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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 12 Feb 1914, p. 7

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five... 368 ben * 389 1,4m .irmllctnsdzfi'énÉ iumber of burus l botys ad girls as -the years increa muet due to the great diffe m inta tixç oot-hing. -In tise'earliem ftr. ~peciahly before thi.ehài rois walk, boy. sud_'girls areé sim:2 larly &4Mvsc. g o 4n as +6èogir lbegins tuo riesr dresses and téeho c kilts'and 4rou.ert thérs becomes &P pareu4b a dcclded -junreuse inlu -thlis nirwîity bdo M'e.s muet marke -p--etnoeu s4be ape.from ire t-o ten: when absence o! supervision anc -. aroiesjea l'aiiiexposu-re arc mn lu ovideacise While laVer, up t-o the ge oftw.ipty, the number o! bot 40iys a" girlsÀ decreases, the differ. T 98iisputable facitia, whicl apply to ou tir wn ebuntry aloo, leu' - Vo reççmaider.etiorso! clotihixsg *o girl-. Opre&di-ng ekirtse hauld be boisis-cd b90ause t4i1ey :are more -Uikely t-o en-oistlire, aud tÈ~e rapid- ity .o! tlîeir co-nflagration le sure t-e --infliet .x4e7oive burni, whioh are - - tres, r-alevin fo>r women lins long beeîîit ted; indced, tise presnt gityhe o!i.-ýiioable dréss h-s-V --leapV t-lie adrantage .-f diminisbed -----liahuhiby. tte-sthng fire, by reason -~-.-liowever, thse latter appiies chtly - oetre-ei dreèua tier.fiî n-o gaîinl -this respect-. T-here--ertainly «hould bfewe'ove a home diésm, for girls whih I! tl e gmacEful witho-uli i- --A. 8'IANGE -RISON<. }AClerk'is Exeltln ExPerience wtt-h :8 goinstro;ri -Pythona. Tii.London repreaanVn-ti'e o! ara FIet L4g Ûra.fszn na-r nork-ing lV n t tii- -ehue . A large eù ,0' L&4 Iment ço!-goôdis, newly &arived, in3ltkcs r-cer tisait adicied lis dUcs. TM> room na-s a simple a! - f aIr o! 'four chas-n-covered rnls -~There na- a de*s ina t-le xickle, as feri chnair, nd a large- firepi-côf e-!.. 14 n-as non-ny midnigiat, rihon a -sond f rom ,the,it. n»$xt- -in-15 duced.tlio gms-n t 0gouto te- door te - liveltigate. Notiiing weçrned wrong,j and.- he -retirned Vo hi.4'wor-k, but PresenUly a feint, harshi round cama',o from Vhs_ nexts r<iom . Il-c spirang- up, t-o- hehold the isead o! a huio tna-ke pretruding LItroUglI Wisona thse .reptile en-w him, il $4- f ape o-r a second, rea-rd its -head ni t* alnioat on a, levei withthî>=&na, ad bean o dar-t îittnague angrily lisead eut-ot its -I No isovelist- <ver imagined a more cLqmPerae OuitiýBon.The min waS uaarmred, su&1d a.pparentîy nithoaut mns-61!éesape. The moment lic luýihdo i eyes f roma Visoe of Vhs mâtke, i4t lewered i'ts lien- and nsoved t-crard -him. But lai iad alres-dy detes'u-ired .fn hecureThe gre-at bef o t-od )tieni. Ho esaang irato it, and oeed -- thsedor boiind hlm', n-tiough ho did not sisis-tit onuphetely. TIsat- -- woid havemca-at slow but -centai» euffoct-ion. Ho slipped a om&lil 4" 'sbook mnto thie Apertutre, and held tisa poideroum door open ahout Ilainlai. , 1 -Meanhila, t-ht-pytlon,-!or sucis lt nas,-in -e, par-oxysin e!ffU ry, laid lung its coilletnice round t-he rêfs whieis stood tomo distanceont fnomn thse wall. Tise crature -dréw ita- - oils ote lut-mos-V tension is ana arsgry efforbt o orush tisa Iran as!e. liy an effort-, t-li despenrate pri- sorier o>llected hio- wits. - H e-m uiexnbered . t-hat a case, slight-ly daîng-Md snd uuarked-, "-to hé- kept uxi:a mçderataly wrssuplace," lied be pu t hes4qdiolulng roani, ~ do-ubtiesi coUntçd_ for bise horrible visitr. ut t-hoe 1explena- tao, atisosahe lixple, cffened iut,. oonaolatÃŽon. Sormet-hing muet be doue. Thse captive raclçed bhis brain woroly unflsia-ai idea stnuck hlm. Zurlier lutise evenin-g he had put oonefelt-ie lhrdgers iii t-elene, rith, along iak eraNrr-î- isie t-o m-rk'-. spci ienVry-. (rasîijed annealrost - : d<,ýIbC~d as W.,wawe, lle fo0urnditlne eaey nmat£t<>Vo as-h t-ho. siender wopnt, thea lb"d of! nidih as as - sarpaa a a-sn.Ts-klrag is cour- ge iu botis hu.ds, h-e plunged tise C~Ie ia«an. end-.again inat-otise folde ni -the mesà alceiera the>' eoscd Nhâe *zail apertlr8.,There ol- «I la isorrible,:tenringe uridt and tihe ta ave. e .é-rced omi-niotsi>' f<rormem0 zVT1ionauddenIy #CltlItng t te e ior. Ã" àw IytO thoielext-r"ietension 'o! iiJ e tekeen blade ha-c'I"i tîseéft evered 4thé body in hait. -. aid app old Mothr ob. , "he are tyln g u a up in obocks." * One day Oornie Kernel 1elt t green shootsAli pulled awsy. she in 'wenÏto liv. in the COTJI-CLb, which e ià a litle building raie.d up on e stoes, nd j full of open plamesto et lot tii. air came unde-r it, and ovet * close by,. Corniie Kerneé'l. eaw a iflfa, l uzzy yellow oatrpllar? 4WhIo was api'nn'n'g -ixmself inbo' Co- y oon. q g tu-dtiô wrap yôUIr- self Up l that thick b1snket~ when- you ndglit sta>y cutside. and see fiometling," ,aid' CornIe Kernel, ~lWho was thinking of. he'r own green eP h"etJsthuit kept ber.froI4i seting th e 4 world outside.. "I'm spinuing thie cocoon beeauge it isthe only way l'Cau ever b. à butterfly," said the big, fat, fuzzy v ellow cat&rpillar. "I shahl find -my wings in the sprinetme, for there ig a beautif ul day coniing for evèry caterpille'r."1 h Cornie Kernel looked st the 1oè10ëY Coat -of the -big, fat, fuzzy r Yellow catetpillar, and- said, - 111 *wish tbat~ I 'h&l soniething beauti- fui wrapped up inide' of My Coat; there isn't any beautiful da. com- *ing in my life." 3 "There Ii, and It wili be Coming aeOon," s'id tihebig, fat, fuzzy cater- pillar, Who wae wrapping himself round with hiÙ blainket eo tiýhqyl 4lat soTi Orni-e Kernel oould not hear anything he isaid. One day Ço.rnie Kernel and ail -her sicaers were t0irn away from 1good 0old Mother Cob and' shut li s wire cage, And , ihakel-oh, h'ow they weee sha.kexi! The wind hd nove shaon hem so liard. And fh--Y grew warm, oh, so * ,r! Thoe 5unlJeamrâ ltlo never made them 80 warm before. "I shall JiMp out o! my gkin!" ~ie~great big juinp, crying oeît, "Pop-a-tee, pap-a-tf-e, -pop, po)p"- Thon Ckrnie Kernel foiind herself wearing a, beautiful, &oi t, white, 110fY dancifig goýwn thst had houri wrapped up isd her homely eld Yellow coat aIl -the tîne. tV WaB the lining, and Côrnie Kernel liad neyer dreaied of the beautV of it. "Po~,-ee, popa-te~, pop' cre al he lUttle *eist.ers, wlho tu-rnied their liard ol.d'yellow cnits inside ont, nnd dance.d round in ith?ir bnîtifiul, sôftg lhit, qf¶ffy creres. s. Ce-mb Kernel dance.d go hliglh thAL when ii, cover of. th@, wire cage flew wide ýopen, Cornie Kernel j-uiimped -right up i.n., the ai'. and danced ttle pôp-a-tee-pop polka. in lier beautifui, sof t, white, fluffv fgown. "Thîis is the beautiful da -of -My- lUe," aaid (ornie Kernel.-'Yout.h'e 1Conipanion. 11jI i NEWi SORT OF DIVJ'NINU ROI>. The I>heueisdoae-ope IIeieais Iso C eeace- ofWnter. A GeZana invention, Vhs "phoxi- enido)scope," for hocating- under- grouindst-ras-ms e! nater, la des- enribed irn mnol und Erde. The azpparatus, r hich ie noV xnike t-ha éoutndin-g bciard o! a.granmophone, ia !nterxdcd, like VIse ordiraary ste-tii- osc-oe,* toecollect sand -intanjslty A certain scientifie Maxi wase led to expe0'lient with thig new device nf ter &1 1 renalx nI-digging wore the und4ergrounsd source h-ad SîiffiCiexjt volume tu lie feintl> audi- ble t-o tise Uussaist-ed ear. Ris expenimentsn ere qîsite suc- cessful. Wisen he put-t-he instru- ment on thes'round, about-ten ya-sdefrom aa. prlng, hae ouldlien-r a fanlt murmur o! running wvater, and t-hias snd greri stronger or weakcr as lie -mo-vcd the phonéndo- sc-ope in vas-bus <directions. ' Tise concliusion ras unavoidabie -tliît t-h-e iound ras loudeet- rhena t-li contrivancé ras- diretly anbove tise underground esîrrentoo! tlie spring. He made este on-,s-siieoiated nasaun- talas peank, nisere it ries extremely itîîpriaý)O u- ilut haI aei,- 114ouLdle !ound, As lie ecxpected, nusjunýD4 rna Ilerd. LastI>', th-e inventiir tric-d t( fin)d witis his instrument a sîîb-teri-aneaiu curs-ent in thîu ueigb-boî'oodi o!fa riew hesrse wliiisee ,wntrs niahed 1-j- avoid the. deiay o! sinking trial. Nvell sisnftis,. Tise phîonandoseope quit-klv îreve-ssed tise pregence o! vaa-ter, - aisd]thue roet fjavorable spt fot'. dîggîîsg. Tite weliI ahaft- ena- - <iftr-la layq sof mo~isi sa-ni,1 fîfiqer N at h'1iw surf7ace. sud éliaet wali- folirnd in 41 brd &I gr-a- 'Anotiîer lse, for tise conatrivance i lali n inr.a, îviere iV le frequenatly important t-o kuon the presousce aîîd trend -oi watei-contme before ceutting aecro8s then. Pcsaibhy, toec it Mn-y be fosînd useful i f deteoting t-li duxl hînhixi tlin - t inprioned gases Cause lisie vieiait-y of o cg, uoes and] li --ving namning et' uuspeuiinag eruptions. -- - - sked te deAn. a 1hypocrit-e, a Mrar b lxi' rote: "A- hypocrite i a leýd wlio gotasohneol rit-h a émile on his face and pretends ho likes iL-" - , Kîngs rarely got 0n 11oi -W,, their eldt sons, .Theé Hohei lerus have isot only drgooned th ýPeopie, they ha esrgooned th chldren, f rom t-ha time rihen m Fn~deriek WSilliam elapiped FrêÀÀ ick t-ho Ores-t- in prieom and < 'ward, lw hy have befn niartJIn -in t-hein o-na famlily, anad the tCyri ny o! a Martinet ainnya le-do reprisais. IV bas done s ina -1 prêtent eate.- -Until his' sonis nuariaetise N Ber held him in nith tse iglteet ýreinsî andVh lad, curbc-d andi garded then as rather' sullen - cmpanition wstli hi» popular bi ther, Eit-sl Fritz, secmed to gi littie promisU:e o! trouble; but ni hia marriageVo tise daughter- o! t Duke -o! Mecklenburg-Schnerin tok tise bit in bis Vcetli and bolt- Tihe union made hlm at least as ri as hie fnthen,- and nith- riches leie quir'ed the, independence o! t-ho î1 ternal leading-strings. Hence t &ix yeara' n-ar betwee-n t-hatrio. - lappéd.-FntJserlt§ Face,. In relM-ing a-ore o! thse episoe in which tise Orôwn Prince lias fl ured fhe article anys that hiie c>p repudiation o! ChancelirrJ3sl mamcles Mco-can poli. wa,equlivalent lu SlaPping his f thoras face isefore th-lwrhole non] and that his "Bravo!" ta von Re tier bears the eaine significancei the. Reichstag episode. Whatev, Thse Oprinan ('raon Prince. tho original attitude-o! t-h. Kaisee nas to the- incidents a-t Zabemn, h4 hn-c tise good sense Vo nu-ake, a scaea go-at ci the Chancellor when hôe en- that tise lteihstag -woculd stand nc Vloneens3, In t-hese. cîrcummtance tise toù's t-elograxns, thougs tho anticipated hi% action, caa hav onu>' oane -nuanirag. Thcy nerc, If noe an n-ttn-ck on his fat-ler, am et-tempt tg dicta4e iàpolicy for hM. It le net auppoeaed t-bat, whatever big Reichtag inolencee neant, ft ras dis-ect-ed againet Englaxid; for àit l ciuaracteristiccl-o!t-lis erai young mn-nVisa-t ho lias greWt e- thuasinmor Cret Er-it-ain. A seri1 eus attack was made on hlm somll time n-go lin s- section o! tise Germas presm on Vise gîund that during tise ninten spor-ts in Igwitzei-1pnd h< hssd net rnerely worn Englisi 4elothios--whicii he onnsîonly doe- and uises Exiu-h terme, but tisai lie iiad systema-tically ciat Vie sc- ,ciety -o! Geimani in order t-o spen5 hie lime with Englisi ansd Amen-. cane. i., Likes Etigland. He denied Vhis impeechiment ai- terrard, but he je indispuVn-bly fond o! Enaglish country housse suad of Anierican. Love for Bitisi gaines and f-or the çuestno! Bî'i- tihs coiuntry bouses, hiorever, wÉould be a poor b-sus ion, which te build eoinfidence lin regard t-o :sein- calculable a per5oxialit, Moroover, it would bie ssnsafa te place trust in a Prince who was not, on geci)d ternis with hie onn people. ht may be, of coursp, thaf w-i4- dom and aobriety -o! iudgmc-nt wnu coîne nitis responuiility, anid t-hîa the Crown Prince wvill !al8i!y n-Il Cxpeciati4n; haut, al Vthes enme, rie may niish a long life te t-he Kaise.r very sne-i.Let hlm l-etatie rimIagi'.and German y nil have L-oa!fleed tsema.nrcipati osu. Vieni t-he Crown Prince may coin. tW tus tht-ricr. itliut tise powr e o bing uii&cisief; but- then lie, to, will lie growing old and 'ill have oesaied te riant Vo de -m$schief. Thé alternatVive lu a eclliàion ha- twen ths thonea'sud the peop'le.. Collisions o! t-bat soÉt oni>' end in-i one nay. - fapld Traniit. Tise Cle-"rat osee c yau master about a "bill. TIsDipomatteeVau a-Hç le! t for thée ouîitrY lotbnigh., -Thse aller--I rant t-ô pay hlm.", 'Tise -Diplomatie &ervant-(h1ast-il>)ý -"But- h. returned tis suornizîg2' t-o spank mie.- She tried it one, an' 93- t-htb waes enoxgh" 47. The-Pharisees claimed t-o hotn- ",Whiat didier do1 Run awav y or tise propi-citS, hUt failed to live "Naw, I weat an* Vold ail the ne tihe prophts taught men t-o live, neighbos" - an aleo gnored t-heir t2ntirnony M C (Yhist (Mdatit. .23.- 30-33; Acta 7: irst- Higiswayman: "111 4.Si the -viEdem -o! God-- Mattîsen (23. 34) asriisee tii nords -anicile-,. Pikey, didjer ses de fa-t wad Vhs-t folow te Jesus. He probably dht de oid -guy. rias fiashing 7" meant ler,:Diinh-wido -Seco nd Highriaym&n -"iSure. you - r, "ine-izo eaul~y, hni Culy.î' tril-n'speaking through Providence end' e!egs" 51. From the blôod of Abs] unýto The Ùrify -Sot..the.blood of. Zacharlah--e - J~k IseThrlty eot. - Cron. 24, 20-21. Ina tfhe M~brew, jk(atter sevsrai drinks)-' 'Saye, canocn tii. bok o! Chxronicles camie MaCcohen,.1 you've been used Vto asbt, en t-bs murdeis o! Abel and wea-ring the. kilts., havent y-ou 1" Zeehariah ners thse iret and-thbe, Macohe-"aymon, rather," Ia'st murders mentioned itise Old Jsck-' 'Th<nxght so 1 h&ven'.t Testament. 1-! noticed you Put YÇur bolud in your The vergées coveýlng. tbie Vinrd pochet lateiy." -- division. of the. longer jpassage .ar e notp iited, -but tholIdi,1e «wIi-s& TI',e lool ain'cI iwmoney keep malsy gpr-ta esoxn- Tey r- elever-people f rola atiarvxng. Iseut the nâtursl. s.q'çiupzc6 d un- çeess.tpeg of eXzstenoe whioh, 'Cossoti- tutes the -whole - onteliit olite for týhe najority of imen the. blmite6d hope and defe-aitesd ambitions and rusumi tait-bs-Which sooneror.laVer Cloud even the most fortunst,. car-' s-ar; end when rie add te -i e-a 1OSU-Q o! diotirthe Wbet Mh tthere secms 4 -oaisi- eiatl>n between thei suffé-ing Vo ue borne çD thie, one iiand-and tii. moral deserts o! t-h. -sufferer on tiie other, we begin to Bee -ààthat e question "t.Vo t-he posv-wiie1l5o!f fý; ndb-pët. haeso futileor niclved atter ail. - Cortainhy there lhave been men overwhelmed' by "Àa Sof !Tobls riho wosild seem te have excuse for aaeerting that t-le game la noV nos-htihie é'andle. Ae VoVthe actua,1 tacts which are involved ln VIde prebleni I am not at thi me-ment concerned, save Vo point o>utVhiattheii6quesition*-ina-tise form in nhich i is sîsahly pre»ent- ed in inoapable of being-anariered. xI -any re-al investigati<ofo! tie mat- Ve-r en-eh iiidividual life wpul -have Vo be takegn by itzelf, and a balanice o! gain-e and lbases st-ruck in each ca-se. Foir sonme pensons life wnould be proved'to.,be on tii. whcie Wc>rtl liig;1for et.her perbape no-t. 'wha> I amn concerned with at this timýe is the att1ituàde townrd l! e' whiqÀi la re-vealed by the putting of t-lus question. I 'vant te ask -hat, moral riglit we -have ta inake such -- Vothet riQe5 QI 'of d WIin, ronbI -y £ "u'O.l SOv1NIa Wl ' >rjo- ishould b. tke in preffflnc oe Oneiet agoyergLes~t by anid hoir whte; baked ipples are. ,zseful, the xOPe. Ra.d hi, hesrers b. rth ei ~ ~ î l h . * a î q a tt ~ able to unde rstan 4 t ih . m s i ii.brown 'euar., Two or 4iir. glaisesteêrh would doubtboosha VitWi o! -hot we.r Âhould b. 'drunk in thetugi them of thé. "denocrýwy"Y o-uoumý of 4he de.y, nâot sit meitma evnh ieir. No indigeutible foio.d or rihe asy 87. A «ho*pke -After h 1 ïoïr d6shài ehouId i ,plc uthe -old dit= vrythiguig mt 1e lgh,îp Dine-Gr3eek, bre,4kfaet. 1r- noh~ig. Wàri k âw11ie à28.\heh thé Pýiris" -oaw l,1 tets bronci.oisa twüble. Se .that thé lrom contact,with teh& multitud l r ool proporly ventilate4i, yehe had even cast out - demon,i Icept w'arrn, and ý,that no direct the Pharisees would, expeet hl t11, drauglit oa b. ti«. Any on-e lable Pu rrly'- hinlel~..ormn .to -ttckg -of brenchitis must be inied, flt y-ti law, but by trý Zai- eureful to avoid going out in. wet dition, w-hich tii he riPh'*t' -01 weather. but «enfle exerci-qn x fin +e to maice £inding upon the. peopI r best and brightest part ofthe .day Perlips, Vii. surprine, of the Phai by will do mucli towa rd keeping up the see was not expreesec in *Orl r-generai standard of health. Deep buit iaWs betrayed by bis manner., seslow bresthing May be practised Bathed'- Wsshing the hande Ve with'a.dvantage, several timos &t 'probablyrhtlmet.Tiw the intervalt during the. day, keepig ten donc at the table, thé.se: hie the'nxouth closed, and inhaling and vante bringing the -wMaer to eac Sexhaling only thrcugh the- nostrils. perM n. It was nt, h w vr ,ich ffawgarded as a hygienic measure% bi ach To to Stop. Cilidrenes Colds. a oeremonial purificatio<n f rom ti p- There* are charming lhot wt.er influence of the evil axr thse uixcle's he bottles for babies. But when a ba- wth Wrihci one mght -have con by'a féet are cold it je far betier t i contact, and- « such the cuwtoi gimb tVie gentl.y until they are deserved the rebuke -of Je.sus. warm and then to wrap them in a Dinner-The meal wae breakfai les little blsuket, made r. pecially for rather t-han dinner. Conipal âg- the pulrpose of keeping iLs feet 'Verge 37 aboyé. >en warrn, than to depend on , ho4 w-a- 39. The out-si-ce -f the lie 'an-c th ter boule. rh the p1iatter- The leus . imprtar icy One ite wh dreaded ci-ou p p rt le, kept cean. The importar ~a lwas ucd o rb h~s-chidrei' part of the Man i. not claned d chests and thlroats withpr rst Yuriradf--t afi !et M. oil whenevei, they Seeemed chly rtinad ikena-Te as hoarse"; She would -then tutsk t>hem seems Vo be that thec food whicis th rer freeh&ar beds li rooms full of Pha-isees take înt. their -bodiesi fehair. Tixey neyer hwd croup- the proDduct 0of plun-ddr and wiel and àt le only fair +0 thinlc ler pre- ednesg. EV<Ien-tly maliy .1o! e ven-tive tirat-ment haed eonethirig t-o did neot earn t-hein living honestly, -do w1ili tbis lut.b 4D. Paraphiaged, t-hie SVèrse migh When asmall objidren corne iii the rced: "Stupid =en! «Did not Goc ho'uée ith danip led rtih the feet who made the outsi-de, maicétii wl-t-h alcol 5te prevent coldz and ineide a welli Why, thenefoni &ore throaba. Thé frietion whieh giVe êuch exel)uzive attënt-ion to thi a-con.ais the alcohol is as bene- out-side V ' - neia s h alcoho, in arousing the 41. Doubties a further referenc i'UI ciclto. o thbe contente of the. cups an A salt rub le a good -hing for a platters. Tf Vhis lae shared wit, -youngster «with a cold. Rub the the poor, it is a better way 'of keep body briskly with a lit.tle1 fine' sait ing the foods; undefiled <iuan _b, afte-r a warmn bath end a cool spray muais cleansing of vessels. on oponge, and tihen dry thoroughly. Ris Den-unciatln o! Formalist and ]Hypocrisy. Jesu, rias, nove 4' -~. fa tt.ered by t-he invitationis cr ai A SWARCE ARTICLE. tentions o!1 th~Of with wiiomi niight have seemed goodp-Ic t Only Sevetiteen Pounds of Rtadium à1Iy himsel.!. Hie -reproôf LJev la the World. was given Vo t-h-e ich and influentia A rcen cesusconemig te a S everely and aM unhe-statinq; A roe-t ienss oncrnig ti.ag Vo Ue .poor. quantities of saits and radium ex7 42-44.Tise-se versee contain thre- isting a-t tise pre-sent time inl thé of the seven "1woesl" thait rere pro. scientiflc, and mnedical lberateries nonnced against tise PhariseMe of the globe s8hows tha.t there are They are (1) agahiat their i.'%tem flot more than six or seven k1ite. ecrupulousnees li tithing as ccxix -granxfnce, or about séveoteen Ibs., pised with tiheir laxiliy li 'eighti o!mtaleradium in the WiiOle mattere: (2) e.gainst their love oi e Tued prorninence; (3) againet their hy. Theidustry of radium w-asb-orn pocnisy W in 1899 frnj thse imPetIls given t by Rue-Thé Talmud mentions thia Ï he studice -of Pierre Curie. At a as an herb for which no tirbhe nos-c lecture given at tise oCiety o! Ci- be pa4d, 's vi Engineera o! Parle Paul eesEon These ought y to have done, and~ eY hasqjubt now recalled the tact thst noV Vo leave the otiier undone- >t romtha peiodtil 1104,fro, tir-Carfuleesfoyr trilleo ib not rebuk- teen tens of pitchblende residuum ît ed; it la the. neglect of essentials Wue onlY Pobbible tu extract about Ywhich Je5uï condemné, tw<e or thre.e gramnmes <of radium, Love-Value hblghly. Compare wftîoh served Specially to supply the- JQhfl 12- 43. labora-tory of M. and Mme. Curie. -The chief ecabsien it-he synagogues eVBu an Austrian law put a &top -Spécial sests were provided for - h xportati-on of tisD radio-ac- noîet mrbr f h yi- -tive ores o! Joachimîthal. -Radium gogu1e. Sometinies tlseY sait on a wetusen extraçted iii France from se-micircular bench facing the con- rnucix poorer ores, which contain gealn vnly froni & bal - t.o two Milii- Y., are as the tomba wnids 4p- grammes of radium per Von, where- pvear noVan Vhs mnothatwah has- thse residues of pitch-blende con- oe hm koni o- ple taied rom100to 00 illg-rmme ,mingled -with Phariffees f reely, in- citaid er1t o20mligam a-gining them Vo b. gc>e<lmeni, and o! raIum pr-'ei rere unconsiciouely inflsxened by avoidable remult of the, ste-rni dpenun. claýtie->n whlch ýJesus lied lv againEt the hypoorisy. o! the prîvi. leged. chasse-s, t-he Phanrs s5cribes, and lawyers, ýhe reward -of disln-temcotecl -l-ove fdr ail'- t-hae -opeand febijm oppoeition to su oiîc no iîjoW8rUS. Vthe un« Oeméoof thé Latest Fids. .6 relentînag h-stjof - isose 8nos_. Id isnety le exposed.- - Tango i~s 'tise -n-me o! tise neri -White buckskin ahee:s-are ale*dy_ )Y TRAINS HELD UP. in -tise shops. - 'Artificial sUilIl be rnucls us.d, S trange Wayi8. In WhitliRal w iwth white voilé. -r Trafflo lias Been stopped. Night«onnso! pinli amdiIue bat- b- iste -are in favort à Tise "hu an lemet" lhs abiea Si a tl rmiec, wîrta a geatcl-s- talke ao-u- ls"On- their vogue for opl ing. 'On t n w 1ith edisrecen t , rsilw & y <U s- sLo t, s e -r o r a di s rc b i u i asters; but the "insee-t olement" àa taken up -for émbroi'dering. - y &n -equ.ally important factor tVo b.e O , a i. g e ts nn o ete reckonecjrith on'- railna-ylines ieplaids in pastel shn-des., sabroai-. - C"hlpkre âhawl de-sgn are- com._ >_In'Sou-th At rica, f-or example., t-he ing back -with priibted t-sfeta-s. *locuates are taie Pbrtiçular Pests, m Baroque earls 'ornamented, wit-h -myriade and, as thie wheels o! ti.he atrins. Pengin., crisolit-hem, t-he rails blé- Gise popular neri blouse hae t-he fom ce80s exceuszveîy sLppery tluat it ba-ek eleeve, -and front,' yoke ail eut le !equnt-y iposible Vo nogoýti- lisoD. aVe ans incline fWîthut thse liboral ,Cheéoked eokirts,-wfth solid- colored à ée-t m«.casi nu b.mueli. men amoig- An ctiir kind, of iU« beeg r p in u t t oe. i !t f r s o t WB& llutraedlin-etueky t-wo T i - aoe ise orSit years go, rien, during the Ileigt renr are those with ana extra rge o! Vise hol1iday season, a emarinD o! hle &ngrY nasps invaded the Signal- The .lîho't,1008é jckets, Wihiic insus e-bin 3ut a- howae Wend in bel-tas belon tih' bip lhe,cc- man' --bin uetias o W$ &bUet nssletob. worn.e. cn 'hange thse points Vo, enable ibn ex- Large roman! eholild. asoid .- The- proe ee-ur~c tain~>-pas; bright ooL"is-: mdl4o clora are Ha ra-s s-tung te t-hepoint<o! col- tise-,ae.5b for. thim. - - - lapse over frce, arma, and isewk; TIser. is ne dh1n*innution lIn tise 11k- -but t-heoreoch -of Vhe oncoming cx- ing fvr ratine; if 6DYtling, it in.- jgpess brought hlm to Iiis sense.s i creases in popixierit-y. t hs nick of turne, an-d, pluckily xnak- WithiiSOMeo Vseupoêth ing 'Or tIi-e levers, Lie ris able.t-o four-,in-isand o! thick wieýcsevict eave t-lint exproesfr-cm*ahinlg 11- i- aWorn aB's à muffler.- fO ta a. reight train on th. ie line.' For negligeffs Oh. fs-vo it. colora It n-as anotèher holiday express are earaary yeilow, green' blue,< train nuicli a. short time ago pmnak, ce-rai and poppy pink.-, lbrouglit Vo a-, otandetihi at Mindei, Tise bo&ud-oir cap& a-ro non non Gcmmnany, tise Unxe net being leig- rith anay -type of! negliges dres., naIled clear. Thé ignalman faund f rom bed jacket M tea gon. iV imposeible to get aS crtain lever Tihe styles -and- mateniab ni-h to work, *nd t-le train lied Vowrait. 1tri.m themoolves" aûre be-et te An examinatison eub eutly eh)on- ohocee fer cbildreiu' drese«. ed tisat a large rat lin-ct got entang- Figured d8gign-el appeal" in, taie - led i tue mecia-eni, and raigt er miresilks,~, ee r wl o n'ti. have o e sio ed a diexiete . o t tiso ratered -effedt. Isxsvt-s have ovon in-terîfored niti s Soin.o! tihe neninexpeuive oct,- the rsilray 8 syein o!Engand, for, ton -sssare o! plain white 'ole fin <e- oc s ion, the « fin .e e botrie nith tiny s~ fp aim gs urret dcock at- W olfesto>n tation, It s Sa d tisat ne hal e . a great onu t-ho Great Bast-eria Raiiway, & 1maign>' n asehtfie cap OII<vl u stipp d th nugh sa ns-m o f lem get ih or s - ti ping advances. ting betw een tie diai and- tie gisi, Lamp andl ca djo piidtes. h nd cov rig, thu a prevsr-n gt e h nd pain-ted in vivid colora ôn,,eglk or-. fr'm wokii.paper, are one o! tise nve-st Lide. fian. orkig.- iHl ala-t. wehable stuUe blouso-' es, pe«tly ygmafug~ 11 aiwyea embrcidered and li-ned ~t-s'orne icIaO, Susr5ex. w-ag, no-t ver long feint colir, are quite e a "natsng. j n-go, dominaited fctr many> houris by Eineraid green -¶eiolr witIiIIiTI & sriarm o! a-ngrY b-ee, rhese hive black checks ila belng ueed for the- he-d been in&lvertently sm&ahed oun ren pîaited iikirte -for sports wear. t-li plat!e-rrn, and rihe st.unag t-h.Somne -01tise uer -tulle nd"b-tiste porters badly and caîlM-d a mid lingerie gowiuia bvé foundetiOn pnnice am ng tha paszenger. icits hîch uggest 'rkish trou- -Hoocl, boas. anad milff.a. erocluet- Coold Ibi)d Iii. ed off ot r mi, uake ct-arming and - Jerpnmia l Ourcora)n aii< uh s. li r- se fl!Pr n-tiial set s for c iildre n -x), ns-ar anýd buggy rere a fauiliar -combiî- 1i1a niter. - Or weaer -and hoodt n-Vln on t ie st rect - or aree-V-Of oana he O cieted tao match. Houeb r. one ay tho ýnsg Outdooi sleeping bag e #l r th ob a c a u g h t t ie d r iv e r . n a p p n g Zn,- r a d ! e d r o w u o - I i l r aats ctd off on -a gallop, witiiJerry et lOtili * Tie hol sâo uIiOn b . line& u gin g i aliantly nt t-ho-re n-s. , with- i ilk -and drawn close y r duxs 1'WVhat'.&the mn-Uer, ýJerry il, the. fàe,;goaM t-o b. e Pertly solO caled n-n aqu'aintance, f roifi tie and omfor-table. sid éwrin - . . "O sn t-ye u h 0fd Iira 1"-I "Sure, I i i ho-d i ," éjouted N t r ly j Jerry, etil tig gi g t -- i nos; K it'y-"J ack told 'ne, i u ig lt "but I oan' t. top 'hm ' - t-ha-t I wâad thé Pretti..t girl 1W - evr seen. - - Mr, 2Newlywed-"J wonder Wh, Çth1-O. ha'no<thi : h. % trigbt 'fiav, we te Iotepv Ipret 1f. lrom any szch > «point o ~.ti -o! it ,by lproph.umnd paMdby, &R yali epere'2ýet-hait w-e areLeré inu,-tué world nob t~o b vo b bdo;' noVt, V0 eeive, but Vo * re -,"noV te 4e ministered unto, bMb4tGhinfni ster"?1 Lite, prop.rly , nderetood, 18 én cPen door Vo uoTVie, urifice andIÃ"love-t le an oppc-rtunity t-o smite evil, foster g- od, .trengflhen neaàkness,, -al dIsetreas, la;bD'r for juat-ice, ikhteoutum..Mid, , Pace. Wherefore a re ne born, asst-h. bherobe ,knighlt ,lu.-Tennyspni's "Idylls,"if ilno-t -'O "live pure, speak true, gieit rrong, fol-on (the Ki ng" 1 And il we have evon the Smaleat eh&*noeto any -one o!f(lise tîsin'geshalI:Wf i not.find i, worth living, -even s"the firemau fiuds, thé blaz. riortiifi ghtingand thei. oldier the hs hock co! battIe, Worth meetingt Juet horsi non, in thý,rVrpe~ tion o! Il!. as a minuistry and sot às a prize package, do.rie fInd ths rosil aniswer Vo our question, Ta -' i!. WOr-th living'? Qharles W. Eliot fuume 1 1t alf up when h'ee- -"'YS o3? lias -t-he right Vo find life, uninterest-f I-ng -or,-unrêwarding -wlso es, u4tfh!nt the sphere o!fIhis ownu acivty oa wrang l-he-aen,- help J(o remtèdVor wiitisin*-himself an evil beos-a hope; te 'overtlome. î>-ILev. John Haynes, t- - e k.' 4 7 1~~ I an inqulny at aHi Every nigii-t, n-o golmes, - - - la 1

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