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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 5 Feb 1914, p. 2

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'*Ïvev-% a t6macli trouble. I aP en tlà- goi o'vër it, but the trou- icqqpjd not. have beei-wlly 4'1 t a during the summaer M'as taken down with it, sprt jtook ùany medicines, w"a attended. byr two'different.j déctorf;, but, insed o f getting well aeemed ito bç growing worso. ,I ôitidjot .s.t without uffering thei rnoDet intense pains;; oven a drink 'f oMiIk a.tMrnedt'O upeet me. I lept< pQory and at lipsI .readed ta nlght qôm.é. In. this edjndition I saw iîn a uewispaper the story cf a w oiaan.who had inilarly uffred and wa.a -cuned thro.ugh the use of Dr- Williaînaf' 1Pink Pilla.- I docid- ed' to try the Pillsan aifcund by the time I had taken three boxe. i tt they were hclping 'me.' 1 continued using the Pilla until I had: taken q eighit boxea,*when the trouble had ~disappeared; and I have to'thank Dy. Williams' Pink Pilla for retor- fng my health alter I had practi- c.-aly givenulp hope of evr being weIl again."i 'Dr. Williamns' Pink Pilla are sold by ail medirine dealiers or wil b. sent by m3ail at 50. cents s' box or six boxcs for, $9,Mt by -writing 'Thie Dr rWilliam.'Méedieine Co. ,Br.ock- ville , ont. BLAÂC KSI FEAR 0F XQTOR CAR. Eeli'ic of the Moon Ad -dett té Ter- prrof- White Man's Advents, otADM l!o tram a powUnîuî. uWI(uia' filamnent lamp, the- light bei Pg p- larikzed by rerans cof a pile -fniheeto ci plate g-au baclro4 *ith asilver &nd p1aôed at'thre correct angle'.' The cxpo&i mentes howed certàin marked resultus iç4en flsh wa saub- mitted ta the p6larized iight ob- tained in titi way, although it, is probable that stronger effectâ would hée obtained with a mare powerf ai source of. lighL; When two *slicq5 eut f rom thre sanie fish were hung, one- in the diret light and the other in tihe poiarized beani, the latter invari*.bly begah ta décompose ho- fra thIormer,,tbough -the t.empe- stitre oi the polarized beam was açver.ai degrees lower,,thanti te dir- ect light. There we-rm dcu-:r lo i thé .caeeécio<ther perishabie food substarkces cf a tendency to decom- ,Ire whuhey -,were bomard by polarized light.,The qu"Uton ia worth further investigation, anxd thé-ré shoiiid hé littie difficuity in punsuing oubhlicUe, cf research. There are sa man.y influences as- cribed to moonlight that it would, b-e cf' obvious interesit ta havé some aientific evidence tracing1a deftnite section- ta thé rays. It would ho curIcus to find Uh.t euchi ternis of obloquy as "moonstruck," "1mooc- 6hine" and ý'Mo-ony". were, a!bor ail, not entirely emnpinical. -____44 - ClIîest 'CONdS ured!1 !NERVII'NÉ 11A S NTEER FAILI-7D TO CURE. Dan't suifer! Nerviline la your relief. Nerviline Just rubbed oan, lais ai !Il, wlll euae that dnawn, tight feeling aven yaur nib., wili dcitroy the pale, will have you amillng and biappy ln na time. "I caught cald lest weèk w-hite môt- crieg," wrltes P. -T. Malleny, fram Lindea. "My cheat w-es full of con- gesýion, 'My titrant w-as mlgitty sone, and 1~ hadtheé flerceat 'stitC(ilanMy side you caulti Imagine. As a bay I was accuatomed to have xny mather use Nervîline -for al aur minorai l- ments. andi nemenibering \what confi- dence elhe hmd le Nervilîne,' I sent ont for a bottie at once. Betwéen faon acd elght o'clock 1 had a whoie bottie rubbed on, and tîxen got Inta a pers- peratian unden the blankets. Thîs drove the Nerviline In good and deep, and I awoke uap next mernlng fresh as a dollar and absolutely cuned. Nervi- lino IR now alwmya part of nMy travel. ling kit, ýand 1 will neyer be withaut- The ilarge 60c. tamily ise.bottie la the méat economicalf or. youlcan cas- ily get the 26c.- trial0'ite froC. ali dealer. PCINTED -PARAGRAP-S. Better a sweetheart than a saur glt 'g11V. Thrnhtn' PthlFl. oe &il womanly frregularlties their-mentf Beoausî' of.their' inild, soothiflg, andi h*sing -aftect, Dr.Haitn Psar 4see, and -are recomme nded -for girls and wqrnen cf ail agea. S cents per >je'at all deuIers. Refuse auy eub- tfltue for 1br. HaàiýiltonOs Pilla of Min. aeake sala Butternult. Large MaJorlty Are Recelved in the Head and Manda, 4Dr. O. Laurent, a aurgen who s'arved is a voluâteer duning the Balkan -War, beýs rendered recently to the Frentch kcademy' af Medicine*a very Interest- 9n, and Instructive report cancerning c81ua4ties lu ba ttie. ,Hlm tatisticis shc£w that, ln modern warfare, 82-to 84 per cent. af the wounds tnfli'cted are caused by bullets, 15 to 17 Petr cent. bY shraDnei, and 1 per cent. by colti steel.- The Vene- tratiVe force Of shraPnel-bulleta la, ho declares, very mnuch leas titan that of rifle bullets neyer are. On the other shrapnel burots at sanie distance froni the soldier; for,,whereas, shrapnel la often found 'enbedded- in clothing, rifle bulets neyer, are. On the ather hand, comîpications arise very much mare frequently froni shrapnel wounds tttan froin rifle buttet wounds. Dr. Laitrettbas observed titat now- atinys, since the soldier usuatly fires under cover, lying elther prane or lu a trench, a large majanity of wounds are recelveti ln the skull and 'the bands, especlally the left btand. To combat titis, he suggcate the use of a ligitt, resastant shild to pratect the. head, anîd titat another ohield ahauld be itxed to the teft hand or thte rifle lt4elf. A third mlgitt be« placed ln the reglon of the heart. IndeedïtnanY of, aur own aoliers wha tought'in the Boir War owe their lives to the chance presènce of a cigarette case ar wad of 'papers ln thte Ieft breast packet. WMon Chooslng, A Huaband. Much ha been written ln the Wa>' of advlce to women on the choice of huabanda, but theo method of one lady là original. "Neyer docide." said she. 110w the primitive éaya-gis o th But, the Healîng Fumes cf Catarrh- The girl w-ho doca not peint. lsn't"unifeyau have met thé fathen of thre -. - ernpartsef,,WéiaterhedAuzstra- ý ô,Which are Brathd tothe e s arl rtlesitbosbt mlt an w :o:seeka you ln marriage. If aytý1ppearance in thefr midst -rubes, Bring Quick Relief and Sure boys are goati for w-ork. bé sure thet the teudency ta -bore futefinit time cf a mot.or car,, _ Cure. CourtahI la thé w-lue of life andi people ,which You mey have cotîceti ln divorce'-la thé mornlcg after, thé son, -111~ develop Inter Into mil thé and ti7 t hby an cf,;] Ei~fté EverY sufferer -fram' cougits. colda, Some peaple are too '15hsy talking featureaV-unredeemed fageylsm. Ir -reiated in an -icler ig 'u broncii i l hotadcet bu meva tka -about othq1te. o ather Io indolent and Irresipon. uatreceived in London by e ail=mnet neisasoting healin M mnwthaln-itnc oi al, be carefui to note If -the son *Agenlt-ene-ra for WestéTIl Austre.- tête wblch goos direct ta thé plexion doesn't sho0W up w-cl at short. shows aey sIgnao o thé saine trait. ii. bireathlLg argans In the -cheat and range. however ellght, and, i. so. ite wa,-ned A prty f miingmecréenlylunga, atteeka tbé troublée t, thé Na, Cordeilla, it isn't physical cul- ln time! 'Llke fatiier 1ke son' la; a / iet Wndha p o uregIpre h ~o ls ie maksawna sttaig t rue SaYin1g ln the Majonity of lef;Wn.hm na-ýtnip 01exploP-sermatere lnstances's awom aéion -inc t Liténteri'or; -f East Kini- oeasud atdures te aliment tioraugla- mincieti.___ J~~w set, whre, thé ahuri- 1>' . And thie medîcine la "Catarrh- Whàat a -a tIsfactdry tlti worid thbs ozone.", would be If w-e could sow tiiomca and EF l0 usiuinEpsd thier sevage state. 'Tliese natves mixes w-th thé breath, descends IraI addition ta thé lové o o!nte) A dealer obttieç evue he are ati l mnnieousmcd e Té gem-kiiin balami vapr rap rses More batoittît011oans, i selîloîn see a White man, but t'heY tough thé throat, dow-c th~e bran- thème are thre quéer ways wc lîav Of!article.A ocal1îu-itzn n tinflltttetio - are-somewhat familaarwith 'th-hcui tube, and i fnally reaches the gettIng nId of IL. te a substituts- for putno,-a ('or,, pearance o bos or ove caîn- deepeat air cella le thé lunge. Ai A man always expecta hies-ie ta lljjrectorwtthie resuit cOut the l sih- oac-hr iddcn by whitea or at- plAts are 'Ooothed with rich,. pure, be a lot botter than ho expecte lier m ute.é Iut aiu temalil fîo ,ntduti tachcd ta vèhicies. Tis particulan medîcînal essences, whereas wlth a to expiect him ta be. la taguarant eti. Aiway get 1Putnam'n exp1oniný party-, howevem,, set out syrup thé affeCted parts could flot bé A inother neyer disturba thé l -Exiii<olc at ail deaieî-. - i i~pownîu moor-a~ e tav rneacheti, and harm wauld result bers of lier second baby ta sec If Its in & owrfl otrc.rt taes thraugh benunibing theo staniach wufh eyés have citangeti colon:, thé great expanse of ountry. dmuge. Thé average wlfe thlnks site la bier "She's t-le most insulticg w-cman -W-hec they camle amoeg the wild 11i have' been a chrenie sufferer hiusband'il guiding star-but Most I ever me-t." "I never liked lien q. bush- natives thé-hans;e-lésa car from Catafrh ln the nase and throat huabands refuse fa b>e guldéti. m' ." "Jutst think. The last -'\created a- -teinendo-tis sensation. for over elght years. i thiuuk i havýe Many a girl manages ta etrangle tim eahe iie l héin il MànY' cf.tI e blecks bolbeéd f roi thé spent four hundred dollars trying ta ber actions becaute she has d-iscov- he f l siîwed she anein' bt wip stra"nge sap ;arition, and 1howlec1 di-ge90 relief. i have spent but six dol_. -erec titat weeping niakes ber floRé red.dàwe hrwens etou"1 rnaivl. evidentlb i'egardiâig thé mo- lare. on Catarrhozone, and have ddwp hn hnsswn n. k"d o flui orcviibeen compioteiy cured, :and, ln fact, - 7. tol uas a iew undo uy'p rei have been weil for tornetime. Ca- thî-ng, cime t9 destnoy them, The tarrhozone la the only, medîcine i 'Arn I the only wçonan you ever exjIlorerq bcd hardly mecâciled thé have been able to flnd that would nat loved 7'" "Oh, no," hé a-n.uweed nativés to t-he îresýnce of thé« car only gîve temporary relief, but wili pronipIiy; ".you -ane thé sixth." wheli a îlew cvil arose alid sprertd aîways cure permanentiy. Yours elc- "The six-th," she éelairmed, sud- s~ oeSoi Lme lg cariter a-t n iong 1the âildren of cerely (Signed),'-WILLIAMI RAQAN, de.nly reliiving his shoulder of the -1 contçtder MINARD'S LV1NIMENT thBESI liiment In use. die blish.A cipeo the -dace nBracRvilîé, Ont, 'weighitof her lîead. "ye-sg" i"' gt nMy fout badly Jatu:nêd bats'ly, - occrre<. 11or absoluteé, permetnent Cure usé fcurc iladcll' Seeweefieb-rbt id t we a tt'e ARs eIerneI- AtitstIlinme the party o! mottur- Catarritozone. vTwo monîias' outf tsîdody t her wèr fie é-f attîs t wblawith . as' - ilLnI- Ait ~~~caste $100; sciailer size, 50c., t ml fr yuny . ier n un, n outs ucru'truiy, st-s werf néar a camp of .100 ""-i dealers, or The Catarritazone canm- thrée sisters. 'J.UCMmLmx ivee, at a place ealled.-Violet Val-pany, Buffalo, N.Y., andi Kingstan, y.v. vhro -ttle station sme a-R C anada. in iîed by tt-ie West ~ustralian e" --- --- Try Murifle Eye Reme.ay -é itt-nt ini orcler tg supply the THE CHARM 0F AGE. - If yotm luave Redi, Xeak, XVtery Eyes n , ives w-it be!, a plan whicli has& -- or Granulatéti Eyelids. Doérn't Smart ha mi . t tucessf-ul in pré- It Largeiy Dependa On a Woman How -Soatheti -Eve Pain. Dru ggists- Soi Veiîtt'Va<kf mspaigMreiTaen. Murine Iye Remedy. Liquiti, 25c, 50c. . WîsHING W1ýLLG. cat owîî-d by itue..neighboring What rubbish Itfi;a tal t-y and lîny MutinéEe av i rptcbesil paI ut-dow-n any nules about thte agé,e 25c, 50c. Eye ilookç Frée b ,ta il. Wher h asryMyHv i h .Whl fil Ibr<.*#n -Was sîiddten1y which a woan lIs nucie ltamnlrig. Gesd eAhy Ce sa Cca èegthéPaasrby My Hav H l P eu- nef!vc-tu w-ena ame -anstcombatlh etatmain tyiLeRoed c, hc Ail over Europe titereare. to be fotind muh er'ibe. TtemîaintainédIdao is obtwh nerteiy »ajrlugs acd wéile, the waters a! whlch caaisbliro,-e oc tîyhavé Mani' a mani'.s -faiiuie in t.hix r upst apac aeleln arariut-g is3tieong fir the thneé camùe tat téoir ounth décade. Théy are tas,- tnbîtdLutî f-~ utyorse ooe nagîce a linger hoî:.dtfng~héu u e~iseItM-nay be goad-lookîng, activé, childréuîait rsmenaialpwr -' d, and - abouit 509,dÎ1099képt up a et beamt.t, ail thé rest o! it, but titat lié uqed blank -aîids lenTrghtthéuoierapîofn- howutg acopniînent V lt- h noise aid Nature li aéhe e, nifirnig ai.the target o! suvescs. landth-lerewae 'wistutng wuli," whpie nad b h' ui 'tlin - i cder, WI-4111Y-niwe have ta gîve ln ta bier. the pasaerby nutmy btheu bis wtshi ~, t~evrjil i- fji~Iian way théiaIstruc she can bé itéîd e e a Onl' Une '1BROM0 QUININE" antdirliSi esstiîd of!Ilis !tlfihimét, Irti thât aà sizec'I ani0e citent, and-itIo lanO Use glv-bng i'hat . L.4XATIvE BifOMO Qt'-tl\NIA- hé anly draps e crook'!d pi Into ii' tihlbl het ams-ie-i t n t too reacîiîy, but thord are vax-tous Look fur the Fignat'.re oif E. W. GtOVlt - water. tht' moow - ~ways iln wlich bilie WlIassrt hersIf.(tnta(ai nOré y, ('treh Corip lit ulu Uiitii îli b -t Onenednt articutarize itex-dis- i'o 319 ~nesse in lctornwaîl .Tvo pleces, o! ag reeaitie niethod;. Buni to'came brack straw, about-an Inch lontg, are crosset A BISEE 1 ~ t'oie Point, af Wb)at' use Io 't ta tie 011' V<flypiing titeriuidérîstand anti the plu 1rîîîî 1l"011911gilleul. Thii YOR, LITTLE G(ES Oaeto taRa arlientar decade whereIu omn.-cross is tht-n droft éd buta thé nat(-t if shiallbet ait leta 0gofer amutm no antithé rlsirgIg htblls <aréftiy cutit- frersuait thon procée& .wltlî thé ýted, înastuttt sostltey it' held to Iialî'-'OwnTablett n ii îlyf b asîîîoOvosyaé Minarda LiniMo'ni CuLres Ophtieria, akte1' 1 ~ ;n-ti-it t~ita iiiedicineué for littie crnes tbe atni ,setentéén lias thé movre clarni - Vf wilu pas hifolrt- té Pe u ilg orthé scld îunder a Éuarantiee ta h eu'e- clîldishness. But titat sort of thing 'weli, naadaîîa 2"' imcuiried elc vent ý'wliitli iof coîîu'-;1t)IIlité fectly ate. -These,ý Tabi.ets are Io whilly Ouf 0f date. At five-enti- shop-waikéî'. "I wi-h,"- thé S'id. -w-lPbo-. baàeked y tlic, gtmeanteeo of a gov- ti' etty a wo-ntan begins ta flnd herseif. trgeapéenfrmvhbud'. [thaidasauue wuPirwn enitmet enest Itie h titvf ree J rystel surt.Stecn'ow ,îlongmarr'ied " flýmanak- front thetse crosser fil otiie't wave. ri pi t ana ct i ote ttitsite ls nat carriet away luy i 'iH e î -ér,' -Ttéy w-et-emade o,as ltardIý .lu float, Illussions, site bas mare or- lestifotunti % î; lle t-- 'rteit, as -thécross 1swàaîn, Ilip tiîruwéi her-nifiidriigs. r4 Uimerîth-r M'Yiliter balaficé, Site knowantntthé 1 I. li.puiq'it i hlii- ]:fi --lîu- 'staouiv h,'r.fi aulta test a1seuied thaIt éileu ngve tent :World, as représénteti by Mnu, PN-iet 1î)-n, it-cu,-- u!~ , -was Odewllitjutjtnoi ié tfi) ctth u'-uî'ibabt' witlt a! lîi'r. If she Is wI ile houbassuifer' i-------------- -1-tie weré ta le aa-t'i dft'aîui !i ictuee..Tiiousande of Mo- a angles ta be rubbéd iddwii. siie Dr. M4osmeel. -Positiontheitié vross,îook as lt iloatet tuas learnedth le use of artifice, siteoaithe urfc e il", 110 Othier inedicine for lias cultliated, If she Io atîll i 4,lr, IuIdiaB R oot PIS srae rir îtie cnes, and f rom aeinal théeta! charna. Sa It conies-about.4 expet tence t-hey af'lI aY nothinig lat betw-eec her' thîrd and facyflu areittde according to a formuila lin can eçquel the. Tablets in *banishing décade she lasae wlser, caner wcmnn. Us. Il an aCentury afg camnng the A Single Thocht. chiîidhood alimenta; Théelkieall maagbie campanln, tui% tatéy nanti earneti from theint y aresol b meicie eairaor y cliw mMes -Hro-éérta'fi foty Dr.-Mrse. ýThough repeated at. J-ohn, rgther hackwfit' lver, arespd b: edcindslrs r ey s a w-aen'amont -cterniîng aeéis tep have,.beea madie, by.-phyc B at et col<' end af thées and his maiL,' at;2fr),ceîdmsn.=telPaaoe hrxlg and chçinit#, if hac been fud s-e-hdt th t.ek1othn-is br\VîWllruas'-Medicine- Co., lirocit- than ashe la likèiyta be et slxty If she' Impossible telamprove the formâulael o or hrnn for d weetre- thll ,cateron onversa-d On -- otgothé right way about If, at làat d y oé vile, tel I. r.Mose Idgo oo Il -. ad - vi1W, Oit. foutldthé e ~tee ,Pilla areah ousgebold-retnedy-through- tn 10O and f ele bs meps ,ere r ocn, 1jtaie Y-0 inking u.,id tré s-set t ahéla rreistalo t tulrt-ile, ut-tire -*orIdlm-oConstipation anti (4Éa hé ,' lid Hhes*0Han ot u* fnlesiud a vlye ai anyaie- IlKidfiuey ,anti Liver troubles Tluey aboit 2"'. behrdo'H-ry. Nejwandah.baetta e ekei pet promptly anti ffectivefj ati J hn , sknelroim lis dreama, leargeiy depeeti antw-omWnnooe-nlhe - -%-rniwere d ar" cdwastr ~'~' ersa Oj .118nieo'clock Aed led w-Itlr a spioon. it - -app r ih, nw4 Ojw ~iad cw, ilr' ho1" sid hé age la talion, -but dlroctly she beginspredtgthértt -- fierot- r1épXÀ. - - to"1actol young ait la up with her..- FEd. 4. --ISEe'u 'fYUd 1 box your ear." y ColistÉintly for anl tollpr- pogi, spclalysliaving and shaipoo, -ith9ccasioI s of Cutkcura ôOinent, 1,ecause go' effcctiy.e *41remingigh t-irri- tàtion rèdness, -ugMn sPim- pies.,' dadruff, etc., icf the. si and scalp and prornoting and maintaiing akin and hair' health. CutIe agýoa»dtientare mi t lrouabeut the wortçAld,Àlbi iAiiiIOaof euht. with 32-page Skia Book, mb4 oe.rMe.? Atidrem PoUer Drugi 'heam. Oorp., Dept. 8K, Dauea.U. -a- A. -GBAFTINQ Pi SURGEUY. liais Been PràAetised ince the 'e Vie art o! _traùsplanting oeren- placing ihuman tisne bas 'been piaetised since the reffiotest an- tiqtîity, states a witer in Paris L'Illu6tration, In India a caste ex- isted that was reno'wned for its skill in replacing eut-,off nases, and ha~d a great piactice, b-ecause thé ré. moval -of the nase w-as a very coin-. mon punishment infliited on cer- tain criminalfi. From India tlîis ort of surgary found ita way te Ïtaly, whêre, In the fttenth century, two itinerant Sicilian surgeons, thre Irane&o, la- thon and soc, enjoyéed quite Senerai fame.uasreadjusters cf thé hunian anatomy. Similanly, in* thé sjixteenfi- ceai- tury, a Bologneso surgean, Oasparl Taglîacazza, w-ha died in 1699, be- vaine a ceiebrity through his at- tempte ut graftieg and transplant- ing animal org ans or membens f rom one finivid atoanai4ther. GiOn Plillefor Womon 1ilI Mead Whet lige. Karel a la eAboLt Thom' i THerrîs, if T neide, Ont., knows al about (li.N r&l5eý. 'I1 arn iakllng nuy thIrd boit of <lNINPL-s' she wrltes. "Thée pisnacrois ciy back andi ki4lrîvs lina ainînist gotue. i W-a a re t urrer front 1Ftheumatîrn but I i lus a'« a mne-. lont d v-lse ait wonien. Who auge fe rom Trait, ln tus bat-k andi Wek Kiânsys, to Sév. ealBox, 6 for $ 2. Sampte freè t! yntt wrIte National Lirtag & Chemîcai C'o. of Canada, lAmlIted, Toronto. Fl'<iase-"You ha ve a wocderful miemnor.. nmam." Mamnie - WM'hy sel, my childl"' 'jeeause yoaî re'always remeunhenung ta re- tuinti me ci thinga I forgét-L" Minarda Liniment Curas Distempor. Cenaldine-"Yon lmven't been te see me since v-ou askéd Mv lur for riy hand." Cz-rad-"No; this iis thé finat finie' ve héén able to get abourt." PILES CURED IN 8 Té 14 DAVI Your druiçgit wiit refund muoner if PA7.O OINT MENT fallo ta cure any eage o! Itrit. tng, BlInd; Btending or Protruding Pile tIn 6 t4- 14 day-e. 60e. Thé richer e. man is the ricluer hé w-enta it-a hé. MInard's Liniment Cures Carget ln Cews- "Whéu a nian t-élis lus wife hé wsishee te sipeak -t--ilierut niéa-ns lie is goilg tW-e ali~ e tk' ' a ii obteerve-. ; but- "whetu a woman in- forme lier htusbauciithat- shé lias souuu-t-lihfg tû sn-y btMihlm le can. hé ur fa sévere scolding. APP17 Zani-Buk to aul wounds antd sores and( ycu wilI besurprised lxovi qaickIy lit stýp8 theo snurting asud inacs.Itcovers the, -WoUNd with -a layer ofpro- etetl+e blkfh.1powso 'l'i on pwk t ds'g. I ta'iC trne to foîtow mthér aarie.-Smnney Factt and Fancy. 3Jaln, tike -watchlea, are jttdeeby -Asparagus la goad f.,remaim Tii. onlyt linî moa people, ever achievé la Old aga. 1 A sip'a 11if.la 2ë,yeýro. oregirls -cebrate the anniveraary of theirbirth b>' taklng a day o-fr-the -more pýtoPuar. Idïa, however, Io to take a ye ar, off. - Golf waafo rbldden by. 1mw ln Seat- hacdan 1841. By the t1âe a maWs- daughters -get aid, enough ta help-hlm, they decide ta help somne other, man. _ Enforelng the Haulest. Mr. Justwed-lIi be back in a moment, duokie. Whait is, it., ja tor 1 Mia .. *f, t ue$Cod, . 1t'à clacaper ta raise âols th-in fo the colts. Keepabottieof Kend;llls. reLined or spavhti, aplint, curb, ring- Dr. D.JbUnDA.LL o., Emad l amels,t When buyirq yo rPiano NSWSPAPERS lFOR 8 TpFap.r proportiea for «al fara 'towue at aightittO'ls. M on snbenriptloxrrenewal liae l l"g. Wlloýn Puitliabinï Oo - NUJRSERYSOK ~TItAW'BEBUIEIV. KASPBER-B ~Varieties. -'Froe Catàlog. & S)--o, 3ve.,end. OntaTrto. ont pain by Our homne treatrocat. Write lui befare tSo lite, Dr. Beilman VJedic&l CC..'Limited.. Callitgwood. Ont, "ILicha the Bucket Cean Blatchford's 1LWif Meal As good,,as'NeW MU£I at haithei Cost 100 pounide makea 100 gaions 9t Perfec Miik-Subotitute. $end for pamphlet "How te Ris. Calvos cheaply and Succesefuily Withut MilL" AI your Dedlrs or STEELE. I3RIGGS CÉ, Torontoo Ont.g,.Canada. 'Graudmother Say&: Jfe, that wor't hlen ean't barsl; feel, îà Ibob-e-Unke are poor-ilutimera. .and' %&ie but orne sang. brIngs JtÙln e't 'feveriF. one vt RiHEuUATISMO ECZEMA - Andi Kiîdred Troubles. rite regolir iuae otifî;îquID ULPHUII before meaisansd ln yotîr 'bath, wtt! girl you ait the benelits 0't a riait to n HOT SULPIIUR SPR1N9 .-Nr ,Lie fot attfer nntie dy.Ot WAY a bottbe. from your druiritât, andi prove It fer youraeif. Price, &0 cen ta. 18 ay trert, Toronto. - t - a- r R Plnk Eye, IEpizootld. Shiipplngr 7OISTMPERF ranCatarrhal 'ever. Sure cure andi po4îtiva preventive. ria mottor how hunrei at aîy age nrte Itîferted or 'expoweut." Liqnid, giçen on the tonigue, aets utitute Blotnd snd Glands, cipels th(,-,polyanouws germa frin Aj the body. t'urc: Diqtemper itri. Dogmanaid'tlheepT andi Choléra in': [i~Poultry. Largemt aelling lire storli remedy. -Cures La Gripp*a '>aniong limitaiti boitesi and lis-a fine kidtîey remedy. Cnit th-fe out. Keep I t. Show ifta o - our aruKglàt.ý who wIll get it f;r. you. Fiee ll"tkl-t. " Diotemper, and " C sud Cures , arc DISTRIiUTORS-ALL WHOLE8ALE DRUCCISTe 5;iohn Modicai Co.. Chemiats and Sactari.lagla s, G,&ie i,..d.U.5.A. t-- '1 -. yo at tore fe ts CH irnatst on h1avznq an~ OTTO HIGBFL: - Pfno Actor% cive Tour Bush a ehanm ad cesse uaing old.faabioned mceth- ode. Be.up to date ati tiatati kt GCumpoa'. Pvaporator andtimalte more and better *yrup wItlb18"15tinle andi fuel. More révenuetaet reduced vont. WrIte et once for tre.e booklet and Catalogue gtîlng fullit ourntattun and pricea, %-a GEuI ff eP. Co., lIITnD ,os Wefllngton et, IXontreal, Que. 1 -- . «ISCELLANICÎÎi- jujiu 12LI%4jvý%Au-& VW

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