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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 12 Feb 1914, p. 5

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owause a Pen çe can supp y you with. àny kind you ziay want. WATERMAN and however,.are our best, sellers, audi the -only difference between our peDs and others, is the, fact ýthat they are al - ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED i giv e 'Youperfect satFîfaction. 'WVe have a very large stodc to sletf-orn. .Weýwould like you to cone -and "Try the Points-" J EWELER AND OPTI C'IAN WHITOYONTARBIO W. C. T. U. - ITS MERITS SUPPORT Althougb thc local, option law was 'placet on bhc statubes o! Ontario a gooi-mïny years ago, it le cnly dering -thç past -ten or twclve years bbab ib fi as comui ito prominence. At, firtt'b was net taken vcry ser- -iously by'eit'ler bbc. temperance pec>- pie or ýhe liquor interests, but as bbc ge;od' effccts, of its openaticu la bhe pioncer municipalities that adopteti -Ib bccame more generally kuown, lb te. useca"slang phrase, caugbb on,and' ndw over bal! bbc niflcipali ies in ,bbie Proyince arç "dry," andtihbe imamlur is ,.i. .'al-- .ua e taL. every year si IPite , c1 thc tact that a thrcc- 'fiths msijority ts. neçessary for its adoption, wbile .in oi.ly seme bal!- dozen, cases have repéal contesta been 'succesufulý. eut cf huxidreds of oppor- tunities to bning on ýrepeal. Local Option bas been endorseti by both Uic Cnservabîve hiid Liberal parties.. As now anîended--lb i s, inI tact, bhc tenîperance platform -of thel (Jonservatives, whilc the Liberals go one bettér and ask t-at the three- 1f ths clause be removed, and a sbraight miajoriby substituted. Tal<1 Ing t.be'abeve tacts into considena-I tion, anid aIse thaithebclaw bas been, dcclared constitutional by the -higlhest court in bhc Empire. there le no ne asen in bhc world why any person who lu sa mindeti shoulti not corne eut boldly iu favor -of te -mnue fthe Local Option Law Ia net a goed law, wby le lb Iefb en bihe statut. books of Ontario ?-Barrie! )3aturday Mornlng. - Biuches ot shoes, il pairs in a Ibunch, ta e bfieldasaueepair pnice. M.W.,Collîns' bargain sto>re. -Mn. P. Mathison neturne'to teM.' -,1èmmàn, for a meuth. Mn. Thos. Tlasker bias charge of bis s-tore dur- 4Lag bis absence. #149 ,'buys a geod >strng stenîn àoÃ"r omplete witb binges at McIn- Myres hardware atone. Reserve Mouday, February 23, for ihe R.C..- social lu thc tewn hall. Rtev. Mn. Muirbcad, et Port Penny, w111 occupy bbc pulpit o! AIl Saints' OCurchi here on Sunday- Mn. Aluin wlll btalcccharge et Mr. Muirhead's work at Port Pcrry andi Brooklu. * 1ù.c Peruay 2dwe wiii be, pleased te sec all oun customrnes ut- thé, ,iw otori, frôo-k t. South, ncxt * 'Richardsou's beok store. W. M. Mr. Jsck -Smith, wbo bau been In fulursboot snd shoe store lu 0mb- awa, for some tlino, as now secur- I 1bu KUow 1thé Alice in Wonderland is new,. to SINGERbasa but more than that, it lu one of thei.I owm. UU jprettie&t and most dellghtful hiIngs _____________ evrproduced. Don't misa it one or cter or otu flgbts In tie musicH À hall Tluzradajr and Priday of n G o.I.Wiso Photo apherbeautfl.-Just to mak< Capt. anti M, Anderson,,c ofhoogapor Mîe>I.L Sond wrerecnlyon~ ist eWhitby It leaves a delightluj CaPt. and Mrs. MeEdwardi, eofWhit-J '. Wlfotcngordrc by. he wo spiinaareen-m- _______________________hair stick-y or stringy.f ployleuof the C.P.U., salcd'for dc- - brtiàing IL. But frst, ma ~cades on upper lakes and -are greatf cbums. Capt. Anderson 'ras for 30asehiawa Sfth year. Re Years 'in -charge of C, P. R. -boats wu very wî H a1 ~lln btwen OEWuS nv' ents ot known by the resi- ll upper lakbe pors. OwB oun adh fWhîtbi, llaving had, charge - iudsapot ,upe lke pots caheptaliso! the butcher shop of W.B. Prin-. an idsta ao, rch f look good.foir many yers of sailiigl gle- & Co. for several yeas. On,îsalp.Imt isaosh re oflà oaeri's. sa fcus uqltr rdyo atwe ewas -takew moments. Ih leaves no lui wates, uîîwlth la grippe, and becamne, very clanne.-JuSt a daint> -c---. f ~muc# . worse, until death _. came on B t nod-hpdr Ho for Floridq, California, British Monday morning. <The funeral WaS -ohi d-hpdo Columbia,. Manitoba, Saskatchewan, held Wednesday aftemnoon to Union Harmony HIair Be Aiberta, England, Irela4, Sectland, C4uetry, conducted Jiy Rev. M. E. îBoth are guaie îsnywhere. Cholce of ail Ry. ropites, Scxsmith. A widôw; and one son Te andi Ocean .-S. S. - unes. One-way, survive, to whoen tic deepeài sym- h. .<i ovomni round trip or prepaid tickets 'at, E. 'patby is extended in their beraç % sn âýo om h Stepheison'g office (opposite Stanýd- ment.era- them more beautiful than aetn entbuiaate.ly praise both-iL grd Bank and Hewis Bros.)' Whitby. ETITEJ BARRYMfORE Aise try anti buy your Toronto, EStr l *TneR"GUSON T% Rf Verdiale and ail requlred local *or TALKING PICTURES. - Stawja "TaSNt.Eml.1 forelgu tickets - at Stephenson's.1 Loyers 01 moving pictures will a "À A &raa Woma," RAtes etc., guaragiteèd rlght . bave a genumne, surprise ncxt Tues- L(YJ«kDF.~ t4rket4 redeemeti at par if preventcd- ell lwe Toa.A - 5al."Poeah *" olmM usn.Edison's kietophone or taiking pic- Tlmte, New Yoe u Uslg.g turcs wull. h. secs for the: irst time. Ams-meig - ofThesetalking pictures areil7 at SONld aly g 1h.aa mer 7W O A as mein 0 the Liberals Of the beginning ot theïr -career,. butb South' Ontario wlll ho held, la the are a woêder. Thygiet. ic Masonlc Hall Iu Brookîlion Tues-f et iactors in ,a6yliehe Va mane day,.. Fsbruary 17, 1914 - at a "clovck an if the peopl 1e l k eaen w ert pan.fortii.pur ofo organiaton ing on tête stage. Tbink of a piece andi genillral discuussi oetmatters 0! of canvausta.lak eyosna Importance t the. party. It lu l- -to y u, hrki alt you t sth e r- rally of thç_ Liberals of Soûth on- grpet01o!ail, you torget that it l, tano, 4n ful ml attenduce O! a =avas, for g0 perfect is Mec il- friends je! the- party in deulmous. 'luagens that the shadows on thie, MAYOR 'OF PRINCE RUPERT. Speak~ers willibchopresent whlo wlii creen become real, living benge. ~ S .Nwtn omry io address, the Meeting on 'the Issues o!f The pregrain, which will he sivea~ porco t h aet n the day. G. D. Clouant, Secretary; ,at two Performances' afternoon an and Chroie ow f'edîto adzedent Geo 'Ross,, President.i evening, Includes "The'Deaf Mute" o h rneRpr u mie Woner0n a story cf the Amenican Civil W a f bPine;uet athEmie ýAlice i odra 'is oneof ar; was recentiy electeti Mayor of Ui ntle a basebali sketch featuring the cîty by a majority of 87 over Mr. T. Most Buccessful productions everp're- world-famed 1basebail manager, 'Johnf D. Pattuilo. This lu the-second tiiie* sented ,in America. Itbhas woeg- J. McGraw-; a cabaret number with Mr. Newton has occupied the fui charm bcth for old and Young. Dernpsey,,Seymour and Denipsey; a 4- Mayor's chair, his-previous termno! Ite imagery. la fascinating., The part production of the opera "011- office being* for the year 1912. inicidentai music lu very charming. vette,"e and a number of pleasîng - The dresses and scenery are elabor- Comedies, farces and dramas. Thee N tc 0Cefos ate and beautIfulU wlll be given pictunes have.been shown in ail the Noice toC____ by one hundred and fifty of our OWn large cities of' the United States and In, the estate o! John Ferguson, de- people 'Who have beeni training faibh- Canada, and have been witnessed by ceased. fully for it. Be sure 'ànd sec it on King George and Queen Mary. Do Thursday and Friday nexb in the flot- fall to see and hear these pic- Noief eeygie usatt musin hall. 1turcs at one or bobb of the Tuesday Nce 5, hp.e26 ofite Statteo performances. Ontario, I George V., that ail cred- REMOVAL NOTICE. itr n teshvn lis a We have removeti our stock from TNIM -I)ItorsM and otheseofhavn damia a- the corner Store the-the new store, PFARS N1nlvg MEMORIAMf. ganat fthe eTaow ohn Fergunson, lBrock St. southi, next te Richard- Sougsn-d dlîg eory dug-cfourlt of t Onaro! Wrht , in-tef son's bock store. Iyugs n ervblvdduh i ty ,wo edonaro, rhantthe- W . M. PRINOLE-. t er, Alice, who died Februarv 10.lo ae,i- i ieio r bu bclt e 'pies.. Jus tetumake the hair glossy, lutroa, ne e t easier to dres and more naural to e eay and< lies and f% PIds of the coiffure, freuli an dôolç l efesdaIsingdeicte penfumze. ,u the cele. Contains no oul; therefore dees't.leave the = S.l Spinlde a.litle o hou ain ecditime bdfo, kutaàtyourliraud7 p are dleanbyusiug 'mony Sampoo w t e h ir ean sit., * oth an4 beautitul. h gie 3amiing lather, penetrating toe ey part ol the~ hair and just as qnickly,.the entire 0 eation taking only a few inps or, iiieki,,e9.-Just a'refreslhing senne of col,,weet y, pleasent and c'lean fragrnce. iamena betlei, wlth uprnkler tos. au! ier, 8$1.00. )Harmng Bhompo O,5K ateed te pleame yu or your money bacZ eStage B«eas Endorse Thon bo mevw bet te o àini*nate iu the une of tiinuto ai. esuu. ine g hemaiy eelxbrted sagebeate.veus a armouy Hein e sutnad Haa'moiy hampoo am-, LAURrm TAYLOR jYork. SNATALIE ALT il m n «J""T om .Ee Star lu '~Ad.l.," I~o Tint.,, Nov Tari. w.~' G. M. Coin Star I. 'Flms Yoesboeu,' nov totwhghis Ustisi O... I. lb. Smo 5 Oie Tm o ~i Stores, A.H.ALLIN WHITBY DEÂTUS. HAWLEY-Iu Wbltby, on Moudsy, February 9, 1914, Albert HSwIST,> ageti 35 -years. Mortgage Sale of Fatrm Lands in.the Township Unden and by vintue of bbc powers cntalued inha certain rmorgagc which will be producet at bbe ime o! sale, there wil be effereti for sale by public auction on Saturiay, bbce 21st day o!fcPbruary, 1914, at Uic heur of 2 o'clock lu the a!ternoon at the Royal Hetel, lu Uic Town o! Wbitby, bbc following proerty. FIRSTLY-Pant e! bbc eàst bal! cf lot number four. lu bbc Broken Front Concession o! bbc saiti Town- sbîp cf Pickering, luIbbche' Couuby of ti 1 larenient. ' -.day of .Deceuiber, 1913, are rcqpired Dy mALAi4eus.uana uuuas ausiuiiows ADJOURNED TAX'SALE. We miss ber and mourn ber to senti by pose prepaiti or te tic- CoMmnig h a post lias beeu The sale Co nylnafr~ In silence unsen liver te Mrs. Jane Ferguson, W t - plateti at bbe asteru unmit of bhc COutY and fo taes, And dwcll in the memery by, Ont., one o!fbtce eecutors o! the said lob at bbth nontheru exbnenity ativerbiseti ton some bime by tbbc hedavs that have been. I ' . s Critin aies andoithe lot bon und lu r by Lae (,ouaty. Tneasuiren, bas been adjouru- O! the es theirCstisandnamescr anid tbon oedundfrotiacres e b cd bill Friday, Fcbruary 20. Father and Mother. sOntario, atiresses, anti dscnip- Ontani 9 - tiens witb f ull particulars o! their f t ixc~hnsoreliosrxtegs de *BAPTIST CHRC1.SA-4L E RIEIS T EÃŽIL aims, anti the nature ot bhe se- sthes i fthesBmo e r le oth Sunda, Fenuar j Fr4ayFebrari 2.-Aubionsalecuiy, if any, helti by hcm, duy suhr uto b aeLn od Sudy erur 5 riaFbuav2.Acto aecertifieti. then scubb seventy-four tiegrees west Sunday ýScbüo andi Acuit Classes o f heusehold turnibture, the propcrtyf Andi further take notice that a! ber ten chains more or less'tote c id- at 10 a,.sriea I 'lck otf the late C. Y. Stewart, ut bbc the lObli day o! Marcb, 1914, bbc dle of the sali lot. Then south six- Monng eviea I'oclw Five residen ce, ('olborne Street. Sale at 1 exceutors wiîî proccedti t distribute teeu degreca east slxty chaina more mhn1ute sermion for cbîldren, "Char-. 1.30 P.nl. Win. Maw, aucttneer, the assets of the si eesdaég or lees to the nbrtbern Junit of the acter buiding, the fourth story."1 dedy Mrh4,--Imonte-paries aidtdeceet ino -'front one bundreti acres o! saiti lot. E vening service at 7 u1eiûck. Sub aWueada-, Marb 4. mporant bc paries ebibld thecto, avin auct0on sale et hîgligrade abonthoru I regard only bo thec daims o! wbich Ten cans ortscent'or egrôte aea jecb, "Joseph in Prison." cattle cf nich- rniîking strain, nîso £hey shallthen have badl notice, and oftenani moreor lnig esa bobbclace B. Y. P'. U. ou Monday evening herses and other farm stockç, imple I bbe saiti exeubtors wiîî nethe'abfo bc ginig cnbiiu svnb-fv n:xt at 7.30 o'clocki. l#veryone wel- mente, etc., bbc propcrty of lobt,'for bhe said* assets or auy part acres monê, or le&s. W. cAvylob3,cou 7,Pikcrngthereof go diÃŽbibubeti te any perso This fanili bas on lb a gooti barn .4... ~ mle crt o!Kiuale. Sale, at or pensons of whose daim they sa hs os tableshan.Tihrae dwl i- 12.30ERNCL.e'cleck. Win. Mwpauctioncer, net then bW4 recîive i notice, ighueai rhr.Tesul r mS~uary 15. The speciaI services will begin on Suniday aund Continue every eveniný& thlrougliout bbc week except Saturday evening. A scug service will be-held1 trom 7.30 te 8.00 p.m., wheu the Iregulan service willbegin. An carn-1 est invitation tg given te ail te at-f tend., We arc working for Uic sal- .vatien of soute. Cone andi help andN be' hepet.f Monning service il o'clock. Subjcb -"'The Man. Qed Can Use." Evcniug service, 7 o'clock. 'Subjeot1 -' 'Sanctified fer Othens.P/ S.S. and Organizeti ClaIUCU at ô A. Y.' P. A. RECEIVE. Thiý A. Y. P. A. et Ail Sainte'1 Churcli entertamneti bbe young people Of tue Angican churches from Osh- -awa,!Plcken-ing anti Port Whitby on MondkY ce.ning in the Music Hall. Abou¶ uineby camne oven frein Osh- awa, ant a lange 'number wcne aise presei-frmntbb other sociebies. A progrgm was given, ai ber which games were playeti, andi nc!reshmenits senved. A mosb enijoyable 1cvening wae passeti, anti about 11.30 bbc vis- Itors leftbfer -their homes. REO AUTO 4GIENTS WANTED. Sec or atidress Anderson, Limiteti, GenOrai Agents, '477 Yonge St.,- To. route, at ence for open territery, Sée complété linéo ô -pleauro cars aud ýtrucks ou exibition at Torontio Auto Sh)w, Eibition -groundis, on Feb. l4th -te i- 21st. DEATH-0F ALBERT HAWLE'Y.1 A saiti datls oeueti on E onday wipAlbcrt HaIWley, o! thîs tewn, Personai Mention' Miss Neli Lynde, et-Toronto, has been visiig with ber parents. Miss E dith -Ellis andi little ulece, cf Tornto, bave been viaiting with bbc formcr's Parents bere. Messrs. J. J. King anti Richard Walters, spent thc wcek cut i wtb trieudu lu Hastings. Mn. F. C. Prngle andi Mr. Raudaîl, e! Teronto, visiteti at Mr. W. B Pringle's recentîy. RÊAL tTI PI1ANK PÈ. JONES' LIST. Several houmes anti building lots fer sale lu Whibby. Parmas for sale ln bhc Township et Whitbb7anti Pickerlng. GLEN .DIIU -209 acres. A gooti stock, grain anti fruit fam uar Whltby. id acnes erchard ; gooti buildings and'a gooti farm -at a rea- souabie price. Apply te FRANK E.- JONES. WHITBY. Mîscellaneous Adverts. FOR SALP. 1191100 and lot ln the north n!the vlage of BnookIl<g. About. a -acres. Apply te R. H. Walks, or on'th LA!JNDRESS WANTED. Launtiress for lions. olRefuge. Ap- ply et eeS te ]Dr. La-very. Jane Perguson. Fergus John Ferguson, Executors, by Arthur E. Chriatian, their Soif citon. Datetif Pebruary 11, 1014. -84 What 18 Bu8inoss p Try us for prompt, aud careful filling of orders. Are you on our list of satisfied cietomers? on, the general run ail through the store, there is moncy 64ed in buying here.- ROYAJ IIOU8EHOLO FLOU R FIVE, ROSES FLOURt ODAK(R FLOOR WHEAT G'ood and Clean for 1 Chickens. 6Bars OoMfort Soap 26o ASSOrtod JOuINsS 6for, 25o - Quaker Oatsl Ibo. for me5 TryO rlon ei'fiTcm 40@ Your business fniend? *M.MEEKER I bn9,4, WHITBY god Clay îuam. .SECON.DLY-The norbh quarter of lot number twety-two lu the Pirt Concession and the soutb-east qùar- ter of lot numben twenty-two lu i1he Second Concession of the salti Town- ship o! Pickening coutalnng oee hundreti acres more'or legs. This lu an excellent tarin, and Io çltuateti about li mile& firom Plcker- lug Village. On It are a brick dwcll- Ing bouse, barn 45 x 72 wlth stone stables, og peu antibeheouse 24 z 86, Implement shed and box stalle 18 x 70. flearlng *orchard. Tenins :-Teu per cent of thc pur- -ehase mney te e palti dewn at the Mine of sale. Balance te be-iad w1thl n thrty tiys thereater. For furtiier particulars andi-con- dItIons o! sale appîy te, DaeiA. Eý. CHRISTIAN, Solicitor for the. Mortgages. Dtdat the Towu et Whlbythe 2Oth ay !fuiuary, 1914. -y 33 ROYAL THEATRE WHIO LSS MOVINO PIOTORES. Open every evening. We have installed a new Simplex machine, which la abslutely flickerless and, easy on the, eyes. Saturday inight, sec toa l. BAIN PER~RIN, Manager. INSURAN-CE Fire, Lite, Live 9tock, Pl1ate Glass9, Accident andi Automdbiles. Agent for the bet Canadian, English and American coalpa nies, JAMES IWiCLIELLAN BoX 393 Whitby, Ont. Phone 29 Tuesday, February 17 Mlatlnee and'Evening Performances TALKIN6 PICTIJRESý- T1115Y TAL]Kp LAU6H ADSN PriceS of A m5in 5,3c&~O Matine 25e to ail pam'ts ofthe House Seats may be reserved at J. E ýWiIIis' druzgtore. J - We carry a fuit uine of-.omEI 011 Tann.ed Moccasins, Indian Buckskin Mot.casins; Heavy Snag Proof Rubbers,: Overshoes, Overgaiters and Leggings. Also a fullJ une of- FeIt Goods at the .iowest pock bottom prices. Hockey 'Boots at greatjy JOHN 'P hOck Sth, Wbiiby, Ont L - E -. y >' t' b j s ) -ï s t -'-i '43 I .11 t '113 WHITBY, Opera' Ouse Genuine

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