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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 16 Oct 1913, p. 4

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(and thes umuver su inerçang ~. eav d*y> can attribute te lihe tirele= perafntence.of Marconi th1e fact that tlsey are now alive. COUNCIL $HOULfl HÀN»LE THE W41'ER AND LIGHT PLANTS. It May ave een expediCt in'the dayq of lthe esta huimet ofthlie Waterworks. system to have, the work pcx1orMed -uner,hsedirection of- a ild ietem- w th1e Counci Lh them,, Ixtmen I kne rOR ýEACH -ONE CEN WARE 1 j - f W. . PRING'LE CORERIIRDWÇE *Phone a -25IT oNi comndiison, for the work durlg h eeci d-'the.01 acutY )!cie.-The oVercqM-ý firaI ,few'years was onerousi n ottee-ad le 111is l!asas lrto ilt hi might..have been more tisas-'a coin iitb ivsodw o. .gls vil, for ýgood. Secondly, it ilLtee of Towa Councl'l could'reason- Council will at least -give th1e rate- t~~anha choice.,be"tween thé,1 good ebyhnlei onetovtis their îand thebes ;an-d lastliLmen ahi> hadie u cnnecionpayers lise opportunity,- te an>' aI tuea coc htwi liay$ î-ýXa te iother dutles.. poiliswhethem tise>' *I4sh 4e ahollusik h. Iltat- is c lsngtough'êwa But 'mlISr these imIf ew years, " w"lie omisio o nt.îiuma HtIezte isagat hel _t tise installation'ws cmplet. and teComsso r o.-g everythlng waa runnbng sinoothi', .of knowledge'., or lame O, or pÉer' a there was not so n)ncuhwork, and. fIRST VISIT - OFGNRA W. man mayý reach, -only -true knowledge. while tise systemn needs éoDstant ex- I>RAMWELL BOOTH, TO or -lame., or power eaa ise, obtalied tenssions, Yet there- seems, to, be o- ÂNIA.tfiYoi1Ws -Cht.e, -Tise onlyphîlos-' reason why acommittée.o! Town m avto ry uOud iIiophy that wilisooive ail tI& bi vrld 's cougclI- coiqd not no* -isasdie thi hbti eemt n n ! so- probleies, is the phlosophy o en dalls, eapeialy asIhe w&ud hve ci. impo rtance te lthe organization Crs. lise. assistance sud advice of lise otis- l isenemet"t Dnilnfor On Monday eveeingtslai o th- s tm fthM 'tise churcis and -congregation sme er memèrso! ouniL h. iru tie o thir ew eneaia harvest home supper in.tb1e,,-behool room .o! the church. Despile 1the:'! f nt thal a tégcntratato1aws holding forth -the saine evening,a To nrFre7s na - iNeghbors ver> large numbor attended an-d par- Von nowus.Vonkuow. wouald not-.;that wecudfo took o! -the bountiful meal provideti. iftord'to-go ba1k OU our wërd. ,Nor eau you ailord t"-no At 8.30 the prograin was commeno-: tIts aoueubck 0t-nî.tîs&ldoft.r o itsseddlaxative.- ed Mr. - Hogg opeeiag the en tain- W. honeâtly"believe we hbavo the, shouid have bendipùMent with a delightful, renderi4g O! h.t bowel remedy ever made. t ~he Pe' two cotch.sg. Tises the audience m0s leasant-o-take, iziost per,- theadiste, l-tem wa Saoeitch.onl ign "ni Uy beneficiai i5kative for relief -, eant"tes tlormeing nirvi- Lasaurie oji I snin An 'jron mseres ntI angrs 128 fan 0118 jus as areCuIOiwethe wes Tise -pastor, _Rev. -G. A., MeLean, fin- W. woueint uabc bis odidnt aU Iisma b.avteci, u troduced the lecturer, Rev. W. A. ou' il ~ - e 8110De im e. a -atrei- ede. Cameron. Mr. Cameron is noteti for ris orrepuiatioe by rnakingsh-hsoaoialaiiyont lioù ulatements did we nfinfo sure yoc q@U a~L~ Woul fini thm tue. ~~~---young man, hoise already recognized Our laith i's ibufit. bath on th.e tAate jusi 1Me.candy.. l'ris -am to ho one of the finest platform speak- IEflwledge o! what Reýxal Orderlies soothing'anti eay in action. They *eranioe!tsemsaberac- remany e of m oncse vact f ofotCue rprg auepurg- ers in Canada to-day. He lias deliver- ve r rn y er erecssitiwic isy ing dor excessive -looeneus. They proen hoi mettend to tone and strenglisen intestinui ed bis lecture on "A PiI-grimage le, fierves andi muscles. They prorn)tiy the Land o' Burns" in- the Canadian yrelieve constipation, andi belp ' e - sdas nts ntt tt Tythem at Our RIsk manently overcomne 1it.r- West, adas nteUie tts If tisey do not abundantiy prove Rea Orderlies -roniote belter besides in ver>' man>' Iowas andi citles tiseir-,ment with you as- yo siits and bIterhýealh.In alil of o!Ontario. Haviag recently made a us aî etipl saîsdalaot-tf ,.Oý,ý, teuthisaey are vasty superior tour o! Scoîlani, lie was able o are Wnt efnd r l infew hhm1 eot-fa*iûnei, isarsis salts anti we ill rudo h nyour ony-ndw oier pu.rgatives, whieli are not only sPeais fraie personal experience. Wil doWthaton ou mere, 5 ay..0. unpieasant to take but whieh umualiy Wts weefly vd wr Wnetdo î sk ou faisrapnny ave the bowels in worse condito pcursM.amon ahhe u- Im' tn fithan before- We particularly recoM.m-mer Jut e ts bwesfalii rly rend Rexail Orderbies for childcren, lence ou a short tour 'through tise 9 ngtiieir wor-îjus let their aged anti delicate persona.cuI> a wsc un~ ioiad action be deiayedand'înenomplete, eai rdrOe orelavstre Strtwh ich Bur i lldado antid the entire systeln and every po Okeri oes 12tinblests, -o othn lgn sifra Wate tat 38 tablets, 25c; 80 tablets,, 0. Ayr, he fol'lowed lise pals of Tamýf CATO;Pleasebear-la mind that Rexall Orderlies ar n. ol by&Udr o ' Shanter, thon -on to-tse "banks et.Yu can buy Real Orderlies n ya b .xl oe.sad brans o' B3onny lDoon,!'.wisere in beYReSI OdaSie rth*eMmunty-gwIy at Our aloS:. a humble cottage, 150 yeams ago, A. H. ALLIN well Bumns"' worthy ftiser. Uer. tise A , AL INbaby poet- was i,,adhoee Whitby Stre0taho-ivedth ie earlî Part of his lite.'Tison aise ~ Stre Otarb lae.tip w-as resumetifroin Alway tb GitBu-a R -Tar aSe.U ealy eVerY lown ancoiy in the Unite & OS, m e Mounàt Oliphant, ,wisere 'Llau[dsome aZ rds1 ,,ea n aeUsdifeet10,l sey o eal vryn«"ayhsenjl. Nî"first caplivateti young Bobisie. T p* suigo d So rm re Aulrm for i eh iS tr m menDre. - tormFor a w -le the sc ne sh lIf ei t a the - Ti. Rs=I Stresave unelcaw Oestst Du; tors RverAYr, and te tise place where, Burns said his iast farewell to, Iligis- -laud ]Mary. Kil-mamuocs' sud 'tise Rfver Afton w-ere -eacis vvlilteti, andi - * ~lasti>' came Dumfries, tise en o -. LJ Oui rbt.r4&CO . - the soulis, w-bore tise poet- w-as ostra- - .cizeti from-soclet>', ad -h.1e dio lu _1796, aller a sati, storrny i Chleift>', 1owever, -.Iùe ,nan hinseifý w-as tise th6rne ! tise lecturme. Prom MiL<L1NilR 1ý'L , -1 ýyboyhood up Mr. ICamerOn- tmacetibi Our stanrdard je higher thanï ever before in qiality and ' mas-,Op i.?,Patriollèz, o! hig siascez'- il>'. noechmarzet 0-Bumas as tise newnoess. There is great deznand for --Misses' aud Youtng Pt fielcrs>.Iw-eBa -h- Women's Haits in-,Soft Velveté aud -Plusk Toronto pries - 'nrî begano ca 'te ls ursho for tjieo.e $' e$ IQ Orprice&--fôr:-best, Plùsh 41.40, -tisOse - Pr1ciélw-hiÇh- .atterwards -Vel'rotil$6.5Oaned *$5.00. We-giv'e. you-a better g.rade <f w-eexubodiedti she programs 'laid gooder,.trimming-. quaI to anything in ,Canada. ,S1.. tis e wi y gea tesen- hats we turp ,out -and savo o r.Yuwl Idor! gvmment of thsepeople, for lise miUlinery departinent up-to-date in everythiisg. Cae éry pei And b>' lie people. - as-w-aM- sheTis1e, religion anti iorals o!1 lise loet su w- a~ ushe,. .al4ocalleti for comment. 'Mr. Camer-- - . - - on titi ot claim ltiIBuu n as good a a n as lho should'have been, - D~ IM PSON -bo.t pied for tise same conidebatlon s m s for '>lm, sis--ardluarily gvnl t 1. - emant. WhEtrnias 'of to-daywould lis - ~kp~ra1 M t~dr!t ,~ PICK RING te bave- hiÉ. Inuér. lilfe latt î -" ' pulliheti far and wide'ýBumna'Xf. F. f. JJIJ1 JJJJJZ !J'JfIf6+IJf1Îff-w- J do-notc oM.li t Ivie«. it was nelu. In lthe ligist-o! is eSe-, isnuhis short comi4ga look vol'ry mali. Tise _ pa otsm .o!fRobent' Bus 'aInene, a 6 tiebighesL.trisuë o lise poet aspiib'lespkr f, is s tar>' o!thse -it± o! Sof sie lad-ver SÈîI - ver, aSine. E lui deatis Bumna la crowned.the. poet laumeate of »bis couaIx;y and lisebard o! ail lium4nity. ThrOUghout 'tise course of ibe lec- ture Mr. Cameron'a - brilliatj flashe. of 'wit iihMy delbghted th% . audience. The Scotch people present ebpeiàlly appreciatedti Iis lecture, ai- Ihougis evenyone coulti' net'- but ho imPresseti wiîis the beaut>' andi grand- eur o! tise.star>'. Ou tbe w-hale, tise anniversary ser- vices were tise mostl successful yoî heldi b> tise Baptist churcis, anti are a fittlng inauguration -oftea! ivte PICKERING'S FOOTBALL SUO-i CESS. The village* o! Pickering bas a foot- ball team o! which it may well be proud.' They have gone through the season without a defeat, and recently stacked up against Malvern in the semi-finala for the championship of the Province of Ontario. The first game was won- by Malvern 1-0, but ia the second, Pickering scored a welq-eatned vivtory of 2-0, thus win- nlng the round. The teain has now qualitled for the finals, and 'I8 coitesting the- title with Hamilton. The first gaine was played last Sat- urday at Pickering, the score finally resultlng 5-3 ln favor of Hamilton. The return game wIll be played_ ia Hamilton Ibi.s week. Mra. E. U..Brown, o! Selby, Who ham been vlsitâng with her daught0r, ,r5 Wesley,,G., Augustu, »!or Ibe past month, geturned home on Wed- nesday. nia "s> LIflô - s busej The. Jobhn now open sa]ud ?HJONE..-BÈLL Suits made in a hurry-- To Special Order, we spec-. ialize' in the tailoring of fine su'its- Better than retail customn tailoring in'every way-better because we haveé'the- greategt world. - Efficie nt experts, and syý.' tematized work-we finish a suit to order in a :week. English worsteds « Scotch tweeds-Serges" and Cheviots, -300 cloth patterns to ch oôse. from-36 styles to select- - And tloth fit -and wèar are' warranted, or we 'return you -TAILOR i Door Souths of Roy.al Hoter WHITBY -- ONTARIO Do I that fai BOTS, is heeàlso 1rok t. PrpertyWantd M - Five ýte- Ten2 Acres with TERMS MOI Buili0s, 'orclose 10 To or' Railw4ay Dpot tt Nst uIrh Price; URATEf J<~H PIHRTise adynsltages'g 409 urnslênBuilingpo1icyiselderi, m sfor] 4.0-9-Lumsd n Buil i lis enlire, business by- TORONTO ,-Ausurançç Compans>'. ______for___ thepm ajuis àd mu u dier you' pût off gel the 15 c d o . 40c doz. ioc each Digby USE - - A cardr cet - J . I l. 1 ' b l p s t a -a splenïdid h( ù1eaies #iatory o!- - j -FAC dm and Theeà all Nature. get glasses waiting. here and h to, Havé long time a Re.N. JEu APP0ITE le POST OPPI -AýST0I Mrý Nels on, o! English ac careful inveE sons, ascerli lences 4ùhe foIu Between- th where tee tot -teen moderatie Between the whlere, ten tot ty-one modtra Between thi -Wheré ten totý moderate »rini Or, expressix frm, he- says A Uttai absli [ the chance o! tii 64 years oh A moderate ç 01 o ihing 151 years -od. - A total abst ihée chance éof until 6~years ~Lo aI Monday xext, be Tankgivin publie holiday An piano vol *-piano cônest1 iVdnesday. - * Mr. -Stanley operated 'on foi * mans-ile Hopi! ~'----.,.roving -as-- rap. 1 1 V IT

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