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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 5 Feb 1914, p. 4

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E d i o r i l o m m n t . I : r > w . k * ), t > ~ p r t u ~ c t o i t h e G o - Qlwa,........ 487M00 seson8 Q, assembjed directs thgt a Thio annual statement for the Dom- UPorldge......Q nmoîî nit ebl41$prs.Le ililn faukforPor Péry........0,000 to the' Govenen~ tu e D o no inin Bnk orthe year ended 21st 1 Cannington.......... 000O0O of Canada, praying that the usual Decenber, 1t13,bet ever -e1eto....... . 1 OO wa te e eeron ..... s100 grant of $6,.400 per mile to aid in the issued by this institut(-en. The net - cnt tobe mlade bY the Dmn profits an>ounted, to $1950,402 as CQl , The Spécial Càmuiittee roported in ett Gvanent; açbid . st~rc d i- pared ewlh 8$901,000 for the previoui f avor of un increase in the valua- f tat- tha cleop beystuOfdx fo 111 1 d-bs a flos4- te 2,00 owad CP !tilaresolution n,- y arW agu$704>Q or 91,i d n sfolw Ohw 2,0,der the corpora't-9selof the !Coun- dition 1to the net profits of' $950,- Whtby Town $75,000, and Eat ty to Messrs. Wm., Smith, s ,M. $00, the -Bank, received as premiums Whitby . 32,165. [p_ for South ý Ontario,', and ï. S ~ft116 cpitl toc th sm o -fflIDAY. ïgbare, esq., M.4. loti North 'Ã"ntar- oniinewO ail tockg hteorwar f ùr.' Gerc>w, seconded by Mr. Weth- Io, recijestfng them to -place the Sanie $81,00, ad ýroghttorazdfro.,eral, move'-Whereas a I general'niove- before the Hon. 'P'rank Cochrane, tbe previou5 year a. balance of 8$OU,- mlent Ini the Province andi' the Minister, of Railways and Cana for 600, naklng a total, of_$2,449i000 a-. Dominion at large isi belng muni- Canada. carrièd. vysIlab1. for itiuin ieil fested for the colistractioli of hg-jTeIulgato 1 a nd 4lsb~gonent ai bonse ~~kways adéquate to m"ern traffic; to Miss Ray for typwiag t~è0*tan~Resrve-PnI 811- and whereas the buling Of stWh.lMr. J. 1B ýLaidilaw .adtresse the 09,0g-nvesU ese v d$1-hlghways .wo6uld facilita.1 suelchcon- Council uo tep'pbd a0sau efoAout80,0,municatioft and prove 4 ra o-Iitances lot -the transmission , of mAd Officeril Pension Pund 825,000,. on0lilo saving and sociali advantage tO parc"l inder the, parcels post regu- SlaviUg $647,00 to ii parried foi: e Province of Ontario ç idwhero- ltos ugsî~ta h Itn Wafdâ.- The Rlank -hlas nowa. paid-up as the Provine cf Ontario' LUa fullY at thie ower rate ehouldlje 100 miles, "Ptlc 081oof.afft huad miles of pubi TlIsta o 0 1 p osug. ..psa o *,11OO, a1~5@VP 1114Of 'W11101118U thaa filtY, ner Mt, If gestion -wareferred to tic o mît- et $I,811,Q00 and Total A#sebo , of properly und permeeutly coutruol- tee on Legjsîatboù and xem,6r'W*, $80,500,00&. lTh. year-han ubeç»au__ed would ucconimodaté e elty Pp ha latexr rport.d in faïor <of a gzoeplgall y4-roopçtqoue fC or the cent. of the trame.o, jneMOrIal te the Dominion Goveru- Bomiaion' Bank. Be it* therefore reoved tàt tuis ment requesting &a etension o th@ Colineil puts Itaiou o,rocord as.fav- 1dstance. C~u;y nul a~lUe; oins hieway bettermnt ad tefToolwigraawremd4 ~~inisg;. ~struction la 'general, and as urgung Couy-O aa,17,PrPey the necessity çf oonstructin 1 Ieading. $aOU br--Osawa,$7, ort 860eSC - * ~ .~i h w a s n i t 4 o u u t y S Y l t e n s , $ 6 0 . - T h o r a il a d B e a v e r t o n $ 8 , *(Coàtinued. froui, page 1> and, the establisahment of Ont organ- J hma $50, Caanington 850. Deaiertong, anid Andrew M. R)os,' ztO orPraety Wtlug These gratt were made to .vuarious ohÏy n the Board --of C a~the sanie under GovernmeûtC super-,objetta Auditors=11. ' vision, - The Proine la each Isac Ik<hlre' optI.Se Mfoore-Bat.nun moved that a-' ope.coitrbuting ut 1eaÉt 50 perT cent, Priàoners' Aid As,,,,,10,00) #IaF o1oWMInmtee consiutIng of ut» and thue municipafities the balanc. Preu nslueN u Chaîai o tii StadingCooeit. And-, tht the Clerk forward a S. O., each........50 it s9A. Finance, thec Chaînnan c) thecopy 0ot tilaresolut Ou !to -the Hon- Woznen's hstitutes, N. andl Committee on Roadis ad B4 -eorable, the Minuster, ofPublic Works s. o.,.cac ...... ....... 25.00 and Mosers. EIpooer and Bluar o il vnce, id -. Se rrY Judge. -for postage, sacil 20.00 ho appoinut act inA cnjnctui of tue Proiucîaî ?ighwayC'mi 3 4 th Regl menL. ;... ..... 20.00 sion.- Carricil. with the. Couuty Treasurer to &dMut 04w optl.... ...800 the. outstandhiig uccounts as to the MovOd. by M ]r. Cousit, secondl y Whitby Pire Brigade . o...50 *'pçndi4urc o04 00 ou4ty boUndary' r. oore, that ,the matter cf as. . »The. ialary cf- reie GoI<r ha. bet"~n. th. Couaties cof York suming the present mortgage on, the. was increas.d bY $50 a yeur. adOntt 10, and to repot aDIllieChilîreos ' siielter 01thc Oblîdrens »Uuion. cari,14. Aid socièty-o! the Coflnty be-refer- A depu4tios representing the Osh. red tO to a conhnittee Conisistinlg o! awa Hlospi-tal addresseid the Councili Messrs. Rogan, Dr. Moore,' Spurks, unkiug for au n lcreslgrn. Cameron Bateman and tiheniover, * . ointt1d out that this wasth l the first nanmed to be chalrman, to hospitul mn the-coUnty, that patients cnie r with thé Board of MaUnage-Ou wcre trUMOegiWitliout Chargée9 li mennt 0' tlÛc Clildren'o Aid Seey able to pay, and that a good hospi-- and report ut the June Session. Car-1Te rieci * H res,s * ',1ie ba ws n sst o heCont. * Mr. Hutcheson addressed the Court- A FA_. dof b The report'presented hy the Coun-ic> lyVausor, esrs uon - ?tluh- and, referred to the question- o! ce lyVlÏos ess rwll)ý-regular attendance at school Jn dd cr erli oi eir, was explalned IbY tiroughout the Coun.ty. . stated Constipatîom la the baie'of old WIiII tieni te t Cuncil. Dr. M or. that the highest; average attendance ageO-haruh catilatilca aggrý. ing1 unoied, seeonded by Mr. Côntint, tiat wag in the Town.o! lUxbrldge, and vate,aeold thesn and use Cham». good the report bc referred- to a specal 'thee îowest average was ini the Town berains Tablet., tic millest n E Comiuittee consisting 01 Mpssrs o! Whitby. I-le recommendel thattae ýj ! -hiby -H rcomened ha a Vesng, <ho nuiddle âaand Iii. k. lot s Spurils, Wetheral, Poster, WiLion, C'ounty Trustee Convention shQuld bc25. bMIte-DrugWs u aid Dealur. Conce Cameron, and the mover aîd qCcOlld- 'be held se that the provisions 41tse jter Oi er, to report at this session af the SholAt iith elinu ad' ~C..Tru * Counclcdiseussed_ by, the Trustees. à* ehp *The. following is the Valuaftrt>' -e- SATURDAY, Indr pott, - howlng the valuation hy nu- Mr. Sparks, seconded by iMr. This ucalbe:-ver, moveci that this Countîr Council tituat Municipality. Valuation. niemorializeý the T'rovinciuî 'Govern- --fing VI Tp. Plckeilg$ .. ...... $Q>, ment asking that the Hosý$ta AetHo ey ni Tp. Whltby ..........~. .. 1,8.S of 1912, know-n as the Tosptals andjtae ,East Wiitby 11621- '174, I,;i~ Charitable 1Institutiong Act, ha so i86, il, Reach .. ....... ........2,211., r S4) amended a1 to.provide thnt except (Cnine fompge1V11 Socugog 3 ,-)1 .if case o! -emergencylno lospital 'Whitby-OGoal, Jubb ç defence,Smîth Tern Ulxbridge .......... .99,268 shallt accept patients at the Ç4xPense andid Mcltyre ; centre, Rice; rover, , hase-ý .Scott ...... ......... ... 1,454497 of thec municipalitv, without- thle con- Lavery r, w1flg, B Jlanchard, Wat- time0 Brock h.. .. ...... . ,581,~S,664 -, sent of the S«Iid municipalitýr heing son.within Thorah-. --936,120 frst obtained. Carried. Reteree--H-arvey Sproule.- For Mara '- 46,9 r, Moore moved, fsecorrldlby M.NOTE S. d in Raina.......... ....24,237 Tobson, thnt whereas 'the Ontario Geroux, former Captain of the Pe t- M rbr Intermediates (who played Mak o o ur 5 to c k' an d here last liight) bias been expejled Date, w cancelled tfui- rough play and using20hd ý,W I W abusive language te the referee, in a gà M ame witlhCour.' m~~nMsd 55"iuerdt4a"hur.a arum~I, i SM.-t Under and by virtuse oftie p(>Wers, of the country. if RYLFUFE4w oiaIe i ranmotre Mot "A *L mcntili give youi botter Tuulte than anymthgaceranmtge i ýro 4er »&or'rie ou ntUfctinwuwhici will b. producel ut thq time reu fàa Pooe a« whau OAh au iv Y 'y " o 0' alet th ra w îil be Of red for sale 40 in eut fr OAL 1'UIRPLE a'GtlL _pubhlie auction on Saturday, the @Mt ppkaqg lestsaS0w or hce 70 den, for rour peultry-and à 806 package iUr,11,a h Te to.t 1i.00tiiig41us$0mefarmer iu show Yen semu fine rusulta. 5o!d In 2ge udheUr o!12 o'clock Iu tic afternoon ut- Cu" mm! mi.w e" or LT sIn" etf!-0ePackages and 01.60 air-tight hti.s, tic Royal Hotel, fitheTon f - WR ALS BE L -Whtby, the folowîng preperty. ..a .. Çwg~*~i4. lT Oihi811 578 rupi M KIler for poulUrâi ôj f lnumber feur i heicBroken -a frd a")- 5(w- hLu =i,,eIIu* 600-ai. P n~i rout C oncessionof !tic Said Town- 222&11 UOe- -e, s ur pis Gfl 00ali 6Cur f r- er th.rt miore particulatly describej T"aU orves $o.wt spcaualeir buse, u., $L ojlurpi.- ] Eýop Seffl*for "? PbY Mnics aniboUIdS ais follows b* ýlilot 37 dhtaro,'typhoid lever, eanrer,!Whiteu'CoMmeneing where a post ias been la Z1n, 500 antu 2% ,-6b0 mail 8 tc, l Tz7 iatahthe castern Ifinit of th riktns 5, Jau O said lot at tic nortierui extremity invel w. wliî mail or t'bd- asldng eur »-mevrvise, '0-aue said lot bounded in front iy Liike *and: F r e P~~~~~~iooe omMoq aliments eof atoek and peult xI1SOtaithnnot ixe Tere ow te fead> ight snd heat'ybon«. es,'ot.$é isOtr o hnfrhsite ere cova, cuIre,, siers, heg; aise luow '<.t ,' wesî SiXly chains more or hics la lhe tî~erapuedla olor. aovig f lt>r'$sethat -the 'la,' wnter san Zer esouthern lhuit o! the Base Lne road, 4 1toahdl hcln hwn aautilit,' bird. luthuir liatural colon. This 4<jbukthnluasveiyfu egesws 1b4t ahould h.inore farwoe'eposeeios. ITIYRZE, Write fou- yolir opy te ot eet-ordgcsws .81 tçn chaîna more or less t0 tic mnid- V..A hn:i Mfg. G-vo L4nclonCCan da dle of the said, lot. 'I'len south six. I ~ __ 'eea. degrees eat slrtv -chains more Royal Furpie Èuppimes anîd Ilpkiets may tm<. obtaned feom lh orléstO the- norhher lirnit o! thé ýn, T,.- L 7WL E 3 front one bundred açreà oo! aid, lot.. q04A t T HERE YOu ca, Surety ôf Wango ...- hind eyery Wa @lma, -çean-cut - good for al lime. that guarante e isi watch factory iii i There 19 ne, neea the ouperiority of Watches. That egtablihed for zica flourt6h- ofa entw - JWe maie -a peck - MT4thmWatchcg PoLte amortnmt glradesl and styrlos It la-thé Boat-Remody Wo W he « )o Se r un-do" a n m t o wh t h. u e ou I f the drug bushi 14 doesuRteiDeTeYs'adUhatei fuelgood for à few' otheor" hQ y. b t ak a c!of thé e yf 0 d l p s. aà k l'cly, bu Sn e m ued m #éÃ"&af gmu scle, o <i gutejWe 6 0lm afl t botbUelihwg a= V I v . v e l t y U s s d b b , -7 1 u ,w o n l s d tr o ng ti wk, te p«e-BS c tolive OCh .vin omwefed uhk adgo Fer7mWb a 1re 0,4-ereu r>dwdubfbtt4 weak, w"4t'or uiakug ou Wd*d »00 Iw We Guarantn This Rem.edy te! ReIlev and fatIsfy Youorm Voua'MonoyB.u W. don't wanit your moncy ules Rennli Oùve, 011 Emuluion ieally heIlpuda ad afieyFou. if doeme~t orne bock and teDU ', and we'I1 pve back youlr monq.W bipof wi pro- tet-yof ur ul-if it deSn' t the money , us, M9ld we want yto have g, IVake 0w' Livinig 1.rie right ber. in yeurlowu. Xt isourduty to r wo eau foi wbaiever ailmt yoia-may haroe aathat re reom d notng<Im w.fm oiv Oit Emusi on sa geod. W. bellove St ii oiyueiboru. W. beie.that 1 i in 1 IgNea d gavepu mmey aid voeylnrkthée« o4 buoiea 1M uste oînedn4Bua U iv ýu te usait beauee e u'hl QIIthanrus a r Onflîcaefflanlb so plain-thatyou dMn't Wa *to *alte lm' ateOr- word. w.easo tonemuse s ht - t * 4. JE WE LI -AND A. R. - ALUN, WIRIITBY u nortlî seenty-four degrees east sub'iitted to the. Provincial B3oard The prasaîca of chIenine lu tho5 for dislnetlon. À >piro pertio4 cf 12- chana more or ess te h. plae!ouIlh. WUen le report la mae wter is ratier singular, sincéeWit- lu a million soud ertainly estrey- » Sinning,.- contuning sev nty-fIve f b tic M unicipal Board, a .certificte b swa te upply a fo h o i a- a y germ a that -inîglut> ma ag 9 in re o n Iasood a suel yi eglz tcdbn-c.Tc explanation la that tis -pass the soruliny *o! tiie aialyst, Ui la aim.-hs o 14a gol an ure. -must have' been curried eust fronu tiat .were posilé. * iatone stables, aid frume dwell- Tic analysis by Provincial Analyst Toronto or weat froni Oshawa or On tic whole, therefore, Whby4_ house and orchard. Tic sou la .John A. Amyot was made fromn a saine etier town. 14 la, ef cour-se, hbas good mso o eezun.u1i1w 1 day louis. isunple o! waler ta-ken fromn a lap in 1by no meana certain that chlorine la satisfled with 4he. quality o! Vie wat- C O1YT' n ri q a t r i t c t w h l n . a uary 21s. T ih in tic w ater ev ry day, ndI f i Is, er t pre*ent being supplie. lumber twenty-two fintic Firat - sumple 'wias sent ho Mr. Thorolci, that ih ls present fI as large a pro- uslo ad h.auîx.eat ua-who constructed the waterËworks sYs- portion. DBATHS. Df lot numiber twenty-two Inp hç tead r.oProvincd ie Aamlse Mr. Lowes, who lseconnected wfth MACPADY9N-ýJu Thuraday, J ait- îd C0110eiaten of the said Town- sent Onl t reicalÂayt the staff ef T.A. Murray, the sew- uary, 29, ut lier late residence, Plin- Sof PleWrng containîng oie Amyot, erage engineer, recently atated 4o .harton,' Ont., Florence Elizabeth,. ' rOd acres more or less. The resuit of tic analysis was as tic Council tiat _hloriie to thie behoved wife o! Bev, A.L.* MacFad- 8 la an-eèxcellent fanm, aid ta follows :-amount o! two, parts ini a million la yennd eldeat daugitýer o! tic ted abouit<tl miles from Picker- streptococci in wuter-none. used in tic sewerage isposal plant, late Geo. Whfite, Toronto, fIllage, 0O1 lb are a brick dwell- ëolon Bacilli (typhoid ger4n-none._ _ _ - tuse, ban 45 r 72 wit.i tone Colnoid Baciii-noe.' s, hog Pen and hen house 24,z Chl>,gine, in parts per înfillion-12. r . -e ~ k L . i J t. . i~ 0. Berfngorchad. lat ne 1'typheid germa were found In Me :-Ten per cent o! tic pur- thle water, which was an average moncy te be pald down at ttic sample. In tiese days wien so muci of sale. Balance to be paid la heard e! germa, especialhy 4h. t>'- clint> dhyva thereatter. pieid gcrm, it siouid be ver>' reas- We carry a full line of.umc; furtben. particulars and con- .urIig to tIe citizens te knew that e!o sala, appl>' othc town water' ie free f roin an> '- Qil Tanned Moccasins, Indian Buckskin Moccasins, A. B. CHRISTIAN, feclieus inatenial. MbtbOntaio. c Snag of Rubbers, Overshoes, Overgaiters 17 ott! Tewua ofW1914. the Ton Tmei iand, leggings. Also a fu-11 June of Felt çioogçl at the - owest rock-bottons prices. Hockey Boots at greatly ïhtbWV te Pure. reduced prices. citizeiga o ! W hib v are hing ' ' d with pure waler frm Iheir WHITBY JNCTIO 4h. !IormatiOn j4iven eut iy Ooîng IV euit...4 2a.ni. Goiug Esst.....ao s.0i Lterworka debeistures migît bce ... %» - l N E E edby tic Ontario lailway ...7,0P. M. .:93Pf 5 unicipal Board, it.was, neces- 'Suuduy train, leave for Torons.- Brock St..y Southo Whutbyv ont h o have a s mple o ! e water 4.52 a.m. and 7.56 p.m. 'rom Tor- elu - o to-trains stop t W hitb y Jun ticu-__ _ at 8.15 aud 9.55 a.m., and 9.30 p.m. ntd for-,Oyers. UP-TOWN STATION,. Golng North ...us. :coing South..i . m - of fifty, te se vrenty five --4-15 P.M. .1.5 P.» A buïldings, on Kinggton **" AfFER IHE NEW ER SAO toavu Whitby. for Qsb4,irb S ALSO a.m and 4 p.mLO.* o..Kdos, po Vou want a Change of Diet5 I*5 of about Ihundred acresp=te iôt taér u~ply fr tol- aa fôr Broun harnmt i l a.14 . W e lhave thse goods to sý'atisfyyour palate. MAILS CLOSE -pl il5]air For Weut- 6,0 t.m. For Peut Wh1tby- F S Lumsden Buii.ding s'JOP. m. ioehw-.o Halibut, eut in eteako,'per lb. - 1e ,'eNT Fr iast--6.3es.m. oj Ohwa.0 Manitoba White Fiai,, fat ones, per lb, Ibo0. 8.OTOî. o P.in, F or Ne rth-6,cun Sest Salnmon, nice color, per lb. - 1e rarm s r Sui Uplwards o!f forty f armeié froni 25 acres up, and t froîn an acre, guarauîteed to show ati&atory reguts freni strnent, located in0 Whitby and Pickerinig Towruchip!l. ryconeuivable requircnnnt o! soul, buildings, orchard ier iu-provtirneuuîs9 can be mcet in lthe varied lu.t offered. 'E. W INN, .- W FHTB YI 1Bell phono8 109.' . oex 94- * 3 e idence, D u nd a $ ., e t - -'-~, vvv v v v v TV TVVVY~~~i Firnan Haddic, nûald cured, perhi BACON A"~UW1 - We have lie goode Iliat have pleased' t6esfr Q Âmne Try Our extra rnihd aweet eured Back Blacon, Breakfast Bacon, and 1IansjOur eMaill ausage are rè ryu o jUalty aiprice 1 . usfo mo.E. WATERHOU.S WH ITBy Phon il- -Prompt Deivey - 15e. -j j- 4/ êj 1- 'i WHITDY, .ONT ]Bu4ches of shoes, 3 pairs 'bunchi, to be sold as one 'pai MtW'Clis' bargain store. Everybody -wateh - out for " Wenderlaid" on tic eveaings - mary 191h aid- 201h, I i t Hqall, -in aid of! tic Fr7ee Libr Pringlè's Hardware, store w~ be !ound, in: BaisseitUs ne-tv Brock - *5t $outhi dXt1 I sons-book s t ore. A Sfiecial meeting ofth.11 turai 'Soéiétv '911I lme -ld on cvening, Féhruary 6G.s".ihle A ltral hall , ai 8 pî XIu -and those intercsted in ,ri arc req1icstc.,4- to Q pc~t fleits of imptrtant-e wli à, up.. Boots ancd sîo i i ire beirug thcdtq'hr, pun - bunhi, nl sol i t autioli Pr; -M. w, lin'ch-toe - - *SKATE.sSJA1,,' J.:- jD f0 for balance-ti! ecason. H.-. -NOTICE. lîIr. P . T.Sullivan nihi coi bi-tinsmiîhing buginess 4n. thc lacs he npw,-ocrupies on Dundai * iût bavlng moved with W.M. Pr preat! clearing sale o!fboots unbhoes for bei daxs. Over twc *dzed piairs men's, womerýs aind i Édi gIàôtweâr iiied on- tice cot io» be sold nt- vour prlice. YI AflerFebruary 2.nd, wewill pîcused to cee a1arCulmr îbe ncw S'tore. ilreck St. I;e)th., t. Rlciardson'a iook-stbre. AV. Prni. - al -usoir Whitb,-Gourt o cf li-uion hiil t rot lti is (ýtordât, ot ilayor Willis wa-q appoinifed r isan, > he otlîr rnmlrs bfing oillets I-arpcr, hiallet nd M ?luere werceor<' "ixty prtl Place ail day. A r ptw'ill 1 r I 't -. * h i, -- -

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