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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 22 Jan 1914, p. 2

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. tii, Diot ,are tol4, Llsjh*d for *tioss, t-ta#ei,-iomuierce, science, reaon' thuq:iý5 njf~sd pis'- t izing iteonqels. Makà thse indFifd ýma nsersnd >ttei, sud ie wil .,hlpt'ocotý asoud nd healthy 'public> sentimn~t, Internationiali amity and ý0Cd will imply thse exifit- t enoe o! suci a publiK sentiment luin -every çounty. A well-lcnown Pa-risia-n,- a club man and spertemàn,'-di4appeare - rlrm thse boulevards and -its divor-, 5ions twc' Yea'rae eadlasjust been foeun&in a, m6hnmtery, where ble ,aciixsg a-s cook. lRewas timod r cf tic Cl-d Jife, be aays. NKo otier reason,, Let us place our empia-sis on. r o thc menastery t-han on'its kitchen. Other French noblemnen have retir- e d te monastemies, but few have tÂken an active hand in the co4k- 1 ,, ~Very likely thW, pamicuar c un 1 -0o %wel1 awame -o! the emptineisaand unâitý-t&TiflC5Snesof hise ca-ner life, yearned totailir4ý Isand t-o sometising practîcal and- - s (4fu1. If fie had beon a Swedishi ÀcoiWfT-ë1W-ifhâve-taken up cabie- et work. If-an Irish couint he mig4t have goneI-iný of'plumbing. Being -- a-Fsiench count,hli. turned--hie hand teO Ceekiuig- ýTherê is, nothing more pmactical, and use.ul tjhan t-hut. Tiers ià uothingwici,, wheu wcli à oue, is- aabeo yielding a more general a-if-cin alround. * E-Very man should -bc a-bicleocool a litle,'and -should cultivate appre- * ia>iou a'nd repect ler -god cool- inghy -otier*. r O! courethere are drawbacks tc' such a careçr. Few cookssceau on- jey t-beir ow.n i5ooking and few get a due me-aure of' praise for tlieir worlc, bowevem well doue. FPerha-ps t-ho count i. an exception. Since he hou kept bis "place" two years, ho *May eujoy bis werk as; an artist if *noet as a gourmet, and ho nsay have been heartened, uow and then, by a d aWord -of&approbation from the bretiren ho serves. Such a. word ge0es well iu any kitchen. QUEENS COULD EkRN LIVING. N(ost of Thcmi Are Experts la Sciences or Arts.- l. teresting information concern- --ing tishe cus - o!différent coun- trie. is iven by tic Noue Frcie Prso,- owiuxg t-ha-t -if. the occa.- alou arosenmauy of thcm eôuld cS ily earis their liveliho'od. Qu.een, Elizabeth o! Beigium pos- soucio a doctor'. 4iplôoma o! thbe Universlty of epzg- e hd. sr à. Mn ezeý1lent musician and psýysa t-opin adviolin - ith gr eat -Queon Mary o! England paints, singi,,end suj rrrnl vrwith Quq.ii V VctoriaAugs1 temo ny .lape~k ih M-e camera a>dproduoe. e_.apecia kind ct-ýarb photo.'- Queen*Wiheli' Mina of! Rolland pant-so uaue and porculain, whîle Quen .IkMud o! d mTýèvni. tug à 4k 01& J~rvn~.Ols i.*I.o0 o_ but lue wýMt lu hesd tirough the trees, ovir.knol 8,and down into dells whor. the- upruco ire«s cant-4ark. ,hadows. Alter a- w141e- -the tria brânCwd ixto two p.tha, and tlz.boy.w'ent to theo riglit. They. thuought they would ooft oomn i gmt ci the pon~d, buit eby calight à glimp~o ~ through thex woo>ds. i'Thoe.à àlu1" bhdutc4'YrcmO, and the thrce lolbthtie path and asdzI bhrough the lbrmuh -the zhQre. But uconelwa.i1 slght. "Perhapu. they're round 'that The be0ys and the <kg ma-de 3their' way alonS -thêe shore, end Q.ra11yII tiey gained the covà beh aId the point.-. one wa there ; tb -,y s iouted, but no answer came. "I dont believe thin ie the right pond 1" declar>d Fred. -"lt dees- n't loiklike theocne. This mu.t, be, blie'lake. Let's -go bac.k. '_ Togeth' r they foünd wh#t seexn- ed te, hoetic path that tiey ]sad fol- lowed, they turned terbacks on Lie la-ko ; but they ha.,l not g no fq before'thetrail began to groýW dmn, andl at last thie buys cculd netVell whether tiey were! walking i-a real patib,_or îiii eueof thé narrow runw ays 'hat déeïr and. rabbits ruake. tien thcxy noticed th at the iky beyond the tree tope was cover- ed with dark cloida., A 6torm was coming, and fhey Were l&Fst! They tried to find the path again, but it 'seemeil te have disapared Completely. *Skip .wa-eworried al- se., as theyv could see from the w&.Y in whiich he »ihinccl and looked Into T1hen the grst bi)j dtops,,,f ra-in begain "t -a t 'romgh the, trees, a.nkd thet fore ft suddeely grew dark. ",We -musi 9go somewhere,' Sa-id Roger,, trying lot-to let -$red,-no- tice .tlie tremble in his voiceil It began te, rain haxder, and as the boys trudged, on, the woods séemed filled witli thc spund of the ,drops pattering aga-instîthe leaves. Suddenly iSkip stopn:4à before a huge'fallen log. Spiffling as ho went, he led themýround te enee end, where tiey faed a wide open'ing, and without a pause Skip walked in. "The rmin won't, toec us if we follow- him 1", cried Fred. He crawl- ed into the iollow log oh hands and knees, with- Roger, close ât his liels. - 1 neide there 'was space enough for them t e i cown. Skip curled up on the dry, roted Wood at 'their feet. Roger and Fred Iay close te- gether, witi ha-nds clasped, wa-it- ihàg for tie rain Vo stbp, ' and-won- dering how they eould flnd their way back te camp.. But the rain did no ',- stop, and wit>h nigit black d iknese ca-me., The beys. grew dirowsy in spite ot'their fears, and fiùally fell aaleep., The next thinjg that they rememn- bered was hearing a Tharp ba.rk. Trhen they ,sat up. iThe ;water spani- el was unarling and growliùg as he .nover had before, and there, in the round opening et the end o! the log, was a black shadow with two shin- ing'eyce looking'stîzaight at t-hem. #Skip Iea-pcd forward. Therc-was a str'ange grunting sound, a sharp yelp, the noise of eomnething crash- ing tirougi 'tic brusi, and then the water span iel came back, wiin- ing a littie, and growling gruffly in bis throat. The brotheïs wcre trembling as thýey pàt't .4,him, "Good ip1 wlsisper.ed;kiger. "YVou drove himn away. Y u wouldn't let Ihim hurt us, woul4 you l" nb thc ws.y te camp. ticboyâ Vold, Of Lhe adveuture in thse niglt, and' abdut tié two qucer t-borna that. 1PI1,0er ad ulId rom 811p's n-ose.: Jappy Lewis bout over the wIL- teori spa-nid and .pass:ed us hands. t-hr4Pýgh ýbc- silky'Zur,~ '"Wjhat your dos ranu ~to was -.a 't the "£,avoir fire" -of vmcfiïlite. tikate light ft Ifl&t5'upon the 6 pOW' Re knows how to do1 thiagsi. He tical life of the Dominion.. A oom-- knows his way ar6und Government panion piece to it 1s- a 0iollectien of ùffoes, anid he kn-Owà his wJy Confederatiofl documents,.'includ- a 1rdlnd royal court&. He-is an au- ing a diary of the :QuÙebeoc onf-er- fhority On the' etiqiuette Of Offires,.J once, which is , indispen sable to the and coourt cireles-a branih f man~ who wants toknow howý we k " -wledge wh!ch 15 h1ýhly uszf'9 cmeV be. Sir Joseph Pope's la- even in out' dernocra o ornrVt.ors as a. ic mui b kpubliç seçiant,, valuablo 01 course, -he dïd not pick'this, UP th-ough they are, Te Yy lie forgoIi in a day. He had a lo*ippro ie »iio o ý5 he -iterary eixecu- .ic"lp unater thziat mstr cl 'tai- e of Sir John A. Macdonald are a craft, 4nd of the craft of~ permanent partof- the life o! On- mien, Sir lohn A. Macdonild. aa-rnsCi;arman in Toronto Th~flrt ç~ai~nonwhLch Sur Star Weekly. Joseph wrs choren to, rupresent th-e eanadian Qovcrnmtinic4 ite enter- tainvient cf gucots ýof 'State was in % 1001, When our -,prec-i.it King- and Que-en visited uii as the Duke and Duchess of Cornwall &nud Yorkc. Mr. Pope, a~s lie -then was, hada0 large part. It 'waq for bis services .t, that, tiino that ho received his Hlow to Cure SleePIessncss. frtmark ci royal favor and eni- Sleep is a. woman's greatest aid Lered theg order of St. Michael and for th. presexvation of lier health st. George as a Companiion. , Il bauy.When she lias iad suf- F~veyesrs ate he cconpaxe~ficient rest she feels fresi and- re- Prince Arthur ci Con.naught. on1 bis juvenated; when she sufferB f rom tour throiugh the Dominion, -and 'in lacli of it sic loses lier- vit.ality, 100 li WS secct'd e rcoi~'egrows saliow 'of complexion, irrit- ,Prince Tuthimi -of Japan 'n hi able o! temper, and is generally visit to-this country. -1n connec- ru . down. tion with the viuit Pl Prince Arthur, SCJne women's -nerves are more Mr.~~~~~~ ~~ Poehbsoe Uoluies excited than others, and for the Impsrial Service Order. whijle thse the :!ýverage hours cf the'day the Japjancse Government, recog- lare Ïoo long. They go tu bed tire-cl nized his services te Prince, FuBlIi-* mentalLv and physically. anud thus mi by çonferring on hinti Qder sleep will net come, They lie awax41- e 1-no - ; gi k+1 rqIuasÂ,ý Sir Joseph Pope. o! t-ho Sacreti Trea-sure o! t-be sec- ond eba-as. Iu tise saine year as t-be latter hc wasnia-de -a companion -o! t-he Vitorian Order hy t-be King because cf lis assistance lu t-be or- ga-nization of t-ho t-rcentenary Wt Qucbec. Hie cbevatiou ýo knight- heod ca-me ln tic New Year's hon- ors o! 1912. Tlis tells t-ha, st-amy o!fisow Sir Joseph ca-me te heeur se ma-ny t-ltles, but it docs not by- auy neaus tebl t-ho steor>'o! thc part ho ha-splayed in the history of Canada-. Re ha-s mepreseuted t-he Cana-dia-n people around t-le Council Boa-rd lu a nusuher o! hig diplomhatie issues. Ho wa-u ntta-cied t-o t-be staff o! t-be Britisis agent lu t-be Behring Son arbitrat-ion o! 1893; and ha- aa part lu sccuring protection for tise inter- esit-s o! Cana-dia-n sealers. lie was a-gcnto! t-leCanadian. Geverument li tic Joint 11gb Commission which sa-t lu Qurebec sud Wasisiug- ton ciuring t-be earby years o! t-he Administration o! Sir- Wilfrid Laurier. He wa-s associate.secre- tary of, tic Alasîan Boundary tri- buna.l. He accompanled HIon. Ro- dolplie Lomnieux o i mission t-o Japan, whlci resul1ed in -t-be limita-- tien of Japanese - mrmgation te the Dominion, And juat two years &go, be again represeuted ýCa.na, in' thle inteiuational couference ons pelagie seaiig, _which adva-ucedt-be, work begun in t-le Behring Se& ar- This h aro *- ca-a-oüe o! :soee0o! tise salent national affaira lun whloh- he ras1'piayed a part2s' lu lt-elif au advertistent t-bat there is - i t-eîbandu- "J1 o." 1Pope!, if& - is must sujppiy expia-natiôn. .And as- surcdby r-t-le preseut' tnder - Secre- t-amy of St-ato foýr External -Affairs' cornâes frein a vioou toýck; o a- native of Pt-inc& i dwaird Iaband, where lhoe*was hmn lon Augut là, 1954. His faibwr wast-ho'ÉIon. Wil-ý lia-i Henyry Pope, -vho -iýag -oe o!' t-be Fst-iere of Conifeddsrat-is, -and hie uàce. f n J.CPn~ was~ listening to tic chiming of th3 dock, until thse. strIking -of eacli boum becomeg -a torture. Whea thoy are thoroughly worn eout eleep cornes, perliaps at fit-ful intervals, or when -da-x' -s beginning te break. OthiervMs t-heyniay bho oh- liged t-o ise witheut, baving rested tise bra-in a-t ail. This state may continue into -tic next, niglit and tire night after tint, until 'théir nerves are on tise verge o! n. hrcnkdown. Tic best remedy te provolte sleep, wlien it wili not, corne natur- ally, is te tale more physical exer- cisc and do less brain womk. Beauty aleep could bJ-cuirtivated. Tic pa- tient should lie clown and sieep fer a few minlutes every aftemnoon. Periaps it will not corne a-t fsrst, and tien thee only thiug te be-donc le t- it uprigit with t-ho elbows, resting upon t-ho table and t-he hands supporting t-be chun. The muscles shoulb horobaxcd a-nd t-ho mind allowed to wa-nder at wib without any definite effo-rt, and witb perseverance and practice t-bis will be feuud te bring sbeep. Mauy people tbink fhat af-t.mnoon sleep is injurious te t-le bealth and heeuty, but in tho case o! insomnia it eau ouly do good. Care, liowevcr, ahould ho taken t-o check the nid- day na-p f roui jecoming a sound sleep, sm tus will arouse a ten-r -deucy te dr-op off -iste elunuber a-t any minute o! tie day, wih event- ually- tends te dubi tise brain fa-ou- A warn bath will - efteu bringj sleep, especiail>' if t-he suff erer frorn insonnia feels the ccld. In that event down elippers or sleeping sockses-hould aiehe woru. Tise fol- lowiug exercise, toô, na-y ho prare- tmsed just-before getting inte bed. Tic bauds ,shouldbe hopresset on t-ho neck set-hat t-ho blooti flows f rom tic brain. Thse t-uIk -hbout- a-t t-he wa-lst and genti>' swayed fronu right te left and tison round in a- Tisis preetico should ho continu- ed for a fow minutes before getting iuto hecb, anud lu ma-ny cases wibi irmcedia-trely le follewed by a- sound -aud refresiing elumlber. A giawss0o -hot mib la-st-t-ing a-t- night, gent-le massage o! t-be tem- pIes, -or a hep piibew are all aide t-o luduce slumber whici bave heen, foupnd te produce geed resubtf. A- Stringt t- he Job. OffIce 8eeker"'_ýIst-beeanything oe. lu t-ho johyoôu speak o! besides Politisai B s-' <here s a little, wMk r~ ~ àie ! Iknew t-hoe wmam m r s -rigt-oIt." WIiy Not. Teachr-Now, Who ca-n -t-ellme wbýat, polca-I ecouomy- is J mile (mbryo atatecna-n>-Gt- 'tin' 1e tie out Votes for t-be least -mone>r. Proie&aor-Whenyuurfla tb&er aL- t-ouded t-hie cellege 'ho st"o fa-r 1 i. I*O5G la une 45 w a4U ineaning ýo! oùr word gospel; alb ýo the word evangel, from, which the wordeý,"êe'angelism," "evan- selical," e., are derived. *Mary thati was called Magd4fene -Meaning probably thet her borne was a Magdlaa village whieh is commonly idenatified 'with the 'ffod- -ern village 0o! Mdell, on the weàt- çrn &bore -01 the 15ca of Gale.o, It fronï each other, persons having a The afflictiýons from which -thls Woman had been f reed. by jeg.1s weràe doubtlees suich as>affected the;, ýbrain and n'ervous syst em, since it was theseailments that were coin- monly attributed t-o dernin posses- sion. UnIesu Mary, Magdaiene ia tobe id-erIti4ed -wiith ýthesiinful wo- mani mentioned in. the PreWeiD3 chaPter, and there je ne, sufficient ground for such identification, de- mon possession is nowhere in the New 'Testament associated with low mroral cîaracter. Both. Mary Magdaleiro and Joanna are ýmec- tio-ned'again in connection with the events of resurrection morning.1 Chxzasthe hugband ô! Joanna. 15 --;et up- tIse Golden' càl!. Next there were tie peopIe,ývho, at the end of cac1h day's journey,. were well content ,ind desired tierefore to go u,ý further. The manna a-nd quùails iwere a.bundant, the water -gushing from h ' c. wa5 -sWee~tand the, heavenlY, PO: et emd propiîtious. "hi la tic pronmis«F nd," they said., "1Lot lu$ remin urigit hère 1" It was this party,, we nxny believe, wiich" set -Up t-ho golden cal! aithté foot*.o! Mquut S5mai and.wors'hipped at tic-_ new ma-de tbrine. Lastly, therre were - heý people, fcw i nuniber but Imightv i cour- age and spirituàalülsigit, wihowere ,willing peither t-o return nor Vo mc- main but insistedý, always upon p.u-iing ahead. They realized that they were wandering in an uxifaii- iar cojuntmy and were> beset by the perils of thie deser.b and- its savee inhabitants-. But thev aIse realiz- ed that tw eturi le t gypt was te go back te bondage, to stay here '&t tSe ot,,eYery age 'Who Bse ith pet- loot. elearness- tic needesud dan- g-ers -of the heur, and sec wl-ti, equal' clearnestiat these can b. fluccess- fully- met not by retreating, uer yet -by etanding still, but ossly_ by sdvàncýing boldly intoD the unk -nown futurýe-tlhe -propheis,- apcstles, martyrst, ees, who behold thbe pro- mised lanad x the fa-r distance and speal unto men the will 0! G041 that-they "go forward pl" To-il'- a" în th e days o! Moses.- tie counsellome wbo rni-- if t-he race, is Io' b'. lime more approp- beginning cùf thi- rexnind ourelv "Xew occasî< Time makv *We mlit s M'ho I uowiere cisc mentieurid unless e w DIF4»ID LIYE» XD AN identify i, as' Godet suggcsts, r". witli tic nobiemnrmentioue-d lu il S OthQ,- -Stklf Dêeta-bdFrnt John 4, 46-53, "Who believcd witb bis whele lieuse." As t-he st-êwa-rd Earthly Body.f of Hlerod Antipas, tetrarcli o! Gali- John C. Wli1eeier, ucu u-n his Cnd--- lee, he would hoe manager o! -tise yeam, a-nd living in Isanrest,Miph. latter's large estates, a. ma-n w110 has a& notabue history. lie'expeý-s81W~' excrcis&Jd much influence in H1er- enced t-ho sensation.o! dying and- od's houseliold. Susanna is. not sa-ys it was delighlitl; lii lias spet' - meutioned elsewhere. 40 years ef lis life walking f rd-I (C As they wcnt on tic way-An al- place. te place delive'ning l Wtr i î together different occasion and accepting only food* and clùthin,ý a, - doubtes muci earlier t-han t-be recomnsense; lie gives aIl'tise money 4 .everlta above mcntionod. Compare ho recoives W- chait-y a-nd lives, ou) Matt. 8, where this certain ma-n the cluarity of'lhîe friends; ho looOksl ie refermcd to' 'as a scribe. Hati like -Alexa-nder Do(wieo and Moin 1r not where t-e lay bis head-Thc Pub- BJuroughis, and ha-s often been m- lic life o! Jesus was eue of constant talon for onie or thse otier of! ,hý-u-ii aet-ivit-y and tra-vel, s0 t-ha-t hc haci be salks fourt-eon miles dailv-fo g te forogo cntireby tic usual co- ern-, aiu-r,ua-ttom in *the pllc ' forts o! homo life. Lenve t-be deado- mry; he~ in raincari te bury _their owu dea-c-Let tiose- and says hiis flot Ï-aaa.ftc wiso a-me soengrossed with t-ha a-!- "I bebieve I have liad -i-- - -- faims of cvcryday if. t-ha-t t-bey bave wondcrful e perience of a-ny lixîu not beard a-nd rcspo)nded te' the beîng living," ho said. 'ib 1. caul o! tic gospel a:ttend te -suci pmactically dicd and lived av,- ma-tt-crs as you put fort-ia-s au ex- Net lonjg after graduation I cuse for not immediat-ely preclasmi- swimming witli a number cf iug the lingdorn o! God. Evidcently panions wlien I suddeniy tic ma-n hmd itier offered a- flct- clown.- It wa-s several Minu- tious excuse for net following fore rny friends i missed ry Jesus imrncdia-tely or bv bis entire wheu tiey- finally iocated nîý manner manifested a flip pant- and wva-s unconscieus.' A docto! superficial attitude toward t-be in- summoned-from hli a mile, vita-tien extcnded, t-hua-, calling and when ho arrivcd he pro' forth the Master's stemu reply, me dead. I vwas taken te wiich he huiscif would linrdiy ing-îousc- a-nd a-net-ber-' make a mule for cverybody t-o fol- liveu a mile away was St low lit-eralby. What Jesus weuld tee, pronouuccd mer dea-d. liave al excise malers understand "While tie fa-ct t-bat-- I egained - ho ma-les very plain lu t-ho next consciousness alter se man%ý lueurs wti sentence, lu -whicli ho maIes stead- is net 50 remadrIaIe, it i8 r>mamk- eng ba- fastuesu and fidebity t-be t-est o! fit- a-hie t-la-t wbiic apparently deadc Il .You L. -- nos. for t-ho kingd-om of G(Jd.- was never more fully alive in, my 18abeov t-o i,» As. t-bey weDt ou t-heur way-At life. But I -wa-s a part distinct f roui sire, ln youm b- t-bis point we resume t-he narrative myboy,!CCUdtl h esns aeago o! our last basson, thougli hoee boy. ul tcIi-b pr.nshae o f an v about nie everythiug that happened upper qipoints fyu wo must remembor what was sa-id hl lyuâl omv Drn tesÃ"ld wha5Mý in t-hlicpama-gmapison "chronolegi- thile I ayunab1be t-oovo, Duriang Vi n te uole-witaîna . cal sequencet' in counection with t hours I dih as verled omny- A ewntretmcoalehoas ahp b_ tiat besson. Tic passage wîieî hina.M a reoalto m el'e dclo hs noidslnet-h b follows ma-y or mdy net be rela-ted'-that woubd souud prepotostowicïlctsxluhsonr aî-- cboebylu imn w-tbwba mmc-relate. But t-le eue t-ing I do me- thse sides, ha-nging 111e a- saule t-o t-le diatsely ipriedes. n im e n fber la the queer sensation of Inees., certain village-Bethany, near. dy i'Ribed-tolin'dlt blsadek- t-ho ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 Mon-!Oie Jin1. ,8. '" delicOtful; o! t-ha-t I an rien and black, red ,udan ck lu a-m 14 3a-n Mat.28.8 ~- ure. After losing cessciousness blaàck and whitet bla-el and'b-lue'auid ron 1d of a foast prepared for Jesus Myl~ body, I a-m teld, sa-nI Wt-o t er copbinatos-are ma-de li- in tise bouse o! Sirnon t-r. i rbât-tom o!- tic bale, but tise &t-W h lisle iind sill. -Tiey are ca-Il- r epr self seemedte fient- awa-y frem my ccl accordion. ribbed stocki»gs.- Martia serving andi Màry axiiting body aud soar abovo t-be wa-ter. 1I Slip-on gioves, iu cia-mois, withk t-ho Master's feet. It- ha-s been con- jectured that perhaps Martha vas looked dowu a-nd could see mv bodY. st-rkps a-tt-le. wrx-st, te ma-ko- t-be Simon'e da-ugiter or even lis 1 saw tise roscuors find it, a-nd place - gbVes warm nnd- -secure, a-ne a wife.~~~~~~ .uete ae io ou it on t-ho baril.- I t-hen seemedt- good choice for t-le Young girl's a nethe resntsine tliela- e-; reftii'mn ote cfleshy 'prison aendcbwaîlk.iug gi. They are .amnadt mm*dcced separation cf bepers again becomne a part-o! it-. but wa-s 1 ivoking, easy te put on aand off, a-nd fro ote ui ovng-Icpbee iviu t oition. 1 'casily kept cdean. Cumberti ab ut- evig exerted a-Il my trength, lult could Thle stout *oman shul lfo Marha vidn-ty lardgon temuc -cause ne movementMo!tise muscles.it-sa-t yellow inrrases . hem'- na-tumal Mt-roubevliodte hd onde ioner Finally, -I seoeidte socure a firmer sizo. Satin absàina-ko; bi r bock te -ic i-disingiuhd geit- l 'gasp *on!t-hiugs, and alinost instant- higger.- Blue isa- slightly exn1nogins centeriug l-er miud. wisolly upon tise bY rainèd èo sSsS.l -attu;wiei ttoayelr external service sud hospit4Iity sic flletiug :moment betWen t-le con- Ble s eal-ibr-own, nvy, blue aud lest, in part a-t 1 lêààtt-be cooper .scieua -andt-ho unCeseou sae*.depst-o c1imsons ae l-toe jo>' of feb-lowshipwlthtlie -Master _t-liethouglit o! retumniug 'ti-cifé was It-bat decreas;e t-ho size. a vilcit-li occsioncf M vist nDe rougna t lseexýied likea amc- -'loti usseon cdoth jùsL-su possible sud of whicb-',iber "Moreturu te prison ait-er a tour o! t-be f rocks*aena eaturoe! ocef th 1pirittuably ninded- -siister --eagerlyi oteýidie. i-w te-doles-T2e.,ahe- adv~nage------------ i - tO 't-o tat eprr1ne Ihacl are nûVt-ied- nugly abOuêthp vwaJit - Bût mx hhi~s nodfu-Sp en-In an a$ote Ibelehgl but àre dmepped well b4lo'w the- ip dia and - p'ropiiate as -wa-s t-be liereafter -r a spiritutal -tnt-e-o! cx- M nti acl breth nuar stvce wid -Martha r 'eseodi, - tiiecebut u-ou-v wbllepoint of! kosely knotted -or rOi.. aimili bld- wae uot- absolutel csasent-li, rsud- ývew o!lil!. cha-nged. I havé 'nover ed Que overtierVe.- wien permàit-tedt-ojob; ier: 0 ho! -ii ,;~doubted t-he spiritual exi8t- - _______ great.é bessaiug. wich tii. occasion, 'eeheui A nan le double, sud thbe So -, Cn affor'-ti, V-bèýcameý an . encum'- bp>djri net- a part ¶of hlm. I kion't Sitt ovre brance 'ratier tisas a-source o! 1Waitt-tobè classed-as a Spirituaoit; -$cated con!crtubly 'un ic rail bleasiug. -:î 1ct- dôn't>-car. to be aldt way carna~ge a commereal.r-e ail, aiýthJough,,theouoIsy comeeO'nuar- bcr~ founti boside him, & rsthç a- -i Seekln - - estt. ifMy bellef. I1liolieve ia- reý - dat-c looking geutlema- itb.whom - gDs~eI~ r~ -incaM»&tioi and t-bat dcat-hsiipby hle ougit t-o eoiuveroc, and 7bgan "Wby do you aurppoee. - ob, ~e urn3ma- n inside.-out." -Iby expIa-bing what good soIôd' asked, "that-ne&zyrlvîah le .,re"t rand -in what large rquintit-iesh ou 0

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