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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 15 Jan 1914, p. 2

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hatA -. 1Vinterferes with- epoili recreation and robs i ifis joys., 1These nmen n --e only able >to live ý.nd if speed.it". 'ople' have lost tha.t -,ral vitality whichi ~-go "full-sp-ýe« l e. 'Their --energ$, "tve evapo ated- -ca4.. --long witl4out ýàane5.nd 1; caused by or, watery,.blood, *You Os-Ilb.--, in to improve your pondîticn- 'to-. Lyby -takinig Dr. Williams' Pinic, Pills, . They make rlch, riad b1ooýJ once more pulsato' thtouih yousS eitaile, and your- iêrves thrill witl' euh 'vigor. -Ileofi.-cQn'rlnciÉg, îdcnoe- that new strength . :ad, 1 health <an be had through.the, o!). Dr. Williams' Pink- PUil, Ne*4ton M ayhew, North'Tryon, é. ay: I am a. farmerand' urpnlly have to work -very ha.rd' à*.:eîIIs+ý wa6--hat Itlound -mysèlf niucîf riin- down. My'blàod, uêcane thîn and -atery, and iny zaustieq flabby. 1 took doctora' ttreatnnt but it did not- help meý and I grew so weak that 1 cdùldý scairccly tork ai aIl. As I found, the, inedie-al -trcatnent was not c11iug me I decided to try :D'.. ïWi1liauis,' Pink Pills, and in these 1 fouti tho iaçdicine I needed, as in a. shct, t ttýrn I-was rcstored to i~yodhealtit û.nd vigor. I1shaH' atwayýs r4ecOrnerîd these PUIS ta al 1.)r., Williams' Pink Puls are osold hv ai] i "dicine dealers, -or wiIl be nîaic-d. mt.f ice,-at 50 cents a&box Xei-, for $2.50 by The D.r. ½ýdicinè, Co., Brockville, deprived ocf an-y ixdiçat assisteace azgd beconie the victimi of .11 kinds ôf epidemios.- Scurvy, typhus and tuberculosis decinmate iheir * ranks. In ponie prisons the death rate h03s jreaehed 12 - peri oèent,- Very ie these prisons becOmne a centre cif infedtion,, 'for, the aurrounding dis- trict. Those sentenced té, long ternis cf iniprison Ment-eýhiefly PO- liticaI-,are inactu'ai fact -cndomu-_ -ed to a 'cruelform o! s.low death. 46Most traglo is thÏe fate <i-f. those tels -of,,thousands o! - poitical ex- ilest .0 whm most are deÊorted Vo Siberia.'Withot trialI, but impîy by ýjthe arbiÎtrary Actiio othé. »adminis- S= Mos-o!thon are sent Vo Lzn waate, where, ýunable Vo obtain -tii necessary food, crothing and housing, they perish." - The above is a quotation fropm Viie.recent international protest agaînst the treatment of political prisoners in Russa saigned by many- of the nicat promiflent publie men in e'ranc' Germ ny'an4 Epgland. nti.minîds o! many people such statemýnts savor o! exaggeraion, writes 0, -t. Petersburg correspond- ent. Actual 'Condition%. Do prison horrors really exist in Russia, o~r a re the thousands o!' otlserwise weil-informfed m'en anti women who claim 8o, simpîy soit- hearted andaoft-brained humani- tarians, ledi astray by de'signi-ng agitators in the Czar's realms? tlie pris')rn o! the ancient city 'nt is Vise fu ery and Vhe o!f the - Virgin. J-ners are en --ad, water and of the rod. are nearly 'mi- .,ot-1eV their AIrotai victims <tiink even water. The :celle -' - ucts o! defy description, so filthy is- their ta.(îrîgte er ompared <stAte. wvith 1911j. in-,whieh year VIhs pro- Thére is noir between 3,000 and thîttion wâs 1l32338 hrt tons 4,000 exiles ini Siberia under direct valiied at $243,467,646, an incnea-se is police supervision.« These do flot - ' showîs o! 3,189,441 tons-, oir 28 per include the prison inniates. The cent. in quantit.y'and $9,551,398 or government has sent theni te the 36 per cent. in total valueJ very worst part of! iberia for vani- ' The ]argest'previous year's out-oupoicaofne, uhske- X -put ira5 in .1910, -when Vie produc-'in -_schools -where children and tion iras 12,909,152 short tâns, valu- grown-ups were aughv, for h9ld- ' ed ab $30,909l,779, compared with ingi political meetings in itheir which 1912 sho.ws an increase o! 1,- hoUies, for criticizing Vhs gavers- 03,,677 tons ýor 12 per cent. and $,-ment-m short, for doirig Vhe, hun- 1 100,È65 or over ll.ýYper cent. in Vo. dred and one littIe thiriga which -tai sàllue. everybody.cari do with impunity in 1In Nova Scotia tIers waàs ans in- Canhsda. The upkeep o! these 4,000 creased-.produm-tiorî ln 1912 o! 779,- amfourits, according Vobudgetre 468 tons -or .11 per cent., <-ver 1911. turnes, Vo 8350,000 a year. or $87.50 -Thid province pi'oduccd neaiiy 54 per jhead. Thssuiicldsthe per cent. o! the total in 191-4 as î fookl, Iodging andl clothirîg of the un- ýagaiîsat 62 per cent. iri 1911, The 'hap'y exiles: They are forbitidenl prlodticton in New Brunswick is, ta WÏork, bec use it i-s -a well-known quite smali in proportion Vo Vile fact 1that people. are happier when other provinces anîd amoivntedti o they'; have something Vo do, and onVy 44,750O tons in 1912, a decrease alto because hs' pittan'ce they couid o-f nv,'piy 20 per cent. from 1911. earn on <olonists' fanms during-the InLtlt' west for thie fimst tinmo,-on ne- short surrmmer 'would buy them a rCom' - .l3eî'ta lias th..,lurgest pro- iittk- moré food than the 887.50 cari. d1i.'tion amounting t-o 3,240.577 tons,-' - *ho' production in- British Colum- - nnoenti are P-inished.' bia br'ing 3,209,997 ton2. The la-t- The fo.-lowing le a fair exampla o! ter jît-ovince w4,mîrd have humd a high- _what goes on, almost dailv. in Rus- er - 1lidtctiýosihsîd labor tr4,iible-î sia: Charlei1 Maminski and Joehn flo jm'meii~4a 1nrm'uîîal olput. T4'he Tnzaski, tuci decent. workin7men, pr9mdmmétion iii A!rrta is the high- eoniloyed in the fouindny 'O! Wloch, -eit rt sord 1 n'ii that Prtovincee, while have bc' en d4ing hard labor f-or five iBritish Lilurabia Vhs 'grest-est years, houg-Ï innocent. 1n 1907 a ppî',(d sm ion was attained in 1910. policeman u~d a cossaek were wounded near Vhs foundry. A- few SIOIN (LEARED <ays Inter 4 wioman. Mmne. Maci- Il> Simiple(hange lan Food. ILe iîss-,1een -said by a pisysician thaitmîimst di."Cs-arcea'heiseresilt 'ms' mi o lii mitrdly umiiiîtiff iii J" .mtmrntÙ, s'vett Vo the catis, (if un mm m unsiumiL'1y csuptions, whicis nu*%- buppee au bts rpmoved by - app~ing s-r4 cnuedy o0s1ie -eut- - 1ý - l hiangrtig isen !ood a Western girl vvas rnoieved o! 'am -cezema .li- ir as- a great an'ioyance Vo lic. SIte wîitesî "17<-r -fiv.e iontis 1Ivas '-Ùffering 'iitan eruption -on ny face andi haridmiwhici enîn docton called ec- zema and i id caused rme a great &-al of- iruconveniiencle. Tise sufer- iug wt lnsost unbearabîie. - Mc - m"iesedicine I took ou'ly gave mise temponaî-y relief. One day I happened Vo rend someem titat Sezena mas ca.used by indigestion. -Tien 1 rend tisat many pensons had bmýetuelieved of indigestion by eat- "1. deCecd W ry iV. Iliken tise tnet-o! the ft)irýd and wmss particli- laIauvi- pc4sdte notice that my di- gestion was imnpn.oving and tiat tise eruptiont was:disappeàring ns if by magie. Ili t stIsat found,ilu Vils great fod, rsomething tint reached My trouble.,- -1'Wlîen *I -find a 'dctimi cf tVil affliction I1 reméxnber imyown for- Meir auffenlng an,nc -advise a.trial o! Qr4pe-Nuts focd instead o! 'medi-- ;NRncmB iven by Cassadian Pogtum ce., Windsor, Ont. 'Read "Tise Uoad Vo' Well'vilier" la pkgs-. 'Choee a a s-son ZVe1. 3îeeeittâ -v me iatetm& h.i un ui m rub,"d u ' 0 UMWhmj siemaka, -wel known Vo Vhe police. s-s a receiver o! stolen goods and n mhite slave traffie agent, went Vo tise police Station and said sic knew miso attaeked tise Vwo wouud- ed nieri. Sise pointed <ut Mamninsii andi Trzaski.' They were ani'estedc, ts'ied- by coudirt martial and, solely on tisa woman's evidence, cen<temn- ed Vo b. hanged 1 Tise zar com- muted Vise sentence Vo Éd years' isard ]abor -for Maminski and 1.5 years for his comnade. Tiseïr sun- ployens' daciaration Viat bath were quiet, honest Imers, and Visein owsî protestationý het thse moman gave evidence against theni because they prevent6d iher, froin getting Vwcx young girlý inte.'hes' clutcisss, niade noV tise sîigistest difference. They mer-e Viroawn, jehainéd, irito a ccii with theseceuni of a nifs&ian prison; titeinmi%,es and fanuilîes ivere le!ft Vo starve; tiey mèe' srent lu chaîna across tise 1fraIs andi put Vo mark in tise mines. Aftsr Four :Years. -.Aften four yeans te polices begaîs1 tVo hear frorn different sources that thse two mnen mers innocent. Fur a long ime they took ne notice. At laat, isomeven, on. of Vise iawyers swho had acte-d as ,"«prisonfser' friend" s-t the coourt -martial, spe-ut some SPare, inejn looking up Vise men'a s iieds andrelatives, Reo found that tise ýrman'i own son' ad shot at -tiepolicemnan andtVise cossack. - Alter. àa year and mie trouble, h'md i - 1ta cut ,inartiai o!,WaÏrs-iàw oI into tpe case. WleMaminski and. Trz.askl worked on in tie Uraî mines, jail' ors uoed tise'lash on tisei With'lin- pumity, for-,were Vicy noVt ise»?. for trying te kill the polices7- Thir s1food aâs- ssoîdy bres-d and cabbage Éibup, Ber, a ~ousn wno, it1È is eport- ed, has left lier husband and -is now*ý At night th4y layý on wooden bunks, built again-V the-walls of'a wooden 'hut. WNhen' tiiy had -tie they us- cd Vo try and destroy thé vermin by tboig boiling water.- cer it. Tiiey were not alowýed to wr'ite Vo their families or get 1letters. '!ror2 t.hemn. On. night, alter work, Vlsey we i ê told te go to the. inspector, who, alter satisfying hiniseif that 'they were 'Marninsiri and Trzaski, told them they were free. You cars uts- agine their joy. Good-Bye, Old 'Backacho,- - Nerviine I-vili Fix Yen!1 Stiffn@SS là Rubbed Right OUt; Simn of Pain Disappears. Every1 Cee wliz-thinlc of tiI No more etomacli doeing necessatry to cure your lame bàck. - Every trace of lamenees, aTvry bit of etiffueso, ey cign ri o çaknecsanthe back'e meuscles can be rubbcd away for ail time to orne by gooci old "Nerviline," No other Limmt cari do the work s o quickly, can- penetrate so decply. cari bring cage and comfort to tise back-weary' aufferer ae Nerviline lnvarlably does.' Bacliaie Iar't tise <ny mala-dy Nervi- line is qnick to cure. For lumbago or sciatica you would go fun ta tlrid relief eo speedy ais Nerviline givra. For chronkc rheumatism there are pa1n-d4Btroying pro. perties I Nerviiine that give t firet rank. Thse way It limbere up a etif Joint and takwe orene6sout o_ý ctreAreci or rheuxnatic inusclee ta eIMlmpy a Wonder. If ye'.' ha'ië' an ache or a pain anywhere, if you 'have- a sore back, a etif rirck, a siff Joint, a etralned muscle-if yoen have lumbago, corigested chest or sore tbroat, just try Nervîline. Rub ht on pleut!- fully-îî iront blister, ft Can't do any- thing but cure you quickly. Tise large 50c. famtly eire bottie te the mos, econoasi- cal. of courme, but yon cari. frmmm-ay dealer, also get the 15e. casait cire of Nervhline, the king o! H ail nnrelieving re.medSsu. DOCTOUS I'N BRITAIN. Rseuse :a sn-surute OP -Dr. - kIàthlï tOnS Pila otMandrake ànd Butternut, a coI ln yeli6-bôxes, 25e, Ail deslem', or The - Catqtrr1ioo< c., !Klngston Ont. ELECTICt I NTEFR! Most ProIltable Use le >la ChIclien Ilearlng, A ,paper o! mdre tjian ordinary interest was read*before the British Royal SoCiety *-f Arýp by Mr. G. Thorne tBaËker.< The subjeci wai "iTii Application of Eiectricityo Agricul ture and Lite." Mr. .Baker s-aid ho considèr.d the."stsostprofit- able application oi eléctriciy to the f arm* was -in chickenýre4tring. Chiekenis- -%,eighn e unces only and about tweî-ve weeki <Id fetched a leinuncrative price in-the market. ýuch chickens L-cotild be grown under eiectric stimulus at about double the rate, thus doub- ling the output of a chicken iarm, and halvirig the food bill per chicic- en. On M-r. Randolpb Meech's poul. try fanm at Poole an intensive chieken house, corisisting o! six flats, ect large enough Vo aéCmom- modate seventy-five chickens, was electrife.,éd. The curresît was ap-' plieti for ten minutes every hour during thie day. Six chiekens only out o! a. total of .400 <ied, showirig a mortality of only 1.5 pcr eent.-iri 4he ordinary wfty the-mortality watt often as much as 50 per cent. in ths summner months-and the chiekens were ready for market despateh in moîîth ek -as against hrec The vitaity.of the reated chick-1 euis was remarkable. Instead of! running awvay when orie put a fin-1 ger Vo the netting, Viîey %vould rush1 up and pîeký vigorously. t)uringi the treatmrît Ithey were s-o highly1 charged with electricity tliat quite' a -distinct shock vas feit in the fin-1 gers on touching theni, although the birds temzeeives irere supremne- ly unconsciotîs oi anything. The sparks which fleir from their beaks on thein pecking one's finger did flot appear to be kilt in the least by FunshentlaCae o Btraalo! Experimerits with r adio-active 1'rofesslonal Cond uet. earth irere also deait with by Mn. Baker, who stated that Vhs groirth Medical men veny rarely indeed of plants iîad beau shownri o be figure in divorce cases in Eusrope. enormcmusly increased. Hieiras for- Especially i.s Vils Vhe casa un Great tunateiy in a position to announce Brîtain. There is a reas-on for- this that Vise supply o! sadittiri-intise whichii noV generaily known, that nean future -on,- a comparatively Vhe General Medical Couucil main- large scale would b. agsîrre<l, 0W- tains a strict mat-eh <ver tise con- ing to tise succ'es-sful nature o! Vwo duet of thse meînbers cf the niedical neir processes, cric in Vils country profess 'ion in Vhe Unit-ed Kirigdom, and Ouse in Auritnia. and that il it can be shown that a doctor has availcd hiniseif of the StIITIi GOT WLSE. priviieéed pogitiori due Vo hic cal]- A eote o5rn, he cald, iras baS enougli. ing to miseonductimscîf, hua naine but to have it steppeS on was the linît. is removed frein Vie Statutory Re- Ne ivented lt a bott!e of Putrias-it gister - o! medicai practitioners, Paititras Corn Extractor. and riow -wearî mîsichis lathe medicai equivalenit foi- a. happy imite. 'Cornn hé gone- -enoug5i ,ald. the 'disbarment o! a laivyen. Try Putrnam'a Extrartor, 25c. se alý doaI- .Tais, Dr. Thomas Francis 1toche ,-ns o! Kingýston-on-Thames, a physician oLsomg erdnmnce, has just been If a mari is a bonseise's alwaj'a Vie pubimclýý, disbiplirird l'intis fashion, las-t Vo diseover it. as tise a!ternath eftVhs divorce case -iaw iietCue odEc <of Stuart verSus Stuîart in -rihiehhlMi a iIen uasClaEc 'fignîred as co-sespondent. Had Dr. Roche been menelv a FOIIWST FIRE LOSSES, 1913. frîend of Vhe Stuart fanîily and not DciuîinFrsriBac eot tha r medical attendant, Vhs Gener- inFrsr rni eot ai Medîiai Cotiril would liave tak- Remarkabiy Snîail Loqs. en niq notice of the case. But tise Tise lowest level o!foneest fire i-osa General Medicaý Cotincil took tis'e on rocord in Canada-iras reaciied gnound that, bsirig in prn(-essional Iast, yea.r on Dominion Forest Rs- attencianco on tise Stuart tamsly, serves lu Westerns Can«a. From hae had taken improper advantage tise first of Apnil to tise end o! Sep- of tise confidence neposed in h is ember -fverai of tise. reserves es- calling nnd thierefore expelled hlmi. capd witiîoît a sirigle fine over ten - Fomr a <1mc(t4ir t-o have hic riane ac tes ln extene,-'tlie -maîl fines that strisck off tise Statùt ry Registes' <id occur beirig extinguisised by of medical practitimnens spelis Pro-f the rangera before occ'asioning sny fe-amional ruin. F-or it meams Visat lie- damage Vo -standing timben. On te ain' longes grant m-,rlicl 'Rtî -ocky Monîntaiji Forest Resenve, ficates non hoid medical appoint- which bas an anea o! 13,373,856 moents nor even practîce meclicina, acres. tise fise-less amounted Vo bnlt unies-s he makes le quit. dlean Vo 1,1.150 acres o! yourig imben of cn]y lus patient- that he la not'a statu- potential value and $'150 mort-h !f, torily crinalified nedical practitmon- -matiire imber. Thse total arpa er. Moneover, he l-, unable Vo suîe burnt <ver, more than liai! f f wichi fojr fees. mas cuL-ever or, grass ]andi, as but 3,010 acres, nepresentiig <nly 0.02 Minard'a Liniment Cures Dite@mpr. pen cent o! the area o! tlîlm reserve, On t'le l)4înmmim(,n F'oresit reseîrves in App)roaehilig l'int. -Bit;sh 'oliinia, w-hics,- have a Vo- y-oint n hirik women are geV-' tai area oPf 2,-t21>,OffY) acres noV a ting Voo dnningly original in Vue- single fire stîcceeded inl spreadiîg, matter- o! dIresg?1, oveî- ' laîger ai'c'a titan ien acres, "Origin~al! They are getting and the uusiy greemi Vminbei- iîjtsred i positively aboiginai» by fsîe mas f-is r, acr-es o! younrg lodgepole pinre. The recor'ds are nat Ye~t cojmplete for Saskn-tciawaït andi Msnitoba,-bst te availabîs. ligotues ûituspare favorabiy mitli tiie oeqe cited. l'ise aibove figures also cons- -pare- nvora bly with correspomsding on-eis on the National Forests'o! tise Prited States,, uere. the area -burned in 191 3, nîth egi i all- -è4t in - recent .years, mas sornewiat- over 0.3 per cent, of tise total re- UiEhIIU -served.ares-. -in tise Fi-no Districts on Dominion ~~ Crown Lànds in Vise west patrollid ED1. 4, by iomition fire -raagerJ ,thé,! -bc"îone,«ý>y foiest fines mat à Ysn 1 aslac rmarks-bl3 17aal, mi tliis due wh ly Vo the- large &moi Of raid -mhi* feu lait summèr -tltç mes-ýft, ehere were alo ie ai 'dry 'sÈélh1s'wihn troquent fires Firequent shampoos with Cuticura Soap, assisted. when -neçesay b gentie, :azýOinings. with! Cuicu Ointment,.,aford the piet set est ai moÉst economnicgl, method of freeing the scap cf iifants and children- from x ýninor eruptions itchngsand calngsand of, es- tablishing permanent haitr- ealth. Cutienra Sep a"d Ounicot va iod ti'rmlu- tàéworld. A UblboaiCniple cf caehwfth 82-page- booki"u et ogcreand tresamt 09 tbhosun a"d CAN DAH1ARRSOE Restome Gray Hairt.ctooriglnal colorý. T» îigbt une fron sanme bottle,ibalroi anec bècomés black, the Other blond or other color as,, tip' wcre lai yoith. Stop. WOaling Hait, Dandruif, Itcbirig. Cures ali S&4p Diacase, Produces Newr Growtb, Satisfaction wguanateed or money backc. Prie 7S8conte or tier. oiOn.Dollar <potgo PoldïbAnHAlnNot 5.1l latore.,. lè~NDIA HARBETORRCO., Wmdsoir,Ont. DO TOUR, STOGKINGfla SHipiK" trom siirand burt youp mnakaold atoekinga feel- anrd wr 11k.b new, rellave llrod orecorna and 4 ave dsbrri aw ~oua'èc. aduit anid child- ~pna.6a0*~0s~ierrait. li EO eurréd, wiîich oniy the alertness-o! Vie fire-rangers jrei-ented from Oc'- casîoning large basses. InIthe Coast Fine Rtarging District, BC., which being situated -ini-the Railway Belt is ad-ministered by thse Dominion' Fonestry BZanch, duning June and July and Auguat iso less than 110 fines oeeurred, yet al o! these fines ire-r. extinguishied before any stand- ing timber was destroyed. Host's Youligefit.- "Don't your shoes feel veny un- coinfortable when you ws.Ik, Mns. Nuryche 1"- Mn.. Nuryche-"Dean me, m-liat an extraordiriary ques- tion i Why do you ask, childî7. Youngter-"Oh, oniy cos pa saidI te youn 'morievyyou(S got too big-------------- * Ut - VL ---- for vour boots.iite examine tise defendanît. .- 'Exaetly hem fan is it betwee'm Minards Liniment Cures Diphtheria. tise two t-ovins 7" asked tuie law-yer in a weary voice.- - is Mite, Tise defendant yawred, anti ne- Slie-Wisat have y-ou even <on plied, "About four mils as Vhs for umacry ?flows." - for itumaityl "Nodoubt"sad te ian of He-Saved at lenet one manfriom Nm,'yubniennsaIeio -.e. a tern-iblo fats. lw yuma stefo .ise She-Wisen wasthisi The judge lenned formnî'd. N, He-'lie I arred ou li remarked sauvely, -' he mîeans. as H&-When I arnie you ths fly crowa." - Tien a dtires iooked ai aone'. an- Try Murine Eye Remedly othenr, feeling that scmnttIiig- w.1S Il you have Redi, Weak, WVater'y Eyea wrong soniewbere. on Gnanutated Eyeiids. Doesn't Smart -Soothes Eye Pain. Druggists Ssii Munrie Eye Remnedv, Liqnid, 25e, 5Oc. ~ îs o it'* Murne Eye Salve*- l Aseptie Tubes, 25c, SOC. Eye Books Free by Mail. m r Wlimswa3 Ànear tltt expiAm- An Iyo Tenie od fer ail ryaa ihai Mead C.re ngpoint wiien i.> meiglifi.r met Mutine F.70ftom.dy Co.. Chaicagoe in nti -..,... '- - î'm...) -or WeleVïVV1I6and- twen1y-five .pOres, for-strong persons. The Scientifio American reni thatýone advantage of thi's nm is that if, the lighting -of the S le depenpdent tupoifthe eleýeti d-erived frorn it,ý wiII give a et lus to- th4e use ôèf thé machint exerciEe 'and tend to prevent glected. Wanted: Glad-and suniny'peop. Al along the way, JuIt to make it fair and njeIlov As a sulrnimer's day; Justlto speak a word ,o! greetir And to, give a sirnile That hl make each splendid pose 8 till the, more worth while. Minard'a Liniment Go., Limitc.d. 1 tlxm, ,.-I" ter 1TvP iirest benel'it; from the ' uge,)f MIAD LINIMENT il a - caverea atn4k of, 1LU Gr"ippe, and I have fre«iutly prt<wýd it t. b. v'ery elfettve ti caesof Iri lamma. Vourr, Not' to e r Taste. Art. Dealer-This is a 'beautiful scene from "Ham!e-t." Mrs. Newrich-I don't'care for hamlets. Showy me a good-4ized Cit.y. LIQUID SIJLPHLJR is Nature's own rem.edy for IIHEU- MATI8M, ]ýCZEMA and kinUred troubles, arising f rom impure blocd. It lias no -equal us a bloud purifier: ?' ricè 50 Cents a bottie. Ail druggists, or S'TTPHUR PRO- DUOTS LIMITED, 158 Bay ctreet, Tenante. The day was drawing ta a cluse. Judge, jurons, witnesaes anid 1kw- yens wree rowing weany. Fînaily 'Cause anîd eff ect whiskey 3traight ririd a crookcd walk. Mlnard's Liniment Curas Cargot Iln Cows. The Care-Free Servants. "Isn't it a'fright wliat wages ser- vant girls expeet nowadays 7" "1v certainly iii. It's got to the point wher-e it is liard ta t-el W'he- ther our servant girl is worki-îgl for us or wlîether we're jittt work- ing for our servant girl.-* v wg MRS. A. SAICH, cof Canningtor Ms-non, Sa-sk., 'Wnitcs :-"My brother suf. fered sevcrely f rorn ezems-. Tiie sonea wcre very exteni- sive, arid burtied like coals inte hlsllcui. Zam4Buk teck eut s-il thse fire, sad quickly gËave him es-e. Witiiin thrc week. o! comnýcncing with, Zam-ýBuk treatment,eer acre bad been cured." Tis f is but onç o tise maay -, lettens ire are ooustmntiy tcclvint' f ron peopie. iri v vd the beaug pwer 01 am-uk.For- ecesa ie~sores; burns, icuis and AUl skia troubles theon. la nsothuîuç 11k. tua wonderful- bainm, No skia diseaM huib.cn sidered Incurable iizr'.Zans-Buk haabees-trned. i Au 4DmsggiSL, fs..peu' ox. t rit- 'J' W. - Afl iigýýi èb ~ ~ lu WAN'T TO BTY hou~o Cobi~rqa &, Torvntô.~ ' rîity -ifW. WSNCiorB, e for WA-MTED.' 1 he rIVE Ulq.IJREDImm,. On. nd Fisher. W Dl Rates. NÎWPAPERS FOR -SA IM ÂSVE SEVERÂL 004 Dae piroperties for eai lt9ria toirns at ?lg1ict S.Âp. I W8bcriptIon reneiral time lé Wilson Pinbllehlnç go'e ' West 4çlaide Strept.- Torontc, fiANCER. TUMO48. LUMIf SInternal and. external, ci pur-, ont pain by ont boôie treatnu rip lwfnrS too lat..>Dr. 1flIllmm <eL NUI~l 'RSERYlh, ST.~.OK. -T JRSERY STOCK. IT TVr îWeRIEe.Pe Cao. H8PEMS. FIPT i oni Varee Etc. Gnaiai. M0nn é.&AN VoGoeed uACANo.- We wiII- pay'you $120-00 to ditribute réligious literature in your ecomwunity. SiXtLy days' work, Experiehos flot rcoquired. lari or-woxnan. Oppor.u- i ty for promotion. $pare time unay be ixeod. International Bibie Pretig, 182 Svadina Street, Toronito. PO tr l aRpmet reiWng you THIS COHOERNS ?tAPLE on tise mare side mand place v. oud now, inritead ofrit 'mling disi, ment-durlng tuie, Sarcli nush,-T for -fiebookle iig Z~ and piices of' cur <2h «teiÇ atcpr and aIl up'-to-date 14upp'. wlmlch we are hraduîuartens. for freer catalogue. anid telU, many trees you tap. Iý' THE GaffX XI<G. Ce., BySt. Lawr-encé Sugar lus originel packageà. 'Un- touched frca m rfinery ta 3'our çtpboand, you are sure!,pf ,juîger sbsoiuteiy -frée nomi -contamination, or impunities ofs-ny kind. Se. Lawrecime granularmd wht ipure inn cuaipackcd in thrc si meof % nIa mediu an sdcosaa, in lit on. 5 b ud,20 lb. gcie ak sg and 5 lb. and 2 lb. catons. A Il first clogs idealo*s. con sep, it so mua! - uPwn -homing -St. Lswrence Sugar. OT. LAtWRENCE suGÂs RIFiNERIES ii Lu on e s mir. -j1'!i, 11mm!, 1- Tomldiis,' - lieIiîs-t <est, 'lits îmmm- nenve Visans ayone I ever rn(c't.*- "WtVy?7' asked lits neigimbor ciivi- ousiy. 'HHe-'cameO os-r t mmi11 ibouise lastV eveniug a-ndl- omrowed my gun to kil] a dog tlit ki'tlii awake niglîts." '"Wel1, mimat (o! tisat?" 'Wimy," simo-esedIMs'. \Vl- kinis, *"it mas my «og he killed." s- 4CANADIAN WKNIGÈIT -NOPASTE T1EFFALLEYGIL ,I Nousîa, -?'~OWASTE i MAMILTON CANADA I NoRus4s. IEL TRÂYMORE-. ON THE OC.EANiNT . ATLANTIC CTN.;J.- lre.-proot wous. and '5.4., le juce baingcor ~<ate o! Als-n ,, 'J- 'p - - I - - -f--- I - - -j r~i ,-- 1' Jî'/ J J -'j-I - f 1~~ rOf- P.ion - I àý Legal Taýngle.

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