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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 22 Jan 1914, p. 8

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ng ber. seé f *malA at the def c er.' ng lust wus ot wlng otese. Bn (>iilytlàreo hi! LeWis, of Aprin, ,Who bus leen r. John Lewvis, Io retuined tebis >Cochrane ýtook la the y match at nome t,, Brookliîr offonsthe dreî'ssweater caut Dir suits for,, mal1 s1y, price. !men's c 'lothes, large at >greatly réduced '-A large stock o! men'â ai'd jadios' W*ts, O eifd IbfŽbig .bargahîs te 1161r0 Men'@ twee'4- pants, 06<1 Unes, oie bhrcd off.- regul ar p rices. -. Mes's underwear, 75c. liffes, a large Ot,, tO eloU t\OOc. per garment. WInter goodsc al Unes te clear at' iargain priceg.ý - .C LY1TOT'r, Brooklih. A quiet wedcdlng --took place on Tuesday, 2jWaitr 2tb, at the Pres- bytenian macseý Columbus, wben MisMatilida V. Robson waî united fn marriage' te Ir. James E. Kerr, et New. Brigden, its. Tbe oeremoiy TOD 'AMILY RIUIN The aev0îtb annual re-unfiDuon-e u Tod' familýiwas belli undir tbe aus- pices et ?Xr.: D.M. Ted at Oshawa, onl New Years Day, when monibens of IFe f.f onnection were proseit frein Bowiianvf île, Toronto, Whltby,ý Woodstock and Northb Bay.: Tbe bugo table was laid eut' as 'the let- ter T aid wàs -geiereusly fillildwitb every good thing to pleaso aid at- isfy. -la thbc'neveu years o! this tain- ily ne-union, wltb oie single meept. tion, the circle.,bas-benunbWn, and as they met-and at downqt was wltb Joyous bhearticit tbankî that IlPralse God trom wbom aIl blesshnge 110wP wae sung fe.r.His goodiess and mercy te tbem aIl as a famnllY. Wb1ilst the eIder members oenhoyed bbc. qleter momnents witl each other hi tete-a-tete, tbe cousins lnae n skating, dancing and REA L ESTATE__ C roator Canada Imiprovomont& Land' Cou v ~LIMITED * During4~he past three weeks we bave listed many properties, liîcluding, Dweilings, Vacant Lots and Farins. To those who want to seli,. we say o - List yeur properties with the agents who are selling.P sTo tÉose'vho 'want te buy:" s "Look for a property frein the agents wbo are listing.,, * Our sales managers,. are- at your service, M.Sle n Mr, Buyer. r ele n * Address al communications to Msss. I-HAROISON & RICHARDSON. SALES'MANAGERS WHITBV,9 - ONTARIO Iamn givxng away, for tIi rator Laffip Burner with ev hàor' pai4 cShfor sar Iltaitsve oneor.more, Duitîcos M'oPp,'50C with-out --epdendentat. FurEE eè mQnth Qf January, one 25C Elctrîc Wery 5 gallons of'Royalite CeaI O11, to any me. oy~iîe eai u, oc per gallon. cf the beut lamnp but cors ever Introduced it handle, 79C each handie cempiete. ci Bell phones now u n' shop. i onie - '-Ontario.- glaves igaion was made b o V0es per">... àsi R U H l.Farewell IÇ,.,,acting for the Crowy> oaee e a arig rdyRU13.aidthe 9thor parties were represejit..,icisa, per bag . i On Fia evening last a grand ed by aS eat arrWy, ef legal talent igram.' Ha, per ton ý....... bpytaang concert was giveji UiuOr the iom Mo eai, Tôtonto, Belle,ýî1io IDS 4iar1 r . .- auspices of St. JO.nas Sabbàth 'and Cayuga. Wool, unwaahed . R. .School. Tes wasseBrvSd fi tho roui- The jury'. verdicit ouiid ZSuIt wlth C; îu o l. th doors wiThe nlerst aid 5jsgi- Voig hat.the triculd .atrve - Horse bides'. ....... precatie auiene. Mdamob1 ar, uiteexlionaoquatrte o!'--a:1te, Talo e nd. e b La!genPiiotelng, h allocta_ whra e a il i qatr 'eCOrMu- %WeU-xknown.au over 'x.ms district, oang most 'delightfully, _and fully', came up-ýte the -adimèe oe jtîces ofe! er wqonderful' abillty. Miss Ale Newport ~ot Whftby, .gave sorne splendid readînge I lier .own mnt, able way-, and the Wbltby Orchestra provided, an abundance of sweet musie. The audience. dlspersedl with Aaiaous opinion' that this was the, best concert, aid that tbey bad baàd the most enloyable 'turene la .long while. SAINTFIELD. At the home et Mr. and Mns. Jas. R. Baird, -Salntfield, Ont., on Thurs- daY -last, a. pretty weddiîg took i place wben ýtheir -oDly, daugbtor, 1 , ÃŽLaura Margaret, was'married to Mr. Gi Stanley Real, son o! Mr., and. ..L lGrenbank. The - Whon you ask for Sagoine see that cremeîy, was coîducted by Rev. W. thisglr's îctre a o th lael.A. McKay, -of Wick. The bride enter-, This l s1 urate o-qalty a d.lcthe drawlng-room wt4t-ber tath- eclece. agnel b wods er. She was beautifully gowned fi toremet .hatia aeine is th *rd c reain broaded silk crepe de chen good we guarentes every bottie, and witb shadow lace aid embroidered if you are net sattsfled that Sageinewlhed pearîs,be elcut lo tbe beet scalp cleaner, qandruff witb orange blossoms. She was at- eradicater and bain hosutifler' ý » tended by the groom's sister, Miss bav evr uedwe illrelndyour Mary, as flower girl,. i pink ail-k, money as chbeerfully as we take it.and by Master Oscar Baird as ring- J. E. Wills I oloe agent ln Wbltbyber. ton Sageine 'so be sure te ,go-to bis drug store, other stores donOt bave DR. FAIRBANKS, 0F COBOURG, f t--oily 50c, -a large bettie. Do't DIES ER SUDDENLY. - Cobourg, dan. 19.- Dr. C. S. B. MYRTL STATON.- Fairbanks, a* resident et Cobourg for MYRTL STAION: tbe lait'twenty years, dled-very sud- The funeral sexvlce for Mr. Richard denly this men*ning fi bis flfty-fi tb Blight was preacheci by Rev. Mn. year. Deatb was attnibuted to beart Allai là the 'Methodiat cburch o failure. The doctor apparentiy was Sunday mornlng lait. hi bis usual goed -bealth until a Sevenal trom bore attended the !ew minutes betore ho passed away. hockèy match fi Wbftby. on Friday He la survlved by bis widow, a sis- eveiing Ilast. Thse saine crowd were ter et Mr. James Hague, of Aurora, at -the dance la Utica on Tbursday one son, Charles, who la ln the Dom- evenlng. Ail report a very fine turne fWon Bank at, Marmora, aid two ais- aid - a grand crowd. 'tOns, Mire. E.H. Osier, et Cobourg, 0.11 to 0.12 0.15 to 0.15 0.25 to 0.70 2.50 to 8.00 It aIse fun d. Iu t wth :the -c OJduct- ! C UD I or and brakenian of the f-relght train IIn8.4 018 E for ot aig, the, doves, and wth the GT.R. anaàgement fo6-rtoi- COUNTY 0F ONTÂR1O. 5 peliag the flgS anterenain until 1914. plcked up by The' oi-comlng train 'and 1. WHITBY-Miss 'E.L. Macdonnell, for allowng M en to ride in the Ca- Cek ht y Tn 3 e. 5 boo e w tho t s fe uar ing tls fr M ar. 4, - A prIl ,8, M ay 4, june 3, livs.July 8, Sept. 8, Oct. 2, No0v. 7, Dec. 4, dan.,. 7, 1915. j Bald At Thirty'-five. OSHAWA-MAss E. L.-Macdonneli W Clerk-Jan. 14, Felb. 6,, Mar. 5, Apr.tI KILL THE GR S NOIJRISH 4, J5 une ý4 July 4, Sept. 4, C T11E ILAIR RMOTS AND YOULL Oct. , Nový. , Dec. 5, Jan. 8, 19151 NEVER GROW BALD-USE 2. BROUGHAM-M. Glmeon,ý Green- PÀRI$IAN SAGE. wod Clerk-Jan. 15, Mat~. 8, May It' y u.r o'ç~n fa lt f ou grow .6, July 7, Sept. 5,,Nov. il,- Jan. bsld at 35 a thousanda -of men do- 11, 1915. yes 1 and, wemen alo, If you have 8. PORT FERRY- J. W. Biirnhant dandruf 1 t labecause the germa are Clerk- Jan. 4~, Mar. 7, May 7 slroady d:évurîng the veryj ite of the .July 9, -Sept. 6,ý Nov. 12, dan. 1 hair at its roots. 1915. 1<111 these jgerma with Parisian 4. UXBRIDGE- R. J. Moore, Saga and stop dandruff, itcbîng scalp bridge, Clerk- Jan. 10, Mar and falling bahiL n two weeks. j May 13, July 14, Sept. 8, Nový ît's- guaranteed, you know, this de-J Jan. -16L 1915. lightful and refreshing Parisian Sage 5. CANNINGTON-Thos. M. Fý that lae w Isold ail over Canada, Cannington, Clerk-Jan. 9, Mi and if it Ioe.s not prove better than May 14, JuIy 51 Sept. 9, N any other bair tonic you ever used, Jan. 15, 1915. get your mnona.y back.. It pute lite 6. BEAVERTON-Chas. A. - son, Beaverton, Clerk-.1 60 VARS' Nov. 18, Jan. 14, 1915. EXPERINC 7. UPTERGROVE- Danir ý : Atberley, Clerk- Jan 7 May 16, July 17, Sei 17, Jan. 19, 1915. By Order, J. E. F Clerk ý8rt ated at Whi tby, Nov AurrM@nnhlî à Ïketeb and deofgInma? tioD1*LftrW7 mudeÉtfu ai uNucua n Prtent.f ont Ire& ovldbstagency ;for secu-ngWatenms Patento takea tirni ia& V.receivo bpcesUe ot Smaie, ta the a i lt otnt e w e e k l . L i e s t a r . do WsentiSe. JO rnr. ari.for a Yeu@ poutg rptd 04b GRATJANUARY SALE1 FOR 18 DAYS. J.' E. BEACOCK& SON, Myrtle Station wili offer ail their weIl assorted stock cf DRY GOODSO CEUN ESBOOTS, SHOES, RUBBERS9 CHINA WARE AND HARDWARE. -at Greatly ReduDed, Prices fo*r Three Weeks. PROM JANUARY 12T11 TU JANUARY .313T, 1914 'XEMust clear everything to makte room. Below are some of the bargain Sprices. E-verything in the, stpre at nearîy -cost, especially boots, shoes and rubbers. Ail boots and shoes reduced :2 per cent., rubbers 20 per cent. Corne and get a copy of our home trade, catalogue, the çheapest way' of 'buying, directfrorn the manufaçturerý to customer, This way has ail mail order houses beaten for price- andi quality. Al 'dry goods reduced greatiy. Ail men's mitts and ;glovçsý,.redùced j per.cent. '-AlIl men's caps reduced 25 per cent. Large stock overails, regular $ .25.for $îoo.Cal oïl, best American, 5 gallons foi $i. Produce taken a e -scash - -' We are Sole agents for H--ouse oii4bberlin, tailors, Toronto.> We are agents for >Coluinbia grafap'honieT.an d ~~,J. erthe..latest records pl'ayed on the Columnbia..' Don't leave your ýshopping tili the last' week.. Remnember, these .pricesare.orAy good.for three wéels, and we must reducé Our stok * LOOK AT -THIS-Best Granul>tèdý Sugar, 221bà.ý fo r$iÃ"O Best YeIow Sugar, 24 ibs. ortJOO 'w! W âl J. Ivucwrnent period when the .,Wefit of foresight in'eàrly life may be.re-ped. F. J. DUFV, MR. AX E. DONO'VÂN, Spacial RaP. Queen & Victoria St;. Myrte. Toronto, Mg4ý dl-FOCAL LENiES 0 Our Bifocal Lenses are one solid lens.' if Price per. pair,* SSne.!ial lice souti j made -provision for en, Fali and Winter moi eteady remitnerativf through. Write ut; ni tearme. Va offer the 'Pay weekly, free o Overt under cultivation. yars. A reRitatittrt and tairdealilig. A mnoney sel ling for ng getic reliable ninf F,,r te Pelham Nurserjy N . l - r e c a t - Live ry, I have recently. added equipped Iivery stable a he.. and dray f',r ail kinds of cartaý., teaming work, and wilI be pleast receive orders, -which wilI have proi, and careful attentioni. PHONÊ 65. John Gimblet DUNDAS ST., WEST' WH1TBY OUARANTEED ADVANTAGES- The aelvanâges guaranteed- to its policyholders, ,mai for man, îhroýughouî its entire business by The Equity Life Assurancèe Conlpaiity aremuch-greaie forthprnlm paid than they are in any-other ýCompany doing business in Canada. -Thi. lastated as a facwhich cannot be- successfully disputed. . ýEXÀMPLa-A4, age of twenty.tlýree' next birthday The Equity,,Lite ciharges ,$4320 for 4ý2,owoo;o insurane on the TwentyPay.ment Life Plan with every-ý thing definiteIypgaranteed. Most other -Canadian Companics charge exactly thé qgmr amount aid similar terms for a Phoh.- Trt. WHITBY JUMCTION Golng w.ut...C iza.là. f GingSgant ... 8.ao C.a. Suaday. trains le for iXoronal0 4.52 an ad 7.M6p..th.',-F'rom Tor- O»tbo-trahu§astop at Whitby duneblea latis m 15di95î5 W.M., nAnd4iS .ff' .. UP-TOWN STATION. STAGES, IdvsWÉitby for _Oshaw ~1 au. ait p.. Jos Koa - -e A DAMS, Dentfst e et, Residence No. 4, ýo St., Wblty. Phe JAS. 131S! awa, Licenaed. Auci ion te L. Fairbanks 1dates appiy to solf .by. mi LICENSEu AUC1 AND VALUW LI Éindi. et sales prc te. Arrangenits sale s t *the Gazeti cems reasonable., Ji and Indepeident WIIITBV, < CONTRACO] i. 140WELL Carpenter, Builder an latis drawn and estirn- -Repairs, AlteratioIs, Igeat for Brantf( x467 WIIITrY Barrnage Li ASH. 41I..1 serof Marr- uIR..1o. r cyre nottht. n o t1veiut r l..o! in 1 rnt5.-kly on lier b<,xzln 18 -Ol! wlbere nivy I eeeh< îhç '5 m-liich lie ljjjjIed ft >1 ",ret auîlffli eM.ac to drive qljui. 't Ipod Idsh" net~ ])Y i îr'v Personally MYR' -NA 5'ff ýarC-11v, *1 -L . ý 1 .1 à-à--à 1 à à AÉ . ' - . _-_ '- M 1 tnce 1 mmec 1 P

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