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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 15 Jan 1914, p. 8

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S Wll. be easy vIce j ing t$içl tbyw~11! I JI~Y he retur» ai(,but <rte sj>etidid work ot* lî LiiutLavery su:red vutore'-gosi 1eeper- .:the scete1 Il itwiienf the skate et would have beean mucli more èqjMsa D)rugieviiie b<ys cu t hlm On- zed. Stewart' made' WhitbY" -'hist À ad to be. carried ftrom- tally, io¶îlowed shortly bY - another' mnade by l3undy. .- -ie t£ê wee ».The secoond hi thé best hoc ~ellvi1qo-Goal, Brothenboûod; rlghi ey o! .. the game. . 'rmne and *again ence, B±adIey, iett, delence,L. rushes 'were nxâde frcim eitber ezidi aMt; rover, Dunning; centre, Whe- only-"to h b-"topped by good defeace ri 1 ht wlng, S. Spnons; lef t wing, *o*rk. Fegan, in goal for Whitby,~ ntJplayed indifferently in the -first ha1t;ý ..hitby-Goâl, Jubb; right- defence, bt -ii the last jhifIt e redeemed)ilni4 zràth;: left d6ence, Mlntyre; tover, self '1amply,Ï stopping shot àtter, shot veyncnrRcegfh il, that Iooked sure for a score.'The de- tsoh; it *,Blchl. 1 fence men, Wal1ters _and Smith, did Othlér gaines In lutermedliate Qroup splendid Work'also. Of the lorwaras Lduring tii.week have baSa: Iundy and Rice were best, but ail ThosWhoReIy on Fte great home remedy wýhlch has..provedits power to relleve. sâfeiy and sedl the,-minor aUz*ents arising fromi defective origlr action of the. organe of digestion, flnd themselves spsred houirs of' Buffering and able to word off the' attaccs -of 'seéiouà icknesss. BEECHANS ILLS neyer disappoint those who take them. They help the, 'digestion, stimulate the lver, clear the kidneyand regu- late the boweis. By purifying the blood hey lier ease cheerfuiness and crate confidente., As actons, deffnd L on hetlth and strength, those who know Beedno Wm a P pviwhe 'uUmn u ~.1= utn. bs. ~oa At I'eterWrto, ,Petérbor( .-tCobourg,- Cobourg 14, Jan. 13--.At Oshawa, Peterboro 4, Oshawa Z. Tuis ow1 leaves the standing on -Wednesday, January 14, as Lollows: Won. Lest Belleville ....... ......... Cobourgi...... ... ...i O s h a w a . . . . . ..n e'-"C.. nlght Parkdale Canoe (lui piayed -the Juniors here and on Fni day evening Cobourg pisys an Inter- mediate. game here. Acicording f( the .?Bowm.nville "StatesniÈan" oi lastweek, Whitby'are favorites, foi 'the- group c.amplonship. Make Youi Poultry Pay - - -* W S OCU At " ewt bi lue than I9lnt 6 day pe heai of stock, it viii nermae tiieli vains fi par ent. Pe=inintly -unies Colle, Deblity WOrms. Dotesuani Ibm Diseus..Toue. ti ruit-down animaies se liai th.y qulekl 8ain wight and i vlgr' Ineia e i.yîl, o! miloiteows bis. t ie spounds a duy hcsld epsrlehiig the quallty of the mmlik. EOYAeL PUEPLB tla-mot à food. it i. a con etfitq -bu etever sod& If there vi aybotter weeu b. ,making ht. --It du abite7our ti» oestI lb.nasiel£ood $h slwid est an ra ge ismau s t f rop Il aerslastise advis ai U hioroub voteri arT iotr-Vssi your stetuk î <fod00 Oeil jNàuwuadwa tt - tbsy642»t , dIges ool, itolo m e Fod lie goo <oqgreva4on1019r ou taru--boayi ts, bran, bop. stx. oesk», vbat 0.5e thbnga e ft y Mduni vtl lb wlilla ROYAL ru jePe U- ait lit 00ean turaI fooeAdi i« souse il sdirutei, 'w a uaraut«os tersiruesutsthan If ro fodsC; ef lb. soneoctlons off rsi M Il T:y-flOua Pwr-ualm A"i IfI bsril IM -fl.iW24 p0ooiy -Sourliai best on yoitr farm, aue vat IOYAI PUERPLE SPECC W iii -6 ferft. A SM cent paukaue lasis a cmw or bers" 70 dayj Thi.e cet la se triflneltaI neo<armer î i) ~ ~ h mpad b O pu aeu f or haylng eut-o1 W19AI Royal Purpie Ceagit Ipecee. fer eougii an distemper. (Wli liii.any -ordlnary cmu in four lava>. SOu0, by mail SOc. Royal Purpies vat LUnfiment for lamene. - ?iiumatlam, spraln tenostt. SOc, b j - mail 60Lzc.. -Royal Puep@ Worm Specide- for' animal$ removei the Worms, ais» heu arvae& 25g by mail SOL. Ryai Pueplo Disinfsctantla.25e, .50d iau $1.00- tint. 'Feeow lith*rpaii lla lfi d eoliwgmeti thât shenll b@ in every amnera poseisaien 'A. ijiiins Mfg. i t' I' te arol, Was extended tilt n xt Thea-10liowing *coustitute ,the Standîing .Cominititeesfor 1914,. Roadsaiad Bridges - Gutiirîe,. Brira, Hall, -Rowe and Meor.' Stationery, -Piinting aid Indigent- Hall, Browii, Rere.' Damage te heep- by Dôga ai V<Mre Fes onuses-Brown, M*ore and Guthirie. Salariles and Contitdiiies-Rowe, . Hall sied Brown. Firet named in ýeach case to act as cliairinan. A by-law was intLoduced and pas-? ed its. several readings appoiatlng *m.embiers to the local board- ef iiealth and sanitary Inspe-t5M, Board of Health- ti r1914 co'nsists, 'et-Jas. Mebiée, M.D., Medical Offilcer 0fJèlhJohn J. Moore, Reeve; J. IVipond. -.Saniitary Inspectr- Thos. Coak- well. , -1 Aý by-law ýwasý passed appointing Chas.'.J. Spencer' assessor for 1914. t.-OLOWING, our -usual ,custom of- makig, each seasou's trade I take care' of tha seasns. buying, w wl start our -anal' Jauuary. sale. on January 17, and « veryingi h tr ilb eue iii rie. Tere is, no other eaàon or. the , tremendous reductions made. during this sale,* except that we. dôn't carry goods (oier from one season -to another. Look. ,carefully through the list. SALE STARITS, JANIJARV I7TH- AND ENODS. JAMJARV 31ST --7 -h SPECIALm-m-m- 60 men'stailor miade tweed'- suits, the MeAlpine & Richardsoni Co. and Ilobberlin makes, sizes,30 to 47 chest meâ&siire. Regular values, if made :up to spýcial measurernents, 22.00 to $25.00. Sale -pice, $14990 DRESSGOODS MENS8 HARO> AND SOFT HATS . EMBROIDERIES Reg. Soc qua'lity ail colors 43c Men's 2.50 and 2.00 hard AND LACES Reg. .65c quality ail colors 49c' hats- 1.59 Corset cover'embroider, Re.75cquality ail icolors 59c Men's 2.0 .0sftas 98c, iesrglat vlus23 to Icner i - ninAOCP SalePrice - 19 -kourwre ad n î hi A number etfacconts were passed R ' eg. $ i qualîty ai, colors I 9c ~Unuicre"n s141L.y anu .iaOiii -4",- Ïhare to*ard keepng the puck in for paymentI Peu Angle guarauteed ail -feit hats, -ail colors 6o dozen Torchon laces i theeneie' trrtor. Cunil diurnd t ieetonwool cashmere hase shapes and sizes. Reg. to 3 inches -wide, reg, McLaren, at iett defence fer Park- Monday, February- 2nd, at one eo dale, wa4 probably the --fastest , man c. clOk-50c quality 43e values 5oc !o $i. Sale .5c per yd.' Sale. Prîce on the ice. -------35 quality 29C Price2 or5 ri The teams were: Victorian Order of Nurses -- - 4e 2fr - -5 Parkdaie--Geal, Bishep. ici t de,- SrLUIAL---MiÈ3700 yards whie o tto~'.n, regular 8 c. -Sale price 5c, fence, MeLaren;, rigbt defence, Dick- TO B3E ORGANIZED AT WIIITBY._______________ son; centre, MeKenrie; rover, Smnith; - je'soecas -ol.aLdisai ise'r.-s iet ~ 1nMalene; right wing, Wcdd. Of the forming- ot organizatiens,Mesclod ca rcMesovratoyaLds'ad iss'cts- Whtv-olFgn;iftdfeclike the making of books, there is no shirts 14 ta iîô J, fast few -lel!, but ail sizes in we offer balance at nalf SmiVh; r 1 lit defence, Walters; centre end. A new organizatien is te bec' colors, regular values lot, $io values for 6.90 regular price. BudyrbvrWrd l-t in eo ormed in Whitby-a branéh ot the';5 a$.al rc 9 12 ausfr7.90 $5.oo values for i Rice; right wing, Stewart. 5 o$ b Referec-Lawson Wieed Toron-' ètrin Urd ef Nurses. 6o prs English flannelette $15 values 'for 9.90 6 oo values for - ~ ~ ~ ~ n to.d Whihao!teet lanktts, grey or white 25 Youth's 3 piece tweed 7.50 values for ___tne 'Ucouncil Chamber, calledl by Mirs. large size reg tlar value suits, regular value $5. 10.00 valnes.fror tof rdeSho Badrcnl Laidlaw through the lot-ai olixen's1.5 Sale Pîce 1.39 Sale Price 2.9() 12 ooior6.00.<5' rgaged a 114,,h >1chool Principal at a Miss Ard Mackenzie, Supt. ofet i«5 ~ ~ & ~ . ',aary of $1,600 a year. 'Order, et Ottawa, was present. aVelu yyomen's and Chnidren' Sweater Coa the atternoon a nunîber o! the xnem-, 'bers of the Institute had met Miss' utrcie a m uf.tr,-s -t,Éo smp gl iz , qos aCI r Stock and ~~~Mac1-enzie at the home ef Mrs. Laid-1- Js cevda auatrrss~o înls i ieclr n r t c n - law. The meeting 'was well attend-' prices. Among thie loi be iig only one of caedi style. - aiicrve2 Boter it ed by, representative mcn and wemeii, dson f2 prcn.of delivered by Mss Mackenzie upon the afins andI objects ef the Order, and re'Pular 12.00 . One yr wide black pail- various matters in connection wîth' AETY A PT3x3i eulri yaot slrd gl au the organization et a branch. ' SQUARES Sale Price 9.90 ettslkrguavle Mayor Willis presided, and at the* Ail sizes and colors tap- ,- iegulari 15.00 Sale -d0.Sa e rie 79' tN "Pm iLrY p eCII conclusion o is a - i' a-etrysquares, sizes 3, X ,r i c e12.90 One yard widesl or *be.th stock arounod'bis Plie. Try t m dress caiied pnrsRePei-blckoosad.fny 25 tii. pooreatcodlt1oned animai Yen have and dent et the Weme's Institute; Revs.1 21 regular 6.50. Sale io Doz. ladies' vests in blceoos n ac W, lo kuow you'll b. uurpriaud at the, ravit 01 up ý short trestment. Cattle and hoga fattmn Dr. Abrahamn, M. E. Sexsmith aid' Price 4.90 white antinatural shades stripes, just new in 1v tp a month earlier than wthoiit it. which Jos. Fletcher; Drs. Procter and Mc- rglr$06 ' wr omth e.qok egvlel2ý8 &Y, month'. labor. .You cat irnt i ga~ il iiry aid Mr. A.W. Jackson tt reglardraerh.talematc eg.'t ,rgvle12 the ffInk ci condition ut thi et Sale price790 ocach SlePce 1 aéPre--98 8~ téee strested in the. lame wuay ?. sy ft bre more than $.0euch PUPput rme eat ,Each speaker bretestimeîy to l eos50dz,-o e Sfor market. ROYAL UPEIPIC the laterest et the address et the C a - jad4 odo. It eos clvos terà# m s. oiâ te paaig, eveing, andexpressed approvalo P C A L ot' hed4edsl pof11tls 50edoz, Crcet [B.SMMd a il hersns. arc. ots, rpoad etbls ra fcotton 50e doz., 4 papers pins for 5e, Fursu. 81.50. the e e s htbishà a lbrace' ~ l pie ost TI Mr ÇAL PUILE POULTIT funaernbfb . at reduced prices, $1000 overaîls 89e. w Do yen inow thât ROYAL PURYLE Plyl the services et a tralaed nurse would- 07 TBT BPMECC moaeu e lay In wtîter sas cst about $700 per year. It iras es-'1aeDy -l.- ta ii s sumer d, and kouva thum fi.'rou" tîmated that the nurse 'would earn' or moult, fatteu n aidthuIumla lgeom la tees, pessibly $400 ç il 110 mem- j ou health. A 50o package liste 25 Iiona over br otlb eevda i0,ti HT Y A I udredo 0eti'ccomtiiidatloiis <rom ail patsewould add another $100; and sub-1 11~ W L E S HT Y N A I of tii. ueuntrye Il ROYAL PUEPLE dmesritosug bserdt cvl net give yen better resuits than, anytiiîngscrpiî a escrdt ee ai *e ver ue or ir. 'yen satisfaction, W@ the remainder.I eilI refund your money. No matter Wha" Atrmc icssotetlor ed y@m' oplnion ef other _preparatlens, w. want .At i h icsinteflo - LL yen te gXlvc ROYAL PUEPLE POULTIRY ing were nemiiated as au executivel 0- BPIECIFI< a chance te show what lt cau do emnte o h ia ~a hvt m. for yenr poltry-aend a fOc package wlll couitefrtefrtya, t.. -o nu show yen sôe fine resuits. Seld In 26a and ileet, erganize, and elcct their of--_________________ o. 5oc packages and IL50 alr-tlgtht tinis. ficers 80o sELL COMMITTEE. ' --- id Royal Purpi. Lie KIle-for PôuitrY find Messrs. F. Ilatch, Jeu. King, A. Wh Oi. H.25é,S..aresdGe. .5osc.gloalasoiaios e=11isd $OerEceleand4h Cuxt bounitiful - snpply et that pepulgr forth devet l-is timeai tttin". m, Royal Purple - Gal Cure for scràtéhisý -Mrs. (Judge) McItyre, M~A 'sk pyîgdstitnussinit asso- ess ot Minte. braad et milk which oaly thie -1a1- te 'the work on the ta]i t oe 7harneu s sao.. -opéi iore.. etc. 25aadJcsoMs as llan, r. ciation ly1f.hitingg th the order 1909-Inauigiratieli et the Lady letts kasu liew te suPPly Hait etofOn Friday ls n .a^eteî'dt SOc, In, mail 80ocand 60c. ' JacksonIrsMrJas. McCcfoar trs As c' oya Pupîslop 'pacîe orren, 1-1.~ Downey, Mrs. J. E. WilIis, whicb bear Her majesty's namne,aiid Grey ' Ceuitry. District Nursîng the cnde atw have beca rear M.Tdfrte sli ama diphthcrla, typiioli fèWer, cunker, wu Ms.J .Lgidlaw, Mrs. J. B. Mit-: to afford ecuniary or other assist- Scheme. ed upon. it. Thle old laiesaa d Whtb twe ntycliçcu o lt d5lrnhoasi be. *t. nP>t~~chcîl, Mrs. Jos, Fletcher, and the ance te suc local associations. 1913-Rer Royal Highlless the miaiî ef the yeuager -ones, tee have hurdadtrayfv olr 25e, byntm aflthec.me- s Ingtitutê . (3) To , i taia , as a fir t neces - jD uclisus oft on naght s tund for the - eîjeyed their cup e t a ett r opbu T h .si s e e o h l g st s l s vii mail for thi. aldIng ouivrerviss 8-paCeorder irere given i.lasmt week's pa- rraldsrc usa;aid - ian; Ordet'.o! Nurses, $222,299.90 oîii¶lt's cream < .The price receîved r a -commea 'alimentsos tock and, poùltii.- Telae per, but' they -miglit be rpaed ()To asslst la' providiag amal ----"4Jim" kneu every .womai a i éa eepinlpi u t' to <ced iliht.ani huvy lherses. 1e wolts. marest t culves. atours h. g:asbey ow to <d and kahere. - ospitals or 'homes. -ALD. w. .HALLETT RETIRES toua -Hîs cbeery saule and brIght iil edflcl e'idliiit se n that they lai wlnte, arod' smmeî. Cve ( To! supply' nurses, thoroughl1Y The developepni *o the ueork e thei pR'MTEML UIES rr nmn cold morlg~ cuty nte uhbxe !ôt IltbidaInthirnautJ OIii Til 1 aiileInaee îiftd a îîttl« nasier- for.mn IT0 lçE. rite %oZý opy td&y. traiacd -in hospital'andI'district ,nur- Order mayble 'snmmed up as follous: 'helstdcae o O I - 1sing, and subjee.t"ee carl 1901-La'dyifatci Cotage Hosital Fo Oo. Lodoi~, anadaàjauthàority,.'for the: nnrsunig 01e! the F 300$~,8029fl, sed. by Hgr Ex- cose h ed OiSlS !a ir ok1g me. ., a- dCogratulilns ' 't d .'Ialt, sick-.uho aie otherulse unable te Cil- clecL h o t0et ~WhitbT aid vlout t'lveben every B t tu eas slhim cer sne Ad Ri ad fon r Th1~cu ~ti opt1 1' il.Itu int.~ jtain îursingi n their home, both ina 1903_,Endgument !und et the Ve-inning glu u le flfrom a Mrt. lA Sott, ani,, m l bsîen te -torellense r'ohedelirsau ~~WLEL j ~~~~town"aid conntry districts, teiL ,Ã"rderoe!-Nurses,-'-$1061475.4G, uaggoa, aand recîlg~ixezm aM etadmibne eln i ol ate I -- ter r AICHIVEF fuADq o' ,nd

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