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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 12 Feb 1914, p. 1

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O' 1- Vr B3e a Prôsptrous and Happy One -to Y.s u and Yours. Yjurs t rsiy, je E. WILLIS 10rugint ind Optlcla Barrister, CouiRty Croien ÃŽAttorney md ICounty solicitâr. Office Oýuth wing Court 146"use, Whitby. srrili.t. diultor, Notât Y Public. Etc. Office, Jýock St., Cipp Standard B.ênk. Lffetna Laon- Many Appeals Against New Assessrneot. The emplojrmnt, of Bir. Marsh - to Jerome Scott did not succeed ln makea valuation, o! the real proper- getting any reduction, àn hii assas- _tyr ini Whitby for the purpose o! more ment of $1,800 on* bouse and $400Ù on nearly equalizlug the assessments o!- lot. town, seems to, have atirred Up, quité f The, Vaseleskys, Juliezi and JOB», a horhet's nest, so to ope"k. -At appealed against 'their aàsssmeat on ledst there were'ý qulte a tew people the ground that it was> too high. W. as mad as hornets wbo buzzed about- B. Pringle supported them,, but. the Mr. Marsh's ears on Wednesdy laut Court -upheid the, Valuator. at the sittings> o! the Court of Revis- W." B. Pringle possesses a building ion. o! great, archttectural beauty just The Court consisted of Mayor Wil- east o! Brock street which hie uses lis, who was appointed chairmani, as an foce ouse-flot a nicehouse. Reeve Biteman, and CouneillorsHLar'W-"(This lu Col. Parewell's joke). The. per, Hallett and Moore. There werebuilding was assessed at £250, iwhich, some eixty individual appeals, Mr. W. B. Pringle ,hought W4~ ex-' though not that nuinher of appel- cessive. Fle also complained of the lante, as some appellants bad sever- ligures at whicb bis residence and ai coniplaints. lands on Dundas St. East were ap- The tlrst one heard was Mrs. Louis praised. ThPugh . lie pleaded elo- Ginîblet, who appealed against the, quenity and cunningly for a redue- assessment upon the north part o! tion, the Court was firm in sustain- their property. The assessment was ing the assessinent. $650, and the assessors agreed that j Miss .J. F.ý Patterson appealed a- $200 sbould bc knovked off. This was gainst ber $4,000 income assessment. 'encouraking for a start-at least to Mr. Christian appeared for her, but the awaiting appelIInts. j could flot prove to the Court that Mr. P. J.' Jones came nent, Cam-i his ellent's income for last, year had plaininS that tho asses ament cf Z 1 not been $41000, 15o the record;$s stand 1)00 on his new residence on Eticlid ai *4,o06. ~ire ~stÇO lllgUu inomjparîsi)n M HI . l310W coniplainecl about with other assesanients on. property -the agsessinent al $400 on the ýold of #Ini1ar charatcr, bir., joneosaid building used as a stable, corner o! bis new bouse -Icost him only. $2.000, 1Drook and Dunlop Sts. Hie plea andý was 'tiioreforo asseaiëd at itS avalîCd net. f ull value, whereas other* bousesl $1.800 is the, assessnient on, the whrth as fiuch were assessed for dwlliflg and grounds' of J.E. Water- sýb50O.' mr. Joues presented bis case bouse on Colborne St. TbeCor strongly, and gave- the valuator sev-, confirmed it, Wbitby Beaie> by Peterbobro6.4 The'lasit O.H.A. gaine o! the sea- Peterboro-Goal, James r 'defencej son l i WlilU> proved also to ho the Bond and Denison , centre, 'Parka; beet, as far as fast hockey was. con- rover, Heipin ;*lef t wing, Kelly; right cerned, although the, home .teain was wing, Bradshaw, beaten 64 y" h etrr ea, Whtby-ýGoàl, Juùbb; defenc,«1Me- whicb by this vlctory clinched the Intyre and ýmith ; centre , Rice;ý chapioshp o goup1.rover, Laveryi Pt left wing, C. Bian'. Peèterboro sent a crowd o! support- ehard ; right wing, Watson, ers ia a special train, which -was Re!eree-Chad Toms. late arriyvig, and the game was de- ptr iayed until nearly nine o'clock before Ptrofo played Orillia in a s 'ec- play was called. ' Over e thlusand' ond round game on Tuesday night at' spectatort were crowded into the î)rillia and were beaten 8-4. The re- newarea, id tii xanymor coldturn ganie will lie playe.d in Peter- have been accommodated easily. TheboonFrayngt excitemefi twàs InVense, aU a W111WIIITRY GIRLS 8. PORT PERRY feor the Peétes meant.ethe group chain- GIRLS 0. pionsbip, but a defeat would bave Ta h ai fhc ycn b gvnCÃ"bourg or llellevilIe a chance Ta h an thce a i ~o Play off,. a tie. of1wi- played by the female of' the species Whitby startçd 01.wt a rush, and was demonstrated' on Tuesday even- for several minutes .kept the puck fly.. lng at Burns' Arena. O! course, it ing roun th Pettboo gol u teI possible for seven girls -to go onto fingaly a she tet ue goalceepe.l te tee and attentpt to play, but Thely W ht crow ,,the jubilant, aidthese g irls, at least those from Whit- were put in further good humor bby yndgpveae pners odthocky anotiier taîîy a few, minutes lat«r. adgv oneat .eby Then canme Peterb)orci'. turu, and b1, la the matter of clean playing and fore half tinie tbey 19ad scored four Lombination wcori. The Whitby girls b Whtbya ttre. plyed rings around Port Perry. tah hse4bl a ee atrLena S.'mith and Nelliè l3lanchard on than te 11mb. WhitÉi utruggled hard the !orward fine gave evldence that tooeroeth ùegl edadtbey were truly nmnbers of familles Peterboro- te hold or increase it. of hockeylsta, and they du'te Bot teni plyedbulllnhl, - the work o! their brothers, on a nian tting pal benrgy antI akill s maller scale, o! course. Lu goal Inte the gamo. Peterboro succeedcd nD ore -lutyhad a orpiiee t a in getting twa more, aid 'Whitby but ntmr hntoo he ht oe, makiilg tbe final count 0-4.Dn came near her.' The'Port J'erry girls eralvliiùsun i LUptcs--guatie.y EveII Hîs Worship, Mayor Wllie is 1151andi Parka for the visitorO dîd unlinutapspear ta nave na ic Au"ES rULEDOmE, arriste., -. te. speaking. Mr.' Marsh advanced the, 'suesîment o isreeso tns-t hei property UPr ll hor hisevidence of ha-ving played together lvloey Lon onvss icnu, arsurnent that a property Worth two,8énaniednth onrisresdnes o t s-Vhsbt r o r tAll pactce whlethfhomrtmiav thousand should be aesessed nearer onl Centre Siréé.et Ihe valuator long ruché.. but e verv ma on 1h.e meal times. Only one 1enalty was Oifice lmmediateiy suxuth Royal Hotel, du ed ont, Nelle Blanchard being Whi~~by, Ûnî ote- its value than one Wortb ton tbous- placed the' figure at $1200, àn4 a t tee.m, esPeclaIly the forwardtehnrdonwe h a, et _________________and. Several members of the Court, Mr.hAt D. t as bbsnesta etterbothaii ever, -befa s a vryally tripped one of the Port Ferry sé,VOIJNO ëITHO LL 1.. as well as Mr. Jones, could flot sc M.A Faseys uinss ti etrcrc'oevr, b s ery i rls, who had "chopped ber over the strength pf this argument. May- 1 vs oifiried. strong teazn, and shouid -go close te ake gTeflltm cr a Issu<r of or Willis thought Mr. Jones' assese- Mr. W. A. lrouhteno wris s2 the finals, Il not Into them. Itfi-. he nkles." Te fitme scrwa blARRI ^GE LICENSES ment sbould corne dovn orcorne otb- lots north and qoutb of thie c-.p.R'. practically thse sanie tean tisat play- 5O h htyta a Court loute, W111hy, or reildence. erg go un,, In order bo Ite consistent. taes In frth ward. Thé assetit- ed snior hockey lit vair. Q ôal otll ultley, dèfencê, Amy 1 _ -With t it eeve Batcm an agreed. ment ils $2,300 and the owner thinks Retere T'oms vas not as eflicient Ross and Mfay Thonmpson ; centre, o. à,A. L WANSON llowever. it wag deeided to hold over ~l I ton, hlgb au comparad with ôbh- as other mnen who have àeted hero Neulf.lBlanchard rover, Lena Smith-, - arrister,- Solieitoro, Note ry Public, decision, and the appeai vilI receive crs. Confirmed. thsya.-f ig lrne Wr ih Conveyancer, etc.,'. etc. attention at another sitiing of. thel Arthur lowamd's asse sment of The teams : ~wlng, Resle fBryanb (Heur). Osba e, Ontario Court. 1, $1.00vas reduced to $800 on bis ___________ ___________________ Office -NO. 2 King St. E, Mackie Block Mr. E. Stephenson complainéd of home, Residence-5? ResiencSt. the abuildin oft8R00 od. of- lThechie! complaint was that as- »eath from Exposure. Board of Education Oî- Phonjs-Office, 321; eiec lebldn.C frm . 326- sessmreflts were to hich as compar- Mr. Seymiour Whitney, supliorted j1 (il with protierties a! like eha'-arter HUI:oFRFG DE TLby Mr. A. W. .Jackson, that chaiThis vas A.. B oss' plea regardinglN.î F DETA ,pion o! souili ward interests, repre- the assessment on hic; vixiegar works. SUCCUMIIS. W.t ADAMS, Dentiat, Office, Dundas sented an' appeal o! Miss Whitney 1 The building i's plnted al ,,th( - According to statute, the mient- Streect, Resîdence No. 4, the Terrace, agafinst an- assessment o! $100 ain lot at $300, and the business assrss- On Sunday at ternoon last Riobert bers of the BAoard o! Education met Byroï,!St., Whltby.: Phone NO. 122. acre on ten acres inIi ort Wib.Ment 0i.(ofine.Uhas gcd t !teIos nWdusa vnn u rai ' --Seymour statet- that tic assessînent .1ildie Mintvre askeil that Mrs4. of l'e!ugý, escapeti troin the Home, for the business o! the year. AUC I IONBERS was double thai o! tast year. ,iiiàl MIiîfrê rnight eassedo Aeanti wiîî'out suflîcicut clothuîmg, was Secretary Nc(iilivray calied the -Mr. Jacksonî saiti the taîîd woil,'d ' n the block wvhpreoi ls reti-_ exposedto teicittWr coiti for about meeting to order andi presîded ùnttil JAS. BISH OP atsI o htfgr r.ta-î ee-*sad h 'ir ep< inin tes. When he was eaught the clection o! Mr. JIamies flutledge Oshawa, Licenset> AuctioÉncer. SUC- saidti Uc assessrîw.ît m'as 1-"!1;I- -1,f s ;5and i inb Mrs. Mînîvýre's aîdre ned tatoheiHome hc expir-- to t.he position of ciîairzsîan ~or e cessor te L. Fairbanks. For terms wtl tIS itt'nig1 i r4 î.Iiîe, the assssment beiig $210. lajs ie ugcrîdisue er ai dte apl t sl!7o G RbbLIaid over. 'seva ueesu up R-Ilabin îwas coininîitteed on -January The !ollowung coîîînîitt-ec was ap- and da - kMr urh pcsrtes lin' apn':" îil ine wl u c okc ou in per- as:Mclenzie, Deputy lceve pointed to strike the stanîdinîg coi- aganstthe55,00assesin o ri lgthasîenCut to! tue buldingt)IfEast. Whitby. Iis age was not inittces :-Mlessr.s. MeCLellau, (ood-1 WM ~ w -build ing occupied lv .John Pl'(, I1f v-h-p i'luefl)s b si hess, i l $2,- ng wn exactly, ixut lie was supposed fcllow, -Jones, .laîîîes and AMclniyrc. _W .M ' ' argued strongly against -it, hut Lt' Ai, î a ndi ow $ 1,75o1. t1lbe over 75 years. Ilec tas a bug, 'bhey .retired, anîd on fi-hem returîi LICENSEI) AlJeI IONEER C'ourt confiruîîed the assessîîient. nn. a asdw fr olust mîan, anti quite active. A: reported the following coiiiitees; AND VALUATOR. The piîipeMaw ofstdown for a tusiness letter accotîîlmaniied the coînnitient Sctîool Managemencît -.Jas. MeClel- Ailk ds'o saesprni aseset fr ~0i0 n lîîrtlyaten- heprocry ! hcInîeral l.iltax of $100, but the Court saw that papers froîn iDr. ('W. Stemon, of 1-n- lan, .1. Il. Jamies, C. A. iood!ellow,, et a. rrèagesmet tted-Co. was as. . ur$-00 n herhe was flot enitîed 10 pay bott i - niskillei, t-o th~e effert thnt Rabot Miss M. V. lowell, .3. Melntyre and Gdt r angette î bé ad and, shedsi, oil tanks, etc. 31r. . ebse as auctioneer antia business ws mnavdrne~at ailr a.Moe mg -lsa te ofie E. î'hrstaii rpresntcd the firiti, tax, ko the latter vas droppoîl. set o o unetrngie <at hool i'ropertv-.J. IL. James,G. Ter sareasonable. and a menîbr of the ('o.,-was pre- D.W1h lunl r .'rsiusixe nlt itîs wadrig aotthe lastvsW Alruhtn . . - B ll adIdpnetpons ettiuPr te<pO . Sîî denîurred to tus $4.000 business as- countrv. and that his fainily had Collins, Mkiss Ilowell, S. Whitney. W tITBYý, ONTr. h ot shot was fred, and 'the valuaý- SçI et ___________________________ i-'seei. TIcetleferîce wVas t-bai tue done their lest to look -aftcr hiin Finance-F. J. -Jones, RJ. Philp, -------- - or bld o admit that he did nfot IYneig u it.I enye . .Go!loGo i.ninconielivas notliore tua,. S3,00, and prlevent lus (erng COONTRAOTORS know whai property was inciuded tn aris'ast51,00 is exempt, Ic resC- oui sucess. , IIGeo. ___________________-- he-assessînent, anti hi was -placed tianu ud 110 lsept t he rel I ws i>îut g lcétsekso.lah -lylw sptIlrul api J. RH W ELL JAMES four thonsand because le understooti dueti at hat. e btl s-u, lidrcing ttc o e, solie a oi's gAI)r. Basopuatnemro point-,e that tIc-J utge lixed il at that lig- xda ht eiec n h onlehdgt1ingD.Bso .mm f h Carpentcu', I3ulder andi Contractor, uel' ea.loec, r asu Miss ('orrnack's sspssjtîrtît of out id least threp tintes anti start- P ublic Library lHuard. - - Plans drawn-and estimates furnished. proxnised to view thse property in $2,000 on bouse and $100 on lanci on ed ,i <.0 f,,r ne, .lie was contfnuaiiv RIobt. Smnith, Columbusr J. Melii- Repirs Atenion ad Jbbig. question tlurin& rece5m, and inl the a!- Green St. was confirmeti, talitinl, o! going honme, anti Dr.tre.J.Ruede WA.hrg- Agent orBratfrd oofng teroo, wen hematerwasaginIHenry Witson's assessincnt of 35î .avery appoinîtd severali tomates to t'On and V1. A. (ioodfelIow w~ere ap- Box 467 :WIToY Phione 149. taken up, Mn.- Marslu said lte asscss- on bouse and $.100 on lot was sus- ke vtho ii.O Sna vn one ebr fteAvsr g -.ment was far too bugli; andti lat taineti, as w-as W. J1. Luke's assess- ing as the inniates wcre on thein wv rîcultural (Comniitlerao! the IBoard of Marag1iene. $2 600 wouid le suffi<Âent. Il was nient o! 51,200-on shop anti$100on b 1cm l.ahni <aine with Ilîcun part u':uucationy fîxeti by îhe court - at $2,625. landi. way, andti ien slippeul ouit. 1 w Thc regular monthly meeting was sOonmiscdant a earei isiiiut.d ixedi' for the second Wednesday inlte isueo MriaeI.,n.uMr.'. MeCanu thougît te l"s 'bs othergill ot nosynîpai'sH l a . H.of triae ,i -nslItsasems9('bs. o for <uni. 'rhe house antibann w-crc nîonttî-tle samni j as for many Corner drugstore. Whllhy -ment o! $1,450) on bis store andi resi- froni hie Court in hIls appeal frouîî sparcl ant i teri lie m-as seen oui veans. No Wiuesse requ4d. dnceanti $800 on laut was too the assessme.nt o! $,500 on bis ain No Wtueaesequlcd . ut le Curttit no agee arll Ithe Kingston Road walking eastenl'. '~Teîimeetinig tiien a<jouriied. - - -- - - 'with lin. j. -JUst as le was seen from thc nome - ~ - M. Wî. Heis apeald aginsî At 5 p.m. Court adjournedtill1 a phone mes9âge came froni Mrs. iiinC ut M ON M E T S,' M.Wn ei peldaan Mouday evenlng, Fehruary 9. Divuiishiotni n nnaCourtn.____ the assesement o! severat parcelsoo! Durung he two sesionsao! lIt the roaon _ Iaiidowned b hlm.. ne wblc scein-Court Mr. Marsb, as Valuator, was Twe men, Relit. Gornilev and Geo., ugeM ntepesdt a te wok id Ipecifryou rseîf, - lat o dton Byron jst. weas htsee at ppeaied ta lime and again, art nat- ('opeland, vere sent out aiter Rahmn. ebruary sittings of bbe Whitby Dl- ble isld, y aent, wédo 100a fotwhil los nrth anduraliy hiadta got demi te say, as lho Copelanti went part way anti return- vision Court beiti ou Tbursday last, Doi't hsmoldubtaetshw o ~afoot, whîî lotsfa ort. hisIb Was Wbo lixeti tbe values. Again et, not boving ntis o r gloves. There were only ive cases on the eo$mploy thein, consequeaîly we 1éan sulo i ee$5afo.iaend agaîn he bîtted lu wben appel-1 Gormîey eaîîed teRam h cm dockeî, and ali but oie weme esuber nd'do -aiiow bhe agent's commssion, acrs wela ot as aseumet o te laits werc talking, wblch riledthbem-; te hlm. They sbarbed for the Home setbled out o! Court or atijourned. Ipeou. hhyuwlceti-was. laid over. 40a ce a good demi, anti the consequlence was 1across the hlis, but Ruhm soon Ti n as a hto! Josepth y save by purchaslng from n U. 'R.G Okthut 300o hs that some sharp words were ex-î showed Signa cf diatreus. Dr. La,- Heard & Sons against Andrew M. Cai-1olte.R .Oetogt$,0 n bschanged. ëry, seelnghl condition, vent outiRoss. The plaintiffs sued ta recover If one were aendn$50izon Ithe lot a is eme.W8l~ an aniunnt for freight mand cartase ~[~lfti ~ fa ws pettystep, Te Curtagred b mud tht te ('unto! evison onIl fte H om e b due then. Mm. Heard sald tuat Mr. vilh hlm and choppeil off $500 on bis b adtâ h Cuto e inreachedtelw f t he I Rosawanicd acouple e oist residenm. ~~~waa not a Court but a bear garden. collapsed, and by te turne they gobjoswatda etmnh OMeýn oTesieu e o onLwec on The chairmai made !reqpent at- hi Insmi de he was dead. 1check up the frdighb bills before pay- - Ofc-adWrks The etae ! ofbanLawementof c15onm- opeeresm i ro- Coroner MÈGIItivruy held un I fi ng them.In, ltho case lu question ho OppoiteSbadax Bak, hlty, nt1pluet ! a asessnen o!$16 ondem, but sooi everybody vouit be quest, a jturY being empannelîeci, anid hmc!bkrl.bI m - ____-a sack- ati lt nar it uncientalkîng ut once, anti t was next te vfewlîg btsheody onMondayaferRos, and Mr. Rosa wanted bine to staion M. Jckon al ti b id-Ipossible for an onlooker ta learn Paoon. On Wednesday mornîng ev,- check them lover. Mr. Heard press- ing was not worth $25, $100 was !i-dfrIieitepyet n r aken off. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~just what wus taklng place. How- ec a erf twihbt ut tfrImdaepyet n r tloof.everr h uiesvs a bog son e t çoî hà . t v ere efatr's Rosa ortered hlm fron lte store, Th F r t to Thie assess:::t of $600 on Si :crei t - bajuined meetigo! the hasaon Oet uite nret e bbc he e - with, but it vus a streîuous day. ovi-dence shnw dnle !cm rand threw Vhs bills after hlm. Mm. Pas. tntvahpeald gaasttentio oChristian, vho appearet for the de- . Oftsnmean se *o~ I R. . Golmingobiceet t theCourt, lte assessment on the cet- PeOffle. but that Rahmii as aeniet atsudtath lentdt o HeyensorePar wu fied iivdcrnird tut lu wa imespn-dispute the -account, ho uumpIy want- ha$s niant suseesa to lSUS1. business aseessinent o! $250 on bis ai $30Y eacb. Last yeam lb vas Sooe, ai hie for bis actions. edOtlime ta check over bhc fmeighl t -ofjue l Wo store at Port Whltby. Mr. Jackson but' this year te asscsnients wgt.e T!18Itodv vas hundeuf 0,cr te ilosnordreced th e plalif i d- moets -!o s, - d fftis rr EatMaoi anti tht h-nif nd teirtstop ikwad a good argued for l-Mm. Goldmung thai bus ratsed bo varylng amounia, depend- fied foh a t lib tntgsaogndr dgioenbb- "la1 h sfiti,p Addion business bax shouit ho based on net Ing upontho p valiue o!fte cottages. lerret on Tuestav. - r- 355 à1 olet. N not more tItan a ibird orfte asse- The owiers appealet, with bhc above Thie Jury, uftem d deliberato, de- bis. TItis vas doue, aid jutgnuni. VegeUi'stTî'ntmet tVie Uldng 1o bctonresuit. cddttMm- am'n - deabt wasginfo amounit of accotnt. i W. . Waw, t 1> as amgued ihat a third,,-was net ~-cue vciiat llîObam - Promu 1sullflcleni, and t thai the business -bar SUNDAY SOHOOL SLEIGHRIDE cube" abehdoa1.NE EL PHNS W. are 0 stbe followl a guarantee t use i. gluurantfe Sud waintailied, a ditcotint of '0 ieér ce] con»ideraîàion cf.sncb logT Peak" tùse. In MWu* practice for a ten hour day fluiq 'ate wiilfigi $18-00O per-h.p. per year, and witlîthe discîzýbi for "ofl $14.40. Thisi raté, eowî.ayes favorably witih râte» for 41 where, inunndoulstedly sineli cheaper tba:î st-ie aar nfiy0 poeand you will be bel;îiîg your owlîiOnitul"lnlelecef roiig it Aîay infornia,îioss cbeerfully. futi îlsbed by otner source 01 rie plant by pal'. GE. W. P. EVEftY, Supt. - 0THE ETME SANDAD SP QANADA h u ooeiaàJud i n- mmwmeJM ýWHITBV B R-A NOH- -« c A. MeClellan, SMaager. O at O mma(J . e a.Makn C.rA, PklcelngM, Id Pte Granulalsi We offer to cash buers ioo bags -of Crystal Granulated Sugar at1 $4.50 per .1,0O- 1bs. Cash mnust accompany all orders.,i A.- TuLAWLER WHITBY,.,ONT.ý Phones; Bell, No. 47; indepFndent, No. 47 Windsor Sait is one of the purest brand-s of sait in the world. We have juiýt received a carFoad of tluis fine Brand. We supply ordinary fine in barrels.. Extra fine for butter [faking, in cottonI bagfS, and coarsa sait in sacks, for stoèk. Wheîî sait ià fre8h, it hiandies freely like sand. We e cofistantly on hand, chotce, fresh, Ilalibut, White Fish, Salmon Trout, Qiscoes and Haddies, at'ckose prices. Cice re-sh Meas ChieYoung Beef, Pôrk, Voal anid Iamb, aK reasonablo prices. Our Sausage, Spare Ribe and Tendercins are of èuch a' high- grade1 as should- please the most fastidjous Epicuréïan. We .- PRINGLE&Ço. WHITBY ONTARliC WRIIERS DEOCLAR-"E THEN iiT PelPER, PEN AN BOUGHT AT W.3 J.ei RCA BROCK 5T. STrATIONERY 0F ALL 1K MAGAZINES AND-B( WIITBy! JDS o - - -' -j- Y-- f / .,) I-i J - <b--- ) - j; i 4 -"t i I V V V'w V 1

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