i viser. aIea VLIV à 0etfcfarmin and bigier POÂODISEÂSEr STATES. cuiasauyPinee An Embaro o» I'q>e4 tb.4it!a tbê ýintentio6n, of tii. nl'Âme icn potatees lin retalia- ~nfor tho action cf hs United Bbte uthoritise fo.r'declining te ~,.lcwC ~ianpottee tego int tht0r y l e i n officiai circles.- The dlaim is made that here à jut a-inuch-pota.to disbase the Un4d S aas in Canada, *nd that thre object of embargo le te k.ep the Ameriean market for the ptat'o-grewe r, <cf Mairne. A pecu- lr.feature .of the. situation, ho.w- ever,à j- 'thiet while N on. Martin- iBurr'el1 h as not decided Upori -a pieycf- retaliatio'n'ho iras been practically advied.te do se by Dr. Çusisowi)onion Botanist, who Iras beeù 'lookiing into tire potato itùa.iion heur Lu the United States -'Canada. sa man,- at Vanicouver Trled o0 shooDt Civie cerke Patch frem in anser, B. l~liga, gu sd fl4ng -S. J.. Montgonrery,em-rk a board et works, meeof cf Vancouver's unei-, -ated *a seezatien at thre -Wedriesday. Tire mari, -t, mas cone'cf threscores -foc work on Tueuday -hiad te iore rinl d- - -ping lu lin. mitir the - ny ha appsared on rnin6 - and pulled j niezy. - Ile latter mand hUnded him ,)Ton CAR. " z uenýA despa.teh ,froenLndnUas 4deut. King George and Qxisn Mary are Ponte BAYs e:&idy oonsidt>ring a visil> te Dub- *the. rer lin ini juIy eft ta year. Il> in un- which was derKtOOd that tii. Ring wil con- of Queen form bis inovements, se far as Ire- ng Ave- land le ooncerned, te th.e advlce et 'liursday his Ministers, and will adopt no -IstIck by coure, that- will hamper any oft he "y Fred $Jarj- political parties with which the gev- ,uadier Road, an.& hii ernment ci. the iuland je a inatter of x wae l rken. Elied à few keen conoere. The opinion in eU!- minlu4oe ater and bis bodyvras re- *b-orMà 4 quartere i41ha.t thcee wili * moved to the morgue. Hlarding' was3 be no extended sojoun in Ireland taken into custôdy on a. charge of entil tir present period of tension nranslaughter. lha. been deAnzitly ended. GREAT VICJORY AC.IIEVI ED ,Dr., Lazarus BarloWl the London Surgeon,' Report:0 Astonishing, Results In Cancer- Flght Innipeg ~bp 2W PoeideAit het i.sale*of p' -Ced performers wiIJ tak ar À n akresa ub th"e-ef comcien, OfyfÉvents Mo tli for tk e e t. o, tebe Oomr on on £vnte tuberciulà uie hospital,' fMontres! Board of Trade a.nd le.e.la Soonce ola.,. Two Rbles. other orgamizations paesed .a etrong f2lie dtotrwt e ofMrton, Srrey~, le pro&rd resolution calling for a nur 4miro, n nirà " Tmeare xau. ot ecuef the interrpe MAîltQà 0at ôweeks; andi 8oee-ȟ- .wateruplyrute Big Ineoeses In ImporteanaidEr ports for.1918. Thre British Boazd et Tract etMurni for. 1913,, ýmned- on'-WednW&de atrowed tiat 'the. aggregate -of 'lm' ports inte tire United' Kîngdon ainounted te 83,845,189,795 an.d 'tir exporte frein theUnitej Xingdoü te~ ~ ~~~h ,31558,7. i reepectivi nreases were .8121,,640 anW 8$180,780, 00 over1912. Tire meS n tbre deréess mong the, lmn ports were: Cotton 848,8.42,245 and grain and flour $481~3,wik live nirsand foodetuffe ln oreased $38,e21,775. Tire largesi i nereases in exporté were ceai an< fuel $e5,370,ými3o and iron and steel $28,65f-,075. POLIC;EMEN STOLE PURS, Montreal Foreruan I o WChargéd A deepatchirofrinMo6ntrealsys: F<>1loming -thq rÃŽrrigriment on Wed- nesday cf 1C1aude Vachet, mie a f"w dayà fego, wmle a, .ônstabile et-' ta<nhed to thirecentral police. station, lu eiIeged te have stolon a fur mîuff and cae, Constable Leceaupte iras taken intoenstedy on a charge of having -reWeved-etoIeu.geode, Later i thre day Forenmazi Aiphi; Gaynor, oft tir. OrioStreet li'., station, 'wa tak"en into custoy on a charge of theft, Pire Forenran Osynor lu charged mw"iretealiug aà qiantity ef gloresa and. otiier article. during a lire 'i Otarlo Street eanly Tues- day morning, He miii b. arraigmred on F"ndy. ROYAL VISIT-TO IEIÀD. Thre WLng 'and Quaen May Go te ,DubIna a.July. A dspech rei Lndon says-. daily work.. In oue or t-wo casesa -ToLoudcrn Times On Thursday recucreuco -bias 'taken.place, -but Dr. Lazarus Blarlom hopes tirat mWitir r pnbiiheda eatenentconern u er kuowledge of the action ef - ï- adium trçatruent of- cancer at rdu -orrne w] .pe - Mîdullest oilptal, which, it de-vntd - - dcerecord thre inoat impotnt Dr. Barlow uald ta mas possible adiueyet -a'chie-ve'd -lu thfe cer- n- usanie aies tt tey Mt proint paigri agriluat tire diseasie. Tb id 11not gire a aurmient pourenful srat.crr-rrnt iR mnade by Dr. Lazaa-us dose efthtie reenedy. If f50 mrilli- B'lw.uuder -hire", direction tire graine of radium mere b.ilod lu a tr'e'tiierit ,mas caried -out. Tire cancercus tumor il> simpl7 mithres va î~-- dpar runtof tire iospitai up aud disappeared, but it mes sug- aurit ilry inoperable cais, tiret gested tirat occaslonaliy a feto els is, lie id caees mhhch have paased were leftumkil.d. - Tire s ter- beon rd tire enid- -f tire surgeon. wards canucd a recuzreuce by ho- Frow . Juuu ot- September, 1912, ccming active. twîiý-uîy- fiiur such cages more admit.: He ha. net so far published the. Led. and i the saine tume tirore details of hie resùIts h6ecau. ire de- tal ira tE! iýirr <catis, tire nie- sieed te tehlei up th isitory ef his tif rbbeing ýrnc hundred .per cases a little fartiier, Thte mas Cù iltL. j4,ro.m June te September, reqluired .te subtantite tierez- 1913 siîy gYs caes er-e admit- insekabieý resuît. achie-ved and no - In flhcti'e thitysix deatbs one shoudtalk èf an absoiute cure *a iat asýDtiateti by ime. -Kevertirelene there b- d'!- l a %* YO"CIfi-oii tire hospital, au couid ne longear be any doubt as te nul ;r-ý v-dlu d évent. Mout of tire thiri ' ediate effect, et radium - j.'iien'tare - new goirg about tireir, upon cp:pceroua tumers, V -Te i 5- 'i.. .. B'~I,= Ori 1 ' - -in-r b.,li eurtot, i*28 o î Le MesI 45. m.Mdu to îîinit butth8ir* nsB loi- te19 12c; e-revy, Io- te 190- roe, tse1rit- c nuire V o l 180S; beakfast bacon, 18 te 19e;,baiiru, la statad, *asnor ap - $3 e 4e. xtatouce, anu rdor tire -eyesi, of t - <xdi.0E Lar-ire 13 3-4 to 140; tubs, 14 t zerienced teagirere tire girls e ,arde- -thie 10 i4 1-4e;PaIo,, 1411-4 to' 14 1.2cr.uran sbst-itno as caretully. in Kathleen sud- Rosa, If - appearanceLu k sur-thins, are maxie; srtat;ou tire roui- re16Nie5i andStraus. me of bating. dreoing, sud putting to id - her-Ne. i eb *14.60 te *$la aton, uleez,.Ketileen irsa lîttie restive tire a Sný track ore; No. 2 queteri et $13 te r dur-sudoutaof sorts, but tire girls,ifi te13-60. sud mtxed, ut, 12 to *12.50, alfer us-vocal expérieeceu, are noir pat Balet srei-Carlot, *.60 e *,75.eumietresues in the. art 'of treatîns -a trouble- tracir, Toronto. - ureebaby, - suad Kathleen ires - quieirly r( e -Ordy girls ov>er 13 are ellomed ta tare ti Winpe rmpart ir. htraining. liesidee tondi;tr Wtnnipeg, Jau. 11-,-sai - WioatNo.1 babie tiey learu aill mannore rmu ed ýt Nortireru, 845-eN. 2 Nortireru 862 1.4,; socompîtirhmeuts, suob, as hewomaeté a tl ANe. 3 Nartireru; 79-1-4c; No. 4, 74c- Nô ' cradie eut et e soep-box or's cild'a bat- e S6E;NO. 6. 58e; No irsjeed uee'ds. 77'Lie out of a soda-water 'bottle, N eJcedeed, 75,Ne.3o @me Prince te Have Modal Paria, seade , 73c; No. 1 emutty. 77e; Nô.r2 ected The Prince oetWilce,. ac(tin; miitirthete ty, 75c; No. 3 sruutty,7Zc; No. 1 red Win. Duelir of Cornwall tau;e:l, proposes te tee, 84 5-8c, No. 2 ed Winter, 82 1.2c;- N. o etablisir e model terri, un hkï Oorniuh Pl -3 red Wieter, 79 1-2c. Ost6-No. 2,C eâsujts, aed a iiite has beun eeeted'utear 32 14c. Ne. 3 0.W.. 30 1-20! extra No 1 Callingtoan. ;. fe0d, 31 14e;, No, 1 feed. 30 1-2; -Ne. 2 feed O n inquir te; t LreeftQe oethtie DueiryH 30.Barier-, No. 3. 41 i-le; - No. 4. 40; Te. et 1nwllat Iluekmn; aurnGlate. w- Iected ' 38c; feed. 37 1-2c. F1ax-2Ne ,'1 a reporter was iuformed by n offifciai d WC.-0-27I; No. 2 0W., *1.24; Ne.o, C W jtirCt tire eiremeirad se far ruaterialized* oit -Isut epning, wrwermli ou tihe mertOW coulet'on, Thre mod 1 farmn is aiready th Montreel Mearkets., - ,tocke miitr cattie. Mentreal, Jeu. 13.-Cern, AruerIcan No. Soveroigns te Vîsît Parle., - ;i 2y6llem, 72 te 73c. Oats, Canadia en a. - Tire inteuded state vLsit efthtie King and a' aern,, No, 2, 41 1.2 ta 42e;,(Janadian WcaL. Quteu ta Parle wt;l probably bu ruade ta eru, No. 3 40 1-2 ta 41c; extra No. 1i eýdalter r*asLr batireen Aprfl 21 and April- 41 ta 411-3e. Berioy, Man, lord, 48 te Sac; 25. It ta considered uinlikuir- tiret Prie. er maîtit; 64 te 66c. Beeknireat, Né. 21 56 ceeus Ma 1 o wlitir ier perentuo.- le 7e.Pler, en.Spen béaet patents, f El i>@ip Irunk on Mena. c firsts,,*5.40; seconds, *4,90, w,,e,,,; her. Me. DanlJrq rd, virose bock, *mina. O $4.70; Wiuter patente, ciroice, 04.75 ta $5. lu; fBIaci," raso ated rancircoutrevfFoy Es e*tratgiÃrt relos,*4.50 te *4.60; etraigitj meutianod some extraordipnery Centrai reliors, baga, *2' te $2.10. Rlli eî, f,-bar- 1Africen 'dtaiea" Iu tire- course et a tee- va rois, *4.40 te *85.40; baga. 90 Ibo.. *2.10 - te tureaet Alitorogateetreet recenrtly. Tirese bu r 2.12 1-2, Bran,. *20 ta $91. Shorts, $22 te Incinided, st-avaL elepirauts trunir, reast 1 M. Kiddlinip.su 2 te $26. Meuilile, $27 rnircs foot, boiied iripri tonune V tO*$31 lHay, o. 2. par ton, car lots, *13,50 (etamed tarty-eigirt heurs ta maire it ton, ho te 014. Ch«"seflunt esterns 13 7-8 ta der), resuit mLld danrer-, uewed mouirer-, 3 4k: fiastsasterus, 13 1-4 te 13 34e. But- rost mater -rat (irea4, t-ail &ud sll) and Oir elicecre&mMr, 28 1.2 te e; @0> tire luaclous norsel, mi-h a cii pro- wi ouI,26 1-2,10 210. Et«s, frasi. 48týe,(.r vlded aes aqt-at. Leic*, et e mes cf select-,38M: No. 1 stock, 34c, NO. -2 o -eir tironsant cf mbite anto triszled in thirrWl 26r-. Potatoos, Per bât, car loto, 75 t<, 85a .Omu fat, lire a sclrt 0ï Centr-rAfricrin ha - mitebait. Ais e re mon a spactalinhi Unlt. Stata Maret, Mciifavorcd. ofet arory boRled grass li UntdSae akt, lgreen sud glutuenus.cc Utunnepol. Jan. 13.-Wlisat-a Mes. Cranford teiL et tir. Cent]rai Atri- 8775airek Juir- 89 5-Oc asked. -Cash; eau '"knuts." Tire Young brTiegroom ru, Ne ardi 89 3-li; of. 1 Nertirern 05& more a nociriaceofetoetir nd haie ofthe to u8 38eNo 2 Neetheru, 83 3-I toës74,1 eophant's teil. sud a.fur boa, mmcli No. 3 mirest, 813-I te 83 74c. Cern, No. 3envsoclety meman mouid envy, 'et equte- mWh 6elm 9 to 69 140. Oata--?%o. 3 'inte, roiins,gransd mbite, tIea telet ho- cf 650. ieur unchanged. Bran, 8*2060 o in.0 cempletsd possibiyr I Su iEropoun tim $à a.germent. more famhtonabl*e-by oee etf DulIuth'. Jan, 13.-'Wlea&--No. iirerit Mes. Dan Craufard'. auntsavapoallylent :1 8730 N.1Nrhr,8 & ;.2frrhéocasion. I$ NOt7 rn 844c No, i entn,, No.-Se; i. ChinosidId Languagie, -vic Rer-4tea,84 4e; VoMay, a,8No.0; 2liard9 . SIrWilliam Ramsay, sposirin nt lit. 84 4 ed4 7'-ble;e-,jnu4or ir. ,0;340. Bride Insutitutoecc«ently on spriliin; ce Line.64S1L5I1-ferurr,*16 ansalit Itwira eplty tiret w. lad netagi *1.5 14.from tire beginning 'adoptait tire Cinese tire - - sAYMteinof mrtting lnotoad et our omir. Lîve Stle Mar-kets. Tire Cinese dît net speli; tirer usaitd e. cri bols whmciicanveeIez-iiesu.-Tire Cineo o f lient-rosi, Jan. 13.-alsuet - m te bout. lenguaga ro aithtir reat advantage tiret n steerw wtmanaite et 8, snd tira lower IL cou'd ho rendt iueir uuicker dieuan r-y grites frein tiretdomu te _s$e parerc . polloit languae. It ment suruujIt t rem Ag 13rt5ire"-' ceww fremn 4 te *7, and - bulle the symbol ta tire brarisnairu ides. frein *4 te*7 par cmt. Lambn et *8 ta jAithengr ire oult flot, support tire the 88-5, s&" ueo» et *4M50to *7 po cmt. Baies adoption cf e new alpirabetou tire linos Aur et 0elected lots oet ire. ore made et *9.75 et tire Ciniesa uret-er, ha faIt that iL te $10 eer emt, -meigieitoff -cars.-Tire de- wmnasspttr-tat tira. thonteit dor toue ",and fôr calva mas fate, et pricos rang- tirouand vr-es ge eue ancestarg dit net Su; frO1iý $3 te $16 escir, as te aise andt adopt tira (imuoso yitu. qualty.-. Sortîns Battis hiTouch. Toronto; Jan. 11--Cattle--Ciolce butah- OuretofLondon'a queer trait.u te t-but ena, * ta *850; goot rmedim, 87 tn 87.50;,etfeuîptv bettle seettnr n t tre London nfoi eamnun0-rw 3-60 te *4; butcrre* bulle, -Bottre Exchrange, off lucifrfiucw road.st $3.76 te $7 25; cannons sud cutters, $3.66, Tiese bettlpa have beu uniavaged frein te *4.- Calvme-Oood voal. U.75 tae$Il- cern. itstbius. eeas. Lira holda oft suie sund meon. 84-75 te $5.10. Stoere andi feodora- mireaver bottes g o setrer-, Steer», 910 ta 1.0M0 pont, *6 te $6.75; 1 Eveer- year et lertst tira million bot. iquaUtyMO00 pou-dus, *4.50 te *5.25-;,tics. elter meur- mandcrlugs, fini tireir me; $'gt 3»50te *5. 0 iAhep, ent lamba- mer- to tire fottie Exelisugzn. They are L igit ae. *5.50 te *625 irê&vy, 83 Lii - srtoit-sud returued te tiroir rigitful ovin. ( I- *3509, bucks. *3 ta 83.501; speint luube, 88 5o crmirho py an annuel .iubwe-iptioil ans T Sa,*9, but mitir 75o per bord teducted, for' wAlR,11sEt fui sirillinîgu a grm sfor retuiri- )' S ai iebucir lenbo. Howas-4890 ta 89 toit aitbotties. suit materai. 89.15 te 89.25 oor, caa, ut Oeed on tire bottiN a% it mere, a Of 8.5 te$8.65 f.o.b. I irter et thc oxcliauge muet ire a iria etf _______________ eu or-ansd delieate touohAilieta T~ire iras te guide hlm I lutindsetci aseq i.re hebc sd usure ouni-hp giras. and SUFFICIENT LABOBERS. swiftlyr, unç-rril* andsuith reMoab un- eun-d4ltlucl rpgnép!cki, eut a botia - mdlch mii mandereil from Glasscm unit Noe More Workmen Needeit on New Putis Inuitie came homund foi tre Nortr. e Saivatlon Army Congrues@. Welland Canal. Tire mrL eg~ ot tireSaulvotton afl cmir ehaIt ouLon ton oes eago in te T A despatoh frein St. Catherinea U M reatet noit summer. out on e uame- Winit larronreRie. Repu-ssntattves ofthtie diBd Baya: Iu apite cf the. warning sent armirni;all parte on tire vomit eud et dreu eut tire meeka ago men ai-e pouring Rull uatInia to tie iuubem -nf several Iltholignd will c suitet.an fi thir [ite St. Catierines i-ookiug for natilmex»lutmes will ms~ik a -pieturescire and work on thie reeir ip canal. There FaiireiÀr A i; carre i'ted tron u talen ire ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ n yeanyaotsvc iude u o isatlug ef 5,000. peesoro 113ta an are et oly aout evenýu nde e rectet on a a -soucsite iu Aldirycr, T men ernployed, and there 'are ouffi- nutire eenlre- cf Iou'don. for theretoTt rient laboz-cra boe.te ureet t'ho de- n'a5 At tihe Conclusion cf Lire cerugresa, mer in ft-haitelogrspe reprosientina yL nand for laber for»minementie. ruanYr-nattons fas p<o'iil'. iil epko- tr t ft-ho ourutry. At, Notttngiram, t agg199 d4eleon iomli take meut a treopentu; a cu Of tire hall onecet db>'thre pople o htýa Tire Czar ha. purciiasd for ttii. tiluInmemeerY et tire iste orraI Hermnitage Museuin tire painting M o4iYan. t, . 914 'Madonna With tire Fiower,"Y y--m1. wririn l attribut.d to Da Vinici. orne inen are alwayu up anid, do-Ma T'ie priemas 875,000. -ing-oters.- Tlui renteraRalma, Nlomhmiaz-e-'ntinud dan fleuthenw tunnng fresu bis tr4»s7a 1ev mil-r I Thne dd olven vera pafly t ta Ur tire 1ûs, mlrie e as ud&nly dcvsrurd. Woive. a're--.xeepticeal- ýattaeked by tus - wolves0,Re W acIly -numz'ous ln thè-t irétgirbrhood ~ di fl iLin Ae effort te force the-dee oreduce the price-,frein'eight- b even ctente a quart, Ãwa-a aiailurà 'Thé P'reiniers :et. Maitoba;, Sa ,atà lewan, #nd Alberrta' have' n-& -1. +etement te OttA.a 4ýi o.restoiton to tire provirices.c te- ooitrcl -of natuiralreecurces . The 4i.~rs - raceof Mr. ,Sire- ,n, from' Býntfcrd, ' who i4s e rusted' -mithr- U1>- m0n.y- traise ens by nw o! the toýeigneërs0 tat city, l oacnibuhax ty arnenget lem, Wm. Muray, 'ccdZred, *as uerý -nced to five yearu ti- Ringetor 'enitentiery for slîooting- at, per; one lu Branitford onDece-,uber 24 lis counsel's .pîsa cf drunénnirest ras riotaecepted au a valid 45-cuse, Prof,.. IL R.Dean cf tir, Onitan cgricultural Collège, apeaking t5 he Eastern Ontar-io Dairymen ai 'rnwaI1, emphaeized tire.-n eed great agricultural leader, ln Or rio, *£- te eightenirig of farm. W' berdens cfiiterest, .M. L. A; Zufeit, Superintendéni fKin'gston Dairy 'Scirool, told ti À.4tern Ontario Darýmen lu con. Pnti-on at Cornwmall tirat Canadia utter-niakers ùmuet, nom ceepeU tir New Zea.land for.tireir. owi Dme markets. - Charles Asaff, a Syrlan peddlcr, am murdered and iis body burier thin ;a ew hundred yarde ,ci the Duse ln whmcii irelacged at Sire. arbor, N.S., on tire uight et De- -mber' 9. One, Edwvar4l Cook, is cuatody, Mtayor Oliver, cf Pc-rt- ÂArthur, ho mas re-elcted te tire poitiel omiet magistrat. for th-, £eomn re, mas pleserited witha a gift of ý,5e0 by -tire' Cuncile' for iris ser- ces rendered during 1913. 'When cities make a strlke ,inet mllk at eight cents a quart ey are striking againut' what,, h i et tireir cireapest, foods însteac one cf thre meut expeusive," said of. R. Harcourt, of thre Ontario rriculturai College, - adressing aEastern Ontario Dairymeni's tt, ffon,.Joe îChaâmnlerlain an- unapd hie Intentionytà formaily !-c froin Bitish polities. topreeontatflvç,s cf varlous art iletion; asked the British doveiru' it te partl!cipete lu- tire 'FrecQ: 'o7'I tmp todiquai--O!ien - ;hea attempt lte eqanrd ayr 0orta enrth lltg ain ord eye an Aineikan citizen, faileci. United States. lre Colorado State Penitentiary Canon Oity is t<> have a 'grest phitheatre. %re P>siie ceaut £rom San Fran- ,o té British. Columbia wae îched and flooded by stone,. irc have continued for ton days, 1wich have exteudcd wellinmu ', nullse' sierdtb rhe t itnnuîl iehe commferciab Lciautstrough - cowiYorCiay :M eae $mlttd ui Nmork igty regate $25000,d0, entorcltheMg V nimmAiatiopmntn vther IMey butne' Amo niatio ird e herlet buinistericnlzatiorns: Whleh 3.rpnDstitAte~nyWrt GeSut ircn e. - trkr ie Sear fricd au rwyata- netn tiploe d faile the on Mar-iole deepit aei -t the Ina Magia tiret eeefldntlal& rserlu ngthatieea-.hpo. . Ãs, for thy Tur4e eestof O fende frsiepuad rae di- on! ofaip and emt a md ece, 40,000 treopa beîug ausem- Great inventer,; lu Trelan!, Tà allîi Wlth Canada.- lempateirfrein Pareia-s" Tire PB reporte that BIgnr M&rerl, rijreless inventer . asbeem able 1lk for a Whait r <wer is egs télepiione ftmm Cilden, on -4- -." -1 e5 I M m Ci. TOWN 4'. TOWN 0FP -TOWN< Ã"F Es'i.ý WRF1'E FOR FU~ xonotuA ilT~TSAKE j- 4 Uni miait us Tero. Our *nd- -- -ftbi i man> CalisugaetOU. e- 1100 'flhm U.uvm@hnê"S5: who delibsrateli iret dedasuait ed T ir ea à c arten t'oft h-je roviln.'e -_ 'of an e hall for eaode tally colir' Sasatcewa issai t li--P0 i u hledancing wae .execut, g Sauka.Thiean t aaido n ceraace 'f cô al o1ed« 49 fea r 2tev an asg a u p f ià K r O i p D ayed th e 15 f t.- nt t kinoae are bein i nedShq, om . me - MB d big tlu of w liicir out ro p on the river -banka M -iw t r > a y othere are foud by boritn. (Y lr & ue g h;é_ î- érofèlht :Lewnhips twre re wl»CA4,bUzoe N to s -f lignitt avalable per seton, , *~~ Iie c - A s , t i e r a i l -w a y co ns t r ui c t i o n ~ i i B ~ U I S ~ O t , r ~ l u ~ c . * of t.hrough tire country ýadJacent to the In- 6bu '£1~ .-~zrk dué ternhtionul Bouuaà r, tireproduction oft duntho rdgtie ot o-re am ca i 'wll irrreaosei t sa til m ore rapid d' e n h ýt w ' 8 t c e rate then t ias ~r tie past. Tie Idu. guillotine., "I4 1 11l epeak if 1 try ie well loked, t ter by the Gv rn- tiie rimnual iercelY reéPlIed, a n' Sment, andLtireraéan ho no doubt bcirwar, hurried tward tie g o n v i e n - t i r e p r o j c t e d r a i l w y f r o n O . a r g'ÊgI I e t - i e e9l, h buru ta Leth rideIo lu conurctei many thiib- -.You, Durkirir people ar - erw m in ce w ill be 'r6pen ed and operat-ed. e t a m m e t ir c cc.4 4. Ir.ilubIoa for the Polo. tIsta-tite i3eized him, andc tanT s A L ndon paper -joints ut' bt i 8 ck1-le t r e w was dead. - taon's ipending Aitarctie oxpedftion will oerman ;Population Cý-oa. b. tire I.ot, t H iprobà bility, tliat Grmay ll ae ocoa e0 d ep ond o n do t s, ae d irig ib le b u bll o n s c n I n 9 w* lle h ve. p a p u l n ir - g e lutrie ii 30heus traS tarasd~uPire *wan founded tun 1871, accordli a huirerd'dà ysiWiy- i@iidi't Kir Ert i aedo ievta tt , i t r 8 tw tttil i th e b aU oo es. are - vallabW eîti a em pir e d o ntr e v1tl92.t thoemvire ire11 *re nd tkig 'TeUditna oiPrra i-Prinsian tt ne re u sueilimtae-ir tr wr4 <jK ,r as< th unyCe et ain? WiThaudt Ltferal $cen,bi; j atuu~*ieo tilloknowl alltnibtaY o btees ca, tc e ~~~The trcaee ascimd Tren=nber o eà t eafb Ir 1912raos thre- V Tire Jury t tel u e f ine4hi risaileet ever recerddad -dtire numnier ncharged with tire brutai nrirder.af Anna ol marriega. tire gteatest, 6e0tire glatie. Aunneler ef New r irir ere uriable - ta tisOn- tiremil. maire a morit eatiafac., ereacir an egreement ai fer heing eut. fertarY homng;. TUi.Lcline in tire birtir D tirirty-oix heurs. Tire Newavtar e ttes rate continuai but tire dercaso ta tire tiret a funrd ef $10,000 mas ralueL -tr iris malloot regtstered tI years,ý Tire rate ceunsol and $1 000 eacir fer tire fouir allen. mas 29.1 birtis ta cvery, 1,00o inirabitants;. lots, iro teotiÃeL In. i i boiait. Cenato ft oýômPared itir 294 ti 1911, 30.7 in mg1. *stand ofthtie manutrene fiituity-,Of prac' birtir -ver:deatirs,-tire aurphui -b4ieg al., ttically -osuborned lexzr' tsima o fmut 1000goter tirn 1911.n thLie systein breaks dem n à -hr test, * b. irarteri odo le it l nnlt, frrs- ~pER~3ETI u ET emir crerUt, toae a,. oueg Igo'-uie - uz aatnt t%"4 wboeIe rrcenary trie et1 * conc1s Iol atnits' ýwith opinions re IA.S FIVe ceOt r fo i j V m ir w a e va ti b a d n u git h a 4 nJ.n a y Ti..hmLd a. revltis;." Wet-IAJ.nay The roatase nVnton8,:A d-espatch fro ni Alaka, Sauk.~ TU e identifie Americen offered iprime. C.hewan, isaye: FArmers,.iu tis di, -for-tire tirrec bout essayaon tire te:É trictet bkigOn tir. land, . bar. greatest p&tentabýe invenrtions oet tie -peut arwrk etwenty-ive years.- No tire competitaro se- y0wing. One far mèer..wilI- 80W f ve Iectedtire sre @ect aiinventions,. 'In ct, a cfres t t nb Orn enaInvention, tt t i vIrelese tels. oacre e t s il ýeX p)erim ent of ta hy, w au encded uanm uey te e. January eeding; r lon otetr of heton greeest. Te **- vot onacrplaea wasalmeat uniantm ~4d.e-Uâlgg Pays, - Tireconditions et- tire cqrteà t stetd "osavrisn aY Tls tha greetesa ud ur e ateoI.rb!o hesre, tem tpractîcal ouccese nuI CeUidr ,fved-là i nth tëd seumeete manitnd; tire competitors . Well 111 m(oreo limiter! te machines, devtee, sud dis.- ceoierieu cenrmercially irîtredrlcedInthrtie 4adVertlsed anisci far I uai'e. ls wetyilve yars, and spécialempira. recel, dtirreî' v-dolar li'~ tnmust bc pa'tentable, eltiraug1-net rie.- ceauarlly patouted. - He (uld Ho Dit t Tie followng twelver nvent4noi @eu DiI ed tire iheet number of votes, tîe innm- Pfr enpeck mW-wiaf-*hvé, I - ber printei l ter osci r rersmtii? azar. 'clone nom? c o u a g e o f t i e v o t e s g i v e n ; J t 1 ora p h y , 97, a cr p la e, 7R isry r ch l a. i h O- Y ~ U , 1 1 h a v e a 74; automobile, 66; umotion pletures,.,_- r earet. ronuoreed coucrete, 37; pirenograpir, 37; ,Hnp k- .. inreendeo-ent- electrie lazmp, 36; steam tue- - v-whi" ht e *bine, 34; ceectric car, 34; *alulotin; ra- Cret 7 chine, 3 Internai combuatiori angine, 33. Ili; Wife-Tireyivs rae-iYu OoUld Not Puti- the ,Contraot. elay - h f1é Wheu thre Pure Food aud llealth - Seo. - teofce ciety cf Great Drttain tnvited Proposais M. Jie-npeck-1 pèzqc for a Oistmae dInuer every article et word tins iu-.-the firet I know xf micir woul stand-tire teste oftits expert Rise WifeýL.Dontle Hrr-1 cirazuets for adulteretien, net a irotel or ' .' 01'tî restaurant Iu London muld undertak - -d in your pay elop tiecuract Neoitirer could auy nem er r epI-Daru;hwwa Of tire oeeet be tound ta marrane T ,e 4 . neý-ern: -OWýa ewn irouseirord cuisaine for a Pure -food-it-knclOrwý wen yeu nvrltm toast. Tire eaciety now dalles anyoue t: oper itii iyseli prevdee adae'food fer an .erdtuary - woririugman'u femlly mtirout et leasi îiree c a se s et a d ltera t tan . - It la t e h a - h . c s e r o t l h n i r r - feared tiret sucir a cirellenge lu sny otirer 1 &qUire swigha it f NONÉW.ýWORIbNÃŽII-E CeP.-R.r/ ex~penustuires WlIjB& !aa±as,, Tv C5 jcK A despat-ch f rom Montreal sayu: tr Me. George Bur-y, Vice-Preshdent Up lef b for W inipeg -oit T hursddeng t o ., after a number of eonferenceu -wii dtuh Sir Thomeas Shau-giusy on que. edn r «e tien 5 ini'olving wesbern exendi- xguie È tr mes, m ic i, it mas st d, - _me b ur l 'Of p e for 1914 be almeet' entirely co.nfined, it mas owîng te tr fer -tirspreucut te the-cgnrpletic of t ouytra ieCP-. track-layng, tet., on -'rads ,a- ele ha he0 reajy but,- on branci linee, cicten- tAle fo move fiucira larg'g uioue andi doîble-tracking, thre .,lat- rtwic -n$0 expeditiouuisy et- a.t. tee cf mich ir Iii evonttu1aîîy corineet m ithé great strain -c movinpg' mitir eucutvar, hnd esot ü<me,- The 4ac-ilitiès t ;winipegI.th cf reRers 'assonv Ide inhumrolling stock meresia Ftia.t ar requireernts ini tunnel, mhicir mIl b. 'pusired -with directlort- wete .abletoh vigor. Tire .ceneideration -of ex- i dtr taJm peedituree on asny ncm railmay ro mpt y. an'thecori - - - neetly a. ela-h rl '70/1 N V -IFMhI - 1- -j- j - i 1 1