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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 19 Feb 1914, p. 8

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Messes. Ralpbh and Russell White eutertained a numbor of - ud0r triends on1 Monday evenlnig. Thre Daughters of thre Presbyteriau S. Churcli wiil moet 'at the home of Misjis8ct~t on Tuesday aftrno for Mr. Wmi. Low, of Torontto, spt 'Sundayatbe home of Mr. Wiliam frs. IRoss, )pf Myrtie, vtsited Mrm George Jéne~ ec~t Mr. Ikuusel whit@,; of Gulph Agri- cultural (.liee peat*tire weQencd M-r.Urfah JO"D ias purcifaeed Mr. '1lobt. Walkt' house ini thé vIIIA9ê. 1fr. Wm. Kerras had two-01 Ure largest stock' of -furnîture ever showjii roklin. We have.a ldsId. FIJERA protupti>' at an>' houe, day extra charge -for-distance, JRNITIJRE EALERS Calîs answered or isht' No Il i I r r n e n p. e e v n The dealli occurrod on. Monda> ir Greeuwoodcfon oe or its eldest resi- deêts, Theao. IMoore. The. fumefl vas beld on Wednesday afternoon, Inter- mneut.belug ruade lu Salemn oemêtere' the. funeralý la their usual geod juan- lier, bavlr>g had .contiderabe, éxpez feoe lunlarger towirs. Mite Ailee OlVer Io VI-;lsltg hm sister, 3fr,. Morris, at Ottawa. Tha meetin g that vas ùnounee to b. beld tn the Masonte Hal -on tFrida>' evening last was fndet#ulel pestpoued, ewlng to ther tierce seon -tbat was raglng, 'Tue'spcakes ere to re Dz-T. .W. Rcbertson, "chairmar of thre Lande Conunltteei land F. C. Ilunnick, Âgriculturalist trom the ComnmisslSof o!Conservation, Ol- Mfr. A. Coakwell bas secured thi )fvleso Mr. Thes. Chinn to man- &eils deliveryt Wagons. Mr. -,ad 2Mes; Glîro>', of. Pros- Pect. vi sited frJends hers ,on. Sumday. ;Miss Gaygie Elvios return.d home laut Thuroda>' after spendlng a àfeB lI4YS ,at _the bome o!f1Mr. Adanm Spears, Mt. Zi. Miss L. Ba rtiett, or Port Perry, vas tire gu et0!Miss Anule Blilb laut' week. W.hen. In Wbtby on Saturday azlgbt eall St Robi. Walters' aueticu sale of ciotbing. Splendid>bargalus. Croiali Broi. baye lea.ed theit farmI ta Mr. Ed. Long, of Kinsale for 4a trm of Tests. Thsy VwI l h a bi g- disprsion. ale-of -stockan Gatarrh coumot W Cured Wtb lOCAL APPLICArlOrqs* au tba na rcscb the sent 01- lb. diurnes. (at_" l bloei Or càastltsgl4,mîdlsusae andin order tao cue t « ueattake isiteral rem..dI.ie& Xs' Voi,.1~c Thomafl'5cauron on Suzruay. rus uoc,- mon, whlch wae 'tûea fromth teto 66Rua' Titat Y. May Obtain," Was very ispi ring andMi plul. Thre slaýg- ing by -the quartette wa; very muteh emjoyed by ail -preseut. 'L'ha social held at Mir. Chas. Speu- ver'. on Thuroday eyentn last -was thoroughly eftJoyed by thos who at- tended. Owung to the. iiens. colA 'the, alndamcwas net 91i~ erwise _wouid' haxe. been haît tire wottierben favorable. flrookltn hookey tearu are. prac- tising bard day asnd uight, preparlug *0lied, m~;3en>'#,l97c,- bys#9; i 5,buckl, 10w lie , .7; ucl, W with heel, $2.25 ; boys' 1 buckle, low heel, $1.40; youths' x buckie, low bcel, $î.zo. TWO DbOORS SOUTH Broock St.. 0F STANDARD- BANKC Wh ltby, Ont. Are Yoe a Du r of Crsau sam RoiIed 0Qata, Rolled Wheat, Standard Oatmeai,' Wb.at lts -Corn Meal, Grabat» Flour, Pot and Pearl IBaI.y, Crackd Wheat &Rd Beau@., The above ineale are firet cIae and sold at a close price. Market price on &Il grain in exebange. W. l.ELVISS, Bell1 and 'Independent phones. -Brooklin The earwiqua*e vas foît very keen- If your hair le gettlng thin, loslng Sly heVe on..Tuftsday o! lataxi eoi, al- its natural color, or iras tirai mati. tbougb Dne serinsdanageas dont, edi lC0eesand scraggy appearance, Miss Eliza Hazzlewood iras retura- the reason is evident-dandruff and >cd te ber hume la FLaSIan aler a [allure tb koop the blail roots prop. month's -,Malt with lier sister, M.rs. erly nourisiied. -R. Long. i'arieian Se5a pplicg 9411T tor a Wheiu lt Whltby on - aturdaY niglit week andi then occaslonally le al Scati ai Robt. Walters' auction sale that la needed. It renneves dandruif of Clothing. Splendid bargains. with oee pplic ,ation ;almost mmmed- iatcly stops falling baie sand itcbing 0 ba.mm. est!; Invigorates the scalp and R AII ALaUV5d makes ituli, .stringy irair sof t, abund- pq ant and radiant wit, life. Equailly ALLAYS FEVER AND CURES good for M»en, vomen aud cildren- * COLDS ÂND GRIPPE. everyone needs h. * Te ,iilk, unéacton t ~ A large bottle ef this deliglittU! dol in reducing body ieunperatuetoalin o rsun an bemdruo' .H laormai bouilli standard gives t 1AIl o a-'drg counter for ifty> trisgrei naura remdy n alo- nts. You viii surely like Parisian Dlther pnicelsatualue n tlieauat-Sage. Tiere la ne otirerf "Just as s et h r p i c el o o al u e I n h e t e g o o ." - T r y 14 n O w. erisir cold. ---' .'*à Tiiough iie juat beling introducedl THE WINTER IN THE WEST. Auto.. Canada, Kipphialdol bas been pre- Scrlbed by' physicians andi use in the Mr. Lorne Foster, of Denholm, hospltalw -o!> Great Britain anid thre Sask-, ini remewung bis subscription Continent fer rnany years. hI t ce- for tire Gazette snd Chronicle,writes;. H teves the burning heat and fuiness "I enjoy reading your paper, and lu tire irad wvinci cornes witli a like, to keep in touch with eold a8se- 4 gnippy" Cold-alilays pinis sud ciations in Whtby Township. We aches, sopties tire nerves and brings are iraving a very pleasant vinter ,hteot reât which means speed- here. It bas been very mild until.tire lest. resieraton. lasi fev days, when it turned quille For coldsl influenza, catar and cold. It ie quit. bright, however, ismmilar complaints Kephaldol ns un- And we have had no storms." equalledj A tablet',or two taken at tire first indication of trouble wiil When You're Sick Your unfailingiy nrrest irvfllplýri..tt ani 1 restore heaitir.. Wages Stp Oet a 50c. tube of Kephaldol tair- lets feom -y(Y>ur druggist, and be o OU kn w wat tiant neans-mUis- ready ta checkc a cold thre day it ai- ery-worry-bf g bills--.debt1 tach-s you. KéPhaldol, Limited, 31 You know you can't aff ord te be Latour St., Moùreal. tsick. Keepnin u ood. health ien & CD., propg6.Teted". 0P'I-3. NNY our effort.,,V will st clear out the-. balan-ce ai, bai-gai npri-ces. conitinue to- otlîr, wintur ePECIALS W LVL YETeE FOU ND9 I W. fi. LAWRENCE E BROt~KLI~ E household furniture sale- on March 26., Auctioneer Maw wili conduct these sales. MYRTLE. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Webster and famlly,. of Whitby, spent Sunday with frends bere. Mr. 0. Lane,' Mies Laue and Mins 'Vanyest spent Sgunday with Colum- 1'. llielarduotu, P1resident Mes.lR. R. Mowbray, Secretary. When ln Whitby on Saturday nigbt cal tI ai bt. Walters', auction sale of elothing. Splendi d bargains. Don% Gîow BâId. SERIQUS FIE IN OSHAWA. On Wednesday evenag as]isttire residene 0! R:A. MeLaughlln, o!i Osirawa, Presideni of tire MeLaugir- lin Motor Car Comipany, vas dam- aged to an extent of $10,000. Thre cause of tire lire te uniknown. Tire loosvas covered by insucance. The, irouse vas one'o! tire tinest in Osir- awa, Mr. MceLaughlin having- laid>' spent several tiiousand dollars in inn. provements. Ai htirure tire lire vas discovereti al Vie family vas oui, only tire servants being-in tire lieuse, The temperature vas five bc- low zero ai htirure, and coasider- able difllculty vas experleuced by the firenien In securlng a sufflieut pressure to flgiitirhe blaze adequate- ly. Tbe flremen Rucoeeded, hawever, fin confinung tire tire Vo tire tirird floor and roof, bolfi ot which were entirely destroyed. RIIEUMQ CURES RHEUMÂTISM. No matter hoy long standing youm case may b., den't deapair, get a boteof Rfieuino to-day. J. E. 111111, selle it viii-a guarantee te I beoecit you. Rireunno le vondertul inj Its quick action, tire pain ceases, tire muscles and boues are nid ot sore- t nous and siiffieus, and very sooni Rheumo patient 19 able te Lave the smre strengili and vitality o! youtb. Eheumo builda blod- serlch sud tik tfit unlo acld cannet pessibl>' exist. Riremo coits only-$ for a, large bottle frem J. E. Willla, or difrect, ail charges prepai from. B. V. Marion Co., Brudgeburg, Ont. *MYRTLE STATION. - Our, hockey boys are golug ta pis>' IPort Perry on Mendalr evenlng, Feb. 28. Ganie at, 8 p.m. ,14. -Bent Beacock had art openstion pio bis, nase lauLindsy an Wednes- day luit. ";< -Don't forget 4he shredded wii.st banuet nader' tue auspices of the LAaies' Ali ore on match 8, 14. Laud smatianti .blnder ivine for sale ai J. E. Beacok le. Pnîeu lover thaothers. Mi9 Mabel' WhIst»ý. Prince AI- lis$pemdiug a ev dari at Mr. KIlaeBranci of South Ontaflo Womea'u InatIuts vii msOiaiut ié IIfe1cc. IR. hop tORses a Oaof Thunsia>, -FeiruarySO, food and clothing for you and -your tani>', It is u1P.. te you te take care of yourself » IV Le up. Vo you, wben- ever you dont t ee right, te take' something to make you rigiri, to strengtren you, build you up, ward off worse sickness-protect you. and your fami-ly. Tirai Vhing we bave fa Rexal OiveOil Erulsion. In offer- inZ it Vo you, we protect you against money-rish, by personally promising you that, if it does flot restore your bealtir, ve wyl g4ve back yQueinon- e>' without word or question, We betieve it ie the best builder o! liealth, energy andi strength you can get. It le helping many o! youe neighbors. If it don't heip you we will give back your mone>'. Rexali Olive Oit Emulsion ie com- pourd principal>' of pure Ofive 011 and Vhe Hypophosphites. Each iras long lbeen ondorsed b>' suMceasul pfl>r. sicians. Here tbey are fortire tiret ime combined. Tlhe;result le a re- mackable nerve, blood anid -strength- uilding remedy that le bth feod vous, rus doWu and debilitated -ne miatter wirat- the cause; for old peo- ple, fior convalescents; for puy cihildren, we kuoie o! noting .tirati wiil give heaitir. ssand strengtr as -<pikl> as lezalI l,0ive 011 Emul- ion. It la a real> builder of" good W1ood, 9trong muscles, geod digs tion. Pleasut t40 take," 14 contains no alcohol or irabitfomng drugs. If1 you don't teel veli, economize betii 1 noney and strengith bY beglnnhng to- 4 day >ta take Rezaîl Olive 011 Ennui-1 lien. Sold oui> aItithe Rexal astones 4 and lu this towa oui>' by us, 81. 4A- 1 H., Aluin, drugglst, Whitby. 1 DISTRICT DOINGS. - The new Cobourg Hospital was ready for occupation on thi.28th An old-fashloned pearing ho. st Johin Graharns, ,Claremoht, vas thoroughly eaJoyed by the. refghbor- hocd. Confidence I lwome. remedy (s nover ziopiaeed. In every way-in heahb1 trent ir p- f16 and ln loolcs-women find tlrem- aelveà better a 1e ",el 'oo tge Creetc , r i chds of srniîWl ~r.Fresh mincd. ce iead ini quaity a#d quantty ER. BLOW@ Bell Tel. 9. WHom:TbyLL ptrise tiWe tqa L. W. DUJDLEY, Home Tel. il. INVISIIL~ -Our: Bifecal Lenses are, really twOlo«Ses weided Into one molUd lens. Price per pair, $5. m SPecial ground, 7.50 tUE R 1SFRAOTnq G 1O8 4 ueS.TORONTO Loýw-Rates> and, the Sunny South NOW UON rÊFFECTr The Grand Trunk- Railway is the most direct route from aIl points Est through Canada- via Chicago, Detroit or Buffal. N~uI partieulgroAi G(.rand Trtink Ticket Offices or write C.E. HORNING, D.P.A., Teonto, Ont. - - reccuve oracrm#, waicaviii sbave prompt We vili ta acquint the people et and carefur-atteution. Whitby aud surrounding counfry wlth- the fact that we have oecned UP àg ir.* PHONE 6 5. cams lauadry oun Brock St., Whiîhy, iun__ Hewia Brou.'1 old store. We are PrepaTed te do -ail kinâs .1 laundery work. Fanrzly orders given mpecial attention. Ail work guananteed. /OhiPIULI1e Paàlsclldfor anad delivercd. J h DUNDAS"ST., WEST, WH ITBY' Chalries, War -Whitby, Ont. alue for 15 720, Ves wIil. C"IUpssy ."Esperiencia Dcet" D'I-S NIY B40.4 F u s ae a l D f r n t r s m u d f uu s r g~eron 100k,44 Smoo1,t.N,, Qom Fiet exclusive Funerai rW and Citapel ie be estabJi»hed, tire Conty f Ontario, P RIVATE MORTIJARY. Private smbulbuxeebead4uarte Dayeor nlght callu promptiy attei édt.No elfescharge fordan Phomu4l,4amd4l,8. and Toaminlg. H I bave recenti' added te mu>' vii- equipped liver>' stabe a eavy teaun aud dray'fr al kinds of cartage, sud Cutry.' Bid quîcklyt u adn phr.W's aopertylfri, tck gan, week the second day after listing ut. ~.FARM SPECIAL- -Dow farm of 2o§ acres, lirge. brick dwelling, '.fair outbuildings, 16 acres of-orchard, running water, speciailly adapted for stock, grain and fruit. Special price if taken quickly. C reator Canada Iuprovomont & Land 00o.1 RICHARDSON & RICHARDSON ANE RS DUSTBNAGER puts the eoos (case) in sweeplng IT KNOCKS THE DRU» GERY OUT 0F SWEEP. DUY C1egns Carpets Brightens floors Order a tinÀ to-day at youiar grocers or frin yorhardware mal 'Don't ask for sweeping compoun.d SAY DUSTBANE. Fa rmsFor salé' Upwards of forty fari froin 25 acres up, and at froin S3 nar, guaranteed to show --oatisfactory reuits'from inyoestýmonts t'iocatod in Whitby -and Pickçring Townshij4o. Every cncivabe requirement of soil, büIidingao rha* and other1 mprovements can b. met inthe varieÎd Hi ýe er L I '--'i 4f r y i -4., 'r 4. * I. q i. (q - £8AFOOD Qur Pure Olive 01 able,- bas a -rich fia, fdeIicate aroma, and ported diruet froun t ducers.- I' purity is guai tIN 1011111 AND I Je Es. WILL Druggist and Op MEDICAL HALI Tuo um d 8.111 U.. TO". 4 ing bettcr work urss ever * f74t5trepare f .rzio .- ijEÂLI Barruio, County' Crown Ator County Sàlicitor.' 0*0 uth vwi g ourtHouse,1 -Office, Brock St., Opp. Stmudan ýOfiney tLoaný J5SRTLEDOE, àas'riet Moaey-to-Loan on -easy-tes Oigce inmeédiately sonth Roya Whitby, OuL - 6- VOUNG STHLL. MARRIAGE LICENSEý Court House, Whitby or rei 0 . Au . i. SiN8J Î Bairi'ster, Solicitor, No1ary Pý -Conveyancer, etc., etc. Oshawa, - - Orita rio Offzce- No. 2 King St.- E, Niackt Residence-r Drew St. Phones--Office, 3zi; Residence, W.ADAMS, Denitist, Office,1 S.treet, Résgidence No. 4, the Tt Dyro. St., Whtby. -Pone No. * AUOfONEERS JAS.- EISHOP Oshawa.- «[dcensed Auctioneer. essuor'1o LI Fairbanks. For sdidtes aPply to self or IGL WM. MAW LIÇENE[)AUÇTIONEEI AND VIJUATOR. Ail kinds of sales promptly al ed t&. 'Arrangements .can be f« gmaies at the Gazette office. Terrasreasonable. j Bell andl Independent piiones. WIJIT5Y ONT. Je.HC>WIELL JIMI Carpenter, Buder and Contract Plans'draw.n and esti mates furni-S *RepaisJiteatins and Jobbi n 'AgeaOtfor ,ýBraniford Roofi 60z 167 WIIITiuY Phone Mgarriage Licensef Cprner drugâtoie, Wki No Wltnsem reduirid. MONUMENIS É111 Dazlgis and Ilitl kpt ili - Il vaii pay yen. -to eiu 1V -wku ,ad* Inpecl for yo0Urucf. Domtb. misîl by ,agents, vu - md seploy tbem, eonnequentiy vu »d do show th. agent'. commis. Ifpw omi.,0 Whlch you ulli cffl 01a»v by PuriChaslg front us. A Ç&11 3ollcited. Offi lm' ad Works IU.mat OuadaincluSe the Wl aWNN, Dud t.WHITBY 'ps. 0. Box 894 BROOIKLI N OUR PRICES' ON FURNITURE Make&a' Visif fo Us -Worth Your WhiIle.- WATCH. FOR MARUH lst Wlion we are gig oPut .on a gaèrfie'Sale in order to clear out' urlarge stock for Ispring. We have, without aý doubt, the- s tock which will comnpare favorably.' 'With anyilarge town. DISNEY BROS - --- - - - - - - - - - of ý 4 ý/.ý w 'the t fi : , 1

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