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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 13 Nov 1913, p. 4

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POSSble. - r9ii raung 4ansc~alp iroïn rsvh!nggr 1 inoney re!unded.- Dr. EvansLocatesin WXhiîby -To'put' Iifé .snê beauty,,-into 4, dry or 'fýàed--hairand- makeAt sot -aiud fluffy 'surely us e Paxisian Sage- Anothér evidence of thé' growth. of it: 'j e n f îthée quickest gçting ibair Whtbyý is the location here of Dr, Austin Evmns, who has takea the resîdenceonciDiudas St. hext .est of Prin'gfe'shardwareý storc, reýentIy oc' DR. AND MRS.->,PÀTTERSON cuied lb' Dr. liascoin. "l'o, reportr .CL$RT G DE for thîs paper, *rhohad the eleasur - WEDDING, tbeé other- day of calling on our new .Tuesday, October 21, 1'l3, was a cititen, Dr. Evans told Inférestingly. mémorab le day in the Iiý'és of Dr. of bis College vareer and'ex±endeê ex- and Mrs. Bradford Pattér.on, of Bar- perience luin he hospitals,,o! *Europe, ri, who, on that day, at thir bomne audr o! hls travels la ,dIffrentý parts on:Dunflop St., rélebrated the ft14t of the world. Several- admirable ex- auiversary o! their wedding- day'. amples o!fIEastern ýart 'are amongstt 'Nie ovént is unique insaine respects- the doctoro,,plilcetion of curios, for the worthy doctor' is one o!f the gathéred .whlle living ix, f oreiga oýldést zmen living la- ýBarrie. ' to-day,, lands. AMter gcaduatlug: froin thé havtng passeil bis nInety-sécond mile- médical faculty, ô! thé University of sto4é on J une tûth.. last, and ià -yét Toronto, Dr. 'Evans 'was - ngagéd -lIntanth'lull possession "or'ail bis -f seul-' practice f os t*o- years. Desirous of tiés, a!ter--a -mot active profession-ý having pérsonal érpérlence, with those al- career ,A number o! !rlends as- diseases séén only in tropical coisa- sembled to.ldo., honor to thé venér- ,tries, ýhe wét abroad, visitiug nmany able coupl, and a pléssant socialý placés lu Africa, 'Asie and South evening vays -spént. Amèes, acqiuainting himsesf with thé Dr. Pattérson was' nirr1e~d at Whit- 'bopptal aild- sanitaity measurés -lu by, oÎ Octobér., 21st, 1863, bis vile vogw~, '-te. ýombat thosé widéspread bolng Mis s Francis flryan, o!' Whitby. and- fattali1diseasetha- havé madé' Thé groommaii vas Mr. John IFlet. troplos practically unlnhabitable" for Cher., lawyer, ouil, andi thé 4h. wits uan.Later, Dr.- Evans idésmatd vas Miss Fethergili, o! spéefi several-montha lu the-hospitals Whtby. At that timé lho vas prao- 1o!f Pin, devotin& speejal ëtudy te tising lu Bownaavl,-whérE h r e- ~tho",o disésesés éul*r_'to vomén.' maluéd for twéaty.,es., From theré Dubla s 1iexf-Ylié1.4gd, whére the ho vent to, Markham, and after prac- doctor hid the app ciitisent of 1In- tislng there foï four, years, vent te tere l - hé ope eLlg-ln Mos- Barrie, but belag unable - to' lnd a pitaL.'- In addition a , oùrse of, gener- bouse iýth.t ltd-hlm, hé doçideti to mi m ne -and suargery waï taken go to Collngwood, wbere ho remalu- up, irecelvfng 'trois the. Royaýl Collège ed 1e7fr jour years. Oomlug back' o! Physiolana ,iad $,urg"sn the d-l' barrie lu 1888,- Dr, and Mns. Patter- plonia of Lienutiate ln Modicine and -son, settiédti Ibre, and ince have, Kig s nSre. i"'8 $ow Serge And it isyabsoiuteiy the finest Serke- Suit for$20 1 I made. the wprid. Onfly one miii in Engiand' can -produce this quaIity of irge at the price, and another pituonh oomarke WUI' PU£ Itl9 10 li. ltRlves a man ËIC we do these -Semi-r7àdy $26 SUi 'KV 'Whi*hsv D.SIMP8aON &00. - lu aged. ecord, 'andshov being most effic "'i - - WHIT on7 Wednes- teMr. and daughtér. Mis.1 atch, WhItby.. )y, on Thurs- 3, RvG.Wl. MEETING OF CHOLARS 0r THE METHODIST S. SCHOOL. The acshelans andti tichéns sud. o! ficers of -.the" Methotiuit Tabernacle Sùnda-y holaenqéettom t ku'thé acheol' room -oD, lVrldaï veniug .ýat' 7.30 Sh arp e tert pkactico lon' thé -Chïls*àsa1 eàtetnmot.It leoecèsary t h teveryitehr su scholar hé '.préenit If 'tfie sutértala- mnà it6lu e b.made àa-sucee'sa. LOdAL OPTION VOTE.IN JAN- VARY. 'À!tex two spécial meetings- spent ln iuvéstltgating -thé 448 names upoiâ the pettîo i fer aforai o0tioh- law-, thé Coobburg Tovma CouncI bau decideti that it ,centaine 1,More ha thé req'uli'te" number of nanxes, sud a by-la*ýw1Wl ocnlnl 9hùuMnitted, te thé elèctors lu Jauary. BMASKETBÀLL.' On Fnidiy alitehnoa làst' thé girlo e! thé fligh'Schooi played a game-of basketlall ,with thé Ontario. Ladies' Oollege:team. Thé gaine tiiek plaoe ln thé Hlgh School gymnaslum, suid 'renulted lu a win for-'the," Celiée ells,, vho doubledthetu score oni t)wlr opponeita' Iu the matter of the est"teo!ýBe-, bana, Irvlug, lt.e 0" thé tovu ,,of Whttby, deçuased. NoUés lin' éreby giv in hat aul Der- sons hsvilij n uy élaipa sor demande against the lite BhrbiaaIrving,' vho did onor about the -18th day of July, A.D., -1918, a 'W-hltby,. lu 'thé Province-of!-Ontario, amerqurt to sent 'by po8t, prejiald,, or to deliver to the underslgned, ioitoii 'harets for- James Uus.éll Lovtt, Strr sud Elizabeth 1enor Stanr,, z tr anl 'trustees undr -the vii o! thé' &Wd Bakbara Irving, uhdr namesandl addresémsandsud U i partliuiars lin writing'c>1 their cla nîd -atate- mettéo! théii accounts anti 11u n- tixre -of!-theé soecity4If suy, beld by' And tae notice that -ethOt day o! ýNevembîer AD.193,the nId Jame s RusieU, Lov"ft Starr .- andi Elizabeth à ao"Sanwl rc< ONTARIO It igrýeaIly OWe ourselft ns between jýIx magsday, and 1the beLtêr.ý Yi and its beauti ahe Oàsat So câme earl3 and eomplêt hesita.tç but- il6OR ST9 -We have -ov J atches *to v arietie's., b~le .n uiî>ack We ned Ir c prpe :ziljs iii hav ynrol 3 fi. 5 P- N R S \Iwtler aid Il -i.îst HEATRE T. Wl. for eithes 4, of LOU TouR> KALZE Fai1 is- here, ýaiso our cotplete line or eSHOFS, RIJBBERSjq ýETC. 'A Pleasurà'eto Show Goods._ 151 home el He, vio Nothing, like good bread. No meal is perfect Iout ItL To gét the best resuits ruse good flour. ~5RSE3SFLeUR< the kiud that wiil make a nice-, ýlar'ge,- wite, extra ,ored'loaf. We havé it in 24 lb;1 561b. and îe lb SLet us send' you a bag to -.try. I iiIpe ma nn~S Yeast, known yeast fresh eèyqr other d ay. 1':. -A HEAVY IL In Australia and, L perance workers ar juat three-llfths req * ergy sud determi-nal Ontarlo'systein is- * gressivè communi'tieý leature of it'meets tion. . Reerring -ioý Option contesnt Î'uIterufational 'Good' ed li !Glasgow, 'Scot It wiil -hé séén fIx lacts how héa4ilyti ituirement handicaps, Ontarlo. In spite o! jorit ies havé- decreas "ale-o! li.quor i1 thirtyreight t6~nb ply intolérable. Ma moved, sud then 'oui tirio viiispeédfy Peéss. MeanVbilé gratulate them on bavé -once again ma A staff çf fiur Subdivisions ln thé thué tou. %Uoyalite coai ohl, 2_0c. per- gallon at wars. Try lu. Hiockiy meeting- ligU in thé coc 'es elqfor t educol sh on othé T~he Whitby_ Fixé -théir annual baIl a --Yesr's' .Eve, Dec-g $Mgs-dateé, as 1hi5' isés te be blgger ever. Wé haveithé t>est -ranges on thé mark are thé lowést. Ge if you vould lihé your friends Chist the-Gazette and Chu In Whltby andste Thé congregatibii C. Church w!Ui ho' Town Hall o0àTr 2Otb. Admnissionr-S Mirs.,'Artlkz. Riè éd thé' Tàbernacle T Iea", on Mu.esday ARCHIVES 0F ONTARIO TOIRONTO WATE¶R hlI [y, Tlhe MI for ',eV > 'se iof Royal Hotèl. '~

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