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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 5 Mar 1914, p. 3

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AD)ED TOSU TOAL SURPI capital ... ~mbe, 19~ vêr RUil iabi nsm 013Wr [d;-'ae&, Vte freigbt. Waý«,97 tio9k,. Ontalç et..MIL. te 37e; grf&rNo. I. par 15 inaitng > s .-63 Àto 0 cen N ON. 31 A lflt6912,a: R T--Oý at 6z 1* 63,Outelde. ý»uek*bias-Ne. 2 aI 88 te 7k. uteide. »eian-ML itcba bruiW. 8ULM5t.a8OU a ton, Eu4rthiedar'. 22 te 230. înforior. i2 r*muy prilots, 30to Ilie -,olid, tý m orabeprln2t*. 27 to 26c; s"Ida, *2gulots om f néw.laid, 34 t4>3Ma per ozati dir a..eelste. 3-me; and etoraige, 1 w '3z 1 fd4ien. Chewo1 , W teeeee, 14 3-4 for large, and car ~ow. Iand-picked. 82.15 to 82.20 Per EUrm'eted. lu ln.It-A 12.par y1; combnu .',5 to *53 ritomen 04 el49,4 .09 er o -powl. 12 l0 -Ie ver lb: hlckc 0 .18r: ucks, 13 <e IeO; .e- txr.ve, 19'tw ZZç. ProvisionS. Bow laon' .LÀ*inÉ lsar, 15 to 16e Der lb., Il jf case lut@. Fer! -short. eut.. 825.0do.. mes. S.140. lUfam,-Ued1um. la to la1 19- d. hoIiav,. 1110 *,; mro i 16 te15liso-,breuk. fimcbat.18tO 1ie: -rac . 2k. -Lardt-1;r11e, 14 1-4; tube, 14 1-Ue; pall1,, Farmners geL th. fpllowl4ng prioe-AI. 1_ 6 a, 77 mohy No. i1- 114-7S ta 11326 d.. Na. 2. $2 ta *50: ced4 "CI r, $25 te$8.75; do., No. 2, - afftBau by and siraw. j 'Ele h.y 1 o.I t $14 to *1450 a tont.1 min traek j ,uw No. 2- quotMedat $13 tu *13.50. atli n¶hxed lit $2 to 8$12.50. Iiecd tra< (utlotw,."'50 tu> $9.75, un 'wlnnipsg Grain. Win nIeI m amhlî3. - Whe:î,-Na. i North.- eril, 91: -141 2 Nortberti. 89 '7-&: No. 3 2iertherit, 87 34' No. 4-,.84c L No. 5, 76 1402g: N.6, 71 J,15'; ecd, 65e No. 1 roJeeted see,, iS.i4çi No. Zrrejected âiee.8434.e No. 3 reje«M ed esde,. 1-2e; NoI). enanttty,1 Si 5 3.4e No. 2 ntty, 84 3.4: N.). 3 mtty 83 1.5-P240'N 1red Wlnter. 91c-; No. 2redu lvl;,4e-87.34e'go. 3-Ted Winter-, 874-.40. OÀ1î-l4o. 2-O.., jke-No4)3 V(W.,34 1-4 c itra Ne, i1 foo. 349 1c-t; Nc. 1i fod. 33 3.4c; t4'o. toe&l 33 I-le. Barley-z-.No. 3,44 12c; _4, 4, ý42 14ve; rejected. 41 1.2c: feo& 4e Vilax---No. t N.W.C., S1.3 1-2; No. 2 ., 8.012 «3 (.W., $117 1 2. 5Montréal Markets. ' lont.reW., Ms.reh A.-C rn merîean, No. i yelld)w. 1fi to 72 1.2e, Oata. (anadan Wterni. qq. 2. 44c; do., No. 3, 43 to 43 12ia- exra No. 1 l e", 43 1.2e. iSsrler. XMani- toa Im 40 e80; malt-m;, 65 tu l66e. Bock be, 8.2. 6 W 67. Flour.,IMan. liprtngî,,oktpatekt&, rsI., $.40; -do., seondoa, t 'îdo., iutrongbalieruf $4.701 Wnter Ptente.. chata, 85tO 85.25; e trgt -roliero, P.35 te 84.15 i&, bage $ 10 t.15. I1oMOO cet., bai.. d84 - *4.36. I)sgo. 90s..' 05. Brkn, S23. ora ar d-i.. erto,* rIota, 1 1 o 0 i. m t. eaot-eht., 13 *3.4<,. Buter, dhilet eréameije 27 1-2 le 2* mouds, 2612 ta Vv'bZî4 .eah. 36 te '36;e; .eee4, 32 te mt;N. .ock, 30 ta 3Re. Pot-atQees, Pr lb;iva er loi., 80 teu0e Unied Statue Morketts 9212,; t>,93.34 to93 7-K- bid: No. btd.95 i-Z-tz?6e No. 1 Ncrtîteru, 93 to 9k'No. &ZôNrt.erit, 91 tu 93c,, No. 3 wheat. U_1.2 tu Y991-l. No. -4yellow corn, 67 ta 5.7 1.4e. Oi-Nýo. 3 whIt.e, 37 1-4 t-o 37 12., Flout' unnbanred. Brah, 22-50. nul tbà05%-b 3.-Liyi , 1.56 3-4; May, AU4 $ 15 .:,ty 1.59 3.4. lUe :- a-- No. i bird,,94 .4:No. 31 Nont-eru. 93 .4c; No. 2 e wr, 1 ý. MentatiatNO, 2 ba~rd.903go 57,93 34 93 749e; 3uîly, 94 54<. - LvsStock 0Marksts. Toront(o. Marc.h 3-atc-<hi but: tesrr,-*0 1 v8.0 ood. $7 60 -t-o-$775 .-medl- uw, $675 ta 87, common, 85.75 te 86; e'hoice $1t 8.5 ., ; ood. 86.75 ta $5:,nmediumu. .85:,35 to 1546; Caillotl. $4.25 ta $6.25; <'ut-- tero, and <ei, 83.15 ta 8$3.75v- ehoiCeý ,,ullîi, $7 tLo,75; gond, 86 to $6.76; ccm. mna, 84.25 t4 $5 60,tocker. and leaderw - q't--cr«, rltýloe, *7 to $8.26' good. $6.36.- it.t, $85, t'-iveo--.tleod veal, $8.45 te* i1, cn- mon, $i»6 to $5, Sheev and lauibs--Light eweu. *.5$< 7: . 597v. 53* *$3.60; UprlIg t*slillw 8? 'P'O;o -uckaq, 3 ta $3.30, WUIIl 74el O ti o--lad ml-atsred, te *$9.25: f1) ýb.. <*$6m.01r -cars, fa 89.60. h leé@ A01so4 s-t *8.60, good mi*sa ta f".25 rair " - Silo 07.50,i-ad ti.e lo-her grat.. at 96 o 86W5 pèr vs-t-, Blit-cIer.' <'W orsl-ught tramn8#Â ta U. and butinafroua $4 t) 7.60- e er <w:.. aoe te quallty. Lamb, iq d atm 8..25 trSf.Samiî lleep ai. 6.50 Ito 16 per i:wt. (*tmce anged tram- *$1 t-a 512 -ai-h -«W t iR sud tqrjilit. . Sei î'd ots <'bN ltjtëwida;- 91015 to 810-k.3Petr t. 'weighed <i ÈOR TH4E HAi.R Rà,fQre.s the cotor, stfngth. leag&LNI and softness5 to Gray Hair and is not'adye, -Have Je.u An - -New Brunswick Woipan, raises Dod's lRduey. Filis. Mh ,ufflered, for 'Four Veais,. and the' IJoctor 4Ùuld Kot Kelp Uer, But Dedd'o .1idney F1ill- (iare ler a New T4eau et Lite. 211d. - (Sp e"ia). - 'II find- Dodd's Kidùey- Pilla the best kidzîcy medi- -9 ne I -hare, evêr uWe. They have >een of, untold beneéfat 1tone.".Y 1The speaker is Mrs. J'ohn S DiekinÉon'"of " uaplace. Rh. ene- ihueia.tic in b1er praises of the great Canadian .kidney reînedy, 'and not wi-bhout rea.en. "II suffered f ront kidney trouble that started in a cold," seconini- uies, "and for four y.eara I was ne- ver free of it.. I waâ treatedby & dootor, but lie did not mem te b. able to d-o me mnae i good. ' "X hed rheumatiom .and neural-, esa, And = y'joinite wore stif; iMy musfcle. cWim.ped,* anid 1w.s alwea-y tired .and nervus. I Dertpired f ru., ]y with theelightest exert4on. 1 waa dpresaed ,and.low. sapi*r4e, MY ibe , welled, .-mue, 1 had a draeg giiýg senuation a.c rba the loins. "Ni-no.boxes of Dedd's Kidney Pilli made a tiew woman of me." 'Are -notMre. Dinsz.'We mp Ionie ïhoie-o!&ny run.down, wErn., St -woman? They are -also the )ocId's Kilney Pille give.- new life irun-doWn WOnOW ~by vuznn-* $E1TENCEW TQ- RANG$, tr~Onk IV. Haye, WIll Pay the Penalty fOril urder. - Adeàpatehl rom .Sydney, lN.S.,. fj& ;Franle W, fape b eé cosýdemxîed te de.athifor' the mur- der o! -Benjamîn Atkineo», a hotel- keeper. Re will napiate the cne> fer wlîieli the hbsbeen founti guiiity- on Friday, Ma.y 8. Sentence wa& pas"edo01 the prisoner un Tlîursds.y morning, and h. wààas Ionce talion to the .eounty jalilto awails his exe- cation. Haynes followed Atkino ipito the wocode near Mira, 'N.B., and inurdered hum by hitting him over the heud withila ston'.. Rob- bery. wae the tmotive. Hayiveawas s'een, near the auot, where Ai3kin- sou '-s body was foundi andoould net ex'plaiu how h. caiiie pmsessed e!l a large sum o! money feuud upen WA.S BLOWN TO PECS fî Miner at the Howltt.Gowgaflda, mine KlIled. A cleapateli froni Elli Lake, Ont.., aayï: James Pt-nn, u&,miner at thO Hewibt-Gowganda.prcîperty t Oow- ganda, wa» killed on Tu-esds.y under circunmtances- whichwill lead te stringent inquiry. Re had loa.ded a round o!>flîoles and wnas ausending in the- bucket 'hen hie loading stick caugltit h. aide of the shaft, and Dunu w4s tipped eut, falling te the bottom o!6fthe, 100-foot shlut. The explosion occurred ajýmo&t imine- diately a.fterwards, and Dun's bo.dy waa. bliown to pieces. SAILOI'GRAVES. G'rant ef $2610 Wlli Be Mode te Pro- vide Gràvestenes. 1 A despatch f rom, C-oderieh&ays: Jamùes Richartison, secnetary o! tie [inkes> Disaster, Fund a-t Teriýoto, lias nétified Mayon ieid that a grant cf $250 wll he ruade,te pro- vide rnarkers or gravestones oven lb. grave-s 4! lie--five unidentifîed bailo-rs buniedinl Maitland Ceine- tory, near hene, laot, November. Mayor Reid habt been unging this for Wml time past. - SPORT 1IN CU BA. (wk.Figbt!ug Allowéd O011]yoi Stuadays aud lolidayse. .A dc'spatch f rom htvans, Cuîba, 'y:Secretiîry -of Governmeîît Ne-, ! ia i>stet ait order on Thursday priiigal cock-figlît-ing exeept 1n 4- *Suudaà,ti >and helidaya. This 'moast-*R WA4neçessary duîing the cane-.cuttiingseason in -order tb keep tlhe harvesters at work. ROUSES DESTBÃŽOYED. -linge, Meteorite flesended i lu VII lage et Polanli. _A ýdospateli front Wansaw, l'ussian P-oand sys:-Anuinher o! houses' -wene- destroyed- by a huge metoor- île,- whiclt 4escnded on Thursday - lu. thé .Village of jendkoevitzy, -in the Pýol-lh Pr4ieine o! Kielce. Tli mceorite ernitted - sulphuro-us rsrJd1u n mfirk, oett 4i-Aep4ka dan ad '1 .lu h E3vluse jecuUL. 1 1Yraï,a of this, dur total Assets ow st*Éd et over $5,100,000, >or an ladrease of over e800,Q00 ince -the. pere,, anG. tihe net -earnlnge of the. Corporation are. greater by ov4W_1PDoOê than-tIrs com- blned net oaruingElof ie tw- tm-. ipailles prior toi tea IgaiatO The .aresheld bY thiýCorporaton ln the -Dovqrcon,Ãœrtt.al,! BuIljdng and Savings Co inpïny, L1Jilttedr represent amots consiotlflg of! reil, esta te havint an actual value largeylu ii exe iof theý par-vaià>o ait whlcf, he h.shares are now standing on the'b okét.* To' 1111 ivacancy lintIf, ýDireetorate ince the. alaltamaàtion.'Dr. -E. Jessop. ci St. Catharfiào, a,ag eandInfen- tiai shrehoderta1h tompany, was elected. simàe the.r1last AnnnaV'Meeting of 'the ý Standard 0onCo any, now ant Integral Dart 0 h amalgamation, the death of one of thte mont dlstinguisbe4 Canadiens, Lord Stratboiona, has talcon pDlace.. We feel sure thatjall our share- boîtiers déplore the great lou whtcli the' Dominion-o! ,Canada brioautained by-the fpaossng of one ot the most not- able gures là the 1 l1âtolTy or our coin; try, 1 m' wasi atthe timé of hMs death.- e Director ef- this Corporation. W. fbkô irait pléattumà In béiring test1lMnny b t. he efe1Uè1cy d1splkae DY tule OMQ1 Ù& s g4ats oe tho e r- porgÈtoa in PerformIng1 their respec- tiv e 4 u tie s , -i .- the Board. (Signed) X 9f !STEVENS, President. Dateti, Toronto, 18111 February, 1911. i3aiaucc$bCeeÃŽas on DeveMDer 3lst, 1913. ASSETS Mortgage. and Securlties against fteaî Estate.:. 4,255,226 41 Loan ............ 1. 31,876 82 Dtolce, Boude and De- bentures at *cost... 41171,60 Rteal Estate,, forecloeure 88,162-85 Office Preises ........ 174,660 62 Office Furniture .... ,000 0O Âccrued Rentale ..... 549 84 Agents' Balances ....> 31357 97 MunicIpal Debentures, at cost ................. 336391 Cash on Hanti and In Banko.......10,78'0.6 STo the Public Debentunes with Accnuod ,Intercit ............. Deposits -wth Accrueti Intereat ........... Menîgages Assumed ... Unolaimod Divideuda . Acceunîs Payable.. Dividend, No. 2, Payable Januany 2, 1914.. 68.8 62 1,217 49 63,2;5 c1 $ 2,711,193 28 To lie Shancholders' Capital Stock Subscribed 2,070,810, 00 Less 'Unpald theneon 86,705 72 $1,995,104 28 Reserve Fund......... 400,000 00 Balance at Credit, Losa snd Gain ............ 14,035 25 LOSS AND GAIN ACCOUNT Interest ou Debeutures and Deposits ........ .$12252114 Dividende Nos. 1 and 2 118,4v,188 TrausfeiTed 10 Reserve Fuud.... ........... 1C000 O0 Balance Carried Fonward 14,036 25 $355,02e,27 Balances, .ýDee. 21, 1912 $ 3,601 72 Net earnings' afler de- duction of expenses of management and pro- vision for aIl knowu -Losses .. ............ 351,336 55 $355,028'27 Cl-AS. BAU-ÇKI>AM, Secretary. H. ,WADDINGTON, .- Manging Dîrector. AUnItOrRl RS ' ERT kiri . - rWe have audtted the accounts of 1the Sta.'ndard IblLace Mortgage Corpor- ation for lte year eudlngs 3st-Pecem. ber, 1913- We bave seen the- Muni- cipal Debentures, recelved certiftcates fî'om the, Curporallon's -baukerfias tol thýe batik balances, veniled tie cash- -où Ibaud,'obtained a cetieiale Inox lb. Corporatlott's officia.ls ane.te -the value o! 111e stocks, bondu, -d.bentunes and loans,ý and we éertl!y tliaI 1h. above-iBIaude ëSheet 14is lu accpndance witlthéi booi o! tbe Corporation. G.,* T. CLÂRKSON, F.C,Ae Chartered Accunlanîs - Toronto, -lrlhF'ebrUar7, 1914. - I tÂter adpting the reporitheb.shai, boldera,elected thie !ollowing dineclorés fo;the euung year: Lod Iyde, ~I i W'iIc, ce. ad" cf bu e t ute grciund the. mstoric pâtrimh churoh of 'the, VillageB of Whitekirk , n er here.' A -large quanmty 01~ tr~ie~tr a loft &tre*n about "lb. - scens; The' chburgh was oeçtçd -in 1297,' andi eonfaîned m&ny re$*cs of the- hoStieý in, wficçîb tîo Boots wyez'e routeti by In tué. vicinity is itbe'famoui attl' ground o! Dunvare- *er4e the Env- liah, otaUlýy dele*tpd lthe Boots ]in 1290 andi cau4e<T.cJob Ba.lliollto gi up the 06crof ci ctlend. Maiy- c0fltii priceleifs Si4ptural relies and curos rçm the Hgoiy Land were dé- atrOyed'by the fare. The ilncendiar- ifs appm.rently h4spyed the ini- teriot cf the. church ith inflammàa- ble oîlo. They a&140 uWedexploiives, . svra1nisiê l.b f t Army Dootor Tehibof ExperlmentLa Wi1th Typhoi Vd aocnee A despateh, f rOm Ottaw.. Gays:, CôI.ý Sir Wm Leihma'n,, F.R.8.- thea Roy&l, Army,iloalCô}e reoogize aiou ixo o! . gr VIo men in the medictl pÏrOfess-ÃŽin L Wa Serviceso!:C&na*. boe. on-I Wedneads.y Isny o! tiiheent ! bis o2peri.3netewilb typ#oIe.vY"-" cuýal etuy-. He cl.aïmod tîbs the jCsu oet tue vacciné',he" 4""n de- uimonstra.ted aarnrkbewy more rampant thaaa elewhere'. COEIE ILLEIS -PEAxcH IWDS. Fait Pruuing and 3lldness Ad vaieei Them -Too Rapldly., A despa.tch froni Et. Cati-arines eays The unusual. wârm December, fo<llowed by -an unproc-edented. spel! of zero weather, -thus killing the peach butis, 'will hayoea more dis- astrous effeet upen the growers tha.V take the best careo! their or- chards'. hau upon the more care- leue onea, aocord-îng to i3ro!. Ma- colin, horticulturist of Gttawa, -Who addresSed the NaaaDisrict Fruit" Growers' 'Association on Thursday afternoon. ,The' progres- sive fruit grower prunes in the fali for f ruit developmant. Hence the rnild eà rly winter advAneed the buds so rapsidIy that tliey were easy prey for the zero weather. o , * But 1Iells Fada Âbaut POstum. This -idy found an eandsud se way ouI x4- the illa- ca-us-et!by olie. She SIayS: "W. quit cfe!.- and! have used Postum 'for the.pa-at eighL t ears, sud drinkit neanîy-every ica.We never tire o! il., "For aeveral yearà preývIcus. tVo quitting Cofic I coulti scrcely est auyt'hi.n on aeount ofdypaa. bloatiug *after ameais; palpitatin, sicli hefidece-in- fact was i-n auch mIisery and distre'-ss I tried living- on bot water and toast.'. (Tea is equally injurious because it con- tains ca«,çine,,-the same drug fcuùd, 96Heaning o! Pc!ttu-m I -began drinking il anti -ouud it deliciot-. My ailiments disa-ppea-nod, and now I- can e at anyt.hing I want witiiout "My parents anti hua-baud ha-d about the. sa-me expenionco. Mother WOUl4d oflen suifer after eating- w hie yet dninking coffee. - My bus- baud was a great coffee drink-er and], suffered fremi ndigestion and hcudl- "Aftoer ho stopped côffes u&ud ho- gan Foetiun both ailalents left h-mm. Hie will not -drink anything else uuwi, aàt(I .eh-ae- il thîelimes a cija-y Il ceuit write more, bûit rn~ no gtiglîer-oinly state plain fuýets.'1î Na-negiven by Canudian Postum Clé.', Windgor,.Ont. Write for a' cepy lo! 1h.efa-mous 1111le book, "T-h. Postum 110w comes in two ferns: 'Atg'la!r Pos$ua'M_- must be< wall 1ble.lc and -25,-pac'kages. Insant,ïl4postïumu1---1s &-oluble pow' dor. --A teàýapoenful diseolves 'qu4ck-1 I-y in a cup of.hot-watOr and, with, cream and ýsugar, niakes a delicious beverage inatautly. 30v- antidO DEATH CI.AIMS,-Matured Endowmaentef Profits, etc.,? durinW - 1I ................ . ........... ........OM %k PAVMFINt.g b policyholders since organizatlon ~2~ PREMIUMS RECEIVED- since orgenization........ ........ .94,1A PAYMENTS to policyholders since, ra~to n assets now- beld for their beefit'..,.... j -,* ...*.. 95111t 23'l. NrkW BUSINEÂSS (pgid for, in, cash) duri g, 1918*. ,;.. 34,200 16.79 Increase over 1912 ....... ......w * ' O, ,.,,O7.15 ASSURANqCESý IN FORCE Blet Decem&.,0.18 .....v »6 Increse overl1912.....-. .,.....~19,681OW6.OO. The SUN, LIFE 0OF CANADA holds the premier position among Canadiani Life Assurance Companies. The Comipany's Growth. Ya. inooe. 69. Lile àssurainces ln Force 187........S48;210.93 $96,461.95 --8104300 1l8..,..,,,. 274,05»0 7J5,9401. 6,779,966.00 L-2404812 4i i770 27,799.757.00 3:966:19.50 1:605:76.48 '7r61190 0899iER' ti AÃ"AULAVI - Usai- ôMcss 1910:rtTitItl.T,. t -,~ 'r. i. UAOAIJLAV, -' Man~guiig Pires; f J! - 1II~ US INA !AWRArU1FFFICIENCY LkROAD-I~iAKIN(~ l<UTBREL Canada, Le WokDemfandhitw-Better Leadershlp- 1 yst113 Ontario -ûoud -Roacis A5soçiàtlon the. 'lmpire aud the. Woilè 1 A desipatch frern Toro'nt.o say: flouerai Raoe.Tour Canada.ý A solid carloa.d o! mwalted uiilk, valuet a.t *10,000, cme f rom Chi- ca-go -via O.P.R. for rloronto. Owen Sounti Council ta flot in fa- ver of lhe Georgilan: Bay-Caital, butt fe.vrs the deepening of the Wel-i land Canal. Hon. W. T. White, Minieter of! Finance, at.ated ltat th'.Goveru- î meut dec. noît intendf to recoup the. sliarehoJders o! the Fannions Bank,. Richard. George Yates, foreman briclàlyerfor Schultz Brou., Brnt- ford,* diod' without a mamenVis warning w-hile plyirg an encore with Ie son at a concert.- Mayor Trudel .6! Co0balt lias been unseated be4aù0êlie leld a oontreot -with Vie G0obait Lake Miuing Com- pany undor 4,'agreement between the. townu and -the company. It is under#tocd tha>t the, commit- tee ho inventigate- liii.commweial posuibilitiesofet tIi-Georg*an Ba-y Canal w-il1lis. ocposed o! -ex-M or Sniord Ea !Wnni~g Chairman, andCol. F. S. «Meighen and Edward Go*h.r, cf Montre.sl. "Isf lb. Board o! Contro>l," said AId. L A.- aineo!Motel "a'tteimpts to botige a.oUnd with tyoSor -ituetion I -ohail invite the, 1peopa o!Montreal te couic cown ta tiei C4tY Hall and break, in te - The London Board of Edîîcation will be ashoti te investigate t-lie'ai- logeti whipping of -pupils of TalIbot Street Sehool by an a-eting principal- until- blo-ot rau f ratn their hauîds, Nyhile a littie girl weut. jute hyster- ies and, the teacher cof the cia-se c ri éd.i G~reat #rifain. tannic wus -Iatuîchcd al Bllast, Irelauti, on Thuî-gday. air John Tenniel,, the celebratet! Britimh csrtooijit, passed &away lun London on ThIur&dav. i A Unionist caudidate wna Plêétedi in Leith- Bunghns uoceed Si r oi'- aId Mu'nro-Ferguoon, 4thé Lberîl puat &ppO . mted ht<>*b. iovernor-Gen- oral 01-ntais - "B.lo* d Villa, failtot- just4f4 hi, -action," saya the t.ondou ITies, "w.,1 shbide :our lime - luntil -a (lavernumnt aoeain, exista tn -Mxico annued convention ocf h. Ont.anio Good Ronds Association- crystallized- lu, th. adoption of! resoltions r.- eommending thi. higiertaxation o! inotor vehicles and -ra.ilway's, the abolition eornmta4 -! t.tute, I.abor in org*nized tow;uluipï, a-Ad th, holding ,o! 1h. next annuali imMeing ie thé city o! Toronto o-n sonie date ,during -ýtbe unmzer or a-tumn season cef 1015, se that doeW- gales niight inspeýt. w'ork beiing doue on thie higllways adjacent to the' Provincial - cirpital.- The. dole- turc wrhce-by your Majesty's Minis- tors are seeking te represe tthe wo- men's refoît against their depriva- lion cf citizens' rights.'" United State.. AfidNoyee, the Englieh peet,' ca-useofo worîd peace, bas beaunasic- cd lobecomn* a profecaser in tho- fac- ulty. of Princeton Universitv-; Emproyes o! the Amenican 'Steel ,k Wire Co. in -Pe n nsylvania, - wlîere the. compapry bas t-wo large - pants, were notiWi.,d Vo wit-hdraw a-t one f ron fraternai orgLni7-atIf iot& conduct clubs,"'Ra 1heuse cf liquor- impairs theîir îtsefulness. Two Ainericans it is reported 'wcre kiti4ppeti by Albamian 'bri- gands. A moire b a-oui eabre rie wa chieckedti n .t4e-Gerrnan. Inpenial Pa.rîîae:n'M.- TheFrencli-Government recpived_- a cheok by an adverse vote. of 140 Wi 134 in t-le Senateon ils- incomeý -tax movenient'. - - Newfctndlanda revenue for the laît fisc îai 'ea.r wauê*,9000,leav- ing a surplus of 8115,0w0.- A surtax of ten p>r cent. on existing czîut.oma dut.i--i L propoed.- and special in-! creusegs on liquorï tobgmu.o cigar-1 etles, butterihie, and tlite ut or! harn- ber. gates &pprovod a resoluýtiOn aaking the Grovernmnent te extend the pro-' vLisionz 'of the highwa.ys improve- meut -aet se as-Vo embrin ints bonefacticns , -orga-nized' towashi-ps tIi-at have. abolisheti or -comnmut-ed statute labor, aànâ"bhavé!e tablish-ed a gooti roadways organization, and also on.'which - suggested ,the amentiment cf fthus ndithe muc-UllC Pal -ad '60 liah"nuoneyi rase.sodfor high-way imperovement ahd those l- ceived f rom,, he erev!nci4d Tr'ea- surer undoer the termsi'cf the. ac-e shail for a a pocial fund Vo provide fer expeuditure unider the saiil net aInme.- ANARCHY BULESPIORTUGA4L. ]Raîlway I'raoha Tôr» -Up and -Tele- graph System Paralyzed'. - A eptoh f rmom, Pariesy Itw.lroga -comýmunication -betwen ]Lisbon, Portugal, and the' Spanish frot-lenr lia.beau complëtcviy stcp- pcd by the acta o! railway, mon b.- toni ,gte irevoltionarysectio of the siocialist plarty ýwho have. gone on strike. Acoording te pseegers wlîo arrived hers firôni Leubon on Tlîursday, ailer a. jouruey o! lès Ixours, instead1ol the usual 32, the, lracks haro been diàstroyet in nany- plae., a bridge haebeen blown up anti telegr,*ph aadteklioeco munication .h SI-be*u nterrupted al- mestt hireughout Portuggl. W en ?ked Gin Pîls FOR; WEAK UACKS AKO HIADACHES. MiiurBtbel Buleombe, cf Part Dufferin; S.SI.. -wites: 1,I mat lnonbl8d- mii.h Kt4.y- diaenae for e-tra y.e9m. Mg back w"a -wçak. ,I1 -ad tarribleHeadaches and w*as se rstlui hatI aul4fuet leep at nisbt, At-luat a& friand t1.14"me abut iN -IL.1at once gel a boï. end a!t.r t4tking Ilium, -I-.11 xbbter-#fté9taking t-ree boxes I waeee,' soc,.aa ,-2.6 fo 82.0 Sample fro«,if yon Write ?1W rtional D)rug &- Oheil le.oetCana"a. mLuiid Terane -O if <t,(e msam..Mibtreus-IideOd? 1aid-- An<l would yoîl give mne a good ne- Y-- e«T 1-- -,-la -arn Joues acres-stfie (lWe blind beggar a dii». and Thé best lu the b. my iurent in an eyec-opener. - ha-te thatb womax 'N . . , ý ý 1 . 1. Y ý, glat 1

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