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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 23 Oct 1913, p. 2

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one, e3u.t- Io Ma-do a dep dii -forward, wa-enslble for the boa-t fiai, the -Car- a lawept.-the bba;t 'ider 'Vhe mania-h id la-uncbMd ta eufns-The whn abs settled back se.boat eéve Orked luie rnad. - but tey Lttle craft, eraehed it Ilke Could doý, othIng lu fluet sea-i and aftra à everybody. Lu Ih wa-a u I mehy9m.agdt0 ga b ack to their Wwain. -wht, dîvedout.- a- d. sip P t.old of lhe ta-cils tat TL hàblance of lia atory la lu a large reOàthe ahip's stèrrnifci measutre a repetitioan 'i t te stoàres -al-' ek ou board'.Na- =a-n evaer rea-dy p'bI9héd as t10-the battia-againet Loer iun-lhe fàcsj3aaudid tbe o re, which waustaione tizu, ieived. f4 baveben wou.'ý imaiuetl,e bs-vatlons. a-ud adds. "I aise. i at ,.ta explore lanil whlch do Enlisi- mia-n bas tro>d." The latter le bis roui I~N~]reason for -satÃœnua eut ion thie perlions Joiirnay. Selent.lfic egésarch la but anuiin- cident of tha- undertalng.-The ~lure of the uukuown ha-s glpd l au iL n- le id ro le d --pedolumonnbus, a- t -grippes Liingst-aone Twta'. -- anil Peary aad. Sctt -il Amundsen a-ni TwentyY55P8cauutllmoÃŽ etis urio bava set ont ta go 0carding ta a prominent Froeh-reu- urliere 7iaaneyer va-a befane, a-ndlas It saer th. Pana-ma-Ganal Lochsvii. wi ViI arIp otheauRi hl-tre la- no spot cu nllel twoUy yaar@. a-nd,-- a-rton eliaglobe nutroil liV ma-n. ~ il ca-ual vilnh.cnoeOea«r.-ile' ii - astofaitiéselan Wa-r. îumstauces perixape Mn. BryàuWZ Thora vill be bitter suffenina- lu mil- Il ailviseil vbeu ha audeavçrîeiltoper, lions of familles of Europe" ibIs %vltkz., ýde cana-re toa ss@bIsNicaragtua bill1 -Coarse foodil ligvplc ooaarbat urbicixtha CUited States v-a tahav-a illiightgxeoir' upla-ce- oa i moua.ra- sole nia-bf ta bulil a- cana-i ibrougix ilons 'wil h. .hortasxed. a-ndl very publie ara-aaiierevar Il chose, in returu a-nil priva-to agenty of relief *wll-,iàina-e tbreamllIon ou,_lliare. cm.o ther -tocapacîty fin ieap harilship -from, 1>0 ,esions v ere ta be ma-de, bu t il comina- -disa-ster. For more tha-n athÏons a ne o et iomosh important. Atqthe a-n imllion dollars- e! Eurp's ilquid itd Statesom sbuilt tha Panama- Ca-na-Ica-pia-i basbeon buruail up'nlu lia Balktau e obvions -lia-t'a-ny otior canalIbrougi va-r, or habasu.ein uproduive li- n Lbe,-4tlanllc 10 Athe Fa-AIRamuai 1>0 creasa of armias alrea-iy too great for la-a- troied by ber or elge thé, en'môuepayera0.ta support. The comina- bhaMobipe sunditura ou, Panama-mia-t ba -deem,' *111 pre sot. ea-viy-Sxupou landa-vhiu -aio&d- -But lu 1he nuxt tweniy yeans etit thedvia-tton'o! -wa-Tniiy. - sud' de vllI hae IncrMe éeiltascb, a-n- ex- Buiga-uiaa-nil tluofoügt-te r*lîon, o tacordina- tote sa-me aubonty, Thra-ceana-nil Mceonla.,luIe etj1- ,t the* Pana-ma.,Cana- ith i iIslochs na-mail ounitrles'defeat bas adiloilbItter- 1be unalîle ta hanue Il.- lu tixai ca-m nees ta priva-lion, a-nil lu Tntkey -the lu- dher cana-i tiraiugb NIcara gua.- nilabt cluoa-e ciara-cier o! eoclety viiiInres Ome' a ucesity., Cons1darina-the tro- thée ibisof pavort.y. But.-whietheela-nil. dOU o mibillîles a'oflb. -vesierut suiferlivorst; no part of Europe la vboliyý Att of NflOrti anil Southi munica,,the oaem»t. ]Fîfteenthouoanamon ara a-- lionsof pople they a-i-o-able ot i1 od ot-tvn o r-n. a-nilthe au- tu cmp-a-ivi 1-te tbln oritiessof ibat cily-are oxpecting a T- e- fmaîntaîn at -reseni, il ems q (ute petilion of 'the bie-d riais o! -la-.t year 9Y' tixat lu- due course it"a canaiswviii Ma-niai la-w preva-ils aven large distritt -ba oue toua-ny, Ta look ah-bau faiAnatnia- andl Rusa-a. Workers lu Ita-li rty Yesrs ilu $.ese- Mo4 d re aysf aea are strikina- for a- living vaae. 'aud avez ýe imirna'tîon a-ndl darip-. Muetioo, lu prosperous France sa-nil landl be ire satt3ail yul htrylua- tama-ko cor- plcinei f oit. %of looklug ahiead a ,dîy,or lwo. Tiare wa inowina- irat, ma-y .pnen îvanty t'he Powuet ofPublieîty.- re attor te anab le openeil. If Ne-w- Ailvertisina- ual only pays, but t vaine à Is ta becomne the chinia-of fixe 'Unitedl s ne-w. la- comîna- tao, emore a-nilmore teo, a-nilailth set asi ls tataie apprecla-lei. There la ual an ealerpnlsini place of Europe.; one vandeios ha-t corporation- or eb±evilbuts im mthal' in -il-be lu -,ounri ai the- cana-I. la not no-w ltoru-ina - epli b rouigh Va-eum-ieaingtis - 100. - the mndum of advrtsementt wha-t ind a-ana- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o bem-yr.aknl a-lrssaineur business eaclIo'u ena-agodi n aznid niau thez-aio, givoa-t lb. xécesen hriat a-ne proeaefor ftua future. démtonsti on iia- Cna-ntasa-Wlu nt The oa ihm. mathoda a! alloua.' an tie entoal-ws niba- oiiresais-Lon-part of publie uîlilty corpora-ioans ha-va uturo îsqite.-ot greal vains ta huma-n beau aba-nioneil. No one la ailvertîelua- ihan~teson Âie' accnut ! ~ toa a reatar estent fiazu the boa-is oet ScI-iiidley H opIenaccoua aofhe tyauport&t-ian campa-nIes a-nilthase,-cor- se blood ,veaissoft-a-n anaeatieti sil ôra-l o bileoenaagdnlb iseia- ia-4usrtsso~eaof ube anilconoy tion êf intellIg-ence by toegraph. tel.- "I nsete tin eanh. ctue,"-dephonoeaenilwiro>eoe. -Tiesaa-ne sensible billto a seFre f lltbesoil asesmores. e- tuaW-h thon glasseluthe bcizmPage Tho public Ia Intelligent euough ta a-p- cal and 'T-nters fixe la-trs crcu-pral-e-bpmbitya-olulb nl. n. The clloîdin- tubes arno porous to Te ruitul ailvortisen succeoils a-l lish llifnasili-aubstanes in. the bîoil, a-nil ime, -a-nilho la desorvîns ofaI albthe un- gÈ piacedi n a-salinea solution ac-sa creaoil patronage ho Is suro ta oreceivo. af fluoër. Àm the boa passea Wien thora lu a- luI! lu business tram a-ny ligixIbIs itho et0o anifeacapli-causa ahrowil men o! affaire a-at busy a-nd le, Il lu, so ta apeai, vashad or filter- ailvents. a-nil a- portion -ofthelix.dffusible sub- ces rama- lnl the sainue. solution lu SUFFIRAGETITS SNTENCED. h ihe abllaillu labos f..On is. a-,s hariliyjuatifieill ocniia tieoexperieuts tiat vo ca-n1 Their Friends Crea-te - Distur- ea-ac müan'a flir.d tfhon badha U e elloidln biilou andbishonily t ae in Court. lto ht treailof a-lI ilties, but - A despa-tch f rom Landon saye: le ihapssiîbiliy ana-gesteil 1>7 Pro-. r AÂbei'saddresss- The immense -value Lord Salseven, whbile imposiug sen- 11ch a muthodin luma-ny i a o e c nteGagwcu nV d 0~a as ta require no -lsne uth lagw mrto Wd .ýuPPssdly Harmite Mdiaino;. nasday of eight mnonths'dmizpniueu- bnumieroîa fatalties amona- chil- nment on two Suff ragettes- for a-t- a-nil- aveu grava-upu. causei hy par- tempited a-non, va-s pyteil with ap- nu lu undue qua-nlîles cf palala-bslas -ndo4 ca-i prsparatius i laaarmlug. Tixe pl an te missiges by Suffra-- si af placlua- suPyloèell harmlsa getteis, w-ho packed the court. The alu. -.basti.y1viino h __-ces -udge wa-s not lit, but oue apple - t ii nla beau troquent7o- lid, Tencutam oethirovmng esain atruck a- juryma.n un the fa-ce. The druemua toyards a-nildooi'wuys 1 -"hte, that hould bc wboiabeil. Legisia-- vomen cried hm "a-nd sa-ug a,propoeed vixicix provides ihat ail the '.'Marseiliîaie" ld -melicines - conla-linng poisonous __a________ te 110 but Up lu batth..a ofdiffareul >OCmteordluary *rlals vereby A Huma-n Ha-bit. i' bi -viuih. iTeeis on: paradoxical thing Ils leader o! a- 'Wha-t ia-that 1', y woý'f l s A un- - W. lon f1Ar g Atrel, aai ur.-ny-ngfor thinga- wlen vo la,» Itenie 1h. catant etai *uan a hrt." I ROk D EXIEDITURE1 case lI the Amount Spent Undce the ColoniZation Roada- Branch rojm LTorontoe-sa-ya:apring, indicatcd an expeadilure cf d-the road-,bulding roughly $175,000L withïtha Govenil- ~~-'oksawa, ofi-meut contributing h-t As a- mat- ationoada~--fe f fa-t,, thé ý-go'inshipa .ha-vaÃ" apontcensiderabIy niore than ha-If oufgri~et ýthe thîS SUn. -T t h yeà,r., - The <*'Acoording te W. BenieL.{ dirc-ý enditure en coloni- ton cf coloniation, the great ha-ndi- 1 roade coustruct- ca-p the fovashipu a-na fa-ced with ià ,erv4ûsion of the de- th0 higil oeuf of mateiial,- gravai, Mh ciilse to $570,- îanderushed atone, and this ha-s g.1boye. hhat- f- la-at givêen',risc (te .-uggetion thal is--the geuns Ithe Governent, ither unepud îo e~4ég . ntly on tbrougb the nair Uighva-ys rhtk bthjeICommiission, -ecpure quarries -and, jés- -lÛi rÃŽ the by. giàavê1 piléte .su-pply Ihe mu-nici-, lie6b -1ava-under' palties-vith pmatenial a-t reasonIe- Y ta-ted n i #êpricm. tter10- e tt b4e, ousoide. 3 American cOoý7; 73 .c0I, 2 at 60 to 62c. outielde. Lt-5 to 53o.- nltodba bran#. $U2 a Wu.ont uto freights. Shorts. $Z4, To- Country Produce. lijoe dairy, 22 to t2k; inferlor. aamery. -'N 'w 29C for roll*, and Sfor eolidâ, w lote of'àenwul>id. 32 t per d zn'f!rehx729 it 3Me. ansu torage 27ë ver dom.n Chbese-N-sZiOeese. 14 1-2e for large, andI 14-3-4 to 15ç fo5r liine. Bea-as-Hani-plciail, $2.251a1 2.51er bushela prIme, 81.75 te $2. Zoney-ECxtracted.-1n tIns, il ta 12e voir lb.,forNo. 1; -comba, $3 ta 83.25 par dosen foi- No. I, sud 82.5ê for No. L . POuItry-F-owt,- 12 to 14c' par lb.; chick- eus. .17 10 19e; .du*kmW. 12-ta 14c- gesse 12 10 -13e-, turkèyî, fréeix N. , 1to 2~ Potatoas-Ontikrio potatoé, o, e r bag, àaudlNew. Brun«w4cks , ve pr ?-.ou- track.- - Provisions. Bacon-Loni ea-r. 16 12--ta 16 34-e pa lb. ýn case lots. ,Park-Shbort, ontý, 28.60; de -' meuss 2.5 ha-ms, mhmi talIht- 2 - -to 21; hea-vy,-19 tôle; rails, 1t - .àà1.- ; breakfast bacon, &[,ta5né;»bcs La-ilerces,. 14c; tubs, 14 1-4é; pages, 14 14ce. - S'a-lsd la-y -a-nd ltraw. BaIed hay=No.. 1 ba-y le quoteil a- $13.50 te $14; oni ra-ci,-Toronto; No. 2p .12.50. te813. .a-nilmia-ad a- »t 855$I 8L- Baleil sira-w-87.50,,ta #8,.ou Ira-ci, To. - Winnipeag Grain. Winnipeg. Out. 21-cah-Wbeat-No. 1I Northeru, 79 1-2c; No:- 2 Nortberu, 77 1-2o; No. 3 Nortberu,. 75 1-2c; No. 4 7ia; No.'1 reJecteil seae,75c; No. 2 raJeeotai seade, 731tc; No.- 1-amntty, 41-2e; N. 2 73e. Oats---No.'2 C.W.. 331t; No- 3 G.W., 3114c; extra No. 1 faad, 3Me; No. i foad. Si 14c; No. - 2 fead. 30 14c. Barlay. No. 4., 43c. Pia--o. 1. N.W.C., j.1; No. 2 C.W,; -11:No. 3 VUW .02. - mentemi, M uksts. - Kontreaà. Oct. 2I.-Oa-F Cna-dian West- eru, No. 2, 41 ta 41 1-2c, Cana-dia-n West- ern. Ne. 3. ;59 1-2 to 40c; extra- No. 1 feed. 40 1-2 ta 40 3-4e. Barley, Ma-n. feail, 60 ta fi;malting, 65 ta 66c. Buckwbeat, No. 2, 65 10 66e. Flour, Ma-n., Sprlug -heat patents, fivste, 85.40; soeconds, 84.90; -trouig baiera'. $4.70; Wluter va- tout. eole, .8; ara-laht rolbée. 84.601 t .7;str lght rolera. ba 2.05 82.10. Roll osîs, barrais, 84.40 to 4.6Ã"; baga, 90 Ibo.. $2.10 ta 82.17 1-2 Bran.,22 Shorts. $24. Midlngs. $27. Mulîe 82M t $32. Ha-y. No. 2. var tan ca-r'lota. $13 ta $14. Obeeasa. flubaI-weterns. 13 1-8 ta 13 14e; fineet ea-terne, 12 1-2 lat 12 34e. ]Butter, oholceesl ereamery, 27 1-2 ta 28; seconds. 27 ta 27 14. Ega-s. freaix. 38 ta 40, saiact-ed. 30 ta 31e.- No. 1 stoock. 27 ta 28c, No. 2 stock, 21 ta 22e. Potatasu, par ba-;, ca-r lais. 70 to 75e. United Status Markets. 82 1-8 o 8a 2 14c; -Ma-y», 87 1-2; No. 1 bard, K4-6-&c No. 1 Norfhern, 82 1.8 to 84 1-&; No. 2, ila., 80 1-8 ta 82 1-k3.; No. 3, wboat, 75 1-8 ta 80 1-Oc. Crn-Na. 3 yeow, '64 1-2 ta 65e. Ots-io. 3 ith, 34 3-4 ta 36c. Pla r-Fialpatente, 84 ta $4.26; do.. aoc- ion& 3.65 ta 84.06; liraI aiea-ns. 8$80 te 83.60;' ..seconda, 82.25 ta $2.65. Bran- Duluthx, Ont. 2.-Wbeat-No. 11 ha-rd, -853-O8c; No. 1 Nonthern, 84 3-8c; No. 2. do., 823.U ta 82 7-8e; Monta-na No. 2 ha-rd. ,si T-Se:Decibar, 82 7-Se bld: Ma-y-87 "- ta 87 3-4 ukoil. Linsesil-81.37; Mu-y. 81.39 3-4; Octaber, $1.35 3-4 -bid; Noveniben, $1.36 bld; Dacember, *1.34 1-4 biil. - Livs Steak Market s. 3(antneai, Oct. 21.-Tixe boul ca-hile feicli- -ed from 6 te 6 1-2., wviib thea commuai breutil 3 to 4 3-4. Bulle a-nil stocker@, 3 12 ta 4 3-4. Cava, 83M ta $70. Caliyen. 3 ta 6-1-2; ahaep, about 4 conte; la-mbe, 6 1-2; haa. 29 1-4. ta 91-2. Tarante, O0ct. 2.-Oattle--Chice axpont. M-96 le 87.50; choies butabons. 86.70 letp ;ý médum,85.6*ta $6.25; cammon, $&W 0to 84.50, cannerea a-ilcuitera, $2M, ta, 83; fai cava, 84.50 ta $5.50; common oava, $3M5 -ta $4, buteixorsbu-lls, . 876 ta-85.70. <aIvs-Ouod lveal -8175- ta 10; camion, 84.76 ta 85..-stocker. a-nil td"eaiesSars, 90, ta 1,050 pou-nde,$6 to $6.2; lIa-hi east- arn, 400 t650 potunils,84W0ta $5.50; lia-ht hila. $3.60-taW$4.Shepadl-m -Iah. oves, 3.50 t *6.25 bosw, 03 letà 6 bucnos03 lb 43.50;- apnina--la.mub, --80t $7.60, Wt I ith 76e uen hea-il.ilOduin for a- l té bnci iaÏkmbe" Ha--9A40--Lai>b. ta dravora--$8980 ta*8.90 ted a-nil atereil; 89.10 ta 89.20 off cars I2LL WIND BROUGHT GOLD. StOrm a-t Nome Dreve Ashore Gold- Beanlng, S8ads.. A despa-feh f rom Nomej Ala-ska-, .a-yu:Miners Who -ha-va .Worked thie beach Sa-nds. bore for' their gold thiuik - it likeiy.tua-t -he 1aSorm tua-t ha-If destroyaejtheci-ty-4 *- a-sborè gold-be-ariitug -snda tua-t. vwiiimor . than pa-yfor the- damagcdonà. or- teca-ch liig at-rin miner" Pan the us-w samd that Ia--beucapst up. The.battop 'Of the Se&,- in front f-- Nome is riàluin gold, lut'no metiue ai vonking it haa- been fou-ni.- A .- clergyman whoîe pat1nloe exceeded ie sPaers of.- aratory va-s sipea-kiug upýon.iii: f-- oiaabet A A-t lieba eit that g'm hngreat v-a-s requi dof-.diim.. Ha vWrr,ý hixuseif t,e l-.climax. "PatretiMsm', ha excla-imed.- '>is-tflue bac-bon, o! thp nts EuÉjire, a-nd - vhat 'me -ha-va te do is te train thaî bachiiena a'riùig-it tàe i f o- n.' Great, Britain. Dr. rac adsil, one of Scot- Iana'sm4osf pom Ment eufraÉ-getted;i. -was ftned £10,1fer refusmng te stamp- servante' inoraüe carde., 8h. paid. the- fine In coppere wéighing -if ty pounds. - United States. Governor William Sulzer was fouud guilty on three of the charges a.ga-1n4hum a-t Albany. General. Huga oil wells, 40-miles from Port cf Spa-nm, Trinida-d,&Are on.,ire.- There jea a'rnmq[rad-plott>a-sa-s-] a-mnate Goeil. eeiùazon 'hug rîivala-t Ha-va-na-4en route--.teMOxico. The diplomatie- representatives of GatBritain, .Fra*ne, - Spain, Cuba, Gua-temiala. and Norway a-t Mêidcc- City .deided thiat their gov-i erunenta- send wa-rships to Mexicoi for the purpose -of -affording ILega- tion4guards protection should con- ditions so require. The dia-moud mercha-uts of Am- sterdamu are in a- panic over the proposed 20 per -cent. import du.ty on dia-monda- in the 'new American tariff. The houait merchant. sa-ffirm that they will 'no longer b. able -to eli ta American -dealers for the reason that unscrupuleua houses vil ofar di-amond: on'the Ameni- ca-n narket which ha-4e been sxnug- gled. BUILT MORT Stomnaoh, Nerves a-ad Thinker IRe- stored by Grape.Nuts Food. -The numbar oa. persona- viose ail- 'inata wero osuch that no ather food could be ratained a-t ail, is large, a-nd reports a-ne on the increase. "For 12 . years I suffared froxu dyapepa-a, fluding ne fodid ths.t did net diatress me," wirites a- Wis. lady. IIWa-a reduced froxu 145 toý 90 Ibis., gna-dua-lly growing veaker nutil r could lea-ve my bcd only a short while a-t a lime, and became unable te spe"k alud. "Three yea.rs a-go I va- attraced -by, uartieleon Gra-pa-Nufs -and deci^ê te try il. "My - toma-ch vas a-o 'iealu Icould net ta-ko creaiu, bu4 I uscd Gra-pe- Nu-tu with milk a-ad- ime wa-tan. If 'helped me froin the finut, building uP My isystem inua a-snuer most a-- tpnia-hiug te the friands wbo- ha-d thought, my ratilvery impossible. "Sea-n Iva-s a-blei te ta-k. Gra-pe- Niits'ad-cram for breakfast a-nd lunch a-t night', with a-n agg a-n.d Grape-Nu-ti for dinuer, "II 'a-m no-w able, te ea-t fruit, mca-t a-nd nearly -ah vegatables for din- non, but fondly, continue Gra-pe- Nu-tu fer brea-kfaàt und auppar. - "At the time cof begiuniug Gr&pe- ýNuts I cou-Id scerceiy - apaak -a- sen- tence without .cha-ugiug vends around ot 'ta-lking crooked' ix'some wa-y, but 1 hae beceme -80 ustrengthened that I no longer hiave that trouble." Neme given, by C9aadia-n PoS-tuxu èrea-l Co., Ltd., "Taes a eaon," a-nd it is cx- plained!-in the- lttb- ao,'The oa-to, WelIlvile, in -pkgs..-- ton ieaa r fni,-qtm -Ts r -Lettia-r D uEay - - 'Bafôre ---engage- in a- buaifia-sa trans3actiono!a-ny -kind I ala-yo ,take M niy.fe tm cniec. "De yeOýnd dlier aviohe1pe To Be Iacreoased broni $85 t. $54 Per Xearè ss A 4epatch 'fromnOttawa sy heP-ostmaster..General, o.L P. Pelletier, withthe- a'proyal of li é' the GOverûent, bae «ded-to iin-' Qau-c Crease th4 o * ýnimum oalaries >.1t, wolald 'rùrar postmnièier1w froxu $35 to,5< tra Co< per year. .The neceseary;legisis- PaflUWfl tiva aetio-n to give effeottGethede- Cno§b cision wl ,t-e ttii. o6ming ,I5hi-i session -of P-arIiaàneit. The in- ou j crease will aâffect several. thouriand Jnel rural postinabtergs in ,- lp&#4tsOf,:of luo Canada. -The, Postoffice surplUSfo vn. the-presenty-car- will e inci more than.,s u&oient tomeýf-the- addi-, ieriitoryý tioal charges.on revenue.- - ih EstAh Âri 01d Folke' Coug-hs Pcrmancnly cuOrecd "tiniel t The Publc Je Loud Un Its-Praidesocf thoirro« Modern Direct BreathlngCure., avaie -Elderly ýpeople- take coll easlly. UTn-ý Judilus Uie yoùng feiU, ýthey recover. slowlyLorrajiüe sy a-ire 'r- -if ever. That -lu why no ~any lpeople, tsee. o z paut mlddle- lie 'di cf - pnoumonIa. -upon, p Even tohpiieumonia- does mot -d e. QusetuM ve~iof)a-nd kill, coughs cartawll t'eak- Port«mo en a-il elderi1y people.,au oî Cough .Syrups ue1do= do much gôod ship.>aDo beca-na. 'tley upiet -digestlin. Any -tan -her- druggist o ir- dootor knows that a. much> longer tb caise cil ýmore effÏctivé treatmneît l C-e4d» TARRLHOZO$E," -which )belu and her tuxýbi soothèe fU I rritated surfâceu o!t th r throat. kDrea-dacs In uslng Cgtarrhôtone yudo :Rot order' d ta-ko zuedicine Into thie stOmach-__you of! twelve simP1y breathe, Into th thront. nose o! ibis c and~~ agrlhPlnUeY balsa-mie va-por,dtha, sot fi fhealing pdWer.t tacods, our -Orlo catarrh and bronchitis- disappear a.' knoked. mont Inuta-ntly. Ib> : ý ý < cee orn "At-sixty-etght'year e- -g Ic tnhle Lorr tettify that I a-m neyer tnld with. Bnitish ýAt coughs orcoldo," writes 3.,E. P --d, Value of 0 of Kingston. '-They 1se t &b t- udof 1 baln,:of my !Ife, anif, that wau -.before ii I used Catarrhozone,: ,which waa ýre- . aê commended _to me by .0. L. Proue, or ie druggist. To use'Catarrhozone lle bt -don on àT like belng In an Immense pin. woods.>a- large r~ The ba-liamle vapor of Catarrhozone ge hir Iu like a tonte, It Ia so utimulatlng te. atives. IlT the breathing organs, go soothing to edb-t sore spots, 80 full Of power to, drive - . raài nin out colde and congestion. J wIll a1 bas beau ways use and * recommend Catarrh- many. Tb ozone a-s a preventive and cure for havepep cougis, colds, bronchitis, throat tirrta. tio! ar t tion and ca-ta-rrh. alsoob4 (SIgned) 1"J., E. PILQRIM." Âmong th À Catarrhozone Inhaler. lu your poe- Pimi, ie cannon l et or purs eanables you to stop a cold (Qunma-d with fie:firut sneeze.' Large uize Costs Transport $1.00 and supplies trea-tment for two (Shi13elnu monthsa: emaill size, 6Oc.; trial i a-o h. i"d Mton autbi 25c.; ail storekeepers a-ad drugglets, or couuiy coi The Catarriozone Co., Buffalo, N.Y, -mayro! and Kingston, Canada. BIG HERD 0F WOOD BUFFALO. Resemble Prairie Bisacu, But Are Mucm Wiler. "There are fully 5Wo heed ôf -wood buffalo veet -&a-d nontýflu cf rt., Smnith, on the Peace anud Great Slave Rivera, in lbe extrema niortu- eut-era part cof Alberta, a- theb,6Oth panailel af ia-titude," sa-id A."-J. Bell, who has charge o! the. Nonfli-.1 arn Indiîan a.gencies, - on ýreturninlt te EdIMoulntOf r-cM lb.e ilentý North, where ho is guardin o! Indiaiinu O! the Ycllov Knifea, Deg Rib, Cii- pawyan a-ad Ca-niboéEa-ters tnibes. "Soea time a-goIma-de- aprol- posaI -t the Dominion Gqvernntent, that, the, -buffa-la un- t-ha Fort 'Situ district be c-onflned. by a fenoa lu'ï the peuinsufa- et*ieen the'Pea-ce anud the Great Slave Rivera,"1 Mr. Bell sa-id. "This vouid-ford bet- tan -protection ta the *animale.. T4e fence,, 125 miles, in_,Jeugth1,woud "The bufalci în thé_ ,orthern d is- trict -have every 1ma ,rk o! resem- blanc, tetbiM-ou of the plains, -bu-t cou-stant. living in the. heavy r tilli bored>,confry has-ma-de-tfhenu nîich -wilder, - -han-nthe jýrairie bu-fa-b.- 1 They'aee almost unapproacuabl,. - As the eaial aa-Protectd, i there should b. a. rpid inca-e'se- ii their autmbers.'?- a-bu-i-. wrtisf, -a- lix.- Qusan'i a-ni dalih bar, as-s 'L Parie. TbF Briithpa a-ternaaiiý yýou r boa .1 of'-tr-'-*1 à oior hL'f RiAIWS NIEW BAiT-TLESilI."Il» 01, lnstead' of Ceai Being Used «-asMotISve Powe.i en the." Qûeèn Elizabeth" 4Pn, lATPi -of -thet an of the. & It ü l'actia-U .aiqe ùo!8 tram -thbe case o! vbihci va. la-unèh )Onilyie - , ,t ouai; Dot put: seOhu-i a1 sil as -our- AdIsin àt.ou Octoben 14, run-laput it lu t ât. -Andl oh, -aili h. l-boul passible sp ýan a coa-1-inng 1 f uel vIL bia exclue caipes&tloui. ed- t $103,458ýý ('1 in farmherai, 191 la-borej a- età. ics, 56 clezical - wl ayI t6là'iiwoe a-nd children 1a-g. I dô oln Ia amount 'ber 893 were Ai «. but cor -n-insrtnn na-ny, >ýva a-a-me .week 'Oanada ýt4athe o aau O persona-c - siu =~Oum. who left te reside - ipd. ,-, States, Only, 220o.f, >- battlesBlDP mers., lu the weak a-t et.- Na- ,al authoni-, Were entered UPclni t.l value aàof hich 130 , ;do. The aa-1c efloatail a-tAuncns - Li ou-iranaa sa Braînnauu ssu. Beu'4 ranow .l-ailvaneeil rourth National <Jaufonence 01onÏ lina- vixie le e -6be hall -lunLan- na-f-laar ay.Octeler 21, , a-nil un eban a!publia bouies luna-il tie coumrtnyh-v aledynoli-, IiutantIou o! gaudin - ýreeant- uo ,report vie is e be prent- Le National Oomnmitte'.on Ses arili deai 1I nienstanil, amo na- 1nas-, vil ~the pragrese vicl madoelun*a lraIiug -lu ler- La chairninan-d lion. oecreta"> a-reil a-joint report on Iha sub-i , l.ebue of elemeuta-rY' educa- 2isedsoed by -theconfèrnue. aie -Wixa viia-blnd ane Lord )d Cbsylea Bae-tord, Mr.Coan- ffbfte Star Llhc), Mn.' Roydený une). Mn. Toi+eY , (Atla-nic îCompany. IMn.«,-Oubhbeïi'l-.La-vs Pederatoni, rsnt#tlvosb! aci Education 'a-nil many ailuca- anlities, cliImon .of va-nions uaiela, a-ail ala-ia-anumber of fo boa has cama t6Laâon. Bt 1 lie diiappointedi fîtey gota- 's.:Thoatra oxpeutýmna-th<bIliai- t ot .isin-trmyouir'flst upý li fixe, tana-o-'itb-your ýneab .0e i!way 1lein- No-w Y'oni a-ni [sla la- a-Ã" bos a a-elali aiuWs but, a -pleauant-,enough .drink. ,ailthiasaine. Yon taM 44ik4- fOmonof a-nil k em.na-tY-t- itatîhe b - -oen~. L ice-ulad-Pue se vl-wtaitth 'edoperaibi- a-nil' butteranil 6apo:tè-latead mmes; - h-ciaf -e.up,r. auEorchestra em4wereil -iu layin sve thie tan"u, 1 cusp U anisonhét-aadan- on. 4 lho 1111.baudtrie in 1W ta r e l -th e f ior e rh y th m si ThoflratOouléios btan- tweu,.y ins,n1. avesyn n- ruui 'wthKlidney anad BIa-dier Diseàse, a-ad have - beoir - treateil by many -doctors- but found litti. relief. - I -iail glven - p a-Il hope of >gaîtIn- cured wian 1I tried- -GIN PILLS. Nd, I can say 'wlti a ha-ppy heait, ta?I,am curcil a-fier using only four -boxes aif-GIN SO.a.box, 6 for $2.'50. Sample free if yau -write National Drug a-nil Cheu- lcal Ca. ai Canada, LIiifei, Toronto. -61FTS REACH MILLIONS.- Henry C., Fnici Liberal t. RHis Son - 4Jd Da-ughtecr-in-Law. Adaapa-tch f romn Baltimore Say&:.- Deugpit. Lie e eforts, of <the family - té keep-it quiet, it-leaked eut on Wed-, nee-éday, tue. information -coming frox a oi-ab' source, that Henry C. Ynrick.- as setLed' upon bis son 812,000,<10 as a wedding praseut,- while the bride, - vil-o was Miss Frances, S. Dix-an cf -tus city, ne-ý ceived & chaque Ion 82,000,000 a-s a- present frnm.he nïewfate-nl.- ThMe bridegn'room received hiée satte--,: ment soea tinebefore, he - vail-- din. ae- rai- -ihtý lod ýLIQITID SULPHUII for tha-t rea- Éon d-oas .wha-t nature ta mot aIways able, to-d -Purify-the Bieod.' Be- cause LEQUID SUL'Pfl[UR prfe ,the -blood it à ~- a positiý7e cure for, EOZEMA, ,-BHEUMAT ISM, orn troubleS arising-from,impure b-bcd.- Ask YoýUi, druggist for LIQUID -- SULPH-UR. - - - inüg cf a-ulhabig batfary would iinm the - Queen placement, but Ibis bas beauobvi- ~1ated by the ufilization c -f OiL fuel a-n imrnu for- the engineesin place of coa-h' 011 - insea-d -o! The substitution of, cil tanks- for. Upee, as coal bunkers mea- great. ecouomy tlNvyDok-in .veight and ispa-o., aad i Li a-y for the Bri- vayita-benpsbe-e nrs. .-vessel, 'houe the, o8ansive a-n4l defensive arwa t,>9ie 21192,' ment a-nd u't the ta=-etîme keep tho-r àtype ta-adlbe ana-d dia-placoement o f the va-r- ruciônhae sip-Wiudi limita. Siieuld thz,. :ti-generallyloilfugin the case ofthe:Quee.- I ten. 15-iindu v.a-r8hip e!ofthe -British navy vilI iný mai ba-niettas, future use if. The.na-w vassel vaà armanl' of nat quit. ae year -on- the,,building la- se o,. 'meaya. - Han ia-unchiug wýeiglutae !>ative' armor, a-bout 10,000 tons-a-nd sua va-s the over the -arma- heavii-- vessai aven * sent.- afiea-t. '-r.U"'4-t fi-nu, 9'hiuildinoe aliý la a-ny o! the ,ès thé ary-British naval, dockya-rds. cylindera the lrut began a-t ployer, seriez oi thiediffieu much for these dis hold on a lie-ved -th BUEwfiient4 owas r <gine, a ci five ues experimen Sieultil and thex whiclf-the the. car freight,b soon raihr the ~prin, w-Orld. changes evolution speed a3 iby Raiek beea h thick, t.heI A woma whicli peoa 8ta11ces are ize that -thz Ionship wit of a home, y0ung womf own best i F auch servi homesoft, shnmd to the comi Itîs true vice ci thi lulnesg, î.bi speawk .cnfL cnly reëon workers in mestic se-ç -tion. They der their oQ want theïr * medium foi -4fldî théb&i Ne HWeiit ougit totW not round,.M - much digniti trieil tbati breathe ,8he'd'eyvýi the Nioa cont - 1 trad< that a-not booi miii a-at LJIIII=É-% É%lr 0%&Igràk rmà%l

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