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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 13 Nov 1913, p. 1

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MEIAL UP.W. ilson -Porte.' OHIROPIAOTOR TbU - suwo M blasas.R.uovod 'byth 01 sm.t fthe Bpino. Oossiltetion Iree..'w lmSimet. *8. Oshawa. 11li. L FAREWELL,'ILC.- »arr$texr, County Crown, Attorneyand- Couaty Solicitor Office South uwing Court HRouse,-Whitby. - Y Ogicem, Brack St, Opp. Standarýd.;Bak. Money te Loan. Moncy to Luns on easy. terns. Offce 1mmaediately soutJW Royal Hoteli, 1Whftby; Ont. O,.'VOUNË SMITH, LL.B. * Isuer of -MARRIAG~E LICENSES a1nst, . BoaiMsooNO. d,. lb.e r.o, DyonA ,Whitby. rlboiâe Kq. WM *JAS..BSO dates, spple o le )for .BlbWi- LiCHNS FD;-AUCTrioNRERs *~ ID VALUATOR. &U1 kindsof »ales promplly s1l.uded tb. i rrmugomOntuoab md o Bil and 1idmpedisl 'p*onos. WIIBONT. 'OONTRÂOTORS J. OWILLJAMES Carpenter, Bâider and Contracter. lasdan and estbnatsfurnshed. Repairs; Alterationas and Jobbiug. Abgnt for 1Briatterd Roofimis B« 467 WItITÉSY Ph«oo 149 * muer of Karrlage Ltensem No wtne.em rqnlme'r drugstore. Whitbv MONUMENTS, of l D.iiU ad XêI UOPt ln stock lt inM you to un1«sieur we sud inspeét for youruOU. Doni h -mals b agoate, wm do met .znpley themi, oonso»qu=4 wl7 v m «I - d sow Ibam geu'us-,OiEim,, .@Morcet., wmhh >ou wyul ortaligr us' y purhaibii tomU. & Coli Solicitod. Ofiemd Works wr--tbeU-tflS 50004od "Mift1l u ld recemmends wod-'i flog - Te1théwlance at a, squirrelthree or. feur v. b Caeaasauitfor damage i11i1t- b. placed in the iiai 4doi or, gnUS -~t f-calCt To'--"î-- an C atss bt adt net beezi con- hegelm ie thelnlgup rnouI à7YI5 n- fQuestionedagai byMrDea, civded. It ended with the -jury stairs. Vo would aise recommend IThat 11 8thé ew4;& le~ 1 abe'dlîdwa ohd~ e dàeoidlg for th. plalatifi, awarding that the holes:in Ithe e ement -fotrs In 113, i1» 1he 1 ~ J>elg do1 n - t Ce on - ue ha ho w t hlm $200 damages. -, Martin and tebsmn .md ilt idWIwuY-I~ ~~8t5 7fdw eDi.o ue7) ihoh CIoatea had an altercation in a Port -sixMals prisonrshene galy a8cesrtain r>~~pryo -r prsud t e t uit Porry hotel 'Iast January. hà gael. - I11'ù H 1-' C oý- thereby- wenk1. enud nwhc [a:b' ili * .hvo l sited the Rouie , then and t e.Fer llve hotro oi Friday afterno<m shoulder was dilocated, allé, sà :efugxtannflnoefo42hig',e4nmd-ttose lnteroslhd ln the-case -waited titat -timelie lias boé n aaizz à8881I atlsfaëtory, and tlitates wel5 icchbhp --# . ,o is-ordinary work. Dr. Côàtes lookej fe n rvdd o. GnbO f-T WA-iifbtmpatlontly wlille lh, jurjwanle protested * bis innocence ,,of havilng als<> doté wiîh p1easurethe improv e o Juti fi ' - ya ur *ndargsd t na .40pIthe'reacl ahed aisaid Injury, -but, thejury metiwhich, are being mae hb o clock Th a~terîloon. Te 1an agreemen$. rl1.êli uge vlewd tio atie li a iffreut liglt. -wilI tend te.Iicroase thiecornfotts O CrowR1desired' té,-delay ullD.1ecuo i hre u ihu .-hriVe i.v oot at h. tomaltes. . Rogers, tbe Pro > 4al*Aal ,cud at gfor dinne'the jurers ,filed lu- erna lalway was a -suit, breuoght byf 4 -w.ha e cté laite Ç(urt b. e Sure as.. a e-t l.,jryron. sth atrn Tl-*B. Motherilil, a tarmner ort-East -Hous, a4d-are -plsased 'wlth the fneamte bs>iecl rder ct bO, iOPO iet au naim anved Whlitby, lagain at lth-,'radial railway da alny cniin~f1.te >gelon wlth -11 cae.' Tisi.waàsIlbi~gvnwa bnoo, n ComPaIiY for darnaand -curredrtocbuilin 'of- - - t e - 4 it was met- mitil 5.40 lit h- jry by ,iis érosuing bis farmr , Thle cûli.- Yu G~Jr cnie aePLDceid* 0sagali appeared. - pany contende d Ilat under the RaîP À pay of! Crôi Witnesses and o!'l'.Ur- -in' a flask, .xbibited' ahd tRial t ibad f "ba l your vrit> se h 1way, Act, te case- sIouId nover, have ors lnàuftlcient, and ws weuld recoIn-;aie been'used -"W. have not ea able le agre. corne te court, but was la mattei fer* A.He reswcthao%,ôthe samew 'leb.ael-ecreaén.ede teegre - arbiralon. Mr.Mohersill, how-*a os 4.0prdy.-* - Cusel, was leading.lbe.case fo.r laie youi: 1Lordship,l repliéd- the foreau. over - ued fer 'damages, and t1e6.é Icosngou pesnîen prosecution, viit' Cpi. JE arwi4"la Ihore.nohope oe, an agree-. trouWo 'was- forced' itlecourt. e e a nweg Re sî jnefCOulty Crown Altbrny; j ..DoW- -ment 7" - TIiswa ann-ur cs,-ndHi and cut .ot edt s yteart,. K. Cfor -lbe defence. f Noné. whatever." Lorshl, CiotJutic Brtto, a- Cout -Crown Àttorney,. CeL.J. B. [ Voryimportant eévidenoe- was givén ITwo jurera, ilaisunderstodâ,'leld 'ter ,hearing a;largo volm f oi ar,î a i ater uM le yanegle*nabid-,Black, an, -out for convýiction agàainstton -for dence pro and con, reervod udçpent 1O h.-Hl o aqitl. ugBitntOëoe ustil lie could give 'iItleÇ~tl"'ôa1er ou.- - fpoe 0 h apstafdd~C.ai tta. jug rilo, hre telie acs roglt - Ail otwhlch la reapecttully submit- HYislld1a o ~e8b aI istsdleuy alion-~~~ ~ --e. - os the Prl A 41.&pa -Gmbie's ceunsel - basarranged for ThIëlast,- cMs, Corniali v. Wkely,D -i -wt- vai à bttlbi idkby rs Coulli GrudJur Roni No. , ~ lýxie in owi oe..i,k tit sucli time as -he case shal wu; fiéitio -m'dèýby M CI-McCaig. lIne w-a WKplY"- *uspici.iiis -again ber oalfrd, --which.at.arliest, te, have a sum et $1,000 >lotIt tq Mrs.-! W. il. H. RHARDSO), -ta h atr'mgtW.nmshe.wl o i si next àpring., In-the Wakely, who lias the guardianshdp of. Fereman. - - ~but sw ohn t ruebi eniei os-nt Boom, ikoty - nt) eatepclally 'LaGanihie. Ho aaW that -any. new- fa<çts-ca bhébrouglt IL! ~ ~~~ him sti~o7 ote eemvu e bear upon Selher aide. - LAYMEN, TH I 'K wNU-hittiad hn toassBomle obWce- which ne- supppsed dresbing the,,'M r ria orninlr., T? LI J b O i YlSS ON S.te b'e a flashover bis ahôuldev,, te- 'aa ýtho unintenitional 'cause etafud ý-T A 1z 1B O T M I SI N S w-rdsa e~a te .Gafble threw don sud* violent outhurat on thoear atones aller It. Ho did olup o'f Mrs. Gambie. Aen Ilspiring and Profitable Conference.ml-fevit Jnteat iays 1h .a- 'Cu amosalr obivd age- was discôeverednlédasaer asked Mr. Creswicko. "If bo is gùilty Mr. Dewart's crosa-examination did fwOùld ho net deny the crime ln ordor The weathee, conditions were att proper, préparation of *ie c»otmittes oc nt shako Blacka story tantthe lesat. te save bis skin, if I may use Ihat againsl s, largé atténdance aI th. and et the - congre gation. Sevoral Ho posiltively-'àsiried that ho saw phrase V'- Laymeu'slsionary Conforonce beld weeks wero occupled'linbtis- way, and Gamble perforni theso actions which 'h et11hm aklk ht in town on Meôndày, but notwilh- when all was ready, the, canvassers, taler aroused Risa suspicion.,- ion't let hi tatk like that,"1 ex- standing Ibis, tRie meetings were' a « wore sent forth twe by twe as wero Garnble's pastor, 1 ev. M. J. Kie- claimed Mrs. 'Gambie, repeati ovor-. sp lendid sucosi.. About sixty men the oarly disciplos.'- ber, gave evldeiice as le Ihe prison- sud over the "same wcrds, ber*-voice registored duriaÃŽ Ihe mornlng and af- "Missienary Literature for Mon," er'as sxrling character. lý%-.bas beon riaing l inflection untitil - 'becamo a tern6on, and aI t %e eveaing meeting' was lisudted by Rev. J.K. 'Beaton, ot a member et St. Paul's" uheansreaL. Friends triod te soothe liv; ever 100- were present. The subjects tbe Litorature Departuient Of Ihe cliurcli for six -years. Mr.- Dowa t sud lier pastor attempt-- discued wereetfliv. Import, aud Laymon's Movomont cet1h. Methodist Mrs. Gambieand Lwo young child- éd 1e reason; but still the fioed ef were ably sud literestingly handted. Cliurcb; ' ren were prerýent in the Court. room. tears and - he lysterical wait keptý The generat theme o! lbe Conter- 11ev. E. A. Mclntyro, et Toronto, ence.-was 'The.Probleni o! Missions at on. lime incunfibent of St. "John's -o ril-t tede.rasbuassin," on tel in lai lbe that."o ta tRie lite etftRiérLocal Congrega- cliurcb, Port iVbitby, bld -o! the euc- pniuceIaneoin esin he es asio pone10Riesete iei lion." This Ibeme wuasdivided 11<> euse et the every-momber canvase m ti inse woel a sen aaitecebd e b reoedif eiglt sdtioiseachthosubedt ! a biscenregtion Th resit asGamble silling on what looked like à order te have Mrs< abe eoe addre seos , wth ujeto a i onrgttl auccessfl, su a -ndcoilt etrope snp iug bis bands in a freni the reoni. Even ýhen outalde- addev. Gerg YueetOsbwa blcaa s ! tessco n atinlsond.mysterieus mannes aüd thon lossing sho conlluued her cries, sud the court gante dicusion t tRe 1 eme -te be niade. The contribulions 'te ailve issoulder - something whicb -was dslr e moe ta ufoncentil gaith icuso o hetee ihthey deenied. -te Rie a flask, as it she could hotknleasficotds sadrsuo Mscn uleLiepurposes had been doubled or trebledtac.Aersm i apycan at lite Ciuch." Missicn n- we- Lhfe by thie systeniaîic- niothed\of giving ighatened in fhe sunlight. 'Other it- lnc.9llr o e im a p h lio! e curcb Tissoes ear -he aoteC1f.MBnyr atd esstsified Ihàt Gabl hd en- succeeded in quieting Renoinnîh sont oothi c ohmur e l.e van- nur isu usinsnbc o hefi deavored te induce 'tlem ,b i oin the a narcelie. She rosled f aiywell setfrhisbs e etee an wre.union sud go out ou strike with îhe&- in the atternoon, sud had recovered . o-a n01tewrd ror asee.rosI o! the mon lust June.j by'evem.ing from ber- bysterua. gelzaton t l. wrld Frurthigi Rev. R. M. Hamilton, GemeraI Sec- G î 1 f.CewceplldoItilte wee eqird e ak aebrc T artai-y Laymens Ml11gonary M-- c ~ ano <e ase dopended Iargely upon- wbich e! monsfu monysud Pntycheetal yrment Preubyter.nurch lai In ada tRie stand. -netoldof Raving vs the ninse 'Sleb eivd I Reoely dPetcot Bapisi dlstussed Hn thcnut-- ae, Dixto camp aIt, ies on Union tewtesswst eblee, I et te- Oy-Sprit. d - Every MemborC nvaa"d eu sinss. itt ele- s for you,"-ho saîd le the jury,,"le Mr-. W.- C. Senior, et Toi-entoe, b uigbotie'b rniti eirconference baternm-1h. men. and thedeiew lerouwlblev-it Secretary of tRie Laymens Movemneance." àI - J czy- for tRie.-adjualmeut o ae.oiec !Ir.-daueetdw la lb. Banptial Ckurchàl spoie On thb-. TRie evenlu eig -vas precodeil -He -admltted b.héin nose çaIat !%hom8nwlo;ba of a ssicnary At- a aqe ewlR vr10 -tRie dïylu questiion. -e- i redmatsa "Dv1p~tby a-iqe 1Ã"e l4 .1 - Jutice - Britton ase mpsz4 niothreinthéCbrc" e il sat dewn. -The' tables n'ere apreailu " 'n dnnfoa oet aesm u, butý aise ,caled atten- almosphere. .To :dovelop au- almn 'theTabernaeIê chel-roni and n'i-o Agineoeurt tRal day, ,nd Rbai neo a- lýion le Mr-. Dewartlasmainargum ent, phr frmalsalb. Rieý= mep la soi-yod very ascppably by. Mr. Chias. - tenlion aI Il-at o ofOinglto th. - mIbat t *as nino days a 1rGambie le have a musical Is e~mnt, b __- -e- - - hrid gs, but gel a,,',chanceOon a workna IDx.cm ooeti rm play il eBnt al bu musé, Mr-.F. L. Fonke, ex-M.P., oocnpled train, sud -wentbwdèn i~n - cerpany n'as dlscpvered, asu inlervat e! suffi- le cultivaIse nes musical abilies. the chaer, sud -made au elotjuent itit RUey, a, it-o. erMsu" ' negt t lo'e!-h osbl So-te cultIvate8antionsry aImes.- chalrrmms'address. Mr-. Dewartý-"P)îè: you, 500 a (-)il -C-t y <f M84aY 0other people ý.cong -ad phoere la te talk about Missions, t0 -TRie speakers etft4&e eveniug vore rope--Imere or s~ eaOu one -?" going, linta'ltope injurlng *lng about missions, le have mission-.iMr,-.JUDIOS- yrle, et Ryie Brothers, #II ded net see "à. oeil -oc! i-ps. -I l. ai-y charte !or the eyes te ses,,and jevelers, Toi-ent, and Rev. Dr.. lblnk I _ual othe ponnd, buit aMa Gml iiofna b nyli te pray -about misslens-in short, te EzidicttI Methodisî 11'relgn -Mission- net sure *enough tle'-lake My calli portant wnitness 1on friday. Ho ad-- make thie atmosphero or liteetftRite; are Secretary.. that 1 did net, ait on a: parcol cf roes mllledbeing at :Dixie. camp sovorat congregaliou,,electiï-lcwllh mlsslonary Mi.-.Ryrle dscussod persoiral'i-e- or aenietbiig ir times, aiways on Union business. 1 Ihought, feeling imd -desire.--- sponsîblity as le the expendlure et -'-Did yod pursuphri acid on I'as aIDfuie on Ju.ne, 131h," ho At 12.30 tRio morning essnii iio urmeney, -sud adea -i..gpla n r >ooriu.v able-lu. our s2d,1"itl ny -'ot-o-be-ue al interest. - - T- At thie alerneon session, Mr-. S. Jeffroy, e! Port Perry, teck tRio, chair sud -very efficienlly preslded'over theoý pi-egrani. No les, titan six address- ed n'oro delivered durng 1h.- osaf'on, al eaboràlinglaie general.tems. Iii tRie übsemiceofet Mi.Thos.Ke:o'ugh,,o! -Torcutô,' i. é Senior, leok, up -bhie su ,j n'blch n'as "The IMlsslenary Committes, ls,,Organizatlbn, Freqar- stiop ndu uties." -Muh-depeniI upon getting -the peper porions upon ,the cermtit-t evavass tRi s c- reaton , ol mui more upen 111.1 anesuss-1i nLtuane dâ ihdullder atoi-, anow -*ban t ' as. -Nover 'board 01 ll,-tu-my M lt li bistrouhfe dioso." -The -aceuâed mnan adiited- having tirowu atones ovoer Itol a fild,_ but dlainiel IAt ns te ýfigiten asquircil nette t11Ir flsh - -Thé dùnation of tÉe seaspin for each kind of fruit is short. Canng st mnethod adopted-to perpetiate deliclous fruits truhu h er h hr ries and berrdes are past, but -Peaches, Plumns'and F>mw e adthe atten.- tien of. èze- gooýd house-wife,. We have provided abundance of th . miproved Jarn for Canning Uic, fruit: and- we a.re- no ff oifring the choicest-varietjes of Peaches, -Plumns and Pears at very 'close prices. Call and inspect the fruit and leave your orders for y"our.entire wints. Pir Jkling. Also, wespl.Gelis Wîe1 ing OonPppers, Spices and the higheast graeo i rIegar.ý W.BPRI1NGLE-ÇO0 Fiee WhulefTeyLt Three\ýAlutinum JelIy Moulds, Individual SiZ given àway 1 free- with three.'packages of Shirriffs' Jelly Powder. There.is -nothing so dainty and easy- to"serve for dessert, *as Shirriff's Jelly Powdêr. Yo'U get- the thie -fruit flavors and it is no more expensive than the ordinary kinds. prie 0 entspr 3 for 25 cents- With 3 Aluminum Price c ent lJiy Moulds FREE. A. Tm..-LAVWLER WH IIT13Y -ONT* - /- Phiones; Belle. No'. 47; >Jidepenideztf, ýNo. 47 JIRITER OEOL---I---R---T- p - PAPrER, PEN'AND INK BOUGI-TA wuJI re T ELEGRAP14Y arai-ait dutiae f aation Agamm lull umi aet honto by momi Of erNew M m tdyComui!o. W. -Ilts ym ta'wrlte orfat pwmlhi ud gamplo luons. It wml ipa Yeyu wstl taelovathosin asWrte Shauls ToiogMph a i RlmlmO i 11, Veng 1,oi'otr o. W. I. 8h'; Pme.

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