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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 5 Mar 1914, p. 4

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iased the l' at a veryJ rounding-0< a1~ onthe'd ollar, )- a.ns* of Sherwin-.Wîilamns and'Miù'erva painth alff pints, pints. quarts and,,haif gallons. Wholesale, 'Ice-11v~22, 4e. About 75 sliades to cIioose from. Y able gift to hunr hât Nature made defe( optical practice make If yrou suifer with q defective sight, withJ ta1k with you abt W. have- helped i te be!p more. W. guarauntce_ EXTRA. 9PECIAL SBOW Re W&sh fý - lý Mousle Can Opencrs ScrubBiushe Metal, Polieh - et Tacki Tar Paper .p , - f à' shoveli RiME sac ' r .9 Traps -ýZegulair i oc- keg_ i bc Reg. 2 raot a for 5'ýçëntf 29 "Rcii 25C fnrl 96 4e @&,eh 2, f6i ge gonelid Ce Ié Special 4* les FJa in csuîîalng raper,' Reg. 4-5c re Linset-çI Vl, e quart i ~etleicopper k ckkpilated No. Rel:s, 5 specoal $1.20 ýather Siript Frost, g. Re g. 50e Special 43c - Specie,-34c Lanterns, regular 75C Spcci;1 69r. Lantern G lasses, reg. i oc eàch Special 4 for 25c Wahrs The, only vaiher that' mnakea washing a pleas- EXTRA -SPECIAL in, FOOD CHOPPERS Only 18 onl sale, reg. $1I.25 Special 890. Victor Game Traps, -RcgUlar 25C Special 1 7 cent& L.amp Bres'Jre eua Lamp Burners, Medium, reg, 7c S-pecial 5c I oc Stick-last paste, lieg utar 15c AiMtts antd Gloves Greéatly .Re-' -ducede Don~t fail to corne toour stô~e during thisgret'sale and. be conviuced of*tlie wonderful bargalI ns we<elaigbfryo. Tesckaocnit, ,,fý BucksawsB Axes, Fils, Halldsaws,. Manure Forks,' Hay Forks, G uns, Rifles? Storm Doors and -Paint Îrusses, A of which- ar eayreud pi. Imd. phone 644.la- j. 'MCINTYR The l1ardwau'enext the Post Offices '4 f 1Bell phone 60. - - -~ - - -- - -- -- - w w w ~ w IN daiyo go'1n0by 11n tteh Sai -W" paîd to ttbjeffyca ufi lime peocp1e* worei glissew oi readîng or sewîug or ilear mi~ TIMES have chsoiged. Ž-Now aIl def TL&IOii Cai be rernedied by okiI i-grndxgl.sesCon AND let us make a thorough and exaoeination of th, oye.. TI no time as good *4 New b.ecause dola7. onljy tend, to matters worae. LeS us do y licAl work and haye it dons [Do dot forget.our'echuit s-al on. Any pece of chna in oi dow at-25 dwo. R.N. ,BASSETI IJEWELER &.OPTICII IIITBY- gag- -e cosateptao tt1 The electric light systtem was put teboss may be o any train ha. aout of commission about seven ' 6 7tîedency to kecp 4the men at wark to jdCock Sunday evening, and the town the. hast moment when a train ap- was la darkness ahl night save for 13 14 .roaches,' or to give trains on the the oeil lamps avaiýabJe. Church ser- - 1 other ýtrack but a pasaing glanca. vices were condudted by lamplight. Mr. Isàaci -had no doubt that t-he On Monday the trouble, whhch was 8 men who were kilhid believed that outnear Starr's Hi1l, was Jnot reini-. No. 8 was on ber own track and edied untilfour p.m., and until that neyer looked up te sea which track tîme ne electric powêr was avail- she was on. la hie experlence it. able, causlng a good deal o! ineon-' - - was noS a common thing for tranîs vew.'ence and delay in work. y-Co. to use th1e opposite track. , Several chiilebys were blown over, Mr. Hamilton, who had éeen ntue but as for anytý serions accidents the -gang hare for eight monthe ýup la 4the town- waa irec of 411cm, what 'damn- -Sunday-before the accident. saldanaly age was done being in amali amounts - Owing to the ibig'storm sund- month, was the opposite track used. -M ofndAYý tlinquct a5 ad The jury retired to COnsider tIiei -journed tiîl TuesàuY atternoon. verdict at 4.30, ani it wae 10.30 be- Crowu Attorney Farewell tojd the fore they bad delivered th1e sanie and jury that the* Railway B3oard had re. were dismiss ed. Ported to hlm that there wvas no rule toverlng, a base Such as this. - a i 1heý Big StýrM. Tlhe evidence of' engineer Teele, of NeO ai3seIngcr train, that 11e blew- ki whïâtlt when approaching the Residents of Whitby quite agree cuârve on which the three sectionînen with the report that the wind storni were caught was suhstantiated by o! Sunday was the worst ever ex- th.e vldenee cf two Fiigli School pu perienced. Those who dared the f ury pHis, Misses -Louie and Marjory M- -~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~0 Inôhtdbèe fM.Menoh O 18wind to attend ChUrch aer- -one ai the 'urin r. These two tris vice or to drive bad the mforce of WIMpààt~ng ov n frock gi bidge this t act Impressed uipoa the=. The noticed No.*<6 st?pping at the ' witch wind rose Sunday mornlng, by nofl "a c.ueonslng on4f, the west bound it was pretty stron- and, by, eveninZ lraek, T11et wnderod What wa5 14 waa a hurricane. The! storm con- :wrong, and stoPped a few minutes to tinued ail night,. and 1 o Monday watch, and board th1e engîne whlstle mornlng it suhsided somewhati but when leavfuig tihouw.itch and later it was- not 5111 towards yvnjj% 4h4 lu thtrait, neê*ed thé durve. It 'bèeame anything ike what. might #au. Xsaaca, cedretaker of the town be called a mere breeze. A consider- ~1dIus, lu~n sxueotlumau. lê hi aniunt et damage wasdoue to w forsinan 'for imre- tini e. he 5.roof of the flouse O!f ef uge car- ld lt» jury that thé- road boss had ly Monday mornint. Slate and roof- * hbiMt of unexpeotodly passing-aîong Iug niaterial were ripp.dl off the0 9W. Une on frolgb.ts oZ >assengers, on edges of the roof in placeadL B loko~t e eshw 41emen One part a large area, wAs laid bar. vus woeing. On -one occasion lie toe5the boards. Falllng slate brokei (imam.) b.d pumped th. bossuUp to a aumber of wtndows, and frightea. rwaming on the lorry, and ho had d . h' old f olks. It in estimated sus bok by next train Just tese that $75 te $100 wili b. requir.6d to I b wuM oatOh lie u ot work. repair h. damage. and Sh':oe ARGAINS e1's Shoc Storeý, Po151 ýt ccoroîug wtn te observatory re- Lcords the wjýd- blew 84mis ani r heur, and in giist.9of 90 miles when, -1at its height, which is 27 miles an 1hour greater than any previous re- Icord. This winter has certainly ben one o! phenomeial weather. WITBY Hockey. GIRLS 6, INGE-RSOLL GIRLS 0. Fru.it Growers' InSttulte1, -10 BE HELI) IN THE- À GRICULTIJRAL ROQMS9 WHITBV, ON S4TUFRDAY, MARCH I 7T1-1,1914 MORNINU S8ESSIUN, 0O1O-e, Plu;îî'tand Srnall Fruits, by Prof. J,- W. Crow, O.A.C., Guelpii.- AFTERNOON SESSIONY l.30-Ftaîîdlitig a Commercial Apple 'Orchard, by Prof. J. W. Crow. Discussion led by local n'len. Prof. Crow is thorougIIly couIvei'sattwith Fruit (imuwiîg ebidjitions iii Ontario and Itim addresjsenz wiIl prova both interesting and instruct- ive. Aîîy oîirerested iii Fruit (4rowiîîg oaîîîot ai tird' to rina these m»eetinga. Corne sud bring your nîeié;lîb rt3. . ITPPER, Dii.îrict hep. BIRTHS. years o! age, shall engage in or b. LUKE.-In -Brooklin, on Friday, F6bý licensed or be perrnîtted to engage in 20, 1914, to Mr. and -M.s. Franki auy street trade or occupation. Luke, a son (Douglas Edgare>. ,Section 17. Cbildren out at night. DEATrHS.1 (1) No child shall biter in any McKINLEY-At Whitby, on Wednea- public place aftcr 9 o'clock in the day, March 4, 1914, Lloyd Grant, evening, or be there unles accomp-' beloved son of Mr. ýand Mrs. G.W.' anied by bis parents or gulardian, or McKinley, aged 10 months. an adult appointcd by the parent or guardian to aecompany such.chlld. 1Last Tburetlay ovç ig hoWl&l 1 irls plaYed Ingersoli ngirs"for tue À thAr writeo to .thé éditer malt- vhaiup o ! j Ontario#" It dreW -ab wat 18s the age ýirit for boys realchàpionhipcrod' to, ar-eicits the Information that the min- gar than many a!f4the gamnes played - a s slteen , iflti. ebby 15 byqhe boys, ln fact. The Whitby 1m 11m a~ aen rgad crowd wua Put in good humer ati aoan. thrited ya ae t far- onqe by the scoring of a couple cfan.ightpsn h aelii I gols ndto51e.two more were The questuoù' was also asked Il4 là4ded balaro 411e hall was Up. Ir e~Igvs~1wd~ eleu ge-rsoil girls dld not get past th The baw forbids bettlng of afly kInd c Wh'itAJy defenco At any fiaa-, a H pbicpe . Phyllià Campbell in goal id.na hy clach, InD4the Second hbill th1e Whltby CHILDREN'S' PRb CT ION ACT f girls scored two Imore, andi thegamne REVIiSEP. anded 8-0- Nehllie Blanchard and Section 15. Any person havlng the11 eam lt, tre o 1e hm care, oustody, 6ontraI orcharge of a« t ansd made some spectacular chili!, who l-treats, Seglects,and- rushes. The girls wyul probably vis- one, deserts or faihs ta support suclb Lt Westeria Ontario for a couple of 1iiild, shahll eur penalty not ex- games neyt week. The . Whitby Ufne- ceedbng $100,.u hhlale !o Upal PhvasCapel-,dfne ln addition thereto be 1lable to fnf- AlPyh Cnpol eecprisomnent for* a terni not exceedilg7 Amy Rtosi; and May ThaMpson ; cen- one year. 8É&d. VIt.I ~ o 0 tre,1 B'Jl lanchard ; rover, Leaa Section 18. No girl under sIxteen Smîth ; lefS wiag, Florence Ward ; years o! mge, snd no boy uder tnj rlght wlng, Bassi.Bryant. A LETTER, 0F COMMENDATION. Messrs. Richardson & Richardison Ilï or r&eeved thech ohowîng-letter la__ Headachea wèek Of hichthey request publica- Gerntlemen,-,4 beg to acknowled.ge- 'the receipt of cheque for ig-ht hua- dred dollars from th1e Insurance Comi- pany of! North Amenica 'ai f nl uattiement o! 488Ofeo!MY houa. whlch was destroyed by Èire on tIi. mnora- ing of Wcdnesday, February 18511. I desire to express my thanks to yau as agents of tÈe aboyé Company for your coiirtesy andi promptness dnu Ibismatr - gea If, gives me very get-satisfac- tion, Indeed, to bc able to write you 4111. letter- eractly seven day. trom the date o ofsa09.' I amn, yours ti'ulv. ALBERT W. JACKSON. This cas be-your experience If you 0 us' i Chamnbcr- 4' ll's Tablets- they culte head - aches by reinov- flot by Ing edia cause- nO Ysinotllering -ihe yn tOim-WOMaàI5S Uret, cur c Womants Most cDcern in slnts. Try thein. 25C. a bottie. DrUggl8ts Md DealerS,i or 6y meL. CLamerLaln mm.. ,1 ,il 1 () Achita bunluta aPublic place i ter the hour named ln sub-séetloýn warned to go home by any constable or ornicer -of a Children's Aid $o- ciety, and' il alter such warning the cbtid le fond loitering la a publiC place, such child mnay be taken by the constable or offlcer to its homë or to the Children's Shelter. ( Aparent who permit. bia' child to vio1ate tliis section shall for thé lirst oftfnc Incur a penalty of!i wltbout conte, and for a second f- fence $2, and for a third or any sub- sequent offence $5. 8 Edw. VIL. c-ý REAL ESTATE FRANK M. JONES' LIST. Several houses and building lots fer sale in W1iltby. Parme for sale In the Townshlp o! Wbitby -and Pickering. GLEN DHU -209 acres. A good stock, grain and fruit farm near Whtby. 16 ýacres orchard ; good buildings and a good tarm at a reai- sonable price. Apply to FRANKC E. JONES. START RI GHTJ1 -Vour eîcerim Iibndsne- aliffeWilldepSfld an, stuntirei4upnn th.rhn,,i yflXatten1d, an I irw aibilt.y t., tart yau right. Tord-nto. Ormt. liiarteognlZed standing fmr mupfrlo. buolna training anid for assistlng t dent. to go.d posit.ions. AUibuisse -ncoiolii are iiot alike. Write toiday for- ou r Lar 'e Catalogne and meséf h. advien., ags tfi. Ache.; olfer.Open ai&U ar nter avy ime. Coer. Vollge and I W. J. Haillett Aleannder Ste.-Pici W. ý.T. -U. z- It's the Ford age-the age of de- peidable and econornicah trans- Port ation. More than tour hun- drce twenty thousand Fords, in-' world--wide service- have changed distance from a matter of miles to a matter of minutes. Buy your- Ford today. Six hundrcd dollars is the price of the Ford run-about; the touring car is six fifty; the town car nine hundred-f, o, b Ford, Ont., complete with equipmneft. Get catalog andý particular5 (rani W, J. L.tilc& 59ni or L§W, Dudley, Whitby Ont., or Uriah Joncs, Brookr- lin Ont, 1RMALADB TIMYl If ycu want the best resuits buy your Bitter Oranges now. Nice large ones - 25c'doz. California Oranges- 20-e ta 50c doz Lemons, nice and ripe 30e doz. Use our best sugar ta gret-beat resuits, e2alîfornja e2.eléry Extra large stalks,- 2 for 25 cents DON'T PeDRGET FISH You can buy frozen. fish now that you wilI flot be aie to buy« later, -and it. is chea '. We have al .knds-.tr us, Jno." E. WÀTERHOUSE WHITBY Fhone.11Prompt Delive~y The regular mionthlyneetinj - W. C.T.U. will be held at tl o f the- Misses> Elliott on Wed evýening, March 11, at 7.30 c'ci -f fl atteneance, le rpquestei. ors. are always welcore. ~1 The public arc -linvitcd to tô e b xld Monday, -March, U A gric11itural roo is _fro m 4'tc Mr. J. A : Willis, intor'is ti zette and Chroiiicle that bce h oontraci -for, suppling thc H, -for thé Insane 'with drugs. TIh Mrs. Arthiir Smith wish tlink the mauiy f riends who sh hr so, much kindnies and- sym] dlurng 11r recent bereavement. volowing is a lEst or newv *acoeted postion la, -_1t e om Dr. " acôm , Reiitrat- of tJ - roaeCourt, ïand comnem duiities on Tnesday, This. fice -ad an, unexpe 109ge deMand for last wveck's- et the - Gazette' andi ChroÏrice, 'Ibo raut that we are cleanci! of copies. AbottSm orae a,~nd. we shéuld bcxi glad t oisfrom subsrbers ny copi wrhck they mnay have neo furthel A mee-ting of the Womn's ut Il ehh ateTown on -Tuesday afternoon,, March nt 3 p.ni. A paper wM br'1 giv ~ f4. Patrick, and a**tablcle (diô ton for ltb Maù'h-' Thpt-mem V Pickering ranch andireet of other branches will- be prese .-assist with. the Iirograrn. AI] bers o! thé nsýtitUte arrtskr'd MW is P Iatemnan i-Secrel irv. COURT 0FP RVVT0N_ The Court oe t eCYision ait-( lbuy time Tuesdar evening fr O'clo k tfllFp at ridnfiit. T cmre '10 apprals t'o consider fudicate upon. Evrry oe n made bout y ~[Jury Censures Railwa3 (Vontlnuedtfiorn page 1) MORE EVIDI"NCE. Sou th. Whithi .Ont. MIN 1 22==,2ý 1 A. W. SIR Et - T, Assistant Rep, 1 1 1 h

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