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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 19 Feb 1914, p. 7

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i'PAINS" tred )y Liniments Reached Through -the Boood ý7 TIiougandn, o! men and wonm- !uïffer- tt.-verel~y frinsriseunatisin. Cuel, crippling. pas-in isthse Mus- cles and joint» ms-ko> oveny -mvo- nient a torture. Man poethk wheutnsatism ze due to coltI or we-I we~br, and t'hoy -try to cure -t Iecvpvs,,by rubbing linizeent. on the 1ps-solaIpart-.T'his ie a grea&t mi.têle-thé -riseuma4'k poiaon is ini tiseblocd, as-nd liniments and rub- bing cannet, give more tisse s tise-t empra.y- relief. 1f ycu an-c a victim o! r-hounatism or- lumbago you can only'id youn-eI f f- àby iaking youn- bl<xsd ricis andI pure, for only iii luis way can lise poi- - ons of risenrvui iad vfnc theytteni. Dr. jWillams' Pinsk Pilla hiave cure<l mon-e cases o! rheunistimn, Ibisn s-ny othen- dise'ase --- except &saeania, -jus becs-use llsey niaka tise.nici, red biocd tisaIgoea right te tisern-ot andI cause cf -riseuma.tiin. Yç n s-ielbe avli - -wlc your 's1od ln impure, there- f&n-e, begin e!urieg yonn-riseumatiens --to -d, , avlis, Dr. -.iia.me ,Pink iltl 'Tise following are-!lis ps-r-- ti-culars -of-neocf the mtm.y thou- oaeds cf cures tthê-cre411 o! t hpaltls-giving medîcxn:- S Mn-. Jeremie Ns-dou,?, St. Jer-ome, -'Que,, ayq. "A fewî year's &go>I waise ized- witis a soton-oatt.nek of rlseîîmatiom. Tise paini ie my back, 'ar'iîsi.and flgwaen-e ýterrible. I tieaùtd,& witi several 4cctors, but jihey diÎt pqt hlp me, and s liaseý ivent en I Wa,. unablo tcwcrk, amd bes-an te hinie' hst It- aould be s- cripple for life. While in'-t-lj. try- xng condition s friend wh6 hatI beeti cured o-f riset4matium by the ume cf Dr. WilUam-rn-'Pink Pilla aad- vt.ed me te try this remedy, sad I g ,a su iply af tise PFil. I lied take» tbce Pilla for savon-ai we-aks before s-ny improvement avas tnc- ticed. but once %igus o!fre!ief came tise iieprovemenst fn-cat lat lime on - aas ritpid, snM I joyfully continued -tngtise Pilla until aven-y vestige ùf tisa trouble dîs-appean-et. No -ose - huit ,a assflar sufferer cati imagine the -gratitude I feai for li relie-f fn-cm pain?, endI becsnse-I hava since renjoyed perfect biealtis I urge cther niseumatice ufferers t gire lis emdicine a trial."- Yon cati get Dr. Williasnss' Pink Pilîs f roms-ny medicine dIe-aler or by mail at 50 cents à- box or six boxes f-on-$2.3o fom Tise Dr. Wi-_ l-ians' Medicine Co., Bn-ckville, À AModemn Tortosc. , lles purcisaEed thse herse- ose ieNnds-y atarn'iona 0en the follo»w-' îng .mr ning ho set ont, inea ste cf great. indignation, Vo -tishe use of tVvendor-a- t-irifly Scot. "fAsdtI t hinui, tisaI yen tdId me thse home hatI avn -hait s-dozen matchesagain-st -tome çf thse be-at horseu la -tise county. Oh, eh-sme on you-sisae-!" Thse farmcr'e. voica trailed off lete something ike -a ecM as lie conclIsded bIs s-ngn-y dia- tribe. But -Ssndy remained unpen-- turbed. "-'ind e h-e , Tion, " ' as bis quiet repoinder.' - "Butise cnteven trot a mile in elght minultes," spîsittere thé seOu-t- "Ansd irisa asid -he could i' asised - Ia-id y. lIt was la ploigling nsaleseý t-li-t. lie t-ok max prizes : No Jtesemllance. -Alt aciurcli fair neceixly a so- Iéin-(oking, - eideriy gentleman remayxked tu a younig mas: "I neyer ett-eid a churclifair like titis aith- eut t-iinkhîsg of the muney cba-iger-s -bs tise teiiipitc.' - . "I d11't -Seo the resemblance, - ," rephed tlie __youeg misn. 4*Thiee?. us îsxcsev c<-lagisg hon-e wistt-ev'er yenti gis-e, 'em t-bey- kc-ep." Minrds Liniment cures Distemper.' -B.îtsld * - 1 -s'e nothing likc 'at- vl"rt-tiug 1r Ibriîuging ut mas eut.' A -i; -- 'Y es ; 4 o t at th e elb o w s.' ' FIMLffB.NAILS - DROPPED OFF -'i anu. lais Ngt.Ue Skin Benoath 1. ifless. Fingers Cutcura Soap and Cuticura Oint. ment. CO-mplaint Goue. f ilý nsç u u neuiser naI1. i4'gaitota drop it. - tie-nràssi t Stwa belle-'o f !c!ma ls9onsssg. I'he tila ttlsenmadm.w 01re brttia mnd dry, the vkims ieaeatis bc-og if'ea look-loig. MIb lingomero rre Oely palnfu-i caurg aiSeiliihet. I W"streated for cabont the n-'s isou-ç lîs?4 tb>DIs 5Le g$eW aplu, but- - Wétis frôm thé MM i !ti tofîuim nd tise frIS oon agalq. Sis>d<ii4mmenOý t Junt foi'a sp!~et kotIl lu ttwpd « eftlirbàteh"kwïy i4mlée whieh u'em re Wo ifisi. At eight afte- s MIpy balds elI yith tiseCuticur 0oap I rubbed tise CutSeurs Olntmnt aIl anoued thUs e Ortioisdwo'gm vot iperont the. Qnlram onjen-bels* rusited Doff tieu al-lu Wtiîo a'ig wabed pMy '--de arrti'usig $bwn for a e ChoSvse Ia z so" i- peisesiteatta pertmii leu s acrnmd beminnim u t amue a mnore lseattsy splear- &W,~e the fiogisa whieis lied greuus under tise - di ý4als disppesred ai dtien nos. streag 'asliafrm;d. ThIstroubleWb-l latedt but cigtea usontîse before uitng Cutienra Sp *ud oufit o t iter usinE sUme fotlllCo s»ontha 2n nouser mnau iad grow..roaon ais <ipwauts-lisadestlnely >goos." (igned>- Urm,',sàtllIord, bet. ile,1012. C - uticaea p lAa.4utiaura OlstSmam i suld byýda'oglït&sumd deâlera oeryviiero pffle-cied te Potter Deug &Coi.Corp4 INOTESýOF:SC1ENCBI Turkey ha. givesngls aiii liet 0oatracte tb reorgaisiu. ils na- val ureenais &n4 dcyau. ih I tise èlatest spli- ce noe 1 M al construction Leeds, te iseûrt Fmqiab city to adopis overhed traction 1foRi street eare,, je mouiàs zigtse CY on automobile type wheels @0 u to do a.way witda the traeka. - In behaif.o! 'a roSntIy iveme conicai dpper for removing creamn frein 'mil-k bctea, it La ootended Uliu ie hape ,1d1st'urba creeainleeu thaai any othe.r uten *il. 1 . To- proteet thisnn o<f ehips f rom the- humidity cause'c by tihe «ozdensat-ion of mo&tuTe1 -on the moela waJ1lu, an Ita.ian ha. invexted a varnish containing gvoued con-k. .For riding in winter a Boston en- thiteiaot hâ. desigued à. motorcycle e., surrounded wîth a thin mots-I body te proteet thse riders from wind tisat it resembles as ubma.rsne. Above a&nd bolow the air cham-ben- in «a r.ew FTrench automobile tire a-n-e sections fllle.d with elast.c strips, whichh«mie togetiher andI support thse tire in event of puncture.. If the.upper hWif of the glass of auttmobile heidlights be covered wit-h metai polish, which i. allowed toi dry in a smooth ces-t, mueis oh- jectUonable gliýe will be elLnIUnate4. In s- new Engliedi freproofing process for timber, chemnicals are used wlih do net ditecolor wood, but permit it te be nailed, glxed, paiNktad or polisehed as tdicugh it had âqt beesi tre-ated. Leadc pencil manufacture in thse- United States is consuming 73,- 000.030 feet of lumber aunually, of which about one hall lse eetimated ta be wasted in. ahitrpcnimg or throwing away shdrt ends. Aemi-official oebinites matIe in India of thse worl's production of nubber for several yeanrs to corne indicn-te a con8tant increate, pase- ing 200.003 tons in 113, but--never equaling thse densand.* Because o! the danger of expie- &ion 1Iamburg forbids manufactur- ors te, keep mucsh wool >wasto &on hard unless tse-y have specdal buildings for it, requiring thein to keep il in a municipal storeionse. Geogra-phical survey estima-tes Place thse production o-f Portland cernent in the M~ted States lest year at the record-broa-king figures of 92,406,000 barme, a gain of al- Most 100)0 009'baxrels ovtsor 1912. Eonme Englisis ei-neers believe they have preventqd the exoion of camaI beds by the waveus et up by sce-w propellers wlth a Poat equip- ped with a î'udder on e4eh side of tho scsew ite break up #q waves-. BABIES OWN TABLETS CURE INDIGESTION Indigestio-n is c-ne o! tise most couexeon aliments of chiîdliood, an-es tic olher aliment is.more- dmncwrr- c-us. Indigestion paves tise way te m-s-ny other complainta. Baby'-e Owss Ts-bits nover fs-il- t e rmiLve cildisced indigestien. Tiey s-et as a gentla laxative, saeeten tise sto- machi, regulate tisa boavls,'ý andI exake tise baby healt.by and hsappy. t'onc&reîng tisensMyea. Alphonese Peilitier, -St. Philippe de Nern, Qune.,, rites: "I have used Bs-by's Owes Ta-blets for indigestion aith g'e-at auccesa. They hsave aise prcwed succesaful Le bre-aking up coIic andI simple fevers." Tise Tais- lets an-e s-id by mediie tIcalers or b , malat2-cen-te a box fn- ensTs D>r. Wilki*ams' Medicine Ce., Brc-ck- viîlle, Ont. ___ THE SKILFUL ESKIMOS. Fie Art Exlibited, la HAndling Ilanpoon and Lice. The Eskin*, lus -i-l te be a skii- fusi hunt-man, and especiaiy-ies tise :aptiiring of is-cals cees ise- dispis-y coniiderable igeruity. Wlencv r the' seat hunterbas gone to tts trouble 6f splicing a fine spear lintidle, ise doonul wtbrt'isk it, s-e thrt jiesnt, expia-us a-awriter irn Tit. o Seihern lWon-kmesn, iii put ona with a 'tos e'or joint. W'heîi a seai or w#l-nus tis br- pcî4ers'd, the -ddenes -tuggle ef tisa animai dises no.t break the 'sjsear, but merely isijoîints thse peint, andI t1w. mos-e tise ýniMnl brn-gglithtie -mrie OtIIP Iyioit tîrns" erosswsise in ti-bu aosujd and t-ho fin-mer thse ban-bs t-sko ho'd. But Cite animal cannot escape, for witi thongs -of skis tise po)int 1'. connetet aitis the pw6r 4inftf. Thse animal mctrely swims away ç)r <lves de-ep juttoise I-ea, i4*rr3ing with him thee spetir. The lJong lestier thesg wbichWig attcLu-l t îuneoilsfrnstishe de c.k of lIse k.vack-isd-plays- c-ut- It ca- -les withl t a 'drag 11k.- a .Ici-be. but <lies ns-tpull htu-'es îiu rf-ak thlui hE heuthl» des-g i14siscle oif àkti Stre-tclisedic s pi fs-amewen-k. - Whw-n the lino in ai! played 'Oust if i. sjeesu te ho attaehiled teO a.l4oat wha-h i l i-cos-n-rie-,]ensthe> dcl of t-liebc4t. This isM Made tif aàli in flateci skies. I lss-, plu«r- andI at- .îaChmeuits eleveriy et-vod fn-c- ivon-.', fon- wood i. fan- I.C>Cprcicon1s lo ba Imbd in ise glan'l c0!hv r S far fri.ss tise foneil. Tise 'ftoat e&nves sma & bucy, ac l'battheio ZSeuooan <iIIthe àÀ: malaiandI fint I te ln 16ib e «up IUs .trggba a>d 1o. ThntSî Uic de-pli,. -Thse avon-sa ilisan Ides-I huabamit ,tvbhen Ji Jwislies ais W iad ôomî fliiughtr-'5 eeda.in yôunag mân isent m e omse loave tis .morning. ' Manma - "Dont'toay ,-la cérta young -man,' mny dcan-. Tisera is nône. e! hem cçertain tilt you've got f ST' f y Writng cf a trnp le Agi era by wsy cl Mad'eira, Elle Wheeler Wil- Cox says: "'Waltingsg t tise dock le ceesvey tise pasen-gozsuto tise bava o!Funs- chai, wavere sncb curieus loking vehicles. Tisey resembed lise o!d Stone boats I isad seen Ua eohild on lisefa-rnm leWiaoonsia, aitàs s sort o! phimeton top, anmd sarnessed te eacis stone boat es-nris-go vas- a pair cf robust cxcii. Q-von-tise <xb- bleEt-ne sttects tise abedges glided, csaily, andI aviere lise noad avas le- vc i tise-oxen avre urged ila nild gallop. - e lda 'Leside tiec gs tiene aven-e issmmock chairs, s-rn-led by strong Pertugueua men, one at cach antI o! tise vehicle. Tiseeoonveyaneea pr<oved cleligitfully comfortable for a lady w1psoaihed te make a to>ur c-f lis. taiops; antI tiseprice waas meut reason-abla. Tise -sisopsa slong tise treats aven- agsy ailisbrighI c»on --id fille-lavis bs-ngaine i-n busc-n emibroidcred by tise estive Portuguese avonen, baskets ms-de on the iland, od c-halas-, antI amaI curies. "Oaa phaeton es-n-n-ed us te ttha end oi tiselUno, - wls.ere ave tboi s- srep ilway andI asendzd the ne- nsxndr of tise tww; tiouea-sd feet sumanit, avhichl ovenlo.okd thse town. fiera ave were, confronted by guides to. vari.ons pointa e! historie andI acenic be-auty, ah ifnally laxided ie large baskets-, !ashloned to iebd lave or lhree ps.çple, andI wth e. P-entu- gucw emn at ither sidz hlodiag lthe basket havir by a stixotg ccrd, ave tobogganed 4own lise bibi te tise toavn."' Tommy'. Jtply. Can IRegain IeaitII Read Tihis Very ýCarsfully., 'Tor years I wus tbf ,n mid eleis. 1 lest color n-td wae *aeltly tJrêd;- - yeUeow palier, pimples a-nd blotches On my fs-ce were not oni>' mortifylng to my feelings,wbut because 1 thëught myý skia weuld nevea' teck, nice's-gain I gre -deipondent.- Tienmy appetite fs-lied. I gré* Tory weak. Virico remedieî,. pille,., tonicà and -taýblets I tnled wltisout permanent benelit. :A visit te nsy uiéten- put Into My hande a box of Dr. Hs-miton'u Pille. 84e placed neliance upon theni and noav tht they bave madc me a weil woman 1 would flot be without them whateven- tise might cost. I found Ur.. Hail ton's Pills by thir i- li yet uearchlng action von-y suitable to tise delicate character of.a woman's nature. They nover once griped lù me, yet they ests-b- Ushed rogularlty. My appetîto gn-ew keen-My hlood red and pure-heavy rings unden- my eyes diuappemn-ed and to-day my skie le ag cdean- and un- wrlnkled as avien 1I was a girl. Dr. Haslltoa'u Pille did i t al." Thse aboya atraighýtforward -letton-i froi Mn-s., J. Y. Todd, wlf e of a Weoil- known miller ln Rcgerlvj!lel proof sufITient that Dr. Hamlto'.Plle are a aonderful aoman'. mcd'cilne, se no oIson- pill but Dr. -Hamllton'u, 25C. per box. 411 dealers or Thse Cats-r)h- ozone Ce., Kingston, Ontario. COINVEYANCES 0F IMADEHI. Eila Whcelen- Wilcox Drecribes thse "Stone Boat" Vehîcice. Tommy batI broke» one eoftisa echool n-nies, sad visa tachen- toid hies to tel Sus mother about AI, antI Stani1liggcon Ris Head. -t s-lue a-bout tise puni-ýlimetiit h ha Teddv's mollie-r aas waaking down s received. -She tisougist hua m-c-lier tise gardes aalk wisen aise avas lier- miglxt thxaeh ishm agan. Tise nexî rified at seaeimg lien -'oxn standing on morning aise asked, - Weil, Tommy, his isead against thle gardon aval]. did yen tell your usetier about yeslr TtItI. yen areteci " as,3cie-c. bad behavior yesterdlsy sad liov1 éi "W-lit :arc ýyen dong n-oa V ' puni-shed yen ?" -"Yes, ma'am," I"Sta-adintr cen mv héad." replied LI repbied Tousmy, quickly. '-Well, Teddv., "Didn't.yen tell me te pis-v e waaIdid s-ieassy 1" ."Said ashe'd -aI sac'thinIz tiat avcuîdes'î ve-ir like t w-ing ycur neck," replied m-y b4sts qontlV' Tommy calnsly..- h ---"Most Impartaqnt.r Lakver--I'li '*ake hod cf yewn- A WGNDERFULDISCOYERI c-s -r 5. IClient-"Assilisow inuels telebey gAueemînent scientlst, tIsa oIson-day, go V - t gaehie opinion that tisa meet awen- danfnl dlsccvery et recant yeans as8 Ol n 12M uL49I thse diucovery ol 75am-Buk. Juil Ol ne"RM QIIE thlnk! A.s seen assi ngle thin layer Toort srgeiine-, call f-r f iii nanîr. i- ,AX - V 11'ijO QT1NINLE. 1 ook of Zans-Buk la applieti to a avouaisor l'or ,in-îaturc of Y. W. G(ioUIE. Curu' a son-e, such lnJury le insus'ed agaist a Cold lun Oti-ay. 26c. bioti poison ! Mit one species of - microbe hais been founti tht Zain-Buk -Son-ny Ie 5-ie.F dees net kili ! Tisons-gaIn. As soon as Zam-Buk Huis (on street)--Tsa-t gentleman ls appied, te a sore, or a ent, or te islxo ju-mt 'et iv wass say»tig te the skia disess, it stops the smantlng. lad' -tim-11hisi "I P-n't afford it." That lea why cblidren are such fnlends Wif-o-Hii! F11 guararit'?e ii's ef Zani-Buis. They aes-naothIng for u~rehighiq wif- wnnts, not some- the science of tise thlag. Al l hey tlsing ho aants hixnself. know le that Zain-Buk sutops lIse!- ipain. Mothersseheuld neyer ferget- Agaîn. As. mon as Zarm-Buk Io ap- pled te a aouutor on-lea isèsseil part, the cella beneaths lie ak1n's sun-- ioa, Faîrvilie. Sept. 20. 1 902. facean-ese uîmnitetithatnew Desr "RLinimuent(Co,, Minited. face a ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Sre oeiuae htnw D.rSg3---We wsh bte ltiform y0'u iseallhy tIsane la qnîeklyfen-ned. Tisa f bt we cualder your MINATSI's formlng of freis-heaithy tilusue yrom 1,INiMENT a verN- superlor art1le. and weuse it as a mure relierfefr 1sore tirnt below Io Zanj.BulCos ecret o! heallng. andi eheiit. Mien 1 tell yen I would net Thse tisse ths formed la avonkot up bé witfhout t If the pic was oee dol- o th1e inn-face and ltermiiy cuts off lai- a liottie, 1 mes-n IL. tisedîsesei tIsne ima- it ThI latourm truuîy. theilleasd tssu abee t.tThi isCl-iA-S. iF. TILTO«.. wby Zamn-Buk curemarane perfnanent. - Only tise oIson- day'Mi-. Marsis. of 101 Delorlmqlon- Ave,, Moatreal, calleS > tpen tise mm.Pdk Co. and t.aud thm tbrt for or tavent.y-ave ymurs ho -W1e been aà martyr te eceema. flsi hacids we'e at aone timsanemaoven-ed Easlapd mouihuf cuod Uu.Toda.-i!erVith ~but t l iithîî." tui -tiarèe. yean-u aften- hisecure 'cf a dises. Wtneïr-i'Jadge, 1 -m rn,(ying my hoe bd for twentyOve Yem--be la dtrimîeAt to dio it, but tisaI pie-faetI etili. cun-ci, saut lis-ai lâ-R netrace of do-,,of a. Ia-fyen tiserae et let s"Ytttùwn-ef thiseé me. Ali -dn-suahts ia*li ZiM-Stk st sec. - box, or aveaili sudR Iree trial. box If - yets Iw ais ada-entlemoit md ajle M*MP, (te, par roture postage). -Ad, --AWw sle au ibW-éolt e 6 Wisét ba become ci'the old ààsed~4uu~3~ieù bw-eiened girl wavisoeeo. lasas-- iu .lait s T Gus aoei Il015DII bowalu.Mr.Mo"p sasnn flls to cure. o. W. OOVNI .1glw ture.la on ecdibox. 290. Dm.>ur .s 1 An exts{bidon cf temnpe-r Is sfn-.. iïi n L t Pille b how tkns't avorthtie Prbée. ~.'~r7' vI:'l- :~--:ete"~e~~ J~j) 4.ISSUE 8-114. IT RELIEVES IËVERY EX- - TRNAL PAIN Curs odo Cuhu ieTroat wçhen youn rer fattm thée nugu or the doceton-, tht'. wheft you need Neivilifhje-mont.' Bipenienced motiser are nover'witisout it One of tise chUl- dren' mnSy baVe.,toothache. Wfthoit, ien-a-lne--- eelsanghïortise anti-e lisuold. Wlth Nen-viline tise Pain la relleved cuckly. ltm-y )e ears-cis, paruspia lif neck, or one o-f tise kfddles cougising 1 witis a bail ouest cold. NothIsng cati give quieker resulta tisan vîgorous rubbing with this olti-tînse faily*reredy. Norvîinla on usotuNl, tOOcvaluable to e howitlxdt. For lumbago, lamne back, sel-tics- or ueur#lgia therë le ne liniment avîtis alf et Nervillno's pow- er te ponetra te andi eàMa the pain., As 'a farnlly safeguard, as sosie- thlngte oward of sickness and 10 ce the miner Ille that avilI occur lns 0v- ery famIly, to cure paIn anywherc, you cati find nothIng te compare avis olti-tinse Non-a-line, avImcix for fonty years bsas bes tise nsost wldely used fanslly remcd-y la the DomInion. The raost economical size le;tise large 50c. fpmily aize bottle, sinsîl trial uîze 25c. AlI des-lens seUJ Nervîltie. MORMOIN MAGISTRATE.- Rfugis B. Browno f Cal'ds5ton, AI-* berta. licadîy Foceof Liquor. Hugh B. Prowti,- Card-ston's nia,- glatroto, i. triki-'g terrer into the iscartis of ilIic'it booze sellers in' Sentis-rni Alberta. The wlsole cf thîe Mormenm territory in Canada îs undrrlocal opti-'on, but t bas be-en raïd by men li a poition to kisow that tmsce as muels booze solini this di-trict as in legalized tarri- tory. Mr-. Broavn w"a appoin-tzd te the "oition of mgitat nly this ye-ar, and aîreadv ho bs-s imposed fines a8 iigh as $203 o-n those who woffld make i'a*n by trading, in ia- texoxicting liquors. Tise new m.a.-itratà isl a inember of the Mores-on Chilrch, his aife hc- ing a grand d..ugisten, qf Brigham Young of Polvmanyus rèn<wn. It à.- nct as a-member c-f tise Mormon Churcis, howsevtgr, that.Mr. Brown wonk mu»t> have a4.tiaeg tod, h.0 .pas, =eu..~b~ie But, apants frouetime.s stimultieg aas v-Il5 sw.nig Tise meates e,eDr. ýUmber, conieoniy em -la large- proporicn cf nitrôgenene can-boiydrate# (flasgh fo>rmera) in thse otiser twe. Me issum, it lias bean sciantifteall1y noted, a r>pecifile buret 0f eisergy sUer thse me-atniei. Tise vegetarian balances his ni- trgg.esion foo<d -and earb<ohydrs-te-s at ceçiso! hi. thr-e me-ls, - , W tse-n-core hae neos-uc-h bun-at of ens- ergy, whioh fa s- comiort aird. pl-Da, sun-o initef st-lmulating tise useas- eelo hie bea-t avenk. As for warznth, tise meat cater is Cemfortsbî-le o.atempe-ature cf 18 jdegre.'e (Fahn-.) baver lis-nn the per-' son f cd on carbohydrates c au "Tise fea-linig o! waxmt-h tise mea.t esater enj-'tys not a deceptîcslk thsaI prduce-d ýy alcohoL- but pro'- cerds f nom an actual- incrme of heat," atdu tise prfieissEr. 1 iicoads or Caarroi Dy Ba-athlng the Rich, Balsamlc Va- pc-r of Catarrhozone Vou Prevent and Cure Ail Head, Noue, and ThroatDiease. Rememben- tisa: Yeu den't take druga avben ustng Catarrisozone; yen ulmply Inhale a healing vapor tlat cures 'every type of catarris, bronchi- lie. astisma, tixcoat andi nese sornccs andi lizrtatton. No ffeediclno bringe sueh prompt ré> fief, exerts fench *a»lnvigoratlsg ilu- ence, or so thon-oughly andi speedlly cures ~tlroat Ïtroubles as, "Cats-nris- oaoseý Doctoýre, iospîtal4, sasatari- unis, ail say tlsat for tho eiwbo sufer from 5cha-ngeable aveatiser,î for thoso avio arne preffisposeil te estan-rh. lung troub e, deafacis, or bronchitis. ne troatmlent le se' Indispensable as "Ca- tarrisozose." VlctIm of Chronlo Catarrh Cured. 1 cintracted sas"vers ceid white foi- iowlng My occuspation of furniture tua- veliin2, and evsntulaliy It developed miet Ctarri The dssuiiory mode of life I was fbllowing gave me vsry lit' tie chance te attend to tfic Catarrh condition, "nd~ i asti becamle a vic- tim of Chronle Catarrh., i bought a large package of Catarrhozone, used lt au per directioa, and have neveu been bothered sine . I wii be oniy tee glad te gîve any Information 1 postss te sny Person suferîng frem the diseuse that was the -baba 0of )sy -1Ilfe twe years. 1 A.H WATZ Brockvilllo, Ont. For certain cure, for relief là an heur, use Caýarrà.ozone, tlse only di- rect. bres-thablîlmedfclne. Tavormenths' treatment guananteeti, prIce $1.00. unislIer sizo SOc.: at ail drugglste, or tise Catsrrhozone Company, King- eston, Ont., anti EnfUIe, N. Y., U.S.A.- WIsere c-ne wsmeia Msan-te te assise s- ns-mo for liesesef twcnty wilb be «ati&fled to tairsýe man 's. toisardsLi niment Cures Ipisfherle- -- Original. eflaitlon. For Lli an sn rpat thse mte.ir lied bseen bsaaiy .-vlgthte oees0 knowledge, and realie4 tiiat the lime liatI coeec"leset fon- ler tio n-esp lise.han-veut5 "Noav,'boy," aise asIetI, "v es-n tel] me vWha"tan oyater i1eV, For o.avhile silence fille th ie clas- a-ccm« on a 1aidez 1âle btwuS wen-e puckeere'd ln .tsra.ined effort oa* Thon a look or kasasavetIge begmn *0 *hiuln in 1111.Tomnàyî e ye. Esger. ly ào mise-hie luasd, sa t- "I know," haie vied, "ft's a fîoi buibie lilca a nu-t 1" el"0 De' of val-ue te eoiamry aisX. I . onpiciig up tie ewapaeper ine tihe nmonine Ld' 1 -YS elda c to tear easli Y, aàdwnpour of rain il not tan off. Rai wsjaise foreteld when fie contén*s. cf the é.2t.oglIar- beconses sc>ggy ýand .damp. Whenli nai is due your ahoe la1"s ill break eakaly, aetI youn id glLve w-lit bave a ccIt elaiiy feeling anmd ha Jiard tei pull ton, Even the walking stick and umibrella, aili s-et I il5 a barometer. lietore ram sthe handle,'wi ib. lightly damp, a"d wil atckTto the, fingers wben Somethinig to Remnember. esas "My boy, I w-nt y'ou ta remembr ir'ou WA 01NT What~ t~at cI ~"C41arne 9t.. Ororonto. 'NotwithsUpading al ivou hear about big -àteale, people do anmd can Il W. DAWUON4, cohmest,. Torons». get rich boueatly." N WSPAOURS FOR SëALS. -EIRAV BVERÂL. GOD NEWU. Try Murine Eye'Remedy taria tAwr a ntrigbt prieî. àfplJ 1le,~I mu ubriptIon rdnewa'liMme e ilnet opon- If monbave Red, Woak .Watery Rycé inirii"'bien >hfbiaq P4'spani, là or Granulaited Eyelida. boesn't Smart W. Ai.A.i..4'.a~"~ Soothmes E ye Pain, Druggiste Sali Murine Eye Renmedv, Liqufd, 25c, 50c.NRIR TOK Murine E.,e Salve is Aseptie Tubei, TBBILIS ASPBBERIBB, riF 25c, 50c. Eve Books Frée by Mals Van-lotie. Frer Catabol.Mcoul As Ilys TeeS. Oeefor Affi ys tomhWoo m.g à, &son. Groveuend. 'Ontarlo. I4urine £.Fe ns.dy Co.. Chicago ICLAIIs Aflèr acquiiing the art -of balking' well a. wise rna.u keeps still. Minard'o Liiment Cure# Colds, îts. DUS$ YOUft tw.APLI Wbatla thse une of wosking hard. »watting tlme andi fuel every Spring by using out or daté boilingcontrlv- aces tisat make jpoor syrup? Inveat In a "Chamtpion" Eaporator. Talc, a hittIe comiort _and mnako better syrup, whieh meansq more money for M-u. lade in 22 differeat sgla. Wruie t once for our fn-ce bookiet and catalogue. T= ORelsmu h. Co., L=Umm]) 88 WOWagrta st, Montréal Q».. c fnLSBl lulOlti. *lir5 iyo rv.u CInternat and. externat. cuwed w5<1. toe. ipafin by aur home ttement. -WrIe bi# weene teo late. Dr. nâ liisha edioui Go.,Limted <'-'llsgoed nt. The Hcart Of 9&Plancisthe a"OTPTO HIG EL"IO iaoAc0tion Camadineu niaUv a*astev.V Bafore and After Uetug. O F use iras sanie b.ttxe. laiaii ofaaneharamsblack. tise ater blond or atiser colon- as tises- werein IS T P O O s-outis. Stops Faiinu lair. Dandriuff, Itch-Ing. PIWOIIICures ali Scalp Platnes, Yroduces New Gnowtls. vr Satisfaction gucranteed on mnay bacS. ieesen 'n- t "d infohres, (est s. colflWana«m Canadian flair Restorer Co ,t'éoî. oNT.a i~lnLrepeater, hiamina«oes S I es n- .1cmKusn metai finieh JREJIf, or eiua24 of Our beautifni drarwn won-u DIU t1k to Mar chacend11hsri a tef 1 0 renta sah. Ondi ut L tc sii-t5ees 0,. s'rm lit Once. No miey requIn-ad. CaiS UP si tab ~ 1< ,SWlfl~g -commîeSlou If vou Wl h. Chisf tifs-. CO,,ai '.13 (ihief nidia-.. na. Qcae i.s Spavia Cure eris for 85S years- Jo ud it h a p roved Its vworthln ta ndreds of Ibouisande of cagma Dicketdike, Alta., Jan. 20, 1913. "r have haro usinir i;cnadal'. rpnvln Cure for a soed many carà wth gooid resuita. las a r in neer Uwiùot it." 1 . NVaDXnoV. CI a bottle--O for 83 t drugf7l.4t%--or wrfte for' copy or our book '-l'reatlse <ci tie Itorae" frec. Dr. 13.'1. KENDAIL COràmPAY .Enosburg Falls, Vermont, U.S.A. 79 Tise suant eucceosqftl of the nmarket gt!sinor. lu C-tuAda,, nai.y of them ceastomnens for two g-n-.raiosçn ul issfor C trr. busy ruce'need.he .crr4mLz a ti, busin-ss wns- eaî,iç- y 11,; a/ar ' jaçaO. <"y fossnd they could rely ou tilenfi ln eveny way, gettinz bettr remilt3 than f roin msy other seedx. To thetis sa cqivlity nnd germination is Lise.big cougideratiosn, as tlieiribread and buti 5 dependA ona ticir crup3. We would a-ty ta th: namiteur rad al.othse firmer, wiso arecsiot risutomerme, e It WiII Pay Youý To Buy Bruce's Seed" for it tilr'n th- nmeti-n- nncl trouhlm tap1 ut and mie for pon eeed au for goad, and pou.r Sî,eci lun-aiidi4sa si sfactl il I:xd 1 n arasurecty.'-- ,, %. W-i1t- for our 512-M;? illlutl"trti 14 videC»-riptiv'C cMAtgidac-of Vegetahliparme And Fba'rFeeds, 1!sTE.1.ilui, P.;.îltry Ssippliziq ad G-rdeii 'rada .,ss Ilm tlenets, etc. It wîlIl b: m-ireS FREE' ta ail apPlicaut!i. VRTER TO-LiA 1. - - i 1- - - ~- - FOR -SALE Cranaton Cylsnder Pres, fast ma.chine fodr six column, etour piaenewepÈper, uErd yen-y littie, in -perfectcondi- ticn, low price. Wileon Pub- lisbitig Company, 73 Wert Adela.ide Stre-et, Toronto. y TRAN asenlneblliy Fo ies and ail sonenis and Iri4tat lon of-the skt "Vs i. nthe best, safest andi qaukéte nscdy. Refieras chapped banda, helpa culs son-e piaees to lacai quickly. Illustrated bodokiet al about thse diRairent "Vaelinell rmsratonsfiêe on request. Needed in every homne. CUUEDIOUGII NANUFACTUKIJG COMPANY - ,ý'1(Conslldmi.d) - '. e- I t a- Mr. Hugh B. Brown. is wvaging war agai'îst thse impbrta- t:on of whiskey into 4.he local op- tion terrntory, but Piznply as an .sfficer cif the Crown he is goiùg to, iee that thse laws reizird;iig the sel]- .ng cf liquor are enforce-d. Tlwuglî a young man of 30 years of age, Mr. Bros4n-is prorninently .L-ncwn in military cire]es in West5- erri C'anada. Hie is a major of C squpdroîî of the Albertar Rangers. At the Iast conjvention iùf Libcro.ls ise!d &t- Card-ton before -th'c at Provinûcial electioni, Mr-. Brown's Ilnm caine before the convention ard -was favorably ýreceived. The' vou g9titan, however, is not anious bt enter 1rAiCcsý and retir< d in fa- t'or cJf the former znenhcr, Mr. Martin W-Oolf. l'se For Talent. Frery man, cvery wonîan, every clîild lbas s'orne. talent, soîne power, morne oportunty ef ge.ting 01 and dcing ge-id. 1sexh day -oWe-rg soine ocCaFi<l-flfor ium-iig itis talent. As we use it it. gradually increat.is, srnproves, becomes native to the Cliarcter. As we negleCt îtit dwiidle,-,nd' withers and dis-ap- p-.ars. TWi-s il; Itue stern and be- niges law by which we live. This inakes,, character real and eseduring. Plowers. Yn-sit and !3mahina in sanisqwn';aP. are te 1hê' fo)urndIn (Califtr- nia. thse Is-S,-'.i nterinfir place. reached comfortably and conyce ntly by th#% Cltilcago, Union Paciflë tîd -North Wes;t- ern Line. via the fastest and lifflt direct rouiteg, amnit the. iuxuriouoç aurround- img of tlise ompuartrflt¶it, club sand ob. nervation Parlor. oorniraenoderate- ;sriced and bomeilke Trouriet vean- Three oplendld trai ns dailt%-The Overland i rnited. fa,,tt.'t train to San Vranctaco: Thse Los Angee's ltmntted.. thre. days to the Magla Citv (if the Land of! Sun. rplaInp.. va Palt Take City: sand th.- Saan Frnsuiwo ", Tmitt-4. The- Overiand Raoite eiwceled dinitag car servie*. flate*». Iiius4trated Matter aria full particulars un application. 13B. I ennette Gentral Àgent. 46 Venge tet éot.Oa

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