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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 12 Mar 1914, p. 1

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I WHITBY FRUITS I SEIN Opr Pure Oiive Ou i able, iras a dcli fla~ delicate aroma, aîîd pokjed direct frein Il ducers. tt's purity 15 _j~uar Il BOITLEB ANO Bt 118181- I 'or aîîd 18 liii. ho lîro- anteed. iLK. J E. WILLIS Druggist aud OptIclan MEDICAL HALL Brock St. * Whitby. - r ~ _______ ___ Professional 3JEGÂL INO. E. FAREWELL. N. C. o. Betriater, County Crown Attorney and County Soticitor. Office eouth wing Court House, Whi tby.~ A. E. CHRISTIAN BurrIetea. Solleltor. Noserv Public. Etc. Office, Brock St., Opp. Standard B~d~k. Moncy to Loan, dAMES SYTLEDOE, BarrIster~ Etc. - .Moz~ey to Loan on easy terme. Qffi~ciinmcdia~pysuuUIKoyai Hotel,' O. VOEJu~S SMITH, LL.B. Issuer cf ~ MARRIAGE LICENSES * 1~ourt House, Whitby, Or residence. D. A. L SWANSON Barrieter, Solicitor, Ncrary Publ;c, Conveyancer, etc~, etc. Oshawa, * Ontarlo O&e- No. 2 King St. £~JMackie Block - Residence-52 Drew St. P~iodee-Office, 321; Residence,4'.326. DENTAL W. ADÂMS, Dentiot, Office, Dundas S1u~ed$, Reuideno, No. 4, tho Torrace, Byrai St., Wliitby. Phono No. 122. AUO~IONEERS JAS. BISHOP 0à*aawa. License.! Aucîloneer. CulOt t~ L. Fairbanks. - For ai~.d datea apply te self or G. WWVIJT. terme Robb, ev~~vv LICENSED AUCTIONEER ANU YALUATQi<, Ail kinde cf sales promptly attend- id te. Arrangements *c~an bc made for maies aI tii. Gazette office. Terme reasona1~le. BU amI Indepondont piwnou. WEIITBY. ONT. CONTRACTORS J. H0WELL JAMES- Carpent~, Builder and Contracter. Plans drawn .and estimates furnished. Repaîrs, Alterations and Jobbing. Ageat for Brantford Rooflng BoE467 WiIITtIY Plionel49 M~rrisg@ IdIÇÇIl~ff, A. le. ALLUI Inter cf Marriage L1~enuea Corner drugaLore. Whitby No Wltneeaea rcquircd. MONUMENTS o! ail DozI~s and Katerlal kept lu Stock Il vil! pay you to cal! ai- car wooe~ aid Inepeci for youraelf. Dam'i b. mimled by ageutu, ws do m~i smnploy them, ooueequeatly we cmi ami do allow 411e a.gent'e commlsmlca, lé pn cmii., whlcb you vil! oertaln- Iy maie by purcbaelng item ne. A. Ciii 5oiictâd. IMIhh S[liutê GO. Offioe sud Worka Opg.euIIa Sianderd Banli, Wbltby. Ont I haw's Business Sobools broUta Osuede luelude 6h. Centre! Duel. m~'toilege wltb ptveCItyiSflCb Sehoole Or~umtuaere mslvoauIly aucOsufUl ~uter amui... wtt.forcatalog. W.» Sbew, Boed OUa... z Toqge et Inter~sting Topics - Discussed. c .SSESSMENT~ Has Done (3ood Work. ~~1 - At tire ai t.eoenoon session et tire 'oould be ucwa broadcast or with a ~ri~e fcIlo~ing ~ses were ~ealt peais have brou màde te tire Ceint- - I Fruit Instituts held la. the~ Âgrkul. dru.. If should flot be sown too wltb at tii. - 1as%~Mtt4t'e' ~t\ t~. ty Jûdge. Juil wJloD lits Ileilot tural roorna ou Saturday 1~ tirer. near tire tree trunka, and should be - -' v ....T wlll hear them iras not ye$ been de- Court ot Revletcu~ - -aiwIoriner as- were probe~1y thlrty persons pr~ worked into thé sou wlth a cultiva- neosment la gtveii~ - - - clded. sent. Prof. Cro~, of tire O, A.O., tor or harrow. Tire cireaprot ferti- ~ weiJ as Svirere obtainable, lii. speaker. Thé (Izer, sait! Mr. Crow, Is tiliag~. uêt.~6y tii. Court. largely o! tire anture o! clovor catches readilyrit is pro~ 1~ ~~~sm~it ~ -Hockey. - conference. Prof. Crow'a subject 4>hat there potaah iii 111e s~i, i business irlooke tire- Court adopted a wa~ "The Ilarrdling cf ~a CQmrnerclal irence potasir is net roqrrîre&în ~ i frontage rate govornlng thé different Orohard," and w~s taken up un4er tertilizer useil. Phosphoric acid - classes of buildings. For instance, *WHITBY GIRLS 14, STIRLING ~o. tire divisions o! cultivatten, fertîliza- lihat case wilI more .likely be tequired. e. three-stdry blooka on Brook St. Laboriug under tire deluaf on that lion ant! tbinnîng. The~slue, color There Is a theory thal phosphor4%~' were rated aI $180 pet tout frontage, îhey wero champion. o! Eastern On- tror thé Dominion Bank south and tarie, and could tlerefore beat env sud quality cf apples depend mucir acid hastens the ripening o! cropa, ccnditiol1s ateve. but ~ uding W. J. Il. Richardeon iaajea' hockey team t bat ever shatet! uion 111e tbree 1>101. Ctow said tLPIS tireory atCre. Bassett and Todd 'were piaced on ice, tire Stirling girls came te Cultivatlci ci an dees neyer beer[ ftifly estabiished as a tact. aI $155 as were also tire Windsor îown lasI Tbursday. Thelr depart- mucir ~eeitIcu kili w tivation code. I~arIy cul- Il was suggested by Mr. I~ick tiraI liotel and Mclntyre's store, Mathison ure was somewiraî - lesa auajlcuous conserves the moisture of the Goverument shouid experiment lires an .~ wbïle A I-I. Alun ~ than their arrivai, since they -took tire sou, ant! contributes to thé wlth fertilizers lu varjous lecalities d lilow grewth of the tree. Tire beat time In tire effort te arrive at Borne deC- corner was placed at $265 per foot, ~tîh îhem a good deal cf experience R~-'N Bassett's jewelry block at smaii. exceedingly amail, end to plow 15, lu the dase of ordinary alto knowiedge which weuid apply ta $180 and tire Dqmiaion Bank aI e! a 14-O score. sou, lu tire rail. Wirere lire sou us certain d'istricts and kinda o! sou. $280' . To say that the gaine waa faut very Iight, sprlng pIowing~ lu bost. Thé. ages at which Sipies can lie made There are yet sonie inequalities "~ would be to< tel hall 111e mtory - Wben piowed in lau, thé *ground te bear was variously estimated. Mr. hie aieessment, whiclî have been Wiritby's hait. Tire local girls were should be harrowed ami cultivated Crow thought by proper care they as early lu tire spring as Il is fil, would béat at seven years. ~ overlooked pethape, but wluch can ~ ~so lasI aI limes uiaî thé -Stirliug and culîivation should contiaued trees sheuld pîante~ at adjustéd next yeai. tire whole girls appeared be standing stili. 1111 mit!'sumiuer, The plowing should feet apart, pre!erabiy 40 feet. Thé grent- in~prevemeut,;iras ireen effected, Tirey played bélIer than ever before ire shallow, especlally if don. ta tir. ~fact was sljrongly emphasized ant!- thé Mayor ami members of thé tins season, eupeclally tire forwar.dI spring, fer if the food roots are cut an apple that grows lu the ~ Court o! Revusion - are deserving 0f lino. One o! the vioiting girls w mn blo~som lime tire tree dosa. net neyer a highly ceîored sirade is mucir crédit for -tire lime; thougirt struck wi-th tire peck, wirtcir was apple- il and abili going rea.dily put eut freali roots. Tire takes suîîlight te paint apples red - ~ irave brouglit te aI a higir. speed, aad Incapaci- Cultlvaîtion et tire orchard soil e-.~. Tire thinning e! the growiug appîe héar ~'~>~' tris, dîmcuîî Proiiîem of tat.cd ire te for tire test cf tire game. riches it. It is flot wise to~ cultivate crop is eue wiricir is rarely practiced, ~<juaîîîing assesemnts. This, ia~. game played by tire geiil- aller .July, ~pt in very Îlry wea- but wbenever ernployed iras produced Former Present 1er son, would seem to indicate that tirer. - grand results. Féw ercliards produce - AISI. AHI. tibere~B a reason for descrîliing tire 'l'ire celer cf mipples la oflen much Mty pet cent. No. I apples. Tirere Dominion Baak.$4,O0O. $7,O0O couleat as met. impreved by tire soi~ng o! a gocil is lots e! nîeney lest lu Ibis WaY. A. T. Lawler.......2,775 8,420 Tire visitors were ail good. ikaters cover crop, ceci as clover, i~ June, Timnning ensures * ualform aise. ~ aeoo but tireir hockey abllity did net show; There must ùe plent.y et sunlight if Clushers of~ apples should neyer hé J. E. WiIlie - 2,710 up well, conîpafed b that .shown by apples are te ire prcperly celored. allewed, uer sirould apples be ailow- j E. Watethouse ,.... 8,173 4,860 tire Wiritby girls, wiro played spien- Spiés are difficuit te celer. There Ad te remain whére théy wiil teucb Mrs2 Allia...........2,800 2,970 didly, both individuaily and as a seenis te b. severai varieties 0f a limir or anotirer apple. Prof. Crow M. -W. Colline 2,500 2,880 teani. Their combmnation playing Spies, those liraI are a good ted col.i~said il would take about tirree years Nicholson & Seldon -- 3,275 8,780 was fine. Tii. defence lad really Or, ami- cIrera o! a green celer tint for a persen te learri te Inn ~JtO~ W. J, H. Rîcirarduon. 2,800 8,600 Véty littIe te do, but wirat îirey lad ne am~uot et sunlight will aller. erly. Few persans had Ibe courage R. N. iiasseîî 0,355 they did well. Too meoir nitrogen i~r tire ferttlizer aI OrsI te take eut aIl tiraI sirould Pcwelî-Sîephetd - 5425 Tire game~ was very dean, and was will producé green apples. ho taken-they were afraid e! takîng (~ Ted............ 2,700 8,485 quite as ladyliké as such a game Tirere sirould -be frequent use o! fer- be niauy. Tire Prof. recommended A. M. Rose..:.......3,100 4,050 should be. -tilizers upon orchards. - Some cf apple gtowers le try thinning- fI j. H Downey. 1,800 8,250 Whiîby girls are now 7eady to tour tirose présent used as mueir as len b would -well repay fer tire expense. ~ Windsor Hotel. . 8,050 11,470 Onlatie, or Ihe world, ff need ire. fifleen loads of barnyard manuré per would pro1~ably coul Il b 01.50 pér j. Mclntyre.......2,500 8,0&5 I3OWMANVIIIJLE 115. 5,WHITBY 3. acte la their orcirards. Mr. Crow te. trés te do tire work .properly. A. H. Adin..........3,150 4,510 Bowmanyiile Higir Scirool played ir commendcd tour irundred pounda o! A few persons oniy galhered in 111e Dr Siuson..........~X.... 850 1,590. return gante hère on Monday i~ght héne eneal and two irundred peunda tooma la tire merning, an.! commun- - Mathison Bres...2,900 3,410 witir a team representing tire, WirItby aI muriale~oî peInai pet acte wbere cd bogetiret re'garding tire gtOwiD5 R, N. 4lassetl. .1;800 2~700 Hi~~ Sehool, but whloh,. on account - attificial fertilizets were used. Tins nI pentu. E. R. Biow........- 2,200 ~ o! a game in Osirawa, inciuded some- ________________________________________________________________ Dr. Adami........1,400 £~800 ez-puplîs. Thé visitors had a strong D. Matirl~on....... 2,000 8,410 leani, coaslderably ireavier lina tire TI-II~ LEJGH~SMITH CONCERT c~* Miss Arnaîl.........2,300 4,185 local High Echool boys, aud used Stan4ard Wnn.k. 8,200 5,4430 Ibeir welght b advantage, with tire W. G. Waltér. 2,700 8,850 tesuIt tiraI tire final score was 5 te 3. -~ 1. Paqueîte..........1,850 1,850 Browne, Mathematical Master In- Tire abov~ company o! enterlainers - front Tenneesce, and Miss Mullin OddfeÏlows' Hall~,c* 1,050 Bowmanvl lié, wam oa thé defence for. appeared belote a Wiritby audience in. frem ladiana. - G. M. lirce......... 2,700 ~i,3~0 tire ilsitors, ami was a tower cf the niuslc hall on Tuesday even- If our Uncle Sant will coiitlnue ho Masonic i-lau............2,230 streugth. Thé game was very inter- - , menai cuci deligirtfel cousins fo visit F. N. Buras (Hoar).. 1,000 1,600 eslung altîircnigh wîînessed by a mg, under lic auspnce6 o! 111e Ladies us from lime te tinte, we shah hOld A. D. Fraser......1,000 1,600 mmaîl crowd. Aid o! tir. Baptiet cirurcir. Tire com- the- nid gentleman lu meet higir es- Hewis bleck ami lot. - 5.200 8,200 pany was securcd aI a inte dateand tceîn. r05 Heard, bouse .. 2,675 SAME OLD S'1'ORY, waé net as widely advertised as il .Ios. Hoatd, stable-----------2,840 W. W. Emerson's AIl Star hockey lime had bcen longer. Nevertlwleso, Raptist lI~g~e~ ~ FareweIl-hiutledge .. 1,250 1,775 players plnyed a return match ou between Iwo and three lîundre-d p~r- A18~858i5W et' VI~SI~~I. Yn5ei~8ky....................700 Tuesday nigirt wîtir lire C.P.II. lu- sons were présent. ~ll~ <-cm- .1. I-I. Perrin, Iheatre. 1,750 2,000 vincible Seven, Ihe score being S te There are lei~r At Whiîevale. M. Murphy-----------900 1,008 3 tespectively. Reval Hetel----------6,000 8.5.501 Tire lias-up ~vas tire s~nre witir but panv Miss Jiessie Leigli, r~'ader......................... - - . A. Bandel, iretel. . 4,000 5,000 few éx00ptions. ".Jack" Wnîsou, A. - - . on I flursulav iast tire ordination e! Mass Alice Genevieve Smîth, harpîsi I\h. Il. A, F~siler, pastor o! hile Miss Vera K. Muliior, soprano Mr. ~hteî and Green River liaptiet Hltrry ~. Itobmnson, vioiidist. Il thas quartette o! accomplished enter- churches, took place lu tue Wiîite- Vainers did not gîve hlîcir hittie in vale cirurcir. Delegates brungung brightnees and enjoyment nation service were present froni b cctirérs' livé.e by thé. exa<rajisé o~ IIISIiY o! UIC cilurclles in 11w ~\ss~cia- tion~ Hev. O-. A. MeLean a.,d (%A their rare talent>., the world w~uid i t3oo~fe1low represcnled tic Wlîituy be vaetly poorer than it is. Mise church. Leigi, tic originaîQi o! hie ~ Thé délégates saf. in Oouncil in thé pany, is an elocutionist o! refined allernoon witi 11ev. .Jualson Medu- tastes nnd Irue ideas ef natural .X tosir, o! Toronle, as Moderat-or, anul pression. Rarély, if ever, have Whit. lisleiied ta Ilie eandidate's state byitcs iisîcned le ntorç nalural nud mente e! iris conversien, cali to tire itise ministty and doctriîîal belle!. Mr. expressive readinge. Lei~h's Ficher acquitted himseif nrost cred- first numbér Was Rudyard Kipling's itabiy, and came through the exam- inimitable "Rikki Tikki Tavi." Tins malien te wîicir ire was suujected most dffficult sélection le give witir tire proper expreesioil, but Mîes~hearîiîy~d Thé C'ouncil very unanirnously decided Leigir iras nccomplisired tiraI toper- "Fellowsiip" or nccept Mr. Fisier's fection. Se grently did Miss l.Rlgh< stalement in ah points. covered by please tire audience tint hirey would tire inquiry, and le ordain hlm te scarceiy allow irer te retire for a tire Gospel Ministry. breathing speil. Her rendering O! q'ire ordination service was ield "Uer iltet caîl ou tire butcher" wa~ front 7.80 10 10 p.m.. and was moît te tire lite, and nonvulsnd tire au.!- I impreeeing and edifying. Rev. J. jonce witir merriment. 'n addition l'ounti~r, o! Rvaljoro, prv~iUed; 11ev. b hér readinga Miss Léigh préside.! G. A. McI..an. o! Whltby, preached aI lie piano for sevéral numilere, as tire sermon; 11ev, Mr, Benlley, o! well as taking part la vocal selec, Canningten, made tire ordination lions.~ - prayer; Rev. H. -Wood, 0f Clare- Miss Suitth, - lire- irarpiat, is 11115- mont, deliveréd tire charge Vo lire Ireus of lier superi insîrument. Mer church, nid Rev. Judsoa Mclntosh teucir-was ligirI no.d true aud stron~, gave tire char5e b thé candi-date, and hêr génerosity la respoadin~ lb Rev. Mr. Langiord, pastot o! tir. repeated return enlie was unbounded. Métirediat Cirurcir, asaistéd lu tire de- Whether la solo work or la - aecomp- vollonal éc~ercises - 11ev. Mr. Beat- anylng vocaliste or tire violin, Miss ley sang n flue solo during tire even- Smllir sironé as a star o! rare brui- ing, and tire choir ol tire cirurcir rea- tancy, aud is n slroag supporter et dered semé excelleal speclal nu-mirera irer patIner, Miss Leigir. betir aflernoon aad evenlng. Miss Mullin, In addition b pos- Thé ladies o! tire congrégation serv- sessing a beautiful weli-tralned se- ed tes lnj- tire basement- te ail wiro prano voice, wblcî she uses In ~selec- could rémain. tIens sultable to ils range an.! pow- la Jrev. Mr. Flairer tire Wirltevale or, possosses 111e unique abllity to aid Gréen River cirurohes have a pas- whlptle like a bird. Indeed thé birds tor et whom they are justly proud. are few tira-t Miss Mullia could not 3fr. - Flairer la a glant pirysicaily, 19 gire points 10 aI thoir owu game, meutally brtght aid well-eqpped, Sucir wiristllng mat bas seMom heard iras ~ pleaalng personality, and le de. -so aweeî, se slrong, 50 perfectly volet! le hie work. Defore begIuuln~ ~ontrolléd, aid wtth wonderful range. special study for thé mlnlslry Mr. 110W sire dosa 111e tire wonder yeî Flairer had been engaget! for 'years as thé- dellgirt et ltek audienée. a commercial traveler aid inter lu - 3fr. RoMneon lu a moat aceomp- charge ai a business lu Quebec C~ty 1~eired violinlat, playlng difilculI nunt- for a - large commercial conceru. Ho 1~rs wlth an eue sud a mastery was h reoeipt of a good salarywfth whlch wae tire deligiri cf ail wiro tire brigirteet prospecte - before hlm, r kucw anyt&ing about mole. Ho muruendered ail Ibis. buight' pros. Tire bout an.! forty minute. of tire pecte ami tire blg ealnry b gir. hie progruin ueemed le fly, ..ui ena Coud Il!. toi presohlug lb. Gospel, ai s have llmteùed lndfinl$eiy, unwarfed mmii ualary for tue -prseat ai luat. sud eutruiaoed. 1fr. Fluber lias becs a yoer wltli Tue fomale membors cf 11. cciii- the Whitsvaie sud &amm !Uvoe pnny, nI lenet, are front~ acrose 6h. cirlirelies, aad le dolng a Opluidul ~madary lIns, Min Lelgh comlag vofk. - - - I j-i W. Ayers, sirop--------550 M. Finnîgan..... Atkinson-McCrimmon 5,000 J. .1. Fitzpatrick. (lîristian-~yers,,,.,.,., i ,~00 S. Trees <musé)-6,500 O. W. Stevenson, est. 1,47~ Miss Pattorson A.. 6.000 Dr. McO-illii-ray-4.000 F. E. ~Joîies W. .1. l.uke.......... Dr. Evans........ A. T. Harrison. 3,000 2,100 -las. Stewart----------50 .Jas. Smilh--------1,125 R. Ilnderwood. A. i'~T. liess------- 2,300 P. Rogers----------1,000 John Tireinpson ... - 8,1100 T. G. Wbitfield ~-2500 H. W. Wilkox 1,900 A. . Ellis-----------950 F. .J. .Johés (new) - - F. Pogeon, (new) -- - S. Whit G. - ney........ W. Drydén (new).. J. 1-T. - Downey, hause. 3,200 .1. Grille...............30o If, liatel..4,100 John Nefli----2,200 A. M. Ross, bouse .... 1,950 Tiros. G. Deverell 950 Tiros. Jubb...........900 Misses Thontpson ... - 3,600 - Prom tire asseasmeate as c by thé Court some twenty~ 500 Rice and .1. Mowat were tire new 1,400 I players for Mr. Emerson, and R. 5.000 I Bailey and F. McGrotty piayed for 1,400 hile Cl'. Il, lu place o! D. Dollar and 1,675 L. Wheaton, who have gone to their 1,700 homes, iravirtg flnisired witil tire C. 7,000 P.R. at tris pôint. The gante was [ast an~ furlous, 5,500 and fuil of heavy checking aad off ~,QQQ sades. Jack Wateon mccl have visil- 4.500 éd tire Marsir before coming Up te 265<) for Ihe gante, for lIc cerlaiuly - î,aeo brought a-long an armful o! wild 200 rushes liraI kept hall tire C. P. R. 2,500 leani tnugled up wilh lire boards tiré 650 greater part of thé gaine. 1,125 H. ,J. Geale, tire C.P.R. ireavy de- 1,700 fencé man, gel away with semé real 2,500 classy slunte liraI cIréw irowls o! 2,025 silence from thé thousanda of specta- 3,600 tors wie hirronged tire corridors et 2.500 the Arena. H. and W. Wnlters came 2,200 togetior once opposite lire C. P. R. 1,075 goal, and tire cellisien very much ré- 1,850 sembled two frelgirl trains trying la î,-ioo paes on thé sanie track, We learu l,32~ f rom geod nutirerity ~ sparks oeoo were seen le fly Item tiroir bonds ât 4,000 point o! contact. 400 H. C. Stewart get a littie excite.! 4,500 OIICO wflen ho pickeil the puck Up aird 2,600 iiia.kuflg a wild, succeseful rush acrose 2,300 hue i00, shot into thet OPOn dooî of 1,275 tire penalty pen. Ail - authorities daim tiraI hat! Il not been for 4,100 SluarI's litîle mistake la direcîlons, onfirmeai ire would have scored witir ense. ~fl8 aj~ - (Continued on pagé 4, ool. 4.) IF f - f i Vou waiiî good service and quick, - -You want good work at fair prices, You want work done wiîh no labor on your part, Bring your work to Downey's New Rouer Miii and Grinder. - Runnîng evezy iawfui day anci hour. Our prices ~reniain the same, 6,cents per bag. Machinery perfecîly nolseless, z-uns like. a dock. Feed of ev'ery description for- sale. J. Il. DOWNF3Y & CO. WHITBY, ONT. ssssz~seesseeeseessaseo~aaaaaa i t S E. 4000 We are okerlng power in axy quanîity -for manufatuui at tire following ra~ea; 812.00 per year per b p, anal lu addition ~ cent pur hp.h a gnarantde uirat iii ne eese wil I hi! I for power exceed 525.00 for eaofrb p. o! maximum denîaîîd- îîued, Wlîere oertainty-i urne is gauranteed aîad maintained, n dicount cf 2'.? per cent. eoisialeraiien'of s~eia -'off î4eak" tac. In setuai liractice for a ton liaier day this rate willfigure 518.00 pet liT>. pair year, arîd witlî lue ali44L-Oiirlt for "cll~ j>. 814.40. Tins rate conîlîaes favorpiuly with ratée for eleetrie where, is nnduul~teally ritîrcla clicaper tiran steani or any otire power, and yen wiii hé hvi~iîîg your owrî înîî;,iciîial electria i ronizing it Any information elzeerfully fui nisbsd by - GEO1 W. P. EVZRY, Su$. ~ VwWW.' WVWV The StANDARD BANK 0f CANADA STA TEMJNT CONDRNSED Prom Report to Dominion Government, 3h,' Jan., 1911 DESOURCES j LIABILITIES baud sud m Cutral. Captai...........3,&a0240.OG GoMftnuvearnclNoe.and j R~oeire FunJ. Surplus Pt0&. Choque .1 other Beaka . $7,915.545.95 auj Rebat., of latercat ou G.vmam.i Depouit t. aeeur* ~ . 3.901.43447 Cheuledon . .. . 130,00000 Drndends............... Due hi Banka . . . . é10.6~3.02 N~. j.. C~..i........ Govenimeait, Muaxipal amd other Deboetues . . . 2,540,277.52 CeE Loaua on Boadi, aie. . Z659,645.86 Aueteimmauliately avellable $13.856,092.33 Leema aud Discornuis . . 30,664,507.41 LJability unaler Letters M B.uk5~t Conka . . 108.968.37 enlies, Fa.L.ld, - H.ad Oie. aud Draaeh.m 1,053,303,51 OuhesAieuua . . . . 66,919.14 $45,749,992.78 - kaunâeri:ette;rsoi SSiM,59L10 Credit iO6,~960.37 - $43,749~992.78 IT 18 A PUZZLE To find the connection between FISH and MARE MALADE, but as both are in ~eason junt now, w~ are pushing both li~nes for ail they ar4e worth. Here are some prîces tha: make a break iii the high cost of living: Dreseed White Fish, per lb----------------f 234e Freuh Haddock, per lb.....................e Ccd Steaks, perib.......................12$o Cod, whoic or hait fish, perib...........0e. Salmon Steaks, per lb.....................6e Saimon, whole ci hait fish, per lb............2%o Froien Sea Ijerringe, per doz . 40e Smeits, N~, pcrlb.....................60 Oysters, per pînt-------------------. ... SOc ~hrimps, per Fuit........................00 MARMALADE Seville Oranges, the real oranges for marmalade, laîge size, per dozen........................5c WE LOA~ YOU A SLIC~R. A. T. LAWLER WHITBY, ONT. PIiones: fleil, No. 47; Independent, No. *7 Windsor Sait le one of the pureet brande of sait iii îh~ worij. We have 3ust reee~ved a carload oÇ th~8 1~ne flrand. W. supplj' ordinary fine in i~arreIs. Extra fine for butter making, in c~otton bage, and coarse sait in sacks, for stock. When sait is fresh, it handies freely like sand Fish! We have constantly on hand, choice, fresh, Halibut, White F'iah, Salmon Treut, Cîscees and Haddies, at close prices. Fresh Meats! Choice Young Beef, Pork, Veal and larnb, at reasonable pricea. Our Sausage, Spare Ribe and Tenderloins are of ~uch a high gradç, as ahould please the meat fastîdieus Epieurean. w. B. PRhI~4GL~ & co. WHITBY ONTARIO I WRITER8 DECLARE THEM RIGHTJ PAPER, PEN AND JNK BOUGHT AT W. J. li.RJGHARIJSON'S, BROCK ST. ~.1 WtIITBY 5TATIONERY 0F ALL KINDS ~OOK5 1~ - f t /$ )~ 'à 1' - p 'i MAOAZJNr~ AND -

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