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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 12 Feb 1914, p. 4

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5hould h4itby and sùrroundi*ng *ounltry c#t actual wh olesale ost. !500 can of Sherwiu-Williams'and Miuerva paint, haif pints, pints, quarts adhi glos pr lice Il c, 92e,9C 9 .About 75 shades to choose from, Plain, Building -Paper, Reg. 45C Special 34c ire Linsttd Uit', reg Spocial 1P ea Kettle'àa, copper d nickel patteLNô. Reg. $1.50o Special $1.29 ceather Strip, -Frost ing. Reg. .500 Wzingers, reg. $4.50. Lanternsi regul9r 7C Spocial 69C Lantern Glasses, reg. i oc eýCb Special 4 for 25e Exceli-ai Washers Th -e Only washer that mnakes washing, a pleas- ure. $10,00 EXTRA SPECIAL in FOOD C HOPPERS5 Only 18. on -sale, reg. $ 0$'25 £Spocial 89C. WaSW > -Mouse' n rs Brush W' Metai Polish Ta Pap -EXTRA 5PECIAL 5now Bas , inq a s' u lý 6ôc> arpet Tack 4 shcý>vel--%! Reg .5oc for .29c r p keg, lar i oc, e 5 Cial 1 oc âpecial 49 2 for 9 conte qpeci#al 20 itir Ige 4 '2 ýf Se spécial oc 5pocia Po Special 17 centsWMIN Lamp Burners, large, regular i oc PA/ fiCT Speciai 6C., Lamé, !3urners, Medium, reg. 7c Stick-fast pasi, Régulai' r5c Ail Mitts and .GlovëS Qi'eatly, Re- iluced. DuIit1~i1 eQQmtO Opur store durips th* rat sale ad be convinced of the wonderful, bargains we are placing before you. Tesokas'cnit Qf a- uoaw Axes, Files, E Uàýdsaws7 Ma-nuriD Forks, flay, ra us Ae, tr or n aint rsealo hc r ral eue npie J . c' 'lYRE The Hardwarenext the! post ýOffice. Bell'1 phone 6 0. _ w w - - C. A. BOGERT, Goa"rsimuer. GsItiI Nid s U$,4GO.M,Ootary FondFid fUdlvIed frofits. $,0A0.O You Can Start a Savings ACCO t wth $1.00.,'--Ila ls ot nlecessary for yeu î watuntil $rou have a large Oum o! moey. An accoullt eau b. opened- witim $1 .00 aud more on whlchi Interes i s compounded lwtce a year. - WHITBV BRANON: A. A. ATKINSON, Ma-%ger- <OSHAWA * ~ H. BLACK, TowisîpConcl. wei ght anid strength, For titis pur- Tol-iÇ ucl, p ose there is nothing else We kUOW -of that we can so strongiy endorsec Council met on Monday pursuantý as Rexali Olive 011l Emqlsion. The te adjourunent. Members ail pre- rexnarkabie sucecess of titis splendid sent except Reeve. medicine is due to the tact that it1 On motion, W. i1, Guthric took contains ingroJients to toue the1 the- chair,li the absence of the nerves, enrich thé blood and f urnish 1 Iteeve.the entire systein the strength, Comxnunicatîions were read f roin weight and lhealtbrouildin*g substances 1IIa1llt,ý Sinclair, re wire lence bon- it neL'ds. And ii does ail this with- uses. 1,&J out injuring the stomach. In tact, A number of, accounts were passed Rexail Olive Oil EmuÏlsion is noti for -payment.i only pleasant to take, but even the9 Reeve came 'In and took the chair. most ,sensitive stomach is beneftted It was 'moved and secended that by lt,' and the., digestion, improved. the Colector's roll as retiurued by On thé other hand, it contains no ai- the. Collecter, ib. and Io hereby ac- cobol ýor other babit-formiflg drugs,i cepted, and the sum -o! $4.24 and' 8 whicb most parents objeot te give PeX, cent, thereon be and le hereby their chidreu. It does ils good -retunded, viz.: Pq Harrison, $2.24, work by taklÙg hold of. the weak- -H. Robinson 0.00', éame-being erronl nees and builds the body up to its and the. Oum of $26.7à, belng due, natural strengtb, at the same time uàameiy :-Mlss Dow, lot 24, con. 9, maklng il strong te resust diseuse. e8.5Q, and three per cent. thereon, ýIL Rexaîl Olive Oil Emulsion dees- and G. N. W. Telegrap)isCe.,_ $18.1,7 W't build your child up, feed , he and three per cent. thereon. That stuuted, puny muscles, and maké the the Collectpr be authèrlzed te col- little one llvely, strong, well, and bl t sse amounts, sund the balance, ful o! the animal spirits. chldren $61.91 and thres per-cent. therson, are nieant by nature te have, corne 1! 'not pald'to ,hie Treasurer belte bacit and tell us snd gel you r meney thes 25th ot March, lhe sanie te be bark. We don't want you te loe.a returusd te lie Couuty Tressurer for tdent. We thinik titis is no more tý *colection. fair, snd t leaves yeu ne cause te xt wu -moved that the Clerk write besitate.« For oldpeopie, aso- for Mr. S inclair re- ils communication. convalescents-for _:ail who are uer- Il waa. nieved that a bonis eof 20c. VOUS, 'tlTed-out, run doivu, no matter per r.d bé granted John Kemp fer what the cause- we offer Rexuil fôrtyý rods vire fonce on West si-de OliYO 011 Emulsiou witb heti anie *lot 85,; cma. B.F., sud 25c.. for 160 guarantee of satire satisfaction. or * rodas on north side oft-road, lot 19 mfofleY bac. Sold eniy at the 7,000 an~d 20, cou. 8, be grauted te James -ReXail storès, sudIlu lits tewu enl y Cook; W., Walker, 20c. per rod fer bY us.$O. A. H. Allint, druggt. 80 roda llescb Tp.; con. 91 aisde; 1Fred Hlogg eulaIs, bonus et 15o. per ALICE -IN WONDERLA&ND. rod tor 80 reds between lots 18 sud Tusa idFia vunini 19, con. 2. Il was moved ltat the u theursto ai eeniudre su C-lerk . wrIte thé sdveral overseers o!f in the music 'hll preen 1r e and hthie itowcl alt nopyln bthe ime te a Whitby audience, the f ar- . avlteesnew orong>ee t bhe es eperetta, I"Alices lu ýWeuderi- rateayes acorlug e te rlesland,"' as ~d pted by Miss D. Hope and- regulatçns set torth lu4 1by L ,nr a _Ã"i ewis Carrellis e_ law jýased by thbp Council. Cud!i adjôurned te, meet on Mon- der!ull3r beautiful stqry wbich gives tille te the play. The soeuery and day, areb n~~*dresses useél are mosl elaborate. The music 1e chanmlng. This large cern- Give ý'that Puny ýChiId this- Pauy of ou own town8people bas (lutaranteed Remedy. -Zeeî the speetËula extravaganza _____moit -delightfuUly. T1heladies or, the Il yôur ctilA l ur uder weit, lust- Ontario County OId 'Girls' Associa- les., salitug, hiable, te gel slck easily, tien' are befiind t -rsenttion :et îi. 41a ~.a.Jfl h4rti n Ah. T.1%e -vu is soid in eyery lown iu Canada, lie gainst lte estate o! Charles F. Stew- proceeds are lu aid o! lie f ree public e ple o!lis country have awaken- -art, late ofthle Town o! Whiiby, in slrary. A bumpe ouetbotalyi n-t1 eli act tint dandruff is unne- tie Couuly ot Ontario, Insurance teeouig ar bseoeoil- cessary ; tint talling hain sud ttcb- Agent, deceased, wbo died on or lerstngaffir - îng scalp ecau be quickly stopped, about lie 6Oh day et December, 1913, _____________and tint the people who, use Paris- are required to send by poil pnepaid B. Y. P. U. VISITS OSHAWA., tanSage Wil neyer grow baid. ton le deliver te, Robent M. Stewart, On Monday eveniug lie Young Peo- ,To every reader of lie Gazette and, Mankhin,1 Ontario, the administra- pie's Union ofthle Baptiet Churci Cironicle Who wisies te eradicale ton oft lie esuInte 'ot lie maid deceas- w as enlerlained by tbe Oshawa Banp- offensive daudruff , stop taiiing itair ed, Iheir Chistan. name sud sur- tist Union. About 1f ty went oven aud have an tmmaculatcly clean scalp names, addresses-, and descriptions trom Wiiby in sligis,' sud were free tren iticiuess, A. H. Aluinsys wili tfull particulars o! then dcaims, royaily 'enlentained on them arri*vai he wl!!sell Pantsiali Sage ln a lange and lie nature of tie securily, if ia Oshawa. A progran o!fnmusi.cal fi! ty cent bottie with a guarantee te any, held by them, duiy certifled. numbers was given, and a debate- retund tie money it ýnet satslled. Il ,And lake turtier notice tint a! 1er took place belween representatives o! is an ideal,, daintily pertumed haïr lie isI day et Marci, 1914, thie satd lie lwo Unions. The subjeet was, dressing, free trom grease sud stick- administrator will preceed le dis- "Rleeoived liaIthe counlry offers mness liaI -wil put if e and beauty tIbute lie assets o!flthesaId de- beller opportunities for lie, earlyiy m dul faded bair and cause it teo ceased amoug lie parties entllled traiuing o! young- people than lhe grow lustrous and, luxuriant. tierelo, iaviug regard oniy le the cily." The affirmative was upield by .ciainis o! wiici he shah tihen have Miss Brui and Messrs. Wood and SUDN DAH 0b~lad notice, sud liaItbe saiti admin- Wikins, o! -Oshawa, lie negative FDEN 0ET F MRS. Mc- istrator wtll net - be hiable fton.lie being supported by Miss Beatnice DNATN said assets or any part tierce! se Meeker and Mesrs. G. M. Goodfel- A. very sudde n sd sad deati Oc- disîtrîuted to any person on pensons low sud 'J. H. -lames, o! Whitby curred on 'Çiursday, January 29tb, ot wbose élaim hie shall nol lien Thé subject was one tînt, aithougi wien Mns. MèFadyeu, wite ot Rev. have recetved notice. time-honorcd, caused very great in- A. L. McIFadyen, of Dunbarton,-pass- ROBT. M. STEWART, teret and thc debate wàs short en- cd away Tie previous wcek Mrs. Adminisîralor, by ough net te be tireeome, but of MieFadyeu !hd allendedth le W.F.M. ARTHUR E. CHRtISTIAN, sufficient lengli- tb allow a number S. Preebyterial at Brooklit in lie Whltby, 'Ont., hie selicitor et forcetul arguments te boti aides. capaclly o! President, and iad been Daled, January 27ti, 1914. -32 The judges gave their decision, by a re-elected for another year. Ilte ____________ emal margiu, to lie Whtby leani. understood liaI sie caugil cold in- Foilowing this, a social hour was seime way,, and pleuro.-pneuýmouta set -- epent, aud netresbments were served. Iin, troni whici deati resultcd lhc M e H IL L'.I. The Wilhyltes le! t with expressions following Tiureday. The funeral et greateel appreciation -o! lie hos- was heid ou Sunday atternoon teSHOEING & GENERAL DUGCKSMIIHINO pitality, extsnded te them.1 Duniarlon cemelery, and was very TERNS MODERATE. 161-iangely atteuded. Thjose iu Witby wie kniew Mrs. McFadyen will be OPPOstti Quaker Charoh, King8ton Road VICTORIAN ORDER,0F NURSES. extremshy' sorry te heanofethIis sad On Tiursday, February 5, lie coni- eveul, especialiy lie membèrs o! lie mitîle eofthle V.O.N., wtth several W.,F. M.S.' Sassistants, ca.nvassed lie fpwn fer Z....--ST R RIH I membe-s- m 2ps LIL-5 r r erh - v-SA T IH sponse was hearly, sud tiene s anew lu lie bank, te hie Seclely's credit a suni et $400 wtth jeeveral subscnlp- tiens y'et ho corne lu. The ladies eudeavered to maletes cauv ass as liorough as possible lu orden te give every citizen a chance -te hssistlnl lie work, but ln many cases f ouud people away frem home. Wtll thooe Wlh teae ns e tndybauibd hbuti wh doe uot yb bnd ut contributions le lite Treasurer, Mosn Isabel Cormack, on leave them ah the Standard Bank. The Celumilles detrse listait ail whoe se 'kludliyassistedt hem, espec- WaIY lis ladies *wioto beipart lu lie Jcanvaissug.e A, commlittee meeting will be beld IMonday, Febtruary 23, ah 4 p.m., lu t he Agricultunal nenis. -, Falling flair. MANY PEOPLE HAVE A SIMPLE WAY 0F STOPPING IT1LTHEY USE PA-RISIAN SAGE. Il was Dr. Sangerbond. et Paris,- wheo trot dtscevened tlitdandruif aud f ailiiughMt were cauusd by a microbe. And Uow"ltatPaioi= ags, ltsé remedy liaI iilli hiedandruf! gern, *Haveé-You Attacks? Cbâmblaln Tabiets keep fie iver risbt up te nor- ma 0 thetii.tme-and in ÇUr why they arc so -eff ective lu0r of jStomacbI Disordçrs, Permneutatton, Indigestion, and aliments whhare ihe fore- nmers of billleusness.* Try tiemn. 25c.1 à bomt1.Druggiwt mnd Dealers or by Mail. ChamhuI iw edci.C. Administrator's Notice Creditors. - to: Iu thieestals ýpt Charles F. S"~art, -Notice la bereby'given -pursuant te 8 ec. 55e Clmap. 2le, of tihhe t csuof"40l9' Ontanlo I eogV. i t ataIlcr . thors nd su Veavlug dlai<msa- I Buy It Bec ause It's a -Better Car, ouring Car f o.b Ford, O n tanr e $6 50- Getparticuhars irem W. J. Luke & Son, Agents, Whitby. IMARMALADE. TIMI3 IfI ycu want the best resuits buy your Bitter Oranges Snow.'I Cah fornia Oranges Lemons, nice and ripe 20e to SO0c doz 30c' doz. Use our best- sugar to get. best resuits, our sarge loge ud es 5h. se idvpe- almgtetir, lupo ehol efaaoenatted, andeaiy ta tyurgt Tozsdrnto, Pincip a nod afor Boye suers.r acres, witrabiding fos, on ing tu- -odnst g- pston.A bme Fu arM et aboua *t hde d acre wit eod ater uplfr 1tc fan. Lurnsdçn, Bui)dng TORONTO ealifornia gelry extîra large stak,2. for 25 cents You ca u rozen fi now that ,ýou will flot be able to buy latr, and it is cheap. .We have allkkindà-ry Us. aW TE~IIÃ" s in'e EWNITEROS -.1 however,- ,are c Sellers,'-.ai difference betvir pensand otheré facd that ticya ABSOLUT] QUAR ANT to give you We have a ve stock to secit (e would like -corne and- "ý6Tr .y the Pc R. N. BAS(% JEWEL AND OPTI CI W. Cý*. ITS MERITS SI placed on lie statües oJ pod many years agg, -1 daring*the past ten o t thal il bas-come itb At.firtlitiwas notltake ioushy by - eiîhr Mi, * pie or lie Miquor interesti geod- effecte otiïte olier * pioneer' muzicîpailies t il became more- generali, he use a -slang pi-raie, cî new over hallIt hte4nutLi thme Province- are -, dr3 il i ber",le bïiug addèd lt lu ispite I of lhe fact1 fiftis- znýjÃ"rity te necesE a4pien, wbîhe lu only dtzu-cases haveè repeal suoçesiful- Qut of, iuilre hnities bin onre -Local Opition bas been .bei tic hConservative parties, As now awgnd, f4ct, the temp erance phai èonser,ýutives, wlîtl -one betterandi ask-thal fi lis -clause blieriïo' sîraigit ia7lôritvi sibsti - *- i ~the-aboyé,,tact s in tin, and al."o t ha t t' been. dechared constîtuti, higiest court in tié. EM mô reason mn, tii' -wori person.,who. is -sô -mndec Jýw ~ comaeout'.boldh îu fi f mneasure 1 li te iLocal .01 - ~ net a good la*-,'mwhv le istatut. books -o!- Outal Satùrday Morning.. j - hs; ofshes bunci, le be sûid as-oi M 1 rP . M athison reli elemeus tor a month. Tasiter -has -charge o! b -lig is -absence. - 19buys a good. s5 door complete wifhi in lyre's hardware store. IÈeserve Monday, Feb tie RC social in tic -wtlI occuipy lIme. pulpi t *iurci- icre - on Su nd aY !U' tlaitechargeoftiu 'mrk at Port Perrv a Alten February 2rld pleased le sec all our the new store, Brook laRlchardsou's bok ---Mr. Jack Smith, wl Burs' boot and sheoc - wa - fersosôme tme- Inde' hone* 4é ý ýrý tais utmuplius iedlëlne-- lo'buildý WHITB"

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