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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 22 Jan 1914, p. 5

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______i wlu - " TT7AAP'1TTAg -8, man Good, -and- Clean "fo'. yv j~ 1-1p~ y f BAPTTST CHUUCH. -' Wl " lus ~ A LT H A M ýfil,~bé glad tý, bear that ha-hch'l Sunay, aruy 25. es WATC - ~ as~a~ >' 3hrs a ~sf o li. Sam. gugh.. Tu1e psor, 1 'rah.s andI lanow living in' -Ot' I IanSoi fort soap. 250 Ï: Morniing sMet-«'The building oetwiobScbeen 25 Behndevey a1t~a i a! tiChristlisacharacter. The ftst Mrs, Jpre eolFr (' ~ i Nirth Carolina,' viahanbeBorn, Peut, Teifatsos clear, lean-ct guarfltee sage, Vrtue."Iting ber inother, bers for loerai r u 1g it e cla. EvectgUrne ning subet- The Uts feof Jôs- wooka, expeté tenretur good for ai1 time. ,Beind 4 epb. ".Joseph the Dreamer." homackbis weekorRer mother, M ' ril, nvitation 'Is *xtended to rwu. rt s 1an d 40_ that guamntee-1e the largest aIwod o osl lehr oand reisn lie watch factory -in the world.. corne<and wbrsip.wlt u. I Mr., and Mrs.» P.Mathisond> ssd ~Pop eiey Ther@is n nee to rgue RtAL ESTATE SALES, -IBQlwl .agop !~ ~ 8nBynwor-pnIgsm Thri o f edoaru Interesting slserelettaemnttalles on "Why, and hoyiWO f baths, report tliat the>' are havlug a Your buoineau friend, the superiority o ata reportied b>' Mr. 'J. E. wlnrï qf Mr.'d ," lvnb esqtalgIoc»rabene:tthseorti Watches. That lias beeân f M-W.Colins' terr i !Irsfhue rll cel hreicesu ork 1 b . thýsixth lime that- Mr. Mt. esbis& or~~on Centre ntetuht o Mi.lam-i blg doue mn the Missionary bas h.,vlslted the place. While lu feoit'he dofr etry thee uei Vantone ilthe two Dundaoýs't.'Home and Organized Clan dopait- 'alCiuty ~members of the .WMa ýMEEýKER fu& of- ètuy stores' occîiiped b>' M. F.J. Jones., monts. Rev. E. W.' HalpnuvlSc-p ityaemaîgOCa-ua iia 0 Po264 - WI and Mr.. W.E. Vausatoneu e théb at- rétaiy 'o'the, Provincial sui1ay Detroil,' but 'Ihe>'are speuding lmoat teri âd the tort>' foot lot on Greene Sobool 'soItowill .b. Promt, Ã"f! ýtmer l n ot «104TfruYod i wsd a W2Ialth 0 o street, at tle. rear -of MIN. Bas san d gi1-v. two aiddresses. in the a-Imquel aoe. new dubestoreonBrook Sti t le cnho wil speak on YThle Teetlo speeiaty 0 lye heocuatofte eceraOpportiinity." The sub- , 't.la this paper, pubjishea an annonce- Sunda>' Scbool Wonders."1 Rev. E.C. of al mnt ! bs ral' eeta>te agenCy. Hall, 'of Oahawa, Secretary of the TaII - Couuty, wlll b.eue o! the evening T'LTBILEE SINGERS AT THE speakers.- These meetings will be 1 TABERNACLE. open te *Il- Who are iuterested luths e AV L A I ~ ~ 1 'On Monda>'. evening a goed crowd work the Sunda>' Sehools aie doing. assembied as the Methodist Tbr oegtao iitr rn ut ot nacle te, heur the pTograrn given by tewn uchoola, viii have tea togelh- the. Jubilées Singens. There wers six er, la the, school-room of the couves- * , singera and an acconipanlst lu,-, he. tien church. P r company. The 'entertainzent provid-'___ ed. b>' thým as an excellent one 'RA _ U h a i g S l thir prerani inluin£ polos, dutf»l R A ESTATE quartettes, etc., .and- readings b>' ons@ of the menibera. This. compati>' las VRNK E. JONES' LIST. ' Now is, the time ro buy your Boots, Rubbers and Feit appeared in Whitby on a prevloua 'c.. Several, housesanadi-building lots fer Fooîwear at a .greatly reduced price, as we want to make aindutad it not been for oh saelô ib. hlroom for or wspring sto ck. er attractions, doubtiess'the churc- amie lu ale lth. Tsheip foune would have been full. They' are sure Wbitby and Plcker1i.ag. N IEN odN'S o' receive a varm vwelcome vhe neve GLEN' DHU -209 acres. A good W I~' ley r'eturn to Wlitb>'.stcgin udfitarenr Tan and Goumetal Cali Bluchers, Patent Button or, Blucher, reg. BOKST B TDXE. Whltby. 18 acres orchard; geod regglar 4.00 and $4.50 for 2.95 4.00 and 4.50 for <3*49 130OK TO E INDXED. buildings sud a good fanm at a rea- Tan and (3unmetai Bluohers, reg. Gunrnets.l Button om' Blucher, reg. n another item ln this paper will, sonabl'e prie. Appi>' te 4.50 and $5.00 for 3*95 4.00 and 4.50 for 33 1seen a notice, asking that: ail « FRANK E. JONES. Patent Colt Blucbens;- regular 5.00 'çs be returned tii the P'ublic Li- WHITBY. - for 38 Dongola Blucher or Button, for ar>' Sth, to, allow their' re-I Reavy Working B&otus, regular ' 2.23, 2.49,ls' oots.98m 1 to the new Liltarv building. R Y L 1H E T E $2.25 for 1.60 iss n il'Bosfo -ing this,th books have to be R Y L T E T EBakadTnSipr o 1.00 ais to 2.39 on a card index, whicb, wben lION CLASO MOVINO PIOTURE8. Blck uJTanSlCpes o 13 il'adCid'Sipr rm will contain In aiphabetical Open every eveniýng. B' SUc tl ad ongl 1Bu.39Gils29cChls'Slper fo e titles and authors of all Aduits, îoc. Children under 12yrs.5c. Bos' ox al!50and 3,D or gola Bluc., 9e s From thkis ndex cati be Saturday night, ioc te ail. reua .0ad30 o .8Âcrigt ie çhelf number on wvhIch a1 BAIN- PERRIN, ROY BOOMER, r of ew voerme in theManager. Operalor. We acmaking aspecial offering in Ladite Feit and it onensq. whieh rmav __ Bedroom Slippers, regular $ 1.25 and $ 1.35 slippers for 89c. nsriel te. ex weos dvers We are sole agent for the famnous McPherson's Lý!ght- risi eraletim . M scel ane us dve ts. ning H itch 'H ockey Boots and the A utom bile Skates, 1. )E. LAUNDRESS WANTED. Sec our window, it might in;erest you. "igineers held an ",At Laundreas for Hlouse of Refuge. Ap- -w freght sheds on pI.> at once- te Dr. Laver>'. _______ g. The building, ' IOUSE TO RENT. st deoed cm- buslarge gre vt eaedn d f Sx roorned Rue, geun B e t-1 O A R le appearance toi 4wllh fruit trees, near Lynde's creek. e present frornApm ..'alt-f R C THE BARGAIN SHOE STORE protdd msi. Ane pano for sale. Appi>te' R C ST. NORTH, - ""WHTBO T bvMr. ,has. Tod. 'F. N. Burns.-tf. ovcd to be royal dJion was heart- FOR SALE~. number pre- Good timothy ha>' for sale. Eýstate ~i' NlNNN ' U' NNNl"' of the es-en- o! John Davidson. lndependent telef ' c moo l phonef Clarernont, 812, Ashburni.-29.$ FIFTH ANNUAL COURSE IN AGRICULTURE- $ nan iù -th-e WAN'I'ED. g happy coni- "A lI'ï te beach reading for one To De HoId in Hardy Blook, Uxbridg the 'ao-hour a day. Apply Mrs. Laidlaw, .. . in fact one The Grange.$ Four W00k8, Feb, Sro îo reo. 2Sth, 1914 uis that they! LOTS FOR SALE. Under the management of the Advisory Agricuitural Cornrittte of Two desiraqle building lots, sixty$ Ontario County. A froc course, noeoxaminations and no text-boolcs re- %XM TO RETIRE. six feet each. Severai fruit breeg, quired. egational meeting of situated on Hickory Street, Whitby. , Tbî orei lne o;uttcnesç nai onyfres Church, eld on- o., ' icesadRcmod ., rnt Wrght and is open te al young men, 'ixteen years of- age or over. The studies Dr. Abraham- who bars1C. '38inlueiLchimonrmCrpd Ee.., arToanaemntnntJd. Hockey boots . I greatl>' reduced 'which is reported elsewhere ln this ____________ prices., Skates put on froc at Pel's paper, a veryý bearty resolubion o1s£~ shoe store. ' an s aidte Mr. Laidlaw for __________ bis musnfcent~gift.Re l E t e g A FORi eei fth-e OS.eUNAYSCofO theTIN.M r. J. E. Winn announces that, ho makes ,a pcat puli metn c bc o' ! bc'The annual convention of the S.S. o'RatfWhesbuies n esdnia u to_ts is clled far Wednesday evep-lAoiationoý bbc' towns ef Oshawa o ono htybsiesad sdnilproperty; n fng, ;Januarsý 2Rth, ln the* o nndWbegyadbcTonbp !ToClfria lrd f Larme in Whitby and Pickering Townships. Chanhr a8o'clock. ýThe subIoct Wîtb>' and East Whitby, wiîî Eitber buyers or selle*se oss os trstn Uffler diseiîhssion w111 ho a iecrea- ho heu! i n'; bbePreshytonrian JAili arme or ether roui estate, wiof douel'otsec resWind u , lin rom fo bbcyoîtg mo .ai Church, Whtby,, on 'Friday, iU3 s~~U11 ne slehacinsi obcassrayt cbsns ,bo*, The '-'oî,ntv o! Ontario Old i-oca ehscinsi ohcass tobsns Girls 4'~s inton î'pp 11b ov ry ~I13 30. Trhere will be twose-OWUEF CImmdaoy ono1i~ 'fj ~41 sion s.that of, the afternoon boglu-1 prpr.ninra t two oýriAck and tbr evetlng 1fThe' J.anE. WJNN, = WJI ITBth apd rnctjcal protrramme bas been tn~hCnd via Chicago, %Detroit . ' rinared nnd has 'b,-" dtstrih,'t ed te. or-Buîffslo. Bell phonoe 9 P. 0. Box 394 .~ ~ ~ nnarv14, a h otadflth i-FitptCia g a ~rt ink TCkt , 1 douce, Dundas St. West.'. 'A delîi --ý forr, X,,d r ,r and teresting feattere 'of""thJe aflernoon Toronto, 'Ont. pmrt Part Saintfieid -Pifau -Ot ' :, bing pas t Block'D; Lot î, Priutce Albert, being part part Pt. Pt. S > Pt. WN t'reaurer'aOff0 e i7 2 'Lot Lot '4 19 31 21 D.' MtKAY, Co. Bldga., Sept. TOWNSHIP OFRAM1A, Con. Acres Taxei Costa -_Total - Pat or Uni G tee $ 4 S-$2 50 e$!4'38 ,P G. 51 10 49 2 51'13 00 unpat M 100 $15 76 $2 64 $18 40- - Ur TOWNSHÃŽrP OF' REACH Con,:Acres Taxes Cos Total Put or Uspýa 13,. 9 29a50o il179 Fat 5 401100 645 2'50 895 Pat xi 5e0 ~ 2 50 870' a TOWNSHIP 0F BROCIC. Coli.Ars Taxes -Costa Total Fat 3 I 8 2 71 -20 93.Ps TOWNSHIP 0F MARA 'île iCon. Acres Taxes' Costa- Total 'Put or LTnpm 5 Zoo 24 6"z387 27 41 2 4 40 2 ;0, 4go Pao It 3t 7885 4 22 83 07 . a 8 25 5 14%'2 5 >o1764 > pai: 12 :100 34.25 31il 37 36 pul 12 100 6~ 8 ' 2 3 a 12 1 0 15 '02 2 58 1,7 6Pat, .235 1485 2 1747-. at I3uy Ilt Because I-t!6 a Better Cari MODEL T Tountng Car o nitarte 6tO fe atcuaso Ford, t Sn Aets h'ty kt I{alibut, cut in steaks, per lb. - Manitoba White Fisi, 'fat cnes, per-lb Sea Salmon, nice celer;' per lb. - Fillets cf Haddie, per lb., Finuan Haddie, mild curcd, per lb. BoBACON AND HAMS Wb ave the goods that have pleased othei.s foiý a long time. Try our extra xnild sweet cured Back Bacon, Breakfast Bcnand Hame. Our rimali Sausage are' fine.. Try us for, qualIity and price. Jmo. E.WATERHOUSI.* WHITBY Phono il~ Prompt Delivery. ~Pee1's Sh-oe Sore- 15c» l5-sýec. Ne carry a fulll Une. of.MIÉ! 011 Tanned Moccalsins, JIndian Buckskjn Moccasîns, Heay Snag'ProfRbbrs, Oveirshoes, Overgaiter and -Leggis..s., AJ"so a fuJJJine f FeJî Goods at the Jowe-st rock'ottoin priées. Hockey Boots at greatly reduced prices. J 4 Get partzculars from W J Luke & Son, Agents, Wbitby. x _ AETER THÉ NEW YEAR >SEASONý You want a Change of iDiets We haýYe the goods to satisfy your palate. -i k 's

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