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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 12 Feb 1914, p. 6

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vre - miming. A section the. neétril opeù1iug., and insei WI ,aped 1ýo the forn of bis] lu place ?f the. mieaing organ.Th va. eut on his férearmn 1 n, which viilhave been Prévl- and! a grating, juneturo oudiy eut for the. insertion of the. 4h. lip b aïe. The arn siubsttut. bâo., I. then to -b. 1about ý4. head u»til the dravn'over the. boue -and heaIing vu. complèe..TiscSn- awaited. >ut two weeku, vie suffi- Tt is expected t.hat the ca"rtflage rencé having taken pluce, wiii adhiere to the faIl bones, Mud tion was ,»evercd frein theinl time be0orne an integral part cf he Uip shpéd. Tii. mre the, ekull struceture. Several montiis vai folewed in-tii. Up.' viii b. ýneedot! for the complote mwmtnt, a section cf 'the Operation. comment 'on, Eventa Who zooa syeL ~ rnon trutt v pOin, teoOuir. slutas M buiour Viio opority, 15utthoraax. resaof win. tor Mavu wias harvesti of, summer. Ac« cordiniat& elrdsPen*it standards of liV- i ng, Ic.lta ér4ly legss necomaity thar O~ pOttOI#. t2 10 ssential tc bel u ad omfort. .Without ttcon-i perviIniinuariefthora voulld bo enorm- .ous vatte andi Probable shortigO lu th§ 'arious ProvisLin zataples upon whiol vs depinO, 1This samen. Ides lga buniPel'croP. Ail ovor th lNorth t has fornmed ln excel- lent quliity and slmout limitious guan- tity. MOr0ver'.'th. conditions have ~iri nunur-41ly.favorgable for barvest- IntTher etnbeo nueoiis. for sa Mort frlihPriées- !lThe avefei suf n la rointon to fourteen Inchon anýAit hu !ormid là a wsy no ruAXO I& clear aa d Olud. The .now in' but e XIKIgh t rutk'tu ste, r eofa -l.n nfliy geoQtoiO5 t0ro s ample timo tco 096e-urfi a yt'-sipl eo thé 8116W carne. les ilaunimportanit factor -ln the year's voll-doilg aud. voll-bang and we ma ouriselves upDon hainE unuuai~.elIirovidod for.ý Aaotbn grain et Whist. Ws are.-tolO btha ay bacc ln the antlqulty --f Ugypt. vhich frot ralled Whtat, àr ptaik gr.v only two grains and-thonee veKgas amal au haysed But inciL-those dayu the. huadu and the r~ins haebeen gettIng unuch largel'. hAi,#5la p4Sy dueo1ta care and cul- Iture, On'lor graintg 26the heati of whet wuld- ad uiluch to th. re- source and glory of tIi. couftry. Ànid It eau bodode and will somo dAY' ,when z'uoy and business loge thoir thronon, Ln the.heurte of rmo nsd p500 !a A lotty taIu thei l? D11188,Th< >ri; source in Lu theé zround awatinr 'the Tnaa tanef lb WhIch every man,. vo- Inilan sd oblld ?rl the country vill harO -a hait-bushel xmore wheat thar, they nov TWh@lsPIbMib 0anisi ToIl, Président *1Wilson and th.: Snat4 * oroign relatilons coxmtte of the 'UJnted tatem appear w ; DvcFen 418- -u.un ir-qesin o the Panama oi.It,40 ,eoted that Premident Wil- trari wî,dscjýiited States coastwise traflo iiidi~i-iinate agaiint foreigu 'V68aaolu, rltil Or othero, and thus ,will bs a direct violation of tbe H1-ay.pàune- toto troat whifxh oiprenaly etatels that "thé catiialtl be fVos and open ta the Vusels o1 com4uoérce and of ver c« ail nations- on tsnih'of entire oquaiity go that thons sahail b. nodiscrimination ainst snY ouua nation or its icitizens Or subjeOts ln ttPcus f hecoditionîs 'or hàrces f ta rothervise." Over this clause a goa4 deal cutfeelnhbas bleil trouheaDby tboso In th*g 111utea States vho are anxious to twis t thé Slion'a tal, us the PautiniLe lepopulariY oalled, Of, evry Dousible occasion. It vasu aragued. and the. argument vas back- ail u $àhigil places, Unit the clausne did nlot lnQlUdethésUîîltêd-Stateu ln thé mneaninu of jal1 nation." , 't Wvas sald that 2h. ObWect et the clause vam' realiy ta except th*. Uuite4 Otatos fron t ts opération asud that thé words "axuspIgt thé United stâtegos" uld have been lnserted atter -ali nations.~ Mir EOdwïrOtGrey On boeltf- et! Great laritalni adttng for ail the Ãœiher nations. -p.'attesftad dthere wa- Ii"ht dic.uu- oatn ,lu- théa emato sir ndvard. QGrey vWas . grtOst arbitration.l but this 004 s te cnaltoil wovre aId te héa adonîsîtio conoarn ûîthé S 'Uited istatn. and - titat theraforé a,bi- tration -vouS -infringe tilpsovereigzu llgllto of the peuple, It vas cbvious froin the firnt tiat Si- "dward (31OY would awatt'.the Iauu Of enetPnosidont Wilson belon. prose- ,,#e 'th. matter any further. Aus oo u a ,, .nov prssident Would find t convent., - "t-ta talcs tho matterup agntin Sir lBd- yarid vas - roady, Apparenti y Pretidont Wilson. la nov ready.. Thora la no burry . l'ut e.t the. sama tLn t ight b. 0vll t othoeinatter out et the vey. t aMt certan that PrégsMent Wil- Imo1t will take tii.attitude adopted by Sena oriat on th. question, and "re- fuse ta sacrifies -the honon ands good lune af the United States" for the cake . . Q ia tlts obipiipng, Th pTi pnglty -Of banlnhM$nt for rebel': "0o1 lit Old. YOÏa tnP iouad by thé 4outlu: Akfnican gevernmneut 12 in murpilgy pi.-qa'sningtht the joljnnuhr )Lbr lead ru tà elo, that thel r movo-i 'ment vas nae.ly -r*VDutionare. and that by means Of, Viols*eo theY suavored ta P-01tt tlt#3rod fagsavî 2h.ePgoftht@ union, thoir OXPUliontrom the oeun- .trY by thé. ilupîplu a-xe,_utiv@or orS. 'di esnaie fa demnocraci' te a no- etthat ieema îcmehav 10o smbady 0unticting yuiriplaj«ci d~ustsin In ovr avn country th h&a bar-. ben.u 1 t f t 0 deortatIon 6f d"undasir- hadeoitel U 'f rOnitOwni whlch they a Lturbed. but.largr anSmore cOmPiox quetione are rateqvienthe rUleo aet, on# qçÇ Qrçgt 1rsn' vr ut&« eoeinwvasthe Iay hMc nts diSturberm of ti. peo.an&d meuS tlhn - bais 2tg21t mother cauntr mu tu It Mayb.. aald that t?ýer cocutincet i saginca la South tioa s ouid ton y rh&oendangared its peac ansd hîn- ropo t.but nhight iîavs Induutr,for 2h. eoecamoiet is vil!. And they'SAS the werk vIth -a vif tuais and thcirouzliuneaothat commauded sp- ~oiit1ol. te et srong Îîaiid, aeme e o offnry aarioed lu *1mev-ý intma exile vwitho&t ttheir coatea f Ieoh UuhArcndflu forth ]Bitshgoverumiient. vhieh câÈn- n dt apprva, and ytmust not"intorfera - ith the action otaislt-governint do- In 1. hséE X s« NSa ifs lwysi. 1. Mn. Samuel W. klisnton, ln a book on- ié t1t1ed "The IIog;The l4urtgasgeà%rei ih lan ,ret mtresupon- th. importatnce Il0fIy Inor neu th. output cf pork, -o.p- te* oily uve f 2h.eisting shortage et o moat preducte. lRe points out -that ithe profit, In. -hog -le great, aud 1thoir '0asace on tho tarin - makas ton thé t- bouS f ail crepu by s.uppiyrinzr a ns-, ,tural -fertiliser." lie aayý tne 9n1y sari- s UO obttâdla tà sucetse-le hftg ehi- in ors, sud tisin ay ho avoided by pro- Ï&Pçr S4911,n e rfsi'ogiiiiings Irçut abarlay au a food anS as thie grain cau e ti<.n ou r mmeuçaUIon ilafeooa a wakLug teW9msx'u-&MI And nov anotiier roat question con- front. s u-ZIo 12correct te tae .a vo- man'e arm vhen' vaiking vtth hon? 'I'hia question bas beau'aG euab KCaier William vue has issued an odiet that-afficanu ef 2h.- -Goman army'm unt bot take 2h. arn1 of a vomnap compani- on, not aven If *ha la hi* vita. Tis la La simple rula. And a noteS -auitbonfty 0 an throamattoesluIoquated _0*"g 11Only a beer vould talcs a lady.a arm oesep t ta baud bh o ea cannage'if han banda vore enugad vitihobergovu, or, lu -th.eévent 0ef'Dorer or, ulnesl.." ,TJeladoctrine la generally repudiated In uolety tbeso dayoi I t ought nôt to rb. because Lt encouragea dignlty- sud erespect.- There la a certain distance he- ltween tï4 sexes thit aboulA naéva b. 0 forgotten aud lvhen Lt la thé natursi courteB btwee:fl iimn -&na voman a? P e '0 Rte.0' It la hsrd teaay-lto vyet tht. fl*1. familianlty JO -a step ta- vanS miaking the vomaneem more common -than uheOaught ta sei, A NOTA &otia Caose of H-alifax Sande Out s Message ef Heip to Many Peopla.- Halifax, N.B., tDec. lS.-When Inter.ý lewed ait her home at 194 Argyle St.. Mrs. l{averstock vas quite wluintg to tsuik et han zeculiarîn unfortuuate cane. feit weak, languld anS uttenly wruSt for auy warkz. My stomavb wan 50 disordorgd that 1 had no aDietIts. What 1 di# est disagreed. 1suffercd greatly fr*~ dizzlnuesansd siek hmad. ache anS f'ared a nervoup breakdawn. Tlpon my dnugglst'fi recommeudation 1 useS Dr. Hamitlton's Pillue. 11 feit battai, At iees. Bvay day 1 ruproved. iu six veeks 1 van a vol! womÉL-n, curéd Ceomlet8ly aftar difen- ent physiciaus baS taleS te irelp.une, It tg for this reason that 1 strongly, urge muffrers wtth stomnach or d1ges- tiv, trublas te use Dr. Ilamilton'u stemach, Improve digestion. strength- en the nervos and effore debilitated- gysteme to hèaith. - Ey ecanting the booed of long-standinig impurities, b>' brlnglng the system te -a hlgh point af vigor. the>' effectuai!>' Chas. ava>' veanineas, Sepression anS Siseane. o00d fer young or o10, for mno,-for' woemen, -for eblidren. AiU dealers iell Dr. 1-amltan's FPlus ef Mandrake and Butternut. TIU3 WEST PASSED> OVER. No Monîlon Ilade of If Iu Lord stratlicoua's Wl!. - 'A dee.patch f nom WinniPue'g saYe: Speaking edîtoniaiy on We.dneuday mornin; cff Lord Strathoona,s viii, the i. Vnnpeç Telegram eays iu Part;. , "It vltuet escape fnotice that tha Canacian We&t, wichl laid the fo>undatien 0f StrstbçgnWe .for- tunes andi opene t h. w&y tte publiec career vhicb made liig namle lamons, ià quité Iamti o ver. Ille omission-vil a.ouseo nreee-tzniext ln the West, but. àt May b. Permit- ted in th. circuuu.stazices te, reniaik at a tinie wbeîî ome ch la being sait! of hiiservices to 4h.'We-- and tixey w*e undonbtediy valu- a'ble-tha.t 14 vas th, West thm.t Made. Stratircona anad that gave hlm his groat fortune vhich ho beetova elaewevhe with sucix alaviah baud." LNEIHRýOUGII D1STRUSS iUsed Ail Her Money to(let Home to France, But Got on Wrong Train ,oirlrom North Bây u#ya: tŽ\france, wilere theY oould beth >urnier, -a Frenchwoma livet the mother said, on i20) cents 'sie -o! ae,# wu ticmi a day. ereas tra & t NOl-til Bày -Bb decided to return toý France, y1on amouuit of her coi: aiOd lad purvhaed a, tiekat wîth O inciiot.c insanity. her seant reserve, but feuuj Onthe' ibis t6o pek .Englleh. titin that her ticket was jto8a Plac o tis cutya.bout iii Siaskatehewan, &nd -tha.t she was ho &9.0 with th» hope of travellinig WO&swar4 iiitead o! es9t. mui.at- mpomety R;Her distvess v&% acute a.nd, berselfif S cm1ort, am acoentua.4ed by her. ina.bility , o widowed niother, vhomn speak the language cfthe country,I *ifd ini Fr&noe. -8kh. did herreaon became impaired. HKer 1a in tting workA to lier ondftion has gzown teadily received a, Ltt.r freinr%>rîe, -sud it viii b. neoessa.ry Vo beggii~gber 40 rt~urn OMMft ber 40 au a.ylumn. Feh. 19. St.Caharines ba" only 88 work-, Arresa.inuToronto lenst 7 a P- proximated _one for eyery ten'per- A movement for a wluter fair ln London waa commieucd-st thq an- na&i meeting, of the.Western Fair Wm. H. Elli., ma.nager fer -the ville,,vas f*und dee.d in hisi rocin, havding be seized with heie artfe- ure. James Heverhum s agned las tdx collecter -cf Guelph because the. en- forcement of payments inakes too ma.ny enemies. 1Xýimberley, an Englishman4 vho tgld thi eeWrboro' police.Iho had helped ,to murder e voms.n in~ Kit!- 0f comgo&ssiendnt!he P event!ve iofficr àat North, 8ydney .uopended for carrylng "passengers5 andi lus- iraglir. Brnard, a fariner of St. Dominique, Que., vas baught on a spike in abarn do>rwar a& hie horses ran threugh, rthenail pene- trating hie- oye and him head. It i. statet! at thelieadquarteu ,of the wôlvaion Arniy in Winnipeg -a" Only dOMez4ics aasd f a.rM la.r- crs *111 bO broU[ht !rom t4he id ontry- thi. oa .Te e C'odua ên1rfry huoçi&,- tien, oa t s aixteenth -a.nnusl mmeetÉ- ing in Obtava, decided, foilowing the aumgetion cf Premier Bordon, to hold a National - Frestry Con- grema thereà negt January. The new C'.P.R. hotel &t Calgary vill bo cahot! tthe "Pallises-," alter O&Pt. 'P&allser, who, in 1847, led a (ýOVertnment explorîng. party. be- twftn'Superior and the Rlookies. frbudtuPon foreign laborre en. giged lu railway conistructÀon work arsalegod by, G@8196 Aleuhder cf, Mýrj againstt ýwc big COn- raoing firms, Oniê of them o! inter- national roputatiokn. The. laborers, it la said, vero chIarget! such extor- ionate Pi4es lor supplies tiat their wa6es vero more thau caten up. Addressing the Ilisftite of Sani- tary Engineers, Sir Wm. Ramnsay asked ifit would ne't bc better to aUeow Vhe unfit te <die. .The, British < Colonial 'Seeretary hae IlotifiecL ail the Doinionq, col- <,nlee _%"d Pr6tectOrýateB t.ha.t il de- pgbito bo IemwlOuly w I3ritili Conipmnies«, ind with a; atipula4iton that the w&r office 'M . y conlfrol tho export durias hcOst-iiities. United States. President Wilson announced that hé WASin )avr cf rep.ealIg thé çlux.exnpting Ainericun coast- vWise ehippiung from the- Panama CanalitM-15. The PlilaAolpia Quartz Cc. viil give î 10 percen-t. bonu to th@ mon -aft ils Chester plant vho pIeds-a th«noeIvCs Ob1't<O drink. Geneual. Anglo-Gennian relations were said b>' the German Foeigun Mini.- er t e b '-i-ey goot." Precident Billinghuret cf 'tho Re- public cf Peru, wasi taken prisner bythe zniitsry revolutioniats and! viii ba exilet!. President Huerta, in a, meioage te tire New York-Siu, eas chohan &an army o f 189,OOfI mon with which lie ils -pening a campaign Inu the north, and h. lu villing to, pay the. expenses cf reporters f rom n-ny ton Amerie-en nevapa.pors Vo wtuess Vii. operatians. ANTARCTIC EXPEDITIOIN. Mieinhers quthe tae 84ffR ate Iad Ex- penience at the South Pole. ÀLdieurteh f rom London ua3ie.: Liu.SrErneet Sha-ekieton h-au inued tiii namneetof the seven Mein- bers of hics taff 'vue vii go te the Antarctic. AIl oxcept onie have had experience in the- region cf fthe Sou-tii Polo. It i. understecd that severai o! -h. sientifie staff cof Cap- tain Seett'c ill-fa-ted .oxpodition viii 'join Sir Ernuest, as weI-ý as soum et thxe meni whe acompa.umed Dr. Mavson, Lieut. OhÊckleton ha., praoticaliy decided to bny the uew Norvegiga ooat1on ship rarIe ;rieih vas especia1ly built for ioe work, blie viii be convertoti'into aài 0il-buning vousel sund renanet lîwdurance, Mhe viii oporM oini the Weddli Sa. h. viii be ooru- utundet! iby Capt-m Davis, wvisj noîv ili change cf Dr. Mawson 5 siîip. tue Anrora. CAPTAiX OFJTII 71 Ç!TUCKET. chargea With Negligebee and -Ml.. ~Adespaîtaii f-onuNorfolit,V4i-. Claptan Beewy,, 41tthe steamer Nan- tucket, vhtich suuk the uner Mon- roe vih .la f-1 be;vr foruuulated heron. o Thuneda> and forwardot! te steambeat i4spection heiidquarters.' - 14 us sait!the>' chane Berry vith negligence, at! misconýduet. Trie b4ant of steam- boat inspeecns atPlila.t!lpiiiaviII '>'y the.acçuseceaptaîn. Nrfleln Mystomach 1 knew I val il righf.It-Iiinhed tise.crampu--jusi one single doue." Siekues t nlght lIo.renderedi nightxnare > oftth,-past If -Nervfne -Il handy. iV tMay be, sarache, toothachi or cramps. Nervilino fiu everyca viii cuire ut Once and save calng tii doctor.' Nerviini , s a fmlly phys] clan la Itiel?, Tii.large 60ô, famil, Oize, bottie, of course, le Most ecoCOl mia!.. 8mai! ttiai size coos a quai ter. AUl damiers sâel! Nervfhine. lONqORS Fou CAPTAIS I2àça Rocognition et Min "KOrolu n stauneh Allegianee te fluty."l A deupateh f-rein London aya Capt. Frumis Inch, commander ol the. eteamsiiip Voiturno, vçhich wva burned ln mid-Alantic on Ot.. 11, 1913, with a lem.of 135 lire., va psesented Ã"n Wednesday with Ùh4 freedom of the City of London ino silver caaket, -and also with ia. gol< medai, a Soid watch and ehaàn,a pursé,of gel a nd- LloyAd'. s-iveî modalThe prçsent*t4gn w&sj Mgdi by tihe Lord Ma.yor ". the Mmnsici> ifeuse.né stold Capt. Inch thel tLhà tôkenà wére In recogitiôn oi bis "heroiEim and' stibunch aile. ginCe te dUty." At th.sa-ime a dianiont! andi s.aphire pefiiani and a oiver te, service wer. prie- 9entedt! o M-ra..Inch. The, Lord~ Ma.yer and William Marconi, the vireleis inventer, dliveret! culo- gistie speeches, i-n reply te whidh Ca.pt., Inch moeealy denied havifig donle any-1-hing but Mgciuty. An Army AIrnîgans Attathmient fi à Young Girl., A despateh f rei Londo>n eays.À roinantic attachmenst t a girl of fourteen years was digel6sed by the~ will of theL&tlae LeutenantArthur, an ArMY airmAfi, aged twtônty.nn-, who was ki-led a Montrose la.si May. The will. which vag prèved ini the Dublin courts, Icaves the Whole fortune of £12,500 tc Winsonne Constance Reper, daugh- fer of 4ho West Hart.iepool ship- builder, and granddauz-liter ôf Sir Robert HIopez'. On the 'lead body 01 th@ airnianwu !ôtind ànmia -Lure Po>rtrait of th-e girl, which he was in thé hsbit o! vearinr' on hio breast. -GUILTI 0F m l4T Buarriest's Defence Wua et. Iumanît>'. That A iespateh froin New Y<rk eays : On 1.1-ureday fReno Schmidt vas fouuid guilty of imurder in the tiret dntgreo for killing Anas .Aumuller, a y-oung s'ona-n lié liawd ma&ried tlîrouîgh a self-performet cercmony vile acting a-s a prisait'a-t St. Jo- beph's Chnroh. The penalty o! -tii. crime là dcatii in tiie eleetrie chair. Schuidt's defen,3ce vas ins.nity. This výas ldsosonui triai. Tl* -jury -ou the flrst trial disagreed aud vas THE YAY OUT From weakuess te Paver b>' Fod Gettiug the 'riglit start for thie day'. wcrk o! teii,-nea.ns the differ- ence betveeu dei ng tlings lu whole- seme comf-rt, ci' dragging aloag haf dead al day. There's more in t-ho use of preper fi>od than many people ever drea-ni ot-more's the pity. "lThrŽo y-ent àg6 I bogtn w&rI. ing in «a general sta>r,," vnri-Lesa mn, $(andbetwepu Irequent deliv- cries and morç freqiient cust.omecr, I vas kt'pt -on îny feet froc-m morn- ing t111 night. "Indige,4tion had troiibled me for sanie time, and in fact ni>' ligh-t breakfast vwa. t.kmorenier nm liabit thaîî appetite,- At first thie inwuffiCient diet va6 nop noticed muêh-, but at work it made me wealc aud hungry> long before noori. - "Vet a breakfast of -wlls, f ried fouds aud coffe-e meuat hea-daclie, nnîîaea d kiîudred diseonnIorts. Either wvay 1 va-a losing veight sud strength, w-heu - oee day 0, friénd sulggesited that I try a 'Grape-Nuits breakfast.' -j ' 1c begên vIti soe. tevedc fruit. (irape-Nuits a-i! cre.a soit boiied egg, tcaat, -sud a CUP e1 Postum. Pjr xwnon I vas hungi>', but vith a heaitiiy, normal ap- te. Tii.-'weak, languli feeling vas not tbero. "Nmy haid :vascleauer, serves etendier, thaix fer.months. To-day My> atomach I*SsÉsrong, My>'appetita normal, M'Y bodlily 'pov.er splendid,1 and head al-wtys elear."l Xame givoen by Ca-nadn Pesturu (10., Windsor, Ont,.' Rexd "The Rea t» teWellivlle," lin pkgs. È- N i"i he' 0 above lattas? A am mse appmenIwfo= thUsas t imi. a"s #Essaim#1514U et rorouito. &-,No. 2 ut 68 to 64c, out@ide.. kwheat-No. 2 at 74 to -7c,01 n-Manitoba. bran, $22-50 a ton, Toronto frelgbt. ShOrts, 534 - . - -If Yevon toanrtev a minir pleture tliastraet COMUt woiui& ocome a Profsrred Sbu.neholdon In United MoUeol 22 - t 24e: au- , whlch contrôla sixai theo langast hîgb-claes Butter-cie dairy,,,,3'a 4:I- re4sI. Ottava. sud Bultalo. The auditore certify p rerno, 19, te 20c;- armene,' uepatatoi' ~.prints, 28 ta 250; croëauery -prînti 0 $ 00OùA V ta aic; soude 27 ta 2W. torage pnilite, 1$0 ,00 A ýF >' 7 e 8e gadi 2 t Ã"3 1.2c. --Thé. Pifenr.d Stock daanItreta par omm lEggs-Caâie lots cf née-laid, tg te Par' cent.Comien stock. àc r40a per-dozan; stora 0, slate 8 2087c4 Write to us fer meut complts, infonnutien.I ans'torage, 82 te 14cps dzen. and. 15c fortwin. E45t anlra dWv.d Cronyo'& COU' R Raan-Ean-picad.$2.10 te $2.20 ---wo.e per buabel' prties. $2 ta $2.10. M§ * Uuor7-ltr.t.4,lu tios - 11 0 190____________ doen f r Ne. 1. a"d $140 t-12.50 for-- ens. 16 ta 18c; duche. la ta 1l.,UomaesseO i uw 14 te 15e; turkeyw, 119 ta 22e.-* ~ - i Potatoes--Ont.noo, 'Se per bar, sun-I- f tnaclc, sud Delavêtres at 80 t 815c,ý onlu A3ta-,lucr o1 a Igh Clans Profit-Oharing nonde.- .Soria levlloa, -INVUITUENT may b. wthdrtan&ay>'i 9 ]Bacon-Lýong dlean. 15 te 160 Par îl,* on 60 daya noatice. Ruainea. ai back met ln case lotu, Fonlt-Siiont cnt, 528L50; lîhoS25 an. end f«o polifalder c.ai do.mn.54.60. r-- ams--Madium tea A IN LC'IIuFw ~inu m th,1 a 1 1-8è; breakfast bacon, 18 UA IO AL E FRITIES Cî PORU t1c'Ã"baeok1 22 ta 24e. -F RTINLP UION j 0arjTLreoU 14 1-4o, tubs, 14 1-2c; CNekTO IE5IDN a. palle, 14 8-4ç. Es>' suMarma otraw. Our Londron Letter -,thu tclI taled har-Ilo. 1 at 514.80 ta 516 a triesbutwh tcn.cu t rchr. :vm_ autsdt $13 a- 1pbu 1. t't an32,sd mlxed at-JIZ to flz 5. or -14i0; llid s0tràws.Car loto, - 19.60 té 1S.75,IOslo55ont titnIE111#10 nra a7nulo! on tracli. Torouto. -"12 laites ten Germau.s ta do the. vor- r the tiia r. - cf tvo Englishmn.n" saiS Profesai H. aeé e Wàuleg ~.t . i. Arniuteollg:lu a speech ult the Public W"P# *rb.schoal sclice masters' conference at ýt Winnipeg, Pcb. 10I.-Cash pices- South Kensington recently. Professer Wheat-No. 1 Nortien, 56- 1-4e; No. 2 Armstrong was Slaqcussing 2h. alleged Nortieru. 84 1-4c; No.'- 8 Nonthern.u. .neriority ofthtic lerman lu reà;earch I82 1-4c; No. 4, 77 1-2c; No. 5 . 7le; No. wcrkc. 6 6c., toed, 61c; No. 1i rejccted s'ceds, "It le nil nonseusee-all moushine," he S 1-4c; No. 2 rejeeted seeds, 79 1-4e; Seclareti, adding tilat Lt vas obvions Na. a roi coteS' ceodSa v7 1-4c; No. 1 that riions etood on a level with If not amutty 8 1 4slf o. 2 osmutty, 70 1-4e; bigiior -thani thérann. 'The Ger- iNa. 3S autty, 77 1- 4'e*;. inadýWLnt@r, man ,çan gat only eue pot ta ,boil at a 96 1-4<1: No. 2 red Wibter,54 l>4 c-,No. tlme," lie vald. 'We have only ta con- S nad Winter. 92 l1.4e. OiLa'-NI 2 c'W., aider the medieval coriiditlann whtci ex- sac; 7-a C.W. 32 2-60; extra- . 1No;iit ln Alesce lu cea&lla. that a -country recd, 32 1-2c; Na, 1 tco4, 81 8C4; No. iVhich eau stand that eau stand mont, 9I fead. Rt 1-40. Parli'. Nô. R.41 1.,;thlîiîî*. And Io nôt a euntry %wh.ra r-. No. 4. 40c; re3ectod, 35e: fooed, 85' 1-2e. iginailt>'and IndiVîdUalit>' have idovel- *tRR 14. s W..~I.0. nout. si thatt the geantus of théena ilîshirmu wae mone o ta ordure tuan -J 0 tnl akes,- udo more routine worki. ý Montreal. Pcb. 1.-Corn-Ameriean WouId Admit omaa te Bar. No. r yellow, 71 1-Se. Oats-Canadlan *l" western, No. 2, 42 1-2c: de., No. 3 411-9 A bill viii be Introdîîced lu the.ou te 42c. extra No. 1 teed. 40 1-2 ta ec. oet oemonn xisession whieh aitm. at f 1&oy-Man. teed. 48 te Soc;: malitu g sng Engliah vomen the right te rc 04M 00. 50 wctaN, ,lto bic. lice ias lawyei0, It l a aquentlon wpra- 8 r lur-Man. Spring * viat patente, tien Lt viii receiva th. support eft2h.e ' fnuate. 82.40; seconds, $4.90; strong hait- governuent. vithout vbich It standslt cru', ;4,70; Wlnter patonta. cholulCsï147fi ie cliance ut euccesa. 9te $r-:. strafght reliers. 54.22 te -14.90; Tihe matten ban beeu feught lu, the t tdo.. bage. $2 ta $2.10. rZliéd aat, bar- courts for saveral yearusuad the deci t reos, 4.î5; (do., bln, DO fi, 52.06' Bran, 5"Il, 2 lt l'Otrc I 11111 i'Cllltilfieni o I$22. Shorts. $24. MiddlLhgs, $27. Mou- the ludgmeut oet2he Court eof.Appeal, file, 12.8 ta $32. Ifay-No. 2, pier- tan car %vhlch. lu Decomber. declared that the lots. $11,60- ta $16, bhclies--E'lnest irsoxt law diS înot gîte vomen the t watené.if -5 a1e: inest eaetcrns igbt ta practice sud that tic onlyr tri- - 19 1-2 te 18 3-4c. Butter-Choicect bunal whi could give womeu such -creameny, 29 ta 28 1-2c; :seconds. 27 1-4 niittvas panîfament. tel 27 3-4c. Eggs-Wresh* 40C.' aected, The grouuîds for this lwigmcut von. r 7 te 8W, No.1 stock, d ta 84c. Pota. fl0ý that thora wua any'iuu1horent lînfit. taoen.ver bagr. car icI. .9 ta Soc, lies aLfuon« ne>,which proventedarinr, - - them -fro naPPearnug lu la.v tuacte but mocly thot mèe nover hadti, 111 lli im' ~h1eA lats aîktu. . ac beien a weuîan îawyer ln IDIICi .i , * Mnnapl. elb. i.Wia---a.TscutheiS that thla cenuimon la Msuye 57.80 i O;J ,H1-40 nuO. Cash!dimabillty wal turthdI' supportèd hy a 85 on JUfl4 -NG. 1 hard, O2-90. No. i1l'lorthorn. 1dt,:tum cf Lýord Coke. issued aven zooI s. 7-8 te 9o 3-3o* Ne 2 Nonthon. vars 550. cucecruiug those who had 85 7-9 to 87 7-Se; , j vIsaI.ft' 82 7-8 ibaconie oitltied to practico klw tram te 87 7-8e. Cern-No. 0 ' ellov, 58 1-4 unim menirneortal. ,Au 015 au '12is leitis D ItO /Nir te 561-2c. Oto-No. S white, 56 1-2 dictum ni l etîll bidlng lu Engiliuhlaw. te 25 2-4e. Plour and bran uneiangé& Duluth, F'ob.e-.O. - LLnteed --Cash. OrgazuiSt gTrip toi Uouth 7voie 11-48 l1-C Muy,111 4,'ýJuly, 1-81-4- The wark of organlzlng the groitlm- TeGv Whèat-No. 1 bard. 88 8-4e: No. 1 Nor- -Perlai- trns-Arctio expédition goeteon thern,, 87 3-4c; 'No. 2 Northeru 863-4c; aae uad i ratuaultnl VàRY. 802-4 tu S89 7-9e: Jnly, 6o 3.4 s 90 7-Se. 342 w oea cfthe busleet men fl A df jP& ÀýnQo.&Iiday long ho and bis atuf! A l-ef aira woriiugbard i t theé- office@"of the -4 ulve Steak 15.és. - .dttion. lu Nev Ilunlington atreet. Ilurreli fan Terote, 'ob.1Q-CttleOhel ~ Salinu with correupondence, cousider- Tuit che'. 1.16 e, 10: got. e 7s 10h but-ithé. apvlutiong Of voluttees Who TUoa ,uiedium $7 to $725. cornmnon. $6 tawah taiarinthe ita-snture snd ar- 2Rver. A 2 ; hoie Cwsec,0 t fe76*gooJ Ianging the. complicatea business on 6.6tô oc, cv, 05 t s.c oaIores andi equlpment, - sîîltîug on 14..8:medluni, 890 tea80.7Ï, oM. Sir Ernest la Seltgrhted at 211e viSe- them, i ri 4.1;0; cutters and canner.. 52.26o ipread lnterest In tiie oxpodItIon..Ail ta 97; Choies bull., 17 2tu57.2530;4oa, 16sorts sald conditions cni îîcaplse i e ta $6.50; common, $6 te _16.5 tockans sîowîug thaîn àsImpathy vîth is i.pro- el vs and foedersi-Bteens, choice. $7 ta Jet, by vhtob t ey ho ete pl Gs reat $8.85;caS. $56.50 tea500;,lgbt, $3.60 Britin at tihe top of t:éo Antanttc lion- two cf1 t-ht ta 16.2î,; milkena and upningOro, np. ta or îîst, iîiauy of . them lu a praeticiil int the til $80, Sha p and latmb--likht aver«.nianner. $5650 ta $7: heavy. $3 tea.16;surn Iamnbo. $8.80 ta $.50; bucks 13 te 58.55. Q.On a« a oPWe"4.. W«. w1th 750 off, CLves88-oQod tal, 11,76 Quain maiay nrbapo ho descrlb-- te $511:', conmmn. $5te §55.5V09-àg-119 ta aS ai 2ý'h. lant aoftii. Vtonians. She $9.25. fed and vatered: 108.65. te $8.80.,iiao an aiS-fashianod objection 2taire- f.o.b..; 19,10 ta 89.8fr off ca&rs. - marks about persanal appearance. She Montreal. Teb. 10.-Beatst esrs effered nover maokas them hersait and sho 5dis .Wantd- îold at $7.50, vhlle 2h. bulk oethLe likes ihoni aven If miade by lhan bî'o- at trading vas donb in caille rangtnw tin theis. ~ ~ ~ li prtes trou. 86 te $7, sud the iower g rudmes SeS e.b h a.carry -Che nurses iu C oSfrmtIat clown ta 45 por cvt. But- bug' doL utel aibeajnte chers' cuva and huilla voe. tead y at thé Modern voinan. Ohé, of oourae, to filVaCa1 trou. $4 te $7 pýnevt. LChoice. nutkera nover cgas out alono. anS 2he lady inutiion. Unui tram $1 01, le $110, g00d at $80 ta $90, Mary Sacs net use a powdér puff. anud medium iat 870 ta $75 cach. Choie a ool net Une a Powdsr Pnff. elîce, New iambe mold at 18.60, sud medium at US. lioueew af iralaus BoaS. liiicomaplett vile sbeep brougut 81.50 ta $6 per cvi. ThrpseS vy latwek a dîe e n Calves ranetrafrm S3 Le 113 esci iigtnc n-Tlire a e a, £2 t ekaviut ise -, i ta aime tud ('tu-tilt>'. Pnies cf hogs ad- s, ton-n-laitmonrvvîthe planeetdran vancai 10 inla 1c ver ewt., vîti a good ggeof 6,té t rie vnS.lnerfW dç:mand allai raies o e sateSl t hevr, taleg.phseette vas Johnpartinent. $9.75 ta $10 Per 0w t.. veigiied Wle i anus. w vscrodited off crs-. viti having built ths finet tolegraph Nurses w0 - llinluthé wvend. frôm tm Williams Sevotodl more than tbree- m CHARGE AGAIN$T C4M scQIRore ysn 0 bs o M liteta telegrapLhi MisaF ieade ion cf local agente, i-e likeIy to e cad 12stIlitlooÏka s ivîanor bouse lu tow'n, Antarctie-ti tien cf Europeans of the. iabo.rine work. Tiosmay resuit blovewr iwe ed Or vages bei-n3 paid Vo iboc.ro u oin- D ,o Oan<~a Frtier aduutnlu Thare l n i. e n ibay Ing 0-N PILLs. thir-claa st1msi phasago e To sp104 o m~SPatWP sumt8.e antiipted. Età*thpwll lain 1 geolaer Dr. Taylor, of Oohal4 ha. fi a syndi"te et $88,000 te de vwork on Vwe gcild cl1uiiin 1i township, -east of Mathe, vbich -sma nmmamkabl. »i your oun, v an uat le en Picture Theatre, Lit houuou ln Torento, HM Profits ut-tho ratse o :A R rcent and a bonus of MENT rtu.» Rods. Ub- and full perM4ulsra,' ATi ON, -LIMITUD DflE, iow, front 1bebInd tih d flot IOflK ao fa o 1*O little' roomz hQaVe e Oro P$,rewe, adOtie rOmIlt 5l îeô rÙ#msnie 00wsOûfih F lLoô.ndon.*- - -i ~' E 14 E J I I s1 rd ilouît Stepho, -. able OImaniaud MulIbi- t â8*wiRt8 o! .8tatheoîî. enterpriace. - Ho -will ba i Rth -next. El> 1<SPEEl>I iuvER. Way and One LI(ie G-10 Y/cnt Under. .th f ren Preston - 92a7,8i fQîlr-ye&r-c1d -girl of tic LM1iy wa -diowne -on i-ftoinocn ln the MpeeA er-ovd of- chikliee ver.e litAi.e girls, get on &. thiui ico and! went throglh.. accuon optIi.icone, sud echild-en vere reseued, ird vas carne! unckr tii.' Wanted. -Twelve weII-cdueat,éd, )us young wSln n se puril anejo*s.caused by gradut- anual variet>' of experi- w Nurses' Home.goon te -.ed Fluerit ectasieus' ilding l iheStati, Cil.! ard ant! Mater-nityr De.- TWO niontha' V;siting' >rk.- Monthly alloivanoe ,erika K. Gainer1 t ie. kh f romnNew York saysi aidy, for-mer Democraticl aes County, and WIi- et t. a. former C!on«rosa- 'o netznoro flian a-eur nsix mouithî ib $ing Sinw CI to, psy a 00fiua. ý'aiter5 a volitieI&n, vag to thre'e maolvbhe. nd fruec viI]r4. wasnvbvtu.1 of bribe te CsCarwidy fer a6 Douri omiîio.- Wal- etShe.cklt»n- wiU t&ke -en 2Ã" and 40oOn luis trip. ren, larly beizi -betv-ees .tibe agpes f roi when abisence ef nij *careleiiines in expoi i n-evidenco. Y/bile ]ai ~tge '4f tweuty, -,t-fb.nit "ýfrymend4 girhà çdocroeas ý.p. o t wn ewu ity<ftleionlga - re i r n frl wIV0 styl1e-,or aliube ! l eagt ,the aclwînitare n -beevl-ed a t-Vife(Ir M'Iich will be gracful Et m llonstreurs Pyl The Lend-ort 'epiesew 1,,t aetdian. Ifrîn was 'm 4' mîiîment - opià, nom Lay inilte rocxm thati, - <îtbçe, 111çrowm 'wsa frair 44f four -hr-c--' flîrre wui a desk in tiî few -c airand m. iorF bËAU. 1R as lelLluidi A soi'n -fr-arn the nex, tuc o msLuurntc.go to sud o rtrinedt,-,iiis loft tho doôr £jir. 'caini from- tho nex -A linge unsdre itul lte doorway.- stc4pped for a econdJ 'head untfl it WI.9 aimosi -with t41eiman's, and bes 'i iiits ngue angrily in -&M de8perafe situation. T11 un-armeci, end -appare-il wit-hdrew hi. oye-s froîn tV masie, i4 lWbered 'uta flut lie Lfadi alroadv -u is ors. T great, - 'ipen. R-e opra.ng iiit0 it,- the dpor bchind hlmi, al 'id ivit -$ut h C-omnlletf wolîld h.n.v-'neaunt slow b arafostcu Re slipp£d oê'4h büok jute tio â pe heit!. Mie pndroitt Mea-n-w tet lb- ylu. fliung ils .coiia twice î-cunc -the wail. - ie éventure oeils to the îi-tmoet ter - angry effoîeb to crisaIlleh. an effort,,tic es &)ner o;>llectmed hib mwitti. nieunhere d th«tt a ca-se, cWinag>d aifeumrked, r' hseeu .put în the adljoina horrible viFitkir. Bkvbu the, j sorci.Y itui 1:ai: Hlea str J!a'flr in thee-ve'iiuig h. -4n ýlogick ledra., itu4the sharp U f, £Wairr. TU jn1 bite fAiaoneI again iV) ,Md hu a t 49b.

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