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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 12 Feb 1914, p. 2

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-bemu5 iUllsait-h Iin an slu Usaiud by poor blo or cuted thougset -f e- era, why neýt N .O a ty§!-'It il imposaible for' mti to gajr tc n auin uprȈle- pf 14. Wiim. Pink Pilla. I havà f leen a great- sufférer *bom tliose âi'ouble.s <bat make thli * t ie of se ullny wo-mwn an lmont gene>it mlier>-. Pamin .tise baek and adeë raolçd and!tortitred meNa Y nervet seene t tegive, o>t, and "et uns* o>ut! - do-neolieue. work, îandti nI~ . vmen iho hava- eimfienly suffered ka-cir uiat 1-entinrei. I -trie4, modicine after Ilidiollue w;thout assy benefit, and iwas na-lly peî suaded te try Dm. W.iiamss' Pinký -P1 So jon af ter sta#~idg thé- plls 1 found ane.inuproiemuent, aiddea.I ocutinucti théir ute rny health andi strensth rebumneti, aid Iir féel aÏ well asever I did li ày life, a-id 1 a-m rclsting my expenlence inereiy ia t1ke hope that iV- snay leati sonie other suffering womant<> reneweti hleaith. I May vacd ,hat Mii»-mther --- sut e reci frein r n Lis&is0nse ladu tt s h-p lwtd to' l-.ôacçutch, e.ed Dr. WiliU&a,'Phk Pfila eônplIte- lY remboreti ler t " br usual geod 4Iwayis gét-tqie genuine pili.. with tI>é(uII naie."Dr. Wil la im'Pink Pill» t'or Falé leople," ou thse -weappelr Araunti eaëh b«x. f yôur dealer dooesilet thein, the cents a bx >or SIx boxes for *2.0, by W rî4tiig-The Dr., Willamo' MeclioeincCe, BrookviLle, Ont. Whven They Shoot EngAcer oa 110%v Aat-emt hy bandigtu rob a., nail tr-ain on t-he Manchurian 1ailwei.y -unwittingly avertetià'a wreck i3 reported ein. a istery frein4 A - Afreight train iraeselowin.g,-up f-or a cruasing whe. t1i. peoeit theiti."-Von noticed . tuat -tthe mail train wea rapidily evertakue.g the4 Ifreight 4rainm, 4he'driver-of the mailt train an.parce.tl beie.g uneirare ofj tlie -train aIM&d. JuV a*s a collisin9 seemred Inevita-bla then ra. * 0 grizudig e!fbrakes andi thé, mail1 trainu cam to a stop.,tUoninves-1 jtigatiosi th. en gineer -m'a-s tnA un-i cDOU&CIcus1 in hie cab, mit-h a bulle-ti - ôl In bei l is clien. Tise Arernan hadi tpnreceve-mie.g conscieumneffl the. enginoor ee-i tIsat'as the train1 - - -iras approacinig Pogranichiraïa hiec ienanl,i e. ew man on the road, i lied &suddenly pr-oduccd a revolver.t At tise saMe ftnie.o-notiecia- miel o-i-n thbe wvo" andi re-alized tsaV hIs-firemn-ab mas -In league with-the robbere,, I-Oingthe order Vo stop lie put on ail possible. speeti, w1e- h.» ti remnan pulleti-the vîig- ger, ehot the egiîîeer in thse ouest anti jurniec f rom tlie train. Tii. engilleer knew hé, %vas bati- womunt!- cd, amd before lapfing into uneon- sciotisueus pulleti thewhistie cord andt etsthe lira-laes. lHe- kueirnoth- in g o! tIi.rai-n Aheati. 31ore Like -a Tlso*usand of 'Em. "I never'pait a cent te a doctor oa lawyer in my lite." 4'Of0!course nôt1W&é ever iseard et a doctes-ocmia lawyr clisrging ith a fee as-that 1" - DoIît NWOw. - DiX-fPhat'sblong ouglit tic metiare it, ninlimella.1 elgis ee.eugh, yen Appetite -Find RdY, S5atisfacetion In a-bowl of Toas1tes titi, crap, bfitasof in- d go that týley bave. Nourjslihxg - Iasy to 4NY r'ç Sorve 0T~lv. Cursal Os.. Lt~. Ostani.. À donationsbox, es$ým to tecon.- taip à.bout $15, ha. 4ben stol4mn froin tise Catolie Ouhts Mi iEn- nistymon. - A fire oceurod«4 afias mii at Lower Beltooney,, near Newton- *ewae4>,- the.property cf Mr. Mke. The. cutire miii vau desàeoYed. A stin lias beene created in Clif- tien by the ft atth doors -and sihowb-os.rdso!flieuses cf -pr<omrient tmiéeldnu b th. town have es tarred. A milér, n&-med Pate4ek ReillY., reeidiîg at Drurnçar, ne:r Dunicer, ha-c on.e!ofhie arma - ile.ost fore. away by being çauiht ÃœL the oS o! a wheel. During thse pa«b weekj omre large sealsina-de theiïd wey 44,tuel shore et: Dunarvai, nd Vwo of itheni vrshtby aman wlýo wént out -Thé epidemi ofo! carlatina. ie stilI prevalent iu loinel, sesven freeli ca.eeLhevia -bee admitVod to hos- IÂtai. niaiing 24 beiîg trea-ted thore A purchaser acting on behaif o1 the King, purchased tire Aberdeen Aigu. crosses at the !Dublin Win- tem Show, tue prolperty of Miss Ste-. pIes, Dunore, Durmew. The de&th lia taken place 'in tise Baluindiuue dietrict. o-! mm. Mary llh&Li'gàn,, et he ugeofo!lm09years.. She was the mother of the Rc-v. Fa- ther fliatige.n, 1U..A.- M-dit-mut suffragett-es have ê"ain be-en &t wos'! in Dublin uliore un- corked bottios oontainmsg corrosive fluid han been droppecin ,le ctien boxee. Mucli darnage ires doee At flallynena the. trusteies o! the Indie-endent Ortie Ilcohabito3 ipi'ueeuted 0. number e! thet Seeiety fer imitasting a doctor'. - ignatu. Ms a- certificat.e!fsichiss.. While werkinen irere cxnpl<>yed in the Peefion Det-thé municipal dwell- xpgs in We>lliusgbon Street, Lurgan, thoy ýexcavitW &a numbeetô.n ef thi eig.of George III.' Thé- atrieof tue cbin-tms.kerâ worki.g <on thse pr-omises of the Silgo Iron Company has befn sue- cesfully aettJed, the. mon returaing ko work a!ta-r aUiabsezieo of iv. -A deiutatlon - repmésentlng the. Sgode a-gent, -staticn.ma«eter clemks cf the, G. S. *& W. Ry. rt_ et! ce. the direero aM Kîîgsbridge, .eekirng umprovernente in asaaa4s andi conditions. Owie.g te the, satifactory c "ra-1 tiens cf th* Olanoy A - ii th-4 Ion. Urban Council have ho.» en- able-d te redue. ttherente of tho wcrldng cl-ses houses b;r 12 qonte Per week escli. Tii. pg6tal &ut borit.ics have coni- The. IegistmrgxGeneral for Ire,- lendi reporta that -lb. nuruber o! emigrants who left Irish porte dur- ing November ira-, 6,151, of iwse-r 693 irere inale, over 553 femalco, a yea. BABY'B OWI TABLETS ARE BAFE AND IllE< Mothera wanting a mat, anti &lire emedy for their littie'ch-ez can de- pent! upon Bsby's Own' Tablete. They are abslvtely gugamanteeti by a government ena.lyat te contoM*ai- neither opiates, narcotics or otlier inju4rions timug. Conoerning théni Mme. G. L. Bonhain, St. George, Ont., -se--"I eaun rtoommend Ilaby's 0w» Tableta es.a eaie and! dune medciine for little ones. - speaka o et i proshyters antifatis- orsi with ' flîrnonios, ;loying the fosînlation o! thé synagogue, the baths anid ca.ra.va-uary. T-heu. balths andi the foundatio>ns o! tise synagogue are exposedi TIi.y have, foiind the; base of a circëuler toirwer which rnay vel h. th.,t cfthe Tow-, er cf Silcain, spoken of by Christ. They hia-ve fcUM - alto & onduit Liading frein ti e priug. Tisa seon by. Sehiuck ia thse nizieties, wr-ngly tJseught-Sto liase b..» the oldeet, iu nov ahown Vo 6e abothse sprki. val»e of a G.tod Wle.. à man aa& eddi»gtbe oterdaMy w«e -telling eveirybedy, An a verY tout! - voiQOsthat Il cyod ie wu capable of tnrnie.g a 9 glozIQy arbl ireti a 3oçoui hesvimi,89C4 miCe can nia-ke.,~-v-etable ange! o! a m<mn," liho lre. Xc' qui, night tAer, on.e!f-4le nma-r- ri-mlen.- exclaiméti; "mine camne ne-ar i Vokaing 'on.eof me uwt i e r f07 FI& J~are ID&kiD< an enviable f 1'oW VÇWPIUUV evtehag a sud Mt"vmm am dfem digne a"r rýed to. -Thuo, vhen J Jfi reput.ation f rom the <f reat ILakes AnotIei -Of the._curions, f BOte.asma of soen.lier bands bh" to betise. one pom.,ti. el i ii fai d tFt~ oim ft t~~ ruh olgr by t "-1 Tm hhfh$SOe./ b sred light Oppoar levr the door-. Ev*rywher. ycu wil fnd onqnwho ar!e fond oftrying to solve thi e s acased hm to Itcl snd bum inaidIdn ta aoa.t.4, singiug the praiss of the. great ImyuterY of SIePis th" w1ii e . ý8 bosos ad pifYliL So ewu adIag mosA Amilar arramgemlent k . ASO, I etyibpi,. ssra Ca.&nadi&xn kidney rexnedy thl h»baP , Bone part e 4 bnt C ti Si hba%.Bhefddi adnoti- u4g'ftm he rrtaton.. eigoss5m ufis theiWter! whe'ii s uerviof es i.W AWO,= han" edtheir pains amd weai. orge gïlPa' 0< t 1» fe *0 d abs w er lDe cur.dTorontoe. a.dbrought. tl>,exnback t s'aine treb .wlmAianfilY "h. sgra c~ Those fortunate persanoms who en ~~j7WW o BB heath. 'Among. thema'y il Mrs, WaIklksn ro r'mt ia4-IIUI ~0?~P1 IlC~ JP spcak and hei'aland wh lh&v been -vwî1 go r;tu, or i~w 'D n prmi Edgarý Cowen, an estimnable- lady or c&l proMietne, and y'et ait the saine e f14554 t =àSme 10 ryOu"ic.rs osp and ____________ this plaee. ime b. aa!siy in the -land io! N'od oUimur wch i da1 Iwa6hed thé cwIl prvfleged to watèh a gaie of biul- ,'>"ëm t.Tornto, di have f.ouxd Dedd'al Kid 14ltseeniai lard or impossible .1i-0 Cuticulla fioal eiu l, iejlà> a« gts lhau. elr a~ .DWoN irnSt,?opa lypited theCnt«ImcutOhtveydsY sud it- in more than *a relief 40 i ila. &con- WSAI 7RAI. - Pile very ieneftial," Pars. Oowen decido what palr!tueban e1yIa ekatia1.t'rlgsesto lfPEtwir niie pryvic.he -4ei."I WEng1Sn$a iE ndW= le AVE BEVMILAL GOOD iizWg. lielp aliy sufferer I1 arn gisd to a&ll&&fl00o, if tioùier when we "Td««Olova onthi 014 ab@ vui omp!otaly n r'i4ss4tetp1,~~ aI cas. «t-for aie Op My testimonial 40 wiiat liasalreacly sleep tbhaai.when we are awake. EX- cured.-, OBI 4M -J J. 10h51 .1 . M0511areno ri' . as e tefaltetaitu'rf itp tn rleié. n p su-l bensad" eimnso6dctdéoeye ol, r 11.balle ortheci. Everything -i,15 lng. wfimnPulfltql. Company', 3 beon suid." periment oonduoted some Y 'hAtbough the uUcizra-8oan d> Olât- peloetul -and quiet, PLA"PA ~ie.?wn, rThe kidneys &train al the refuse ago on a nuInl54r'f men and wornen meu mmeuostsdoude fu1nlhe trtmen or Therle are amie remarkisble* mel IUSR SO mnaterial out of the blood. Ife they bteateae fteV n fecin fA.ssu clIaru4 haines, 1elonging to the N&tional Peaf ÀPEI8 are out of order this refuse reomains thirty showed.tbât.00 per cent. of tbsy ae alo M valuable foë Ovîryciir el ub. On,, for ezamiple, is h ïa<olCalo.MOId in the bio!, lard becomes tpoison. h bU t wke n in the unase uste t. "bath sud :nursery, bocaum o a s, acoUe tomwer a 0 we P ~ nd~îîhbh0t ane»important r.ilwa.y rin ini Syrn- n. Grovebend. Ontrlo Thst's why ecund kidneye mean iOrning atlit ay tinie tlisy ad de- s- adarhmluac og.Sl b u nila ndrhecnr!luni IILNOI pure blood an.d goot! health. Do>d'le cided upon 'the night before. As dr.gg5w und deal5ers her. Pou Saclreds of menn-of ail nationalities.L<.NG. U SI LIP8 wr Kidney Pilla make audkiVy. n ni a atl xpresied it, lbu lfosarnple of "ei, with a2-p. boolC, AnotheT' iember hms trveI1ed L'int4mual sudrOternal, pured with _______ the rosoivo seins to .vind up Gomie- 'Uned post-card tb Potter Drus â; Cho= ouet-ewrl vecr nmer<f n ain by our hordae teetment. Write bling in. V he stgbconscious brain,<3ep, ItB5mei s0A.alway. 500 'sd nd 8.,Mm te o. r). Oins dis CRIKINÂLS ARE COWIÂRDS. and w1yen the hour lias arriveci thisi_____________ ieaomanead 9i~.d ofuwoOi - -'--something gives- in mre nysterioud thou h le ha.s been in mxany civiz- Observations of Itallan Ârmy Doe- way tii, alarm 1ntithe eyelids Of Vital Intoro&t te yu t lokande, hia layen bereabe tor urlg Tipoi Cmpaga. open. AnotherT urvns, fact. labou and 1o~atrbnsi.Te hr r 6111)5uriI p ol en ag. leep le that the further the Part o01 If Bi* -vartoug professione. One aehiallY Major Co s giloth e b>ody s aWay fro in the brain e u 'teches mu&i; .ano ter a nur-Ae. doctr te g~ijfdIv ilepe. uch i'"There izauan annuel banquet for zeitLung, hisi bera insdurins;4 the 40e will' -ak -- .<>e mauch more; Ideal and duimb pergons, whieh le obsrvaeon , *W wil aake a sp aS'ru iker a wm lursualIy presided ov-er. by nmrelm Tripoli vaUMpaigno! 220 aoldier& iwho rendily than a touoh on thve boul- emnult tuait: bout bfiléet 1o op r- imont muâ lied liee.convictud of various der.1 Inge t el' le owIse o crime before the war. - ' arob e.rl--oru,loot* Oie -M<> sa" the herdened ctini, ~ P - ci utbe~l ~ ~ Ts ay ltdy though boit!and o4ggressvotOw±dCue su" s'Coughs suises.orlageor ina»lTeBb* itdy wesrer i.cre y an exceptiond, Dosnt î urbhetoa<u, Imm . , JýdZ M Arneg 'te iznurnevablesupereti- wohe, ir suers an y eirctoue, De$' DmutEteLImktBmS l welniiasi s, xotusrique, tuons about lrnbifi Ls iq heoit! eawq cowardly in action. nt Once andC Cures Thorongbly. _______________ about7 tise day cf birth: Ainong the casual crininals, dri- - Monday'achut!d is fa-i-rOf fac; ' ,-en hstra&y thr<>ugh fault~y upbrie.- C ÀUOO'E"hROON TO fT O . wçrp uslychilc lO f ull elioe diioky - ,,-or by theo apirib < lINTTUUeND. Y M HIIon %uio5115 Wtdnêîda.y'e chit! is 'êouT and "d adventure, a few w.ra found who - - 9AM toisse dispussue Thursday'e child lsrnerry an.d gIad clitinui.od houseles îi Beoause you are aid le no rOD.eon I7,NToa J *I~I CeI. evetelesthy.to, refor sufeorinz with everlasting cough. op twnhtt dodo 'i4ye blt e ciigao iv» - ng-those terrible chest troubles and netote nan B .. ui- Maturday'a child muet work for a quently rendered th u ell nJ.r IIIcros living; h fu h #.W quenvl rend@'ed tJelves hal diflicuit breatlllng con bo tlioroUgbly xned. l'zu6vOTX poete;furtiier, lcured wtth Catarrhozone. Yon simply se. MB A orwPOrieu ]Rt ttile chld lciat l'a hornonte they' provcd thoicivço inçapable 91 breatilo tuhe e&ng yapor e ofatand ro. le .ateg bat h- e "yus.r regular work or cf a austained mor- onean iitae.tly Its rlch balsamie Oirs o' -s][a'tè'tî- l lth. and bonny, an.d good and -Peigengpjnosa~kl1.11 efrfumes are- caruie4 fDy your breath into mss h ua on. braGao~ f oe.e. e0-Y'jGco4 io -né" ai effortthe tinloat recesseg o! the noie, thrcat, WII'4U ONTfore bMay, MpOo5 on y p sse br Tuswo r.ed heicieales cet, branchial tubes and iungs. biUCtns OS etimportant subilsot radUmui onymîu.sbu adapte! te mdem wrfa.re sayu JuSt thili o! lt--a dire 0t breathable BT»G, - mpsbe nStLwucsrrCaiftd tIi. docte;r, were men wvio lied been medicne, ful of eoothing antiseptic sie zoo Busg., woso.%osibe 900d 1 citizens in tîmes o! peace Pilne essences tlint renohes every eere, ln-W n will you ho abile tc> lsbg u osueo isfns cangemted membra n e.two seconds. __________________4à,___bagpue and. ôsure oiobye .de --No druge te talce-uothlng te barm or .pay use, that money vou owe me 1 prmfmc tart tor ie byu 1%6e Chesui r 1 ~ -sicken the stamach, because Catarrh. POINTE» 'PARALGRÂPIS. -Winks-Noxt *week, -Friday. î Ezselbslbs.yor olbsà ozone te the pureet, sateet cougis, ca - i-k-And will you oail at my of- "ats4¶e. ii. The maadam. highways nat only tarrh and cold remedy lever devised. inmnaenolegmrehnLc!.- Vv.smé SAWUD "For Many )Pears," writes Richard Umemen rWinks-Immreoss i bl! 'mg1ngce- ouib- 1JARberau wesa r ces but a ti, re it urlyMcCalIum, Stirling, Ont., 'ilhave ouf- aniiiatd tare«.I phyici reosssbu ae atull fre frm o trr, ad onînaîî Tos waondyastloygo eutl ahunin tp iti u. asIIUthWWf,151W -Coliil diesolvet! away by water carrying hawked and cough.d, so thst my floud the. going gooti. carbonic lacid and oxygen, says Mr. throat was always in an, lnfiamed, ir- "Afl life le «t to ninej," enya uI4 W. 0. Fearnsidos. That in, they nIaeblé Cofldtlon, ôlt And theUle0f a tiint0 lIAS ACORN AMYROOTS' ~.. la.'ds-teî~ wt disîntegrate osemicaluy as Weilî&as , 'Doctorse medicine cdld not hslp me Tes, ane mranches sud Steni. 85 WeIl hi. lo physieàily. In à rfflnt lecturé el &.useti w.requit. ubaoles.Uin one case W~e are sosuctintea inellnelà to naCa n Eytraoured? YtIs pi, fiut. thatf huearghc fore thlQ Surveors' institution ini t W&@ulime wautsd Un saifl powdsr thinDk theroe are not enough square and InvartebIyr sattetactory. mass on] Léndn' M. F«nsids de ilonly. Putitaînm Extractor, 26cl, at ail Loaion M. Fernedes ederti-P the noie-,Uin nth.a uslng a greaçy deajg te go arouric. dealers.MtrdsLnmn rsCao:nCw. that this ohemica.] disintegrst.Ion M'ntment, and s0 on. Net onseof them Thie «xi and -hie nieney are soloc» -s iietqJe agt:I os was cf1litti. importance et the. Sure-1wasthe loait. bit Of food. adtse<oa.dlrmne fac oftheroa, bcau'8 hé âe- "I hoard Ca tarrhozone favonablypute adhefoanhrmoy faci weath hrbe a so them - poken of. and trled 1IL.Roally t bos- marry a tiLle. Snetùg cha.icl wer isea ws s- uoh flted me 1more Un s few heurs thon________ tstr. But ini thé fôunidetion, yeaIPBof iaeaaatmt wltIu docte,-.'and uýpon which the real Iiife of the. roadi other no-called remedles. Mo OUi. a Cola Su On. »&7 -depfndeti, who.re the sies ide- "RteeVlng suceh Inmeée. benefit, 1 Talts LÀXÀTTVI 13R0MÃ" QUININUD cft» kpt o eow n wterforcontlnusd using Ceatarrhozone, and I lu tsjl!. D,,ugsts refund fliOV foit ole ept s~>stheeiniceatifr on .W ws.ks 1 Wl compietély eured of tatie louec . w!ie ri agr& whletospe, telelieicl ctonCatarriu snd throst trouble." - -I o ah o. 5i of water was of serions imiport. Tii. Get Catarrhozone to-day. Large rocks, particularly susceptible te size coite 1.00, aud laits two menthe, Atter a Good Nlp. FO B!HNSSAILGTESUE this action are'feldspar, fietône Smaller siees 250. and 50a. Ail deal. Hostes-Another piece of! Be ORB IAGKiEsDl'iG anid those conta.ining ipon and sui- eru, orThe CatarriiozoesCeompany, 1 ~ ~ J. mî ic phides. huis destructive cixenticali Buffalo, N.Y. and Klngston, ont. Georgie (reluctatl- No, A PAs TE Qiou~ action cf,,water in aléc> articnlarlyr & - tak. out I. t dI OAT T T.AlTNOlINoRusy« le vdnce in. the case of siage, Play Straight-Play Fair. coulde't swallow it. much used, iu Engla.nd for roat!-WhnIwayoganiVi» nt malcing. We Iai ongad -n n Blmig e iiti~ Not bal! e otout, no-r yet as tal1 îuu!',inmntCfi ilsd ]çtAP b.p iu ever Ba ing lother. As pc loptell.1 me I arn now, Saine tins agaai0 14 a ataex 'k 1% -At Infiluensa, Pink oe. eplzootic, diieoper snd ail nolle and- We ada or o sholby .<e~ Quinsy whlnh li ev o w ek throst ,dleeaîoâcured, and ail oîlîerm. n-0 matter iiow lez. aacnaloof oY. pee kcpt frogmoftei laaeawth8OH' inte aeTh&t, <cme wbat rnuay, we use t o Finding the lump s ainfrmtflg li-Inn n fteqdsae 'h3oNé M,»dtepltia pae srud cst 5otet ouuy w.. .lN LIQUIODUSTEMPER CilRIE.Three te six %:oses ort-on cures the pliiN.LspekerTarandîy th MtIN- a0cae. Ou. bottle guara-nteed Io c *ô. BPeti ihiufor brood aepoul he u i hs. hl ýrnt Yi banCtauiedT lieprudy tirw uthlmeles. hdeeutI b t-lof Itonamares. Acta on Ithe blood. Drug lts sud harmeoâ sbops. "Well," said a eniail mai a-t tise A i-- than taie purest golti, clotii with the linimentl ti Distrllmntors - ILL WI1OLESALJE DR1VOGIST9. rer of the hiall, "eh-- must have put A n!moimr ae Next morntng the oiweîlng «was gens 5POHN MEDICAL 00. Ch*OMI5Cshe 081in, Indiana, U.S.A. l eu . . . _ ,&- _L _-1 m.-A elertreeote I g" uioethiwhboetiemesdIattributtse ding f fan - - - - - -- ~ __- - - A mrile tO Wcar --_ A n-cl tiJl 1I lold myseif repait! Rifards Linimeni Cures Dlstompup. - -- If I aii >ay htt Ihave playeci h.Perfeetly Agrecable. rE Ilth-,traiglit andiair. F R EN Iloili ~~ e ore-jeted -,uitor--"'l boanueuu ____ - Si-gtr. o enA1phonse." A'D 100 VALUÂBLE PRMIUSIVNWA- Crnu.hi own il-chosenle cntWR.le (hriskiy>--'All right. C-ol3c utPrzo 0PJ.P I Csh rd, PrîzoS8.O lP9h facd. and rusir., bachti. (ILL/t4-.-IlA k'lm iy our brothier." O1A et p *lui dfl 0 i. b-a 660I-ah ne hus la.no partuer for~ i is waltz. -Weulc y-au minci dancing with lier lueteadi or wlth me. 'Pli Mas-O tie cntra-ny, IaIl One Thln.g at a Turne. lfub (amsxi&nly) - But if ysfli buy tuise ceelyIur, Imoi are ire es-or go- ~îIfe ... ;. w Tom, 4on't lae tah. a-Leut tu-ô 61 fl5.A-t once. V -tatk.aboubthti eeq0t. Minards Linimool Curss Diptattwira. 'It is ha-rd lcktiiat cres i- O111 te8111Prizes, eaoh 010,00 in ]3ilow TwIl ho fints ix set&sof nixed or lumbled arrange Iluese six asesof lettere i. n uc order tisAt -the naineo! a veliknowniregetable. Bysendlngi ment. yen ave au op orte.ety O! wmaniug acaeii pr Mrx 9 d~plainly and Deatly on a slip o1iêtier# siIl Y -curse of womnen-tihe nervenY j4he lonked up at hlm. wlith fIa-shing. -her lips dfrawn stralý -If there iras limne'd teu xauce nie, yeU-YQu we-jwoî and Mr. CsIve, ant i l let yo (1i1YTE.R xxxrv. île 11(pddd, ad sliy ln down!§te-ir». it re Isamly ' reneathe ie sur-.:. ,?uiken ffd hè, u1lo t edthe ahideen- uo - 1. wit1l r the galiows.a Mt1,.d througlî th(s group11 arill& frewuywolnen ulîey ueache b roZed viliainoun nubise-1 th-sy 41(l ge, andi Q11jllOjort the, half-open Corway. rîbb5 bis ara>. A& d5rt e dIaepu A-way. and tua men got out Xonhl, ll-bs batterati-face hudt abloco-stelned bardla«,. Pshe-if lited eut a alrd, ni rred -to' hadeeti orunucow lepeIl lm -as-qulchly ;t'yîhey Eesikis tug>lered.-au If hù ,wàtlo-»ýobiood 1tt bouse. Qulltou, ilie histitrg amis Intu thA darlk ala 9.4 ran ta Uihe cab, a-.,- atOng tl wAlt tisek te 'PltsbY: I'Tiièrels saniedngauSe uTIrbboy." h-.whlnp&red-li 1 11- yen go iiack2- Pnr auwr he gave hlm furious "corn;-«ani he reddeca hMr, a bssrly rutftia4n, w1libe rn It w Ï11 dljuouthe uija rui>teer. camse ot "fthtiti .os uair l and*sl;Qa u u§p.te hlm.I ond mald tjulte sof t a ncof the- ltrotlîerhooti, wl The -mais glarediut lm iIl but-Quilton mnade a aigu. tiie lot,- nuattereti uouietilg.auj Kiii,<carnieeut almoistIni At sfglit of Quitan lue drew an nath. QuIlten, Who iýad hand lu him jacket Poclçet,,Éu1n - av tyu eoVeu'ed t h 1 , 1 Ënlilci,' le mi d g er ta $sohnck.i îl e teppbd uTi supered_ In hlm car; a -Tairteà and muore again. Qi a~pist smetiy; "hres; about liait affair. Il was ni V lI bang you If '-au ont -d iwint. , comm thle way; ir a ttiýMg h -ttentioli -fur AsIfe i-paie,_h olh*il hIC li1cCkt, Ru f ,M-owre é mtari: sud iCoshlifollowed. -1 ueacehed the- -Ca-b. Quiiton.,I pJ calantl y: *- "Tell the rua toCt-is--us ç are. Thse horse Iti quite Irej Who's hue?" 'r'as Koshk -tari by. 'maligter. Yeii; shc ta1 usi. Sharp, - , I Vn sImps ihauglf yoai woaildu't, tlînk fî witli a volley o01nitteured e. 'kt gave the direction. ibmesee lu -Osau liit; but QuIlton ga monct a frieudiy.tauch on the -1n wihy7oux' lie esiti. -r liag-for- youi - conspa.liy. - Yr baslied-eabout a bit-I cau Efarvey'm,,hand: lie bits;isard.j - -but you-are ail right; yenju -- gond go -et brandy: -.itvn gri 'Xashkl g"t IntàIthe,. ý£ 1dinseit un Ittaa eiriier lk edi énale. -NÃ"wr und ag-ainil jiney Qui itou -pad a Woerd Ibby,. but otherwi-e e llenir Tt was, pensa , Pl,&Asawft(Il a tOtaL uliti ci I, le haC met t, -- <axlton dtjîlaved a-o luspatien ever lue-nîay have <mît: -lhey tise eoul-quellîug itrict . th Trâferno -tirougli wlîici Clive ed; suaai - t reinÀied li flou. Quilo iu<î aîdad up sa inouey ta tise -ubmà, t. a-nd t watJt; tien lie litiketi bisa arrà "1'm rlot fAntd cf tal-lz,; kuair." ha i-aid îuuvt-y. «"bug Mite to tell you 4eXicu-ttv iow*tl uglittho case ta-uC.; or. ria YOu Ltait. 1Imatirpna lia-t Tuu'ê--d MiaMina- asiC Mr. Hfa: fo thla;sjýertul i-pnt. aui'lua-v tcriver-a '-c-ry <dU - - odo fulilar o,!lM,si i tiaWisbrlo - isori- slgh---hod.And- ne frt i-e ru-y, for Tour eizili ytm-r puke. liseause, If e u - adalit r-o of twa casirmes; u t lave io-t 'uito iLdpd chicI ---.. e. 1I ihait eithnr liatd you c jolfco, au-d get a presticket - ~ ~ ~ ,ttt - i-M 01- A~caitisii-T'in a ue yaîîu nsy inoir-or 1-jialt 'aul udpt 3-aijlnlii l iv-îe-r lu - wih lutise tshig t etple mh(it »reveile lu ile 'dîsir] miseitsg lîow.you stand. I tiffl ssrrce ilîli me LiatISt mouilti s"u üta reniler *,11s Tibiv ai. Ilse arssace -or' whili You able%." --, - , 1 - 0 Tibby tiarneC bher jisrgard -1 01los'! îa-u lovili or e sier fiat for 1h.' nu,î,îni lt *-ven üo cd rtürrar, sand asrhul aufto, -ifiPt 1: u "Nf)t at ail, 'uî,, lie 551'!. 4t.rof fi- t.- ia badi i »Un. Wlien Fi', hv-arted.- - lKônthi pàsv.etul 51Fblotirl-ftaý ýAt-ios5f4 his fa--e. 'eedbethe Ilistwité-ittig. -heeonei

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