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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 29 Jan 1914, p. 4

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e.éRgular 4«.00 Io 5.00. Sale Price $2.o4 mm- M& , f' lesu -lavistta fremi Trots., Lawreuce Orui4stosi. Cou[eci-- <qI ors, George Scott, MXerlyn Hojilura, la having a <humn- ITelle rs, Boy Hepburn, -Rùo* Sco#. aya -Look . for ithe I Usbers, A.- Nriwosiand GordonL Scot. 0 enJoyed £ ivýt The thirt-fourth aaual meting of: THIE-BARAIUN I-SHOI .,-' iul th3e place to get good soid -eabeu f f rubber goodb, at prices that wilJ suit both youand * a offeringi a Special Bargata in H4ockey, » r.you- the winner of those boots ? If 'you burry up, time is about up. Bs~ck St. I H . IAR -à t i II 1 1111 ii U*t. REAL ESTAI LI MITED l3uring the past three weeks we have including Dweliings, Vacant Lots and Fart To those who want te seil. we say: «, List your properties with the e listed ms. 1agentâ To thQse who want te buy: Ou Look for a property from the agent Orsales managers arc at your service r Mr. Buyer.. Ad'drcsý allIEomx'unications to SMoee RICHARDSON & Ri SALES MANAGEIc WH ITBY, - - - - - - - *~ ~ ~ ~~f. fi+ ëf v ss -siss sv v .f -' eash Tai il you want tà buy-snythIng I l Hrdware, ÎVu olinc Entinesr Stoifs.or Wire FencerGaîcq, etc, ,1y elephoneor drop me acard. von wil Sud yc aad bvys tise beutvalne of oods a:t tis orpt. ESTORE ootwesr anid first-clasU' hfeem for 1the nrt year fasa li Iowa .Predident-Mrs. MacRadyon, Duni- bt hon. -1 ] &ePreildentg, -Mmt..gnrvfc Orone ; ]Mru. Scott, Port Ferry ' ,Campron, Clumbus - Mru3ý mrKenzie, Vlarke ;is, . West, PorI ery Cor.Se.MsJsseFno,. Ra.,sec.-Missm'Reagioe Smùl cl- WhImtby. ON.r trcMal id . wr, shava ]Prcearig. a .Prnl, h WIL Pinge, Jhlt- by, and Mas. McClellaa, whitty'. MWm. Oray hao old bis Prqp erty, kùown as lb. Lubo place, Î10, I(rt. urNllI a4btpr chas"e l1.Houlgun, 1propeoty trofa- Me. P. Sieo. Ail of Our ezhlbftou ai the' 01-, tawa Stock Show escapeul without a scatch. Mbaura. Omliton badt the misiortune b 'loue ou., snd Mr. Jas.-, oKenzie two hogs. Thé explos la was.of such a serious nature that if it'had occurrou laJter ln 1the day, aà terrible tuofo lite, miglst haveQ been takss. -ALMONDS. ycur pocket book. Mrs. «J. Hall le spending a cdùple Boots. ci weeks ln Oshawa, visiting rela.. ihaven't gueused yel, * tives. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur JeffWey bave returned home aflter spending several weeks with trlends at tIse coast andi Whltby, Ont. other points of Interest. Miss Mabel'Mackey spent Sunday at home. Mfr. Jarrett, of Daîrymple, and its î~ ~~ ~~ ~ grandson, of Toronto, spent Sunday with relatives ber.. Quile a number from Ibis nelgh- r E _______ borhood nttended the Institute meet- ings aI Whitby on Monday last. f Miss L. Rowe and Miss G. Kemp, &Land- Co. haVeO returned homue aiter apendlng a iuple of weeks with friends in Sut- ton, where te ateded tihe wed- ding of their cousin. Mr. Arthur Wilson, spent .Sunday ia d many propertiei, Oshawa. Mr. Arthur Mackey paid a fiying visit to--his mother here last Sun- ts Who are selling.' . day. Mr. .J. Roon and bride arevstn aI Sunnyacres. evstn Lus who are listing." A sloighing party from Port Wht- e)Mr. Sel .rai-id by speul a very enjoyable evening aI -, Meadowbrock Farm. Mr. and Mrs. J. Draper, of Picker- ing, spent Sunday at Mr. Win, Oke's. ICHARD ON IMAss E. Willis visited with ber sis- ter, Mrs. A. Ewrs Miss E. Mason has returned home, s after visiting ln Oshawa, Mr. W. l3urley and wlfe were here sONTARIO' (rom Cohalt, attending th3e funeral of _______________ te late Mrs. Sitarman. Much sym- iJJIJI i~n:, pathy le extended to Mr. Sharman and faxnly -m Jack Illetde on the sek arm Impiements, Gas- PROM, DISEASE BY USTNG be 'uic tg cali me up PARISIÂN ME.p ur cash ho',. thelns ït, i- - f rcd X"0514 .Why waft until !ue Spring rýruh, te place your orders for Spring goT Buy nDow, and get- youri wire fonce, imnplemenîs, 0. tue an4I 33e ready fût upring *ork. It paya te talk CASH i thé prokIJin' liard- ware Stoire;' ' - Secalfor Smnmediate Sale 2-D., 6e0 lb.Melotte Separator Youýr cash will maire a. big, discount on titese machines. Uriah Jles. iven. to- reËýponsfbIe partes, on al goodta, at al, tintes, -da -e Ifyou want Pyur obhiMren to grow Up with strong, beautiful and vigor- QU oir, toeavh em Po use Piian Sage-te world 'renowned Hair Ton- 3PariMtansage isu-guarautees by A. ut. Aluin to eureddfi anA m4àoôp falla5g hair la two weeku. Iii grows 18eW hair qlky lneaaes wlere the hais 'lu d"lhinning oui."o It 10 positively 133e.most delightfi inyigorating Itar drfflinlg on hie market for faily use. 'It lu net stlcky or greasy sud will make your haîr soi t,.lustrons -andi luxuriant. It puis 1fie and beauly Into duil, faded hair. Gel a large, bo111e from A .H' A1lUn and watch its mapid action.. Regular pric e 50C. MYRTLE.' miss E. I4ezeo fltag!ani, visiting ber sister, Mrs. R. Long. Mr, E. Col1ard lias rented Mr. J. Bflrght's house, s'outh of'lte village, for, 111e winter. ,Mr. Elmer .Glover; of Columbus, espeul Sunday with friends bore,* Who said we were going le --have an open-winter ? -Mr~. and Mvs. H~.. ,,nli a 1-- the Most ,lfelftBl, la thlck,. soft and composed o! ,4the'- produliiug mit bf in free from gre& net & dye -end la people £nd fi soid, owsy Oc. no -as 14 rmack bf ail. ularvalue 4.50 t* 6.00. %,,Icrice e 9., f, at'Ogsrw Arme dry haim iriait. Sage- lie I>air Ioule tmodlera hair. ring %«tt oï« *ubstuoes, in WUly -Prfunel. 1 pa rtimu WbItby culy ai Tho -death Qcurred et Qorbeil'. Point on TuW&dY of Richard fSoc- aela, tu bs 4hyvar. Mr. »=-' tta ka lvidla thlu pArt 61 ,o: tarto for ma4y years, residing nt uowmaav1llo swdlatcr Ohswa, in bpthot which-towns heowas welI- kown, He pauuod xWAY ast13e homeO of, big sou, Thom*& Bonetta; £rom wwoh place lb. funeral le tO 3303301 mdat yl h» made la Union come GUAM'tITEEO ADVANTAOES _hé advâfésgeïu guauanteed to Its po1icyhb1ders. sasafor many ihroughout its cntha'bU$iitss by The Equity Life Assurance Company are much greater for thé preiniiums paid than tbey are in any other 'Company doing business in Canadaý_ This ià stated as a fact which cannet b. successfully disputed, .EX.ÂMPLF- At age of twenty-three next. birthday The Equity Life charges $43.20 for $i,009.00 insurancre on the Twenty Payment Life Plan with every. thing definitely guaranteed. Most other Canadian Companies charge exactly the smre amount and. similar tenus for a 'Twenty.,five -- Payment Lie Policy. At the end et twenty year5 the Equity policy is fully paid for-and has a Cash va ue of eôg Qof wbîle the usual çash value for the other policy at thé saine timne 19 $720. Thesnian Who studire bisowu Intereuts yli p atrenlie The ItQuity Lif- Assurance Conmpicy whra b lie Untu1 deInrnarance. L W; DUDL59Yo, L1.3UIt.RLAND, Prosident & GurlMngr HAVE V OU iuade proýviionI for eniployînent duritig the FaIl n, Wizjter monti.. or do you wish steady reinunerative work lite year throu h. Write us and secure our Agent's ternis.- We offer the best ini the buainess. Pay weekly, free outit, exclusive terri- tory. Over 600 Acres, under cultivation. Established over 3 years.. A relFutàtton for high grade stock and fairdelg. salesînan eau makie money sae1lingef or us. We want an ener- getie rellablés)an for Wlîitby and vieinity. Frterme, wî ite, Pelham Nursery Co,, Toronto, Ont. N.B-~ctaoê ron reque3.-s0. E. W VN Purnp ,, anufacturer W. eroprepàrêd- tob otu uIw" o Iroan pump ou s.hort net. team AitfSr d1'dôatailowind Mii, as gaellas suglaes il h qa-sr Oit Magnat Cresm Sepitrator. phm Ozu. SONsmidenco. FOUR LEADERS 'f "SOranton CeI." 4"6Blue Grass,,Cannel Coal." "George Crêê1wi ing COaI#-$ Scritnion forraiigeý,heaters and lurun.' aces., !The bcst- -Efan,bright t sud.dry Cannel for tfire places and grates. Youghiogbelenyforsteam. ,Noneany 210 Yards,--Pure Incbes wide. Linen Towtling, Regular value 100 Yards, Natural Turkib Towetlio'g. I 10 l'iee White ýCotton, wide. Kepular vàlue 15c., Sale Pric Oc' - Regular value 8ic. Ail, Renrnants Silk in BJack aDd-Colora, ln eugtba Iremw 1,to 2fyde LAPtES-AND- CHILDREI."S <e Aoy ladies' coat W chbvc in stocks Kegulu 3430 tl 13008- Ali clbdrCps coato, to fit ages 4 to 12 yecarà. Kegular Y; l~l Ladiea'100.3O FuriMufif fr Ladiée 9.50 Fur Muff for. o." 5.90 4- ool'y Reversible ,Floor Rugs. Re's. value .30. Sale Pritce.$2.1O .30 Ladite' and Misses' Sktis, in Tweed., Satin, and Panama CIotbs. Regular value 3.50, 'O 6.50. 5&1e Puice *$2*90 Clarke&s C AilC Tweed Regu Men's sea mornto ur Sale bhis week. Sa' W.G. Sw'! I ~ lAU UKLAI JA1T ____FOR - J. EB4COCK 4rSOIN will offer ail their iveli as' DRY GOO0DS, GROGBRIES, BsOOTS, Sr at Greatly Reduced Pr5ce. PROM JÂNUARY 12TH TO 1. X7E must clear everything to make room. Sprices.. Everything in the store at neai and rubbers. Ail boots and shoes reduced 25 pe Corne and gret a copy of-our home trade catalogue, t direct from the manufacturer to customer'. This wa3 beaten for price and quality. Ail dry goods reduced andi glo'Yes reduved 25 pr cent. AUl me.n's caps reduct stock overalis, regular 1.2.5 for moo. Coal oil, best'Amneî, Preduée talken same as cash. We are sole agents for 1-buse od 1-o6herll'n. tallors, Tôyù. agents for Côlumbiâ grifaphanes and records Hear te lIattât rec.. on the Oolumùîa. Don~it Iave your:shopp>ingý,tili the last week Re thesçe prices arc only good for three weels. and .we must redluce our stock. LOKAv THUB--fest Ciranu1atedguààr, .22 Lhfôfor Si.OO: Betlelltow Sugar,, 24 Ibs. for $1.00. MYERTIaE STÂTION, ONT, ~. V LL .rem ande A. f r a few dayg te give bljIn ho recev oti huc ANIL. a chane tcb:and the moLeY- wIth North Riverde eseraclng was Mfr. D. Bickle and J.A. Ridge bati The- SboOl B oarc ultural Parik, Sat- the misfortutze to 33elhrown fromn a services of Mis P ....hnv0f MonaNteve lugt.s-mr. as sticcessor to- 4 *1 ion!t I

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