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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 5 Mar 1914, p. 6

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"ya.y finanef ai co rporatIon, for -the j yesr 1913, and 'vas highlycomano*nd- hé .ed by ti. ha.raholders who woreO present at the, anuàl nieetin9 held obt the. oompa.ay's offices, 8-o-88 King Stret Ii4e1, Toronto, on MOnd&ý, <c Mach the 2id d The. net .arniuigsa a.m<untedý to th ovrIl per -cent. oÀ tii. p&id-up j 00pital, whieiclanow amounts e tii. « subâtnntial Oum -of $405elIO. Afiter deduct.ing intereat on deli.n- wi turffa and 'dépouits, am1Owiting to y $122,521.00Y tii.balance available si for tdi*tribution-amount<e4 Vo $228e- tl 8w8.oo, -fwhich sulff $118,471.88 was k Paid out)n -dividends, $100,000 was p added Vo the reserve fund, a.nd the il balIance earried furward t.o the. cre- dit -ofL-sL and Gain aceount. Th& f sent Corporation la an lonail Gomnpqj.,nd the Rciance P Loan aand Savanga Compu>ny of On- c tario, t4 oamagamation having R takeii effio o the first of May mest. h Tlhe pesident, Mr. N. H. Ste- t vîna, 151wted th"t thé net earnings f ci! the Erporation [for 1913 excead- ed the 4cubied net erningn o! the two compauies- prier to the. ains- ganaion by cicr f$30O,00.Tisre-. caret ia weoM vrth noting, as show-c ing not only'tlii efficiency socured by theo cOMbiUation of t110 twe coin- panies under dne managemexbt, but *iii shoiiis aime what nuay b coaçe - pliaÉiied in the way of reduetion of expenses el Operatieon. U - o! J»noted froiua perusal ofthe, stotemet t the ti.total as- %etâ ný>w:&mount tut>$5,110,332.00. The poaition btained ýn the fluai- cial wk>rd by the. Standard-Relianej Mortgage Corpora.tion places it axn>rngst the. largest àiet mot pros- percue -f-ûa.ncial institutions in thet Dominion. -The. conuervativ, policy pursued1 by tis corporation is an important1 b.ature, for the consideration of! -thon. looking for sub"tntial 'and4 sale investments. The dcbentuiýea ofe the corporation are issued in~ sumue of!-$100.00 or more, and inter- est ut the rate of five per cent. per -vmnum on these amouts is payable by -coupon every anc xmenths. The. corporation inites corres- pondence ith refererce Vothe.sale xnvestanent-. cf funde a remunera- tj$e rates. Ail cmmunicatioyns AWoud -b. akdrcased to, the head office, 92-88 KingSt. East, Toronto. -FACT AND FANCY. Missonaiesal,#".s go to the bad. Wotsay? There are ne swear words in Japanea.. Talc. the con-ceit eut of.some men * and you've hardiy geV a grease spot leit. -. Chinesè gourmets eoat baked fish *Women are fonider than nien of fattryet they believe it les&. H1olla.nd's raiiways kill on the averhge oniy one perwoxua year. The-golden rîle is a measure of oondîîict that w-c ]ay down fii.r other peoplei. Tho worki las more' repubiies titan monarchie.s. An ounce of prevention usualiy * _ neans a. Pound of. uueies fear foi- tie future. Foixi adîtteration ini Ger-mant' la a prison offense >and inrolves se verer "nltenceui thaun thef t. Th-beet way te serve a inea. isl ister Puuferâd fjS seven years wlth ecima. Trhe trouble began on lier arma and, legs In mmter blisters s nd she- néraehed. 51er clothes were rougis around ber legs and @ho suerid fron tcluflng andi burning anud loue of g'ep shedJd not, uiooPlitaîf thse ni>ht. 4jWe uaed ,-and-_Ont- mcmu d uber dd nob aseunto do mny goud- untl wevsgot Cuticturaso8aé) ud Outunent b>' wWIch @sie as completol>' eurod. <iguisé) bn ul ae Meliaous, M314Y'17 HANDS ROUGH,-BDLY GRACKED wra.r 1: W"aitroubiedaijtta ctappcd ban.ds *u4 $io &amui c«wme fiire caumset iaarp -eèld ,iîcl. M bauds ver.very rougit and -Wrero batS>' cru Pitpm u ud If 1 vent ens in the coud ai they ýalways bled. 1 couid not do 7reguiarworl.i o I me mre old emse a4otlisr ronieçlesand tU th e>' vére lts unbmelsil At lest -frind aévtasd me te Si>' Cut=ant z,amud (iutment. I1sens furuo«s»a anle Se t se the affected parts muid iusaeô"fmoua>e t: e Myf. >'badi and facoe wos'v cured wIrilla a wek.' 'Moedé) Ma sjetnuis FnIdIay. Jaân. 0, 10131 veranmi-pr zaiâsngcraon uticara S~a not ocxoouidem treatoent for affections et t iuaal 1 nd salp ,tItiStorture, iteis, bumr, - sale, mad detrea' leep, SoiS overwhere. simple or e»Ch malleS froc, -vltil a32p. mni 100k. Ad&àesa PWe-car Patter Drug k Ciiîo, Corp., Poplu Dý, BsWon, U. si'£Z iuo if -%lthé iWtee n,'-*iiz- oý jty, and - uren, tuesa that- precedeti y ber arrivais and fo1>owed lier de- fl partürea.-1a "you Oant xpanit,"lie sail. b 'She isïn',4 riob, andi di. bas np se- il lai secýai osionyeêevery one lelera te her. You miglit !anoy j bat in i sm rprvièuestag. of ex- a aVeén-ce mie lid beau a Grand Mo-i gul laid.hatn't goV OVi.i the. habit." : iritîhi spirit, I'm -noV -going Vo ver-, ry auymore over Gre"t-Aunt Sear- i aii. Wheu ah. cornes, b1 gv er t the best I have, but I'm nOtgoMng -1 totreat îher du.ffereàtly- frein other1 pe ople, andi Ii nîot going té 1eV ber-Il spoi.l ih. viole -yer."' t. le epite cf her brave deternuima-1 tion, iiowever, Edîth i would have1 .,een roluctu- to mofets how citeR sho. ha.! droaed <aret uly for ler1 posiible gutob, or how - uy lo&vcs of cake ahô. b.dbakeëd .fox; - Auizit Su ' eemorning, viion1 bo, heIýp her put'up jelly te bMev ,,t'& e terriM lad laà* il, Milly1 whipercd, exoitedly, a! ton s o e d1 auewei'ued t~ el 5..eiun rigbV eut ber.e; she luajtetiand 1I couldu.'tde a tViz gwitlihone."1 Edit)i turned white ; then, aproui,d grape-utaiued banda,,, ed aIl, se advanced te meet ber put. ."Yeu aire Wili'ts Aunt Saraii,1 know," se.sai. "I arn Editiiend tli.ls my sitr Mily. If y-ou woî't mind I'm going 1» entertaia you right in the. kitoien, Aunt Saish, tintil thîe jeliiyl dn. Aunt Sanrah surrendereti her Wra4pa, a.nd aecepteti a kitehen chair. Rer sharp eyea teck ini everything. Edut>h, with lier ba.nds trembling, finsheti her jelly, end. set the table fer luncheon. There were oîly poacheti eggs, f re&i gin- gerbread, jeliy andi tea, but Edith offered it without excuse or. apol- ogy. After luncheon se ahoved Aunt Sarah the. houa. andi her pretty linen and china. 8h. gave neý sign o! -embanisaunent,, but viien lier guat hed finally dei5rlt- ed by thse afternoïon train aie, breke down. "My apron vas staineti, andtihVe library wasn't, titei, landi ehe doest't eat gin-geibreati11 >ah.ab b.d. " Oh, - iy titishe have te corne to-ay V" - -Theý next mninug, bowever, a no>te a-irived f rom Aunt Sarai. lt vas brie!, but e&tisfactory, andi la bânished -the shadov foremer.-. "Dean N.,phew William. I 11ke your vife. She has common sense. Give her zny-leve. Yr. aff. aunt, Surah Williams." iS' _ _#ABY? IYOUR BABY A GOOD ýMothers, a.sk yourseli the.quecs- tien : h' your baby a good baby?1 If not he ýis not weIl, for it is te- nature o!f-ail babies te b. goot- eniy the sickiy baby is cross and -liard te n.ind. If baby le cross and cries continîually give him Baby's Own Tablets and he wili soon b. happy ag4în. The. Table-tsa at as a gentie -la:xative, regulute tue bow- eis, sweeÈen -the Etomach aid cure al] the hminer ijus -e! littie eues. Concerning Vhem Mrs. J. P. Rich- ard, St. Norbert, N.S., wnitos: "I have founti flaby's Ou-n Tableta a&U that is claimeti for themu. My baby ruîffereti f rom hie stomach anti bow- els and the Tablets cured him." The3j are soi.! by a i nediein-e deail- ers or, by mail ait 25 cents a. box *ndf- ts' Y-Ou are -nervous andi -uiçt sure o! yoursIf, th" tyou - ale.p badly, and wiske up tired, and oit-, ing, yo>ur inra are e 1ut, e! erder. )tier aigus are ine.bUity Vo: taie 1proper intereet ln your vork, your >pas te i ckl, your back feels weak, -anti >'uou are gree.ly deprmu-ý- ed ini apirith. On. or more o! tii... sign ea iathaityou sheuld tae prompt,,tep. to e top-nulehief 4. nourimbin i e aerves vith the. foot! they thrive on,. namely, the. ricii, red Iood made by Dr. Williams' Pik Pille. Theze Pi, bave cureti bhousa4s of! cass cnervous dis-' oiders,' ineiutiing ne-rvous prestra- tien, neurgoigia, St.. Vitus tanceland partial paralysie. Here le an ex- amuple, Mr. Jui. A. McDôold, Sprighil, NS., aya:"Tuthe &ummor c f 11,a. tl»e resut, 1: thialk, o!- -liard woîk, I -wsa cer- pletei-y rn do'wn and fou-id it ne- cessaay Vo quitvork., I eleptpo- ly, andi viat sl.ep I did get did not, scemn te resu me, aM I was conetantIY tireti., My- appetite vas poor aid flekie, and my nervee unatruag. I ba-d trea4ament fIm' a dcor fur- smre time,. but it 454 uot se oint help me, andt bving heard 'a great deail about Dr. -WiiI4am' n'Pîk PlUs I decided, to, try thein. lu the- course ofl a 1ew weeke &(ter begin- niug the. Pilleia 1picked Up monder- fuiiy, sud vas -able te ret-n Vte vcîk feeling 11k., a ne-w mani.'I havenet bat a day's sickiea sice, ant'i aturally am n ow a. Sm be- liever in Dr. Williamn' Pink Pills.,' Dr. William.' Pink Piwill iiwerk tic same beuefla resuits in any ether -tiret, vorn-'out vorker if given a tain tri-i. If you ctanuot Mbai the Fil. frein pour dealier they viii be sent pet paiti &t 50 cents a box or six boxes fer $2M5 by writing Thi. Dr. Williams' Medi- cine. Co., Brockviile, Ont. RACE 0f BLACK GIA-NTS. Mien Who est- on. Ou. Leg aid vight Wlth Liue. A tribe of blaek gian-ts known as ",Jieng,", inhiabiting a district of! tue White Nule, ln Vie Budun, a thoit-auntmiles ýouth of! Khartoum,1 bas been* describeti by the 11ev. C. LIea.-Wileon, the. leader cf a medical mission. Theré, are about 8,000 Peopleinlu the tribe anti they liv. intiie neigl-i- borhooti cf the Rahr-el-Gbazel, the 1 lugoon east e! Lakte Cluat. "Tlîey are among the tailemt -tribee in thse worit," saya Mr. Lea-Wiisori. "Tiey are jet blaek, typical nue-, grees.aid do net practise oit-ber cannibalisin or ummun saerfsie".. I have ,never seenu among thein a case o! cmue-ty te. womeri or cildren. For some reuson apparentiy un- kuovi even to the-mives, all aduità have tix e -their lower teeth remnoveti . They have a habit vhienj at i-est o! standing on und.,foot like - %tori." Mr. Lea-Wilson ste-tes that the surrouuding coîutry -is like 'azoo- logicuai gardon. Eiephants, giraf- fes, nhicoceros, buffaloéq, huppe- pot-ami, lions anti leepards abounti. "Du-ring tieil-st. wet seisson eight people ver. killet e-ud caten by lions. The. Jieîg people are re- snunkubiy -brave and they have kili- eti two'o! zthese man-eaters with a3pearsa e-on.. This ineans that Vte flrat men ettacking the animal are e-erte-ixuy kiiledbet-ore their cern- panions, ca-n rush in andi despatch the -wounded animal." KiIIéd by Blood Poisoning t7uted au old raser for paringe sco7ni. rýooiiaai, becaue& 25c. bot.Ia of- Pniua.m'a Corn Ezxtuaetor viii cure all the cer n faur fmyfor -a year. Bat..becauisO aureir i .,te.a, VeITan cuirutna4n's 1xtractot% farnilies hav(e offly one chilti. -lu ether 3Sa.ràthie_'columnesof, figure. ver.- headed biy aiilies baving 'two or tbree 'childte.-,' Births diminiahetin anumberIs»f yes&r, andi inmorne dWaridtstiti not suoceeti ii Ming *4 .gape oa.uSéd by ýdeatli.--Tii. pai>iulsr new dc.- ument which hai causeti grave coin- mýent is the. uml)er -of chuliren per Tii. calculs.in are baaed on lhe 1 ceimita cî 100 àad a .upplemeutary iquiry i>itiBZ'Od 'ini 1907, aid'thore- fore.&q net very reoeint; they are, none thé-,I.lm stiklng. The .é- ;Iît o f 11,314,011 11= 009 ,. ,8N,710in ijîes are Ivithout children, 2i966,4-71. have oe Child, 2,e6619978 two obid4ren, a.nd 1,64S,41,5 throe -olddren. >Just uxider'thý rniili<m buiveofur, e}hij.dren, and jueuiovor i s amil- lion 5ive. mono are lever Vian a hundredthotlieu.nd famillies l>aviugr eight cl4ldr. Thei<. ~t at wailI4911igheut lu the poor reg" ansd lowent in the. nicheast. IV attsane ts nmaximumu amung the.fAsher folk e! nri.tta.îy, then among tbeifactory workers; it is 1ev amnog renfilr anad business -employes. Asi esIary incremael lameng tfie wt.kýlg classes thé. uum- ber of childrekl-iuihs Tiiere are 1,à5o,oo0 baohelers ila France above tii. age cf 20, andi flfty thousand imore epinatera. Joisl'uitBie oriesA NO MORE STIFFNESS, PAJN OR MISERY IN VOUR BACK OR BIDE OR- LIMBB! Wonderful "igervîllmne" sathe Remedy. A murvelioue pain reliever. Net au odnary liulmet-just about lve If mes more powerful, more peuetrutlng, more paln-subduibg titan any thick,, oiiy or amnuonia liniment. Nervi line'fa.irly eats up te pain aid stiffiess lu chrou c rheumatic Joints. gives quick relief te those threbblng pains,and neyer burie ereveî stains, the skin. . *,Rieumatism kept rny Jointe aval-, leu indors for tei yearm. -My riglit knee, joint vas etten tee, painful te ai. 10w me te vulk. In titis. crtppied tom. tured condition 1 fouud Nerviline a blsseiîg. Ils varm, solttigaction brouglil -relief I1itad given up- hoping for. I rubbed on quantities ef Nervi- lneand Improveci steadily. I aise tciok Fer-ozone at--ineaitime fIorduir to purify and encit my biood. i1 in te- day veli l >dnrecommend imy treatuient ment'ceônsefeuitliily. (Slgned) C. PAIINS. - Prince Albert. Net an ache or pain lun te muecles or joints that Nervlne won't cure. it's voîderfni for lumbago aid sciaticu; for neurnigia, etif neek, eeracite and toothgche. Nervîlline lasîmpy a, won- -der. i3est ftLutly lîniuiont knowîu and largely iseà for tite puet forty years. Sold by dealers everyvitore, large 'famlly size batleH.Oc.. emali trial size 25c. Refuse 'a subetitute, take oitly "Nervlline."'~ A DOG TIIAT CIIEATED. This Co Titat « reason,1 ally te ci Young El OWius a Xnueug cv trainrdtt -eaul,"an te -the ime dog's it unto the1 of eu-6ar One D trumpet- -1tt ILA Ansi ruiia 'adefenceetimates. for zeýu aldonlermë - CMII, W milite-ry pu rposes, of October, 1913, .'> thr Pe- am'ijunte t e$i, %,0O howing t'On 'diiu.una al, an iîîcrease of $7,eO,000over those -I se-w ny boy-hsood c4meum te-e-,t - 'i o! the previous fiîuincia'l year, 1912- one t-hat lia-i beCome -8 iliciOJie, Yi-rivedînin 1913. Thte Vear 1912-13 -ea reinurk- 'Dpi. lie recoguize yei?" thouglît able &5s heing the firat iài liîthe Igliuw N. e turue<î(la rner About el years quota ýot men perf-orme-Él theri when lie -saw -me crnn. ad ente personal service iii the miliàliîn- i 1i& der-the clause of The Cozn~uý - TyM-rine ]Et. ReMedyI derTâtand -weath )efonce Aet, reloting te o aeRtWaWtr ysfx e cemplsey Vusinug. p f î> oraiGrauulated Byclid9e. Doen'itSmart hotir lat cember 31sV, 1912, 184,G328 perso"" -Soothea Eye Pain. Driugg,ïets Seil itat regiatered their ns-mes, of these Mnriue e Remedy, Liqld, '4c, &o . vt-h a j3,242 vere exempteti f rom -varions Mnn ieSlel spi uelet-ter lu ce-uses, 01,593 being terporarih ex- 25c, 50c. Eye Book-,; Free.y Mail. er s aUMj emptedti irough reiding fuve muiles Mtuine Ee ftsaedy Ce.. ChicagOeuga, f romn a fraining iocelity, 108,752 à3 __il aa werP hiable form training anud lO,725 fuindth t actually îîîiepruenîtraining. Thiis Xn Irislîmaru fê11 frt>iî tue rof muîribng, Iclita was tirai-tiet a-$ recrute luno! a luou-tie where h.e-s aI eikA fic- I u-coraucewih Lord Kitchenei-'s passel by rîu-hed up tlu hl n ti nd îiin let recumnueitda1tio)n, aid it. je cleimed eske.d :-".Are vot on ?t'"" Itse ail m i-l a v tue-t the resits ,are satisfactory, right. -' teid thue Irisliuan. "I liad i-u.aclti ii> jThue nignittude of! -Auetralie's new tWO 54>11e d<IOorfi'nails, unyiiow." muga-iizat ion ms-y bc jiidged fîom 1 -- -'-uy tise fat that- the 18 field ititteriesi Onlu Oin Eoxo quiNIN, îr,î t.f the- .>ki force will become 56 in àw-rdt;: g,-oýui,,- -: iî cr, -uil> ~>~ v. the- îîerwi iit Aiti>f lureii Ifoi gl lguilîî-o ut1LE. 4bNl.t'Us.ueuîl be> six permnaîuht feld b a t ter i*e.. a u',îi 4fh. Dy Psu riug tee-satt-lire. yeàrLi some: --D ' uroo boises have been -purchase.! -Fathepr*s iLîtitu. for filditibett-erT'purpoes at 1 ftero$12arefan5y each. Tefahro ag aiyo The Naval estime-tes ot Outobor, - eblidren vas trving hard te read luai 1013, for f6ee-t cnstruiJOiOu amount- hse Cvs£ling paper. "lVha'et a me ed. Vo 5,00,000, andi$7,000,000 for terrible raeket lu the,'hall, Mmi- WI other naval plurposea. "Oe c th cVltrn jat eU The Csnftdian estima-t-es re-e.ntly dOne-the cidrms."1@1 _De brouglit dowli provide 1)r an t<.%-- "Weîî,rs" -S*epit,'trinloe pendtureof 10,400,000 for mîiitary Wl, h ele, unngoe UI pet1 ne - oulto !another -page et -the paper, ' you W«40 *11<1 N0.11 -nl aclijipopuilation cofnt - fal Ausitrali l uy about oie-bal! of! 1 hah lrnilté, f l wà thati of tuiscountry, -it wiîu be accu dofîtaisqityttyiih-- e Id that Auitrslia'e expendture 'for tPt" mlili tai-y purposs alone, i. nearly four tirnes a-a reat lu proportion.' inantsl Linfiment Curés sures, Elo. LI., 4. -,ii.t- Spaniei Mas Very Feond cf Sugar. nme dog at Ira-et net oniy but ,iiabeon knovn actn- heat' is, thé convietion o! a ,ngli 'h armny officer wbo 1marV cocker lepaniel. Aler- tricks,-4-h, officer hais the dog te a-nswor' "leýtter uti fetch bis ovepr's mail îes'ubie. Pleaseti with thbe iIlsigeuce, tiie officer feiu habit o! givi-ng him a lump !rorn the breakfast table.- norning, soon after fuie er had saunded etr le gp&ail came in wMt nei- ers nom lett-ers. This vas ,for thic officer subscribeti lypapeî tlaV iuvariably ar- tii. morning's ma-il, but he ýIlit-looOl ii-at tetie even-o-dckhc-n-ever. t-he )mi-eda mddypaperI]PO'n IJ 4)ofier id Iot îîî- ithlt si-tua-lion, bu-t he gave a Ilump of suignar .&Ia-il n ,r lite doig appenre.! agailu Ivery înîtddy sud crunmple-d ibis n-oit-Ii. TMieni Lte wn- ipuiins verec rotte.. Lve ilic dtig a.nftluer i-îuIp 4ol ni watched Ihinu. - He 'sOOn 11,1t ttîe d-îg hu-d bu-ried tih- ZS mai-il iii the> î-'- ofrtlf i flic-s;. and Cls.iigging il iLc :u a -bine, appaîliliý Vip-* tu a lit-tnp 4f4 tufoi v. fmail !i 1.4a.4 luati nire, htm (one lis% br-pîukilirdik:sîg' hitt isn:c it î-if ry.)u I-e 1,it !,' SonIt, oot ville set the eit medie sfer the " tluel kdeyare-cuipt d 1~fe4 gveshbeu nsto- fm-sweeýTh hdon the hIIwonWel 18813E 10 '14 -j et ch~ Rer' sort viat ni.; - fn1 tbluk ho- tubes, a' le for'tV live.' ýTli once ai aid eJec )I-tindin 'I sufleredfemanIritable, -wsak - throat ,for thýee yeaisîT hud- s.t rs'* coug, pin verth esocon nt -badh týain - l my m"th 0nd elms l mya saàt. It w. m ch n-orré e My ng gave perm nen eief *111 t u' ehnathrve pr-Jomit,ëhuf ilt t ,lsv-- eîd,-ýand, In a fsëw-wssks- dm-v.t'il trace - "T!IMOTHBUS ,A. SALMON. 'Nd..- 6 Loýz streat, Kngston, 3s." - REMEMBElI TM$-TOpU breathe Catarritozone sud 1t, *viii cire mny throat.,chest or brouchial coud. Large size, guaranteed, conts $1.00, aid las two montie; oMalier uizes, 250, and séc. Dewar oret lItatIàam aid fusist on, *CATAURRIOZONE" ouiy. iy maIl frôm :(Itasrho' teCo',,uf fiae, N. Y., and Kingston, Ont. DIVORCE IN BABYLO X. ;ht on Domeetie Affaire of Thoee Long-Bead Peple. Thé arcita-elogeta who are -con- ductiag Vthe Germai Oriental Soci- ety'e exploration o!ftube ruina -o! anient Babylon, Nineveii, and Ashur, bave decipieredtwVo brick tablete 'that titi-ev un -ntemorst-ing ligit -on the dosdestie afUars -of theffe long-deuti people. On. of the tablete telle of a di- vorce case, in vhich a man, who lias ma-de up hie uiind 'that i., can- net live vith -hie vile a-ny longer, promise" tý' give îher vhat he cou- eiders a satiefactery alimoin: "Nali Mardiuk, don o! Shanaeh- balat, vili give, cf bis ovi fiee vi, te Mauu, the vife, and Amradi- Bunini, -ber &on, leur qua> ef food per d&y, three, qua@ e! drink; per yea-r, fliteen manias of cioth goods, one pi o! sesame, one pi o! sait, which le eaV the varehiouse. Nait Marduk yull net incress-e it. Iu case aihe flees te Nergal, the. fiight shallnet -annul it. "Don, aV Vie'office cf Mushezib- Marduk, prieat o! Sippar." It appears thaV twenty-five cen- tuies a-go tis vife ceuiti be di- vorced in a most sumnuary fasiion; but if tih.e reneitîceti hem lord andti unasuter, a bard fate vas lier.3, for the second tabiet readse. iiRinum, e-on cf Shainkiatuin, bas taken as Wife ani spouse, Bashtum, tihe claugit-er of Uzubitum. Her luriJlai present sh.ail b. twenty aile- kiela o! mnoney. If Bashtum to Ri- nuin, her husbant, tiiail sa>', 'Thou art net my hugbunti,' they shahl strangie ber anti cast iher into the river. If' Rium te Bashtum, hie wiLe. shaLi sa-y; 'Thou art -neV my wife,' he shall psy ten shekels of inoney as her ainony.'" The alimony provideti in this cas;e was about six dellars and tweyuty cents, according to Professer Vise- len. Ail pi-k-es,-were iow inthe far-of! <laye, anti vages ýwere sali ac-ordingly. Onue brýickç, dated 2200 B('., recordsa. contract by whicli a nmait bires 'a sol' from his mother, te le-ber for two anti a haIf shekeb; a yoar-about ene dollar and fifty-ftve Women ivith SalaIow SUR Hèbre is a Oood Treatuient! You Get Resuits Quickly. Womanly beanty 10 argeiy lue e.0 we-rd expression eofiteaith. Every voman.with pale clîsekm and poor complexion needs medicne- needg a potent tontc te regulate hiem systeun. To tome 11P the stomaeit-to lnuer good digestion-to give iiew life anid vitality to the whote system-where ta Iliere a remedy liue Dr. 1laInilltoWîsi Pilla? Dr. Hnmltou's Pilla enuble yen ta ont what* yau ltke-they correct con- stlpettoa-make- nonriuiuing blond- masth force' nd vim i toa a u-dowii systeni. If nervous a-nd can't aieep. your e nîedy lo Dr. llamntfitoîî's Pils-the-y searcix out the cause of your condition and yenl rise luit he momnlng refroeiîed, strong. x-lgorona. ready for lte day'e Dr. H-amiltonl a9lcS PevcîY. veeaiménd' deliltated persan ta use hIs Mandrake anmd Buttgmnut Pille. They inake old folks feci young, aid weak folks feel strong. Their effects upon. Insomuta snd lAngouur is marvellous. iunulede deciare they soolte and quiet the nerves se liat a good uighit's rest al- w-ays foiiow thelr use. To look weil, ta feel wcil, te keep wel, use Dr. H4amltoîe Pille. They are' nîllî, cleau;ing,; strugiheifig-good fer the yosîtug ôt old. Sold by al .de-nlerasli- 25c. boxcs- HieStakea Hliin. Ailti«Adin fle p'ASi feW YefA" 'W'~1. 'r îî~anc. Aonce 811- tt,cratic plumnber xup iu my neigh- b0rhood uow goes to the iiaushky butcher round the. C*rner te borrowv nuoncy Vo keep 'bis busines.s alive." An oit Scoch bodY-whc lhad en- tereti e- Aet-olasdis asrment in a train, witb an unwieldy bskIet an' her e-mm, we-saseked very f rigidly by one of jVhe occupe-it& te .ce-miaeg il sheAid n l ôemrvd Vhàt It wïg flirot-c.lago."ksy"vsth - tglrt (b '% thé i thpt i-i !M'Velie AU f, e'i u»t hae te put Up vi' on>' accommodation 1 ca e-n ý fMinard'à Liniment Cures DandrufI. F2 ',rýte gerie ,ï4 -And they t'.. - -...,>tT We Olten Say te oumseives, "I voulti gla.dly do -my duty iLI kne w viiat, ît l." Deubtiese there -'are o 'nss wiviehi it iz bard te decide, but a -remrk.of Goethe-on the gub- ject in vel veortu -rememberinig. "How ean vo knev ounuelves Nover by reflection, but by_ aetion_ , Do YOUr dUly and you will ftnd ou4 the sort <>t mnan yen are. But -what in8 y duty 1' Wb&tçV-day-abaka of you. ' !Do net coneidei r o fa-r, toe deeply, toc garious]y. Do the. plain, preseint 'Laak, andi do it weii. 1V le amazing how pleasan.t you feel wlicn iV is doue-and ti V e-net nholly un- PARU fOrein s. N.W. DAWSONd, Ninaty Ceihorne siesb Toronto, TFTUýWANT TO BU 01 91L Coibornie tL, Tôrouto. 04 W. DAW on, .OelbernsSe.,-Trna Wrt Vuer.62wiJtà or wtout OET6, ZWAXCT . '1uW'ITI Afomnlnion ghaide"twjuter col, Wi n& We wIi pAy. you 5ilo.0ôo to diotVibute 701k101ý0 lterature lu Y-UT coqmumntr. 8lztv d&y>,' work. EapWi4ncfi riot~ reqafrcd. Mon or wamen. O»Ppo- tunit 1vfor promtionu. bi' tMo e y ho noed. !~rnot Bible Prees CotnpMiY. 102 JIptidine, Toronýto. 0ap. It the 100 à cake. 3Sce"&s Get a quartW* sww to coo . Jsd.Stg e ooD OOD WE[XLY 1!J LIVE TOWN l' XI -York County.. nULtf«lCTY sad 1BC _. Zim»mk.,Dou.curePile f400.. Term@ libieràl. Wilson Pu'b h. fuircmpany, 73 Wé,t ýAdeiside 8reet. Mrs. C. Haison, wlte of the prI> Toronto., -pmrieor. *,the commerclil Iotel', NUMIEAT ,STOCK..- Poplar, E.C., suifered from piles forRIO.agEauEiP years, Went to doctor after doctor tu S vu isCaso. vaiu. Plnslly went ta Spokane and &son, Grovoend,"* Otalo. batS an operatioli.Twelve mouth. aftermrde she was as bad &lu.in he ~ ~ TMI. ~ n maa Oeday 1 read about Zam- u> na an -età* al euà fà Buk an& thought 1 would try- ItL The eut pvain by our boms trestmont-. *Wrtt ftrut one or two boxes gave me more vis igsd. Co o&lwvod. OBelnt. aiom eue than anything else 1 bad tried, soi 1 went on with the treatmeat. Inia C a na d 1a n*Hai es 9to0-re4r. short timé 1 began ici bel altogether différent and 'better, and 1 saw that Zam-Buk wu. golng to cure me. Wall, 1 weat on using lt, and by the time 1 bail uiei six boxes I was delightMdtti land mymeif entIrely cured."l If you suifer from this paiuful al.- meut, or brom cozema, ulems or aay Efor.ai. Altier Ustig.- gkliidieMa, doa't Waot@ time. Try Rotmo Grey Hair to original color Two mloft ZI.EUk.L 50r. mli drugite and stores. teoh bodo.ot o bs hYwelu~ --«, ouh SosFatling Hair, ïDaudruif. Itching. - Cures 1 Scalp Discase., Iroduces New -Growtha. An Impori sut Invention. Satsinmtoduguarantced or muoey back. iPrim 75 0c-uts» wfer 0»Ou. o(a Postfgfl M Anyperson who has followced the %..Kotod lu stores, addreu« s.ez for a.ny lengt.h of tiune uili bave Canadian slIÏ-gsstorores., WINDSOR, ouf. experienced, e4peciaiily in rough- weather, the annoyan:e wudaicli isi caused by -the inces>'aît working and banging of door-;, dite tuo the rollhng and pitching (À fthe ves.tcI. To eneure quietnesis the door o)f a stateroni, for intan<ee, must he Fhut.' To placé- it on the book wotild rnean-the rattk of the door. wlich lHAi is intoicrabie. even t>) tlY.>5> w») J o amr spend fthe.major portion of tlieil, ~and liorsemnea lives on the briny. Many ideas lbtuv have sa'ed hren put forward, auJ nuany inven- unoney by 11iag tions fo)rnlaited, wit1i the object of KendaIl's Spa. vin Cgre forSpavins, Curb, Ringbonè (obvia-ting this nuisance, but maite, SPlint, Bony G;rowîvhs and Lauienea havce bciu succP4mfui so far. :\IICw froui naany cother causes. It keepo device,.vwhieli ut cxpectezl to wI)mgn horraça workiug. A $j bottie iuay the market uit an earîy datei iv save ahorse for yoii. Get abottie the invention -of Mur. ]3reigalî, tu>w"f next tiiie yen are ia town. Sold by, druggists everywhere,î'$1 botile,, Liverpool'.t f4.iirpitlost <ugi- for $5, al'o ask for a copyeof onr book nec'rs. His patent is siiînpl'tt iti- Araseothlose-rwt t self, and adapts- itstlf to atîy Pl"- Dr.9. J. KIIDAL COPAry crent c]ass of cabin or ]nndoo . Enobùrg Ps&U, VeinontS n Lt is noiseles. takes up n0 o r space, and preseTlts. no 4iI>sli-ue: . - CAO tiCAIAit 1 goh.epi-aised lier s4u1g111g, did he?" "Yeqs a,7it -c-as hacrs- 'Diti lie reaiiy sayi tît *W t Rat- e se-id it, was uextl oentleiaen.--bly dauglîleir. i3 yeurs dd. s throwifroin a sleigh e-iu d tuîrc-liivr e.tm:)w go hadly it reiuîaineNd itff mugi nîr rifuilfor tbree yea-.oFoùur bei,1ttiu of ber. aud site lias îlot let.iitruuiJINIfr -Youétre -uiy. st. Joaeph. l'O. 18tl.>1> . 1900. lie --For Haveu sake. wonman, atôp ltai peipetti l î11gillg. If yffi çeep on niîuch longer 11'111 hoot iuy- se S"h1e---"Vouu do, youl wretc'h! Y-ou dame fire o~ff a revolver in Viîl 11ieuse Yoliil waké tise l-ahy:' puis careS lu e se 14 Days Druglate reflind nmonoY If PAZO OINTMENT <alm to-eut-e.I>ehttmg. RFind. or Piotrudln< l'îles5. Sisi apfflicatlon gîtes relief. b0c. "Di.! you luevc a be-cltootliaclue i" "I think e ; huit if you know of any ot.her kind of toothache, perîsaps la was tlî atýidnfJ I lid." Cranbton Cylinder Pres, f&St .iachine for' six coiumn,. four page newrpeper, uted very littie. inpef.tcd- Mion, low prut!e.. Wileon Pub.- -liifgécmpany, 73 West Adoj.ie S re amToronto îîîzug hiriyinto lier hihat<U'a ofic ne fiorflhni)g. (,I). slie cried nas>. le gaeped for: brepali, '-I dropped my dianiond ring -off my finger. and I cant fit idif ny- more lpowrcliIi e ffcet ulp -on s.*I <tinmetie nnld jîiiun ¶f I han th e w'epeî lT,~u the ejýirit. id rut.htfiilrips. If. nitier- lies. aIl lîoliest and !aithfi work. ail righl. ftulfjiuien-t (Jrlai ..all iii- dependexîce à-uiî<l >elf-espect- 1,,l-ff iwho. isin i thiýi high 6en e faitl.fi to tli truth will bLe faithful tic)hiffixell. and to o.es %inards Li nimentRlivsNutl. -I STATE VYISIT -TO FBA'N jrour- of King and Queeu Y -\ volve Big Expease. 'Here are sema' intoetàng Df a Royal vlisit -sucli as t a*nd Qume are going te pay1 No ened3who lhm.sne kuowit what a, State visit moeane.ci any ide&a.oe!the -intrieacy a .of its prepa.ration. - Diploi gotiations bav. golue kfoi xnontliF, anti ne -soon ea-a d been ti '.ed for VtheStiate -i flrret prc . aations begin. The. xpensc a aeast-onisi * ie said that it costs even titi J'reMidnt, vite travCis in -0 ive sitnplicity, at i.ast - 0 hQpur. The queationeý f ci.ý iteýalfins a g <>ti ne, t mita~ Empcr takfcung vitkii instan-ce, flfteen ' large ti clotiesonly. Wilen h. gc - nuiitary, tour of' inspectic saidti o î.ed e.ventenuni -A svrii-o .viait travele vwith au ,enoirinne is deorafliona-, aà veli asî-thi --""prei5ents" viich King CG. 1;.Qieen Mary -vili Irave te 'teally these gifts are t 4ucli as possible f nain hi( ucts; for utestancedin ues migbit b. taken, Oroc - Minbon or- Coalpeit, oo - vases or - Engl.i»qit s se! very flua deki ifaare, o! course, packed À, ecae and travel under --n& iii pervision of an, ofe 4ween nov anti April ne: - 'he tee -ist o Frant ~place, there le plenty oe! v get Vhrough andi & grea.t i - ple wd do it. The announcement -o! th t-he King anti Quee-n Vo iýnîida eune that shch an * 51e occurreti silice -t-i. V 4~gih-kings counted ~aog-their d-oiiifis, ,týthey weutioe e±lc thel s*-efinti au instance- vhiere >lin&h sovefreigu and. h-emA $Pua ,State visit to Fi kàhve te go ba&k to _j Qucen Victoria and ýPilit phid a ret-rn. ujsît te Ill., W-ho ha.! visite.! Eng nionths -béfore. --Sice f'lieu tiiere have peatel, officiai -vi8ita to Fri - o! Qticen Victoria . and King Edwarsl, but -each It is atrange te rern Sflue hosteies who w4-Iýeomt K Yktrriu andi her-luu»-iband ;î7l --i.>41-live aintdin lu Bugi Leen nmarred t-JX'ù lo a1 -luaif-yc-rs and i ULis i lîloom <î (f be-r bat.Bi w.4cks afier flue Englisi atiempt of PiauIorî te -aý Flic Emperuor wae nmade. t a i1îY aye-ur. r - ~Laxative f a-ceemplis htLerr pi with Imaximum ecli Inci-easîng doses needed. 2 25. a box- at NanlDm§ggiut's L Losaueuaaui C CARBOLAI Fer any ùnjuru,-tO the sklu.cutq, ruïsef, -uM c its It leato prertent infection. opecia[Y useful Ifur tfloi cbiéens litt and -orat les. Other " ýVaseline" Iprepratiol for other daily nerds. Vainablc bookIet# Mlusttawe, <reeootreqest. r .1 ca#zaoolIMMUFATURNGCOUPANT -r- Ci 1à""the aie&-msais us :w yeutveo i1fer othO. 4nu4 bouses.BlairS AL!rail SPOK IUIM.00. Cbg Wf !abW'nIn.,U 5 A 1 ýE 1 ffl 1 Lig 1 NEWSPAPERS, FOR"*AýLB. 1 Ma n Y 'r ýents.

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