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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 12 Feb 1914, p. 8

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moort tIiat Thms ]nu not beau in morne lime, was W.h l or la mioti ot a 110 111la 18th illae. jwitbxLàÂLULtO A~bS ý--' M«)iesA ,'Côtier, A. -Rodd, 4G MXIiu ,Clara Wi>bdward in -visiting ie afuloa lqmeau a o r~ Mowbray snd 'Mrs. plikey attended Irtinds n oithe BÈüe- LInO West,Whtt- uueItgrmustaket ugib&Salf~ i%5.¶ thé EpWorth League. Convention at p. .ctly on thebo 1 and mu e. HmiI'i.-BOwmauville- lasI Week. Ifri. Chas. Pcoso anstd aughter, CatarCeeanots quaek medidue. U w« Mr. J. PezgallyW., Rogers and .J' prerlbed y o éât b*ph slctans la tufs naz@, ae vs~.g reaties a Oh- trfty eatimndgieiullllrpdpteIiOn. E. McBrlen a ttendeti the hockey 5~~a. itis coWed of thbeM t to u k a1,5e: om lst bind wth thbefbt blood luzlleru, lcn i-mthi htyWdedylt fits, Jaa, Franci, Mariposa, vis- mctyonthomuemintrfa , TLhprfe~ct m T ho Wom es Institute helti a very f edL- is ilae bi ee , '., ~ oct~gct~.successful - dÏeet ng at Mrs., V. Park- * f.and Mn. Pow'er4l, 'ofCo u-~ frîstlmsoulalî fr.ee n5 9u, willI move imb tlie'bouse jus I d , . Il 67C5.0rpu, ld. Irvine McBrien In attendlnig the vacated by Krs. Soniervulle' alte Short Course in Agriculture at Ux- Mr. Sharp., af Toronto, wko lvêed .'.-- bridge. -TÈat is a good way to koep kereý for a short tjime, visited the e bôys on the farm. akeighbtuhoôd' rftéjkity I, Mr. Il. W. McBrlen made a fling Mr. Harry G~odniaýn, of Toroato, Mr- Alfred Lazionmdi k"s been con- bas~fae pucae teuoehos o la ibet W[1ka senigu a ai ioth iy bas ulhod the n. Ward. Is expas c a nfamto#rhsmal. rJack'uon- preached a vory In- accuiedby ?r. i ifiaS*toý, heumtis. -terestinlg sermon hore on -Sunday te take possession about ma Urt M.. Wme Kent sh1ýpî a nuas car- stron Rey. R. W. Allia, nector of Ail 1054 of stock ta IXoàtral last wO4k. We were sorny ta eolu the Kin- galâtol, Whtby, wlifi cxy1k r, and âMn. (Coollýge suit &ImlYýley, W wow saa nie pltL ot- St. Thonsas' Churcla q'on r.Wbb, Sask., vinslted 'et Mr.E. salce e twa tueeeks uoan ite -%unday evening ,s'eit at 7 Ã"'éo Colltrts laut wook. oecacux e seta ud ie eengstft Thie Adult Bibe Claus ofthe othr Mr. Beckiey leftlast week for thee of ar e 8pecthe itizen, u l odl~s Cliurpiswas ntortnec iat North West Ita charge of a cario' a odd' ht 1eeio oi Thursday evenlxrg aIthe1ohoume ù( afbreedlug cattie for 14r. IFW.» eetnnelyn enn.Tf .9 ý1has happeneti ou former occauions, in Ur. HU~ogsolà. 1other cases-, and does not tend . ta The AUCtion sale of houeoît M.A M Boka aos ,uplfî 111 Social andi nelg4borlY spirit soodq belonglng ta lins. Somerville, ihpped two fine caîloads of OgaIOeo! a. commuulty. News Itema, not wwçlb vas beli ORs aturday îast -wck.It1 e.~ gosuup, are desired for correspond- wau qiite à succeis, coaglderlag _lb. Ontarios awaylaotaiteasto nce. The editor recuuests thths very cold stormy day. vcre oer bas btokea out liere. paper wil not agal.n b. placed inl an The Aduit Bible Clas of tihe Metk- Sar.tf emliarrassing position by the publi- odièt ohurh-,Értebd puttlng on a aLew As 1h1l laà very losthsome duae, cation of itemse ontalnlng an Inter- ad up-to-ýdate play hlatise near (U_ every precaution in. bolng lakea 10oneaasiaypra, oet o tut. Wach or artculrs:preveit Iti apeadlag. that only thoae In possession a h )Er, Wm, alight bas soIdtùbs tarai fact$ can dotect it,. ta Mr. W.J. Kingston, from *aear SUFFER NO LONGER1 Madoc, The pries paît was la the . MYRTLE STATION. neighborhood of $14,000-. Mr. Bligàt KIPHALD)OLU Miss. Mabal DuE Ilas pendlssg a few will hold , an auoétion. sale abêtit 1 days- la Stratford. àfarch 101hi. He bansme first-class HAS NOW COliS TO CANADA. Mr&- Jas. Beacock vlsited lu Ponty- horsesandet illch cawo. Watch for Sufferers from Rheuýntlsm,Lm olo uss aI furtiser particulars. baasclatica, Neàraîgla, Hes4- Several of aur boys tbah lu the The friendi o f Mis. MoCouneil, lor. 0 De ts klbre goiin ockey.-math h- Whtby on Tuesday mnerly Mrs. Wm. Routiey, w#li l -lmns a ow\n pey e-evenlng lest betweeu Whtby ladies grievedt b learu of the death 0of Mr. 'conue relief andi certain1 cure. anPrtFry 'Wndôonn January 801h.:paceMn.M At lest the vlctims of these ton- Th1e rural mail route wlll soan be -Wldoô oùJahar ftor e Mo-turing complaIn'ta-e-mOnandi vomeU starting. It will be callot 1ise Cônnelil lved hee'fra1nmber of w*base lives are longý.dra--ut Myrtie Station Rural Mail Route years, ançi bad a large circle of aony-may lo 10oe-crt-N,1 dSea-certalnty-to pain's most giadý Mr. BlSttram Beacock. epont Wed- A FAIlLY SI'IICTAC IýE. departure. ne 50d517 lest lia Lindsay. Thera nover was a book thai pleas- In Kepisaldol ianaw offered ta MISS Olive VanNest and Mn. Oli- ed as, Lewis Carroll'o witty, dainty Canaclians, for the inst'lime, a rem- ver Lane speut a few days Is Wlitby and lnp.omnarah1v lev..lv f airv tal. îed .'dv wl..,1,not <lv basrmedical en- tls ek "Alice la> Wonderlanid.lý' The oper- 'dorseýent'far Its. effioacy, but Io al-: etta, Which will. be given, ln -Whitby s0 guaranteed ta be-a perfectly safef iusic -hall next Thursday and Fr1- pala-killer, containing inothini ta in- d4y evda Ings l5aa. delIghtful adapt- jure. the heart or any. other bo>dily- àtion et'the story with charming in- orgai.ad mdn allue, The operetta will For coltis, inil 4enza, catarrb n HOARS WIDWINTERi SALE Hoar's mid-Winter sale of rnbbers now on. Guaranteed No. i quality --wool lined' niczls, 87c; boys' 1 to 5, 69c; Youths' tl to 13, 59c; wn'men's, 6; ç, girls' 11 ta 2, 3;4C; child's 3'ta iOé, 44C.' Als'o reduced. prices onr-ail Iràlinedý rubbers, to fit an>' sember of the family.. !vJen's hdavy snàg prpoo rubbers with heels, No. 1 qulty.' 4 eyelet lace, $2.89; '3 eyelec lace $2.69 ; 1 buckle, 10w bCel, 4$1 75; - buckle, witli heel, $ý.25; -boy&, zÏ buckle, law heel, $ 1.40; YOuths' j -buckle, low heel, $z.ao. RB. TWÀO DOORS SOUTH Grock St.; MOAR 0F STANDARD BANK Whltby, O'nt. ~~um mmm a mdmemmzz.0 Ar a r t fGarouitMouaT I ierhape there le somneblînê iu this lst you require jRolled Qats, 'Rolled Wheat, Standard Oatrneai, Whea tits -carn Meal, Graham Flouî, Pot- and' Pearl Barley, Craeked Wheat and Beýné. The above meals are firet class and sold at a close price.. Market price en ail grain in exchange. W. Il. ELVISS,' Bell and Indepen, i I Brooklin ndent phones. ANNOUNCEMENT JIAVING'purchased the furni ture and iundentaking H us nss of Tondiff Bros,Brooklin, Ont., wewol be eleased téhave- you, calo us and inspect the hand- someé new stock of furnîture we bave added'. Our busi- niess i$a now one of the Mnost up-to-date, as' we carry a full line of everything you. may- want in house-furnish- 'ings. DISIN ifY Bu«u1 I3ROOKLIN, - OT DealePs ,, IiCUP InbELL AND ,INDEPENDÉXT,;iNS ___ P CllproMptly autended to ati &ny bwurs NeQ QraI çharge foe distance. £imbulxn;j lu Connsectioil.- w - School Reports. 1 S. S. NO. 6, WHITBY. Report for montli of January. The unaes are ln ariSer 01f rit. gr. IV.-M-audeo kiveil.' Jr. IV.-Gxertie White, Walter Par- rinder, Ruby Leachs. Jr. 11.-Ethel White, Réegie Sta- pleton,_ Etta White,, Beasie aarbutt, Frank. Ballard. Jr. II.-Melville Bradley. Jr. I.-Mabel White, Kathleen White, Thearn Kivell, Harvey Bal-. arD. A. JONES, Teacher. REPORT OF SINCLAIR SCHOOL' FOR JANUARY. 60 per cent. of total, nequired. Sr. IV.-WilIie OCannar 64, Jr. IV.-Clinton Pascoe 56, Willie Sonley 20. Sr. IIL-Au'aie O'Connor 85, Urace O'Connor 77, Roy Dingmnan 71, Eh Pasco. 46. ward Pasco. 43, Stanley Brookes, absent. Second- Helen Arksey 69, Erle Dingnmzs67, faait Pascoe30. Prlmer-Rachael, Arksey 94, Leta Pascoe 84, Luther'Pascoe 74, , .-tertie Wray 66. Average attendance-1j0. J. R- PET14ICK,- Teacher. SS. NO. 2, PICKERING. Te following le the report of S. S.NO., 2, Piekering, for month of January. Sr. IV.-Total marks requiréd 540 -Everett Mackey 674, Violet, Sadien 878, Earl Wells 648. JTr.- IV.-Total requred 540- Ger- trudo,MXaYfto812, Eni PdIiftM aden ae 521. Jr.. III.-Total requlred 4.g-Lock- wo Mcl3rieu 012,. Agnes Tomilinson 589, Vernus Maekay 544. Jr.II-Total nra>ired 270- Ali Neal 280, 'Norman Neal 328, Elva Redman 317, Archie- Mayne 283, Ralph Wes280.t ClesgI .-fta orderet menit- Pl- waod St4eeson, Leurs M!ackey, Bd- gar Mayuie, dlùémeReia, ar eue Mayne,. Primer- Kathlen Betley, Iid Maokey. chear out-the b- Ia'-an.e --ofor wirfL~r MANY SPECIALS WJLL YET BE FOL[ND. Wo. il. LAWRENCE 'Average attendance for month.-18. Dy klud consent af tho trustees, thse schooal basbeen openinS at 9.30 and cloding at .12.80 for tise mornlng session, 1the atternioon session ne- malnlng uncisanged. Tlis wiil con- liflne for a short time longer, as il hi foursd tisae nea an lsprovamént in puctualitr- duning these, stanmy J. HARVEY, Teacher. Kidnev Headache. lu caused frons the blood being thlck- enet with urie acit poisons circula- ting In thse iead. Axt-Urie Pille cure aIl fatmns of kfdney trouble. They are so gaad anti so sure J. E. Wills guarantees themn. Be sure you get Antl-Urlc PuIs. B. V. Marion on every box. Sold only aI J. E. WIllls' dmg 'store. DEATH 0F HOWARD LUGTON. Matay youug people of thsirty-Ilve years ago wIll probably remember Charlie Lugtan, an old Whttby boy, Who hbu lived lu Sutan West for many years, lu tise Mines, as engin- eer, ani will -sympathi-ze with hlm -lu tise bs of bis second son, How- art w.bo met his death in thse mines lun Alasksa. ais parents went to visit bum in December, and had been with hlm enly aose day, whem Se was ýkilleti. Thev broughtli bisodyf back te Sut- 1 ton and buried him beside his older brother, who was accidcîîtally shot Iy a çopnn h out hnig Howard leaves a widOW anda baby girl. Ile was highly respected by ail wbo kniew hlm, HO WaB aà grandson 0of Mrs. Lug- ton, and nephew of MIrs. W.I1. John- stan of this tawn. _____ The M utual Lifeof NeCe.r A. E. Donovan,1 Esq.,., Manager for the Province of Ontario, The Mutuai Lite Ims Co of New York, Toronto, Ont, Dear Sir :- On February Bih 1997j I ap* plied ta your Company for an Ordinary Life palicy for $35,000.0 premium on whi*ch W2S $1212. 1 was véry pieas- cd indeed, ta receive your recent letter, advising that tise dividend for tise year 1913, on the premium $1212 payable on'Feb. Stis 1913, would be-$283. While mny caretul investigation into die strengtb, and earningpower of your Company, led me to anticipate a fair dividend. 1 mutt confess, I was not prepared forme handuome a resultas this, wbicS works out 10 be aven 239e On the year's premum. Thi. as an invasnsment is mo e than satisfactory when one has at.thersame tise, lufe insurance protect- ion in the oldest lite insurance Company on the Arnericsn- Continent, and in the largest and strongest monied instiution in the world. 1 have no doubt that when a result like this is known, those anxiousefor in- surance protection for their fasilies and estates, will not hesitate ini placing their insurance in Trhe Mutual Lite Insurance Company of New York, in preference to al others. Very sincrre.ly yours, John Cruie', l-resident, Sturgeon FalIsEectricLigh&Pew-r Co le. Il. )UFF, M R. A. E., DOINt)VAN, sipccial Rep. Queen & Victoria St. Myrthe. Toronto,-Mgr, E. W.- EVANSi [ ump Manulacturer Slïop andJ .ccldençe, (ku las .âtreet W itTOBY Trhree doors west of Whltby House. We are pnopared ta Install weod or tron pumps on short notice, alzo attend toalal klnds of ne- pairing. Agent for the Ontario wlnd mili, aima gasoline enginps and the iquare-gear- od magnet CrearnSeparatoel. IPhône M0. là resiléne. Poultrv -Pav fl.tt.r with SOKAID- POULTRY -SPECIFICS At a out of lesq. tbaa'à Skut s day Per bealtb stock arond bis piscu Try 15 on head of stock, il will lncreas. their valus 25 'the poareat-eondttioned animal Fou have and per cent. Perinanently cure. Colle, Debillty, we knaw you'll b. uurprised et the resuit' of Worms, Bots and Skis Pliess... Ton.. up a short trealment. Cattie sud boss latten run-down animals so that tbey quickly op a month carlier than without it. which gain eight aud %'gor. Increases the yield meiss you iavc a month's ieed snd a of mlleh cows thk.s to five poundi a day, month's labor. You eau brins six pins to besides enriebing tbe qizality of tb. mihk4 the pink of condition et the. cost of 51.50. ROYAL PUBPLB la not i food. It lta acon- Steers rtnstd iluthb nosameWaY 'cosîno dltiouer-tbe Sits ever sold. Il Sbire. was more than $1.00 eais to put lu prime state any bettes' wu wetld b. making It. I en- for market ROYAL PURPLE 5PZelIFIC ables yens' stock to esut1h. natural food thq lattons andI koopi well borin, mares, colts, should st anditI the mont benelit from 1IL eows, calves, @touse., bom. Sold lu Packagrs. Eere iu th. adviia. oor ail thoroush veterin- 50e. aud air-tigbt -tisa. $1.50, ary doctons,-"Ftm your steak on food 09~ I ~ . your ows rowIagt-not pamupas th.m with r RO A PU É O L Y colt, pr.dlg..t.d ii cea*Chat sItar a ime thy asanot dtipsigoodi, W11010001139 I. LIJÇ en irez 1w theIlb gaod 4j Ê"rwn *en vous'own farm-hay'. data, bran. <heP. etc. Ton knew De yen lcsow that EOTA&L P LE Pour- what lioe. bt. ais flty@u 5and wbat tbey TTy5OF4C maltes bene Iay lu wutcr as will do. wvoiln a umess, aud keeps thens free trou, ]zaTAL- pURPLU .lu atd&14to tise.. ma.dises..? XC do«. .and halvs tisesoves" the. tural foodi and if yon use 15 s.n direced. we moult. fatteus sud keepa Ilin'taviserons eau guanutée botter remnîts than If * ou health. A 50e package lensa25 hous oves' feed suy of the 'concoctions ofeored on the 70 daym. Should't i'ou Iry l? 7W. have mankt as prspr.g ~*"huudteds of recommeudations f-m aU parts ci t<heaconr.saarIfl OAL irUP oe noS g xvs 700 betresulteits nsun aîtisi 70e oves' uaed, or give you ntlsfietion, wu will refund 7ons' moner. No mettes' what yens' opinion of othes' preparations, we- wsnt you tô give ROYAL PURPLE POULTET 5PECCxII a ehance to show what it cas de for yous' poultry-aud a 50oPackage wIl show ton some fire. réult. old lu 25o and 509 packages ad P.60 als-tigbt tins. RouiS Parole Conth Is.uie. for eoug- and Royai Puto. u 11s for penltry anat distemp,.r. (Win t ar enlorlnary congl a msls.28a sud 50e, hmai SOc anS' tu four -dffl). qcvMail fou. ego, rhenatfcMI@ viatLinimet toi miamuu, .. s! sI&.lsseei.. zemîl soc apait«= t.sdouc. sol_ by 'haramm ceaida. open sceiesa te. 25eC ad Miaiu ri600. rnlI f'ilmis . filJ%. e. ethse WeZMB. eue Chir ia.. a. aiPti s Uoz:s9w pea,s.for roui.ps by mail 1e attypIeid féer, <aniser. white R upi . iwd.ni a g, rr Ihôm s weUhihebat à, 1l1 ouitry., TO. sTOCK AuWPOULTIT "mmER bo-ék n commn sum e! <so0 ar aneuSpoubery. .51.s: 1mv toladfui 111$and huav. louas,, ii,'-mans, ema. c abvm astisu,. e Siao ow ote ud and ks.p ~ ~' ~poulryy no Chat they Tsi wialsr-and sumusir. OsVti goyal Purpie Supplicesand Boolets may be obiatined.trou Our Bifocal Lenses are 'eallY two lenses weldd d mb âne soid lens. ÃŽ Pnice per pair,55.0 rround, 75 TO-SONTO- E , Special gr E éLUK-E, 1 9 irne, si., IDISNJEY'BI Fguserai Ornetora and Issie Ivon llo*, 44 lIMas.Iti #i Finet exclusive hunernal and Chapel ta be eutabli the County of Ostàrio,' PRIVATE MOR1ÉVU.A 1!ivate ambulance headq Djay os' uight ocalsapromptly -4to. No extra charge lord a honu 41 p2 and 47'é Livey, artagi and "Team ing. I have rccnt'y adddt, lemy wel equipped livery stable. a- heavy tai and dray for al 1hindi of ýcartage aiu teaming work, sud wiii -be pleasad1 recelve aorders, which will have pFomi and caretul attention, PHONE 65.. J1ohn GÃŽmôfet DUNDAS ST., WEST, WHITB ,id th Ipt 1- 3? I. NOW ON EFFEOT The Grand Trunk Vaiway .i.the moat direct route from ail points East throulgh Canada via Chicago, Detroit or Buffalo. Full partienlar. at, Grand Trunk Ticket Offie, or writ. C.EB. HO N ING, D. P.A., Torento, Ont. New Laundry. We. wisb to acquaint the people of Whiby and surroundiug country wlth the façt that we have opened up a grit- cia., laundry on Brock St., Whitby, in Hewis Br'on.' old store. We are prepareéd to do ail kinds of laundry work. Family, orders given special attention. Ail work-guaranteed. Parcels called for and delivered. Charles War- Whitby, Ont. REAL. ESTATE,,'. Il- Country hcmes, market garden properties,, fruit, stoc, grain, and dqiry farms, beautiful town building lots and- residential properties., We might make special mention of the c'mtage lately occupied and owned by the late C. F. Stewart, -and adjoining the flaptist cburch. Bid quickly if you want 4hi5. WC eold a prop çrty last week the second day alter listing it. FARM SPECIAL--Dowfarm-of 209 acres, lirge brick dwelling, fair ouibuildings, x6 acres of orchard, running water, specially adapted for stock, grain and fruit. Special price if taken quickry. Orcalor Ounada âIproïomot Land* Uo.I WVH TBVp ONTARiO, 51 11'11' 11!'! ~~ l 1 ~~ 1+14. puts the ees (eaSc ) in woopin6 Il KNOCK& TRI bRUbCERY OUT'.0F Ut SWEEP - DAY Çleans Carpets Brig-htens Floors Oi2er a. fin :o-dêy at your gîocern or from !flon'f ask for' sweepi#ng comipoundc SAY DU5TBANE 0i oi BEwARE 0F SUBSTITVTES Farms For Sale - Upwards of forty Larme fro;m 25,acres up, -anéd at from 835Ã"an acre,' guaranteed toashow -satiufactory reeuJits fronf înves@tMýnt, 'loeated lu Whitby nud -Picering Towuships; Every conce-vabl iv e requiremeut of __asil,- buildings, orehard and other-improvo ments* can. b. met i the variedlist Offre~ Our Pure Olive Oi] able, las U ricli fi deliente *aroma, aii ported direet Irrom)L duegrs. It's pu ri tyis -gu IN BOTTL5AND .Je teWIL Ortigglst, andf MEDIC'AL HA Brock 5tè British Amerlcau dusi Yeote and NoGlitSts..'Toi lu the pioner hi;li grade a of -Canada. Uaclenuew mar d -t..g better work than- e' If yon waut tg pre.1re f rT e Hienry C Wa - LEGÂL J». LF.FAREW.EI * Barister, C'ounty Crowa County Solfiii Office south wine-ourt i .E.CHUISi1 Office, Br0ck-St.iOpp. St Mfoney to Loa JAMES RULEDGE, Sau Money i Loan aon ta Office immediately south Whitby, Ont G. VOUNG SMAITI - igsuer of -Court foute,-Whitby., D. LA.4. SWAN Barristéro Solici 1or,'Nc -. Convey.ancer, «et Oshawa, - O0 pffice- No. -z King :St. E, - Residence-52 Dr - . DENTAL W. ADAÉS, Deatist, 0 §treet, Resitènce 14o. 4, flyron.St.,, Whitby-. Phai A.UO'IONEE JAS,131SHI Oshsawa,* Licensed *Auctic cessor to L.- Fairbanks.. und dates a ptàt selfq ANb VALUATI Ail kinds a! sales jrom edtat. Arrangements c for sales',et the; Gazette Terms reaso4nable. Bell- and Independent pl *-WIIITBY, ONI CONTRACTOI J. J4OWELL J Carpeneî, Builder and C Plans drawn and estimnates Repairs, Abterations and Agent for Braatfor& BOX 467 WIIITmlY * .Marrige Litu liguer alit!firriage LI*~ MONIJMEJ ofalDeaigna antiatenlal k Il V I' , Pay yeu $0 c 'uoks ad lapeet fan YOx 'Dônl be mfsled by &go pèt empjoy tlem, couseque astido silow the agent's c li e «eaI., vicis you ' gase.byPtn*hastig fI OPOst*s in -uOsawa t55Iwei5Wr. Brown Io leaving this An tp to> the North West. h j0als 1Toronto, la mothpr. -la ts pver iuday. Steviason, ofIcKAsSiO, Auj uuter' C.,red Low Ratesi To California, Florida iand the Sunny Southj f ' 'j ." j TherleUsComfort esn k nnthat you can obtain one tried and proved remedy thrugl 1 dpted tô your need.Bvy who leo troubled with headlache,- backache, languor, extreme nervoUanegg -and depreasion o1 spirits ought to try (Me.Lareat Sale cf ArMeiie he wowS) and learn what 'a dfference they will make. By punifying the sybterns hey insure better digestiont sounder sleep, quieter nerves, and besbow the charm of arkling eyes, a spoïleas rasy complexion and vivaciaus spirits. Thonmande upon thousands of womnen have iearned, happily, that Beecharn's Pilla are reliable -and The- Unfailing Home Remedy Prepsred oai y vTboasBeechain. St. Retens. Lanashire. Englnd. 1 Sold everywbere ini Canada sud 1U. S. Ameinci, lu boxe@, 25 cent. Try, R et a Poor-oudmlon A ia la115T1 a in-dovu, poos'.yourtabed buel o yes'arni, an whatROYAL PUI PLM SPZCMPCI will do for t. A go- ccntl' packague bastela cow or bore 70 dais. The ! e tla @0tnifintu hst noe finies'nii Canada bas suy £seumeo « ls eot-o!- JE. WINN, -Z memiffloq

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