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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 29 Jan 1914, p. 1

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Druq'gglst and Opticiani MEDICAL HÂLL, -Oroe&St. a WhItbix. vofssicifaiCards E. F4REWELLe IK.Ce J LO F. G. Barrister, County Cri :rown Attoraey'and wfl sblc. Etc. iÇ~is~adBank. ,Etc. I O' A -~ - - -ý - s to -Il- -puz 7e on 'U8A LoraU je- Township. t u htist." He' then praytd' that H. Gifford, Reeve East Whitby Tp, God would'-be 41th -the Council, and Jas. lKeKenzie, Deputyfleeve East wltli the .Warden, 'tiat at tii. close Whiby.of lthe yer tiiey'could fbel tii4t it .D. Morgan, Reevo of Jxbridge- Tp. hâd béeen a year well spent. John Wetheral, Reevé B&ockTp. During these exorcises, Dr. ?Moore Jo1i1 SakvillI' Deputy 'Reeveofot'and Mr. McKeiizie stood beside the BrockTownhlp.Ward ncd- at ,theconclusion thepra. .Tobn McNabb,' Reove Mara Tp. of, Dr. Moore' congratulated tie J. W. Batemüan, Reeve Whitby Warden -ýupoî his election to, the higi Town. office, assured hlm of is warm sup- R. Rogan, Rmee Oshawa. Town. port, and hoped the business wouid G. D., Conant, Deputy Reeve Osh- be conilucto4 officetly and exped, awa, iougly. .Wr. P oster, Reeve ýUxbr e Town. Warden Giffo rd expressed is: grati- Geo. Gerow,.,IHeeve Port Perty tude for ý the bionor 'co.feurred upon H. S. Cameron, ,Reevo Beàverton. hlm. 'He sald .very momber -would Jas. Blanichard, Riee of Scoitt Tp. -getia-fair hearing thé yè àn~ Ralph Mclntyre, Reeve Reac Tp. .there would bo no favorisbowa. Hè J. T. DobsonL Deputy Reeve ,Reach. ioped tiat a fiendly feeling would Renry Heavener, 'Reeve Ramna Tp. erat -thLroughout lie year. John -Jackson, Reeve, Scugog. Moesrs. Donald Prown, and Jli Tom. A. Wilson, Reeve -Canningtou. Fallowdown, ex-Wardens, were -1 wvtt John Wetlake, Reeve Thorali. ed t> a seat bealde the' Warden, i and *A goodly, number of, gentlemenboisoebrtl.1.Faowon were present in the Council Chamber said..it waS a great honor to «sit in when, at 3.15 p.m., 'tie members* hie Warden's chair, yot a position of eleot alIl took their dents. maesponsibility, as witness iVs,*. Own Clerk Farewell rend the. mie for White hair. Wiien ho toç>r -'le a thie election of a Warden, passed at yoar ago lie hd nota a r iin the. November session, 1911,_andjîis hefLd-nyw lie was, as 'tiey -sa* 81>111 in 1 VU is thnt thei ceptacle Ca: ail thie mei them oneb on the carÈ ;ay whom le Clerk ms upox namies ision t! he col rd, Re .1. M( f ollh Bate "ave Me] ieuT. A #V iemoiU n vogue him-4~ite gray. eCjemk shah .place in a rm 'Thei1 reading o! the minutes and ardi benring the namnes O! some other routine business Wnas de- Dxmbprs. As he wtidmnws 'ferred 1«11 a! hemthe appointane*t o0 by one, i. reade tRie naine Standing Commnittees. dand aski 'hie member to Mm. Wilson,. secondedby M:Ç. u- Rie ~ominate for Wardcnville, moved tiat thie foilwn e iu provided witlx ruled 1comnmittee îô ý striice- he, Oandtng a wiici he can rendily llnd commîîîees-Wetîeral, 'MqNa»*,Weet'f So! tRie members. On tlis lake, ' Gerow,- Moore, Camner on, xere were only two pers:ols -SparkBacad n h oe )ntest for Wargen-iram a rs, ln cird ad iemoe eevé, o! Rast Whitiy, andanseod. oore,~~~~ Rev !WiyT. Sparks-Mlntyre moved la amend-~ winge vted e for Mr. Gif- ment tintt he following be the coin- eùan, t7onant, Gemow, Gi!- ihittee-MoiKenzie,RonCmr, rener, Hoover, Jaekson, Me.- Wilson, Gemow, and the movor and Keazie, bMcNs.by, Morgan,sonder. 14 arks, Sackvilie-14. Tii. motion prevailed.J ipported Dr. Moore - Bian- Adjburnment was tien-mad. for an unerora, Iobt§oti, Foster, liour to ftllow the coxitthe ho do1 ,,tlieral,'Wilsoia, W'eitlatl., 8 Its work. FERRY PROJEOT ADVANCED-. ine 'etîag of tRae fuwn'Ath it tauprûmoters an agree Mezk ty after-aooaaideaîl tNvit aat;laVer in the form of a by-lawv -,ferry but w8811Wiîit- tny, li subînitted to thie property Y. It wvas hed l z osyeré for ratification ah a duly ar- I3esides tRie Cour- ' a îged election. The commtte. e i -sent, represciutinig composed of the Mayor, TZi-#-ve, and ng* the car ferry Councillors Laidlaw, Warren ands r. Jlas. Fowler and ilarper.S r, of Berlin, wio The mather o! procurîng a mnap. oft the President o! jthe tow'n on a large scale wvas dis-c Union o! Can- posed o! by the acceptance o! an of-Q * tiat has been fer ho make one by Mlr. Young, who1 .îitting thieDom- li a member o! T. Aird Murray's0 L o the deepening of staff o! engineers wio recently madet Canal ratier Vian ho la survey o! Wihiy preparatorv Vot ly impacticable Geor I the establishment o! a sewerage' sys..f 1. Mr. Detweiler also!tom for thie town. 1h will coît $100,P hed citizen o! hs !anld %ill include a negative fromc io was, te origin- w Rich inadefinite dpîainr h wblTld-famous Imap amy ho obtamned. timent nl ------ The eenîing. mieOlaif V~one in 1 wich the. Farzners'.jiid Women's In- 1stitutes jolned. Mneeting, and à14&prgs id ah efâ jýIAw5i WV5 .by a few ,ry ofthue Glengarry, talk , on garry pracý. ;dairv cnt-1 N <4 t' UàbtKi4ays, sIl* It noefa> - iently. The uliiew cmoed "" ~ lsnvrya . gl f onfYM fwmnImportant busilness, - Mr. Canipbell's day been declared for the quarter eioing81slt January, 1914, and laig rese 0femwbm, wr.iylpicberyth' 1t h sm wl w aybe atthe Head Office inti. cty and at Tei peaes« resent. - 'o emru o e p caeo i ti nhe sondae er MaY a)l, 2ud Day o<,Febrary, 1914, Campbel l. and Messrs. Campell, snd'Dik. MW Mr ba8ls o k on ho sharebolders lof reMod of. 23rd January, 1914. u »C. ,Wu u , Boyon"B. th* ee ng" an4 "latt r aagaen" TieAnnual .G.I#.TaI Meeting of Shareholderswlfbe heIM utthe MllsOnOf i. latter subjept i. spoke at Huis ofHoeù sdliad roferonceoi -h thie Ilfof 4 'tboy.à grîsate1 ie one; leath, throwîng otafudo Read Office of le . ank ini Toronto, on WeIneaday; 4the iStà of had 1ef t the horene et ixwsamoat useful hints' iecnuct 0 f IFebruary next, ah 12, o'clock noon. prc al nndîteresting présenîtii am.A _enrldiscussion 'took By order of the Board. 1ion o! an ,ixprtagnts'be. plc on many o! thie phases -ý sug- GUO.,P. SCH IXIELD, In -hiiiaddrëo'Mr.,»ue l-aid stress geuted bY the speaker, cedtie tacts 4Gem*Àra1 Manager upon "theneed the licoumaOt c ould notbu béof tacoght ut ouldnot ut ê ofuse Toronto, ldth Decebe,1913.li fault aosev4énd nnd r otoe-rsnt eb chldren, ýglilg soûxe- examples and- Mesrs. 'W. A. BroughtonaaW. 'Illustrations _from is own epe- ke were nominateds nsdlrector.oà lence. n year, to be recommended> aIt t'hé S ,reay Croni made a few cblos- annual meeting ,ing reznarks, and the meeting a&- After a., mous. Prcafttble afttnoon j~un6 wth ~esigln o 0 N th le meeting adjoumned. until thée-even- ional Anthem. Ing session. a BILE isOCIEW * -MEETIGrauatdSu. The mut Weu illled lait po!the branches of tVeéoferooicahtb ye -00oo bags of Tiurdnyeve Ã""g nthe- occasIKOoIn aevery village, bown and cily Ini the auiual meeting of _-the, Whibby thie. civilized écointries tint the Biblel Crv stal GranuIated-S.ugar-at» bi-ancli ofthe Bible Soà-clety. Thosîe Society can do the, work 1h fi doing. I Who were présent Werè well repaid, The'con.qnests -of the. Bible in Africa as the. meeting was lnterestlng and are sucli as ho stir tie ,heartio! ail Profitable. Preuideal -ýE.-R. Blow pre- who rev'ere .the Book. sied ad ad a Itr7stg ad- The.'collection taken up afler the The Secretary's reWy' wasa good ,TRie Secretary's report showedthnt $ . 0 e Q b . One, Ahowing larger collections dur- £145 had been ý'conrututed ho- the 11117 the year than in thie' previous parent Society ytsbad o i yenr, nnd norninatingthe presenteqxension o! the work:rde wor'.Cash must accompany 0l rdrs.ý President and Secretary for re-elec- hion, also thie former executive com- - xithec, nWith n iligit change. Rex.v ,p' R. W. Allen, in n tioughi ad- ,,ocey dress, moved thie adoption o! thiere-*I- port, seconded by C.A. Goodfellow. A very interesting exiition game Col. Farewell proposed a vote o! of hockey was pla%,Pd at Burus' new t ha o the efficient collectors, Arena last Satùrday afternoon, when TL AIr, ~ which wns ieartlly recciele4the University of Toronto cholsi' m' _ Rev. Jesse Gibson, wio lias enter- defeated a local! team, coxnposed of ViH IIBY# uN i. tnined and- înshmuched tie Society for tiree intermediates and four juniors. several years, gave anotier o! bis Ah hhe commencement o! play it Poe;BJ o 7 neednN ..7 inimitable illustmated addresses, the semed, as if Whtby nilght score aPhns BeiN .47 ide net, o.4 subject being Africa. In pacture and wallcovem, tiiey hnllying two mn quick story he cnrried ils audiende acros ime. This, iowever, seemed hoiex- tie dnrk continent, from 6onst ho inuit their store of energy, for ;tii,. coast, showing conditions before and Hlgh School boys aetted fixe in suc- qinc thie introduction of the Bible. cession before thie bmi ended. The wock o! missionaries in this and The second period wns muci more s itL otiez-landsi h wonderfully helped by evenly contested, enci ide scori-ag Windeqr Salt is on. of thie purest brandi of saIt in thie world. the Bible Society ; In fnct wihhouh four. 1h was also considerably W aeja the Society's work their aid would Rie rougher. Bradfleld, lft wing for the W aejs received a carload of this fine Bran d. W. munpy impossible. The Bible' Society has visitors, suffered a serious îccident ordinamy fine-in barreis. pubIhshed tie Bible, or parts hier.- tVii haîf. A hockey stick accidenhally Extra fine for butter nuaking, in cotton- bage, and coarso sait of, lin $50 dilerent lan&agnes, and came In contact wihi is foreheal, in sacks, for stock. copies are sold Relow cost in everv and Rie was rendered unconsicious for We ati rî,i ade reylk ad heathrn country. Tt i oraly by the some time. A dochor attended thlii " usl sfrs,î ade fellk ad înjury, but il was sevemal hours Rie.P e fore i. fully regalned lisi senses' a: K8sh eU Tgai * edigl a t n W. have constantly on hand, choice, fresb, HRalibut,, White FieRi, plaes. Altoug hi vîihos wme-Salmon Trout, Ciscoes and Haddîes, at close pricos. nearly ail o! sligit build, being but Fligi Sebool boys, hey were spee4y P e h - e The aea nd godea ostic aàe, o! hoice Young Beef, Pomk, Veal and lamb, ut ionsonable pries course, more than the. local boys are Our Sausage, Sparî Ribe ànd Teaderloins Are'of suchu a high grade,', aile to get or 'have hlm.e for. Tiey as should please the-most fastidious Epicurean. played a dlean, gentiemanly gaine, and gave an exhibition tint was velI D J ' U worth h pie fadmission ho the. W u. B , Pu-u--l&.'0i-06 good-sized crowd.' IIB N A I V. T. S.-Goal, Rennie; defonce, Garretand Sullivan 9 foîwamds, Dua- Vis, Gouinlock, Humphrey, Biudfield.- --------- Witby- Goal, Jubb ; defence, F. *Waiters and Lavery ; fomwards, Ward,f Bundy, Blanchard and G. Hic.D T D OSAA4, WRITBY 3.fl'IU 1 1K GH j For lier hIrt ime in the iuslory W 1T R ý E L R .H M HIH o! hockey, Oshawa Inhermmdlates de- feated Whitby on 'Monduy evenlng ah Oshawa. This gnfme hd been ýalked of ever since thé e onon opened, and the crowd tRial packe.d lie Oshiawa PAPER, PEN AN D INK Rie gwam ferwa tRi faitu ct ae- O G TA

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