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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 12 Feb 1914, p. 3

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Ix watchedeo m n o eut wîu,î IwO: aurng 01011018. xnsue w&a-uuà -e-- [uais lt woui'ê b. grole iattei7 teî tast aÎàtnot .them. moni, Thocy went eaatward. Andi jA scgne more aculateti te chill theà iwbere -Mina' u, and Clive Harvey, seul coulti net b. iniaginedi; ail kinds >rOw. W.,11 g o rounud te tiw.t puu., et îamlilis horrors. 'sith Death au the1 and nse netUer vo can, - eàz centrailflgure s.sined ta brood ovsr, 1t; Ina ! tli eflVy~ t) tU~Pt#nau Tlbby uhU91çrç94v Ala doula nIIOi he. ue-ta .wht1leD4 t loa. repes a faint mean.1 ,evaiver wlih 1I eaUqht up out of I*epher in, ikeeÏ> 'her In!" ' feid. :i et lier teeth. tare ofbrgo be ~ mt. tumueci an -the tai> avec tit O11 uho was. or course. pufinz anid belt iber Ieat under the coldt the second oar se thet lie uhouiti have In of Iwater. Koshkilnl front of him, looked Ovei'4 m've eot morne sOe, Mr. ,QuilteTi," hlmshebulder witli keen eolernedo; buty iid, am ehe came Up gapinsf anti bo could disceen nothfng f or a til. big he e nlrea it reety-h aadim.e tt coaIg: t'a.pu mgjolte.Ali thoug th rar-Xthat bîîng about the 1 if youive got oe o f tho suitols uhors. he knew lnotlnaivaly tba.t it vas Ieon hoek hid head au ho ait ped 1for, ganet ho ueand11 tliywrk. Btiî revalver tu i bYM pocket. I nlsmeon vers ov -pulling vith frantie, >h Tibby-," he raidi. "Thoire s six force. Witb the zersptratfon streaming 54ro, andi Vve g et an awkvarti from their faces -thelr teetb -clencllea, 4 ot never niaig. Corne'on! 1 ndTIbby vwas leaning torward sein-, isîrate M Resnne et yeur cutenemai, lilaS thé vater vith fearful eagernesg.1 beerve, Tr bby. hi' requestipr your Eluddenly au 'tbey-*hot, abreagt of, thé ny;' anti I beg you w *1il ottIai- aintligat, sh OsP'ra@ng te lier lest. and J eo 'b, ucreaiîtg or* sessIng or tttered &Ocry, 9 su ppresed pcrpam, 06s giving way te thT unIver .ail "Thére. there!" eho cnied. peiating t6e' et vora-îîîie necves.1 omething 1doain a Ilitie abead t a lootel up at blm, 'JIth buer yeshem.i us, her lips rava .tralght. Quilton smv it aIment am seen au se there vas U ime, Xl't tacli y0u ta diti, anti bath men straàInet at the oar. meU ye-yn axvork shov," They came alongide h, andtihie dul enteti. "But, y u just mv. Mina light of' the inoon revealet Mina's vhite1 r. Clive., andtil'lelt YOo oW' face. B3oth men seizet iber se v as4 littet I nto the boat, and f'ibby flung1 herseif bealde lier, panting:t CUAPTER XXXIV. "Akaife! a kaîf e!' à Odded andthétîey ent quicklv TIn an Instant the repos ver. eut$ and ' Iri gut more sielowy vhea -111.7 Tibby caught tb. lifeless tormte lber t ie atreet, 2ulickening their besoin . "She'm dea", she'sla d!" ohé adan as th.y i the Rentea- o-vaileti. ho)! 'ulmon led the way tiowa But Quilton, vhe had been feeling :fr eus aUlevUeh wlth fruit ripe for Mina'. héart, Uttered a hourme Cry of allOvu. s threuLdtng their WaY relief. 'il theq groupe 'or cuaxen aiea -anti SUe'. net' sbe' neti $hie's alîvel pwAtijnf tiieYI re&héd £1a . uit iQ,1bbY.ýimVWlarefihtint for ivillaînlous publie-house. gbrlt! ecle hes 1. your Il sl 9n qilon 0re'throeub 'bande, remnember: -yourel IHere'5 altioe sa, at quiltemr>eert g iirandy-givo ber aIlittli; fot ton much. m. A dirti'. tdiureputabie-loaki -Our work'a ýnet yeîtdons: îlieres Han- heeler heti trawýn upa, fevyecd . te Ila!nd i Ksklwtba andi twe men got Out. One , ve i el ad ail ha J bis batt.red Iface-half-hideniiby Otth, andtieh.pointet! te another tank c-ts 1usdbandage. obeictut abeadfti I em. 1. lifted Ut a tird man wrb y ni-h, ade fer h 'with -aimont Incrl'- r ftedbeut a tir acIloe an i>-dble ueed, grabbed et'it, andtie te ~ ~ V betaior yhcnciu niClive abard. His.case vas wreta Iiasquiclily c th oulti, forard htan 1l EtgeeeIhas au th ake frMna'a; a ntiQuIlten, atter severlng hie ioso îta9erd a-i h1ve vakbodu, benit aven hlm tornome minutes ams let, unIetbo' public-ue ilne Quliton, çWbo bai drewil Tibby l odai"vbmee i Itt 'thâ darlk and ssii ihadeva, h ed"Wipr T yhqare liscab, and,. giviîîwthei.man al'."If he ln, il van-t lie n'uch une told lm t w t.ThenIl abningfng hor ta lite."» bac, ttliatevT.Tnho Quilton stretcbeti out lte lant for actto Tibby. vr ttn he brandy: presentl: ha mald:, [bbY," ho whiageenetlImpresolveiy. es heb'u a lys: but-vo wemust you go back?é~t ashOro si once, and* ge t a doctr.- eull for that ruinet shedi wlere- the inswer sho e hma glance-of et ~18," blie iditaeICshki eternly. so scorn; arnd le netdt. Lime poet- Kiîipled udaXo î e ek lbinrly ruffian. whose nigbtly tank et! fron sidana s liethA luseulook tero »Cig out Ib Vle oit a'bis g lean*i tn i stall eYes. As tho boat toar hiameeut or t.iltîo pi içaern ce the.oPen1n1g et the mhed andiri tsl eit at ti wiitfreinnie iv l>e ana Mna hall beau Kii er go i Ut oeout îo opeak lamnchea te GeàtU. hotroppeti the ours, ,man glared et himu ferecieus' sjhe. pu ledlOn aî ave bt h uer.an Motn magie aalga, t homan star h Pli- spedorag te tU e.au uttereti sometblng. and vent lni. KoshRi wnîi runffnng tauggeî'îngy Up *ý came out aimentlrtmmedilately. wth lito nlnetw the brthe Iruten. ,It fQuilton ho drew liacK it w hIh ulotnw-he' bnute ý ten tb., Quiltan, who adtihie rirhtitbutxtsigulali, ut itittI crihlj ie e e orcket. >imîieli. -gav tUea fiure of a voman gmm e eut -~ frein the cariçnegs, and cenfrent Kesb- 1 pt You overe4 îîîroufîu lMy kt,.,It wai SarA. lier armil wàvlng vide idhk." ho. an md 1' lmyYly, ihec face workiug Uke a mad-wo- Il shloot You ilkea aloifIryou ar- man'. ,19 backP fRe toppeup te hlm lse eti ln bis car; anti -Itsbk1 "Traitort" guhe hisser. d'Tou have he- anpàlrtroyed.me! TeIl me ithey are ticaî, that iti avore airain. -Quilten saa i s fot toe laIep" thasweetiY. "Oh, yes; I ltnoV< al Xcoshlîl evore at lier, anti laughed vith thtaffale- Xl as irder, anti rufinanlyContempî. "You'ce poiti. aid Me~ >au If irou iont le wbat ý1lad , .sai, ."They've been tao sharp '0e=o' tMIS WyonwO l-i'Otti'&0t fi c:hoîtii.egel anld.that Sinés. i muhatnintcramdu larvey, are clive, curese bite! Get aut eaoli atecok his and eut t of On'iy way, let Me pené,eJ' If o wre e o hi 1YOU Shall net!" Ah.n screateet. cet.h Ifhves cetbstsretching out ber arma."Yuavb- ttit lC ki fellovoti. Wbeu tbey trayeti me! ru jkeyu t b ab. Quilîfen smaid qlola'.hmt e v thyou .## ene, andi as Keshkl f aed eael th. Un Il n an te drive us1vhére tbey W')'ut O î'îî bcJ snarlet. "Ot eofzuy rherse te uit oeh,1I se. .ls1lir; IbI?" uik taret ITb .lient sedhie band te sîice br u rue lur. s, sua tl a t l Wlth kîmifeA $110t UR hefot re , the Til 884P yg,, 9 i glngWih oh lil glearnett uilyiy n Cuis men- ierp, nov! I'm al, impatient maxlgla h osî ta b ta. volitlmnk 't',and 1rve iben teliaellame aQin e Wn W84 an un- i telh on niâ ta ulîoe0t you wbhi in âU.jîï Lest fcrre"stst he. 'Ses? * o'>s'iemig li au nhmal ansd ria volley aifnxutteced- oaths Kosh- an uleam iswu anoaimargilidoe i tu diéatanthî 1 smM b OuIt Side, nA ulUdcli ieny dehd Qewnvacds s' heek:y bt uli_0tgae hm hontUe "Ilm tne e~ uee h friuOl' ouci-u lts m.oldc.body with7Urw o; lo u ule ýern omoa een apaaner og th. Aait~~ b"andt a itIbad d., te? 1t, id n'j ut U iakas *) a hutYIJU ir iOn II -L 1.go e brandy:r c4t YùU'Vê h lu' Tohlgt intte cab and coiied irneay Quii toi> sald a word or tv/a to it .> ut othorwiiie silence reigneçi. Tt was, perhap@, an awfîîl a 30î,l'ney aui chaet wlîleh C(ilvo had ust' takex. 1But 4ulton dili.ayed rio Impatience,: what- ever hA înay have feit; th%. traversed the neiii-quholling district. t e ear t1llY Xinterna through wiuich Clive had pans- e;anÉt at3aut "reaclîsti theIr destina-' t1m- 9tflion h ded up sonie incrâ ?Pnoney tte abn. -and tol ihatait t h7lie liaked hin arm ln ICouli- j§Mýà fond of fâlklng, an Yeu "haw' Jho aià fnu,>'ei*. ,but i isbouid lik. e 50h1 1 3Ou oxactly 116w thieu charte- 1119 lit laie ti uËid;i ,rather, how yuu stand. 1-mtikthat yeu have lui'ed ]IfMis 1 Minaand *-r.; i5arvey dao" «x this ci 10 nul pi. anit have Promiseti te 'put thera awayi' anp -slip thete Ixto the river-a vér'iy oit!! dedge, quite a fanillar one ln this seolubrious, highiY muraI neigltbi-bhad. Nnd-nov va mnay b o tItMme te save tiiet. I ulncerely trlist we 1'iy, for vyr rnke, 1 ay >'cur ft4ike. bécaume. If ïw. uhauld unfor- iti,ept,'iyhotao 1- . 1 am- ging to "doçit nme OIE tw be..ure_4 pre 1t lai.t 'dîni suer ail ou verta ti 11114 . ad ge a press ticeket 'ta tl- r~i-,lmyour elteutin-J.'m eaJoUrrialibt, IL14 yo inay know-aî I1 uhal shoot ydn. Und put you In-elie river ln accordance wIttîli tle-tnUçhInK]ly. simple frmula w1ich î ;révails > in his district. Now, %fir hlow Yeu stand, I tbfnk you Wini hgree sVth mte that It woulti b. 'we1,for yo~u te rentier Mism Tibby andi me al 1lime usistancee1 01whlotr You are caP- Tlbby turnei Uer Uieg rdlace up ta Qîltvîith alo t Ique nt radmira- in, admniration whieli vas se profourid ih,,t for the momnent l even overnnter- cd bei terr g ail i phonsinn. "Oh, *ou'rc a. ood,'un!" she murmur- QJlitoA Sfl@fdl and prsod lier arm, "NeÇt &t aIl. I,b. lie said. "As a mnat. *,r of tact., l'i a had 'un, a very baà un, wben 1.in tbwerted."1 Koshki paused hii blood-oet&lned hand, V' ta 'os is tu. 'We'd botter take a tuuat, 11 un 4 esr;I~, liefsbattereti l)#petwitching. "h eaone-down tht. ? tA.fie%, spokiia bideeus lauglu. b tlhrillani u nsethinks of ln connection îiti> a-hyeua, ros aber. tie sullen la? eli fthe. Wateoi' n the 81Pmli lO b4a-nor -changeti. Instantly. *"Quicli, soil dog" h.o rieti. "The cân use - r tIuoanete and , epoucg Ille 0ees.geacon vacantli' about hie,. bisre tlîrnin occusness toit bite that hi uvuua lyit In his ewn bedrooni, an& that Quiltan vas sqiîîiag baide hite.- Far a rri,tiuo r Ivo Clive ceuiti enemben noting; thon vimen 1hu hiteens scenes Ilîron g hviich ho b a pead oitn erowdinig back uPnpeuibisbrain, hoe vas r-unî-luced ihet beho lt Jnt avaifenet f roua a nihniare. Ho trie t te meve, to ralo ilnisel!, toe peit:but la hig amiazemnent lbe taucdti Ut lia limbe nana am bpavy ipn Joad thlat ho hiauino Ktren)gth te irmliq himuteul, hat big vaico* crme vith dlfficultîy. as If ho hudti t ietch It tram aa long vuly off, Il vas 9ýu1ttoîîwho lrtInt upole, &H lie gave Clivé a c-ic. "Con. back arin thérn li ten" Uc ui, Witliîbis old I impaoulyjr, rîain)r. but vîhlu must a himnt titi encerceqs an'> ar anixlet,"You'vte bec, a ,deuce t" a lorng vile. And> nov ,4 yeu bave wnke up, >-o'd better loiel atni ailthe paluiver. -Tmerel tritîlc ihr.-Yiiuu atî 10kitow how aime le, of teh-sie2e? ibn In a gn'd deni beler Ilini than von ane; In l'act, ; she's nparIy aa iîll i n iabema igli, mnd ha cioksot!lhts eyem that Qul- ton tnilgimtnet men lime 1.-ens that pain- fuly-wledUpi thelIni; but QuIllon <'Tes; elle's lita a biid t1ua0, of cent-ide: but they hadîl ttaie'> li-r as uheY ireateâ ymm: '-ou were ha'>»' basMun, <lti man; ln faut, veu mustliave thée <tunggi- intion o! a îIiOcioor >-ou votzîd .1, "P alail by It itme. t-em; "heonail lnIlIi anti Fil let rau go te 1iîr, aef 1îî- vbWen Yeuîu're tî'eng enouglu. Thatà timo heat kfnd of tanie i cen gîve yoim. Any more questir)ostoaoasc? Doizeng, uof ruuime. *Weil, l'il reliee .tbist tone active brain of youirs by nlswel-iuîg a few. Yei'l ho interesell n heaiiagtUat the Honorable Clive 1iarvey la t:unfIned te libotby Mn OUoident--ytint a seriôo cnu: accident wWlile clril-lng In a han- sain cab: berne foil tivnriglît lhou. geatlenian sti'uck hisq fa'ce: absoîlte quitet an'> relpune Iniîostil > pon bv -hie mredilcal adyiteer.r: 'idt N,% 1w-I il c Inte au f sucii li11d net; 1but lie biai to be content uruti expressing hflgratitude b a lo "Andi thnt cenehringu"lîllonima sroUtidrt'l, Koghlic: do y' ifeti auriy ml- tel-est In inVp' sai Qultoîî with ra duc-n-Iant'a- l'IreIlîke a -block corxi-na'. "t mci a~weniîgîîfiis deacrîiptionî r. t ralien, T Siiel iiy a, o lti>-si-sutpia!koc lum Ilui tlii. rh-ou', dan Nillexm -wîtay. 1ie lad bc-in tahheti, numiaouhl uni e row-p'obabiyrv e~Aciby mn- ars o of 114 fp )leappéarm lu h a v e- 11- -y- n e o f t l)e ra g- g a fo r i , ct l vho finda t îand ifltie»lMrant lefuge lui tus mland o! lîhorti-:.! t,p or theI..". d- .~deah. hy an>- me.nus,'VI Oent a'or erecuul, îuîay b( i' gun (l uiiltlinî-i.." r) f i gadu Ii .Tho0 ' ht<i tat 1flg. off wit a raunplseenu.y whlch STollits to e h 4ytOh)e Mitfact1leu, andi hiave net taicen an>' larticulartrouble~ te tilecovon tkbs ein erna'>n.-q X h; Ilid a long teik - itI lLord <Chenterleight about--about vartouui mat- - keinowv juet ibn Much *u 4 Chose te "'Anti-au eoh. Lady FEdIthIr" Quilten waa uflent wbf le One. couit coud tven y; then ho sait siovly andi rellectiveiy, las If -they bat been diseus- Inç a debettble point: -1 an lleoet liose mec. .ni' tear Harvey, wheconsîder, rightly or wreng- 1y thal a Irorelgn Secretary eoulti not b.I content -wlth ntcklng et home, ber. ln Enîian*- antigrulibing away ut an offIce n hteh 1- lbuti*at h. should go abreati,-anti male llmele, acqualnV.L et -vI the i>forelgu natlins'wlth Wbich ho hai te go business, I.rt Chonter- lelh*aplearS tebe ùet niy 'tint; fo, tbi ffbIt~a blt u!ack iust nÃ"w. h. liag sta;rted4 on. a long poli ilcal teur." Me pausi-fr ~momnt,"Anti La<y Edtth e.ccompanlem hlm., of 'courue. Lend Chenerleg lias, matie accangemeutu whichwlileert t fquit. a long' tour, and wlll he away fer fmany menthe. Ho came tle ne. you ven youî vers aI your vsry vonsl your vr'bmrmnest,' anti ia naturelly inuehli dustreuuet- by yeun ondtlfn; Indeet, lhe vouldi- not iemv e ngand. untluli at >laiton a tecîtet turn fer the be ter. - R loftI a message fer yeU. Yen vould - 11k. te have I.- De yeu thinit I'd botter give il le yen nev--are yousti'ong snoUgh" ý (Te, boceninuid.) son, Prince O-laf, tW'o et the Mosb popular figures lu Epropean Roeyalty. The Queonanad Prince Olaf are frequent visiter. -iii England. IIONSTERS IN AFRICA. j hue DArk Continent 8fill Uam Une kniown Animais, Africa gises suggestion cf seuh more animais n'jt yet lrnown. On. cof themi, accomduîuig to C. -W. Hob- Ley, le somewhat l'arger than a hy- onit, with -large eart, and.ti hick, reddisb-brown liait, vit-h a siighir st-uea-k of- white down tise lindqua-r- tees- Il îs UnILî-, the, hairy ant- bQa-r, wliiç)i it aelis t b roqeznle, it being se-eu ebroati in tiaylight. Tbe nativcs tell o! a laoko taon- it-cc , Eurrp-ans have reportetoe rwiîaming, anti an Amerioap sportâ- mai ha.R descnibeti aeî'eatnre eeen on the> Gori Ris-ei, -Lake Victoria, as arhoîît fifteen fooet long, with a bouc! as big as iliLI of a liane-se, but ülapotiandt marked Jike tluat of a leopard, tvo long m-hite fangs frein t.he. upper jaw, armadillo-like -,18 OF INTE RIETFRO0 M U1- Wb aî la U"oing onuin"the Wkblanis - ni Lowlani'm of Anti @Cotin., Sunday pïcture uheure in 1 11é,are fonbidden b' the. oounty couneil.- Durin g 1913 ne<t, & single boy vas 'brought before MuuelIburgh Juve-' nie 'Court. A ne.w -bridge across trhe Tweed ut Berwiek je propoud ut a cost -o! 8400,00e. - A special plies .bktng matie for for f uade on bohalf o!.I Dunoon Cot- tago Hospital., *The price & gas in Kiinuaclm à. causing 6k great outcry on the ,p&rtý ef t-he reaidents, Forfar Town Couneil have agreed te spen th te sum eof $25,000 on i n- proving the Pao works. A train front-ICippen ta Bsiloeh wae heiti up by a here whivh had atr&yeci on +1rLravy lines. A vOM&n S&ve birt te a chilt In a train when travelling vitli ler IÏusbaud from Largs e VoPe.isey.. A. movement is being matie by -a number et people with a view cf fornuung îaraoecourse o te i.eet of P'ahsley, . A scheme of dock extenision -which wlIl ooat $79,000,oO bas beon pre- pareti by the Clyde Trust Sp-sciai A warning bas been issued by the Glasgow police te the eiiopkeepers th-t spurieus £1 notes are iai cincu- laien luth, City. A Iitt'e girl nianotiJean Rem, o! C9lasgow, was sever-aly injureti by jatmùp poub inla Wan6tva tret làil rUpen -ler, 'Whet t-heos ewu tàkea re-~ cently Glasgow hatia vagrant pop- pat- o!f 509. &,o,Mand and I'e. In-nd vol'. veli repres.oated. 110,000 damag wu doné by fimu that occnrred ini the dychouso e t Albert Mills, Dundee, thîe proïierty CI W. Cleghorn, Linnited. fluring a heavy snOwatiorrn &t North.. Berwick recezuly a aumber cf g6lflng enthusiaits pltyed thronghout tb6 -etorrn witii red Tho deat-h bas occurred a~t Aber- deen cf iDonaldi Fraser, for mu~y yeara onue etthe laIe Dukte of Yife's principal deer stutîkers in Mar F'or- Ia Seetland *1,200,0W 0 la eot per v-eek on drink. à.la.sgow alone oQn iXtxiç,ta5 liqugre ap"ndu .1250000 per week, or *85,000 per -day. v-e;-k, Mr. GCor5,E> ish, eclinolma-i tér, Ki~InDme, Il"u rAtircd, with the. b<>nt viehes of pupile from feuc ad s fe r ouse, Musseeburgh, has b-cen r&nted froni - Edinburgh Corporation by Inveresk and Mus- selbtirgi Sohoil Board as a tomn- M[r. W. .T. Malcolm, Dunaicre, tii. ele4ratèd horthlornbre&ler, lias been eppciated vioe-president ,of th, Eaut Stirlingshire Agrieul- t-ursnl Association. The hand AcfCrimean -veterana lina Qst another nueiner ina thepeu'- nýon -of John Ketterick, who hati beea for about 50 'cars a&tiesident of Stirnling. Ini re-dponse te> the requost of the clyde yacht clabs the King hmo con- sented fa senti hM& yacht llritannia le tho Clyde regat-tas of t-ho next The returna o! marriagds betoca th0 shériff ci Rdinbuugh shew an increase, an Comp aneti ith ]9i2. Thse fýire i5 645 couples, compareti with 5815 in 1912. INFLUE'N7ZÀIXN]EVERT IJÂND. Nainmee By Whleh tie Disecse 11; CaIlOd. scaesleparl-îaespots, a bnci as Lýfgion are t.hea enains that thie brûad as a ippoPotaînus, a broad dreaceti ":fln'> has been calleA by taal, and large fart vîth reptile- thon. ihat have -faUen under il-a like claws, nuage upc1!. Anether mnrster o!ftlie natives is No country -will aoknovlotige that of inan-hike size, going sometins its siiores are th ii. îrliplace -of Vhe on tise legs andi sometimes on four, " fln" fiend,- and the. foliowîng are ia wilm the appearanca of a huîg-a anti twon -tht-e nama, given this un- ve.ry fleice baiceri. owned diliease. - ,, Ia Russia,- il luecallei Sibeciaru fu',anti in'Siberia Clîineae fovei'. H-ow Nature le Ruied. The people o! Brazil knov it by t-he Iren thie meut agnostici muaet mt f i me, fPolka tevon, or zanporînx. then vonfderful lsv and acter 1maI "la gripp-' a".i.t-lic tersa genecally 'U10 thî'oughout lite gieat lh#mn oaf in ut. ln ma1oe alsolô e nature, eays Prof. SimasWoodiemit. Ba quotte" antit3Seîsh cataih. marvelous sud complete Io Il that Qormansc nu "ae- viien 1 arn Informed that- there le neo Dersansl Goil.1I answes' te mygel! that -ra.nkhelt/' (sluep'a dàami), "ma. et ibis, greal seheme Z bava but -ône latta. toceesca(Gezmnam sicknoes> unri'ieludtWt (9itut aIl the Iàthe epithet ln uns iIfla.liwhimt ;, raUnapover, lntéeit, mou! s San ,dsneae lb inauenocia spIit f lîIh bae epiano, J~rusa, ad ttramocazo" (a 1>ow with 545<Oiiil. - a- bar). Ycry apt le the Swetlish deflOi- 'lion-' 'nufs-JukW" andtid"auff- - (rlIm Enmior. - feyer. " AgdtTdel-I've ineied=Y lte Our on srpto-i.u . fl* brOOOinyeur favor, ' p whit oesewa& taken f rom tieegheih-e- ~~!rY u ~tury italian writeura, vwh -pce pfme e!!o o! çold. Ou'nwaphystien - ' - niLatook the deecriptien for the- L'ow-people x Meel4iir 1551er- naa1xtof !-tue 4iffeaw~iI-eo ter anud one amall en-ion: ahop1,ed fine; one-hall oup'pimentos eu't, ini amal i eel, ane-hlaitquart Cen t-bo inatoes. Feppee andi sait. Bake ol "aaerolc InnImCld,,rafe cven tv.nty- fit-e minubee.- licù 0>hoai Bollei -Potatoes-'O re'heat colid boileti potabtes e th&t they haléb mealy' and pwatab1e, place them, with eikine _rem o'ved, in a coflander or laurge. s iai'. ! et the reWetacie 'over a- ketie of boiling- wa,uintil Vhè at/eam hue douve it soteig îork. Pot , itaes r0<1o- heated. .cannot be distinguisee from f reshly boiléd cnea.;. Creamy Sauce.-Hoéex-e ja. pud- ding eauce whic~h cati ho umed on any kind of a. pudding, and is ali- ways liked :-.-Cieam one-hali up of butter and one cup of powdered sugar, add one-quarter cup 01 create or miik, tvo 'tablespoenfuis of lemon juiee, or one teaspo-on of vanille. or lenion extreet, It viii be light and fcainy if beaýten Sufficient- 'y. Egg SQuMle-Ou-e cup of ired erumbul, one-quarter. pound oi cleie euct in ornaI! pinces, one ta-1 bloapoon bte, atadierper tLe t.aste. Over the a.bove pour a cup1 o-f boiling milk, then beat in the4 yotike eftirlnee eggs. Whein col beat the white's of the three eggs1 %ti.ff and eatm thein in liglrty. Ba.ke1 about thirty minutes in a rittuhr.1 shallov pan in a slow oven. Ii is nice served wi-th a slice or tva ef bacon, Lt will -erve fQur or five, at 1hinoheon.1 Ham En Cassrole.-Secure a slice of hate about two inches thick. Dredge with flour andi saute in its own fat. Browa two lialved eiintiu in this fat; also a carrot SCaPed and Sriet. Place the meat lit, a caseaeroýle, caver with thoe vcgta- bles, add oea urnup pareti apddI u-t into gmali eube. Â<14 hall ae tea- upeon pepper, tlienpFour on z- 'nmp heilixig waber. Cover and coit for thTee ihour5 n o nIdraje ven flalf sn hau,- before the C<aokring i fluât2ed add a oup oI raineg1 tuM- ued 'tomet.oeis. Buekwheat Cakes, - Two èIuPS bîîckwheat rixd wtt-h oecup milk and one cup water. Pincli of ralit. Add one caIke yoet disaolved in oe-hialiCup vater. fleat ne11 andi r&ise overï night. Take ha]! 'mix- ture, add pinch of tictia dissolveti in one-haîf oîîp of beiling water. At night take rem-sining ufponge, add co cup-hait water and 'ha-If mulk andton ca up-buckwheut, beat well affl ra{ase. About one 'In Ave -iy addt yeaat 4i.gin. Exoellent. Soit t ing (.-trconfection- r r'f uigor ine OI9 çjw@ktvr &W o i cup .acd a ha-if ci Ugur, a. little et atinuejaddî f t1verupx e 1erei Spieead cutecke . enth. cn i.s t.ie d thadIi-ekuaese. SA Ioé W)Jl& hé whltéo o! twa eg'gs untul famypbut fRot atf;then add graduxAlly liai! a fui) of eonfectionera' eugar1 'lthe flavor- ing yon desire, and 1beaWt with a vire.egg vhip unt-il it i.sinocth andi gloegy. Oyster -saltul.-PýOv tils seléet 5=11il ytiters, or, if yen CanDOt gSet t-heu., eut large. oysteru xn'to tva ci' tii-ee pieceq, Do net chicp thete. Dlraithe liqUoùr frein tieoôygte.rg and ailow fer each c'uPfui O! thes'. an equal qÃœauntity -6f eriep elery- eut into hallinehci engt.hs. Spricelo tiiemte n lisat Iightiy heLoe.pult-, ting with the oyst'ers. Mi. and btu' irit- theMmn'ayonnaise dressing made very "tiff, ms the oyastor mois- ture thins IV. Arrange on lettîîce Add a of.h !cayenne ad oine seJt. Polirin à glass of ihorry sand -w'heim ateaming 'h04 adj the esltem ef lanub. 'VomiletvrMlla a,- .6poopful of! but4l tçi d Aditia up 9 mik. Atit beaten yoýik of two eg)', etrrlng n.uti t easbmrdt - Rem die from finte .nd seeeon à.with .aal-emmd p6pper. 4 h lopdo finely cut up Ve al cac!om»e-asp&ra- gua tI'Ps <Y? celry. flRAîng tIiat.eafi- .Iungpoint agein ant serve. 'PiahLetM«er.-P-t smre breud- crumbe in. a ýpan wVith butter d oritip'onthse ttoVe (or in tVhe oV'D. 'Mkoewhite--s&uce-with at-le-- dl no!butter, eam~e o!f our .nd a ,cup pf ,nilk. > Seeson withàaelt, a .pe,&few 'drops o<d lemoti andi eesui,,, oh)r a iicr.la AAiI the8 mm if peînc -- A. ttabdfl ld 4 ge Ceuitry -iteý tllrown in-fc he waterËI1-Wr- ywards. - The *chances ef attaining cl-t age It. is bot-to gir'. linoens a long ,er.'nuch grea4or if web!*;rnuàÜh tthc a0êking beforo waghing. - If tii our lite ini fr-euh eeunt>rý.î_Sà methot i i. toowed gtaine viii wa6h tiotice go t1boaoodntpri eut .easily. Deo of.budapemt, that 'the l£ùithi 1Tc remove tue amell: of paint generation cf, tii.town dw~ei.i plae, a toe . cof (nion in'A.Aunkriown;, but .ýnough lacdrntl1 pail o! vaten anti bave it in ýthe reorted to, nake thlê c-onlus'cn ui'i- room for afew hours.,- 'evîtable tbtth. mline qué n<,1l -o! -When cieaning.kive.m damp thom ionoge'vtty is a certain saiontof. before -î-ubbing on - the boards; t.bie time>,apent inthe country. viii .produée a better polieli, and_ The city, child, sayB The. Journal tuhey wll clouai nuch quickea'. of th Ani.rican Medio ai Âsoia-- uJ)ucks to e h gOdm'uabho young tien, 'fu ubject te a. numnbe' cfýid anti -fat.* The under bill of theý duck turbing conditions other than mère if Y-oung wiii' break ýeasiiy. The. absence of creature ceinf-lrts,l breast shouid ho plump anti- fit.. hichi undermine the onstitutiou ' The wood of! mission furnmiture by throwing toe heavy a burden on may b. nafely washeti with varmn the, senlai organs, through -whichl wamer, Atter - it is thoroughly -dry, exhaustion , of the. central neSvouut 1b ashouid be poli.'héd vith a good systrem foiloves;zaiang, the&e cen-,, Qil~r ditions are -noîaeua p rctuà Dry bran is en excellent -cleaner round o! hurt-y' and -unending- se- for -dainty velvet flcwer. and wool- quonces 91, incidente .xhau#ting thse iôn tmbries. Rub the soileà mpoits attention, ýte -which arýe superatided harder tien te ret thon brueh it1 the phyeic&l duacorlortuo! ' vit!&tId; ai] off. air -and effluvia f rom huitÃŽan- beingo Thon. is nothing botter.for a colti anti waste orgenic ,Producte, -bei.' than bot iemnloade. Sometimes a osides offensive gases an.d a ne fe.w -drops et cwanphor ina a.hall- tion-ia dUcht, - glaisa et vater wiii. break'up & colti. - To att&'i'n eid. age nehave te ré- To fremien a skirt that laha- liexe ourselvës frein worrytra4 ceaie wrinkled andi museti roteanti a.nxieties, 'withdnav Perîodi-ý paeking, brush earefully so thst thse cally froni tho whirL cf effortîni ex-' duat inay b. remove-d, anti bang iutence-, modify our diat, omit the. over a tub of 'bot water. ý iise cf etimul'ants and narcotice,f- TC Teiieye a ce>ugh, roat a leinon andi spread reasonabiy long Per-! wit'iout Iburnigig it. W-hen it is lods o! tume under pleasant contir-'ý thorougiily hot, eou-t andi squeez it tionis ia practicâl retircnentii int a cup containing thre ounces A.bave ail, abmuseniextiioniti ho of fîneIy powdered ougar, , iinplifîed and ùacepteed rather thain A doudicous winber nealati 16a =&<e sought after. bnly-' eg;-table and- wi-th AppleA ndiorzetnges. ' Quît into 50 footin sdô houlti jbc Çtten. smali piZce. on.e apple - t-Wo- orangeât, ebuce-, gro'und nb." Sere.Wvth lettue leaves andi wal-nti LEPIIOSYIrS SPREADJNG. Tii. txckine-o! -a-wbeh- in a. si-ck usoatian HeId ta Be the On ly Means vo-ue petson. To obviate this urn Tbe ipreati of iepraiy ia Paoris anti a tumbiair over a wa1xch cin a chair throughout France 9euerallý recails or table be'sido the bet, and the t siiteuid eeni1b r eound -of ftu ticking ean no Longer Bayon, leprosy researcii bactériolagist ta the- South AtrIcan GaLveruneut, that be herarti. uhere are uit present "f rom t*.Pnty-f1vO WhIiite fiannel trousere, vhien so{l- to flfty lepers, perhaps mareV. In Eng- ed not toc bad yj <>an be tiry-cleaa- land. 0C those only: ene ceéntractet! ed ewt home by ýusing fleur anai sait, tho disease In the VnItùd' Klngdoin, makirig thme or tour applicaibns simpleo-pnocautiens allig-i provoti et ti-emixtre nd hen rusingunffiaient te preVent-coýtaglofi la the of th mitue -ndthe bushngmajorlty et Instances.- oul onth lS a fsh-vaslied ciat1iot la India, on tothe lan.th. bruth, laut Censuo shows an lnçasui etý To reattire com-CM c!butter, pisoýk It levers tram iôô,Ã"üo -te 110,60Ã" ilaten' in a firia andthein take a bareol, yemrm. Tweaty-flva year a Wgo the- Put about one buehei cf charoeai in Iui'tndl. ýMâdicuil Ã"lleêr tf Rsu lent Countoi 300 leperB Inri fixaI Coun- It,~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~1l Ne iefrw t11tV ~~ r. reported to0tMe Governnent -,uE har-e'anudca ver ni-tI+ 00on thenl.m atter. anti eokred for outacce&i brrine? InItiaffit etand tlirceor four uegregetlon, exprelsisli bis -bleitfthat - -the. ntmber -of cn-aon wonuld. dcouble ro kue spout Dot aeted upan, andc lait- yeara census ali-bveti800 leperu a. tiasàutelant. ' Briggê-I"hear thaM 6nî.pgo hO Leprôly ilUnd oubtidly' coitaglo.tu tailer, bas f ailed. - -tieugii' nly-to s. eiighlt egre- ant Griggs -'Yen; hirý cuwtemers a case lo repertati by Dr. Bayeon et a veuldn' t cere dowýn'y sô he girl who, dinectlyatd lndlrectly, ln- "vwent r'fected twenty-elglît pensona. !- As,: he - recognition anti imlâflonare thoe nly Ncbody kncvs v1>at le tu ceaie.- effective -nieas of comiatingrl A. gsràmany hmoë r. cma ib.- i_____ tv-ce thie end to-morrov; aad in- The. average rnnn'p bi-ains are ,One hour, Ialu on10 ininUVe, dOWn ueultaaisthO&rmn h 1 Ll¶..« Lt. i--. Iluit how to use t-hem. U .~I rr - Concroe waIk àccdne c~r 'THbY, arc ùôret but' Other kind oôf walk. Thcy aïe dean, permnen anigle.T here -is - no- thing w ,bmgiùcIoo$c npareteui Sy, improve the genefal ap- -14eo a hoùxe anc1da , SOUre of caISe thcy Jkeep Ctilren out-of thé mudprevîuçylds (rouswtfç 14poit4~ fruabint uikcd i> la"oura andi eapets. Iqialiy hàport,antiit t d notiyer Mufl Concrottulaaml abm f£QICmFPwlan o to bauid chemn, and a score cf otdicr "bgos eeded, on .vry frun.Wdie for ii zo.0ay. CanaJa Cernent COMPaili7 Lhmitid "t"'.;' - -' owe4 J remedi IL bs m wftla poeret Mlipea - t aa. ua teh i&vene wntqu fri Ou: han tri 0 J uTve lies '\ uglo "Ami -r c IrTU rot ml lumattoi -'s b i i -j t, 1- >1 J I 1 1 tails tne ilouse.

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