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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 16 Oct 1913, p. 5

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tire Two sprlag Clyde Filles. A.pi rill, W. G. Pratt, Audley.- one0 WANTED. Hosemaida1 o~le nue- Dr11-Lae--- Apply at onces te ,r Lvl Pas- ýPRiNT. ild (1oA lfty arelarmni "à bnidL ONT, te ine Of RETC.. phone. 151 i e I to offei Don't. pi cati gel )C' joz, )c doz.> )c doz., c each ly. mnodera f rm,1% ngw 20 ' and u à- abstainers die, thin- e- drinkers dte, - agefr o! 30 and 40'ý ers. die. g tire lacttin. another 20 pars old bas ,44. years, or u n- A modertodriker 3iàs 11 ne of-living j5j years, -or iintIl3.5j Yeats o4 Attlabstaie 30 'years old has the chance of!,lwvig 3O1iyeasor iintll 68i yearscMEchge NeiW Sctoch Làinolums, 1 l,20 3' and" 4 yards *Ide i W. G. Waltès' Moaday 'iextiýiOctobor201hl, is te be Thankoglvlng Day, and wll be- a publichoiayfor aul. AUl plio tem. ln' W. IL pringe piano' conteat mut be recorded each1 Mi. 1Staniley - Dlney ~arecentlIy * operated, on for appn4lcltls. la Bow.. manieHospîtal, -ad la now - refias,.rapidly asý can b. expecit- ed. Evr e¶yearly ubcIton tb th1e Gaztte andi Chronl* ountsu one -thousaîid, Y,'tes In W,>LM lngle'u pino ceabat.e New stock tapestry and plush floor rugs,alsze at Ilowest prices. att "W. G. 'Wal- Doii'ft Ute ciland ,see rbe-s gaian tables-&' bbote"Iïid shoesr ;'rboe hall ýtJie.originalpibe.. M.W. 0om1inD. A new cernent cross(ng is being laid acroosaBrook St. luiitnorth -o! the; WidorIotel, a#d the .old i ak wik W"fhc rosses jus't -la ien being reinoved. lias lis,'anlmpo- mentita a long'béen needed, andi tlhe cà4 ila4!n -a aWise os. J- J"' ace -of business. JAMES £014-G. liy an expert. Mr. Iobbeln's besttmn 1measurenients for, to erder, w ill 'bé 'store October l7tIi il have ail the ne*' m ý t- woa lsî; bo- iamples e! loti, t0, ces same as- they cnrg l their -eity store. A, quiet wedding 'took placeà home of, Mr. and Mis. J.E James, on, Tuesday, a! ternoon, at -the IElowel¶ LOct. 14, at five 0 'dcock, when 1 Miss Jennie AXndrews, 'o!-, Norfolk, Englanti, be-. came the..-ife cfMn. Geo; ,Hawken, - WhUitby. Thre ceremony was Pertonmed fier wMcTr .a,,dàlnty ,supper was ev eti.. Mn. andti Mn. Hawken willl eside ia thefi hme pu Brook St., north.< MAkIL BOXES FOR WHITBY. It -was'expected tiraIInpeter ,Ress- Of Ihe Postal Deparient o! Canada,, tvould! have been in town lasIt Satur-. day' th Meet 'Wm. Smithe- >M.P., anti MyrWXIlis ý.witir referenc' to tire laigo*Pcist oice boxçs- through- ont -the tcwn.MIZ. ficsi, however,did Dot corne, altliough Mr- einith was er.I e-hopedtht i .Rosa wili find Lt onvenlet te hme At an eaily 'date,- ,se .tha we sha1- soon have thre great con ne ,o! 'bcin_ able te post mailme dvently, >an-at- pres- WHITBY- PAYS F0R. FOUR IN- sziIWoea '. -wmaaby . Oat sas1 O'clock. - ferma cash. Wm.- Maw, auip- «oneeni - Thunsdày, Ocýt. 23- Qredlt auctioi sale cIOf dar30 ow4.tireroperty oý jaï. - eps ter.' Tobe pold, aItiret Whiby IüôBey ards, Whltby.,Terns, six m-ortlha' credit on appro$ad mjàit notes. Wm. Maw, auctionee r. Frdy, October 24.-Mr.W.L Ward ,wfl soU by auctiono-lt1, con; .8 -,East Whitby, ail of bis ta=m stL, k- ant implements. 'Sale t on mence at'-one o'clock. -> Sée large bill f* 1trther pariiculans.. Jau.- Blsbop auctioneer. Monday Oc0tober _20.- AMction sale o! laim stock' anài mplmeta, the prqperty_,o! Jarnes IDenany, lot. 10, KIngeton Roaýd,:- ne m"ile eagt e! Pickerng Vllg -;Sale at 12.30. Wrn. Maw and W;B;PewË 1i, auction- enrs. Friday iOctober 2S4 --A uction sale of household funniturýe ,.property- of F; J. Jon1eà,-IEuclid .5t., Witby.C Sale at ôneo'clock. eninms cash. Wm.t Maw, auCtIoneer.. Monday, October 27.-Auction sale- o! housghold furiitu re, -the, property of Mirs. Thos. Cameron, Brook Street soutb, W tb.Sale> at one o'cloc#c. Terms cashi. Wm,-Maw, auctioneer" IT A pleasure tostçp inlto ~ new dea grpccry, _,wc ateéhonored&tb haeyou. t - FOR, SA LE.> Nine acre 'larmr Brick flouse, buildings. --Situatedý -in, north: part of , he to*«. Apply to, Lynch, WhtbY.-1i7.: WA NTEID., Statioiiary engtaerl mac of ýtaking ebarge of steare plant- enençes. requlred. ,S., TREES WbitbyOnt. FOR ALEÊ A. Florenvy #r4mtkï tve te -Miss Ham, Whitbye FOR SÀLE, ~good second-mat' organ, c ÀlSo a -parlpr cok stove. Can___ at Nicholson & Sei'don's, store. FOR fi O~ SALE. '18ft, crncrlb, nearly new -ais oak folding mnanlIle bed, nearyy n le'w. Apply to Geo. Robb, Perry Street; Whitby-; TO RENiT. - Bouse to rent où Centre- St. North Ward. Apply to Thos. Nugent. l WhtîFOR: SALE. I htyTownship, about tonty- five acres gooi mri 'land on .KiagL ston Rond, between Whitby andi Osh- awa. Apply Toronto Generai -Trusts Corporation, 83 Bay Street, Toron- FARM FOR* SALE. 50 acres, bal! a mile et o! Brook-' lin station, loi 20,8on5,Whltby. Gooti two story -trame bouse, barn 70x3O leet, stable, dniving shed, Iiogý peù,- henbouse. - Two welis and, cis- teins. About one-bal an acre o!fr chard. Good.- day soil. Possession April 1, 1914. ýApply to Wm.- Bllght, Brookîla, or Wm. H-oar,-ilyrtle, Ont; -t!. BE14GIA-N HARES. Thimty thorougbbred Belgian bancs for' sale. -Apply tb R.B. Collina, -By- non -St., - Whitby. ROYl..THE-ATRE 111011 GLISSNOVINO PIGTIiIE8. Aduiwxbe,- ilidren ine r È2 yrs.,5c - --Saturda ngt, s o alil * y5. eciai Sale rrz e 44,7 LADIESII-UND ERWEÂR 5, dozeni Ladies Vests 'and' Drawers in whilte 'a ù ,geln ees, goc value at 3 ondgrcelog-nlt h ' '11 I * - - --- ancsgivngýa1e'ice 19c -each AplyThe above zoôds -wvil'b4e pl'aced on Sep rat ablesan ewil -be led <to -howthem ifyou visit our store. ,p 'e - . anya!re41e best value eevrofred -80 ear ly inithe u«-eee season -r W.G;W4TER jBROCK.SRT HOUSE POR SALE. On Centre, Street, north, Whi'tby Frame,- six rooms, just completed, 'Apply' te ,J. H. James, Whitby.-.tf. THE AUINTON -ýBOUT~ Is tho . Boot forM. ORDER NOW For fAiI Winttêir CRIPPLES' AND-DEFORMED, woii Ife1.@INO OnIy Repair She- - - - WHITBY> ONT. Autio Sae0o G.l The undersignet iras receiveti instructions fren -- MR. BAILEY WEATIHi, ERILL Tq sel! by public auction at Lot 6,- Con. -5- Township o! Pickering, on TesdayOct. 21 About 30 Iteadof Cattie Steeru and Heifers betweea i2 and 3 years old. SALE -AT i O'ÇLOCKý- TERMS 0F SALE-6 rm6nths-credit *iIl be give to parties furnishing ap- proved joint n 6s &e en.pr'aùnum- off for, cash. IRESLIER' &E -0F -LAI FI Part -Lot LOt TOWNSHIP 0F RAà ý-lCou. Acres ;Taxes G io $4 88' G' -51, 1049 M 400 $15 76' TOWNSHIP OF-REA Co.Acres Taxes A u~f~maI~,w-i~ ~ - - lA ri,-bcingpart 12'- 1 .kD, Lot ce-Abt btiiag-part 1 7 5-74/1e0 c - --~ -TOWNSHI] LotCon., Acres -- 12 3 -- -TOWNSHI Lot- o. ce 19, 914 An 1 ý - -1

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