .t5'li fo mni Corrýending -week, tae.~h.tx olWl se 1912. ...................3051SavedaotS0Aê0 nuiy*t Ccrresponding week, bc si* i1êtiy'lenf 1911............... 26il38,l775T ie feom&1oyanl TRAFFIU SHOWS INOREASE, Over -Ton Million Tons Through -St., mary's in September., -A despatoeh from Saiut Ste.. a rie, Ot,sys. Tii.eno-nthiy t4itical report of îa ta.fehreuglist.,Mar' Osal 'iowis a'.falling ,'off ,fïom' t - f Auguat, but stillis "an increaî .over any zenth f lst year.- The, total freigiit earried by 3,182 vessels for Septemuber axnouuted1 to 010,910,365 tons, againat 1,489,4412 fer tii, xnonith -of Auguat, carried hy 3,440 ve-asle. Wile tii. vesseF past ee.ges.'locke.d ilrougli the.Ameican aide waere 1,100 more than through the Canadian canal, the total ton- nage tiirough tiie Canadien aide ex- oee-ded th.- Aglpooa ide by 1,545,- 695 tons.. BRITISH OFF]ICEII .BESIG1WS. Captain Onslow Bi -.dof Ris Dutiee la- Antreia. A deapateli from Londen,- Eng.., oay.g: Captain Hughes Onsiow,, o! the 'Reoy&l Navy, wii-om the-. Admir- altyiset year lent tcs-the* Auotra-lian naval a.uthoritiea, -iias be-en sud- denlv rèlievcd ef bis duties., It is an open* ret that there Ia. been coaider*te friction- fer some 'time pust betvecn the Britigh offcora and the Australian Naval Board, eving to the, maminer in vhicii the latter have int.rfered'with th, for- mer in the'discharge cf -their du>- ties aocordimig te tue prescrifred cuftoma cf tiie Britishi naval uer- vico. The president cof the. board is Senator Pearce, Minister o! De- feiio. ý HARRY THAW PROTESTS. Wauts F.S. te Dena lExplana- tien From Canada. A despatceh troni Washington laye: Through Senator Oliver, ofj Peunsylvania, H&rry K. Thav made a protest te tth. State Deparfi- m-ent, gain-st Lhis deportation f rom Canada, oun ,:tember 10, by the. immigration officiais of the. Domin- ion. Thav asli thet the Si-ste De- partment demand f rom the, Britishi Embassy an exphantion of the treatment accorded hlm by the Cenadian officiais. Hof contende that such treatmnt was in yiola- -i,, o! the. privilegea gusrant«ed hlm as mn Amenican- citizen iu treaties hetween the United fftaVes and Great Britain. REVIVED. O14-Time ltoalth, Fating Grape. l"I haà been sick for, 10 years vlth dYspepie and a lot ef complies- -tes, rot-, a.'Western 'oen. "A oeeration vas a.dveed, eua»Se o!clixuate. was eugge-sted, au o neone seemed te know ist. v" as thi, mette-r. I was ini .d' +hree days in-the. veek sud got 60 Ilsin 1 weigiied ouly 89 lbs. No food s.>eme.-te- agi-se with me. "«I toId -Mny huléban.-I vas, going t. -try soen. kind . o!f-pr&lig4te b.0d te seeeif 1 eouldkeep fro0n . tus feeling. of continneci hunger.- - "GapeNutssudcreanuwa ti Eod1g4aud _ùctiipghae; setex»d te satistyme lue iA. I neyer leel. huugry, but'have -a -nat-raape tite.'Havre gled -ne narvoua u-peils àince 1 began thiis food, and have taken n<> medicine. "I have gained -se mu.h freugt that I new do ail my lieusevoie -and feel' vesl aud -treng. liMy veeks" aud-I-ehah aîvays.,eat-{Gr.ipe- ~taki-n'g medficine$;Y" Nune girco by :ýOatimn atunC. Wnsr is" he.cm it tse , cay Mdi te te s'ge:r ma te ncif, 1)ate. Msay- le"5 10o W"*wvavd,"reonstd. 7*-uy -coupeles' tree obildren , otiers .m ay -bave 'on- ecintlcù - crules.Butlu ise ssecf antiftl;ree la teis lSm,, le tise. no rAiximtbe? -Ijfam -a>re ta baithup r 'gltt y tisLe,,ztateswld'iï h'bt ie~te ad_ l e eldlnag sele aop7lng te -for th is ullonalre'-io-1li'ud ia hie wag- sohetiled .-tto bii, üea ,tiveu *1.30-aâtrear usIt si beepsl~nthé ma -Wuts rni cma s natiinIg te Pey and ttjie maji yitltLý4é ise"large ber. iebis- Uoiden-- rs iimÉ ra famlty luevitahly leéadu -te isemme-colt- clusion for it là mSkins eilidren equivâm- lent to taxes. A«ain a marnieti couple migisi bave ire- oilidren bfr ts-goc ot4 uad loue four o! thins. ut sigist b. deçmed careleut but'such thingsave beau Suovis teO iappen. »sY tioulti lad tisemosresý pesxaiused cm ly vitis t" .couple 'altisut ehilren.T~se. to, la-yder te escape tise te po arlais priesi would have te break' lh'tr*sùo! celilhacy. Or 'Su us.h oburois be exempt!? Tise propesal mUl have 'on. excellent affect lu eueS aê eonntry aU France. I- huolt Produce sons. cel-ent Mik ProduioltInCanada., If Canadien f«rsrzai1 -to-,gisepre tis 'best'seàunt. lu tise oiduet of tise varions branches o! tbulr induatry lu le not diié te lacS o! éffort--on tise part o! goveru., ment experte to provItie tisens 'atisInfor- maioe baeti on expert extèrlmenit. A re- cent bulletin, No. 72 of tise regular serica of bulletins o! tise Dominion experimnental farmne. deaIs exbansttvele vitb - nslS pro- dnct.lon in Canada, _Its aniser. Mn. J. H. Gnledale, dinector o! tise farma. han mati, si production a matter of spoci-al tudy for many yeare anti hée ineludeti, amcng te subj etstreateti. <"on rotations. 'diry bana, ireedig dairy dm1115 mad feeding, oare and management of mileis oem. Tises, divisions -shev Usai milk produe- i-Ion involves many factorsand it issu been tise autisons endeavor Wo trou 0of tisese as tully. clearly and elmply ce pes. aible e a tis-tise bulletin may hbc of!valus W lthe, gouerai farming communilîy. Thse volUme isaprof ueeliIllustrated. sud -in novw beiug luedti th ie expermental fanme' mailing liai. floue nôt on tie se t vise deaire a cary mat ebtaîn il on au- Plieation 10 tise publications branois. de- vertmout cf agriculture, Ottà'ia. Pribon Re14u-mIn 'Canada. i luanUdemstod &ut C)tiwa - tisai Hon. *rthuir Meigib, tise sssv olictergenenal. 'aili untiertake tise wonk of prison reforni lu Canada. Tisa bà, work lun'aSieS Cao. ada a laggedrat.hsr tissu lad Sn tise paet. BOmit cfti9Wprovinces have lakiMo iÃŽt ni,, but'-tise 'Daknion on tise 'abole ha been .eutent ta follo-i - thse oldi methode ln its peniteullarleaâ. TiSa ad penbory lsad tbrs alnsi- tO pusStise crimilfor hie crime, to pro- tec solety,an t tirIS.terror inte tthe heurte -'c1 poniblà malcmfutoruy.' Tise new peaology r.coalze but one. i-aat ainx- to- neform tiso criminel. Ineldentally. l may Dunfleis, protmet andi deter. but al lis energies are dl*Mted toward retorm- ation.1 Uûder tise .d1seiseme -Mrt isngs, thle crIinnl remalnud, prset4caealla bis Ile, a burden upon hie fellow men. Tise nes- aywtem trip* 10 lit hlm ta bear hîs ocm burdene anti to e b ainslp o elety lu- (tesci o! a cusIt toeishes hlm IriS toi respect 4ilmueif and thon ta respect. othera. Lastl-It esc heo hlm te vork in a&'amy sud ut a trade that viii net brand i ls durnu tise remalAder oftbis life as a j ail bird. The parole ey$1.m, 'aSieS bais been la fôoe in Canada It o oins. veart. sia been a stop lu tise ight direction, tut. tiare are mant other etope tW taka.'Mn.'- Melgisen bau a great morS bofors hlm. -ULTTO PIERCE AISHIPS. New Idea WiII Riwolutionife Rifle A ~ ~ ~ ~~~y daselfro Pa-say: An' inventer hbu juet dumontrated dis- coveries ýwiih promise te revolu- tienîze rifle flring. Rie inventi-on consiste cf a ispedisi ýcartridSe and double inflammuabl.e bulle-t printi&r- ily désigueti for tiie destruction cf airahipo I i experimeuta &n old gun ut lunI1890, was iseti, AI-- thoeu«h the. cartritige was fille-d vu-h biak 'powdes,, spectators vere as- toniehéd te &» usitife-r anse-ko, flash- or reooii,l th me , lâtg bulle-t, travelling -fiee-tmand atraight to theý b-uIt- ihistead <4l oeeuigasré iu're-gular bôunde, au' it should haveý done, accoi4Fnk to eeecpte-& listic as.Tii. kîsll-t ried120m- fres, but--it is càlculated7that vu-h a. -ieenri 8 e i euD have car- ried 3,000 ntes Monv ratisr ,tisa s. u--instrument of. wsr. - Tish emauv e t-f.h1isf mSIe EO Rost-do iottiîsn'but -ta sem. SRe sien offiers bave probably the-tM o! gçdng,,to Xle1-, for their style. 7,ey utet te- Éet 4tl"bco=tiaBrthé h a$, lb-nc Muet Slughter On. eLie' lieve. thsey silcal! thisels, suordietÃŽe -f- iler acorruption of " Pellw lin Bfr i a Adm1iratY and Saplanse. Be aXlem1ber Whan*athtise sepane'gete.oui cf.-tise ex- iiiiitage étise -Âdnsiaio wl 'ie,,ry The. strange acret' scciet i-ne'f vht as done. :ii th.eue. »or these uh- deapite tiie efforw ts. oi. -authori- marmo, alhcng us.abject - 'i-ci t n le unkintily euggestèd to Obtsin - a checks tie a-etill'in, ?. dètri on -contractorer, Drims. -But Judglng-frMoe f'~er me'i.Ti iiin'ers o ý Iof -tise deeignso' etise a-e -pan seon" provIsiossal cr<J. -fer t:.».,t e-av x mdcu naval service, 1$ vw£Lbe some timehieor6 the aà dbcrxn, tii rincipeal tis' Âdtifraity ere'4n a pos"ition' tobégiin -te.- -'ior n on astandard 'type.îPab alelingrédieht o'wic - uinfat, tise deasin. viicisbave beent'ied, - aa nô o-é ouldgain - e.dxnifàtaceà ot tise best.-k»oitim mers -saldtls;é iit o 1>1e eocitZ uitil 1 lé e&g tors iy elfaatory r_ osi-at- been tered cx oel ià feliw men.' The eioed. lj ýU" mcii ,Deec tao SOS -ere- go -Dio i ia i lung over broSa general Praetice -waa fer a menibr vatethe m JiAcbSesweeot only lma i- to aiuguise humEelIlu loar' .ed but vex OlOF,4h elti downtýorwArd andi ureeteti froustakinîg off. - Wlsat i.si "bind ..ttà.ek bis ivictï im ob e-: se sa îÉt *iù I'als-o o p -s '.and. -~.~. ~ ~ s no water omlngovex -to 1prZvent tLt.-ma-, ror - s sv$ring chine -Irons riaing.! Tiis e ittlo ti ua1cr isolds tisaitthe-toomo'cf blaieneedu noth "e"pe t i. eet isan&-- ise ., 3 r« ut ocf a' revaut tria -it '10a isetioently "ýby, tise r ta ' >,tise wsb ih u htt ecey 'luge Winilta"e thée matoin«e fw en - tise -brû.# u ht'h oil r~iiseét bas eenat'talned.Âu Ad v i n exielsênce Iong' * bfere ;tla h e. enOtL holsi but il prae ill e Bifish -protectorat. - waà .sablih- lifting, cf-tseho te: etuiués uas'biged lu180.For yes.rï tii -thiiri- ,stIl - re rbe Bnthe-4'- tensatloiýi-s'spé*cted t tthese murders Trosshy vinner." q' tierserions drM. te backSf oeeiinge- eablinea s le nd 'tô"be were prevýaieùt.,but oui y iniisol&ted tisat tiseir ope en ýpësine an e causs ias i-fi beon pSsibl, te prove Splashied --ils ma vWater. - As an ued - - engins 'womu1d -involiàe -atr.cdollD, a temurder, and 'thon eonly a ev_ lua Àifficulty--e tse 'Ure knl ut ~ ~ b ~ t.iil nia,%ers are not Itopeleus about caring 5.-PL egut xext -yearý, Indeed.-le almoutcecrti te I In1912 th.erflheeru-Sherbr<q' dis- pevloainue.f tse ea- t wai formed, and - Major Fairt- -. ue AilRet Rote. ~ -ho1vasin. administraýtive _ - . I -chirge, -lied as. hie-i et at'ejr' ~Tiere la no toiudation, I eauntold, fot wiovsii bre<fti tos report tisat au order han beaungîveui Wina,'Wo -ioh -ô-te Wo Mesure. 8Swan Hanter. andi 'Wlghnm IMperill eClin ti e d rict, lu Richardson, W;Ilaeend. for tise conutu tien of two 25knot steamers. se0ui -1 Jlyl -ta muïder, cccured- in -Imn- priceo het iih, ut va.s sd. voulti herely perri toW* n ider re'roltingciroum- exoeti tise eet of tise Canard linier Pan- - retania, owlng to-tise adopti-of o-é<me stances, 'bn-t the authorities' tck patet tuulareystm. reata wre po&Se_-Ssi o f thie body before the. and anaa i conacionwiti the*,AUJ. memubere cf the. .ociety were sable Red" route seisemes, but uusfortumsately te carry it off. t .:..T'nq o-Jr.eaIa - Jwlmusa M*.l" eontraet. ge tar asuse projeci fer short- enini tise distancuetus-seen tise motiser countyanti tiseDominion anti aiea pro- Viding au exprees trans-Pacll>o cerviçe le concernei, I blievs tisai atlsfaetorypro-, vres Su being made 'ais t. NIegotia- lions are proeeeding bois-son tise di- cite 'ahiei Sas tise maiter in biînd antid tise Canadian authorities for thse layiýg tiown o! incISer trans-contunenta t a#-. -vay andtise eeation of a prt uat Cape 8t. tsanles. on the auth-eawei c o fo a-radr. Seine- 'alSnknoapeople .are. r se u tise plans, te carry o-ut -shieSv h.iovever. involve an enormous expenditure. Preiesting the Chial A il ane andi ueôeesary talute for the vprot.eoti.e of cild lit, luntisSe couuir came Suto eperution ou Beptemibor 1 It le tise Chiltren (Employment, Abroati)- Act, anti Il aime at tise osupreselon of cer- tain abuse by. ihIci, under fraudulent anti invîalid "e4trats" very ycuugper- sans vere taken abroâdto fte tl msSe bail engagements of a bihslly desueralla- inir charactur. The renulta have beau de. piorabse. HItiaoto tillerecru2ling -cf ibee cisilt victima Sas bec casItidon by bagua "vaniety epents," whiseaspa- emous ativertlsemente anti gloving pro- mises ver. tiesigneti te deceive unusupeet. lngr parents. Tihe nov set tiiss viger- ousir at this oyetemn. Nos- 1no cisild1 may r, roceedti Wempioynsent abroati 'itisont a i=ense uetiby - a BoyBrset MugIs- trate, vise must bès satiafledti tisth1.e con- tract leafir anti reneonoable. Tise appl- cation for tise licence must to aceoni panied br tise conset of tiseparent or guarduan, andi the contract muet he. en. doraeet by tise Oonnul in London of tisa countrvy W viicis tisacisilti luproceding. Every cars 'wil b. takon tW guard agfainet abuse, anti even tisen no licence in' tie- frnot instance run. for more tisan thre. menthe. Thse "sw tatute. vith ts siaIn- ta pvisions, cones noue - 10e oonà. but itanons tise -lesa ab notable addWton -to tise coda- for 'thé protection ot àhidr.n -wbuch is abeen greatly 'amplîftetilu*ls laut !ew 75ars. A Warning i. Architeota. - A etudent of tise play .of internationial lnm t- end& att pd- uo x'41 e téeir normal cecgpatlens. Cmiulpt f&dy thr,11e hfltect ut upl:ý idt0"b thtis al' ofamoqu itahhy garnleLU, cartienu. and, perceilg t iseati of .an elepisat i3eri« ngeutet tirse retiii t n, uiet if-iba~ bi otsePorter nt-ie~touutcj'i -s-Rt,; au tîru raprtgdIta--ti lr bu or.-ei reed 1trance qarxo 4 lyi vent forth te tise mtioriticu et auda,-- lpeet 4 -bave -,thse oÈffniv. mceuRdSa- mantledu's -7 Andi She Uni Be-eu Warned. - l "'Ail men are alilce, They'rc de-.A."pa ceitful and selfisi?ý'A "How do you kuowV," "A mannied f1ri4üxd -of mine' t&ld'lias lisen a me. se and warued me agÈainst al' murderink it o! 1-sean. - -Accerdiug t "But yott'-re - going tmarry'lias net ohl~ Fred. - -two of whl "0! urse I Am.'IIe's dfret2 !ur othersu - 'ý4 . - 1 1 - >, 1-say 1he ire 1 - takes awivife wI;th true Iaith -.- iùnistering -Many llurdere.- Majior Wiil&ns imrnedia&tcly to-ok drastie meaaures, as h. arrested andi held.lin custody ail tii& leading perse-ns in tue' chiefdont. Certain- persona turned- -kimng~s evidence an- -vere preased te divulge'-tihe-full' 'vorking *cf thé society. Tieae sm- complices gave- the, iutiienities -de-' tails cf au astounding- number o-f murdersane-d dietceed the. identity of maiy pr.ominent chiefs and ne- tivm. traders viso vere membera et the. eciety. Wiiol'esalce rrests followed, pr'ae- ticaily ail the influential cliiefs and proummen niative traidera -b-ns taken Into -cuatody. Tiie actiirn -cf tise exeentive ..roua.ed a ete-nin 6f Fretoa'x, and.-froips vr nict ed rom tii. Gold Coat. S-bfle-- qu;eptly,'ilu de-lren.. te atr-ông lej cal. opinion, e " thom e 35x' agan1s'vlinstuer w*ad e &ro ber'ative -evidÈie-'beyoud aeweru vatemeîta- cf ace Plic6q, vere re- leaefi a-tioug nany eo liberatedý vere later reë-arreited - axd deaIte vu-h politically. Th Ti. uth&fitids lu -eglàau-'tôok such-'a'-ferioua- cfie - Ihe .conDi- sud:I-Su' -WilfiaýouBraniordGri&th -yrsn2-50&xt&*ý 8r .u-pré the. -court stdit vWazeven etated tha m.mei el-s o!thei. sociéaty hsid s ofctis- -- ' ?~6n ti. ~zce ti 1; m s i,> -dd ii'Saidïrd, ifwswceésrtun4'c ïiiis z-dW'ii4fourimiied 'at'the tii cf' Th be et.s o1 t40 swey.s J mxtdioh~;Thebor~a,'whiohis sup-' whic.tis1 ceoeditëd' vitl i gvi-ng niys-- fte -pôers toe any-"eraon rubbing it vle r-to -i nteieÏ thé. al.iionitles ~rd -,Ceannibahism pure anti h iice 1P'-rretv, l'Wb ý-naking of borina on, -Itii. victini addrees ~~as heer.. cegn.tion betven'uwmbers Wa*.& epecla ndshake. As a, result of'ie alsnmsl cf tii, prisonerà,ee -hae-'gAI- 'while etiiers ver ÙnpriÏedor - ported. Many of those, t. d.eortetiou -weut-acreas Lii. bo- der toLibe-ria,: vher«- the' soc'ef also exiated sud ini Sierra, . eaet iÏ believed that many'cf therrecek-êQ ýMàrd.r have i$4en instigu.Led romi Liberia. Tii. opinion.csf -loéàI authorities - a ud othere regidont in>SeraIen WlaM ishti le most Impossible- t. ccktii. workigs of the"' eociety uniese etreug -eactien le taken.: ALBANIÂIi' WOKEN ILT Arincé With- Hateletà Tkey Fou ght Beslde the. lien.- A despatch f roui l ienna,*ayest WGmeu-ar takng an active part- in> - --î. figiiting in -.. Abania, aocrdi týng Ludepatches rece-ived lier. Iresu Avu'ona, ,-ti, IbànianL capital. Many .,Alb.niomA m&4n- zons, armed witii -hatchets, fougirfi hereien.lly, shoulder -t. - eiulder' wçith, the-ir hushands, sons sud- brethers during ýthei.- aet ftghting et Dura recèutly, vien 1,2û00S'er- - vians ver. killedsud 300 takeuPr4- soners cf var. ROBBED SLUtIC E BOXES' Yukon Golé CoMpani's Employes Were Firest Bo'uid and Gagged. A despatcii fron. Davson, YT, Baye: Tvo rnmasked -sud auùiedmn forced eniployes- qI thùe. Yùkon Geü0- Company jute su-bmiusionou on dv'ýf Hill, tire. miles f rom- ir.,â é,-au4' robbed the company's -elùice boxes $90;000. i.mn<eroebytu robbers verQ bouud and g-gged and -throw-n into aditcii. Tii. oompauny lied- plnneýd tÃ": rnke -themen's- d1ean-up tuis -wek. "Wmmmen ýcertainly,. aix>'t-got no» "-Wiiat's -the matterMie" ',-Me wife-ciiased me out wid a&roll- -ing-pin', tuis morniuig, sund then, criedbecause lIelft heQm. withouh kissina lier go.od-bye.' Theèe Swveet Giriffi lt«"eyouare eu ga ged tô Tom -of -"My;-demi,,1- Cou&iaflulate -y4m. - Tmis: the. nineat ifauce 1- ever, The Nev Womani -Mrs. Knicker: '{re you goiag- I taise a oours>e ilu 's buzîinesco0- --. flege-ul" -,t gt-oemoe u ~Àbte cft1dâauâaaè etlt airdy Rýestore your uiozrsa~hi esllyvlge -ge .h st frse-fit cuffers fraig aý .your 'Dualt'uý. -Nid. beu Nationsi , Wugandi Cnimil Co.o4 thusias lie truly t£à &pity badca: atude4t offerj but- in 'betwern amoker _, and I But ti -oees with a] intoth gesture The1 l aith a intend returni ocreaseec -: t'~1Jle lhen. t party< are no- quiet r -41uatQ-r le ft the sibity tdind' the er hIighly- doctor time soleno4 * cnvey gave fi ABOW A Few. that L and D -average gan .ra - t f.orty-fv greates f)00 f e.e feet for feet Mo îor, 60 Yerio-- 234 f eet s strand -weedw tde.C ers 0l The b ro - t'lice, ai ter bei; $ is,i deepf'd carrage fatenii The lo ,RCHIVES 0F ONTARIO at -Mid

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