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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 22 Jan 1914, p. 1

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A4. in airly * 6à éverod, £ltbough tee T a.Fowier, pro0 ing Srea DY Me IHOrS. mere 18 Ja.LV-At ôôi-etiUi , are 1oertainX streets wliich rnay have 'the car lerry sobeme, .w1rC45 theuc a thing aé.iucki but wben twe Cobourg 4. eepaed~s ih to be neldedintheschme, wileCoueilasing.,tàt'th n:àttrý emore were added fla short time the Three, gaines eeplydisnËt 10 be neldedin he chme, wble owiil skng iaIthemaler e-locale began to seq, that playlng like as follows: cthers may possibly be dropped. The Ierred ho thein b. not delayed- any Ibis.- wae more tiau I uck, Then Whitby at, Coboug Belléile at totl en~h ! ewea~ wuld b.lonerha abolhey uecesary. Artie Blanchard, with a burat ,,o! lbis Oshawa, BowmanvIlle xat Peterboro.ý sapproximately 43,00Q, leet, or about It Was the- opinion of lhe membere odru pe.sol h ui'Tetpreo hs dfo u eight mniles. The pipe would vary in. thgt sornelhing defiite in fthe way trul i hl oor emrcie h.tm !cig vpes slie troin *ight--to lblrty Inches. of an offer should be received froin and talieéd -o i hltby. Sbortly - d-but', leavlng Ihese0,unrecorded, heb - Mr. Lowes, explained-thc metbods Mr. Fowler, :beforethhey CoImmit terward, however; ,Jle- rhiekled Inl.-grouq tadngo eded, Jn upon wbxch psyment Io made by tax- theinselveis ho any course o cn of b ec ullnn tand upy 2, s asg oWes , - LISationi. The firet je a general taxo; anda resolution was passed 'ifvitingeolewlbp~lx u !-b'Wn oI - ach citizen. lut lown,(pa.y(ng a obaref 1Mr.Powler .to meet the Coun]zil aI gain frtwonpdro!le vc- Peeboo......51 'The.:second inethoti, mueh more coin- wa speclal'meeting on Fridayevening ing. ColorgMopdamn, and Bel lle... . .... 2 .1 - i; l y*gnrlIpoveneul o! this week, te further disonss the the, gaine continuec&"-Whitby scoripg Witby ...............22 tax, where ýeach, ratepayer pays, in, affair. anoîber before lbalf. .time. . Cobourg .. ........ ... 2 2 ,y nnd torhy years, his Ïba re of lte colt of The Mayor, Reeve Baheman andi T lite wecond perièd lbe local'teain Osbhawa .,.... ....... ..3 a Iaying lhe eewerage, according to Mr. Laidlaw weré appointed b re ape treealzet Iat somethlng Biowmanville ..~ . Eitby. the tronlage of bis property ouithe. present the town at a mee4tg oft1he was required of tiemif hbey werc NOTES. sysheun.,Tihis would mean, aSeuming Gcod' licads Commission to lie bcld to forge abead, and,-win', and, taking Referee Lawson Whtehead' who that lhe s#stemn was 48,000 feel in in Toronto to-day, J.anua.ry 22nd. the bit bctwe.en;tbeir tee*i, s.' b bhas officiatld n the lwo O.14. A. lenglh, and cost, as le estimatedi Ti Court of Revision' for 1914 te speak,--hbey sallei 6Iiit even upp.Tii. matcohes beld here so far, enays thut 31c. $68,000 to instaîl, a coet o! approni- bear appeals from the assesment, tank- was beyond ilusir power, and',Wliby's ýnew rink in now tbe finest [.k.mately $1.50 per foot. But, a'sOwer was appointedl as follows- May-or thiey sporti. only onces t Cobourg's rluk, bar Kineton, ln Ontario, eas serves lwo proper ties, One On ;cac Wiilis, Reeve Batein, Mesure. ]119- twIce2 jbof Toronto. '"When 1 stepýped out on - side of the- street, no 'liat a proper- 1.11, Harper and Iffoore. ,]- Cobourg lad a TM f ast teain of the I ce 1 thougbl 1 was In th. To- Etc. Iy owner would b. taied ouly 15c, The Firn i Ligit Commilles re- shaters, andti ley' ubeid more wlll- ïoule Arena," suiltiWhitehead. 5. per foot frontage.- If lue bas a 100 commendedth le ollowlng accounts ,log t play eOmb4iMI01, liaU, tiir T,1arkdale Cano. Club, who beal lhe-. {otel, foot frontage, is- share o! tie cosl IL. Burdge,........$0 opponents. The . ôti trulb agaln Witby Juniors luere laet Wednesday- would be $75, which, epreati over 40 J, T. Nepr.......... 3.15 ,becaune apparent, la ala nutligi y112 er le apoe - Years, would lue about $2 a year- or,*a J. H. Dow'ney ........... 3.45 work welI bogether Meéfore ils mein- lrouncfng hy Oshawa Juniors ou Sat- 11111e lese. -C.A. Goodfcllow & Son.. . 27.72 bers, no malter ho* brilliant it ai- uray.nlghl last, lhe sore -belng The ýCotncil, of course, made no Bell Telepione Co19.50 vidually, can scoea 6oy 98 uey la lI saad decision as fo wbich echenueof tan- Municipal Wrl..- 6.00 The loss o! Arthur Blancbard îcor *hllbv In tbe Junior serles? ce. io wiî l bc h. d ope. A etn r adà nrdcdabyl-aw tainly weakeued lie -teain, but tb usi Wben Peteýrboro, lhe itresent leai-. willlie eid later ho discusi Uthé appoining Messrs. W.E. Elvidge and absence cannotlue atlrlbutl e bde-, crs of! Grouu 1. cone 1ta lav lucre - ~plan of eewerage, andti recommenti W. A. Henderson,-ns Auditors for the leat of WhibY. Il iay b1 a coiti;.. ou ff'dav, .Tannarv . -tiere ebould any changes, if necessary, to serve year' 1914. The h«-law. was passed. hard tact to face, but il le truc 'Ls a record Jerowd, at lie gramp. as crti streets better. By the timfe lh. Plans ofthie sew- nevertheless, thaI leaun work I, 18 .l s tSnfi., a uncanier o! lhe eIMr. Young, who was iu charge of erage system had been discussed aud wbat counts, and not lndividual,,Wllbv Jrlmior te-arn of fivm 7; irs , the survey o! the .town, had made 4'! hie Counicil decided bo adjourn, il grand stand play. aen. fi; nnw life wtefrO- -map o! the North Ward, sbowing ail was midniglt-not 'a bd start for Whltbv played- aI Cobourg, Inet swa TntprnM'?ntpe4. and. le safîl bc lots, numbered, andi sîreets. FMe was 1he 1914 Council. niglut, and Il was expected tin eti ffi"' lit p, f s sm. -: - -~ hnvs would make a good sholtng, ln- 1Wfth At lpaqt, pMoeht 'nAia deed, sorne were elrongly confidet.io!fo r nlea"e on t11pw htl-vTntîprmp4_ O ROANIZATION MEETING victory. Ilptp tesm. theur,- hniyd b. -otne The teniniswere: fw'i,.- ,i<,oe tlwnlvt-rR fho rncp VICTORIAN ORDER -NURSES Parne and -Gol, Pf ondcentr, crwth, ls r+on nhpq Tf onsmÇii% filetP, Pr; rovq , Lavis; - eft wing, Freeman; fnll hhck îrnon. 4~edyafternoon at 4 o'olock,-',. A, sustaining niembership is $5,t > - - ___- *.grutural ro,".u thc or- aud lite memhersluip $25. wre - A uted o rj s edoth rIlbtth rmoasy ,,to o he hty General tees for*the nurse rde- !A qjte ofSr1ls ýdeaothed rolnsbter tthe r ongro-y .î, _.é6rian Order of Nurses cided upon in h-iaw No. 6, rangtng i re ain wre moere tumoer o. n rîeld. There were present-Mýrs. 111)to050c. for an ardinarv visit and chares gTic vsabîlitymorf unertakig a Ross, 'President o! theW Io- $ a 2for an operation. -l'liv emvsbr cad n d e rtmisins Institutýe; Mrst -Jas. McUlIellan, eery mmecnas o isos E.Willis, :rs Jos. Fletcher, Th'e meetings of the Order are b M11r. T. C, lWbinette, K. C., the dis- was discussed, and a resolution in 11. Down.13. 'lrs. - bc hld on the finI Mýîonday ai each tiiiguisbed criminal lawyer, o! To- ifavor was passeci, which included the -s. A W .aeksn, M . j. t at p.m., in the Agrieultural ronto, was inuWhitby on Suiîurday as itouto !tedpe neoe s. d. Lidlw, Ms. .J.rooms,, wheyx ttherep>ort, of the nurse defending counsel "\in a grave criin- A h ocuino h nî e Mfiss -Cormnack, Mrs. G. M. ist1e eeve.ml ae resbments were scrved by the- meni-, -S. (.Judge) Mclntyre and TlJe anuimal nueptinîg is to 1w lueld 1Mnl. Fred P'arker, of East Whitby I bers o! the 'Young IPeonles GÇuild, cher. 1 .udge) iMlntyre acteil as ,-r, the meeting. was ,appointed ho the ,e business of organiza- eeded with. ai rules o! the Order were *st ado, ted, a! 1er which 1h. brandi name wa') decided upon. It le ho be "Whitby Branch o!f\ictorinn Order of Nurses" on thee irst M-onday in Februany. t OIonshp,-was charged with acrim- ýSaine of the niembere .-of the hvi mal allence against Rosa Berry', o! orY conmIittee were tlien able ta mrect the ladies. 'i'ev offéred sauue -valu-ý able suggestions which were adopted. A gencral discusksion followe(l as to methOls of canivassing for supeport of th. Order. Il was decided that on a given date, which will be ativertised lter, the whole tawn would be can- vassed. a iifficientn4u,,mh,,,.,-j..,, .4LrèýWh. t - The limits o! lb. nurse's erritoy sns akig part sa that the work .Lre-WltY were defuned as one-haîf mile outside might all be donc on anc day. the corporation huims. A meeting oftheb Advisoryv Board The oficers wcre tien electçd as and the Ladies' Committre ývas call- (1J M ENilS follows - d tan Tuesda vnig-xta Hlonorary Pnesident-(Always te o'clock « a vnn eta ùQMns and laterlal kePt ln Stock President of the îVamen's Institute) This firsl meeting was o! sucli Il wiil PAT TOU ho cull ah o-un -mrs. Geo. A. Rass. siuccefss and sa miteh cntbuism ten works jad Inspeet for yourself. Don't lue- misiedu by agents, w. do ual 'employ Ihein, eonseiuuently we cuin anti do show *hie genh's commission, 10 per cent., -whici you- wiIl certain- ly aire by purciauing Iroin us. A Cui .5otctted. - Offce -and Worke Oppoilie, Standard Bank, Whtby, qalt .1Tho Firat Stop - lfs MUau se much. It bas immt 8*0808a to theus. ands et-youeg people w"0 --irti fr Our GatgIOgue -U t4 frîdit dop toward la geai ëMàtrled posltiore.*ddrmsSCon.- -X«ga Stree.t, Toronto. NICOLSON &SELDON I NDRRIER Me.'HILL the sane lo%(vnship, a girl under 14 years of age. Thle child, Who is soon to become a moîher, was in- court with her parents. The evidence o! the girl was that Parker was tb. cause o! her trouble, but Ibis the prisoner strenuously deuied'. Mr. Rob- incIte argued that there shouid be soint' corabonating evidence, and qtoted cases bo establishi this con- tention. Col. Farewell, for the Crowu, argued just as strongly that Ibis was a case where confirming testi- mony ivas flot required, anmd sut,- rlttetc(Wh, the cvidence was, st-rong enough to convict. President-Mrs. ..3. Laidlaw. manltested that lie new Order biq-s, *îuugl nt c cupîîtvnay,. Vice-Pncsident-Mns. Mc(.71ellan. tair ta reaci tic expectations o! hlb. ecan h pioe wo a Treasurer-Miss Cormack. most sangeine. Tt uili wilhoul been in jait since Decemben 5, last, Secretary-Miss Fletcher. douil meet a nped that has heen was dischargcd. 'T.heuihereoiip feç was fted ns 'stnongly fblt n Wiby., The detence tried ta show that the' -~~~ -- -posecutor and lhe prisoner had been gaad friends «Ill the closing days ot A lIih CIss E~terain Il, a sketch enlitled "Teacher andj November, and t-heu owing ho a dis A- Hià ci Ejq rtai Pujil,"1 Misses MacNeill nnd O'Neill pute -aven the chunning'of some me n1 gave the audience twenty minutes o! creamf, tiey quarreled. Tien tie pro- ____the mosh whoiesome f un imaginable. secutar, ta e vn adtecag lu thus sketch miss O'Neill was a geevlad h.cae against the accused. Tie concert given in lie Musk 'pert sciooi girl wio'drove her goV- The 13enny's -iaweven, denied em- hall on Monday evenîug under lhe ernuess ho distraction. piatically tint tiey were aclualed patronage of tie 341h Regimental i Miss Wallis, withlher violîn, ndded by spite, -but had ouly - become awuire Band by the Ontario Ladies' Quar- Iuingely hothe enjoyment o!thc even- ofthe trouble -aller lhe dispute over lette was o! a very higi class, and ilng by the solos sic pluiyed andt by 1.ceu asejoyed b>y a couple of huadred bier part vocally and wti vuolin in tecem pepe It,,1. ~l is eldom tiat a- cons- other nunîbers. pn of enherlainers puts on such a Miss Abkey, at the piana, uns also Ste. Anjrew'3 Ch'rch unlformly excellent prograin. Prom efficient and ciarmiug;' fir t nish eveny nunuber o!, lie Every.number on the prograin ne- Meig 24 gIven was perfectly rendered. lte ceived a -hearty encore Ifrons the de- ctrg concert opened i wth a couplie of ligiteti audience. - r~e The mnuai meeting of, St . An- selections by the banc! un-der thie The Band lbas no cause t ertdrew'a Presbyterian 04uîch was heU! lesderghlp of Mr. Cecil Greenfield. ý their venture là puttfng on this en- on Manday evening, and was well at- Then the .compamy was iatduped, tertainment, for, whute they muide lit- tne. h iacflrpre-Pe the irttnumber belng à Qurtette, teiemniey, they affôrded Whtby pDeo- lended. Ti ofiancil ertsa ry- "Màarmmy Loo." It wns ut once- apj pie a nuire treat. Sitould îha. senr "hate we r ia vry rsa etisact parent .litat lie audience Was lu for 1Io Ladiesl' Qareteeven ¶)xînto $22a4c8.9,the odlnasy evenue wash an enjoyable eveniug, and tliey wçre,'Whiiby, hie ball would surety me cnrgto r 1,5.4 n -o disappolted. -,'Tie company con-, hne t tumoil ho nccommodate heron reito abte 1,5Th3e ai Mse f-Iiss Ploreuice MacNeiii.,- hose wio would wantl le hear them ionieear coributis. ue m191- s oprano; Miss- Pearl 'Nelll,. enter-- were 'the largs ntehsoyo lainer ;,Mies ICatbleen Wallis, violin- GT RS- e h rg o esl Bnuledgelory o! ;is5; Miss Dorothy Ahkey, GETS Tirs LONG-SERVICE lt echncit. To hi.Budget47.0und-o! let. ý-Nett en bas suci superl oslug- MEDAL. iGen teal A smhy $547.OO -a ing been llstened ho bere.. -Mise Mac- sergeanl.Majer Alawayf, o! its .tetles gave,$228 4or home ait( or- Neill poisesses a, voice o! great lOwn, 'bas .tifs w7eek recelveti bis eign wr, nialso conlnlbuted, sîrengthiand purlty, and In bot isolo long-servIce medal, freinlte -Deparl- clotlà anihs'll upe ale -and quartette work te wua charunlng. ment o! Mililla. H. bas uerlved i aI 300.80. Tie lobailcash gfvfngs for Misson 1ef hi As net ofly an enter- lie Militia 'for over 29 yearp, aid misslonary aid benievolent purposes lainer of get verailily but Ia ahso now bas recelveti propormreOgntiou vwas $791. of a s8fhger of muets merit. 0'f lier for .IbIs servïce., The hijsr ais eur- The:eobfIi esnstei - Quarterly DivIden olc No. 98 jNotice is herebygiventhat a. Dividendat th rate of THIRT*UN Per Cent. Per Annum upon thc Capital Stock oflbio'Bank, bu Ibisl da' r becu declared for 'the quarter ending Blet january4 94 n that the, same'.wi11 be -payable <at the Head Office in tbisciby and at its; Branches on n'nd a'fte'r - Monday, the 2usd Day of- ebruary, 1914, ho 0harehùldets of record of 2 8rd january, 1914. Thse Annual Generai Meeting of Shareholderu will be hek--tlhe, Heàd Office of the Bank lu .ýToronto on Wedncsday, the 18th of February next, at 12 o'clock noon * - By order of the Board.- Toronto, l6thVecemStbei,- 1913. OGZO. P. SCHOLýFILD, General Manager. 157 Granulatogi Sugar buyers ioo -bag'of -We ffer to cash Crystal Granul,]ated iSu gar-at -415 or-- -1 Cash must' accompany ail orders.- A. Ta. L-AWLER; WVHITBYI CV¾N Phones: Beli, No. 47,- Independent, No. 47'. '- ~~-f 1-~. Bapti3ta Hâve Pîosperous ~ -- Year. eat The annual business meeting I!l Windsor Sait is eue of tic puret brande of sait in th-e wo.rld. the Baptist church was held on W aejs eevdacrodo ti ieBad up Thursday evening last when le W ae utrhiedacrod Ii ie Bad W upy "church family"' met aI 6.30 ho en- ordinary fine in barrels. joy a social -lea. together. After thue Entra. flue for butter niaking, iu cotton bag$, 'aud * coarse sait was accomplished pastor DMoLean . in sacks, for stock. took the chair and proceeded with the business o! lhe evening. - 'The reports presented by lie Incas- urers, were ail most encouruiging, and1 showed tint lie finances o!the congregation werc in good shape. Tihe report o! the Finance Cominiltee as ta -the nesull o-1 the "every me=u- ber canvass'--recently made was re- çcivcd wzth great enthusiasm. The l)ledges for theý support o! the churci and for missions showed a great ad- vance over those o! past years. So mnucli sa, ipdeed, that the. congrega-l lion were enabled ho, vote a subslan-. tial increase ta their pastor's sal- ary for 1914. Tic promises for mis- sions have been incneased nearly 50 per cent. over 1913. Tic election of oicers fot the en- suing year was lien proceeded with, most of Ihase alneady in office being re-appointed, The chie! change* was iu nppoiuhing Mr. J.H. James t.0be Sunday School Superintendent ln place o! Mn. W.A. Men-dernon, -X,11 feit- that lie bac! be -Many offices, and' tint lie work siould lue sbared by others. The meeting was brougit to a close by-'a ishort address by the pas- hor. A meeting o! 'he Soutb Oularlo Womea's Institute wlll b. held la the Council* Ciamber on Monday afternioon, January 26th, ah- .30 o'- dlock. Mrs. W. Dawson,. o! Parkill, will, - peak on "Wjhah Our ffiends Neyer Knéw." A joýint rneeting O! lie Farmer's and Wome's Institutes will be iteld in lie evenlng when lie' speaker, wll &ie an adjress on "lBeyottd tbe,Hills, o! Home." Mmr. Dawsoz, wf l b eï liberal educatlon,, wlde reatiung, and sludy o! present day'conditionsfi lbe bine, le In a position lie maie lie subJeots 'an- When sait je fresh, it handies freelyilike- sand. IFish We have constantly on baud, chOice, -freslu, HaIbut, White FI'sh, Salmon Trout, Ciscoe', and Hadidies, at close prices. Fresh Méats! Choice Young Beef, Pork, Veal and larnb, at reasonablo prices, Our Sausage, Spare Ribs and Tend'erloins are of such a Jigh grade,- as should plese the most fastidioüs Epiurean. ANLB RIGLa WIIITBY eNTARÏe WITEIS OEGLARE THEM RIGHI, PA-PE 5,. ÊýU. ÂNDl II 13OUGHT AT BIROCKI ST. STATIONERY OF AL MAGA~ZINES. AND I ALL-- Whitb fMEDICAL R, made froun LEGÂID #dO. E. FAREWELL9 K.C. yCrown Attorue Suolicitor. nI House, Wl -§AN Vu4,1C. E idard 1 ter, 1 ý- - l

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