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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 29 Jan 1914, p. 5

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and gôo va] ýwALT WAT l'or In IIRI ~. ~<X Heres the IR 1-YMOUR-At Ottaxa !1 jMost people iai y,-Januanr' l9th, 1914, headaches-diserc Sevour, ef Ottawa, te o- (the cause-any on Villam Cannig, o Ot Chaniberlain's Tu Vilham haning o!Ot-dared hope fer--ci: rincrly ef Whitby. toned up my whc DEATHS. man." No case'toobr frte0 i MAXAt 1mibyon nidy, bottle. ]Druggiats a-id Dealesa, or by i auary 23, 1914, Mabel Ellea Chamberlain Modicin. Compa I unt, beloved wife e! Samnuel Shar- man, in lier 35th ýear. STANBUY-:-On Tuesday, January Acd 27, 1914, aI Exeter, Ont., Margaret Octavia, beloved wîfe o!-.LG.Stan- bury, barrister, and daughter of will be the late Dr. Eastwood and Mrs. MYRTLE STATION. band lias Easttvood, , Whitby. Mrs. F. E. Harrison, o! Toronto, l~erry under BONNETTA-On Tueeday, Jnnuary called on friends around bere hast - John Roachi, 29, 1914, at Corbetts Point, .Ricb- week. everal occasions a ard- Bonnetta, in bis 74tb yean. We were sorry to loue from our C. iuth Baud. BURNS-At Witby, dun Wednesday, P. 'R. Station Mr. Pugh, wbo for 0rcs ual od- a . January, 28, 1914, William Burns,* somne time bad been night operator. priesonal godsatA. in bis 87th year. - He has-been removed to Manvens M. Ross' dry gooda store. Funeral, Fniday, Jaauary, Sth, at station. -'Mn. Heeles bas sueceeded Th Ldes isin0 icl r-h 3 p:m. - hlm bere. We welcome hlm to our Raptist Churcb wlll give a thimble *-----ur---- ige. sai terae-hr tea utthe hume of Mns..L.W. Dud- CLJTTING ICE. * - turii odn g aalte aehr * Ily, on Wednea'day aternoon, Peb. The Oghawa Reformer of lagit week at pe ofnt. -un men are trying 4th, froni 3 tp 6o'clock. Llght ne- containsa ashort article- in which th el orne oS I 1o young Onth !reshtnents wlll lie served and a good statement lis made that the Ice sup. iormsl lovln nwo h pregrami given. Admission 15c. - lly ilt Oshawa this wiuter la magni- Dont f +1. Iba tis le the hast --4- ~~~ficent, i.per!ectly free from dirt, n ee f Jr. et.aoksge ae PHILATHEAS MEET. *contnast te the poon quality of last Bweek e! J.E. Be aco gre thle The~l Phujathea Chais of the Baptigt yMar's supply. We have noflced, how- e Mr-Oand Monday, January ZOha sOucl eld a meeting ut the home ever, that a number e! Oshawa menaugher o! tIme Presimip't en PIidayi evsaing are haulinig ice to that- town from dagrs.TorPiés pnngafw< lait, when plans for'the work o! the Port Whitby barber, presurnably be-Ad yean were tormmîlated- and general cause the iceat Oshawa is stillîun-dayawtlermeir tAda hîuiiîcs uttîisacteil. At the- conclu- fit for use, or at least, because that jMs's .Bou i aîlr - a<ln o! the buqiness meeting, a soc- <ut Whitby habnl lae.One of and Wmn. Bright, teck in the Ottawa' ial trne wais pent, games wçrela- the Osl4awa men engagcd in dutting Ilonne Show last week. 1dîilgPd in, andi a very :enjoyàble even- ice h e n iùned the Gazette and iag pnssed. .,* hroaîc'le 1ast week that the ice at .6 Osbawaýiis unfit for *domestic use, bo- - ÉIL3RTHS. - Wrgnim~baiÈgaýns . Indry -goodi cause thÏe *sewenage fnom the ît6 W ILnA btyo btsiy go (o A. M.Iosi. and a uearby, tannery fleWs imb thé .,J nnîary 22, 1914,, te lit.- and lins. * - e arbon. This gives a serÃŽieus bandi-- Hurry Wilson, n, son., ENlA o~ To $TA RT CO0-OP.. cap to those ini Oshawa who wish to STANBURY-At Exeter, Outanbo, oný ERATTN. . ay in a supphy o! tee, as il menus Sunday, Jauuary 25, 1914, to mi, Mr. N, C. C(amernnocf PetQrboro, drawing It at least six miles, 'or a - and Mrs ..,-.' tauibu ry, a. dàugh- na towu >'thîs weck endeavonlng returu trip of'twelve mies. - ter (<Helen Maüd Gracs~- eadaches leason and the Cure sorn time or axiother suiffer frorn rdered stomnach, hiver or bowels la îe cari be eured-one woma ays: 'ableta did more for me than 1 even ared headaches-bllousness--and ioe sBysten-! feel- like s new wo- [le ned -healtb restorera. 25r- a cy. Toubate J GROCERI ES The Celebrated ROYAL HOUSEHOLO FLOU R Now ini Stock. WHEAT Good and Clean for- Chickens.. 6 Bars Comfort Soapý 25o Oneu cn uRob of Corn, Puas, Tomates 25o Try aur High grade Tua Black, Green or Mixmd 40e- Courtesy and -iey Prompt Deliey Your businesfen, mm-i No. 9-18 R Chancel. lor, with cloçet., Reg 52 for-47.00ý Nol. 9 Crown, Prince with hig'lh'thel. Reg.$24-for 22.50 No.9 Goldeii Nugget with high CiQiet. R* g.840'for 36.00 NO. OClna Rang e, rega.lar $45 for $39.0ô E.AÇH 1STO<VE Io. dolivered' aud set np, Ire, O'f chlarge. compare thome, 1price and see, whit te oute-ye« No. 22 Station Agéiit, for store, factory or e$Chool01 Reug.*23 for 20,96 WC allow liberal -prkes on old stoves taken . n' Corne early, as we have only one of cach stovc 0 Bro. Wm. Burns. - IÀ~~ ojeo. lntereeting local news and adver- Cr-..editoti'S tisements appear ýon page six of thi1 'issue. Don't f ail to read it.. 1ut&~aeo hre .Séat Peirsonai Mention- fNotlot 1berêbj- giveu pursuant te' - SU~S5 p:2êçoi fthe-Statutes of Rev. G.A. MoLeau waà lu Toronito Oi 'Ie g .th alcrd nn Tueaday. _____________ tors ' ad others, xM~pa~ Mr. and Mns. Bert Shepherd,i cýf ga .inait t ,e:estate .i-C3Wjgei 'P. StèWà Toronto, vlsited iu town tlds we#ik. Y rlt fii oné W I'l Miss Gilpin, aof Toronto, hl visitlng _ R A B A E the County - f Ontario, Insurance with Sherioe'u r.Fno. ______________Agent, deceased, _ ho dfed on or Mioi' Foater, of Amherstburg, ràs* about the:,Oth'day. 7l, Doeuihart 1918, ited ber brother bere asat week.- FRANk PB. JONES' .LiST. aFre quired to send 'bi pint prepaid Mr. E. W. and Miss Laura Evan eea lessad uliglts feror. to.deliver to llbeért'M. Stewart, were in the city tUis week. U- arkliar9, Ontario, -the administra- Mr. J.H. James was in Toronto on frslel h owsi ~ton of the esae tth aid dileceaso- Tuesday. W 1 tby sud, théîu; ed TownCshltip, rn sdofr Mr; Geo. Britton in here from the dsrpin North est,"lslthu wlt~i bisGLEN, DIItU-209,a"roi'.A goainarnel, adse sddsrpin NotkWst, iitngwe is-par- tt£ t f , ,wlth f ul partciîcuas ft .l'i~r aims, -enaea aa aM:, anud the -sature -et the mmty, if enta., e t'" ochr Misa Sullivan sud Miss Florenee Wbud.insad acres efrhtarr, 'heldby .tbem,,'duly certified. Ward. spent the week. end ln Oakvillle ableags id e. Â o fsrm at a reanotce-1a afe wlt& the forrmer'. parents. smaitpre. ppy ud tek utlisar nche 4the at le Mr. and Mrn. John MacCarl, speutn. IAK JNS th ad i dstrato wMa rh, 914,t&e ui WHITBY. atri ltao wî ree few deys last wesk withrelatives ______Jtibute týe iôta" ofthe aaid -de- and friends lu, Toiýouto. ç«ud among thie parties m entltled Mns. (Rev.) G., A. McLeau and DUA hé thereto, living regard ouly 4<o the childreu leit on Friday laut for a ligf585S À VUa ' clahna of whlcli hoe hah t'*. hale miouth's visit wlth relatives lu Hur- lad notice, and tht the said admit- 'n ouny.COMES TO CANADA. latrator ill111 ot bho hable for the Miss Armine Paquette, o!. Bowmnu- said aisets or auy part thereof 50 le, spent, the week end withý ber Orliuated by Dr. Stohr, a farnous distributsi to any person ;or. pensons 'uts bers. pymclan of Vieuna, Austrià, Ksp- of wliose daim lie shal, uot the Kenny, of roornto,, wàsa inihialdojýlela hown and used througlieut have received notice. this week hooking for a suit- Europe ,and Great Britalu.j ROBT. M. STEWART, i)roperty te purchase, wbere he Now, backed by the eudorsements Admnîtrator,- by go into the chicken business. of hundreds 'of phy9iclaus andhospt- ARTHUR E. CHRIS8TIAN, Gyeo. RouG erm t steamn tala, ih omea to Canada t relleveWhtOn. isoctr .Vho lias been for the past yer1 Pain aud curei Rheumatism, Sciatica, Dated, January 27tb, 1#14. -82 1Ion wonk at- the Hospital for L4umbago,- Neuralgia,, Neuritis, Head- -ne, and wbo waa transferréd. ache, La Grippe, Fevers, and aimilar n for a Month, ha returned troubles, asH cky ne charge te work i Kephal dolha received the higheat oky commendation from the medical pro- -tmpson-, of New York, wbo fession because of its direct strength- visiting ber grandmotber, ening, action on the nerves, without (-Ã"ine ro ag )-t Thompson, bas gone to înjury to the heart, and its lasting mian in. the penalty box Oshawa 7et r a visit with frienda.1 regulative and- curative effect upon ted. the «Wdnng goal.iJ1fighting, Sexsmith, of the Meth- the whole system. j ard Whitby made, à determiued on- le, preached anniver- Unlike other pain-killing. remedies slaught on their opponeuts' goal, i Port Perry on Sun- Kephaldol is ahsolutely barmiess. It'but the. bell rang with the game in it here was occupied causes no intestinal irritation, and 'Osbawn'ýs favor, and the puck flying3 flamforth, the Port has &o depressing effects. Jaround their goal. Kephaldol will now bring te pain- The. retuin game last night in I Newcastle, visited wracked Canadians the untold -bless- Whitby gave promise of being a hum- . Cooper, last ings which it has already cenferred mer. 'Vas a delegate te in the Old Country-joy of perfect COBOURG 7, WHITBY 4. * -terial in Brook- life again te those who, perhaps for Witby played the return game nd "'as accom- many years, have dragged through a witb Cobourg on *Wednesday nigbt - .tormented existence. last, a'nd in spite of predictions, met u Get a 50c. tube of Kephaidol tab- 1 with a 7-4 defeat. The game was lets at vour dru&gist's. Kephaldol, fast from start te finish, -but the \ NBURY. Limited, 31 Latour St., Montreal.' same clans that won- for «Cobourg .vill regret te t here, 'repeated the trick at Cobourg. s. J.G. Stan- The bal! time score was 3-1. r of the late OSH-AWA. The teams were the same as lined Mrs. East- MIr. W. H. Scott, of East Whitby, up in Whitby, with the exception Mrs. Stan- xvas, ýon the l5th inst., severely kick-ithat Lavery replaced Rice on the her school- ed by a horse about the head and forward line for Whitby. tEastwood, face. In getting off a hoad of siraw Ote gms ln Group 1 during the e, and obtain-: which he had been hauling he slip- week have been: n Whithy schools. ped down behind -the herse, which Jan. 21.-At Peterboro-- Peterboro ..C7. Stanlîury, barris- satdt ik ewstkn te, 12,- Bowmanville 5. t<-r. On Sundav, January the Osha-%a Hospital where he is J'an. 21.-At Oshawa- Oshawa 2, '<r(1elen Maud Grace) doing as welh as cari he expected.. Belleville 1. c -and M.rs. tanbury, - Mrs. qtanbiirv paqss _____ "rali was he Id this bi ,pi tO 'Exeter cerne- f 2 ýMcIN-T'Y HADAENEXT TII P OST Bell phones 60a, 60b Jan. 28.-At Belleville - Belleville 3, Peterboro 2. Jan. 23.-At Bowmanville - Bow- manville 8, Cobourg 9. Jan. 26-At Belleville- -pelleville 11, Bowmanvilhe 5.- 1ian. 27.-At Peterboro- Peterboro 6,Cohlourg 3. The standing on Wednesday, Jan- uary 28, was: .Won. Lest. Peterb*mro,.......... ...... 7 2 Belleville....... ... - ... 4 - 2 Oshawa................... 5 3 Cobourg ...............4 Whitby ... ........ ...... 2 Bowmanvihle ...... ......o0 .3 -4 8 Vtortgage SaJe 'or Farni Lan-ds in the Township of Pickering. Under and by virtue of the powers centtained ina a certain mortgage which will be produced at the time of sale, there whl l e offered for sale by publie auction on Saturday, the iLet day of Felruary, 1914, at the heur of 2 o'lock ia the afternoon at the Royal Hotel, in the Town of Whitby, the !ollewing property. FIRSTLY->art of the east hall of lot nurnber four in the Droken Front Concession of tbe said Town- ship ef Pickering, in the County ,o! Ontario, more particulatly described by metes and bounds as !ol*ows : Commencing wbere a post has been planted at the eastern limit of the said lot at the northern extremity oI the front one hundred acres o! the sald lot bbunded lu front by Lake ~ Ontario, then uortb sixteen degrees west sixty chains more or lesa te Ibee southen init of!'the Base Lins rond, then south seventy-four degrees west ten chaîna more or leas te the mld- dlle o! the said lot. Then soutb six- tssu degrees east sixty chaîna more, on Iess te the nonthen liît -o! tbe front one hun'dred acres o! sald lot . Then nortb seventy-four degrees est tsi chahns more or Iss to the place o! beglnniug, contaiug sev nyfve acres more -or legs. This farm bas on fIta good barn whth st'one stables, and faane dwell-' Ing house andi orchard. Trhe si la -Sood- day Ilonm. S~CO4flL7-'Pe noth cuarier oa- lot number twenty-two la the Finut. Concession sud the sonith-east qlt'r ten of lot nuniben twenty-two lu the Secofid Concessgon of the sald Tonin-, qhlp of Pickering coutaining one, hundred acres more or lesa. - This 15 an excellent farm, and 1la qltîated abouit I miles tnom Pieker. Ing Village. On! fb are a brick d wehl- Ing bouse. barn' 45 3r 72 wfth atone qtables, hnz -!wn'and hrn iuie 24 86, Imnulemnent sed and -box stala 16 x 70. Trarini rcreard, î Terma :-Tea per cent o! lepr -elasemcmv to w ad den aI the tirne cf sale., mw ehe ,paf d ,wv*bfn thifnfv Ivsth efer t 1 o ir rfls'îortpsuq lrd con- 'tîfe-f A.< r7. v .' . f p BASE LINE WEST. The annual meeting o! the Port Whitby Threshing Co. will lie held blonday night, Feb. 2. Ahl members requested to attend-. Mr. Gordonr Reynolds spent a !ew days in Toronto. Mr. D4ckie seld bis dniving herse- to R. S. Hoar at a goed figure. Mr. Yourex, o! tbe Asylum Farm; bas been on the sick list. We are pleased to learn that lie expects te- retura te duty soon.' A number o! teams !rom Oshawa are drawing ice frem Port Whitby. The- Asyhum 'patiejits are keeping the base lUe sidewaflÉ shovelled. State of Ohio. City of Toedo,t. ..LucasCounty. F'rank J. dbeney inakes oath that be-ï senior parnner of he i-ni of P. j. Cheney & do. doing nan the City of Toledo. Count.y and state sforessd, and that said fii will psy thesumoai. 0H11 HUNDRED DOLLARS for easnd every case ofar tirh that esunot be eured by the use or Halls C tai-rh(jui-e. FRANKt j. CHENET. Sworn îte before tue sud subseribed in ny pi-eo- ence, this 6tb day o! Decenibet, A.D. M18. (Ses!) A. W. OL11ASON. NOTAR-V PUBLIC. HaUlaCatarrh Cure is taken interuslly, and acts dlrectly onthie blood and mucoug surfaces ofi1 he systeni. Seiid for testimnil*.f re . .J. CHZNET A do ,Toledo, e. Sold by ail druggists. 7fC. TVaie . &Il'& Pamily Pli I ai-orcanstipatidu. KINSALE. Le-cta of snow is'the order o! the iy, the, -roada beiag generally beavy. Rev. E.W. Tink ýpreacbed her,' on Sunday evenlug. lus disceurse was an excellent eue.- Mn. Denny lias beeu through bere purdhasing stock. -He pays, good prices. 1Robt. Beutley bas been spending a few dape at bis home. Ho la dolng duty -on Iront rond. Robt. is a good mai., and.bis services are. ln demand. Misa Louisa Stevenson bus, gous to CalifonuÙia for the balance o! the winter. We wlsb be an aSe trip and A pleasant time. lins. Geo. Neal, to the eat, bas been sufferhng inom ueunahgla for seme time. We are pleased to ho able to report ber lmprovlng. 1The' Hyfleld farm la f or sale. Caîl aud qe h. lins. Mowbray la couflneâ te hier bedznew, bilng os-en eighty* years oid. -She hag been à mont active woman,. but elinga te lafe, and ma ilive foiRsome considerable thme let. Mr. Jas. Richardson, Miss Lewis, 'Mr. Eugene Wilsoni andMiss Mcl3ry- anvisited relatives. and fnieuda bers. The, - aany, fniendi 'ci Mn. Robent McAvoy regret'very xnuch that he la sîll' quile 111, and thene la very lit- tle sncouragemeýnt'for bis recovery. Ho bas decidld te hold 'au auctien- salô on March 4th. This whll bo ani exceptîenally go)od chanice te secure some ,good stockt aS Mr. McAvoy la note4 fon bis good cattle and herses, and a splendid set o! impleents. A botter stra-lu o! dual purpose cattie' would bes very 'bard to find. 'Wm,. Maw will: wleld the hammyer, and ho prnonnC5 -the animaIs a Ne. 1 lot, No.189 Ra ncher laun- dry stove, wiîh water jecket . Rot il for 10.76 Nô.89 Rancher laun- -ry stove. , o. '00 N4o.120'Oak 1-eate'r. Reg. 11.00 o 0 No. 214 Ogk jj.5$çy Eeg. I.ié fr ilàd j- xchange for new onu Ivertised. R13 4 4 4 E~P1~I6E 4 4 4 Independent phone 64. -~ 4 4 4 À.À. À. À. À. À. A 4 SPecialist in fruit dulture, and 'a 'splendid saleswran. Be sure to Set your' supply Irom hlm n *ext year. Our new dlockc in*txe hall is gïving satisfaction. ROYAL >THEATRE, HIGH CLAS$ MOVING PICTURES. Open every evenrng. Aduits, ioc. Children under 12 yrs., 5c. Saturday night, ioc to ali BAIN PERRIN,- ROY BOOM.ER,. Manager. Operator. The Mutual Làifa Insurance Co. A. E. D-onovan, Esq., Manager for the Province of Oniario,. The Mutual Life Ins. Co. of Ne-w York, f Toronto, Ont. Dear Sir:- On February Sîli 1907, 1 ap- plied to your Company for an Ordinary Life pùlicy. for Si25,Qoo., P rernium on which was $12 12. I1.vas very pleas- ed indeed, to reccive vcur recent letter,- advising; that the dividend for the year 1913, on! thc prerniunM $1212 payabl e on Feb. 8th 1913, would bc $283. While my careful investigaion i (te the sirength, and earnîngpowecr cf your Company, led nie te antidip'.até'a,.fti-r dividend. 1 must confess, I was not prepared forso-handsome aresul.ta.É ths, which Works eut te bc over z3% o r thse yean's ptrium. This as an inves<tà- 'I j5 more than .5atîsfactory when on" -sýaS ah the same time, life insurance prtZcct- ion. in the oldest life insurance Coiipany on the Americiii Continent, andýin the largeat andastrengest r.otsied institution in the- vonld. 1 bave neo'deubt that wben a' result like thies i> knôwn, these anxieus fer.in- surance proteption for their familles and ecstates, will d~ot hesitate ln placing their insurncç in The Mutual Lite Insurande C,.?oaib> of eew York, in preference Veny sincerely, yours, John Cruig, President .Sturge nwFahlis Eettnic Light&PowerCÇo P. J. DUFII, M RÂ . 'R. DO0NO VAN., Spqcial Rep. týQueen & Vict.oria St.- Myrtie. 'Toronte, Mgr.. Lio yCartago and- Teaming.ý 1 have recently added te 'mý wel- equi pped- liver y sta ble a hegvy teani- and dray for aill kinds of cartage and teamîing ,:work, and w ill be pleased to receive orders, whîch wi11 have prompt -and careful attention. PHONE 65. ~r' iNLITA DUfl je. lehind eve-ry Waltham i1.a clear, ,clean-Cutguane good'for dlil ine. Behind, that guaranté is the largest yatch factorý in the world. Trhere is nmneéd to argue" the super-ority of Waltham ~.ThatAW Mbeen- for ncarly dhue- 'century p W.fth.mY

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