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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 22 Jan 1914, p. 7

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c., Mak6tax, S., aayta.fi wu I TJIOf O M 6 IO» W cu tî ;: waàvubv ~ 1 ~ t .îwU oke e tiaken dowwi Wh a bavyr cold and'ii t'ho outh.ru part of tecu-wy ofwdà;ué la rlxpeai~4 *18 iiiuid ~> h*try, and laf w VelicoI are' ivail well,,usïe Dr. Hanilltofl's P,11l8. TIleY are 'tien, I bouse for sman weeka. - iu& had e abe, but Jour ne.Ys are made geU- rnfldcleenains. , trengtiening-zood Outieu btofh te dc tougiiid s weC r&lly on pQ-baçoke and in &012 for the young à.or ad. 5014by 1au where. wa billfar rom wëýanddidoount7ry opened up by the - new rail- no, 1ave ti .vim nee.sary for. aIlrod laaready"Impor<>ttdairy Wantel Uglneu Ii o(ldon Dayu. itrewOUSbue. '411f , ad di no Loo eiieul. zeivt aimd with. the operat4on of ~~uelcmvos &ppea.? 0'ttenI b éether 01,C6,01r fteld works.te____fin_________ofthelans_______ Ifehou .Twkiig'with a f riend -ho sid, ý e in h vleoftelad o ae rgr'du1ne$& as a n elt tri' Dr. ilflama' Pink Plls2 Wvitiout ,having ýi'lpfted , WiIImos.quaIity to b nsouel tef le- e'led -todo >Do, and before I 13 uh tea dti.vants, Wli'n Eliza, cýte,. daughteip 101 4tnimpovenau, ~ ~ 3 ~ ,~f g,,,~j~cf C>ke>o1 -Norohwas about ta Eee' *Pll nae eand t]. wheels of prmdo eoIRY >J~Ul am iii Ilrry, -uohé wrote to hýr prospectiverep Icç.'t thero- revolvng as *niau old entleman 1 î mtirh-Jw Parhave ,the ur rosa np from --s pt.- the o.- 3VII lIIFil Wi OdeItr eie yutlkthea of vtv eeo -h - E0n zabeet. about the. prett house"â. id.nflth 'cotIIIt mrvatie d e fToHue e mx cobs Pfety and l e n 4 id be , ôrose vêr tâ the *Libeireal £14.> ce Whi-4hlt of Ii1fond ô! de s; but ile' er-conductorcd ,wm lbeéwhecre Mr.' Lemieux 1wa ettang, - No mià-e tomooch dosiag nscessarY ý tdéai u , e odc OlI l H was Mr. W. R. Brook, w-ho ta cure louW lame babit an4 principbes are g&xd neither are Even was then aittins for -oe o f the Po- lvery trace of lamenoss. evérybi really obieetionable f ijults., I think o11111 T1CW ono cnsite»Ies sea ~ of:ttffiisSi, eeryUl.flof weairecon-tuour.entblishm523t wflI >be e.pattern thrue I wil never try to ybyejj L'à . te corne iii'goed mriiyiprshlrl f r 4dv 50 lsxagain,". said Mr. Lemnkux, oin Idxhp ,ng gelieno.itilg ' 50O deep mortification. N'o- otbet Uiumeut cau do the worX butier aud the. terrible housemaid fui eno_______ eqùulki, can Denetrate sa dee»ly, h.8 mention'cd tgi? e--ndnarn. cau. brin ue* ansd comfirt ta ýthe chrgonicle0. by f A. tiulat.back.wearYý uiferer sNerilhile 1in_______ in the receiitly publijhed biogr4' *The b1y dosa.Valu phy cf Sir ilfrd Lawson the J3ackaohe Iei't the only mna tre Nervillueofe ood chotaeoure.eFer lheli A. littie girl ô! s8vefl ôr ighit fanc: i cro cf god atnes. n. o!the7x ~ orsitica you wouid go far y estodonta coe efers te SirAndrew Clark. It i 0n rl, 0speedy, as Nerv iefre e -ÉL-dtha wenho recommended a gives. For chronic rheumatlsmn there g 't. 'Agirle, 's e Bd w itiexit to drink wine 1 the latter ex- are paln-destroying properties In Ner- Th igirl tu:rn andsaid to Ie soiesuprc, ayfl iaVîîn 15. eTOIt lTUt rauk. The way hHel ugt îrA.Cirk~a a l t lmbers up a stiff Joint aaid takes "W1,1 you please 'open tVMs gaVe to l SrA CawhchaB' A. Clrk oreoesieout 0f àtralued or rheumnatlc îo- mne V'Gi flCo rmuscle s lassImpiy a wonder.ý The gentleman dif e Then h id-- 'Oh, wnl doos 5oifltiIfls If yeu bave, au ache or pain ani'-si kin dl:h youto getthrcugix work; ior where,' if you have a sore back,, a "Whd y i hl oud' o *nce, I have ofte1 twenty lot- )ff aleçX0- a atif jontlaetr ojie » i. îe oJusiefV' Ao a-nzwer- ai tc-r dinner andc a mtusle--If you have u aO, - ntegefoYurv f ~iin~ A 1.ln,'el eted chient or ore throat, 3ust try "BecapseYa," eaid the' little girl, r gret ~ Ne1Jilne. Rub It on plentfully-it "the. poant'o noV drytyt." Uhet -," aid t'ho patient, "d- 5-*ont blister, it can't do anything but ,Bb Q! champagne really help yeu 'cure yo quickly. Thie large 50C.ea s.wer .e twenaty letton * Vyfainlly alze bottis la the most econ: -À Mau of Reg1ard*Iffits, sorti 1) 110 aid f9r Andrew, "'out emicai. of eQurse, but you cau, from i o longý befoire Mr. Jimpsofland ýVo ha4 a pnt cf chw pagne any dealer, alo get the 25c. anialîlÎ ehm "al~ a' oc are a rap ýrhether i1e.nswer ie cf Nerviline, tb i king ef ail pain- i!b oe1 s.damns oc 0 po ~ reUleviiig remeies. over ths tels hque. o 'Tu OR AI)V- DlVE~ nrRADUM.ago thst ho M[ ~jus let hie offcet TH FO B BYanswered-Mnr. Jimpson. l'Re will -A ILint of au Age 'Wbeu substance- Pa" laix saloonsi on 118 way, and Lai 'h. baby heaithi' and MyBcm ul will probably spen Iio' minutes ilà a1 tie stoma.ch, mut b. e Beoca ul aeh ona., 1 expeà thim home in 1 1dm bowsis wonking An eia when radium might be uas- something 1ke an, ýour," ils tho secrot cf cd a.a fuel for shipsanad motor cars 4'~---. wI cnes. The. motb'er wss hinted ai by C. E. 8. Phillips Téo Sloiv. ily of Baby's O)wn ut the. Cancer hoajultal, ini Iondon us eu edre-reoently, says %the. Londonl Chroni- fi Bo you've deci4ed not to geL use can eel rea-that'new gown that you 'ILd od her littie eues CIe. .4fro J ur >, ore f pe the resulto of "I arn not saylug tILis with ani "ye[rom e'de s bsy e a eh -4~, for the. Tablets ericau5fl05,1>àlé OBllkd with le oouldn't hve it dône ftrat les '~n vue .uc ~iîe bt 5~~ztmntthree weeks, and býy that timo ith ablninigs-rid ut#oiln6 o aerles in f Ail1 more -cf hi ecture-indicated tha.t be dutO dl>dyé., s >woro by og- eré vas fouilda.tion -for bis obben- ch&dbwl' vation, Iu solution radium deccm- At 1Home.Then. v. Ont. Die-: pO&d5 water, giving Off an explosive 9"when caw I eureiy catch Ïpur le 9Ont blieàs mixture of gaaes. Mn. P.hilips i".'- husband at home I'"9 tdhv îaaduced these gases, and by fusing "That's lhard V telil but -he'ye themedit areletr- eak rated nearli' always lier. for breakfast.'" remdyfo l a csu rrent of air which drove a amnali .bt oiti by medi- fn Anlte expentsntWanted. 25 Actiir eperhentde'scribed .iim' wan a "sportiflg event," as the. iec- 1 atdF Ont. turer wus doubtf ni whether h. could aied-Twelve weU-educeted,, *IiOOXflpS55 ~ îbwas Consentesyug vmn a 1V.lu racicopi nurses in City Hospital, t very suceesuroo.from 'h et"'O Cleveland, to fil vacancies caused f~ UPPYS alog ti.roc ru aglas ubagby graduation. Unusua.l varieti ef tu 25 feet inluength, couected withae frein Goat&-ITy. tube -of zinc auiphide. The. l1gts experience. Néw Nurses' Home k were turneti down sud lu the dark- tCoon te be cornpleted. ýFineet con- Il À)alry Farie nels radiuim emanatilois wre taglius dises»e building iu the td t-o t-h-e nmot recent ste.- pumape tthrough the tubing, aud'in State. children's Ward sand ma- Il alished here, there are up- an instant the suiphide ws glow- temulti" Depsntment. Two manuths' V î 3,500,000 goats iu Spain, iug luminoueiy while the, audience Viitlug Nurgs, work. Monthly ConSul General Morga.n, -miany of whom vero medical muen a10w5.nce f rom tins cof acoepte.uce. Î Barceiona. In every t-owu of -loudiy appiauded. Âddress Miss Frederilca K. Gaiser, country bande of Viiese animais Likje su ultra-modern conjurer, Principal. s. e drivon. through the etreets dur- -working witlî the 'Iatest medinixi, irng the early' moruing and after- Mr. Phillips achieved other restilts A man wh<o kuows how Vo do oe noon houri and rilked iu the pre- illustrstlng the. remsrkable proper- thing right miay try te proye. it by sence of- the purchaser cof the milk. tieès of radium. Re teck a balloon, doiug eomiethlng*elee wrong. Tiiere are few goat dairies lu the. and electrifyiug it with friction country where the. milk is put up in froin s handkerchief, made it follow Minrds Liniment Cures DIphthOfia. botties, but they are of tmal ils la inger :bout; then lie passed a portnce Ti. etir proucton ~ secko! A4iuiin m atube over t A Scottish agnieùlturist was- ra- hibthyare eid varie& Mween sthe esiaticiz of the coe i epplyI Csal5DP~,iUCrl ce.. M&d. 0 a $m8, acbordiIzg tethé lize. a n *iQ~nmin&m Widm tegoat and *6ue quaintity o! mllk hegin ltoý,loik -sut -fer sornqfl e ISSUE_____4_____ 4._ OstBgIB, abs givee. Thcy live Vo the. age of ore !~eU."u, ~s~ l.4 SU -14 Ira U boa E F& ln g c sitA i>yaC TIlem other-4! YOU grow UP tW ne -J Y . --- t>- PoMbrIrOafiPS faci.wlh olt-, ydear,- and àve ocd JO e bwx U014 pos$-vsr(1 W ?ottO rU" taste in dre" an u mar 7 di ere'stl Tho Daughter (aieki tire1ve) j<ý. ~O*i.Mil i, fitlesLili. Sali, Then I 'dont iied any educaV4cu 9 ~&bs saI l u t ssntii Q 1fo, isn't that, evly.. ", ma fe a 5 -D U e do, those mchave i, ittl4 or AELKK OS. - .,.- of It crave for W1 You shouid CORNS AENT. Th osOiuit n4 tir. as ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Ya "I hvsen(rte W'year they groir harder and in-. ndeut) t-he whole population eîconiafly rmore palufili. Whyý suffer- wl' out of an Af rican '14lag1,189 -ÎO tu -au bocured'foQr 25a. epneub'oI ut,- &«OTTO EGEIL Lpproach ot mýhie prospectora nam'a C<bm Eztretor'Plit>'yes.?i luUse oe hope o!f<ébtainifg Salt, -Te and~ guaranteed to cure. Ue 1tnam' Piano 'Action d adeiit, the momelclam- trcô,2.a aldles a u d tiie chU1dron cnied for it. waïr'o AwIl Toil. - the coà«ee-colored b es Tsaoeîtmalso l 5 ç a n o eir ino t h ui rs ' b ck a .5. sr iu g .illu st ratio n - cf -t-le te r - T e oni-m acles 1- C do o @r i it ort thin .in haidaandrible Êuman wùetè inwr là fur. hsnitZ )ued it as greecIily as'cur E 'g- nî2lio by thliecenaus - jut taken cf .têIDtIP'IR chi.idreu do sweete. A poon- thé new Bulgiarn l territOriee -. b- ~;~ o! sait all round- established qiuired by <xuuemt. ,Tii.male pop. f)-qislierb>' a féw cîe 8U1ph'1- table r-elat!.ons, and 'ehen it ufat1 Ou of!that portion .cf Maýce- 1 iQenh iu e pu -re te. i ' ' i. Yo u can ftpur e, .n lttr ta bartering 1 found saIt doia allotCd to Bulgarie. -Was e-1 pro ltsl C-n SCe ~çit fe. auI an -bemoa vana-li edium2. duced' <Turin- e 1ist .1ie !ô1 'rr tonthat cold uorty, or al -efor'- -Value, 8alt proure 7;O o*,o.l Siat deosxnu~'mrbv eda u ce t-hues afs nuch as calica> or Tliraca oui' Oý5,00O maies reinain lprfce, 50 centsat boîLlé- rH[ f letyildringst do io cy goeds.-L oendo ii Chronicle. -Out of a ttal b'ef.o're *the irn .of cu dr gg nldH C l net -900,hile in i. district o! MU&.-~ I f(I' ______ ta-pli'Paoha-, uhere fighting maged - P etReet.Tor, aIMITd, ['1,arn o log and fierceiy, oniy 4,000 send ua&hidnn.ý pless,'irnReu ai m mailesare lef t ont of 33,000, the Vo- $UL pI4JR peRODTs tai beforte fcghting began. - - ii i ve Ci Prompt 3011.> mni curin g h a m e îcr r. Bainuel Longlno're.o!f Moneal, saye - Defeudat-' douA't .kuow what ~ " et a -word cf prai-e for GIN PILLS. 'd lhave doue. ii it hýad-'.t been. for ý ut. fiftoeun ilie u go I vould net' vaUt'ou 'se =y' mous. ,ufferiniz severolr vith Lawye-1 kunow, tlîough. YOl1u' cuatxanl. I100ok ÇaGIN 'LL5 and bc-have doue time. - e ne uieiýL.Tie monthe mgo. I1uad' eumtie Paine iSà-bNeursigisa. IJi-e- ted te GfIX PILLé âain, for one week ?iodern Developmntt.- t --- 1belcazie quiS-e ircl" tspoetvt orini e t. a Box t for $2.50. a"Ispoe'ttyursns Camle free If vee 1 ,,ilÂb orse tnuefied le.èorti1twQ - ,Writeo 'atlouai Drug & C emicitI Co, O~~g apacé. %. - lu thebàurn. Von cautrv Canada, Limited, Toronto. 11Y68; aud apa.tatlumuch ipavin, Riîgixove, Splint, or Curb rO a pce ha put-ing yourJioelâ -lic ban but yosi __ _toc fast foi one cf him yeai'5." .-Eat liese troubent- ,nkeli - Chaice te Eeape.-- 'Papa, noiw that y-ou have bouglit Net -an Expbert. E D L ' Lura a ypiano, you might buy nue di ~~oulsi pon.,"Il wouldn't t-r'uptt,-hMnto bo.eatV - -1 < cu-i 'Why sio, Tommy?" ý 'Theu at lat I couid go rîding the eye of a potato." -î.t5a»îefo$,su bnshe is piayiug." -,T.LeiRalUaOiIL.-- nhosne ilsig.0rbo, The Leseer' Evl, "»one£îy aiwaydi wins*- lu the Ur. .NE» t5fl9ALLgOflb6bram1iie. Brigg-"You.. muesthave a lot long -rn. trouble keepiug ycur if y dreass. "Yeig, Ï kuow but a man ie likely- 1 up lu the height f style." te be- egarded au au Old fog oy rNe1w F end. Griggs-"Yo5, but itm oubtiigto a weakling if he doesu't take the " rse nièe Voyo r ieiud, e trouble 1'd have i! I didu't." <short eut nôwaay."EimaD. 've 'neyer h10 you a ýanYthing bUt good of her."" #lnardli 1.1u11#4tIDUNW'I 6001d, io 10d-hl Iou ritieisUi, "Tbst'tiVey natural. 1 lia-dl RlgtLandlady-"Will you takç boa or kucw hler set' - - ., - ,,<g53 V,- "Hir,au thig , athv "Il hey on'i a.gevth you it's V )et te keep aw5.y, no usa-tien he Uh Ccst of IAvlni. Dix zute night, toc!l When Yen ucii y'ou nIa.>' ke elm.1 t Clerk-Heris a book ýjÏ#t out: til tiien, you are tgkiug up- tiie "U'iow te oec Europe on Tire Dol- bime coffthe zman wois maiting te riwr.Fruit and lusineinluJamuarI Jars a Day.pl tell you bI.-, bil a ira>"-e 9te oq M f uoulu tfornfia. Masried Man-:Euhl1 Wha4t1I want- fo-itaiy.400M, bo6k on i "H t Ét - toc pn ne Union r~acine &nd Iço1t-aW ernUne;Homne on TireDollar.se. Day." "ne pnl i a mes aZid, vi th t-elarOi rodiiige o t-b _______là#_________hi overueas, .'thiere *as *11"lit.lo lami tb fsutousd MeTOdinu othé oomprtmn, cu sdobevain a-boy ir àe t te xuch Pudding aUud - [or, or moe oe b oaersudn homr-- -h.brt"J e-'Tee st 1k âor. -Thr« e.' le rai ~nsMnrd.0 Linimeflt' 0 Lxuis. I Lal~b ran im ire-!hveue or INARDS LNZ àthing as: toc mucu puddig eman Fbr ayo t t; X L "U tof t P iff foi t-he 1aet 26 vears and whlUt Gdvernes-"ýTiien why 414 thé lit- ted, ~ a cry abe sst cesteuon%îv Iyüdotbrliniments nîg Land cf 9inhifll, Vist 5ak a , B1 a ve 4f» cier e uu tVeboy bursti' "Not e4Vig th. Sam Frm.niaco IA=iIte 'The overland 1-1Isfeau ga, that Il 1101 t«l Bout* oiferd: safotT--Bp"d5cenery as u sn 4- tbehando asdlu- bo- at.. iîl.rsS-3ed maSter and fuill artie- t-ed re4. th. hesWinla tr fn .tv.or i ta r joÀ 4 6 l n e S r e t o o I t i lh £ 1 4 bt e BM s b f o r b r i s e , sP I S n a , DS h e " N o w y o u mS u s t a d m i t t h a t etc. wiemen are beter thanl- nie." O, Jon. G. LFOBIL13. 1 d-o"t kucu . Hisftory doemu'pt.say TeRSlOfSBODiolOBO ôBrmoh. .Q. -aythuing about eeil devîlis beflEg "De maxi dat, dcû't trust ani'- Cototc nn.,D boy said trîle fil oounee net; he lias every euoe o! them sti11!1', - J "He. elirys flndig smthing Try Mûrlé E!: ii'atihi$ lTabout." If Ten bv Bdwik.Wa7 I " Es irad h lbeef gçeeste '.Unv 4' lul_ M.2.1,SO.prescribe it bhree tii.ada " - igur e yeng psiauiive' p '~Wh doe *un cg ee Pd ning- Vo you 1 & es Yussin alfhounti. eneeho thunika l'en ealng i HoTabes iThein. Tha'strue. Hé tak em On mine -befoeo I eveni get a ch&'u hocýk ýt thé pictureO." - Ulsard's LinimentC rsDistemna &'e yen didu't miarri' -the nli> se-IMnJolko alter al.W1 P yur -. ttQ~yçFu -ee I teck no' 1) iindermine t-ho stmgc Otltut*ica d rmis, t-hé. gjmcstgo0gu~lth At. i.s- tedoeetbi linn" s.'-

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