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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 16 Oct 1913, p. 2

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Even Trani .t hI " tonUers Mo , an ms e ar iAC AU U5WaEI U »I J ¶W bumbelï.. ie vi A cl 11ý 601M feîch Ca Bd tOnchflts ured vithin three monýtbo ýdnffth ot, Jat cu-itoorsiéniu atotalnwUI hu've 10 b. remOved Grand Resultu P. OIiow1"'the Direct 10 the &15km fro 911 tueraillvsye ere -BreathIln Rentedy, Which Cureil buprýltteos iltý 10 ineet the re- thouti Drugging. qiremeuts, bu louqufry Ihey found ihat th. prOducOt had shout don-bled In tmwo yeas, vhich wvs.more'than -the rail.' The'country 1 l lly- 'dovr the vmWYu éould f4Y ly oide for, but 1the _-W dÏý-t1a hbtBt tPrlênée -Mitdè'1theih -active lu their -0"wonertul -recoverytitIibtmt fail ~ ~ gorurnent dld flot ferers are mnakiug every day,'w1tiCa urget duium 115ovr . tarrhozone.7 From océan to ocean- I S frtç c e etrs telllig ot.rapid cures- 'frélpt-vsaru 'were ýorqéred'sud uarly 600,oe et en 1nes. These have long ic been de- itand eures' when -thé comp'lasnt was livered sloug vlth -morne orders for, te h rnic and.long 'standing' WJ :'~a 'yer.braxi newprincipifi It ta noticed tliaI louliugle lanov coing dflWUpofl whlch ,ca-ý on ten tintes fgater than neufi.'l. Inl9l2 zarozne work-not!'a 'ingle, dose, ~the Cfnadlu Pacifie rs-llvsy hsndleddur-' o! i=nedicine tb takea-notiiing to iupseit lina i4eotember*. Ocobér and November hstnahospidisin- 43,369-cars,.,the 0Osuadiati Nortbern 19b770.tesomç rspidg6tz. :cRiars,î h, GrandTruink Pacifié 8.184 You can ri the. IthreUgÉ hei Ca- cars.. The rush of grain 10 rmarket ma4e -tarrhlozn Inhaler mincated air that- au taupreedeuted rinno! mou'ey sud chie- l io iafg etlgbla li ditiosThere vil! be unDorafleled18fl obei'gsotn asae ~ urn Iissd .e votll! ile'antisejptic essences that lestthe, Thln8.- thé Adlrbndacks. Thé.plney vapor has If it b.- ire, as ' mnnoun-ced,, that aa, rjýmveos ctn-n wk 'Prince Edi"a.rd Ieland rnan a'lendatrlmreou.atn-onvni s contr'lvanoe wbIhich utoms*tical y mihroats. Itbrffigs atrenthTand ,healthà 'etsralfray station. sand vôlhhaà tô Ititébroncthilc,. stops that baZking, -bien iiroouncsd 'jlst the, thingr' by raiL. Irrutating, cough, prevents hoarsénésa '-aY mon, ou&- et the greatest'boons u alsl ii-.cnerdo I m slvu and ýdiffcult breathing. -,You 'can't travelWriL, Thé 4evie'-Iii sffied -to onel end anytblug'tir weak-thZiya1teê- peo-~ or both7edùol"'the car lu full viè*Y o! pie. où eerth mr ei a'bi a !»hmiers d aicf td u largor, zô e~It Inearis hea"en oü'arth- letrs htdteeyién viii tu the mari that. bas 'bad' bronchitis,, 9; aug-t 'vaut viii be, cou«e b1 catarrb or throat Irritation. You vii everyon. vto hbs taïaveIled ou t rair wayî and -who bas. .udesvored lu vail realizé,'tlÎ'thii rtt tme you usa. a tootr&Uolate inlo geograpical smigniésunce* tarniozne Islh ua scientltc pré-ý o.hime o!thb. next etation 'as.suiouné-p dsge o -ds 247 y th btakema . -prain ca the4 nd er dis-ý rl-atry In Prairie Prbyviosam . cé o!-te- esthlrgetan-sie -- - luch iaitersgting lfoisilon on the ciai ts beoMont" ,cthéle 1.0 é;,M £otivltien of.thle korstry Deipatment 1At ofiiib, CSglO0 md th., Interior la ooutaed'_ln u ti.report of 1igm isz é-, sni usmijieiu,25C.- An lb. Qoa a. o ner lo l st11 p Irékeepers and drugikiats, or, Ti. C&-, of tlice WU"tions it 3aae nov been KingtouQ#eCanada. - rWOendd 4t1iia$ Ihmformt rerfve,:ares .uya tba. of'tc rvau;Merte' - u f the aia.bot !Blsh<oubs TH[EIR -PI&RSOTÇAL OJYXT.' 1ula b. lucreaaqd by emre 10,7085 gqUuré es, r agr«imwly44 per cent. O!f prooseîddtios I uer cent.* or, I.- Domlinion Cabinet -iy Prince*,a 696 .q"ire: ndleien lxAlubherta, 85 uer cent. inSakaldgiewau, aud 4 i-t ver cenL inl Silver Lunéheon Se'vie. Maulntbbàb. T i sditîou - rscoiméud7ed lu .I]riMsh tO~Mlla auaouuts 10 about 15.6 A despitch firem -Ottava Baya: Pu Cet. a ! Preteeflon. Word has been, reWed from Lon- -The (7eusdan Pmdilo RBail-wwla rlgldly don that the peraonal gift o! thé' - ,. 'ufor e 1.la.vaglut r aoslng onmembers -of thé, Cabinet to, théi' ýae Wolw qii? fecuntry Royal Highnosies , Prince' Arthui rbag ir suMcteotto1 lofDk oial, safte ndte u htibdividuai' uprop.srt7y spre4d ever a vidé nt ir ces o!f i!. on the oc, r" j ý.u the COtuPAny 'l lapermitmte ev oear caon o! thirirmarriage has'beeft in ltu éwn fspécil onstabli>s; eudowédreietbyhé ig Comsoir althe- aithonîy. of Provdncil p o- ebidy.te igGonsàoer 11«,lce. g effort@ are nov heinr mode- ai i abouit te b.e preqenteti. The. te -kisp. people off- thé -trackc-' The deti osit o ilver luncheona 'oI lit ear-wsmov.r hhlrtyî-mo thé pub- =gift tï ýMîI thëtiaIkeepht off' thé etet-d îcs a à'alla 1.as mueluor more t 0 e '&vsit- ei.'e tvnyix icsa %e o! 1.the publié- than 1tot1e'compazwy. anufaetured in -Canada - ana by savlns Livea' Sathe Milion. 'Canadian vorkmanship. Thé gift -Mr. John Buins. thé p)reaidènt et the viU, be prebsentéd by thé High Oom- wsi.muLclGoernment Board.-guve atii. e bsréceul International MedIcaI Gougreua M psioner, Lord Strathoorra,on ire- ,slan y.pi sio t ie of it «Eerapeutlmc? haif bof 'the members of!'the.Cabinet - nce se t4iî br -bIt e r ns at apieariy date. - mI thUe vsas-Mltoî n atils_______ a as 11. 0anl sd then eacd t et lu »W e trâ -thea-é-vould,- aeen .u4A19EIIPTED MURD)ER. - 111,001 o i tan therê-ýerés aved - Entoéthyms brais h 11. r, eu vhieh ~sbéfsnude'nt1ryyeat%. in the An-Italian Shot Robert- Steazel oný, ~boeurw emlier 4,s bénés ýtued Mntreal Street. 18 detlbts auoethé eeÂgeq. A despatch froni MontreaiBaYas.Z, osw t »eto!the MW" d1çI ué-Robert Stenzel, superintendent oL Ir W,"me* " 01 gvermeni.l Z I1a1the NertiierriElectric Company'i,, et nný d I,- It mors tia buWan w* mit down in SeW.-' twi ecended, ve my riurs Streét on Thuraday. Aâ hé énleably grealer than the. figures lay on the sidevalk vith two buIléts Un'ifesBVIDK poieuce b"d not in his le!t arrn, Pietre Paicetura, m t ,rlsvasée 111e d a t wasan Italian, vho fireti thé ehets, béat wheSèhbl .vondi bave been lnerassiL 'ton. Pancétura theu rau e.way, but eV *P =a -dtail. yéVt liwas &Barréated two heurs later. Sten-, us s*aiiou o. pr-ceal Zel wvastaken te thé Western HIfos- a'"epitk s Ammoil ues. v&l i, rer«. it te mid hlm ondition M& aoesumitiià t10 ths recon::ses-la neot rngarded. as serions. Pan.-, mm 1-4Z t e ratéonal Geod Boade tura. as taken to police heatquar- 1_ anlven-iaiie "tera, where hé nias lockhd up on a M, M.Titers 5Voit rsn ncharge!ofattemnted murder. an: â i 0 % e!u .1191 - ~y ,-~a. ~ ~ é. Justice Latchford éndorsed the third itu 89 suggestion «o! the London- grand- - tcI~h10.0. uset jury that prisoners availiirg. trial, la herén 'euwin Jiils ant p-olice stations shoulti pe ~ iis hokept -eparate f roSu onvicted, - <as (4.15.- -<WIiIias.r Maouted Poi1céare aireacty oM -the spç1 to prevent 1&wlessneat; 'with 1-a force 'coniting of Col. Dempster and Sie! men. T U2BER CULO SI S II C ATTLE. Alberta Legisiature Wilil )emorl- alize Qttawa Government. A âeespatgh'- from ý-Edm«ntn, Alta.e Baya;- ý,The Alberta ..Legisla- ture 'otn,, Wédneéday unanmenus1r passéd, a iisoltin authoriziiig thé dei,1,~in~terîf-Agiculture:,o ta .tiepstowards the 'eradieiti4n o! tuberdiulosis -inicattlej Thr have, been 'unany complaité, said Hfon. Duncan"Marshafl-, in.-present-'- ing the- resolution;' and Up toé-the presenit' ne action liaà béën tàken to pr ,eent he. 4rdd of thé clisease f,urther tha.n supplying thef"',imè r who makq, equests, with.tÙberciulin.,j SOLIDIERS ýPUNiIPD. G tTe,ms InaPeuiitentiary for Sèt- 1igre te a le.. A -despstýh -ufrom*, Kingst-o ù sa.ye:. Alex. lMainsii and - Frederick Ga- briéIS, found guilty at the amizes here ei arson ini connýection -çwith ýa fire st the, Royal Military OolI4ge on'-Thu6'diy M i~rîg - Y li.,fr l tic ritton. Mins, to whom the jury Ïrecommended thit mereyce eÏxténded, vaâs sentenced tO4 two .'yealro.i ,rîisand Gabriel,,'who implicated Mainsin i orderto escape- sentencefer desertion, wa.s given- two years and -Six montha. PRODUCE IN Wi.NNIPEG. Indieations That It 'WIU Be Cheap ln 'Winnipeg This #,Inter. A desipatch !rom Wîinipeg-gays: Farmers frein all parts ef Manitoba are asking for space ini thé central fanmer "* market héré, andi atidi-ýý 'tions are' te b. made. seon te the présent building in order te scoin- motiate them. Indications are that pr-oducé v iii be cheap 'thia. vinter, anti shipments te thée* city are ex- exeeéedingly heavy at the présent time. In the past twe days 180,000 poundi o! potatces have been ré- oehveti andtithey are aeehing at.fi!ty cents a bus'hel, A FOOD DRINK Which Brungs Daily Eýnjoyment. A lady decter vnites: "Theugh busy hourly with my ovn affaira, I vilI net deny mysel! thre pl eazure of. takiug a -fév min-, àtes te, tell o! my enjoyment iaily obtai'ned f nom my mornuug cup 4,f Postum. It is a fod bevenage, not an irritant liké collée. 'T,,began te usé Postuin 8 yearm ag,(not because I vantédti t,. but'- because coffee, which 1I dearly', Lovéti, made M.Y" nights long, weary peniodti te h réadeti andi unflttéd me for i busiess tiuring tue day! Ica7 - 0lu stas'. njieuôs A&s offe. - betausetéarg atle atu lu both tea and coffée. 0naice 'o!fnlIen-d Ifirat triés! Postum, -nakig It oarefully as ugesédon th p e-aé. sI laialvays Use "ren-and, -no aua~"I ixdiny PTun o ti loke~ ooi,- as' >cleSrý and ,f rai- rant, and -it vas 'apleseure, té: as. the oream color- it -as mj -entoeky Ifond- .wanted -ber -cofée te o ok- w-'ée.I"vaspleameti,yem, atis'l Le my-i arPojtnm in tà6te snd» effot,~ad az ytbeing a entù equar rritnWniri by tWéetealùahîp -Barnard & Biggar's lage-toba-- ce bau' atLeamington, ircrth- $2i500, - with the, crop"0'ff ighten n on. J U~R lsen- iii lgo te,ý WaÈ!nhtlný nakout-tbe _end io! 'tus- lIQfl e uge-the Unieti' Stanesn thé jlterhàtienà1 fi sheri.es-question: p&tnit li-iuléd 'thatic"uor 11- censé fées in Hamnlton' m.uilit 1 raliseti 1 nèxt year !rom ý$700te 1,- 200; becausé the.iyh.-pseité 100,000 mark. - -Frank Hayes, on trial at Sydney>. -NSfrmurder, tried. tedig'a, -lielethrough thé e, nn vlIsp nitin- hlm 'fr< u nempt niur -lokèti-oel; a.nd:à plaun dtà,eé esp tes ax schooner .-In"hanbor. Gre$ Bitain.', Professpr Iobinson 'iis--eeof the greatestof ,English -Latiniste, le, 'gome Secretary' McKenna, issueti c rders te oi ibfeeti mi»litants- at- U stdStates,. Thrýough 4:thîe;,,activities o!f thé Aèeclu e mrlàa. avoluntêr milîtafy -viiati6n"battÎ&lion bai-ee !orined.te bbome ' apart of thé Nà-'î tional Guard Three men 1vere shot, oeeprobà:-c bly fatally, in a batlebetvenw v constabies sund a. ,«rge nuniber o! foreigu setrikirig -mfiners at Shes- viek, near Pfttêburg. John Sheri-ick, o! Philadeiphia, anti Edwar-d 'Bnien, o! New York, muocumribeti from. béant failuré in~ their respective cities while vatch-. I ing scorebarid--acounts o! the balf Tvénty pensons vere injureti, .four -seriously, viien the C.N. and St. 'P. eastbound,-Olympian. train was vrecked .40 miles vest o! For- ythe, Mont. Thé train vas travel- ling at hfgh speéti, sud every car vent into thé ditch. -Generai, A. Fédenal General, hie' staff anti many soldions were executed by Mexican rebéls. Many Spanlarti anti Geninsus are reportedti t have be killeti by thé rébeis at Torréonj Mexico. The cause fer the receut suicidé o! Pnincees Sophia o! Saxe-Weimar le revearlet byan inquestt iu France mbt thé déath cf a gyp9y girl, kil- ed whul-e theéý Princéin, her mother, anti her love r,- Baron -von Bleich- roder, vhom sue had béen-fonhiti- tien by len father te méat, vené Mo bIng. REMAIABLE CURtE. Rypuetisan Restores - Glnl'a Sigis a Léndon t. - A -cure for' blix$neaa 'by- bypiktiam a forbfretéItrn'inl the excessa place in AI k Dean. of z-'JAutyzvvi J>'14' cper lb.; 01wJ5 ' eu, 17 t 16 c, duckoe, 14 té 150; gtee, 12 10 13;. Ir y18 10 20M.' Potatlés-OtazlO potstoesu 70 t 0. e pr ' bag. srid. Néw Brunswickt, 8&iver bag ounl Bacon-Lojng -dean.,'16 1-P., to16 en4 Mb. I-cage ~te.. PeArk-Sbortont,.OU29; 51555.$14» -édum oigbt .i 1 - b 75- iavy,-~ -Z to Zc~ rilm Z4 26e. i LadT ee. 14etub .14 1-4; i>11" 14 1-.2c.' - -.8Salîs HaY and traw. - ' Eaédiay'Ne. I i ïéy. $1a te 1.6.on track,, Tozoàto; No. 2Z an ,sd mixed-at $11 to - i25 I ]Baf.d 7atra.w-47SS to 7.0.ou- âck, jS .Eentreal- Marhate, oct W-Osta-~-*'1an. Winnipeg Gê Wlieg. Oct. '4-O O r7-ba 800; No. S'ýNortbern 78 N-cho. 4. MaNq L reJected seedo 7)14e- ILri.2iîiià'td oeea, -76 14;N1 iQot!8k, :No. Vp0L Wlnlér. ai 14e; No. -3,reâ Wluntsr. 79c;0;o. I smtty ?c~ e .smutty, 7li.-' t- lic.2 C.*. 3440;No. -3 .W., moie.&#ri' 1o i. !ed- il 1-4ô -No" 1 fend, 'i >Ne. -2, Ne. 2 0.W.. 81.16 1#-;No. 32..041-j2. United States markutS. MlnsolOct-'14.-Wluéat, . eesuiber, &~-oMY c; No.l3ad 51 -é' Q iNortieru, 837-810 8574e; Neo. 2 1'OI;iÈ eru, 817-8 ta 83 7-oe; No. à ha 94t a 7e N.3yéiiov Corn. 671-2 te Snô. ie. h3 white os, 37 to--l1-4e;,No Ivys, 5561 18e. Plour aud bran, uahanmdcL. Duluth, Oct. 1.-inés ah.. 4114 4ly 1.44 1-4 bld; Oebéber 01.40; ,tom io~~ ~~ I bad-34;N.i84,3461 N.2 NO -~> iî& 84 1-4 to 84 3-8as;Ma.814ead; 63-4; médium, 4 3-4-o. 641-4; -aillbul. 3 1-2 to 4 1-2. ,Cows, 'f107.8eéa lange asiringers brougllÏ*0,05*10' oa lalves, ta1061-2. L Oue about 4. Limbe about6 -2. Rous 9 1-4 fo 914.ý Toronto. Oct. 14.-Catlie--Oioioe expert $7.76; cholcW uoes *61 076;gond' medlim, $&90 1 640 oins 4 0P ,suuers sud ctters. *2.15 -b 83$12C fat eowe. *4.60 1t6o omo os.*i . 14; butahets bulis. *5.76 10 5.711%,v~ leod vési,'1 $8.75 1 *10; Commoni 4.75 t 06.60. etocker-.- I éeére. ter.,ý 950 1 06 ~OU nde. $05.40 10 $6. 35;llut--ss% pra alab9 o rvers; 8.9 ed sud watnd 891 ej b N 84 6 3 la 0 ai 81 lm ci 0( tc el bi L tc tc tc 01 ,venent ilu ile ,4 Rc down ýa weama-n nar mngelda, et-]3ow, and aI Li i - - rend. About' 85,000-o! damage vas doue by fire at théý cabinet maaking pré-. mises andi furniture- stères in, Bel- lord- Mews, -Edinburgh, belonging te Mr. W. Adamns.- -Thé Settish ceai iwners- are mauga réduction of 18 cents per- Ma lu9 minera' psy. -Te sauggeàt;on lé madi hat mix- ýed'bÀthirig shouiti be- pènmitrted in the public batha lu Glasgovw . -A,- mari named . 'Matthew Bannes,- age2ve 74, vas run over sud instant-. 'ly lilled by a stéamrnmotonlorryat Go-van.- It' 'laproposed te ëxkjehd Roblhe- say- Gas Works at an esLitmated cost Thé i3unhine recorder giftétiby Lord Bute has now heen fixeti . up. -in Roptheeay' ' towe-r1 of the - couxuty buildings. - - t as ise ~n intimaI e tlat -'- the are t, eb.u- fin i-i.ve a binth noc onla-ý 1 " piae< alaueVrethon-'thé tsta- ib.- l1 tue tthMaktsur. - trout, TÈhetiea.th-- hâis eccurreti &t Bir- last- ye mighâsn Pf Mt. - Atreti R. Gaui,- Cuçle mus. Dec.', 'ii -hia eeveitry-zluth vho ha year." Héeviii be remered byL - lion M usâ cbié! werk,' "!TIi. Holy' olty. > Territc On thé battle criser Quen Mary der tht at Pertsmouth, a ifihe1I wJici ý lt 15 beiùig hoîisteti" aboard knocked dOvn o! EdJICý anti k*Illed-Grperal Jeff ri a ) o!the 'Sy thé ROYalMrn Artlllery. Hal>- Five men veie killed, and ipeverai b'hé [ci Wckington *(Cuùsbenland) Iron anti Ems $téel Goe-'e Mess Bay Works,Ilwhe th W, a ln hinecollajped. 1.îarge, - 'At. tii.'age e! 12 Quéenie O'Chaj-p-lage- 'I< ,gaùe a àil17 cd -hot" crti ca ecerhug LIo ua Points ont o! a posaible 108 at Sanà é8 ë ohir -ra IROBBERY NEAR LONDON. o4eiý - Th Pa Three é RbFariner'et Iffsâ te Léedi Daylis sale&to seehi. À -de.patch -frein Lontien, -Qnt ot,~ says: John Baucroft,, ' eaàtY:lrge; Carsaic o Twnsml ariner, report- ý ;et-,Poulee .nTuedî ihknovn'-e of Atmir b"three tluugs néasr Oxfecurm'Park, The<>bald a - ubrirb -on-, -thé e Ou,1t. ie mo .kirta 0 rthé iy. M-.BIIIf as'»doffl attèndd> thé London ?nai*ét dur -,._ builtitn church lu' atarted Ici late Duke, re»eetîTi one et 1, vu t. anti. uta 1 b s. J ave gaineit Wei 8"it ffl cati st«ei&Bdutamn Dot nervonsj'l se ý N~ame-atven- by Cansiadi" Poutuà by CeWido t,0É Wite fe., fia o!f itIW& book, "Thé Rkoa to te Wellý àat ville.," [Tl- Postuwn oes lut-weform cof Regular Pés*urn-nust hé- w-el' A CASE. OP SUICIDE. Pound In. théWoods' -is the4re i nvention-se firmativd an plané new-i nuevIs nc nevl luno new i - Ierhiapse graduaiy di 4rnown te an used-iu anici at- the recen tors for _hat, useti in Egy Pharaoahs.- 1W V o ü d e r f , -'-.More wenide- ~thiL -the- -Eg from oursa -widespread -h Shm as lst 'well -as-t 'brooDdy." -value o 1 thé Il O!courseà -as _împortaný thé -mmd asi realize that àn1ew thingsa.'-a sud.our age humility au,& searching. .A Prid.e wvili& LUMBER- Quantity, y-a] There wastb Sbe'rcut i- Cà inl thé prèec< r-quantity &Mo01 feet, -board- $69;475,784. ~ production an and îsquare't --ber sud ahl -equaltoi$76, 4 tens e! the" f- thé sup oe thé hist ie lin, hemlock C Birch is aux hardvood, am over msriy -weodsç" -as wý per ceut. of tl lu canada, 7 tage o! ihiNdi- sure.thée-phen 89;9 pen cent. timber duui firat iunéar-etA uîeti arfc mapiî o!wih are per Cent. -o!f - b 6hé upply o01 exhausted, -for, thère-wa a amouý-nt of u -vrthat cf îS iýWilhe>wh<Ss date for- ofFite Oe-Aiy ansd- vaOmamahe -Inn u1 ARCHIVES 0F ONTARU( aloi.-

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