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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 13 Nov 1913, p. 6

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-T.ie Or, ~-PTER xvII -(Gai mays : 'I am a farrner aud .naturàlly. ha Véo w<rk yery liard. The. re- suit wass that t £ound myseif very muuh run dow4l. My blood becae -thin and watery, - sd my muiscles -fiïbby* 'I teok'doctors trea.tment- but it-did net. help me aed Igrew nô> weak that I 'could,sacarceiy worge a t ail. As I fouRd -theie edicali trebtiment'was- not hel'pîug one I decided te Vy Dr. Williams' .Pinký Pis,aud in hes I fouud the medi- det e eded; as inu a s4ort time I -watt restored We. my oid health -and vigor. .I shall'aiways recoemmend these pille-to ail suferers' Dr. Williamý-' Pink Pille, are soid by al medicine deaiers, or HI i1b. mailed, po-et paid,,at 50 cents a box 6r<f six boxesfor $2.50-by The Dr. Williamî' Medicine Ce., trookville, ont. SONIETJWG TO WORÉY &BOUT imeter etf' the Universe 1s Fixed at O34SIOOOO~OMiles. Thé boundaries of -the. uriverse hiave been disccvered, a 1ccording Vc a report received at the. National lObservsutdxy f rom Prof. -R. T. A. lunes, dlrectoi of the Union Ob- servotory at Jc<h-annesburg, , outAi Af rital.-Thé ,annuucemeust la . re- g&rded willi intere-at by astrouo- mers ahi over the world. -Tii. unIv'eise, Prof. lunes &alserte, Icontaiued wvihhlu théspa-ce gird- led by the M-i-ky Way, aad h. fig- ure that thée mosti distant star ini -thnt wonderful gindeie l'5MO ight ~y 1 1 $1fataut f rom Vii. earth. Iu- amucii as thle' plauetaiy eMtr, cf wicih the. éarthiiis a = T'ybenl commcvnly supposd -by aatronorners -te b. ecoe te thé centre cf lthe area embraoed by thé Milky Wb.y, aind lnasuiucii as lîh-t travels-' 186,00< miles a secoud, c r over five and - Viree-quare uadrillion mile. a year tii. dia4mter of thé univers., «by Prof. lunes' eiculation, lm 6,334,961 6WO,000,006 miles. This le -the. distnce Iiht would travel-ie 1,080oyears. -A, ray cf igiit akes l6 minutés anud 36 setionde to trave] the diamoer ',of- the.esrths orbit. The e o-oalled - "héeliurn ae-," -the - Jolaunesburg aronomer avers are thé mcest distant of adI àtarà lrom the eantuh. The hélium -- stars are-' peouliai' to tiib Milky - I-l there eruything outeide the uni- verse 1 Ou ha point Prof. Innes does sot ve-nture a *posÏtive opinýIon, but'hé .ays Vha4tih.niost po-verfu] telescopes 1peuetrat-e-lsr inVo apace, * beyond Vthe boundanies cf1.the uni- verse-révealing uothing. lu -par- icular, liesanys, there is-abaolîntely no aigu of otuher u-ivert% cf simi-- larly onstituted ae-ar sys.tezns. He iooked out-1beyond tii.unl-, verse-thie air lu South Arilea 1s -Very oleanr; but hîs tele.oopé dis- covéred lu tihose f ar-away depths o f SaS,.noue et those vague Cloud& calfrct "nebulae," wiCh somneas- - -- Toasteid tu a Golden BrownI soamds "amachking good,"1 Post Tender, thlu bits ef thé 'béat parts 0e huas <>4ùeru , perëect- lyc -àIùt e4e taototy, andI réidy toe et direet troni thé package'- fresh., erlsp sud -the,. the tairot. ke é ý, rogpt -Tonstlesw ith -esu Deliçipus h Wholesome [EaÃŽy.to Serve, BoItI by Gwot"evé~ sryiheré. sîzes,',emall str3 eouring wheSre ther - ý,e - IÀýge onè3, - and large àtars -freng kouud wheï8e mall star%- are nunlerous. Pro. -lun.'otiier-concluâônas. tioin eof'îhti 11 SJace, tilit Ià àsn- proved that' the sun and stars radiaVeý into empty Space, aud thait the exiatene c f "dark" auns le quit,. without demoustraition, not ene beiug certainly kiuYwn. -A lad Consent. 'Do you eensçnt te my marriage te Samn, fat'her?" £"Yesa, uy daughter;" mid old Jacoba, "blît-àaunoV J et you ieal -me., Yeu arel'ne ouly cbild, aud yen and tSamuel must lhf ride here vid de eld feuse. You en bal tliat second-storey front room for Vwenty dollars a veek" ILLS'0F CHILE>HOOD. Every motiier. should lie able tO recognize the. symptomi of thie littie ailmentsthat attack lier children-. 8h. shouhd alee be in a position to reat them proinptly. To dlo tibia he should keep a supply cf Babys Own Tablete in- thle bouse st al timues. The. Tablets neyer £ailVo b. ei help to itle once. Methers who are auxieus for the véwere of lier ibtie oeues wll receive free for the. aaking a vahiable littie bok on thle éane of infants and ,yçuxrg cluidren. Co=crnn the Tablets, Mas. 0: L. e.u~im t. Geo'rge, Ont., says: «'I eau recommend Baby's Owu Tabiets as a sale and 'ure edioue for little eues. I haieèr-e rAi4 fou-r' babiles with ÃŽheir aid aud woeu!d fot be witheout then." Sold b -medi- dune deniers or by mail at 25 cent. a -box from The. Dr. Williams' M-edi- ciné Ce., Brockvihle, Ont.- FOUÈSTS AND RALNFALL. Bocky M ountain Foreste Inerease Ralafalef the Prairles. It h es ommonly houghi that the moieturewhich forma <clouéesuaid talla a-s nain i leahmo&t eutirely due o teévaporation from the océan, but scieuitific * invesUigatins show that -eveu-inths o! t-rain which tall ornland iea-s la suppiid by évaporation <">ver such arcua, te ocýean sii-pplylug ouly Vwo6-ninth-s of sucliprecipi-ts.ion.,-Dr Ra.phae-l Zou, <one of the loremoat iuivesuiga- tors lu Ame.noa-, statea that. "the foreet evapoýrates more -wa-er ,thai.. tany vegétable covér sud' mucli more,- Vian liée va-Ver surfa-ces." Iu fact, iV liaebeéues;tima-tedby Dr. Feruow, aifViie Uniherspity of To- inuto Facukly of Forestry, that '75 per centb. of the nain-fal <ver for- estéd &reme le returned Vo thé st- mosphere as watery vopor, which doc« much to incresse the, amount of moisture ca-ruid by air ouùrrent& pasig over such -forests, "s a Forestry Bran-oh.Bulletin. In lu nada, the prevaling windè blow troin thé veat and the. provin- ces ol Alberta and Sa'skatuolewain are Iargély -dependent -'16r _ their nai-n-lion -- air-curre.nts whieh corné oyer théeIiocky Mountains. Ut isa 'rell-kuervu lac1~t tba w-inde paitng over high mounutane - co 00.1zo d o sueli &n extenut tihat they lose most of their moisture', 'micl talla i-n the borin of nain, snd hence tàé ls.nd' areas for na-ny mie .to, the ieeward -<f suclimountaizis recelvesgo h-titi.raei-gallrthaVt tLey are often sanid., tut i tiheevardÏ iope'of theicitnntine Và4recor-- ered vi-th k>rets,, se le thé- ca.. i'n thé Roeky MnValus, thèse fonets vili ýevapoirnte and! ~udragalui avaliabie a large anmo4nt of tàls rainfahi ove-r --thèe ouutaaius, whioli nýKht o!herwjMe pao. off- by redadng Vîwthà meisture Vii w idslwing, ovex 1- théè prairies, tncb foroutS mak sibe-amll w'se cqoïur.J; ýsl*nW'-,tàh&e.st - alope- 6nmed ecky Moutani. becozue de- ndâ, o! - reerowvth-; it - l' -ike1W tUiatMenueli lrge_ýr êles -i Âberts, -aud Saekatdstéan would beh, aç M Trhie la but -eeor! th6 ma-ny rés 9iiuswlly thé fominioln Goverhnent at- prsèvin te 'fprsat. on the eâ&t siope c téUoes by Vil.1 neny21,110 quo.re mle. -in ex-I bicomrne txl laced .linInd-iýton - eLi icomes -qf106!ô ,-àdn4upwarde, and thenonly on. man in'700ô cornes withln-14Sscepé. - Cauadr.. Dýevot!onJi. tii. lit -love ef -wo- Love, ïtbahSô~-metimea corrupte pure .bod.ies' olten -puiifies.eorrupi, Women. 11k. brave men exoeeding- ly, but audacieus-inen stili iO»re- The wiiper- of a beau-tiful, wo-' mI& a-n oubebieard farbiier Vha.ù lthe kuudezt cali of duty.-«Anonymous. It's better to love toý-d&y than te- morro-w. > A. pleas.ure postponed le a pleaure -Iôst.-A-. Ricàrd. Ther. are beentiful fiowera, th#~ are scentim, -and b&.au-titui wmea tLare unlovebe.-HcRuelle.-, W. meet lu eociety ma.uy at*,nae- ive Women whomi we wouàd. bar-to make oua wivee-D'Hariéville. - The -hearit ef a woman. never grows'old; wheu 1V lbas ýeaedte, love, l it a& eaedte M]ve-Roohe- Ipedre. Loyers have, in, their lau-gu;ge an- -infinite number of word-s in whi eh eaoch yliable le a eares.-R b- pedre. Before prolnising a wozuan tolove only lier, onue ehould have eeen thezn. mll, onaehould see ouly hen.-A. Dupuy. We n4ed the. friendehip of a main in greatï tria.ls; of- a wenn thé affaiii of ever-day life.-Â. L. Thôms.a. Sneaky. Lawyer-He'ii- a sueaky emort, of mnu, eou say. What do yen mean by that 1 Wituess--Welh, o, lie'. the, sort of mran that'1i neyer look »~ straiglit in t&e face until yen back's turued. Offensive BrcathCaused Usually 1By-Catarrh' A Simple Remed-y Diseovered That Cures Without Druge. The AmerIcan people sufer more from Catarrh than from- any other disease. It undermines more consti- tutions and creates more sickness'than ail other diseases coibined. It ta, therefore, very dangerous. You can't successfully treat CataeTh by Internai dosing--you must ln smre wajr send a'purifylng, heallng agent through the breatbing orgaus. s80 that the germa can be reached. This you! do, every Urne you Inhale. Catarrho; zone.. It's rich. essences a.pd beallng balsame are breathed ail through the nos@, throat and lungs, 'and eifectively destroy every-trace of Catarrh. This -is a. proven tact. - I endorfs._Catarrhozone because I know -of 'si bad cases ot Catarrh, lu- cludiug my own, that lt-bas cured. It la a sensible uremedy because lt is ca- pable ot gging where -the dimeame Io. I bellève It cures quieker than , other remedies because It gets sooner to the source cf the. disease than anythlng, elseI kuow of. I had headaches. bad breath, aud' much. stiomach trouble as- ociated %vith'my'-dàtarib, but they have tinappeared since ümlng Catarrh,- ozone(. wliich --^ keeps. me free. from colds, headaches, catarrh and ail win- ter iiià." OTTO E. KRAMER, B>lle- ville, Ot u---- Catarrhozoue I eeded ln every home. Large mixe lasts 2mnt, prie *11.00;' mmm m ix'e, 50e; trial -izi, 25c. At ail storekeepers aud druggists or The Catarrhozone Co., Buffalo, N. T., antI Klgton, Canada. 1-' hear ýt â~le Allens are sepa- r ated," eaid Mn-r- . Arnold to ber husband. "Yes," replied Mr. Ar- nold; "aud after. the. oeparation heo sent her -a, legai document, * ii her control of tlieir child." "Oghy, James," said the wife, witlh a sigli. "I.-wish w'e could ge1t-a document that wouid &ive us, coutrel of our children "-B UNIMENTou yete.land ta -jrt amil foc y an sd for thé eve= dajr tUa a JLwoz14 Dot atart on a- ' y wthout teg2 m ïoeattihe right t Vhs. is be tei~tiha knoledge aàt.the wrong réae, for tlie'an, za!Eryý'liïh-- <>t8. tbut hie oorna aàre 1relieved qulkly - be P13uta'e Corn Zztractor., Nà pain, sMd certain ,eume. lFliatim Putnewos., usne other. Zbe. ai - al desIert.. -A gentleman wçho Iiad been in 1h. cîtiy enly titre. days, but' Who had been p a ing atteulson toc - premlî euýt belwanted Vo proposé, but was afraid h ek b uht tee l4iasy. -He deflieateiy apPro"hed, the subjeot âa, lellew -I I were te speak to yen o'f'mairîige -alitr havîug only ýmade your acquaint- anc. tAre , dfiye ago what wouid yeu -%say Vo if?" " Well, I ah.euld - àsa neyer put off tilli o-norew* that w5hich yenu shoui4 have don., the.day be.tore yeiedy' AU éminent ecleatI, ýthe other -day, gave himeôpin1oan tbgt t'e Most von- dertul -dvcvery, ofrecent y.ars vas& the dimcovery pfor -Zarn-Buk. - just tinle!As igona a -sngle thfi laye et Zazn'.Buk lespptd'th -a ouad6or a soné, ut lujury- la iured against blood- 'poison ! Net - eue, spécies_ o! microbe ha beeu found thit Zai-itus "'-net klU l! Then agalu -, w-sau an Zam-Bnk la applled te a güte, on a Cnt, or tP skIn dîsease; ; If.stops the smartlg. That lasWwhy eht]dnuare sncb Mode et ZaM-Bù!ý. Ypy cane uothiug. <or thé Ïcience cf 'the thing. AU they kuaW la that Zam-Buk stops théir Palm. MPothers shonld noyer forgét Ibis. 1Agalu, As Éccu as Zaiu-Buk lu ap- piou, te a, wonnd on ta .a. <llaéuéd Part, théeoels. beueath thé skln<s sur- face are scif stlmulatèd that nov hoalthy imla l nckiy fonméed. This formlng of fresh hesity tissue frm bolos la ZaM-u' secret cf heallng.- .Thé tienue thus tcnued le vonked up 'ta thre surface sud literally caste off thé dîséaod tissue aboyé It. This lo why -Zâa-nBuk- curés- are permanent. Only thé -othor day ýMr. Marqh, af 101 -Delorimier Arc., Montrée, callotI uipon thé Zam-'Bnk Co. snd tbld them that for aven tweuty4re years he had been'a martyr ta eczéma. Hie hauds vere eItns Une m se covered lith mres that h« had la aleep lu giores. Four years «ôe Zarn-Bnk vas lntroduced ta hlm, sud lu a few mnontis It; cured hlm. To-day-oc-en Ibrée years aiter his cure of a Olsease ho hatI for tweuty-ilve yéanu--he lu utili cured, andI las had no trace af any netun-zIof thé eczéma! £11lcdrugglAtus sii Zam-ýBuk at 50a. box, on ve viii sead très trial box If yen ueud tis adventlsemaeut sud a le. slamp (ta psy neturu postage). Ad- dreuei Zam-Bnk Ca., Tarante. Why is a merry felhow 11ke a- lid shot? Bécausée 'sthe -boy te kuéep thé game- aivé. Riflardsa Liniment Cures Distemoer. -Explainlng ItL l"Doés hé quarrél lmmcii witii his vife IY" "No, but lies ot holmi a gréat desi, yen kçnow." Try Muria, I£Te Remedy If yo have Red, eak,* WgteryEye ci -ranutate&ByIl ids. ,Doeu't-Soet- -ýSoothè;'*E1ye4?ai r1 iits" Bell Munine Bye Remedy. Li ni, 5cisoc. Murnes Bye -Salvýe .lu Aseptic Tubes, 125c, - -ro. Be soouFree by Mail. AwsvEe Ted. eecYcc th£me " ciC.a. Mfuria*e Zie ftemedy Ce.. Chicago. Ne man -iu geod heiti las say excusé to be i pesalunisti. Mina-d'u Liniment Cures Gaaite in Cewu. Nothenrly Instinct. U1atnon-B&by lai cryiug, Mary.-' expeet h. wants 'ies bottie. Maron-:-Dldyou 1 -ThivI expéct hé arc.n't want it - Emlant ritIh. Sttemmen n sd P(Iitieanm liahe-Thèe- e Inthe. 1 mylda ofeX pre&d-ea le -eor.yiwhe aguagewa fa moer--fioweëry aud figuirative Vian it lu no*, 1Vteok a cool hesd behiud à fivleent manunee teer i*aalfe 1course among -similes -sud- metÀ ph*os.- AbsuÉditiée wene fréqueint, aud- lAugliter manred mny a per > eration; yèt,. ýcarried alO"iig by the Bey St. Lawrence Sitar Lspeaker'e earneetness aând fine in làa odiiaa pcas.tU- delivery; the most wildly ridicuilous touohed-fnom-r.einerytoyour meta.phers elten.passed unnetîced. -cuphoard, -rou aremsure cf 1V a mexmorial -meeting in houer 01 "'j«' sb;elutely* Ire. ramn eue of- -thé. meut famous et -Azueri- crmteio onimpuritie caR eor&ito-Wendei Phillips- 8,, 6 magniioquenV speaker reférred Vo amsmfIaja um M.i cmof i the spirite 'ot the great depanted, '..E. 1and 29lb as<iag which, nRle.aving Vh. earth, 1.sd2l.oto. "wend each ita wway, swlft;er than ma a wlnged eaghe, loltien than ajsean IiUe8ai iug- faico-.weeplng acrosi Vile 'I ,uotw migiity epaces of the heavene -,as'a glonicus cornet s'weep, rushiug even ouward, forward and upwand, te - ité goal in Abràa'a bosom 1" Oratony cf that type-ev u.witii- ,uti the mixed metaphor.-îe a rare survivai Item thé fasiiie of au car- ier turne. -Ehoquénce- la more ne- 'traiued sud Ilésýornate uowadays. Yet even in th im luperstyle o«f our owu tirne, publc- speakers ofe!c-. peiiene, as well as biuudierers and________________ begiuners, -occa.slouaihy slip up ýon. their metaphors. Any seciooiboy f cou-Id correct the -errors that B orne'B wide-awakç Euglish reporter 0 note.d iu the receut speechesOf e ineut Britishi statesmen audandpoli-s ticiaus. - 'We are tohd," sald Mn. Walter1 M W 1Long, lu a debate on au educa 'tion bill, "thaLby sucii législation the véry heant of thé country lias ber veep sha-ken Vo its uttenmost fouiide3 - ant aim. tiens." cs for 35 year&- Mr. St-. John Brodnlck, lunVthe -ansd il han proved. House et Commens, -tadlking e-ot6 - -ts lnhuoes maluization of froops, deciared - lekateAlta, Jan 29, i13. -tiht "aeng ii. any arni ««I have been ting Kendaills Sparts cure notes heard lu tis R oua. ou mili- gaOd resulta.Iv. tary aflals, thils subject at least î~~o a r .Nxap mue b. neandedor an " drggilts-br write for . mustbe egadedas a oasia." copy or ourbook grreatlse on the Haorsec"free Mr. Asquith,tii. premier, did bét- Dr. B. Je KENDALiCLu .N ter. R. saId tihiat "redistribution umur al, enetU..~ is a thoruy subjéot, w-hich requirés _______________ délcate iiaudling or it wihl tread on - - - -- some people'% tees"; sud it was Lord Curzon of Keddheston, f ormr, -à Viceroy of India, khnio deciared opý- timisticahhy: "Though w. are uot eut oci the conas~fl ~ wood, we have a good ship.? h amakt i Pointed Paragraphs. Neanhy eveny man le trué Vo hisý fret love-himsélf. An optimist la a man vilo laye up a libhe sunahliné* for a raiuy day. Borne w- cmen a-ré self-mnade , but. mosteoft'them rn-e 1nemodéled by - dressrnakers.- It le better for a girl ta lie given lu mariigé than il las for a man te b. soid. Many a imid girl oourts -de'ath bymkgloeVs nidil aid ed-- Sgem loveie -,,se u .fot ,alre;ddy lu thé gravé. It'-s difficult fer a niewly married man tgenerate much-énth 'usiam over hie bridea-beautif ul- hair -alftér- .iie.iaâ--seeu lien pile iton thé' bu- menu 'üfor tl kié igh. -: pold IESULPHOR - Sureà reutg-h akin. Bloohumpr-"Mlter -ail beauty -is enùly skie. ,déep."- Spatt-""In- ma-ny casés lbit iïnçte0 deep ýa8 tiht:it leoten lai-d on -:th' sh:i's surface." Minards Liwiinsnt Cures -Diphthtrla. Cf W. corild have settled- our, di!ï-' 1iuti Ï byuoina Sein.. lu5tead Weil,,V' f~~ANOJ andUMtOrS, $LOO0 frais the- E- Consuit any of y'auLr- neighbors ,who Ihave used the "C hampion"' Evapor.! jator. They wiII1 tel yau ta install'I jbefae the snow iq on the ground. jComte -no -more ta -buny ow, tha n in Marchi. Wrtfofreboetj Top. GRIMM MFO ., LIMITU Why:we pay mére -for your. R.OAW FURS Wesr5thm olest WFO KUE t 1e arg 1 miîbtora 0OU CANADIAN -RAW FMR1-1.angda. That rmct au u a eitsoIarSer -msirkou snd ADRFR01 o. 4ËY fui-s artrmoeive4. Shipments h.il smParâ1. où requemt Fail prima lit now r.ault; Write» for if. HIRAM JOHSON LIMITIED; Mail ~ uea, FUft Monrea i-ou ne s a Utie extra cmarar /Feed "INTERNATIONAL STOCK FOOD" with a combina.' tf ioncf ground corn, oats -and rye-and they will nal only keep ~-healtby, but also fatten -up inl a wafto astonish your ineighbors. - The'average pig does not digest more than iaif of the grain fini. Thïe ther hifi. wastèd. "INTERNATIONAL STOCK FOOD" toces up the digestive apparatus, Insures perfect digestion, and thus aaves this waste-ln grain. «&INTERNATIONAL STOCK FOOD"' làa;a pureiy vegetable preparation-'a wonderful tonc-2tbat keeps heps weil and vigorous, and prot6cts them -againsf the Ma. ee oqg yfr'bl"Mt b h Il, BNRIA.ATIÃ"NAL STOCE FOD"Get a ,pailudy-j> >.ur iseter. - DIEUNAIOIALSTOCK F0003 ÇO.,. UMMTEDTOUTe - h isWÀC-FRE Tht -To AnyBo Ths"Railroad Klng" vlwtch le an absolu*wy tpr antemd, tlmekeeper. It I.s sem .wtnd and steîm net, double duutproof back. nickel ca8é. Regu- lai me.ns,,ie. -,Send- us. youî naine ap4 addrens il i-~ and w.- wlIlmend'you go, sets 3f Xmas. 11rthday, - -. Floral, an& o nhr et cards to mlt et .,10 cents 10 .t.. xbe.ut1ful car4s in each set). When solO Bond -us th roe, nIwe wl et tu wtci«al carges read you prefer, we wtlI ci", you- w magiç .lantein (complets- wtth 12,slI4es), eleatria flash jight, gald signet ring, a oemâtcil mouth organ. or' a Pair of "Starrw L Hockey Skates Inste.d af the: watch. lIOMER-WARREN CO. DE PTIi 48î , TORONTO» ARCHIVES 0F ONTARIC TORONTO fin the beet- eor hun "Wè'll taielb'hr afier du gaid Eliaba. with all the se dIPlamat.when Tibby had c izanal whirlwind. -Mina *ras left, alone in sud Eah. gai-oui ber.book£ Canceuirate ber atten)tion- s ie ywas aVill waiting, liât daYlight .begran. to ane là,, lier beait ,egaxc- to sinire came. 5h. trlodte 1ressenti -Tentiug ail sôrts of-reaËoT, r'hî hie l.aPPearau-e: he wai a Member o! Parliament:, ýbelaet iray, bad beî Duines.'-Beidswhy -d Quiet berseli. -seeing that-Iý the eninog? 6h. M-ai ihey curie'uowl AHçpe tb dii iu ber bceom. 5m thraugli supper-time wbez pretence--of eating, but ev, put lu her ïhouih Lhreaiene NoaI yet- dii.she beËgi ta,, ber beart Was beavy; it e< Iee. 5he was ecarcelY_ * presecea*Pthè 'cher two. a berself absei)tly liotening t atumbled, sud.faltecd Iove eutiug. - , : -, 'ýOh!" ibeclailisd Tibiy. -wl 'TOU OulIr vani ta go ta M end; Yeuresr gdont Brichbdior cScarbruh Places lu -France -whee i go? Whai Dansens - -Y father-1 -As if wew. anta a If wo 0Mi, whit'ed-the matte 4 logical- Garena or ' mpae 4 ext. lIndeed! ÀAný_jest becý friende 'as-v en. non a S two, 'Ow do-yen kuew ti amc? -I dou't--know- mucli don ' ant ta, but I're ali therells no denendence ta be Look ýat Mr., WWis.thée - oues Fn the West Ed lams erery year vitit bail hieseI that l he -was taist ivlîs ave.hlm. ie'd be- i gete anud abler ta i donWt vaut noechangeý?c4 -s oeigua-S inadue teamer- irm sure l-d that 1V *onld do lier mare lng -bereelf. il] with ishrimi trapsaing ou a pier a t 1 yer. -Mina?" 'Tes, oh. ye9." 5aid Mins Elisha salà ndlmore; bul Mina, atill hopeiufly. Mina remaîned up fore the others had-, gone te hb -' site had,-urged ber lknÉ able oould* noV seS the piai eyee were dim wftli nsi vent ta bed ai ]ast, and la - ~ very -still, 'almost mifonlea the sabe, tbat threatenedý ber lips, -drèiriug ba;ciVt -am l u ber eyes. Shejwsa - -. the -mornine, but see s !ulnesswbich deceived Elis faisitjy djd noV pas unU" She- mnade neO ramait. hoS on ber preposiérous lhe-ige ed off ta work. Se.w'asëu iWte xidst of some çbdiidrn uthe stats -. grapli boy came devu tihe proper paoce..a mile an lron at the dorway , eed, Tibb, dlsaDPprarIan. sd deanded cd if a person by the nami reI reoided -iii tbLt hanuse., ."Eregive It 'ere." said' mnathed te teleram frir The boy. suter lnquiriug a eh. usnally baght lier bat dodgingt a buou onb-te ea aud Tibby vent up thre t4 hlf-Wày abse atapped, Pond ment, ten. Ibruatinéire t packet went dowu agaîn- street. Wbee eh ail tü se. opened -th., teegrani. e tan: - "'I arn uneaoidably- pise, 11uC taO'yen. I vii niie. I -but grîeriug ai nO-t beinge 1ÏUibyread thre telegram, -r Iug 1h. vardea sud estim 4len, 'rit a sarage nad ai thruat thé telegram ie b, - OeuaiJueti vbat r expeeted ef th. lilies of lin He'ilwrite, w'I heple i set eu h1m-sb4hestfied a cencese- titi. -Itt' 1nkj- fa sot e -sensible -roman to -That day Mina suffered- of the.eintes Iiat icames fered, -whli . precedesa st coure., h. had, beca preve îng. but-but vin- bad -lio Jusi oneline, oeelittl. :1 wbkirhois ld oi caÃ"me toaa le bai net, cbauged bis iv he vaiï weli again?>- ln afl va. eie ahe. ta -lok Abeot or tbe two-Iliat iellowedt ~-~..-T5-'axk abadow e!fea eemed te- faîl net euly riP4 tieehr tva. Tibby ap ta bar. lod lier cupacity foi vas à1most- ns sileut as Id ste ereir -nov sud- then- gi jetrange pUty and -yearni -yonng eyes; aud ou Vthe' o tbir&_day as esaïd abrdDtl5 auy leading up ta thre eni "What did yenLSay tuÏat

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