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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 29 Jan 1914, p. 2

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~- t' - - j - i -- - t -riîrw ' daneolautell me that mwîtli 1had lest faith lu evrt}ling, l>st iebrdyn hale on Yýmr fmcel îlase my, friend I- bhegan t(.) li- 1W'-li, y - cesol,"st.nu ! Iý h, nd îon lc<-arrît'very fdd. j ,-. .tteîr- ann che îrv 5, o~ f tht-nu. wi 44U -i6 iîsrnisi lin - (> *wnsn't very bing be!(oreI g--,~ thot i eeknrlcnuiO sonnefitrengîli, feit a dme id«Id for shaed om otermana fce" Chiarn e iu my v ssem-, 1)(-pe sp-ang1' Fiwrs Fui m SnmhnminJauay p in My heart and tilowly but arid ai-Ways, are to be fouud ln Callfornla, ou 'ely I ýgütI)ettel-. I coiich leeji dii tisa Ideat wlntering piace. reacbed coin: ver-y wM]l, tise con)stant c-ùra ing feor las _iblaneonvenfnfly býtb, hicgo,1- food eased and l Ihsavé-'e lir Lic - va the fsaît t phd- mont direct routas, hcalth now than Imifore thie attaec re1l dmidittheLb uzsa1rous surromsadInge o! tise «f p r aaîen.-cub and,-observation par- tits --lI or -more naoderate-pzJcpd -and- borne- i"Mîy hvsband aimil 1arc still dit rrke éTourimt car, -'Throe<,,Ëlesld1d tra ins nie 4g Grape-Yuts and Postumj' Dri h~an V annoeeàTi.LoiAgee L&- aiegven Ws- Canaiin Iot i ci.ilseato b ge, Oitn>" cf liech - I t lunrsin,1:r5i Lesa 1 tys"nd- '., W dsor. ont. utead, "The t1lA th man ramsciecoL i. lisO lana, -I(ý-fad'to 'Wellvilie," inlapkgl,. > unexüe[ied d1inwar àP~~nn esn> o atssL, ilustrated walter and -fu» n tIj» - B!awr asa fthebov* e lter? A un o-w 'i ubaa s piistlaB.H.idnet -ee apoar sos» Ume tetis».. Ths> Dri orai Agireut 46 Tongo- Sereot, Toronto, 5*t a» fltris.a4 U9, i uàmà Lin of many -in this neiglihbonhoo>d- wii hiave fuitnd a new las-of e life j» the great- Canadian Sidney remn- ,cdy.- It is cîsreasuds 111as thia thât haive given - Ddd' s Iidney i Pillsé tufeur î'eptatin. Tey -are now klnown- from tIse Alantie fo the' Pacifie as the remedy iaI nover failis te curel inwhat form it la found. Dicd('s Kidney M ilsa are no cure-, ai]. They simply, curp diseased1 kiduev%ýý. Tise reà:son ' thWy curej backache, dropsy, rheu-matism,4 rveuraigia, -diabetem, urinary trou-1 bles and Bright'u I)iseaoo> f la t aIl of thse.are eiher- <sea"ssd lhe kid.neys or are (-aused by d!s-1 Ürdered kidncys -failing- to do 'tIu-ii- work. - OLO-FASHIONED NAMES. 1 Our Porefathers Labored Under Some vlnlyon going 4pstirs, Ti.d4l aIo do!M ' certinsijnt tle t~ Fred. MoooI'S ! taftrd ai the age Io failipg toazuwet the demanide. upozi<18*H "Ut1 letcuc St', 'boca.use i t h tuaand watery. coirXter in-the kingdom. kt j. ab ancu .times that Dr. Wil. Oountem. OsteDP1eten, WhospiCntý liams' Pink Pâli. for Pale Peoplei more than $2W,OM year on dress, are worthi tieir weiglit in gold to hw<m left lier heirn% 50 dresi.-es -aâd tireéd'anaemic girls. Thoy aétuaIly 110, hats and iiothing else. nnike the new, r-ed _,bload, 'tht. Ya~rmouth Corporation has, de'cid- bnings brightness to't ti eye, the e to 'pend 50,dO&uring the n'xt bloni .! calh ktii his aditwelve months in 'adveîltisinq Yar- strcngofh qndat tothe cee,an mouth and Gorleston a s s eas.4de re- stregth nd ctivty t thewhole rt body. The. fôlocwing ia an inîtance The t.<rd Ma.yr ci Lond n's ýur~ of their velue ta young girls:lMiss frberle !teds;encue Hilda Pearl, Snowe, Barnington, bey the reoent Senghenydd Colliery N.S., gr'adually, drooped under -an disaster amounts to over 82,0000 atta<, '9' anemia,- At'fiit se Birmingham corportion -wiII w&O pale and iltesa, uffering shortly take /over business o! 'tram cpocamional- head4oheÉ, but as the Mdilàndi M<ct-Oùnibu« Gem- the.-trouble progressed, a &evere pany ýpithin te city, paying aboutý ccotiglial&o attack-ed her 'and 'hen ý»ùOoqO for t friènds feired ahe waa in' the' grîp Workinî' Men et Chester-le- 'If cosiaumption. Mmomt'froin the, treetj Durlamï have subscribed -oftsetý',shê'was beungtreatedmniedi. the money là» hallà, dozen packs o! cealiy,-hbut witl3 -no aýjp'aren bene- playitng car4 for -the.inmates -o!f-he fit. At a &criticalstage in lier illA local workhouse. nesa - Mise. Snowe wisely decidçd Worknien while cv1ig a thât ehé .;wouùld'give Dr. Williams' Whibtablé ii cinctioï with the rbk fuslaa jnial., Aften taing- new siewers, discovered tb' okl t thoni for some tiins there w a f ax4ammo th, abou t î 12f b,. below 1 noticeable improvemeiit 15lu ibr the- suïace., caft.ýiwnd-the, PiUll;were gla.dly ,con- ws8eve a a. thou andpo4- amwoe tinued --until ahe Iras fully reatoredi a <i b tr t ewo ~t éafh. issSnoe i todaymill. The roof gave w-aY an4d;a fire- as hoalVhy ugdasa 5îman named Holden was i iriously w andhan'ie ri sinfired,b ,cou h t 8M -d ir rens A provisional offer of.,$75,OOOfrome blieeta r ill ia.'Pi-kthéesetate of tii. late Sir WilliamE P la mediber lite. . Dunn Ba.rt bas been made W ion- T'..Pil not only cure anam , don. hospit.afa by -his ttusteesý and 'umt ail troubles duoe tao or blood exeoutor. - and >weak nerve s. S861d by aIl mcdi- As thé postmen purîoii their cinée4 dealers or by mail at 50 cen ts rounds o! the letton bo)xes in Read- a. box or iaxboxeg for $2-.5à fiOM ing, several boxces wVere foundi to The Dr. -Williams- Medicine Oc., oontain a dark liquid and manmy ad- J3rockville, Ont.. dresses were obliterated. t '1' H. M. thev Queen has sent to, the Troo Fond of -Trying., frie înds of the pocr, trough theo Too znany-of unsina tus world do Needlework Gui Id, a large quant.ity, r4ot' kuow wlsat we want, and- con. o! clothing for the families under, isequently are more or bass bound flot the. cane oi the society.V là eL t, aryl&onc wote "Tse No fewer than 2.336 farthixige wýeàkest l*Ivng mrature, by concea- haye been subscribed to the St. trstng -hie powers On a ingle object,Mihels hrc -bldgfndt can accomplisti rointhing; the strong.Mèalscuhbidng ud t est, by diaperalng hl$- Ovçr many, May Oriekiewood, dîsrisng the past K fal -ta accompîîali anYtMàîg' Polk* month, makin~ a total to date (if Wh 0 Jo fond 0Of' trylng th.fr hand $4,- ' r3rrythtng are &Pt to become . Au oldi windniiil at Lonig Bu,-klev1 "cks of. il trades and masters of NortÎamptonshirle, wh1ic-is has beenl noeà ~pi'oMinent landlmark, especiallbvn K'with members qf the Pytchloy Iliunt, Judd. Not - luta be pulled'down. oc T4ere are numbers of trcumotancem A railway oleftpe r which had been whfc ch ttend every action Of a man'a placed acrc>as the Great Western ni ,Ife, whtch 'can neyer coma to thee une near Briton Ferry station, wa-s" bonown mndo th world-yet ought ta foundi by a plateJayer, who meved i be knon tdWel Welghed, befos'efi sentence w1th' any justiée can . b it just before a train pasl.ed.' o paused upon him. A mans may have Owing to te s hortage -o! c-tages si different views, and a different'sone in Reixate rural district aYe .tlie bc of thinga fromn what hls-judges have; cauncil have decided te take thre and what lie underetandis and feels, necesgary steps andi provide acor- 'c andl what pssswlthln him, may b. modation for ibn own eniployes hE a sre treauepteede A windmill has been inerpora4d in the design -of a etained g]a<q Win- t SAFE AN SURIEdow at Bloxhali Chu reh. SuiffoIk, te, SAP AD SREcomme1morate a fine mil] that wak; ~fOR. LITTLB oNS burned down some vearé; &,go. ~ Ow Taletsarea aD ear D)oncaster, sorne 200 chilrirenbu ai-r sue m1i4 me or itte ~ are being kept away from'8cho4el by ~ Ahndouer filtar egule tetheiY' arents on the run ?tlie wl boels, ee t<)tregultmhendlong diïstance -they @have lta dotvol. hr tiowls, weetn ile stmachand urton-on-Trent brewers distri- cure ail tlieminer ilis of babyhood. buted among their employes ai ('Oncernin-g thern M 0. Duncan Joy, C'hriutmas 75,000 lha..01! heef, 1,r0 Vancourver, B.O., writes: "I ai- ttrrkevs, 1,000 geeae. 1,000 braco <if fl waYà keep BaRby's Own Tableta in phcasantg. W00Cofiple 4)f dîscks and~ tlie houa. and give therri te my litie fowls. -nd. 50S haree, -rie hencver iteoded, as I think- J3ilt <r -a 0 er -o tlteni the afest andi sunest remedy du'ring the 11onapartc scare, -Fort a mothcr can gi-v. ler cisildren." Clarence. an- obs-clete strornghold Tie Tablets are sold bY medicinc at Roichetter, lins bheen handed o relY demalerji or by mail at 25 cents a by th-e War Oýffice t-o 'Na. i Terri- box fr<àni Tho Dr. Williarnig Medi- tarIR] Compa.ny, Rwyal Carriwon 'm -Ciue Co., Brockville, Ont. Artiilery, -Handk.1rchtefs In Diekens' Time. VIUIL"i' Pocket: bandkerchlefFî.wlth printed ~C rdHp'sA ,~lj< ltifnter ' were i tise eekttlauk-bef .ooked Like IntenideCiSuicide. 's-ie <-isizea who wns. branktleiing sa lrx ýki9rafflr e-cytvgitwagunt euic-id> >it rorri5 lie wsit tlnirrkiug snsoisiNed- eto M, %Ay Ii iwfe boucht, hlm Putnr4nn.c lirn Extra-to-ar ad hid the r.aa.,r v,,rY Ome, ben-uice utnarn'; cures ta 24 isoura; -y it.>,-. af ahi dealem. llubby- I wtnder why% Kat-. 1 t nlînd -beIr 0own businebs. Wife-,Sise hasus't ansy. Hsmibby--BuBilre'ss 1- '1\1-- dee s- PILES C-JRED UN 6 TO 14 DAYS oun drugi-l. wiii refunildii îsY il'5>PA IN'l'iiN'r'fa]>, t4)i 'usrc rny 4îae' "f ii g. Blitmd, Biiedizià ,orI's-os nidii sg Ili ý6 te) 14 dayà, l50C. -"r - always lu ved. tlîr- gît a, Ji5: 15 5 fiî5 wa- tu ai-Ille Mlnardîs Linimont Cures Distempuir. 'T r 1-ar 1n tise It-eil i ri ; il amilxitl t 1irea iai d a Ila 1 si 1i s. s,114 4,n l te as-nage ili i-h-lu~~ u<1g1îî~çf rnilk a vear. lnardis Liniment Cures Cargot ln Cev - S ah- riber niLsiî-css, 141 Î.(iî> 1 'v iîi > niv -ny r n a 11 1-v g,4, ni14 s I< l ie i t i,; in teri ble d-. -t -tii-s- ) i ,I i 55ia-li, min-il 1 db) i ;1ii-i .but L1i-' iist-r ei;>Iý t i, j1îîî 4-11a '-Jean cullar, uai .st hi>, fld. ' 1AUKINO COURH 0F TWO MONIHS STANDIN C-ured by Na-Dr-Co Syrup cf .'nseed, Lico-ice and Chiol-odynt kîî knowliow lias-il iL lato ge i-t ( i Ila - s a rs miig <ns f -r t-yen 1v - ý7 a-.-St-i imbue ii - î55]s Su yîî rIlspjsrt-cite %wlsnt a-iîsii-CoS3 ris1>( uc--lLicolice and il îorodyne cri. )r Mr. P'atrick l-Ioilassd, of EasL 1taltiv- le. 1. 1le says:. - I ssstlered fron a lsackiug cosîgîs f s-r two soîsîlis. I tried st-serai renne -e, luit th5ey faiied ta cure ine. AI t T tried Sa- I)-i-Co 9yriip o! lýiiýses-t :orlcc andtiClsiorodyîîe, and guI iis ýlicf tisat itried m iore, ii am er ssisigi -ce botties was abgoluteiy clred", Il,iliquç, scientific CoMibinafcn of, -eesuciî rellable rewtedits niailes Na- ru-Co Syrup of Ltned, Licorice ail1 lor1y)ehi bAt Préepration 4lsmît et h.iià es-er eeen offered for aIl 1Ot nlis aind-çougi. GeL a ?fie or Lits- Lide rfremy,3our Dmuggist:-mci st-e for irseif Inow effective. il . Natioil ing sdCisemical Cô. o! Canwis, Wheii the -,,ùtives are extrernely Poor thoy n é-eaithenware vessels,- but as theïh- mneins increase tlipy ado-pt'the uvcf Asietal w-,~o car'rying thei - W'ater, - a epros- perous commu n ity 1it la cuitomary, ta -ace pteopl'ecarrying,,vesBsels o!. copper or brasa (usoualîy tueir hcads) Itetweeu-tihoir sources:o!wa tt-r supyîy and theïr homes. 0£. lsritee 'however, the. advantages cf' alurninuii fér ihis purpose arebe- c oing î-cdîgnized, au it is, not only ipîsch ligliter t-o carry but ao much cheaper. - Another Important, ùnd rapidl1y extending use for aluminuni; in In-: diaà ii;furr nantifacturingéoooking istensils, especiaiiy - kettleàa, grid- Irons, satseepans, atew pans, frying pans, etc.- Dcath1TaIy land Newv Brun'siik - Lady Was- Retored te Mer Anxioue F'am- liy WFren Hope Hâd 'Ca' n@., St. Johin. N.B, Dee. 15th-ÂI - one tliai It 'as fearod tirat Mno, 3. tirant, of 3 White St., Would suceurnb tatise deadiy ravages o! advancedà kidney trouble, "MY fis-at attaoka o! back- athe and kIdney trouble began years ago. For qix yeams tisat duli gnawing pain bas hreen present. Whea 1 ex- erted myseif il u'as tei-riiuly lntensified. If1 I <muglit co]d lise pain wau' unen- durable. i used most everythlng. but nothing gave tisat certain grateful re- ief that came fsrn Dr IlamIlton's Pilla of Mandrake ýand Buttemnut. In- stead of being bowed down with pain, to-day 1 arn strong. eajoy splendid appetite, sieep soundly. Lost proper- tics havep been Issstiiled Int my blood --cheeks are rosy with coor, and 1 thaui& (bat 'ay tisat 1 heard of so grand a medicirn a as Dr. i-amiton's Pls." Every wornan uhould use tisese pille reguiariy beeoms. good Isealtis pays. and It 'e gdod, vigorous isealtis that roineg ta ail who use Dr.,i-amilton's Maiidre.ke and Buttes-nuL Pluls. Borry For Their King,'- An Enghnish professor, wso isad been a fehlow sindent ond friand of Fldward VIL1 wisen h. was tise Prince o! Walgs, was appoInted houoas-amry physIcian to ie mrajeaty sinortiy after lie became kinsg. Tise professas- wau very ps-aud o! ibis and wlsbed lis studeuts to know-,o! tise honor conferred upon hM. So ise wrote uipon the black- board ln lits clasaroosu. "Professor Baker la pleaseel ho Infos-m liastudents that he ha% been apponted ixonorary plîyslctan to bis maje5ty, King Ed- was'd. The professor shortly left tise roon.and wisen he returned to meet anal her class, he coulil not underatand wlîy tiîey shouid ise se muoh amused at wisat lie isad written. Later, isow- e-ver, lie dii4covered tisaI some one isad came!uliy--added tIcieisannouincement tise foliowtng: "Coad Bave the Khîsg"' Firot Scottish Parliament. I.as-rk T-)wn, froni w-hicli i'avv Wb~5 mou-j Àddross pont cpe, Dopt. Clioose ýwhich Grain vou 11ke boit for ycur wbite Suger. sud bUy fit. Lawence, Pre Cane Graulatd whitog la oiiium1bag-Fin@ greo mnedium or oaro. Bach the choicest Sugr,. or. am . mmtou r. Umm MONTISL 6.oi Tommy Pergisted. At breakfasît restleas liffle Tommy began to play with the~ cruet stand. Hie father told him not to do &o. Toiýmy peraiste.d, and at last upset it and spilled the. pepper on the tabl.eloth. "' Now, Tomnmy." Aaid his father, "lyou were disobedient a.nd upset the pepper castor, and I really ought to maire the punish- ment fitte crime. by putting somne of the papper o.n your tc>nguS."ý Timmy looked up ini a flash and said-' Should I be punished thé sanie way, dad, if I upset the ouga~r bowl 7" "Botter #have., ol a. "Why V" "I expeet they will play kisuini gamese and il so, you may find yburéiell disqualifted, for roli- ness!" Tlhe publiiher of tho best Fa4rUer'a pa- per tri the- .[arlthne Plovtnfel t writing to lis taten, "I would saY that 1 do not know of a imedicine that hau stood the~ temt of tlme like MINARDS LINIMENT, It bian been an unialling remedy in our houmehold ever since 1 ca.n rernember. and b.s ont- lved doieni of would-be comlpetitore und A. Mlsfortunc Teller. BoÀbley-I feel af].Ijur.t heiid1 that I'i flot Fet, urcle s rooney, rny ni -,1' L 1 . . .~J % ll plise for a loan of $45o,wo00toc>arrny N -out- a echene'ocf -lsousing under bts Working Classes Act. W- -piper -Owieg to the insanita&ry conditionis IaWrlytie o! Oarriek-in-Suir fever hospiWl ingM -,Wji the nurse, in charge- bau been tick- W s dl. e» iwith byphoid feyer. N Serge-nt Wm., Smith; tWho jiass- ed .unscathedibthoughthe- Sout4 I - itid 4fnican war, was killed at Antnini&Si.Go -TheNsyUrban Couneil lias de. TI, -cided ta moeres-se the wgsc i thé men in -the,: surveyor departViOr pare -blini ment by 24-c'ents per week diô1tanoe; clii Y perticular Mr John Carson, prpieor 0 oOmpny; c the TraderHoteél, Belaeui, *as kili- ,uts ed by a fs-Il while, attending -an auc- - - internai -tien sale at 7.3 King street, B'elfast. i fra3atoc COnsideiiable alarm i big* 'tt mest., on acount o! an'u beingofletCer Liitd in Granard Uni-on. Altogether - thfere are some doze n cases in the' lever hospital. 1For some montha t-he Armagiione coalfield, near Stewa.rtatown'. j1 County Tyron'e, has been succese- fully worked by Mr. Jojhn McNally,I dhs J.P., oktwn- A dîsaatrous outbreak of fire O- - curred on the premises o! Sarnuei Gibson, druggst, o! Belfast, a-nd da>maù e etirnatod between $6,o0 and f7.Ooo was caiied. -Wiile Abraham Blong, o! B-errý illa, near Port.arlington, W, shootin crdws on bis farrn, the g - -a-n old-fashioned one-bu rt-t - a inflicted serlous injutries ta0 hi% a, 1At- e meeting a? the l'-èc--tl sIn;, holderà -of th-e Killaoe 'late qu aL Meuagh it *as dreided f4) 1R3010 Ivdebentures is ordiar flfl-t tb. co<mpan.v. Th--e isa- oeneril 1feelin the Duîblin Dolice will b. hnr ancosilitted -o! the' alleuratbrî, It7lnttie-r n la onnect-. the-ir efforùs to imfit-ain 1F ing tise,-labor troubles. TO CUIIF A COLO IN o Talc, LAXATIVE DItOMO OS Drnii;reorfîsnnd molney Ir il P_ W. 0lt0VEss inur1. - tmDid yoli teilt b- ging ta be rnarried' down n all unions Mlnard's Linilment Cur Mrrs. Eie-"I c-arr tel' ta take any ir - wôrk at al" - yau -tried cal] ene 1" Po TOURt s'P'C irom washiag mako oild s wsar lika feet. en se - eu -. . lir. l'WC mi rossa. 5ke. - YORK &, C v. À certain snet, of!Christian- naines taken <rosa tise Seriptureaà has beesi ln ue so long tIsaI we dé not tiiuluk of tises as Adam», Moses, Samued, David, Daniel, Solosion. Abrahamn, Isaac ensd Jacob. Othena t4ken frons 1h. ýSinta.Ilke Pemter, Paul, ,Tolu, Stephen and Mattlsew, originally-giv- en té childs-eu becauae tisey we'. bora- on the salnst's day, are èth1f oc common that we thlrsk of tlsen' as Engilli namnes. Tise naimes antedate the uise of àus-nasues, as may ho Issferred <rom the. tact that sseas-iy aill o!theni have given -rIse tb patronymfiics. 11k. Jacobrion, Petes-son and Stephsenson. lu, tise tweith centjury missloiareg tssed to baptize wisole villages at mnce, assd toa se time invested aIl thse mens w1th tise rameofo John or sorne othe- saint, assd thse women usuaily Mary or Mart. To distinguiis tise .Johns sorne ad- itional name like Short or Strong or Wbite or Black was given him lby tise neigsboran sudBOClirIstian- names and eurnasies were united. After tise Rt-formation Il bt-came tho faâhion among tise. Puritaus ta xivn ehildren Ise names o! cisaractPrs ike i-Ie OId Testament and usdd ont-s lika Molcisizedek or Tiarzilisj werae preforreul. Amoîîg lse-sp were Abel, L~evi, Jesse. Amos, Asa, lealiah. EJpirain. Gideon. Malaeii Job,. Ab- st-r, Hosea, FErekiel, .Tesemialr, Zac- îa>riah, Aalipr, Fil and ltuuîdredR o! otie-rs. For sone reason tht' use or! lise saines bas Iai'geîy ceaseui. W. can nnderstand wlsy Ebenezer bas been iroppod. No modes-n gin-I could illI In love wltl an Ebenezer. But moat of thse Pus-fan BRible natnes have a strong manly ring, and hiave been borne by able mess W. caa oniy hope tisat descendants of tises. anctent wortuises have lu- erltcd, some o! Iheir sterling quali- Les, though tht-y do flot per-peluate 1e name. - i - - - -t- MOS! frAont s1i, ý. / -il i i-I 1/

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