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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 29 Jan 1914, p. 6

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La-related1 St courues1 and have iQ towenty rhis year 1he Ai iught , tha1 itl isold 1he courl 1--j- if eÇ I pL,,ôsslbfr 10 pr- # ?ut* s-monilce boere, wih gy ~,ium lu eonaftcMon, ' a long fait \Wýai woul4 le 411 0. e à e ô A jeOlilg wue beld lest evenuag tri towaJ by tikose, Intexested fh provid- fusg eine plâce-of amusement and r.- cre4on forthe men of--the - - town-- who'énd seoaging hbavy, on th eir ,,'and duingth winter moisîha; As tbis r pq 'oes té prose on Wednes- '~~ ~eig, the result o! thepiset-, OM .MsOt. bc reported n ý nexi Issue, Wiih the ojcaof. tAieineet- ing wç arecltu heerty sempatby, how- ever.> 8cSm. yearu . ego through theý effrts Mot1h.e ditor ofe-tbtis paper, ueverel; meetings were held, resuit,. lu 1g I1naI!y lu, the form4tion of, Uié WÉitbyr Amateur 1,Atlîletic -Aaocia- t ion.,-V!hc tundamental abject of thé IDrganizatIon Wes té provtde some. 'lace where men couliSrasn o amusement and recreation. Af 1er the oirgântizaUton, however, those in of- -icial 'pOutions apparently lost sight et. Ibis feature, and -the organization retroSraded imb . simpiy &a- hockey club.ý It appearg-'to usl it is useles to attempt anything on a smal scale. .For a few iweeks, while the zsovelty lests, therel might- be some interest, but té -maintain interest and attèndance there rnùust be pro- vlded tbat1w.hieli will 'exert a strong- erattraction, than- those thingstbatt now engage ,attention. This cannot to eIrî~ 2. Tiecorse oPen to; al Ontario CÇoutnfiy !"ers,,six- le4u years Of age Pr Oie. 1The tu- die nclude :.-Leadtjg Farm Crops; lefrlng, Caré,. Management Md, Jq4g1n0 of Livestoci; 'F.o u try FRais-;_ '49 a" MerketAng of Pôultry Pro- Sall Fruit Culture, including spray- Prsg prnng, jatnme ue gediseàes, etc.; Ag r cultural, Doi.aRY, including a utudy .of Woeds, aid ^Wèedý Seede. meods o! erad- loatiou Ç Plant Nutrition ; A study o - 'l.St mportent Constituents;i Soi! ,Mooture.; Methode o! Cultiva- Operatione; 1fr Nature and Uue o Commercial Fertiliz'ers. T'his 'course 'lu woaderfuliy instruct- à!ý-aBd Intonuoly Piacilcal, aid can; étot taiS b tobenefltthose wlso takLe iti. Eýery fariner or fatmr'u- son who cen possibly arrange to attend should take advaztage o! this cd urse.. Instead oft lteen 'or twenty, tlËere shoul',d be fît ty students in attend- atice each year. If- this were so a iarked irnprovesnent would soon bc apparent in the. methods, enployed by the tarmers 'pfthte County. Lack of knowledge is accôuntable for much o! the ncompetency of farmers,'as well as o! mechanies and nianutacturers. CHARGED WITII FOILGERY.ý Stouil ville, .Jan. 22.-Chrirged with forgery, G. J. McDon.ald appeared be-; f çre Mlagistrate W. W. Saunders,who held couîrt her aro sçt veninie. M, 'be done short of thé expenditure o0 Donald is alleired to hav-e torgeti the hlIndreds, if bot bhousands, a! dollars Signature o!' William St. John, - a and 'the maintenance sf-a permanent farmaer resiîling about a mile outside location or quarters. IVe have o- tevlae.ad9cîrd$0 h been madet ofience is said tri have occurred last - enmteaware of whiat the- pro- sumier, %vlien, ac'cused w-as ait agent matera ,of titis îieovement have in for a e'ont-e-rn selling» ightning rails their îninds, , ut w-e certainfly iin thýs district. M~r. St. Jlohn in ivoultilike taseç some place secured îPIiuib tsieo!terd' -u and fittad. up ai. a réndezvaus fo eirètd \Ici)nald a-proimissory note. A -ew dms later M.ýcl>onald return-1 teont .men uiateflI-acIwi-ed tiitown anti casheila note,wliich ter onth aspqialy. .turnerl out ta be forgcrv. MakeYour Stock and Poiiltry.Pay Botter wiftl wilurSTOCK AND, pouLRSPCFS Mi tbm 1D e d4erbeatb etocli *rouud lite place., Try ften I'Wrlobsir valus 25 thée ocr.t,eondiioad animal îon have and LetYarz'Colle, Deb11it;iy WeotküoW-youi b.e srpris"d St the reeult of id, SiaDtsiýee. Tones. a short treaiment. Cgti]. and boss fattmn aie, se that thsà quiekly upla month - sarlier tIbm vithout I1, whleh d vigor. Incre e . yield means yon cave a month'a food and a thrse -te five pounde - a dar, monthle labor. You can brins' eix pige te the quatt1y oft1h. milk. theb.pluk-cf condition 51 th. ecoit f1.50. Ic le set food. It le a con. Oteers treated lunlthe saine way csit ne si ever so'd. If there W& more than811.00 éaeh la put lu prime mta usai b malgit. Il eu- for market.]ROYAL PUIRPLR E pcXY'IC to cet, thï saturaI food 1h57 fattilis snd kioe5 yl boum, mares, Colts, cet the, moit benquit frona 1. cave alve tems. hmg. aold la pailtague Ilas of &Il. iioroggh veern 500,.and &eii-lthttise. 11.5.M Nd Ir0111- tosk -on food o! "nuol jpaîupiw 1Iben Wlth TyR Y LP IL O L I -machs no ibataseter à lime r ]RY LP P E O T Y raIl podi wbolpomt e& SECfConuTour Hu food - gowii u on ur own,-1 beran, îbop. eto. Ton 1mev Do -yon Inow ibat ROYAL PUEPLE POtl. Mt W you ADI viiet -îby TIT IPECIFIC makes bono la Inlu wntur u -~we as ince u ummer, -aud keepe theinIrce fvem au *es id b btoe. .- Steecc7?Il doc, "and bulpe tIýez over 1the ffyou us# 1t; se di9ictid, w@ikunllattons and kespes m nluvigei'ous btter .Its tte ilif- &oau st. 0%ieae et lens 'over econcoctions offorci on lte 70 days. .5houlon't iou try lhi W. have b3' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ f ~ udeeo.rec4iînsndations 'Srpm a&l parte -of tb. coantry4lIlIfROYAL *'URPLU dome Dol &ive you bettesr..uite titan snyllng POO.qeimsmw ADJNIyen iver useS, or give yen satisfaction, i - - willreiuîîd your money. No matter vIt 'un-down, pmr ynsonriahcd Four -opinion cf otIter preparatione, ve veut 1 arn, --s« vit ROYAL' you -te gîive ROYAL PUEPLE POULTET InC vIlS dà,for it, A-50- SPECIPC iv chance te -show whst l eau do jo à cow or horées70 'dais. fer Jonsr50ty-and a 60e package wilS trUe '1181ne ifar in s h ow yipo em ii veculta. Sold lu 25a àaud taise for, hallins outof- SOc ý-paekagee sud- 1.00 ar-tigit tinsa, - Win &Lso -SWLIL B S .. for 'u an ilay Purpi. Liaes Kit'for oultx'y andi dure sur ,rdtn4si cout -animale . -25oensu 80. 11vmail 30e aud W~, by mail MO. oc ' -ý i5IUl5nid IMfer Rlya! pgvple, Cali Care for iscratches. 'Uie tendntetc "o b aruess 'cealde, open norois etc. 25e aud fessa ~ 50o, byaim~ ail 80o andi 00t. - Sms, al their arvar. 5c, Reup specilefar -ie -pp diphthia trltphold fever, canker, vWbiti- in 2k EN an c,21- v mmli Soc. W* will mail for thtie sldag, car uq revisd 80-page Wk ou eonîmou allmeits of itoak,!aid poultryr. Telle --w leedlgitI sud beavi berces, tit-mare., ýees ealvea. eteére, boza; siso boy la food sud keep pa ti é bat tliev Iay vlntqr ani suusse. '00vq loi à bevin Learm tiliti birde lu IleIr naturel colore. Thial abd ePoses ,ession. Is TS FR.write, £or voeuor 7t0dsv. ~ndsMid. coi london, -Canada 1~pLiroe bupp in-s 1and 14 uetq May ha ebteinea tram TeL7WLIER -- jthe aý'nd ery i. looks, th feelings Bnd fwonsenhavo ~cham's Pilla i ~. .AIL.. a glu lubh A Visit to th. e C.P.R. Statioun 'Tise CPI.sainbidns Br 'ooketreet north bave been..makint conildereble' progreaso late under the bands et ' large stail of mechen- iça. la tact work on the treight shed is elmost- completed, and to celobrate the avent, the C. P. R. en- giueers, resident-aitý Whitby, held au 2. BROUGHAM-M1. Glao.SI, Gres -_________ wood, Clerk-Jan.-15, Mar. 0, May-S OJbl ,Se$.8,AlNov. il" - Jus * n îes.The Road te, Self Suppot 8. POT, .PERRY-.J.: W. Burnh.m, The m e peopof ie1 1d mre to P Clr-Ji.17,. Ma. 7, Kae 7i ~UO. v k July-18, 8o»Iý-#,YNov. 12, Jafta,I, ibis la te tue a co .1 h ii 4. ILXBRIDGIV.- R..J. Moore;,; Ur.-tO bridgç,, Clerk- -Jeu. 10, Mr. 14,e 'May 1lai 4qly 1A, sept. 8, Nov. se" I Cmuigoa, CUkàsJi.9,Mar. 18, OurtWI goili~I~ld F May14~ 1,!' I~epi 9 Nv. peltMos, Owlng to their supleVeor Let vm erst. aepnw Mer. 2, Ma 1b~rU1ym1, Sep.ai, 7. UPTERGROVe.ý- Daniel Leonard; Atherley., - 1erk4, Jeu ,', Mer.: 71,~ iamI8ISL N -l7i Jans418, 1915. * 'PtA~USE By.:Order, J. E. PAIMWELL1 BfI Clark orthe oc i lc 10 r Datedai 1~tby, ov. 8, 181. fusl" two lemsc-welded ~t onie 5011 ions. Price par pair, -$5.o . . .. . .Speclal'ground, 7.51i IAlsike clovrpex-bUe. à$ 8.00 t0 $9:00 F EROIq 1 We&?iý0.0:559 , Il TORONTO 9éa .............. .50to .25 *Y ...... ............... 0.85 10 0.85 Sl« ...... ..........0.90- teo1.00 m n r Buckwheat ...............O0.70,to 0.75 w L un lIed Clover ...... ..... 8.00 to 9.00 We YI1o cuîthpepeo "At- 1-ome" 1inthel buildins oa Tues- F'LOUR AND FEED. Whitby and surrouniding ca-ntry wvith day em0i g et.cle st- week. Un Tues- Flour, per ewt.......... 2,50 te 2.75 the fact thet we have opened up e tiret. da y ,a!terncun,' therïetore, i Gazette Chopped faed, cw ....1.50 te 1,50 clas laundry au Brock St., Whitb.y, in. and - Chronicle reporter teok a -stroîl CoriMeal........ 2.08 t 2.50 Hewie Brou.' old store. (if tramping through snow drift Bran, per to....25.00 10 25.00 We are prepared ta do aIl kinds of a&gaiist a stiff east wtnd eau b. caîl- Shorts, prto . 70 laundry wo'rk. Family orders given ecd a' etroil) out te the gicene of thxeIMEAT, POULTR'x, AND PRODUCE eiaatnto.Alwrgarted apacngfate. 'Beef, cwt., dressed...12.25 tb 13.00 Parcels called for and delivered. The station isbuî on a bungalow CaIlle, live wctght ... 7.50 te 7' 50Chre a W ityOn plan,,- with prýesseéd brick. It is ta be Lambu, eaeh ..........8.00 tei 8.00 CalsW r-W ibOt a very handuonie building when cein- Hogu, dressed .........12.00 te 12.50 _______________ pleted. .. The roof is, being covered Hogs, select.............. 8.25 te 8.50 withi asbestos ý-hingles, which, it is Cbickens, par lb .........0.16 te 0.18 . saîd, wilI at a life-time. Of the in Ducks, par l ........ 0.18 ta 0.20o teriar onie cannot judge vary much Geeso;" dressed, par lb .... 0.18 ta 0.20 Ie et, but it is evidentiy ta be very Turkays, dsessed1 per lb. 0.20 ta 0,25 The big water tank was completed Eggs, doz., new laid ... 0.35 ta 0.40L o w R a te s - the other day, and is now raady for Lard, par lb ............ 0.18 te 0.20 usû, but the outar shahl whicli shaît- Pobatoas par bag......1.00 ta 1.20 T aiona lrd ers it ta stillin course of erection. Applas, par barra ......1.50 ta 3.00 T aiona lrd The tank holds 40,000 gallons, and iOnions,, par bag ......... 1.00 ta 1.25 is sixteen feet high. Jt is set up on Hay, par' ton . ....... ..... 14.00 ta 15.00 and the Sun -ny South cernent toundatiotis, and ta supported I --HIDF'S. NOW IN EFFECT an immiense tiuiîhers so that the rooft WOol, unwaslied ...... ... 0.11 ta 0.12; ___________ is *abott forty feet above the ground. Caîf skins, paer l ..... 0.15 te 0.168 h rn rn ala sth The treight shed, however, w~as the Lamb skias, - each ........., 0.70 te 0.75 most direct route tram aIl points East tîxiet attraction, lb is about ellc Hides, par cwbt. ............ 8.0.0 ta 9.00 t hrough Canada via Chicago, Detroit liundred yards %%est of Brock street.- Sheepskins ......... ....... 0.75 ta 1.15 or Buffalo. jAt present the outside of the buiid- Deacons ........... ... ... 0.25 ta 0.70' Full particu lare at Grand Trnnk Ticket iîîg ia stili unfinished, that, is, the Horse hides -..-.......... 2.50 ta 3.00' iie;r write CE. IORNIXU, D. l'A. roof is te be faced off, -which will Tallow, rend., par lb..... 0.06 ta 0.068 ilicTo'oronito, Ont. give tpie building a more business -____________________________________ Pike appearance. -The loons are o! maple, and the walîs of the ofliceaar o! e~gi Fie.Thre s col FIFTH ANNUAL COURSE IN AGRICULTURE $ rooffi, where cold-storage lreight 15 ta be kept. The. walls of this rram OT _UIAI un1. I0I Ivndç ara lineut with sixteen loches o! saw- T UBe N U IIUi HadyUiUWS1 Unw.uôu f dust, which will keep it as cool as 1 desired. FraitersstF- . rd t e.2 i11 The ,roof is laid o a rso! Brit- Fw okFb e,2t,11 ish Columbia Pina. These ratters # Under the management of the A&.isory Agricultural Commitîee cf are allintaonn piece torty tact long,$ Ontario County, A frc cour5es nu examinationâ and nu text-boolis rc- and are three by fourteen :iches in $ uîed size. The, doors !ronting en the rail- This course is planneÀ tb suit the needs of Ontario County farniers, wayove t ack aon has an d isa c ao anti i'open t& ail young men, sixteen years of age or over, The studie b. mved alan an ditanc eah ~includ,-Laading Farm (Grops; Feeding, Cure, Management and Judg. way. O ing of Livestock; Pouiîry Raising andi Marketing of Po.pltry Produce; The main treilgis roam westbînas- Eruit Growing, Apple and emaîl Fruit Culture, including spaigpun f ormed- on Tuesday by_ tha beaubitul$ ing, grafting, insect pests, fungus diseases, etc. ; Agricuiltural *Botany, decorations put up in preparaition 0. including a itudy of Weads, and Weed Seeds; Mathede of eradication; fer the "At H-ome." Pennaults and P llant Nutrition ; A study of the Soi]; Important Constituents; Soil fiags were suspended- Irosu ceUîing and PM oiture; Mcthods cf Cultivation; Uýderdrainage and Drainage Oper. -w-als. An ample supply of seats and ations; the nature and use of Commercial Fertilizers. cosy corners were in evîdence, aid This Course comas at a time, when farm woik is nlot pressing. Four for a neoonlight dance a big moon ia weeks spent in this way wili be a good inveetment. Like mien in other oie corner sthone forth, with tise mai- professions, thse modern Agriculturist muet study in order to attain the in the moon smiliag dawa upon the highest degree of financial success. scene.Write for calendar, giving particulare cf the Course. Addressa al Some efthtie roome were a'rang- communications in writiug for calendar, in sending application, or for ed for cloak and waiting rooms, aid further information tae thse offices was reserved for thse'use o! tise caterer, Mr. Chas. Ted. Me iipper thGue s ar nd oaBllevlle. t e U'sîs ar nedtam allilleg. -District RePresentatIv.e, Wheî tha C.P.R. anginears go ita htyOt make an entarprisa a sueccasa, tbay- ecvidently spara ne trouble. C lil-t5.-tt5 U5n - - - - - -m s-- DEATH 0F REV. T.W. JOLLIFFE RAAAqMAAq VVVVVVVVVV- The daath occurred la Torante hast 'Week Of 11ev. T. JollilTo, aà t--I.L .-.-- eat minister who was knowa throughout Ontario. The laté Mr. Johlitie served the churc h in Torauto, I Kiîtston, London, Brantford, 1Brampton, -Port Coiborne, Campbehh1- fod Caîîiîgton and other places. He sperat six yenrs la Tarante at St. Pauil'said Euclid 'Avenue dijurelhes, prier te being trans!arrad tweaty- three yaars ago to thse Bay o! Quin- ta Confereýnce et which, he became -President. Tan years ago ha was su- parannuated ewiag._te failing health.' andt since then, ha had lived in Bow- - iiville. At. tse trne >o! bis death' he w-as Iresidant .o! the Canadien IClub, President af thse Library Board, Hlgh Scisool Trustee. aid z br-o i<eai rsiate 1 ge-nCy 5kr.,J. E. Win announces that he makes a' specialty af Town' of..Whitby business and reisideutial'propertuy, and of farjins in Whi*tby and Pickering Townships. Eithar buyers or sellers of houses, lots, storee and' farms, or other real estate, -wi11 do well te uee lr. Winn et once, as -he has clients in botix classes ready to d>o business iE.WINN, Bell phono 109of. =WHITBV- - 4 E lut ilntfield Plan '0>: belng paîTt maig part 'irt s W' t. N 3 Lot. il -19 vl 'T00P "W>4-M Fe Sb G 51-- 9049-,- 2 5- M 100 $15 764.$264 TOWNSHIP 0F RÈÀiCH . .Con. A««es Taxii cote. à3 x e9 "3250 17 540/100 6,45 2 5.0- TOWNSHIP 0OF BROCKI. Lou, Co.'Acre Taxes, C.oitse TOWNqsHip '0F bMARA LtCon. Acres Taxes Costs 4 5 190. 24 61 2 87 19 -4-;,2 4,P 2 50 31 11 34 78 8g -'34 2- â6, 8 25 5 14 '2 7 12 100 34 25 8"12 .100 256 il 12 100 15502 21 12 35 14 85 i<Iock in the Total Pet, $ý 38 13 00 $-d 40' 79ta 19 Total ? Total Fat Uspet t r unpatr h.,.r<.Yaryva. t Harirey" 116 4.8141 well: 1 ,;aw t.li0z Meprvtry,, waea Torm"i mit. lonkpd as you Iten t4b tUîy 4)fe1 ad .tve Ic fiun -. 1.,Sept. 23, 1993. AFIER - Yotuwai We- have the llalibut, cit i. Manitoba X\'hî- Seit Salinoii- -.- Fillets aofIladîle, Finnaiî lladdie, Hie -Cod Fisi, loc. BACON At,, KW. have the goods that have time. Try our extra mild sweetcureé4. Bacon and Hama. Our smail Sausage quality and price. Jno. 1Es W ATLEROL, WHIITBY Phone 1i- 'y 'K- Prompt Delivery. .-Peel's Shoe Store=.. We carry a fui! Une of...~ 011 Tanned Moccasins, Indian Bucktkin Moccasins, H4eavy Snag Proof ub ,Oesoe&, Overgaiters andi Leggings.. Also a fuJJ line of Feit Qood& at the_ Iowest, rock bottom. plices. Hiockey Boots at greatly IjEQAL JNO. E.FASEWELLý Baristr, County Crown i -County Solicito- Office south wing Court Hoi A. E. CIRISTI BerrItoç,SIllCItor. Nota" rIl *O.ffiçe, Brock St., Opp. 'Stà Moncy to Loas AMES RIJILEOGE, 14ari - Money ta Loan on easl Office immedmately ,outli F - WhWy~O5'r G VOUNG SMITH9 Issuer of MARRIAGE LICE. Court House, Whitby, -or - DENTAL W. ADÂMS, Dèntist, Of *Street, Reuidence No. 4,'1 Byron St., Whitby. Phon AUCTIONEE] JAS. ]BISHI j:ehawe, ,.Licensad Auctio ý555t b L. Fairbanks. md, dates app ly, to self.c Wu. MA LiCENS Et>AUCTII AND VALU AT4 Ail -kindi o! sales proir cd te. - -,Arrangemnets fer sales et the Gazette Terms yeasonn ble. Bell and Indapenâet 'l - WIITBYe ON 'CONTR&CGTC J. RH@WELL. Carpenitar, Builder ,ýnd. Planïs drawn'and estimai Repairs, Alt7raticns an rSoi, 7 WIIToY "Marriage.Lit. ileHuer of Marriagce Corner r 0 WltDesafS reqtil<iy.- "PAn i !r, na FIt !(-he Cil' n.ti*l,-A îi' f flOti' 'if fý;lfl i c.-'. 4 i? - 'pnr a, ' - te.. ;.2, ' e i totbe îi-i.ly liJ t -r li'ji Ue di c h'r'n'1-.' Rh,2 brt i,',u 1,' d'il -:1rx vudo't1y n et *biatnîît.latn -n'a-it rite oi. " hcab.Il 8ý'tiher. an lîro >eIL- hani I i p«Oi _vàw 1

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