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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 19 Feb 1914, p. 2

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c idunfi4 îmark of rosi euporior. ak4 orpoýi wrk01ouer""io-tcIVes it. Ut f c thse scientistI y0ellY 'Of ow whsu @:"' T eS166U "Imen buine." TeY , riséToenany, ahis iounràhed bis' bain- S20 a. ub-baad o! tèe. BlAckfet'r ~i*f bsluO" he ~ mr iu one bandd nôà pipie S tie u atV egWsu nie eo question acadeanicallýy. p 1 'Z' or iiucd th alctr eatysuddadjs Lb liàk4ba bot steOVO prâcticaU1Y. s button Vo fitte sputry d.gr. 113>0a-11 ev"i broh j iV AIsuW&3mvflYing Open, and Mary 1Mr. -Dilworth il, iikely, in thé .o Should not Vhe unfit b. .Uo*ed to says that t is & nuisance. 1i m o- «rly liionltIl of lig auru itéee de 1a&ked Sir Willia,iand ho homet. 5 4oe ob.eldUPOn - toc*oalThis lx>mamli" 'very nPcrtat ques- sfio predicited that thse fit W.01114ha4Ve lto A it 'WIl Maryafternoo ou tio5. Thonatter of outtiug Vthse 8acV ialc ýovê the chiidron o! the unit out,- and Tommy'. inoter IwI gone reserve up init.cs aal grazing bym iientfry.,"ineoonupulsory cdu- way, Tommy bad the houes ail to eae is 15osretly presoed novby o! t, *himsef H ec is box of tee!., the "mailiraaobeé sentish dsi c cation i'itblouV proper !.eding .sud ud ent out Vo tise pantry, . e o i. rc. i. am uel u î!,o! i Iso.in i.tocoftn aockrY.a"'fart.best ede.t f'hs house. The pan- the. southiers portion of the r"latt' gilve tIus.VSir William dees ftex- try door vas lWfi!open; Vhs door____________ et pot' Nietzschean doctrines, to pro- ku. Wý oh ec an sd -ths catch <lld -, - c vaîl Oeor Our developiug uÀràl -and nuiot <>k JP1oply.The dooro<p«-he > d f rom th. outiiide'iuto t;h'e pa»try. liot i.Iiieiu ieas Andti lat.h Tommy exauined 14 carefully. our ides. are a* scientifle 'à s athe'y -; 4tu. buttc>n viii ýhave Vàon ou an liuman. the inudoor es it wV ill noît o say - -good,"hée aic!, vitoly. He gotou Lstting th~e unfit 'diel- But, how dqono ibe pantry floor, and b.- vc ,rethiunftto-4 iidentifledI Are 9gaU hie vork. Fîit -h'hWlutld out o ar s*nioe lare button f rom a pieco o 2 -the, ths ohildren of te t ffl i The bard wood. Itv wa s&round button. cou iesi l aurb and revotiug. Msfly Thon with-lieua gimlet ho bored a lit- -of our greatat hietrical figurstIo h-0: through tihe centre o! .t»i were born lu pc:vee~y sud squaloi', buttou fOr. the scrov,; le imadee the - 1~~~a~e'~ oayhl larenouglu fWrths button to e vii oer' s cry n rab~ turp casiy. Thon lus !astoued theiv tesrpr1àes,ý vrite books, invect lab- jamh, «Ã" that it dverlapped Vhë edge, WPe or-saving devices, comipoSe splendîd o! the lér-udkp the door'cloo-T mnugis, paint rexnarkable piturel, ced nicely. IH. drtove iu the 'screw bl * ulentbecy reach mnhood andl w-- liard, but .tbhe bott4em vas a"ill. 100". .nough to 1e turned e.Sily. The panhood. The. vend isdoing-very job vas, doue. Tommy eVood - up ini uwell under i. progJ'a.-i.. moral aaîwOutum nd "--d&t the and religious ov*teine, and "let.inig Utie6t job lie 1usd doue. But, u * 4h unfit dis"" je an afIer-di5uer sit vas a rudbunWei piee f esns..Yes, it turned very eacily -on ,thsedu serev, but it, did net turu >0 asm te E hasten or unfasten the door, as ý. '. ho-l. e Whiiie military authority bas îIt.- Tomrmy had planued. . l juet tuirn-- ' lierrIs P ed'round sud round. The. doorL ly geiued .grouud lu &Isa«e-Lor- etayed siub, al riglit.- Itvas fae- ila also a question which, undoubt- g. -raine, it Pappeas'ntO have lbat CôrTS- temed se tîghèt that Tommy could «liy, vili ha voted on.' vi %ýondiug1y in Hungary. A eertALin. not open it 4t al! When lue !ouud1 The ne-w agent was boru at Ethel, sou -field imaresal iu charge o! affaire at tbuat'oUt, is vai .aury. ee pulled Ontarlo, lu 1877.,lic Je o! IriËh o Budaeetgbreche hi autgriysad pulled sud ehook. sud ahook tiie pareutage o i s zmotheýr's side, anud1 * uape srtce li auhniydoor. -But it vould nu)t open.' Rs Scotch LU. E.' IeyalîsV ou 'hie fa.- th &o far as Vo proluubit the ladies '<'e Vu-ed' Vo bossu tise soev; but lu ther'a. RHo s graduate of. Lis- 2 Vis. eitv- frein appearing at a ga.rri- serewing it in h. 'had woru downu towel, Ont., -Hugh School. Movin-g e« fison hall iu .11V ekirts. The ladies tise elot; se that '#te ocrew. driver Vo North Dakcotà,. ho completed - c etayed a.way. The bil vas 4aleJd d uothing but ýslip. Tommy had three years -of t1sefobur years Arts ce,« off.Tii vhle .e!~ stbutVoned himeself eecure-i into -'the, conr*e in Vthe Unive6rfity of Nc>rhliii i.ipenlk.patry, aud he coula -not. ge ont!1 Dakota, teaohIng sohool at thýees 13udapeeV n Bs ilc, erau Vo the patry windov. ';agne Vîle. Ne tiien entereci into e ' No, it was toe higlu Vo lump Ont. th4 impie meut bùsiness at Fargo, I Tuse ladies have unmietakably in- The house stood,011à <140itl, end Kértis Dak>ta,- as a salesman, con- oui e licated that they are under te the vindow vas ten feet f rom VIte tini"ug il! ,ueos, vixen lue becane Th i >outrol o! a 'bigluer pover thi st 1 ground. Tser. 'WM110"n on-e un thea. fariner lu Wa.rd County o!. the cas bouse; l-ehouold have fVo vaiVun'uVil ie State. lun Vhs autumu o! 'r< *exercised by auybody represezut.ing soin" one camne -home. UsHe dO1 20 r DlMti ae eMc thse Austnian -army lu Hungarny. on s chair, sud kicked lis heels ic<à, aa-î n em r I TItey boy loyally Vo th* avful do- vhich la not a jolly vay Vo speud aginonring te umpen mlnin o 'mdises ! Pais.an fteitoii.businegs, anud cootinuing iii hie Sp- ma mnooftiie 'oite1fPai. I seenied- yeare and ycara i pointment as Indian Agent..- -l *l islly od ma.ii vi» Vied te ty- rea.lly vas hours sud heur&-befoii Mn. Dil-woth luas grovu up with4 rannize over thein-thouglu a field- ho hourd some one mnoviug in h IeWet- a a!patia xei i mansba, abaron, eànd wbat ail ho- kitch.cn. eé-u alWetencodt-ns 1dl alde&-enuglut o;ave kn 'wu btter. "àMary V ' e called. "O Maryjp" wl no doubt make good in his neO Theo nspovrssu '--- .ter awhile she -board hlm. vork vitb the red men. Vel Ther ar ersandp+"lh' nov," sIte cried, auste - hsvotds and 'bayonets 1in tiptocd ea.utiously to the door; ______ o--place, ýnedies and scuso-rs lu "who's in ypnrIwnelI h «%. an-tnermWepantry, I voz widetêt it a burglar 1" d - -c.je ýctzn fZa n-n e "It's only me," eaid Tommy. "I I. T ' liotord oV~ns f pab rid votried Vo fix your door eit could J1lS ICal congt-hertuW.syzthie wit tis IVa buglaV' V&0 eo~ tua p.\h~hih-piit'fly open. And I've donc it, aend it Fa amazoe ~ ~'î'~apes. . on't fly open. I can'I geV out!"S ---'.- ~ -"You're a fine carpenter 1" cried M(uuu * Mary. S-be pu-shd, sud <ho tbump- G JIlEI 0OF NOGI'S.BENo- Ned and rattled the d"ior; butsIte sesu In Paris Shepe. i could noV get it open froni the vin- The.gwn that la shirtvaisted in V< jn tise Russo-Japanese War thse 40v. Thon Tommvrhelped hinm Vo t-egoc a on u ffaho. UP Ruestans Feare bm crawl in. It took even his'fa.tieh as ihioer tnmuig nd< * a ongVim' ~1O ge out Vh von 'dgeiso! fur are worn by many . It often happéns tisat the reputa- ser-w1 -ni the butfr'. sataoe 'f 'tk<n of a auccessful generai and-liý, , With a ernile, Tomy's father sYr- om irsen waigwied mnliasa great.effét in winniug, looked ab the buitton in hie h.-nd velit haLa9, t-le edges bordcrc-d wibh i other battles. Such waa the at"A-round button, on t'hs ineido, aflte ufitfmorhib-n -vit-h Baron Nogi sud tihe third Ja. T,,mmv! WV-at go""1 could that do 1 Embrnidery wiflu oo!ored date is ho pn-e m, -. hocmmndd W1. 1nvr TatW-sa ho oneo-o! the features of novelity-un- T l'Uiti . ig udreeu*eu oficr ad te. - Tcote. he colora-arc noV de- i -ne«ied5 --nd lthre ntnns u'ckill 8551150Vt ts fmacnid thé, action Some of t-e new holerocCoatia of! ên u 0sstltielit~l& a ~o a scythe ahoeuld hob :ilnitated. the etreet costumes just. reacli the i'd. Thýïgréa1 hiead lu every« dik TItat la ýtoeg.y, im&tead o! ruuniug vaile e t thse back. Brkeàd boîte iMouo! h Rîtsf&n *iuy IF"that te ranor StraighV clown thisace' o! affta or moire cxtend tVo meet Kogi hl!!WoPsi4 b. Vthovn u4be a»smi.eix-cuar Motion. t jackets. 9b9mist tsa.Perbapa tdie. mot Important Part Tedaiutiest, bonnets for -little -Whffleuu St et te &e.tt ael- se, o! a "lave is thes "hering. Tii. giris are madle o! lace and tulle and theus oold~be ~dolbt 01 ii4rO more tise beard us lathenred - jthse f avoned trimngonia f .Su ~0W R4O DWS-iig ~ttOsfe tvi eoe ti aîs sr-- bends of taillèbrs #.rrrnne fa-a- A0iteMwtbuLoon&t iý , t âu al# emy te ueamP fuMa part, of the 401104with email aatin llowerm. 0 et. Arhur, 'Who thouqht fh- performance in onde r Vo, ave tiase Chidreuz' cotored ..'i-a*h drese. 1zng la îeopen vas no+iug AU"er ortrouble. - are of cotton eeoratints, and ubomin th grsl beeý o01theo An ordinary rasr should a- fplain 1coiorcd linens, ehambrays, Vhluùes ý fo e~V avanand. piques.,-Ti oe a,& ! bslqtar4' frtrese, 8PP05.5' hotropped before auan - ""fot.l smc'àvo a-evr * -ny, witiien varuingK,'Ou the ,ud the. aop eioild be thornitghly Almoat any dress eau b. bro.ught k nrol' VOw* *thetken off iV by Ist vater. A ra.or doWn to 1Ve yrmvn b l s.-- rstàManI~fim in 7o'- bttr or &a reot 0ea- collar. cutting the ek in, "V,-" *I- - 1511aW4,6l'ltl Ia.Panêmetub- Leanu ho-v teUse A. itrop PrôPe4'- Alwaya tuer. muet be thte littIe de- tiI'fytheir >îcfoers had aught thOenlyu - e *raaesr-urop uho>uld bang collete froi. tisebatis n..IlsVhsRueisulUIf rm -Point <tIOthigIter t&iis the A diatinct fliif!!iness begine Vo ansosd t&.y oadvanced,, e»Lrearn5-. ,fflt-lne. Slanaud Vthe ane show in the lighter costumeés, but ing >.twV. 4iirlaisi - ~ of a>ruer, a as.science; anid the ths -size o!fte solh'otuetVe le inoreaa- NlegP'a anÏfroua Port - ArthsurI" man'is v .sacn ke"Ilis raseor lu ed lots than oue migi, t âMIf~*ls fe.ru3rihDgý odition.is l ae#"n to bp e-f- sinupîy beauso,t-he ruiflea are - - àttle lnt. tThe spirit o! e aeilyi ievne.- &m. _____ g r ts' as- iu 1FguaI V. tkeEnIêrgeu0yý mat ~ê~q~, ettie nflsa c uer - Rer Father-Ycung masn, I phtit "I"K-ic Are yen, Jhnrs 1", bt ~tie atbb<>riiw"hrkrj un the lbouge .t11.30 promnpt!,Sve~ 'kii W-,hàtTiýiYWM -ier Beu-véiY welli, Ësm-hTi "d iwfr' w-re -ou se>-enI" ~ ~ ~ Lsirn avine- uood-niùt t 10.30. "On me Istbiirthdee." home o! a Pitanise sud 1usd may arise.- Itje oft4un eeo!f-ths in H.bal."I knov Vhy- vorks,"- toingun )uglit upon himeel! thse -dip sympteuna o! llneti; sorostiunes thesaoys thse Most High, and "Beholdebo c va! o! bii het for netfifret ob- ilnon affcts Vis. blbod, se Vliat it I1 iaveý«6t, beor- lee au open t Vluud Iing the ceteniosuui vachlng. oaenot carry oxygsn en-ougu for the. door, aud -no mani- onu hut [,' "aski lic in led te Icoe'ý severe oondemn- neédé o! tihe body; semetimes thei Which beiug nerpueted. is :. 4 ontem ou o! ths Pharisee-s for tizîreo- heart dee noV minta4u ea-nul- have given you -s a;eward for -son dom tV' msis lu trifing mat-ers obssrvd flieutly rpld -'circulation of tise -vice an opportunity for larger ser- orovdi mon, ini ooutiast Vo fiher negiet bec!;*oometimeës. tise iuigs.are -no vie which eunoV b. - alenfreni pgo . thie veughtusr matters oc! justice, [ va*etcltiiaVthe hve oVenogh1- ul. 1 rrcy, and siuoority. Doubtîses à utc etV rci -e-, air -ftItu hs !u i,-ao50cn et 3 'eSt fnote in fls s-c bc ebreatued, lu.I a ecunsestis e ption of-ie*aÊds beyond Vhs glit, but lue lraoted ibe attentio6n -o! thiose cheeài. deformsd or. nndeveolopsd, 1tenin*g-b-ubles o!,,Vhs end I i S 1tise gre aIdée. ieuse, âd ti'ey vueo see l i ufer fr-om, mccli- meth-riti -sn crhastd wding 'abouüt Vise-éloorway'.Voeanica! obstruction., eais given e-'mi-serable rounpsënse1 Inlabo) ar., Perhape J'éesfeI lat hs ,te In - oosideriug ths -e'-ascs 'wlioefor all that it -lËad endured aud Thee i tening multitude' -ve.ufin-Vhs -bbood àseat fant, remember that aèchieved fer.the caisse -oOiit ok to-yrd lm.As 'heturni f rcomshortuness of breatifi.a!vays found1 Rer. a altIegep !Cnit-di.c m uan d-dress e ' hswords o! iu conuection vith gausemis, Whe h o ac aiite poper4ty, al r-e on obit Idis*Pter*V lemmon - - itles, urgie chronia or temPOMirY inflfiends, reputation, i ancd - ai- tseeu -m~~~~~ Vohv ofarfrts er- ohiaractr, sd wlucther it be calis- standing; vho vere suife-ring cou'n-] ty uùtions o!f m, knlovwiu gthetfear cd b ydise-..or by mers lmbosfo! aIV eilmntant1e se u à - sésiiyensy, 'ho nr et bo,,W-s-tanVhs synipt'omaadise-a tn Vo le ready alvays - l ibleso r-ma I .a iu -Occasional Persecutlon ur&gecoui testimouy bcfé vü o-nid unirsg~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~t hmo!t.teistrh, 'e rinboo eh.g hat atthe-hauds o! thein fellov citizen; prieo -ado heani F5 occur in those dise-as.. er'i protection ado hsad W-len a peréonbegins bdo compnpîinnsd ho tl hs face of st-ary tomp- 'sery I - e Unir Spir4t ift- , vaýre brought o! habituai eho6rtueS of breati, taztion- V recsut and.thus returu te- plans, trial -for theïinffthu. :-thse easy ways -of couformity, * lied thiug 1 Te-rue~i . nth mea te-i important Vo have,%. phyieicai ex-kept Qed'.s Word andliad ni)t 'de- àeneh a uers J1susnbcthe, ean siu <es amination nmade vitihout delay. Ouane c i ae u o,îaed-cac hil jý&ù ha b.e- spakig ,,eemeaton la t.hat -tubemeulons ofteu id.Renne n ,ieëdîoac ece'ding 155501). beginu vitb ne other symptoma o!l promi-a!ng thom, lu retumu for if! posu L's sn tosadsA ypr-tItan s<>tn&uo!brea4h sand a their ideliVy, pover and f amo, large vsih i [bal expression fer a great iiul' lgtcnlu fVs-e ae r umbtrs and husdant wealth, sue-; door" see su dignocdvo-y erîy l~~ es- and happinesg and priespenity this is Reb orn esêi unto his disctiples har"e o-grintthm.lal t-bathVie world h<o!di good, Arnd -ehfal-éu een Vo gadrees noV (leoaret hm.Gd doe4 noV-ing more th-sn-oesute rcvarc et o!scaleJsusdt-n ehpssn nsc rube speio The eymptom lu. o! course, pre- ý-e htterrwr nt- po-ut nec! VoVte epeople. Bis word. etl nuobe s *ueumo uVimthate ig nr i Vh im'onenu-t thmonciio-pneuruouia, and plur av. ui*V iltoiarigBnod ýre, bovever, primarily Vo ths whicis attack -te organe o!breath prcbaàbly under conditions -o! even other. BevreyeofA .arigpraeilety.VobueeissnVnîu rae ausd more cruel suffer- Eng!is] Bwryeo- - r n- p auss tmp-ayelotus Jng. Whs.t Wonder if lu Vh-face-o! Ood'îs cr'lia.r te Luike, me-aniug, "Take cbues. -tepcaryseo iealVhv. u sucu Vreatment as the-e Pluiladel- pover ýrd and 'avoi seatne oh Ueave-uIu~!ipure leaven ,i. i disappeara euicklv vhen 'btepia ldbeom d.erendJhJ nerally used'u as atype 'd evil cxerci«e esases. If iV doesnoV do___ hleli spreadi and puffs up and se, ut is a gco« pan tehave a rsr ainheant >rs iu its influences. The.parAble fui -examine.ion, lu onder to find out RAS PZL DO OS bis pu the leeven <Luke 13. 20,< 25 ; Matt. wiat in vmon-g. Young people ms - 33) ie, howver, an exception te sometimPa persifu lu a favorite fonni -sland is g..'ra meaarig.o! exercise a-fter tiser-have be-gun toe ti, 3.Hyocis 1 oVony ic notice their shorteuing ->ctin-: u ANENGLISU BOY WHU0 WRITES yeams 1, is i useles, for Vhs true char-tiathynvdoh'mceslfon UPSIDE DOWN. -the op sr ca.unot -abways nemain coun. u -et' Cmair.nectioi mlod. Soonor or- aVer the. factsmoo ill. become kuowu. Se Je-sus urges Work for Your Healthss Sake.' A Naft Named. Hermann Can, More proof e ici;Ples Vo'sp.ac and sMt hz)-an tly su, d openly., sud Vo bave no- The best, 'healt is i enjoyed only Ris Heart Prom 5h!. Vo ofudlle <r forjthe congsquencee. by Itarul vorkere. Thse athîtes >' d. - Tuner chanilicnu-In 'te Es-t, anm attaine t4 size by'virtue o! the -Te ater, valîs are easiv dug tlurougis. greater qus'a.tity o! uouisluug Dcen ee ee-l uhi-v»h hings w-hich a man Wlshcd Vo uard 1biood sttracted te iV hy Vhs sever ote-rs- lu tii- case o! Ed in-,Wlog, wrefully wonO piaced iu unside exercise which iVndergeoes. 7ne a flve-year-oid sehoolboy e! Ches- auo DOMS. montai a.tilete com lu is ex tr -tet uhm n cto Proclaimed upon Vt.he ufetops- Vrtaomdina.yae r1Lror c-e-VraiDna,' ulrd.ig n the Est, proclamaýtions are fstil! only alter yeams o! mental training -Te!ni paroeo f thu'eost wlu-a îump scfrom'te lat roofs of the and effo&rt. Sir Walte.r.SSo-ft, wVhose eflpi fee* vrstio um suseS ~- - - - ork stands as -a monument te lui uuuha.Wicviih ntf rom' 4.* Be noV a!raid.of téem thaV kilIl ndus-try as wvol -s Vobis genlus, t>nl butnvituglyreve rses bis lot- case î oe boclv-Je-sus may have'oIV that vas mont inde!a.tigablin u bis pur- tos btwit.fei igu e eV ,thse pearsecustions vhich vers sure suit e!f phy-sical exencisos o! aIllsud -es a reenît -l-bs vonk sppeams as . o arise Vhe disciples weuld be kinds bu many -o!f-wluiehho- excellcd, OmcEuamy isaudwriting would be re- emptod to deceise. aud lu vhicit he could tirs mout flectcd hy a mimeor. It la thought 'A 5. Fear hlm, çIho af-ton le bath men ais cssily as b. couIc! excel that sema defuet in the nerve con- -nov ilied haVis power tVo st bute hell tiem lu féats requiring long-sus- tares pare-vents yonng Bum's bra-n tweut 'This parcage, 11ke the panable o! -taiued mental effort. - Much the freina carrying eout ifs proper task. upon4 he unjus-ut eeard, îu given Vvoe ame tÀhiug le tobd o!fGothe. The4e Iu pensons o! normai vision objects ceuld Ïstinctlv different iucrpreVatioris. men - fulfilled te theeîîtmost the ad- are reflected on teme-ina, (tise laVe-r orne Vhink "Hoevlho bath poerenV vice'o! VIse axdage, "W-enk w-hile you membranesst te bacs of Vhe oye) frein i-st into hell" efers te God, otiiors vomk a.nd play vhtile you -play." sapside dovu, but tise ma.in trans- aud à sink Vise refemosice is te Satan. Those vise.eujoyment o! life lu laVesVise vision right aide usp. lu off,' a )oms ressens in laver -o!,the for- largest, sed whose accomplighment tish-ae !BuruVs ranrfse'ge e-r interprettiq-in are: (1)> Iu Vhe o! womk là g.eatesV for the lon.eat to reverse tIse vision. -man'i -reek construction o!,Vise word.timie, are Vhcse vIte go into ft4' During neceut yeana, several clii- Fer foan" nicans "fear, vitholit trvin% vork sud plî* v lu a wehèle-he"-rt1d cIre-nbave been &scovered vise sucis ,otphun," veioifatise vend usuallv frsishion. -or. as if le oftea exrresed. posseu peculiar eyes. Lionel Brett, cou!d tsec! whiie referringto fearng God; "feir ail thev are wnrtis." For sucb o! Massacsusetta, auc!a young girl a roc 2> ln Scr'pture We are ntet <thu'> healtis s upplied lu gr.eateat mea-of Narbonne vere bots found -by be b- lucre tobd Vo fear Sqtnni bu-t te re- ure. oculies te have eyes w:icisve re Tise ;t hlm; (3) tise Evil Onue miýv en- '"~' apable o! penetr-atiug substances -sive leavon Vo OutiCo 'ls luVo Gelu"nna, GPAT. p,,ple ut ueba neauthriv V uudus ETITEUIZING LNS in thes ame fasîsion as te X-raysIBe it lebtsn Rovever, tde s o! «Isvisile a German, I- a-c ied Scie-aie lare express,?d lu more like Old 4A Frenchs Bort!culturF F fr , atieuihowas pma'cticalIys r ret,ment seachiug thsp Vthe teaclu- tainedExllstRui. blind lunte daytime, bac! wonder- the s ,ug of Jeglmus about Vise Father. - Forcing plants by te vapor of fui keennes.o! siglit i-s tise dark- at -t-h HelI-Geeni'u. df-rived frcm Gi- etiier 'eems Vo lia-ve proven oeeof nf.o ie-iit -i!cuc ik u lae îinnom, meauiug "the vahlev o! te o .st uccrus. methods yr-t pins f rom thse floor o! a pitis-dant us Rinnem"f near Jerisgaletu. wbre 1 trlcd. A Frencli isorticul-turiut, OL roonu. nient Macis e ruaeatnd g<)4ere -VerBult4el, bas experimented wic' - A111il ave Two Ucarfa. wli oh -wree rmd, nis ee a oa ther as a s_)f obtaining eanly T+.-as rcpo"4rted-th oher day on P-mt i ! r1.Teplirilseles vo-ne o "nsIsd the carlines o! tise lat- uflite, Vhs rigit ventiidleof -sci40,Oi ~e-euflCngas -vl tlibtwhieh tlsey ton vasouly alighVly greaten tii-n bear-t (the -ehiýaber. Itieli recoivea o! kuev te be god,-for Vise moral tisat prediiced viti tthe saberex- tiehocd f rom tise aa-.ricleasd tif: 3>owear o! Jesus bai bocu manifest-,, >-' r4veins) and Vhe, riglut surine g"r ew- <,e cd. The delibearate reiectienf Ãœ Ie ing on1 the riglut'iide o!fVise bcdy, ' good, the persistent calIi-ng cf go0d Bi% Trouble. andi the left v-.-tnid.e ahd tise left ao cvii, . shoed a st-ste ef narknes Te 3r-muOYycur, K2auÉiele oM the. Ie!t. - ng -* I which 'the divine -liglit, coulci 'ue Uno ntpeietrate. ues -u4îch-areAiï- diélikê the oounrry and want6'to go 8ole 'ears age a It-sian cloe- aý, te mpuse, pasio, o ctingjudg- -te i.cit'y Dues lue se-sm'estive, Ver dico.verýed t.hat c>ne c.f bis p-a-lut ment are výary diférelit !rom tise an-- athonel - -t lSI 'isi j-i, bac Vwo ol rgsst.i.sgfltiOi e g se~ -Mp- u v-Ae<li'% aviul hearts, tino -o! whielî. rwever,, vas is Nounitli ba ovs'beo gu-iy r.stve. H siit dsîu)n nthîn' but squite intuenihh> arc! luni0hilO. <litand o! ~ ~ ~ - 'fi uadnb anac n eteaee ga lua ed. f-ota vl- -heiw-t tîsat.d cari' allthe car- drba mo ~o iWca~oVJ' al iionl .- ~ -- diae-!uuetipons wava unthse r5t ie>ore tr. .!lgis s or be.-T.A iovalee Meart. -ha -S~uee hô~swing Vepent Thé aisrit Vobfendiùg.,me- irreerocaiasd is?5Pit. torit>- ti re in5d ton- doUýare. A ma.n namied neruanu, of IRus-n l.synaàgogues --Jewlis local The M nitA i ngt olé m-an l gary, bas an euxtraorduamy heaint.'the, cyarvhcs idr, Is kers a. rc- ,Thi-, M"U*tý0,Ve'-YOnare ôrno 1hi. bVig Vths, org« an ui noving it sud Speusubie for disciplinüe,. presided..4ïà. AyIazi tÎÈ 1 iosis rprpsiino IlefV Tueeiersecld eitene to ex-' Thue Y0v.MiX-10 idecf '-hiobody te 't-be righbt, ksop- c<iînuia>io o o urig5i5. -Y<u"Ia qik V Prt0, --ing i -orlr.-etêlmiues&' aTh.-Vhs atat-iàhdtthe. . it,-blPrif',suor von Borg- spa Rigluer-powers -Vhs-ntise local -.Te*---t~Hr - rnusdeclared tat ho Jknitw s. -n uam a6icRmansol courts. -'1once bcd s conif-oniabho ib-e, '!ni iuss eis or over lula mu- -m ton uë iheehha 1/het0ethacb, c- ':Me ie lor>her jojb, rmaam ;' le vae nuo i ny ath:;' vkv î ['rue Ser-vamt of HUM& Dlfy yot for-baye or lauzel Or.plau. miu1tiitud.. ad oesu«oo'tat ,tai.f he gain or le. t shm; elthinig he -aakm if 4d»oppo!- tio go On )esding,-maakiasd te *ighbts of righteaunesan~ad > -nd, this-opportmulLy .hé, )f a new croes. on aoot2her Cal- iNot, weablO , ,r.fàam, or 8p- or ease, or power"S-r- thst the. wyrlld Can onser oa w bhee M, ~,but -oaÃ"* the, to continùe indefin64tymaad bie on larger liies> tw- bhey hâve begpn. M~,~O tée rewsrd. whioh àe*jukY' this, a* hap'pens; àj * 4ii d whiehGOrd- olwa ", «anti us, servante. The rewssi o uty le ýthepower ,to lian-, "9Do right," iaid.Vhs.> greow 1 preacheir, Robertoeu.ý "and recompense *o you wiR be the. -to do, morerzht"-Rv Uayne. Holmes. from gicle ito side; b wb. stop lse f rom bestîing. 9Tardo, who was born on the 1 f Tri-nMd â bout- forty ago, was devold o!,phyaical g, and medical men wer. <of piniion- that there waa -ne con- )n between t-he eesoand nerves, in ber -bodyj. She waê againet poivon, and disease, ýhe eould contrûl the. b<'-&ing'- rhee.rt, stopping it at vii and btfn g it, Vo beet &gain. ýre le. a. woman livin# ini Spain- as a pair of born-s, fiveJuchei on ber heaci.- The -ftrst imd- m of the borne vers ga-ther- bove the woman'ê ears, -wliich. we.rde grew into «haed fleshy q. At thé, end of four yeare0 the -conmmncement of~ theclis- aI. pair o! horu-S nade ihieir &p- knce., P'air of Crtnkled B«orn. married voman o! Ohes&ter, deceased, was istriken, when ty yeara ô! age, with a-diue ber luead whiob no doctor 1cure. More than fifteen -yeara la long a.nd a3'ender lhorngrew the wound. Th" born feIl off a. second ';rew.. This also felu iv nd, fialtwo crinkled borne, out f remn the rides o! thc, wo- a hcad. rrum.Chigas, an Auneriean, hiad a thick &kull that - nothinK' 1injure it, and ýhc would aIIow k weighi'ng over 100 pounda Vo- irken Iby dynamite upon 'it. riôck, charged with the explo--- and c&rrying afswas5 A in a wrought-iron nage, the of which wore surrounded by rong wire-netting to prevent ýpfintered rock f rom flying out îe exp!osion. After Gig&s hâd ed the cage upon hie head, the was -1 ghted., a.nd in a fa.w 1110- ts there- was a àia.rp explosion sh Wieattered the rock tepImeces. ick ekuIls are comparatively ton. ard a mgan was dii'oovered LLiverpool docter t-6 po ess à et-proof skuil. This mnua at- pteA te commit euicide with . >], isud when taken te the -hos- 1 the bullet w-as fourd. flattened nist the skuli. AU the nua!f su!- d was-a ver-y ba.d, ladache a!- hé had recovered -conseioubness. JiACTERIA IN DÃœST. 4o! thse Sun \and JBright i Lgh& e e&poverty o! nae6bes li aiand if tise u Lé rit - tue u Su' Si-y tlir t , ,<o - èît' -.y ci' eve i f) o M Ca-pi aller n'lingiienc, w Id..., . uy C.o,OCfC for fflt tcut -I3 nand! - whh e. qg'a lfe uus - - - -Itriiorinit Un <ffie, 0.chan go r occu-pj It îYeUAftted un caursi ' i, va>et- >ci jin 50 unuuos'»Soi t Me Or i, prize ( fu t e , e f xs i l y l ot u r f linlod hlrgssy anl U rAvi,'r.-ieouuyIv t"nregirBnci' jet abo. hok bié-hg Roy smon d OU f -te g0 ont? 1 vaut qtaCriiuforas uaigit IT.l"ur'1bn-r J' rin, Ç~4 'Tlsi- $Icd culta] r t10r eùU- -We j t UIe rit Olirfit i bu .I t ,-Wgi -r, h Ing ,nvsj itc ,no n ax'îo:frte llsV '5îitlrilj A'Tf bly Suuert'd. hlie c'li lgr1, w fidoa:a bah. nill.,e. tOOk 'La- hsnrd, U -4o9c ë4tv yeac, Du kilS laok ierhed1ha W "to fijte e a v.ry,111.ý Tty.But yon icno -MIf ti 1wIe rfeel, Titby-,- iwi:iachanKgeina iûr ' rrejipnnded- Witltl ta a-nd ;s Pl.rung.c,: St wBUTn.in -' ina jrf-mant peehd 'J'f P51.-llad *rimr f ofan rni '0051)lte àl5ud rcuîi1piinu- vays snihi £îàuigrset fIr ol M '.ail rgi' , "S e'strounger tan o hé lu SUAai. ye' -es Vve c'es 2 bout Rer'anS ,'t.m, rmý, 1 i'..$he trIeS Ce looa 5' butlier iVtolce quLL#î'.u-d.- -be$z >Our r.ardomt. lJ'r lIée f iivs >auglf, . Thsti 1 trju, YOU. Ti bu;!" ;ie. &d1 ai ",wlit oni CArIS, bu%'.eC),OU ÇC --Pardoan f y?1'sî', about "'Fou wAJt ;À,bit,, ail>"rît nnurp retEu cf ori?,Pr l! (1 vant t e Letlfr ryrot fi2jr ne.-1 J eS.! tifDay u ÉJI u: sd tisaiTrier' im StW<i*-u you ansl! Mina.' thusitlîi( na-1A) iis d Whii Ibrougis ol'l age tise bodzly Na-DruCo La, give gentie, inas effective ald, -wj dhacon4ofrt7 or clatit %-,2-4ta. S w >r. Qîithrie

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