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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 5 Mar 1914, p. 5

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E y ~ec~ rTIîC'&A L baes a- re addres lutue atternoon at Al- "al<gf;to uant->monde iwilll beto the gabbath Behool nalle if b mazty.S. S. and' Adui clum'la 1the 'Ï'hat Nature inade defective, we 1 .2 .T~ernacle ai 83p.m. in Optical pacAcumkerihtoeer Maw speeded up- -on-IN» I p y an s ie wih e rsgtain satale b nlght. at Robt. Wallers" TORONTO MAN'IED Ifroisulferwit ee, tran sle osuch a gail> that.,he aimostf Jas. Riddell, of Toronto, in to-day 4V 5old his own overcoat before 11e was a poorer mali* in-dollasbu izcher or of<?iv.siht wibi yur aware.0lit. However, siice ho us- lain xprience, tio b"ore Tuedy -reach in relief. -Lot, us et leaut ually gels -goed prIces lie ýwould night at 9 o'clock. H was journey- probably have obtalned more tian 1eingalong the Kingstont Roadin lua talk. witb you *bout .Your eyeu. pald for It orlglualîy, sud would motôr car -wheu bis car, bosme have bhemi financially ahead ion thé stalled i s n wdrfabuop- W. have bslped many and want do.. siterit Jou op ho elp more. -- saie .D. Howdeà'o reidience. The Rid ileli -w as *"aS tU hia agoal" *LATE JOHN GALE LAID TO' and elb'owed the sIre mo! hie rvita- W. g.aratec satisfaction. 1REST. PerOive laguage -té péur orth poýn Tursday afternoon lut toail who hapPeaÇed, b j ausby, > Chiot *________________ uners! of the liate J. H. Gise as'MawqzotY..Wat repeàliedy phoueM held. 'lb attendue. wau large fro for, but beiug eugaged aI 1the lIme, lova 'Md 9aurruding country. ,' .1 te zould net go b lbthe cene. 110w? [NU;1 E. Serimith conduted a erot ever, laer on Mr. Ri eIscured'n' dayàsg... by mot mach làtenlion erences b lth. usefu l utsca ,toIowu. Mr. Rlddoll nexl' mors,- *70 .suitetlniabbe'character o! an.d M «. gfund 1 himmelf accused of belîg: waspai Wiheoye l tat ii The bibrern of M on drunuk I n charge of an automobile. Es e I C Order tbe rond tbeir ervlçe q appeared >efore Magistrate Haiper imspeople wore gliseés only for thranid thonieii110cerlge Proced- cit reading or sewing or mear sigh bted tb Grovecie e metery,-wbiere i termeut was made. I3APTIST CHURCH. TIMESSunday, àMarch 9. T ivi ~ ~ of hea 3erviibleaClasses 48Y e 0ha1ged. 1Now ailclufecof heWhltby Qua Club held à ur unday Sho n il lse vision eaui be remsdied by op tical Iast Thursday evein a texa10am- skil in ginding binses, Corne here rooxn1s, when tes tables were flied Mrnlgsvieloclk. Fe wlt ajoly art. t 11econlr minute sermon for children. Subject A N )sienof ethe game Il was foulidnitbal -"The Eternal Purpose o! God."1 - sees ýhad lied fo, ,tiraI prîze. , the The tiret In a series o! expositions let ne make a thOrougb snd curetai oyeu> drew for th1efirat pr*ze, eF. 1On the ep(ptle te the Ephesians. examinstion of the eoe..There is SMater winnhng. -« Jas.IsaacS wau Eveîlng se*vlce 7 o'clock. Subject notime as good an awarded the consolation prize. Re- -t'The Deci sien of God to Croate treshmeiM were tlicn served, aid A the World."1 Thefitiaasere et e wMont enjoyable time was spent. taîlki ou nome o! 11e great deoislons foithe.Bible. because delsys only tendl *0 make GTJN CLIUB CONTgsT, , B. Y. P. U. Mouday evesing at malters wo rse. Lot us do your op w On Thuraday'aiternoos lut 'te 7.30 P.m. tical work and have it done right. Whith1y Guit Club heMd a -ahoot,1 lu Teacher Trainin5g - clas smondal, whbcb Plckering eoîtestedagaliat ïb. veahîg aI 8.80 p.M. Do not forget our china sale, now menl#*ro of lte local club.,-There were A crdial invitation Is eztended b on. Any piece o!, china in onrwin - eght contestants on cach side, and ah w-ho dOo nt go elsewhere t0 coin. deow at 25ý off. eih mii had a total' of twenty.flve 'and1Wor5blip with us, ______ shots., The Pickering teamn breke - -4- 78' birds altogether, and Whtbby BIRTHDAJY PARTY FOR PASITO. mrgin 110, heueturu m bya t vil Re . .& SýETT mbrg oke 1, Ths reingmyach idy The ladiés of St. Andrewos prew6y. 1~EE PIIN bc Pla)d in Picheing to*ly (Thuros. ranch rh ae etabli6hcd tluom WUITUY- ONT. boîî1ows; a birtbday party each year. The or, 1tii Plckeîing-W. Calvert 19, . ].Davis casion felI on Wednggday ~IlasI 923 12, Mi.,Iewyer.12, C. Dewyer 10, W. week, and this was the mto t unf'que'u -- Shepherd 9, P. Prouse 7, 1-. Calvert , ustnig!ay tàthave fig W . C . L 7, M. Bradford 5. Total 78. be ed WhitbY.-Z.Jas. Slelghtholm 17, F. The Board of Management iss;ued a, dut - fSlater M. .1. M. Williams 15, W. M alfracnrgtea eetig ethe Tho reg ular monthly mneeting Of the! EII']s 15, N. P. Willi ams 15, D. Wil' be lield joinbly with lte social. The h W. C. T. U. 'vilIlibelield -at, the homesoit 11, W. S. Williams 11, . C . two functions brouglit together a Wl et ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ m 1b issEîot nWdedy ly4e 10. Total 110. laige gatbering. Atter a good pro- Sa, .venlng, Mardi 11, at 7.30 o'clock. A, gram O! mugie and siuging had been erl full attendance lie requested. Vsît-' NEW RIATES -F011 JAILIEs. given, the -bysiness for which tic con- ~ gregation liad-!been called together ôi5 aZOalways welcome. We are able te announce ta Our wsue n .in- .,,r -. -rP .r..rts,... S-m n a e J Lo~aI Ha~peaimgs M.J. E., Willls informe zette and Chronicle. that be oontract fer supplying bhec for: the Insane wit.h druge.-1 ret arrircd laut weeck. the Ga- has th.' Hospital: The tirati Tepublic are invited to a f ree Agcléultùral ros, from 4, teo6 p.. M.4 <CARD 0F THANKS. Surs. Arthur Smilth, wshes 'te, ......... bbhemany frieuds who Èsbied ber io much kînduese andl sympatly -dùul> h er recuit bereavemeul. 1'oiwg Ls a liaI et 50w Bell W*ne-#48 r14 - A. Jeffrey, Ord «om.," (armer ; 175-SUrs. Go. Sontih- Miss Lus acseroa, who bas -boss îatteuding Business College, bas ae0u§ted a'posItohn a the office of Dr. IOsucm, Regatrar -et th. Sur- rogaïe Court, and commenScd ber dulles on TueuilaT. Thîs offie. had suunexpectedly berge demeati for lasI woek's issue 0f1the Gazette and Chronîcbe, with Uic issult Ihal we arc cleanedoutin 'et copies. About bon more are ueed-- oà, di&wo shoult ie .glati to le- fe.ele.(rom ubcrbers say copies for whlcb lhey may bave no turther use. A meeting ofth11e Women's Insti-! '*I -llIho held In lie To'wn Halil eubscribers and the public ingera a -reduction, lin the suliscription price e! tic Daily Globe and thc Daily Mail sud Emhpire. We can now take subscriptions for cilLer of these dail- ies for $3 a year, whicl isl a reduo'* tien of $1 a Irear front tic '- -aId rates. This price holds gond fte auy place ta which the papers--may b. de- livered by niaIl. -r'ail now and re- new your subscription, gettiag- the beneû f ! these uew rates. AN UNFLEASANT EXPEIIIENCE. ,ý -bjun . Lir.. -.J.1' tLbiIiv ray, whe 'was in bbe chair, calledh upon Mr. John Thompsen te reail au' address te 11ev. Dr. Abrahami, whicb was follewed by proùably a dozeD speeches by men of lte congregalfen, ail expreeéiug appreciation e! the miistry o!f1the pastor, and deep re- gret that he had been called upon bo announce bits proposcd retiremeal nexl autumu irom the active duties t o! tie pastorate. Se warm and bearty were the remarks that DrI ' Abraham nmust have realizeil as nev-1 er before that he IS a large placeI On Sttday ni-ght, or ratier Mon- in the affections of his people. day morning early, while lieethiz- Wiiehn alI the kind words bad been zard was at ils heiglit, Dr. C. F. said by the' members, Dr. Abrabami McGillivraY ýwaS called by phone to, responded in~ most feeling ant inlviiig patient uçar Pickerig.Hestrl- - cd e.ut, but encountered th1e worsî Tien re(4shments vere serveil by étorm bthnI ie iad ever !aced during the' ladies during a social heur, and bis experiente. The flying smew was wbal prbved te lie a meet de- almost bhïnding, the, wind piledi î in liglillul occasion vas braugit 10 a big drifts alang th1e reail, and t11e close. ggle evepl '1bis cuIter aside like a. featber, segoIlial again and agagn il CHANGED HIS BOARDING. was proccedlug sldcways aleng thb.1 HOUSE. road. The dotcor succecded in ýgel- A tpisoer mlyda h ht tlng wesî as ft as the -Foîbrgili p H s otepoyIsaetherWhfb- farm, wheu lhe could gel no furtîbor *byepland for 11 efInsane 9vebu- aid had to retrace bis way bo Wm.___________ Bradley'1s, wbere ho took shller 11111 dayligbl, when ho continued onbi -HORTICULTURAL NOTES.' If You Want a Sçhool cblQdren who are gro-wlag Hyaelnlbs are remindeil Uiat ho jSingeSwng Mahine ilower shovi vill ho Monday, M ých fo Oýth, aI the Agricltural rooms, Slre~l Brng eurfoyrs l~Remember that we The - levers of iloyers are askeil te have, them, and loin 1h. bilîdren hImaking Ibei will b. pleikied to tiret Hyaclnth show a great succes i by 'exbitiug single Hyaohithusud place one with you groupaetofefur ,Hyacinthe. l'iraIt, on trial. 1 second sud thîrd prîzes of rose bush- i e, te be delivereil lu lte spring. Il wilI J157 y@u on Tuesday ai lernean, Match li17, jîcsonfam pulr st 3- su ae wl C'&v'oad lawn feuce..Evcrytbing lu biard- P*,1atrill, sud *a'-table demiouera-*vr lion for l7tbh Match. 'Tbe members of,î r. GEO. M. RICE. Plckerlng branch and represeutativesi et other branches wlll be present ad LITTLE dIRL DEAD AT HOUSE assIsl wIth. tlie prograrn. Al ugcm- - 0F REFUGE.. bers et tho Institute are -asked--o be Mary Money, a little sÎiteeu year presonl. Mrs. G.A. Ross, -Pregideul; old girl, died at lie House o!1lRef- MiÈs F. B teinan, Secrelary. uge on Tues-day evening. 511e vas atflicted wit beart trouble and en CORT OR REVISION. - dropsy, sud liad beca very 111 for lte Tbd Court e!f - evision lad a rcry pasti wceik.lier home was In Zephyr buOy'lime Tucsday evculug tr6ot 8 viere lier parents ýstil1 reside. For 'clec 11 pasl mldnigbî.. Tbey had eight inonîlis dur ing . 1912 site- vas- lu =011 0 appeals le cousider sud ad;, lie Oshawa Hospilil, but lie crowd-ý lullcate- upon. 'Every eue of - 111cm- d condillèof e- bat Institution canis- - audeulvîtit , but space l hi bis-e- d'ber removal le 111e Refuge here, sue' dees net -prmtaresume. eft 11 h er heé bsb for a year , sud siianes made,* Furîher reterence *111 ire rnntbs. Site vas of a ver>' sun- be made next ýWee. - y dIspîosition, _ua"hati endeareil ber- to call and sce 'us before purchasing a machine. You know the SIN-GER lbas a- reputation of its own. Geo. I. Wilson Photogapher Whitby, M It 18thé otRmd Whieayou arerun-domAn u ttr A h a It doe mm nmjj ouandr wak b caue. i for a few normal d of t 7 ",amedbwzyou'up to a bealtby, -I sarsire-foc,40d ïfouie;sresi ullder of healtliy uervesricb, blood, sta-ong muscles, gooddgetn.I--- e-uIl co t he li.HYPOPhRhto, tetoue the nervei aud rive e'nergy sud purs Olive Ojit te neurieh 1the nerves, bbe blood, tbc entire y sud give ývitaliîy «sregth aMdh.ulth 1 esstte take, theressy fiavrof theb. OiOl haviug becu For you wbro are tjredout,, nerrous, rUu-dowu,- 4ebIlitàted, weak, emseiatecl-ior convaeeeta-foe old People- fer puuy chlldr-ereromj e xail=Olve dn.Iath OUe Emuýflso u Wslb.amest mii,. v nwato I~yth7W itiae sd kep yau 511 ud 'U- - ldn thls t ont ote .Make Our. Livin ou ftedrug bumincr, right heré in yourtiown. It.ls( yeu the best reme4v ve eap for whatever imenit y-ou business pense denujsud thgt we recmmed nohin gn -good. We lcnew Iexai! Olive Oil Emuluion le goodi Wel best buiider ofheaîîh, enerand st " isma *greaýtly helping na-ny of Yiour neghbor. - W. e Wieve t] you well sd 0str4ougaan, and mare yo'U money and woe lW.ed elitl e gooti business for usl Emulsien and get yen bo use il, beu» waid for makig Our Confidence, aIt & Youhayougodit o r s s $ 1 . 0 a b ttis w o a re s ud w M iI Wé Guarante* this Ronedy to Rellovo and Satlsfy You...r ourm Mon.y-Bock-f 7 We don't want your money uxiless Rexail Olive 011 . Emulsion really help's and tife you. - SIf it doemnt, corne back and tei us, and'we'll givýe baek your money. WreobelieveZ lpo Vtect your heath-if it es%. the money is yours, and we want you to have it Au El. ALLIN, WHITBY ient's bed sud' board on Saturday ail heur and a hait pageed and he dld ornlng, and loft ne arldress. Tbe io pcrtotlpbxewsiIeIt tospital authoritles teel bad - that find out why. Then it was iearned ec SentleMan sbauld le Iave withoutj tbatý the gentieniân must bave decçid- iylnig .goôd-bye. I# wAI a big, ed -te change his boarding haule. usky, athlie fellow, an ex-prize Why he should seek te escape witb ghter, and had but sixteen days o! only sixteen days between hlm sud Intysentence to serve.' His liberty, la wbat puzzles those con- aties had- been that of assistant lun(cerneL' e admiuist.ratiôn building. He hadj__------- - d much freedoni, and came, sud ent unwatched and unattended. On îturday morning lie le! t the prison- s dormltory, presumably for the ýne of hie dally'duties, but when ~Qukk DoBivorios .18 Our Mtto Our delivery service -wili please you. WeWantyeur trade, andoffer >rou prompt delivery service as an in- ducement to give us your Patronage. Pure AJoli105; douidous, appetvzing and whole. somo,' 6 packages for 250 8 Gins Coru for 25a 3 Gans Pois for 258 à ins. Tomatous for 25c ô gars GCimfort Soap 25a -6 Bars Surprise SOap 250 5 callons Coal 011 1.10. S Wec a1e so careful in our grocery bý,ying that you don't have to be careful in yourop, Your buseiness friend, Phono 94,1 - WHITBY r- SALE REGISTEII. Thursday1 Mardi 12. - Auction sale e! iarm stock, implements, , bay, grain, roots and iurniture, the prop-ý erty oi John Walker,- lot 1, cen. 8, Uxbridge. Sale aI oeelcock. Wm. Maw, auctioneer. Wednesday, Mardi 18.-Great dis- persion sale af i 1gh grade shorthoru cabtle,'herses, sheep,. hoge, Impie- mente, grain, rooti, etc.,. -the prop- erty ef Croxaîl Bras., lot 22. con. 7, Wbllby. - Sale at 12.30 o'clock sharp. Wm. Ma*, auctioneer. Thursday, March M9-Credit suc- lien sale ai- !arm stock andl impie- meynte, ltz cn oemleert reet FRFredLC o! Wlitby town. Sale, oee 'Clo ck FOR SAsne mLE. sharp. Jas. Bishop, auctioneer. WIbtJrsaney lcb cow. Quiet; Tuesday, Marci lO-Credit auctlen' bI ese.Apyte P. ,J. tcofiey, lakesiere. Bell phone.-t!. sale ot fart stock and Implements, Ibe- property o! William Bhîglit, lot1 LA UNDRESS WANTED. 21, con. 5, Wbiltby Tp., one-hal! mile' Laundres for Houseof Refuge. Ap- eut of Brookli. Sale aI 1 o'clock ply st once le Dr.. Lavery. sharp. Wm. Maw, auctileneer. I' .I ITuesday,- Marcb 1I.-iAuctlon sale* WANTED. et !arm stock, sud Implements, 1110 A capable mald for general houes property e! James Moore, uertb of work on a smaîl f arm. No mllkl.ug, Wbltby tewu. Sale at eue o'clock ne cbildreu. Comfortable bouse atr sharp. Jas. Bisbop, ailclloneet., churches and village. Permanent Po- gIse for bbe purpose oL-looklng /Out- sillon tor snltable person. Apply al FrIday, March 20.-Auction sale o!f et u hoil tts bt householil furniture, bbc propertY of by. FO SAE Kiru. H. Remmer, lot 4, brQken front,FO SA . Pickering. Sale aI ose o'cbock sharp. Pmndora eaok store. Goad as new. Wm. Maw,, ctloieer, Cheap for eauh. Apply G. Clarke, Tuesday, March 24.-Great disper- potwty sion aucîlon sale of, farm stock aid -- ____ Implemeuls, hay, grain, sud roobu, th~e properly of Emanuel Slack, lot Farm Proporty Wantod 1,con. 9, Pickering. Sale aI 12.80frByos sharp. Wm. Maw,: anclioneer.fo ues TIIE DOMIION DIANK snEMD0,OsiiR, M.P, PRSsIOIN-. W. O. MATTEWS, 'v iKPRESiOKw. Trust Fünds Should Be Deposited ln s Savingi AccounIn The Dominion ank. Such fimds re ssfely protee.d , _n anltrez t lit gheso t rentrates. MWhe payments are made, partlcularz of each transaction may be noted on theche ueissued, whic ll urn becomes a recelpt or voucher when ceeeeiled - WHTBY BRANOI W SHA W,A 1 MisceJlaneous Adverts WANTED. A second-band baby carrnage.' Fair- ly gool, condition. -Apply Gazette o!- lice. TO lIENT. Six roomed brick lieuse, geod lo- cality, town water, Mrs. J.B. PoW- AN EXTRAOBDINARY ARTRACTION' returning te Whithy The LeighoSinith Concert Co.- will appear in the Music fhall, Tuesday, March 10 under lie ausphices of tMie Lad ses' Aid '.1 tire Bapti't Church FOUR STAR ARTISIS - Miss; Bessie Leigli, li-..issl.r - 1r. i-ltrry tts,lîinsî,ïii, îiiis Resea'ved Seats 35c General Admission 25e i Plan wil ,opeti ut Ahlitî'É drug ai t lt e 'il ; tt3-1 N t-Cf)9, at - , *.- i0 a tii T The-catiîpitriy appenrcd la..t aeek iii 0>-et wua and Boy- ma3,auviIIç, bef' r1e,.doiigMîed isudiec-M - DON"lr MISS-TH18 TREAT - 1. 'Fifty to lixty acres, with, build- ~ings; on Kingston Road. 2. Stock farm, with sto* suad im. plements, preferred czonvenient to-Railway Depot.' 3. Five or ten acres on Lake Shore. MIHN FISHER 49Lumsden Building - TORONTO ROYAL THEATRE HION GLASS MOVINft PIGIIIRESI Open everyeeng We -hae installed a new Simplex machine, which is aWslutely flickerlcos- and easy oGn tl7e eV, S. Satprday night, ioc te al. BAIN PERRIN...Manager. Fire, Life, Live 'tock, Plate Glass, Accident andAutomobiles.; Aýgent for thç- best (,-anadia», Engllsh' and Ameriran Col pallies JAMES M<ICLELLAN iBox j93 6 bitby, Ont. Phon 129. WH: A. A. ATKINSON, Ma nager. A. H. BLACK, MARRIAGES. KING-STRAU~S.. On Wednùaia, February 25, 1914,, by th1e P. Rabbi Jacoba, Miss Addile -Strams te Mr. Theedore Iking,' belli fe! - The Mutual Life fkoyo The OIdest Co, on the Anierican Continenté- Paid in dividends ta Policy.ý holders the unparaileled sum Of $17,20 1,78049 in the year i1913. D 'ividends 'payable in 191-4. $1 8,078,540.8 We do flot ask you .to- wait 5, 10, 15 OF 20 years for- your profits. Dividends are paid an- nually fiom the end of -the first year that the policy was issued. Y'. J. DUTF, MR. A. E. DONOVAN, tipecial Rep. queen à&y;ictorW8't- - Myrtle. Toronto, IMgr. E. Wu EVANS51 Fuirp Manfacturer Sbopen cd edect Duudaa strp« WtIITBY Th".e doMs west of 1Gy n m& W. ae e'prepared tO6 Inutàâ wod Ou trou ptinps CM~ol ofsaS Sttend 10 ail- ki6du otV Agent for the Onltdo WWuiMM $à"Ig gas ine ongines and thoSqa. L.J. i

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