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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 29 Jan 1914, p. 7

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oic.fà rin n , , , h- ui ho eaid. &f - br , vI wo dld ud for il âvedon -t at h ibdeilP da veiy ite hour. a * meuDot toi f.--W' veoe- or course, got- very lit-tle oseep - durlpg -",wfth what . MotiZ?" wfst romaitit of Vieniglit, or. rather, ,I ý uow you W V br sigad!Tibbr. tbealrymçrftng."o w 1d't a1.41 for her anidA Hle was t hie. oaco ag.il . a utile after frlghtened ber if,,vou ba&beOll; but 1 téii, and !<okod esi fagged and van t-bat îbouglt ,îV was a plant- Vo geVbermVoc Ome bl t eereta,'y waim.oved to reonotrate. to Ilon. "orPrue1.iu-gr 9a1i aubreakdown. Mr. Clt-tv. began -to. e.COUaU d 4wn tbe lbrvev," ho raid fIliow the. signla VorT room; but ho kuewltai ho muet reminl1 Wei!--, -3 aw them la Mr. Mervyn "-Mr. absolutoly calin, aMdho e 0,dclwn o&ain.1 Yi -vnwae a former Wouici eretaiy-li, "ÂIdOUcame ito me eaI oeTI> 1,161 (wik£-,d'au V<ou lie-andb.wouldn't-'Quite gt t-Dout b. f rihene.S lagtern t'aanlY o! u #when WQoWarned b lin; ane b ilany a-Qr:1u a ile? lie bad t-o cave in: lhe had 9, very lied h t iS sm ol romeme pr'9erai 1 Iri a*h l th e athrou'Ilgh e upposed message froin Ile?" rpîe when Lord Ches- lavey. A meseenger boy came witb ItL 'id the mxomlenit lie muet- have brougbt a letter; but if 'w t.hat s-ome- b. did. îe.teck l15 w i th ber." ClIive etified a groan. "If sbe bad aonly tely. left it, if ehe -Bad only sala! lu ber note nrdu Chf'6' where elle wae goiluz " he said. 1u therei Il o no other lue? Think. think i Every lit- he-dte thing any littie Incident i tmar be andnotoedsnyetrnges aoutthe Rentap Boul Tiby mclean impatient poature. co-"There'u 'alwaye strangere geiù#lý" n sd a etout,,' en'> X-don't- take no notice of 'Oui. igh tWhy elouid 'P', ohe'waes 8uent a Me- 're i mentthon eelle led up with an aoute exr~Jelon ber shi'Owd face. "Stop! There waa thatrmau ltaI dirty lurrlu- ' chap that bhelpeïd 10 Laeih yen &t the. 'al that ni g ht-I saw hlm crcesinjg tbe'arch- * ay-why, it wàa.thbe day I met yen. ana! let yng 0Mn. "hohk " al! lie "Tee." assentea! Tibby. "A' coma te '~' eaking of furrinere, there waa a kind Italian wexuan ora Indian, an ola! wo n wrapped Up lu in awls lîke, wtb a! car-rings; I've seen -ber, once-,or "c, anud 1saw ber 'fralkiug ounlte cther - of the ýroad to Koshiti; but they dia!' Peakc te "o t-ber." ru !" murmUl'ed Clive Inauditbly. introduction of Saant-o the affair - terved to o0nipleat& end lntenty yéatery Â- nd 5yet-could It be Vos- hat. ebe wae concernod lu the ab- '?Abdutient To he generality uc t he word would bave sounded ravagant one. on. uavor'lng of ima and t-he far-fetched; but Clive oingh of the dark oside of Londou aware t-bat uot only abduction l-r ltself was often committea!, irnzeomocases neither-tb. crime t"iuminais were dWI.cled. Mou ri dîsavppearea!almoqt dailY unI diuýcover»d. Somet-Imes a body floatng dowu towards the iThame or lylng under a -a remoe coutrtly plga. caofo!the quiet and InîLoont- n" barques whlch galba! from riondon cayriea! a druggo4 way'under th. haiches..AIl vo their dark and bidden cit-yhaïu sucli myot.rloue 'r'ujts of vice, such dlena of' ton. k with fouir. sud'yet 15 siense of fury, jbut ho 1w of comjposure; for in hlm. full ef pat-hctlc lies. iterrer. tel, the Rente." ha 'ay have oeeu morne. n nonme duo." a cali, and whîbe the vaiu hope ci iome mes"gefroin it hlm aiuet an *thebecab walting a dozen uu'chineu 'id chafflng t-be abonan fi=kc maid overely - .±dècent cabi reat'o e. e. a. vl,ui kickqud hiel@otj A%1. "An', wot o on a Job wit-ba ce)utMs and -the InsnftmosluSrIt, -fina*"Oi f the,. 'reaWoý ~t~d About te ,cuVer court vere Vhe chamb ers for the prieste, and se-- creV pa"eageways led Vo- the sirine. Running .from the- temple inte fie City -v-as a paveti jtreet, the, street of Daniel as the', Gerin a have cailed iV, vititout anY epecial rebson fôr doiig- ge. 1Babil, ýtite northeru mound, still bears th' ancient name of te city. It, is a huge square hill moretitan: a ituudred feet lu height, sud with, sidIes -se steep tat tbey are dfi cuit te climb. IV i. especially hère- that te Arabe have dug for bricks, anid nov sa on. vandere about'tie summit titere may be smen far down the. ehafts the massive w&lle o!fte great arches, arrangeti sid4 by aide aud tier' upon Vtier. Thugi thVie holeows cf ite4 arches have loig been fAlhed vitit f&len'debris, eces they 'miugit have been *seen trougit Dr.' Koldewey believes that te ruin represeuts the Tower cfi Babel, because it still hSears Vhe name. More likely thte hitsnggardena of Babylon were tere. Sitady trees snd Iianging vines. grew upon te elevated, terraces. Wa ter was rais- od frem the Euphratee te Vii, veryé àumniit, and came trick1ing down f rom terraee te terraee fo nourisit te vegetatien. About Vhe terraces xvora slhady Wslls, and the lông pas- sages beneath te arches were de- ligitfully cool and dark. The eu- trauces were bal! couceaieti by the overitanging vines, sud Vhs hot air, tempered by te trickling vator, ewept through titem. Here te king aud quecu passedth te heat eofte Babylonian sumnmer, just as now te resident o! Bagdad spentis the hot. day iu his underground ser- diub. o rd ci a ci ri t e C ive'. tace, anA ba il -thle cabman and! the .bserve the excitement, ment- ot boue whicbho - d ct eelf lu bis face. Then .,!d i<uwards the grenup. lonnuged lie arcbway for a minute or tl.', - t-l-Itually Cateblng Vite bo's eYç,, e T bi>okue<lairata! at- tset- but- Cie h nocded agai-l d belli up a shilling, sud~ 'la-t ért ftr a t-lue, dus bey sidied tôwr4leW.a for tàc here2' 0aIqd Clive. drawiYg'hîrn Y tlit> hall. l4be oeeon tiLe tVp0of1l, lit yOU'ii tsime t)as asu nutaI. aad whlre thu y'uug lady ted t-be cabman u1y. to drive bier." h'ar t-bat- yeur mistrees lu The b">' eycd t-bie shIllIng luungrily. but b Ïie eab - alLbis f.'-',telr.fi .±eJhir eye. ainucit hidilen b>' 'Wî TYcouid. guv'uer, ho mid; "but- iLli' eilîkeu il, ansu ald. iu ber I duri,' I ec lier st-art: but she ddnt- ,'oIî sLce rive uîa orde-rs, nelleeemeti lustored ésud c - l':iheliq bet-er., nluilu b- -wl>lue upset-. an oe 'auded np a papcr te Bill jK nule Weill son- f iflle 1le1rt- quite rîlone. the cabnuau."'V '51w ialîi>k nov. t-hut. aud wulît îot- o te Clives bpaft aititagalu. 'Isuvnoee lue C r1 o rwrb ilry i' ur a n'nt <oeeback? Hell iro on t-he crawl?" C live rmtidtlihluMrtoe a e sala!- - - t note' o!f fimiliarlkvy. of inp.oluieco. in the- o reuuied the boy 'cully: he woman's voie-wht-h larr.-d uun Ielutin- cerne bait-k 'ire. 'cos es a daycb n - jus Pijrpriitd t-at -yonnre not w-lt-fr lueputrt le 'ornie up car." aycban udr îiitîe',s. gara,-" lie uid. ' Almogt asn ie spekie. Clive heard t-ho k M.he threw out- ber bandes; tua-n ce s ound of whecbu. Ro droiuped bal! a lbcm nu-ek>' ou ber besoin. -crowu litote b.loyiu baud.and w-cnt qUîck-n -- "It- le cola! whcrs uny'lady lu'e geine; IV t-r t-he archway. A seedy ana! ram- àtr4 ynur oîervant- tee>., t-elue ad ia.lib ' shukle cab drovu ln. and Clive w-ont- a» ('llve dîu: nd If, sud>IlteV t-lc'u c sto it-. Ht'iaw rit a glance t-bat-t-ho driver -l edid ,o. ýho -4rftemlwréul hc waîuted Rmre wilo druîik; and forcing birnsesf ta sornei uu ap.~eý -rrhlch be lad lcrft- ou butstable at--d<gea of a-tee.h -aud unt-ilthe lrrlei ht 1-r5; ant ie luetok a -;b, anud imn badi iurched -off li percli before ad- 1' iemnt rioqiky. Mle rail -drie'eeirug hlm. Il tilt,«i.s and oiueued the or n.tadI -ipnt-rripcsib 'Suad a long drive?' ho sai lealaantl>' ,; lut ouOplue dead short-, for lue w-us aa aul> eonfroitcid hy the wird fligure ëf Tilu>'. TVie ealuuaa t-red: at hlm. t-heu emilca! lier fui-e was w-ite, ber hut a-vru. anid arid wiuked-kuowiugly. elle waqevidenti>' in a Écate e! terrible ,Rat--ier.,guv'ner.1 hc repliod. i "Ana! ye cft- t-heyowX lady t-brer?' agit-alleî. ~saila(bive lu a îîatle-r-o!-fact 'wvay. Bbc brnoe in p<un humw-lt-h a cry balf-' "I dia!," resprondc-d the minu Took lber thrcatcrs'in 111rtlf.imploflnt - ito ber Inirdas ai' awaiting for lber. An' 1. hr oh? lîudmn dccl fian-ely. a nvery îice anrd Ililuruil ovi'lie wait. §eWbat, have yen donu -lt-h. "faiii orfter a pure cabluy bae sncb a for in your raom. g'îod drink adeoct lin, Ai' no 'agglir'g f4he's flet ber&-you nepdu t t-ll me tbat. overr t-hetare. uieltl;a-i-. lue added uurctu- Wbut- hav yen doue wit-h ber?" - eýu'ty. "Rui kind o' lace tathke a Clve hari a wiha ttrrilbcfore- youuîg, lady>. But t-the.!tb5a10 huii's o' botedg. mnu Tbl>'"mine! Qut'er <attle. womnen. riler'" "hIjo Vuye n MiýLna. T ha uli ikcd "-he' are. eepepi !Clive with a "o 1cuusimeau inal-" sbue re'i'rt-ed lIatzgh.u 'Cime round t-le -,)rîur, anid "oliesi wattîer, h waut- licr at 'have a1 l'iitk." one "u sve apnt-d lber a'ay gsint" Ilie lol'a! 1e weti. l ie;îhli-aunsd w-ber." <alita! ti)r a swait.whiil<y aliri a brwe Clive cet- bis teet-b liard:.'r rrt . -d. fu ctxnî sd at him witt be hmnoff'nCL stuat, UburateuceUte O e-u> îri~- whoin 'uMina woo lest-. perba fi1In "If iioateelratî'ig an n w-m tm t-sdil, behov-d hum t-o e aI ofea-p laé well. guv'nor,.l i ght- t- réanbAcai, lcomn albill f ai'- IUve a-bath,' ho sala! erisively. taot-ber. sndt' laid hI baud e i u r lvewi it-h a brain e ieu abeuilder. 't-l it waà flishea!; t-heu he sala! slowIb> "eutnk 1hbave opjrlt-ed MKina ava->'. and! gravel>';< TilibyfPl'ht. uad. h"Lok lunu>' faeo'. yen -"Pull y0galf together. nu>' man. 1 ùnov huta-t-I ha 10Î etdOn. se, t-bat 1 do vant- te kuew-were oyent-odk Ibat ycung ,'rt know whge a lula i. No3o ctm. Tjbby lad Il Th cbm2an set, dowu bisa gla, Ve ~r W'91veway;1 myelf duld&J'itarca! reaenttuuiy at, Clive- but bi* -' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i we vvilW*mntft~1 e o ogaze settenedan aC<live drew a ilve-peulia! -wi~a îl'Our i*t4, aIl oi cepurage. 'note freinhlis ket-ook ana!id it'ou 5h. ad slwko fois band4 '-freiuuber 1thle ceiuut-er, "Pick lt up. and! Dut h luI f @bùder;but- I%~ 'M> b coun-youir poetie sal! - 'udtc.neo and apd butlloqkJ"îIute> fit-oye.; and'ie >5.tvikthO _h ouleft-_ou~r tare. ký«W t14 lie W O spakIg ht rut-.1lldiselaigo ouI b ors anuadyou cau brd, and br 47y9 11fileA! lnlO away as ft-be bîumlnesa ne furtiier -y tbtears, but- eh. daubed them awaT concernea! yen.Reu. d-yo'lin t 1by Il rourself tu serione tronble," 'a, r le e b.t -emudea!. Tie mnu tretceb!is brows, ana! slook 'W T- DÉSh tfM n ît iv gntir Iite untas ot liai -or, anda!tkinigthe note rilewa gakngirolt- l Civ 9P carefuuyi>itolfflit,:nutlt-tlit 1oE - Llght Equal Vo Sun. Dr. Herbert E. Ivs, la scieutist f Philadoiphia, vite las been aV work fur a number of -sare at te researcht labûratonies' o! Vhs citys gs plant, anueunces that ho itas ânaily producled a ligit wiiei l qualin every way, Vo sunahine. Dr.. yes lias tissigneti & peverful lu- andescent lamp wIit a speclal mantde, viticit le se placod lu a sabinet ite has desigu-etithat lt ays are iipimediately beneatit a r.- Rector.'-Titis i. ma-de -of et-ai, anti bhe lightitt- forced dovuvard hfrough a series o!fclelicaVely celer- d sereens, se arranged Vint Vhs average raya vhich are net fouud in the nortit 11gbVare eiimiriated and ths effeet, it is sa-id le isat o! aperfect harmouy o! light similar in every va-te te raya ef the sun. -GRAINS 0F GOLD. A man eannot rave1 odutte Ltitches lu Which early daY& have nilt-hii.-f1. Éëecr -Slowc. If you wish te . desthuy avarice ou must dsroy luxury, whlchit.4 ite Mother, -Cicero. -It i. enly vhen t-lere is ne possi- ble amileration that endurance la âne courage.-H. S. Merrinan. Tii. perfect civilizeti man je net only a noit, streng b9dy. but a very ciaborate fuibric -of mind.-H. G. Wells. Titere are, a va-nety of lit-tic luings iu life vlîk'h, like pins in a lady's dress, are uuccessary for kecpirog it together, and- giving it neatness and eleguince--Boswcbl. it slijng. Tc'ai'lîer'- "fiow would 3-ou punce- uit-c 'The wlnd 'blev t-Jusflue-dol- a-r bill arouindti hscor.ner' i' Tommy Smart: "I "uçouId sn4e a dsi alterte five-ciellar bill." "My belidav ha. dons me a verît 'f Xeod" naid au Irishnuan "I have come back a different, man, In tat 1'm quit. mysel! a'gain V" 1Jàek-"Once mors, Mollie, viii 'ou marry nme 1" Moly-"For té vweifhdînie t-hie heur I-t-eu yeu 1 wii - ne't."' Jack (of'Vtenavy)- 'WVell, twelve kuots an heur àenet. Ek-4, spteti for -a littîs cra«f-lik,î Fou. - Afor nouas îuonuà-thé uliar*lwn WALL ne L<5eJWT - "Uii5.& keeper hais a freer haud than fer the. appearan ce more *ppetIiziEg if ofher meals. Breakfast4a bc t hs oruinbs are buttered in this w&Y simple .sud rathèr itereotypedi before'combining viitt Vte eto while, dinner is the 'for a ea !vgetable, instea4' of putting .bito the. day. 01 o!buttet -on top. Lunceoon ie the time for sur- : Alternaité layers o!f'c«umbs aud Prises, for experùnts, i e aea.,te u milcehalfthéfn on-eeii.ks su&IIy tteo la&or'o For te voman witit modeet pure. crumits and two- <if mneat, fisit or rtow is-e:htime te se" ht the frag' vegetables aire, eueugh. Ift.e ma- mente are gathered. to<gether, and teriaL 10 alreï4y ceeked Vhs 1timef by higit ddiios sd s liîe a-required' sitoulti be ouly eneugi t t er as possible, Diade appetizing lieàt the :itele ioouhy and nutiiu. Thte coet 'o! living vili be mucin l- Household Hints. creaseti if inuch, ndditional meats A little grated ccanut added Vo andi fruits are boýight -for lunciteen'. the. cream o! tomate soup ii a con- But if the left-ov4ers from other ceit liked by mauny, especlal If t-he me4ls are rearrangeti and. skillfully seup is seasened i vti a bitecycurry. combiued with te cereal. foods, 'A simple way of- repair-iug a reit 'whieh are .always relâtively- -ex- lu au -umbrella le tç. use -a .piece o! pensive, te healtit sudstringth of erdinary aduiesive' planter. If Vte Vh iembere of- Vhs family Wilne t planter ile.net bak Vmay be sas- sBuffer. ily celoreti. The housewife wili find it au iu- After, shampooing 'blonde hair teresting g&e. Vo ses ho*w many hall Vhs, julceo! a lemon, aquee e àges site ean bring about on nosic, in te'last ringing Yvater. wiul cause, macaroni and bread- crumbs, but telitair Vo dry mère quickly -andi -these usoful yet despiseti foode muet with leas suarîs. b. garnished andi flavoredt o be ap- 8ev mattiug with raffia anti pre- petziug, sud here is -room for ail vent unisightly' stitches cf,,thread. te 'ingenuity cf a bright woman.Bafei very strong and may ho Bits cf fruit aud. vegetables left bougiit te -match almost any kind f rim otiter dishes are uselul in thii of maîîting. Ilauhes areý appreeiatccl if care-half 'a teaspoonful cf oulon juice fully prepared. ýOur meut elaborate anti a dnueh cf gratued nutmeg te Vhs entrees, even croquettes andi sai- white sauce. Add "Vhs bo'led dice ade, are what some lias well called i arrots andi servs. glorifieti hash. 'e Naiîs useti in batitrooms anti'kit- Titese compound disiies are cap- chens, ou vhicit damp clotits and able <if almost Infinite varlety by-tewels may b. huug, shouid be reason o! different forme sun sea-' painteti with enamnel, se taLtbey sonings. Meat may b. the. main lu- do noV leave rusty mýarks. gredient, but in ttat case witi tVhe There le a very important' point~ tusb sitoulti be sorveti ries, potates in regtrd to making scAîhiops. That or breati. Olten it fg'preferable tO is, after te scailop is madle andt ut combine the starcby food with Vhs ou~t, go al over it again vitit a tiny meat. but-onhole stiteit. Bines carefîully est-imated dietar- Insteati o! thr-uwing taty-4he uni ies îîsially eall for at lenst twice a& sealed envelopes Viuat briug circu- mueh o! carbehydrate as of protein, Jare, eut off te gummeti stripesud it appeAre that titere is a goot rea- gave them. They viii serve a hun- sou back o!fte common habit o!1 dreti hëunbold uses. using twîce as mucit potato or rice, Fi11 a bottle wit-h hot water, or crumb asuof finit or meat lu our' place the splilter over Vhe mputit, ma-ny itashes and scallepeti dishes.1 press Vlgitly, te suction, wili Meat, fish or vegotables for ossu V, antiit will bean esy mat- itauhes, croquettes or salade siould ter Vo remeve it. 'have ail unedible portions renioveti If hllI a bottle e! olives lias been sud be dividet inl pieceso! un~iform useti, sud yen visi tot keep, the size or be choppeti. If choppeti er rest, addt a pincit of saIt to te put througli a grinder- wheu warm, i»-e, peur a easpoonful of 1rlve meal iu likely to be rasty. Ot-enu il in te llquid sud replace Vie the liet bits c!f corueti beef or' ef a Cork. boiled ham uuay b. put trougit the A doudoi:us fIling fer laye r cake food chopper with about one-fourth ie made b iin10oude' ie fat, heated vit-h very little water, ]v miuced shclle<l almondu- with sca.5oned bighly and packed in jelly 'hites of two eggs, a cupf iii of con- umblers or cups. Tii. fat, aft-or fectioners'sugar sud a easpoonful hea-ing, wilI forni a layer Ou tep o! vanilla. and fil aIl cret-ices bet-veen lhe par- ticles -cf méat. 7Ti ill iikeep aà> long time in the refrigerator, liko any pottec iueat. Tlîus, il vo have 01D 'NEW ZÀADFOREÉST. enough for two corneti bee! hulhes or ham omelets, it- is net nocessary Diseou-ery of Wl Preserved Woodls te serve titem on aucceeding <laye. TlîoUmands ipf Yeart§ 4Ago. Te t-he lack of proper moisteniug A rcmiarkable discovery hbas re- sud seasening le due niuvh o!fte 1cnl endsldi ukad popîîlar distaste for itaslhei. Sau- Icnl te icoeii ukad sage or bacon fat are excellent in vitere Vhs raiîway departmpent, in hashes for fluivor and rit'hness, but making .a site at Newmarket for too mucit mulst sot be uîscd. X'ater, new engiue sheds, bas luad ga'ngs o! stock or milk- shoulti be atidetira. me n digging-away a portion of Vhe ther Citan fat, Vo keep a hasi frein iillside sometwenty fe.et Vhîck, andi beirig too dry. Sait, pepper, of~ have tome on a twc>ve foot seam couirse, wfit 'celerv sait snd curry -of lignite, whicih reprc-sent-s a puim- powder, give a, gooti haver, andth -e evail fQrc-st Nvliîehll flourislîed -eea ,-A<d bits -of fresit celer -v or onieu, of tluousand years agi). tocmato and red o- green peppers The deposit ie-of t-he consistency i-e, deei-ablé additions. o! clucese or yéillow soup, and eau- Bread witit rehcuited meat. lenot be shattereti by dynamitc or quite as desîî-able as potato -or displaeed by ciks, te mon luaviug ruc. I t-ucr ar scue imal bk-t-o get rid of it very siojwly by dig- inig pow'der bisciiits, cit them, ging with wet spades. 1> acrossaispreuid wiîl butter and, Specimens of kattri guunu and com- warm quic-kly in the oven. Put to-jpitlgso -H reredkti gethe roagain f ieh creametveo sters vortit vile t-bey -ehouId be ut- titrough hseinat chopper anàt teu 1 "Oh," 1saicI Mr. Longwed , ~yu siftëd, andt 4e fine crumbi reserveti men are ail alike. Belon. mo-nurrage for chope and, croquettes. The 1yen 'are for ever paying eomplhe cea-ns . ernmbs are then neady foir;,ments, _but aft.er marriaP~- itufflng à pife .of meat O'r for,-té "W.'are for *ver paying- 1 - séailp. --quit. right, my tisar." i4S, Men ciShoiild i-arry.c~ Plan t tues. qualities teo CÈPring, M*i should inarry when yvery men should miarry betweeb thé ,young, "saýys'Drî Vaerting; woxna.n Ages ýof eightéeu and 25, and ' thoy when.moxe ni ktu1tie. Dr. Vaerting should select 'as wives .women f rom, dlaims9 that cidie inherit tixe.thre, to six years eider than them- boit qualities o!à their parent s when selves. A 'womani should not~ mar- thïe mo;thier ili from thrée'to eight ry a man not older than eighteen or years clder than -the father. He ad- nineteen.- Tha.t makes for happi-' voealtes the marriage of young ipen -ness ini married lifé' . - ages front eighteen to 25; wonen . fetn as hteooi should marry at f rom 21 Vo 30. To. coinditions' and t hilic05 of prove:that hs is p'oductive of living ! o-day 1 prevent marriagos ab childrer stronge.st physically, inor- iages which aire bes't for the future ally, and intellectually, Vaerting of the race,> and tixat postpouement gvscolumui and oolumis of -stat- oL marriages by men- . until laVe in; l hfî ten ds o ,wzrd -egeneration of i I tliie .day and age, says Dr. inteilect sud talent. Rle sa.ys thaf) Vyaertiug, mon and women corftem- the average ,man. wh is netablo plahD-g marri'age' have but oneé to spport -a *wdo shoiuld mxarry a thought regarding, their offspring,> wornan older thûn -hirseif, and -one and' that wholly materil-that who is able te help- hini1 keep up & they wiIl be able te givo their ch-hushlunihoaud Vaoe dren a Il posible na.Vriet aàcIvnt- s'ges and.-a gooci material siart in- NEW DIPUTHERIA1 CURE. lile and leave, them a anaterial ln-- he ritanice Wh4lienthey cdie.' 0f the Physiclan flDeelares Fungus la physie, finta, itele1ual 0- rIhrdai WIII Des:tPoy Gering. rai aiid spirËitual genius inheritance littie or no thought li taken. And DrL.LTnBrek fJile- yet, according to Vaerting, the lat- po * naectisu f1i ei ter is; of far greater importance and cal Record, gives an acco0unt o! a- vale o ejirentian or walth. new meth2 -.1 f treating diphtheria. That great men aeldom have high- He relates lus ~exne L1i ly taleuited sons,.Dr. Vaerting e panting in the throatg0'o;t ,. aetends Vo prove bis :theory. suffering fremin Va funglis 'which' Whvestigatioi lin such cases, he saysmltplis rapidly and destroys te lias shown that such men generally grirsesbefrtedsas: have married làt.e in life or, have eh -fungus is said te be harmiess married wolien niuch youngor than and' toi do its wcrk rapidly. It ilà theiselvs. alled tho aehlya muicaris -and' id described as a thallophytie fiingus. womaffsfis aryig Âge. "Achlya Muscaris," sa3ys oct.or IVI is a well-known fact that Ten Broeck, "eposseeses the\pwer, youug men are uearly alwavs- 4,t- of destroying bacl dijphtheria in tracted by and feel thernselves culture and in theo throat. iV ià drawn to wouien considerably old- applicable in al otages of th& dis- er titan theniselves,"e says Dr. ease, and seemns to givok epeedieît Vuerting, "This je partieularly no- results in, the e4rliest casBe&,." ticeable among tite educated. That is Nbature, expressing its own s- The Beasoný., lectivity. It ie a man's itealthy ifl- #1 don't understand ,ele4tricit. stiuct at work. There lu a period I can't eecm Vo gSeti it into m.*" in the ]ife ci every man and woman head,"1 wheu Nature conveys to and im- 'Well, yo.u kuow, boue is net a - plants in chljdren the Ii-ghest andi conductor," best, physicafly, niora.lly, intellect - ually and spirituially, That is thelli'<That youtg doctor makes an kind ýof inlieritance that should 4'e immense numnber of calîs on 'Mrs - given by those who desire that their' Ogleoby .Io -site very oick V'"".Nu; children should be great, To trans-1 ehe is very pxefÉy.el r 1- Concrete -Hog Honses, and Feeding Flor En able, you tVo raise- bigjcr ho gs bettcr pork without heav erfeing cQncrctýc eeding floor permits the msb'to clean ,ip a// tite fec?1I witbout -wuste, - isease. Te you they Mean Bigge-r Proffits H-foi gg i ouefconcrete aresnitzry, eauiy drnu maintain au-cve'cn îrmperature and give pienr -*Jilta.dair, whIich tend to bettcr the, quai poat. Çocrete w-lb! net nuet or-rot. Nover needs , or painting. h il ir it evayer natcrial f«i - stnace'. Write for thi-ulf uHy lhuttratod free* and, a ni- acting" t-net, cy cf - LY' * f * - t -~ a-i -

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