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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 12 Mar 1914, p. 2

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5F plesSpread. Cod Cuticura Ointment. ~IighniUvr . lla My babY wIrO ouftaro1rfrom un itcbing, and Oa burning On ç.IIWI and a io. The trouble began vilîlla t - unalruliand 0bQUWO aa ie. I'leh.PIMPIci oProat ICaà. nti> bis Wtiolq Cheat and b--19 f*-Wem tlovrd. BorneO!fthe= *fâtthrd and on some ithe top - l&Çkd CiC&r. K]l e afrotait and crOie snd waU .1<81 - rabbings. iiclothinsIr--e ' ritated -hi=. The trouble, cauws i tchlgqg, burning andi loua Of ieep. BMochiaI "4 baura-gro'W corsa andicors.; -tbey weem use; ! mm ltîo ahurIes. The trouble bati 1,*t4 tee or ltrm Oiceku aud ce trieti renmeiObut 1h01fslol.CUIicW' soap .4 e1tetaff orded-1 reUsf tlnaboutS ton dàr, 1i*Owashe i e rutien eUth bob iraleC and it hitctifs Bol)ftour tlmems ay, uboa he i Cutieura Ott and Indl tirsweekt.-b e t oU m~L ooen. tateoutictlii., osIla a ointIot' <Stitte) Mru;-AliO W eod, "ov.1,92' ko, ced, rougit. cIttped anti bleedinig ~iaamtehingl, bIMgitfl palm ,andipshiftd jAng,-itdm with mbA-Pttie5ail à ui. 5h Cuileran treatra-tl corks condat'.BeI àds, ô* flB, laIbo$t wU4 VUUQWS e-tep. Dry. anit iti ttCicuOintoulet and ,eur oT bandages or ottilosegloves- -LORD BDERBIY'bT jL Rlule inust have as ena-ny iv;ei&'sl Sreverbimi est,. for ua i n"ly Recover From ler Ef fects by Enricha- lngteBlo < Fwdises sico hatttr $lhehealtli d as la grippe, or influe nza-. Ia vie- e-i tirna ajl toi-ithé,saine toryj They q are Ieft despondeint, t-fred, 'woa-kn â nd wretched lu every w&Y. TheY 7 ha-ve no,-Mppetr't6,. ambition- orc - trength; cannot s-a e", sdsie - - -~ f rom hea-acshes, baokaehem and uer- - ~~vouenes. lunthbi% waeened stndi- 4' ' - - ticnl -Vi ra angor. -The body ti falla an esay prey tO brmucilis, pnoumoDiS-, and even t-o consumip- Iion. Nearly every forini ef nervous - ~trouble buas licoukuown te folow an shtack o! la grippe . Dr. Wi- liama' Pink Pilla give th- quickestr - and ýmos-t î-horugh relief f rom t-le aiter-effects -of thie trouble. They build u~p a-ad purify thle blood, drive the poisons ou-V of t-he mystez ~~a-ad give etrenglt and tonte t-o t-ho whole body. The foiiowçiug je an exampleo! their powcr ia cases of The àl o Dery. hie kind. lIre. R. A.,iloLeau,4 The arI ! Deby. Wea-twcrth Station, N.B., saYis: "Twc> years ago Herber-t E. Frse- ruade net long &go lie Vorpet~e man, *- ycung bey living'wilh us, Ihie amusing 'bull." "AV 1t h. n"x waâat-t-aked wit-h la grippe. At etectioi," hoe aud, <'we have pot te I-ho time lie diii not fi-ave aa--a give 'lhe third, a-nd 1 hepe the la,5t, 0ntituion, and wo f eared t-he dea.th blow t HomieRulIe-," trouble was aettliug on his lungs. - qq- - ie Wat> noV eblç te walk flfty yards Lean To Say No. wtiout beiiig out -e! breadi, and- bis geviera1 vltallty -vas vcry low. - ' . - - on 1 11 d<idpli te lgitt. 5Jut1te~ou -& uu%'V bydugat n ele vr Johw 'eue very eret-fallen budei, ýyhcî-e. ForilbralfeeusmPleeof eacb.,wlt and had proimiseec ie bislfe -thlat 2a-P. bocký , t i-carf to potter DrUE ns-ver more wouid -ho b. ternpted Vo a-has.C p.et. 1), BoocS. V - a-ate bis eubstaace in niotons liv- ing. "Ye, I know," ighed 'the good lady; "but îPm getling tfo liJESERTS FROX I UL]pSTRu X-. diibL y.our epromises. The great teoubte- wili you, Johin, la thiat- yoa $eefblouidGif s"treani la AliPhere cdoinult stwmnVo be e-btle say 'No.' -.Chlled PSi'umt5Ovei'Sr d . Lexi'in -ho ay 'Ni),' Ra41 yn1t ivili : Tu lfS-em asfer a ind miach l-sa -diffioult-y -lu life. Wil .x14,11St oaM cas,éeryne ca- promiee me tîtat yo-li euh neyer lawi-abr*çead rivero br weIave -off trying tliiv-ou iia-vo leara- te ce sarin li c-Koe cd te say 'Nol' i ý'<Yee," laid t-he te wo, rsaCa-oés thcondetrit-e'YJohn. "That'e aIL righlt ,AXîlantic Ooea.nand bunapalaIe t-hoe. nd new oa yen let me bave a k Britîish 1lien givng thrn a in tle nuoney t-is morniing?" "No," ç1inian-3sd neon4 fog a-ad iSu. "-id -John, wit.h apparenl-ecase.. Buit lew people kaow t-lastinth8t-b at môcw.pb.ere above he-re ijea a eeon4 1 cilli! îtream of waîlli, moist air., This slow, danip breeze atnîkis ÀA GRAND MEDICINE- - -ieJr lies anidoos ýanot car- FR-ITEOE roua off 1ke, t-ho Guif! Slpeai, hbutFO LITE NS contijnues oa-r hûrrei, As 1t Mr.D L - nyr,3ont.r' - dor S>wde,, hee cod lend Mouintain, N.S., ,ys: "Baby'. Own ctiIi lIte cia n sd cause it to sdrop TableIs are& a rand me-diias for its înoistiro iî ire lorm o(Àrain. The,' itte n-eeanA !amn eçll sat.iofld - laketi and rivers of t-lise northerri wilh t-le î-ems obtalned f rom COUn)trie2 are all. ;'Supplied by t-he them." lMr&. Mcnyr's tetlmeny' -moiiLure taken up frolàt Iho Gulf 'La t-ho sa-me a& t-at- o! theusandâ o! strearn; t it siti - cier inothere.Once a m>tlier bas Tiierinatin o tîe erthmales uasedlte Tablais site cill ueo noth- t-hie %ind veer gî'aduaiiy Vo--te ing eIse, for t-li re&iulta 'are gure eou-thwsrd -about -the- lime il -haî and t-le Tablette are guarànt-ee by give a up t-ho la-et-oftite inoisttré 'and a governmenta analwt to b-e perfect- warmth. M- a ighty draft o! dry, iy sale. Thoy 9are eeld by tnedivlne -coid ai-1 t-4e GîtlIf Sî.i-a-m cli d ders or by ma-niaI- Q95 cents a& box nlmove8 on1a'romss t-hoplains et nus- (rom Tile 1Dr. William.,' Mtdiaite .1.A tapproaches t-ï lEtu.etor Ce., Bricilhie, Ont. tuýe wind warms agaîn but becomes ô A-et-Rt leistias It- sweeps mcverT Tlrkeei- - Tas ta-a, Amabiaanti3sa,-i, levapo- Ereddie-.ro e -t-lue iraue-c i-at-es like a grNit sheel o! biotting nurse inaxima said was ccming ia-ner a-l cater il moeet, f«Mng Nrre-YOS, dean, I'm Itho trained ~hu ~e.iersof. Turkestani, htabai and ATêbia., Fiôr4urate)Y' this de- vasl.ttiug wind siow leaves the. con-t Vi enl, bcomethe troàe winds and returns 4Vo itb slartiUg poiut IL .the Gulf et Mexieo. ffler-ai 'w înrwIvit v~oa schemes lhave Iben U tgeste.d for ai - toring the curse of -the Gulf Slream. One -o ilthie ie<a'e re- it3 cif any .gtiei clhanfges would lie the shifling o! V.ite presen-l d(tQerte tà otiwer parts uo thie-worId. ~amny-' Ofader, I did meet a ,riuy-lips, ditiil.-nd eyes. and te-eti' lâke pearis." YFther-'That' vos ail righit, Samuxy; but lias ler peo- pie anly mo ey. 3cusiien Iniet youl inother, $anuy, fshe had dia- mort7d eyffl, and ruby lips, an-d Veetli like pearie, andl lier old fader, he «3 1 . e,-ýaJeiweI, ry boy; yu tï ber witAh my An5ig' &d bliel jewO a.nd tit, lge all I t3v ' r diii gel, iiaîmy. Ah, mine boy, ymi've got W be vtry earefiil nOw- ForFrckIçe, Appetites Post T;Qastes and Cream J-lit the 'Spot! Toothsorne, érisp bits, that b aye the natural sweetness of white Indian Corn Thorouighl,, cooked - roiledthin as papeLr-thefl toasted to a delicate brown. Easl.ly the most delileous oflaorof 'any flakeob knQ-0wn.1 Toasties ar-e convenien * -ready t-o serve direct froni package -an. ea sy solution --of the "what to eat" probiena.- - .-..soId by Grocers. I Onadfon Poium Cperea! Co., Ltd. Windsor. Ontarto. j~:i'. 4. - ISfl-s position, notw'ithr4liang al w-e did for Itni, and it wias at thlis 'crieje I-balwe gol Dr. W'illiams' Pink P'illes for in, i3y the t-i-me lie lad uised t-hree -boxes thlere 'easa a tiep-itbk îIunproveiiitt,, and t-bis waa followed by -lis being able te do ligt Woî'k, and later lue hac ail t-he st-reugîlu of a growing boy. Ris cure was looked upon as remarkahblo by ahi wh. knew hiu, ead I aMngivi-ig t-be rpesilt inatihe hope t-t il raay lie of bonefit t-o sommoe eise'- Dr. Willia.ms' Pink Pilla arc sold by allinedicine dealers or seut by mail at-50 -cents a. box or six b-oxes for $2.50 by The Drr. W'iiliamua»' Medicîno Co., flreckvihhe. Ont. S)IAIT AMI,- CYNICAL, loua people ire like welibar- rows-_they on,'t' go unkeas taicy are Aru a e!baciluck juvari.ably ex- c.edse- 1.speech limit. The younig regret the, the t-le re neot uuderetoed; tieO ld, thRtI t-eyý are, Whom 'tegoda deïtroy t-ey first Tka b. imprtat leone th{ag; ta iookix*fOp~tt ise a-other thia- but to-j ha-iportanti Tltere Youî have t-ho fefflow ehO oiytis Saylag thýe riglît tlîkg at thbe riglil lime ian't in iV citit keepitig ettill at th, righlutâVme. caltivlLti o2 Ccooanat. EM c -I 5YEARS' TIIIIAT TROBBLE Â~fl INFbBEI~ CLJREB - MINENT DO&1ORS FAILED TOc CURE-HAD GIVEN UP HOPE. ais Case Dos Prove Trhat When Catarrhezoela sBrsathed Every - Traile ef Catarrit Disappears. Milîford Hgayon, Da., mat'. 9.-Btve'y- ente, lu Ihis netgluboritood kitwof&N lhe long eluffering fromt Influenza and calai-rh endureA by Mms. D. Gurnay. Te-day ehe ta well. Hem recover>' leo due entîrety bo Catarriieee. Titis h Io hep own elatement,, "J cas a gi-eat fi suife-rer frem calai-rh ln lte lead, d( bure-t sad nouse, 'a.a4 odured lihe manuifold tortufts o!ffieuwza for five yea-i-. My iCfe was despe-ired of. Catarihca-e unAcrmining my streagli'U vol-y fast. 1 used Irealmentu from eminent doto-rs, but ail lalied le cure me. 1 haît given up hope et ever ' be- eA lag, well. Thon I rsad cd a Wonder- &j fui cure tna&&»"ëby Catara-kozne. lm- el înediabaly 1 sont 'for Catarrhiofe, antdI before I1luad aeed one bottie 1 cas;r greatiy relleved, To-day 1 arn curod. We weuid flot b. wltheut Catarrhe- zone ln eur hoeme-1t's se sure ln colds. cougei broncial and throst 3eautififly Sot- Oit lne Old Portv- guese Book. "ore remerkablé advlce to esa- àrerS ig given4aaioid Portuguese ook, publiseàe foi the guidaneo ariner. Anongit-other ithinga St ie&IF withVhs rights-io! captains Vo vsazll salor, and ho n..tbods'inu îhieh the, attacks Are ..o40b. legally Theý sgilor iàidvliied -liebear oalinly eny verbal- abus&a lit Ian rtý- skipper easy hurt-at huini, but If -Àrs a edte biows he was te -un away iate t-he bo*s ead flrmly ta0 hies tad boside theo auchor Chain. s.fiuu he -bi1iýruated master, armed 'witlt a beliying p in or >Dther lethal weapon citase, 1dm te b i& atrýngld, the MýrI'nér wa te sip round to, the farther ailde of t-le ,hain. Bhould hé utili be-pursu-ed, he ýwas to eallhiî Mu-ilie4s5te witnesa that t-hoe uaeter ltad broken the miles by circumvent<ing the, chain. Thn at lie-t he was te d"fond hi-uaelf-and let uâs hope l weuad do it wel I Other littis zuattera oi discipline are ut eut, and tbsy 81how a n-oble effort Io mae-kothe punish- ment fit the crime. The ship's cierk, a prilege per- so>n who aeted as bookckeeper, pur- mer and cargo-nabter, wa#s hable to Le bratnded An 4&e fore'heac, to loge bis ri5ht ha-ad, ai-d te ferfeit &U -his yroperty if-h. ma-de a. wrong entry bn thte sliip's bock, or contved ai sueh anentry. A s.eaanan who e fll aslee2 eoui wttciî wa. oniy put on a due> 'à bread and water, unles Vte offeucue was corninitsd inhotoUile vateriý In t-laI <tacoe ha mustho strippei nakQd, flogged by bis xneseanatef and ducked t-ha-ko iint-hie sea. if ho were an officer, h-owevcr, hE womiid oiily ]ose all 1" exoept hi bread, and lia-t-e a iiail 4! watOI fluîng over huini fr-onu t-h.elead down ionkind continu" e-s oincrea«et le sa-me perceutage of gain o!ci lue bt century, thle Vime la not far dis- nt wlhen 15,0 years wiil be te auad e-pan o-f a hum-an lb-fe, Sayx vron C, Ultecit iniii ehical- Vcurld Magazine. This vnay se-cm a emarlable e-tatexnont, btil us n-o ore rcutarkabio Ihan -thte tacts Up- i w]îch il is.base. T-ie average kingev!tY lnf ie nited State-e att-pi-ient i. pie-ed ,44 years. Records kepl lin'the iew Englaad utlates show 4that, in 789 41k. average life was 3i5 ye-ars; t 1789, 40 years; -a 169:5, 45 Years; M in 1903, 47 years. The increaute of li-.ngeviy ia Euroeela stiti more gniftcan-l. In Swi-tze-,ra.nd in tlie ixtecn-tiî century t-le average 'Jife vas ouiy 21.2 yeai-s. bmît ite Bse- ,en:tenth i emtu-ry IV liati reached 1.7 yenrs3. Tii. eigheenti century -as marked by an afferage 0!133.6 ýeai-s, while the nineteenth century sew an incn-ea-se to 39.7 years. Let tuie estimahes oet rofesso0r 'Sink.elnbevrg of Bonn University an- mer those ekeptics wlte glooviîiy imer.t t-bat people do net livo as [ng a-s hhey ased 1., I-bat we are becoinig à race o! w6akiings anid huiat clvil-ization s proviug the un- doing o! imankind. Thie verage Lile oror ait Europe in thoe iiteoruth on.tury 'eue eighten yeurg. Now it 1, 40 years%, a gain -of more lb-an loo per cent>. i three cenluries,. The more progressive and civilil- e4 a nation, te longer ie lhe aver- atga Ille t-here, for àiL le alown col'- ellufeely "btt -le countries odithe United States,"England, Gernmany, trr--e, -Sweden a.nd ot.iers have gre~au1y langthened tihe chain of lift, a-hile lte &aae i n u lcaa-t pi-e- <ïenV lu on],y 23.6 year.s. Ta 1881 lie A,-.rAd, n'nia ws23.7 VC5i-85and Dur". e e sm o-yor Apa.&rt frein the Utiliz.ation c -t' toul.01.t *s y-uty te pub-I veTaV olu ll5" -Ma r Fredd~ ie-LxiÀ Ge oe(),yu kez-nel far 0copra&j uver eighty dis-liIcIy rgoommond eaturrhozofle." 200 yeatrs &go te. avera.ge w&5 1111- __________________ tinot a&nd sepîiîrabs imethode have Get the large dollar Bige of Catarrh- 1t8en Y0ars. Ghia/o average hian . beên~~~~~~ foiind fer tue -utilisation c i te ozone; it contains a. beautitul bardIle utrat.olidffmnfro coeoanut, v ith its fib re co ve rin g and rubbor -inhaler, alid nMedicine that that of Imdi. lt-s roduetts, eand te iost impor- laste two moentbfl. BSaller aizes, 25c. and 560e.,eaci'. Beware of4aimnitations mina,.a Lin iment AG.. timit4ee. tint conoern fOOdâtiilff 0.- Every year --accept onîy Catarrhozone, eold by ]aphla Num ll Getemen. -!JIeou V.I ifu about eight t.hexuaard nllw4n flu's ail relUable dealers or 1w mail rom rhoumatiiim n ter Ove yeaLrtà ofai ferlIn, are cultivated; oÀ tliib qîafltity Q01Vy The CatarlozoiiO e mpanty, Kins5toU.n rk-rey rea.ding ibis rtew hyte N udiaboitt U"0ofer cenS L.Nftnd their way to Ont., and Buffalo, N.Y. histo(ry of the Napoleuilk tragedjy The awove faetme<an ho verifiod hy wyit- tho EuEtropean andi American niar- ±ba-t'-s bedng printed 'i 1n~tabhi.~o'l. arahPrta o ay f -ets. Cooan o f course, le .Aunt ]Iuldah elaimed îitl se 4arkM-No. To me thJo tragedy of 'biq neighborâ.oc i l A. (IÃ"Tr,.1Moieltau4. e n ol tica ea for Vhe wa-s well past- the , ent-ury mark, Natpole<rn xinay be suimmed -up in t 'o manuactre o nu buterinarar-thougli te date of lier birtli who fllnes. The divoree of Joitephiine was ile, ca.p, c.andles, and lard, and alhr>ded -in MYtery,t hether she 'lhe prelude; Flba ie interlude, - a l o a s a n i l u m i a n t , n d . l u r i - f t S a s o k i a s s h e c a i r ne d o r n o t , a n d bi s b a& t b a t t l e h V . e l e d al » ar»au iand , luri-thero cqilud b., no doulit thal; e AIOLD STIMUANTS. __a____ li yûu g , "!pei[n ThirtY Deallis from Razor _ _ _ _ _ _th e dea o n e v ecWa." a e h lt ceron eed l i lo g lf , d at a eeo àtiig 4,n T otal. A bstillen to tV B c 1.ilt of ven w ing r0olr .-.rns 11 lai o te ujet I on f. witjt a razor. 3,void b1ood DoLub!lilii tir ho on" Exedtlon VSho 1" sniffed Aunt l uldali applyif nu Ptnitnt'e a nit.n'1 art Ex. ahoi 'Anybody kin gro-w to bei. traîctor Papl C > pain< siudà L.inlberic f ro Lrý,d eIV runsitft Ldyain?4 notriôk in dai." "But howlV' dt'aiero. BLl1lU~ ii h 6tlctl oh~~edqueried -ho reporter. '<Ail you got durîogir Lrïr.-tShckeo' " .t red to mer Analous ram. bticdo Iswateh *Out anti don't let no iSotetimoesni ,esd~~sL 1 a"05t.58 out-.1I polar continent-, automobile run over y-ou." greater liiiltire tirarit maria&:îe. 1 e a d h s n.,II')O (Be t, o k ly W hen Hope Had G ne. c__ _ __ _ _ _ lon and %t Jhien - wr<~N.B., Dec. 16th.-Àt one Mion, oa~.~ ~~~ard's Liniment for sale everyWhOrL lon& ouros indu .ng1 ght ourisfeare ln&r-eiig 4-vry ay bu fr rti lim lu twas fa Id bat bMrs. J. Grant, r Lke LAXATIVEX BROMO QUININ11; .tant higey i ery n, bt o etnîuof 3 White St., -would euccumb tthéi âbî.îu, Druggluti'refund nioney if It Tc Lmaeur p"Lt.-isgtl am etogr haltk>& r ocn. tdly ravges fir advae k idney ab.< t cure- ]M' W «' ' " agu-when ie earnie evough nîoney wi-îh âtarOngtey ill rey n ntlingdti~ravaesco&. ened ide J a un eaeh box. -9,c.0pa orVteik ptr nub le. " yf-l t a t e of gn ckngCuve - +he - e t ut*o t 11 eict on. w il be taken at m idday ache and ki Iney trouble 1>egan yeas i Pen toC U RE JO BtBeSES. to refreeh thes men for &ftornto;î 11ago. For six 7eart thjat dulilgaigRT'VTRCJEVRB E8 niarch, and the cocca.-t- pain tù~ has beau irosent. We t at nght o prnerv thebodyhê&terte myslti wasterI ltenzllled. JustCueth- nsBtNtte auinag thtiopor servî Vs Ifdyheat glit côt hepain wai Uflf' en.os.J ' durng -li hor» fecep.Sugar durable. 1 used mont everythitig, but will figure largeiy an the r8tions. nythtng gave ti'at certain grateful ?a- ."«Boiltng water VeaU revive flow- On"lhie Iaat expedition Sir Ernest lietthat carneé <rom Dr-. lanaltef'i r htaee>sitdthtam aud lii. companionu took Vwo orIPille 0f Mmdrake anA Butternut. esIii-res eted01 lms three lumps of sugar overy wo or ted of beng ibwed down with lnainyo would throw themaway as to-day 1 amn strohig, eitjoy *lnddwort4iese,B ay&a a woxan. site thee hont r , and ho aa<Iild- e t r a ppetiîe, eîeep uouudi. LoA»t px.oper- w" scraphig tiown t-h. himp stems lint aferaing tlghte cebodieest, des bave been instUled bte nty blood of 60ente full-b1l'wn roies tha.L dru4-~ h e a o n g t h ru g J ha r b o u e s.-- - b e e k s a r e r o fiy w l U l c o lo r , a n d 1 e d d e je c te d y . "il a, m d o in g t Iis MU r . J , la . A r Ui t, a 7 m ztte e e t l b ' efiTh o r ewene he taanen dytht ead orand lightl.y, you eee, ellite ontiniuet(I. Vesce and Station MUast.f Wellian. expçit4o ar beteen30 andI 41 a anedicine as Dr. 1}Iamilton's Pll5l > htte o wte tl5oks.' ll<>~~fsllttuese yeasreof -age. Shack eten, w o s Evel7 w oman eso du e t e lleP18 -0t at g theb e t e" taluIng a ahd ai on t e1 h. frontBa a o! myo regulsrlY because good healti' pays, rightetm. 39. believes çthat meni Are at their and i t'w 8,,vgoo b-ti ht Alo iehadfn.'t~C ic ap- Eeg a thout ethl e fron ofai, u botbVeno 23 ad 4. A. n lhcis fii b ueD. lîllO' ig heptte flowers inito a doep tngtead il devÉloped luto a bad ulcer' eny, des et euc - ie uî Madrae ad BUoruî ill. itelîer. wenî b the etove, and $ouk and Inter labo a foroecema wbtç esr nlt1)(.-ti o tpi it a-1d, wt--.,e...---f rom ilt -ho stoaning h4M,-woter ket.- spread very rapidly nitaise etartod in treînay iO %Prig, rv o anduuth A ananufacturer nvrse -t-le. Titcit site pourecl'Vho hot woter 1 en lhe allier leg. lot.h leps Iecoluo 't'iliii.siiaem, fridtdu brarO n0ueii îronger or îflt tho a.aii'until it just coverednoso lilansd sersa taI could o0117 ibtese do weigh eapert1ban ours." Ilvw about an thlieMtem. and leit the roses above ~ xywr aii theasrfac. eta1 ongutpower 4to!s and ai. miaitur the halanoed ju-dgmenî Qon tbed I 1. ufab.aIndae lmodelr.an rê m1 118-a-rW - hind"Thercl In a fcw inu-Lter T1eue,11 ail thesalves, linimaents snd lotions t1 o! ne ww lse xpeienepiles 11Cm ure a 6 0te 1à ]X have freih fiowerafor. tiSe dinmuwr beard of, but instead o ett genblt 1,jn. Iiruforuts rfal o moe iin.f PA7fd tabley" see id.-Andilier visiter 1 gel werse. Th okn k0,MEF4N2fist uaO1tg~ Tic orkng dy arancd <-r -beor Protruding Piles. Firiit apiainse~s hataebc r~hi transcontinental Party cslls <or an giveti riettef. 110e. a austas c roe hat P'lled a i thoen a four-hour rartan eu *oglt /onary pice. Iaiways ry-thogliof ihing.aer ~ >A5~ refit, and &nother fou 'ou01m9rc.. Sleepi tirne, which in pein rp IadîLnmn <rOcurie on roses belorej!Vt tl î.w hm gyetdIm 4aigogy lisbnobsbervfd beteen G p.m. -- aay," he ccnel-ued. "ery tew Gi ox. 3uuff.Gr.lre i e asb-DpoIknv<aott.yen ou uti't jiagbtt list rlbor-gawmO @relief., 1 cou. and061aS., il utW egtcoîeutatIon. laY t-he lowers tihemselves in the toidt pI0 etoèr.-ay by itours. "Diii -thbe toctor pronounce -you lot w8tber. Jil1V t.<ovr - ie d VP ethe, bI ou e te Sir Errical is busy arranging i on eadla fytn. at Mtgl iiehn hc details of lie expedition, Wlbich j "e; nssn m ihfr i e." - ____ .i e o ee' ya ie ZDg ie rfJgardle-d &à the biggest uuderaking - wdcr m, iith c fdî -o a x icr l iti Vsuitl W ay. inr d i rzîÃ" 'm- a nd thot-. hou t li mpcoiinos- , r.Tz'y Murine Eye Remaedy ' ,w Tnai yu ati * bc nb ret'n nof lte'hoZeniti." mj(jn.enctlî'Jist-auice t4) traverse aeRd Va ib ueyhrbil omoiin Zmlu 1,r00 i les. t,- tn tl<jq E5e P ain , D r lg i 'e.3 s ages . thîtughîd l -o sl) nd i i a asure or s f r .1a cil i dis tas , told - Wedehlhi r Gauiatd Eehie.Doen'îSmat 'y~," iisereile .tebnti eres,céhàppect bands, ulcers, blood polo=. .-SntcesEye au r~it e adlk tme !rforinera ln, vaooesre6, p-Ies, ringh'~ _____' ulu ve Reniedy, Liqnuid, 25c, 50c. an ieaubrofe The- -n<re cl.,lars a inan lhas be - Murina Eye Salve. in Aseptic Tubes, V(>ut eize<I the fir'st .opporluiyt Inflsiepabs.clbnenuruco hiI-alagiuet.teOve 2c, 50. -EYQ Boek-, îlrreeby AMail. beconie a bc~e~- - Anldrntggtst5 and stôré e soit a*biO.bt, '. -binciu-ng tîuîet tlAe recoU- Ionaie Gond for A1l Lyese tiat Naedcars"bsI rée 'fl i>o~ Buk Vo., TOMaE 14. inçtigil 5. Mrin Er ~ecd~ e..Chiase minard'à Liniment Reurovas Neuraisla- 2. ,Anee wouid marvel at my recov-I ery, wrlles Mr. Leonard Lotitarn,aI Young man well known about Chat--I ha-m. I haA inherited a rheuma-tic ten-'1 dency lthro-eugb my moîber's famllyp a-ad lu my early, daya suiferbd frIght- fullly, ýAbout tha-eesyearo. agoe .painý sudid etffnea ttled lInmy let- 1110 joint. i 'es anae-ad w aiced with a, ver>' d4tinot Wn.Nrvla S brougttltomy nhotfce and 1 rubbed It Itb lte tiff Joint 'four or- eve times a day. It - dlspeled-- every výestige of vain, redaced th. swelling, ýtodit ont lte sliffuess and gave me the <un 'use of mny 11mb again. 1 dou't belleve there, la a - ain.relieving remedy, net a sin- gle linliment that eau icompar-. wftti Nerviline, 1Iigope ever>' peroîî wth -pains, wtth more -bacit, wlthltameneàs, with lumbago, with nenalngtg-1 do hoelhey will try out Nerviline whieh 1 arn convinced will quiclcly sud pier- maueuly cure tem.", Il Nerviline wasnt a wenderful pala. remedy, If Nerviline dldu't quickly reliove, If Nerviline wasn't kucen te be a grand cure for all rheu- matie conditions, il wouldn'l bave been oo lai-gel>' used ds a famil>' rom- edy fer the past forty yearx. No bel- l e-r, etrenger, or more soothing Ini- rment modo. Gel thé large 50c. tam- Ily ise baIlle;, amal trial oize 26c.1, aold by any dealer, auywhere.- WHEN. 18MAN OLD . F-acto, ail' .5 Hlghest grade beau kipt wiolé anad nteny by perect baklutg, retaining tbcw fii s trcugth. Ia-voreti with eieious sauces. They be-terneequaL r keeper-or, et leasI, it t wis'doin te tell hec e. -Yo;l will find niany of beaven'ii ouburbe on esrth if you cue te lok. The seif-madeinen credite hlm- tell. with te boïosta that'have been, given'bita byotiera. -'yi we are -going_ anywhereand, have any.thiag t<o do- afler we get tjhre let us make a start D."talk -so imach. People de noV psy- any attention to 99 eut of every 1<00 worde e<u utter. - 'The imore things at me-n bar-ns f rei ,exj*rîence 'the more tihings he would hics b fergel, but ean-t. Lew Colenist Rates te Pacifie Coast VIS o(Yhfago à North Weetern Ry.. Ma-roi iti'to Aprll iSti f rom pointa in Canada le Sait Lakoe<iC19 gdoa, Lon Angels, ban Francuco, Potiant Tacome- SeaittS, Viotoria, Vaneouver, kootenai District end (lanadîsa Nmrthweet polinta. . hrougb xTonnaie leers a-nd free ire- chanE o hair cars f rom (Iiono. Variable routes. Liboral stopever«. F or fuit In- foxrmation a* tii rates, routes anad -iera- ture, write or eali on B. H. Benntett., Uciueral Agent, 46 Yonge Street, Torotot. The man who poses as a lion in society as usually a, bear ab home, Minard's Liniment Cures Surnis, Eta, Too oflen Vit. iero worqhippeiia 0 W D4ACTWN TMFbrOVeD. or- Sfully oqulpned wth or' withont to Write owner, 625 Wilton, Toronto. WANTED, A GEMM;' ~W.0 WMT YO. WRIT1I 11. om Irmon la4' d iutrCp.Wn W. wiII pay.- you $120.00 t i.erbt&Teliglorda jitfifature in yollr mmu Rt itt.v dayl. work. VExperiene nt eqired. Mein or -1nnoppO»ol- tunityr for prornttn. Spare tixne maY b. U$ed. In.terni,*tlon.nl Bible Preu "CmPaliF. 132 Spadinu. T<yronto. NEWSPAPERS FOR SALE, (cor 'O)WIlC. Nl!VE OWN C.W or cuL.Saonerv and k1,ofc 1 4 .106 . T r n §s llb frL . W l o n P u b ll s h ' 1 ng Comnpany, -s3 Wext Adelaide struet. STitAW»FPoI,It AMPBFRIESS, FIFTT 81 Varieties. Pree Catalog. McConnai & on. orove-Send. Ontaro. c ANCES. TtIMORS. LUMPS. LPTO.. I nteni and ezLornal, cored with. ont sain by cur borna tieatment. Writ* un hetore too late. -Dr. BoUrnau -MoaIost Canadien Hae' *esteret Bofomeý sud After UsIag. nestoeas Gres' Halette orlintl coter. 710 'wté,lt tle otlxer blond or otIzý4\pîa@ tiit' were l'a yeutia. stops Faîling Hal > audrillI. 101194hP Satisfactiont gusas'teed or money back.' - pnics76Oodetsor twe fer One DOsWr(potege PM Net roîd ln stores. addrs Canadian HaIr Restortr Ce., WINDSOR. ONT. 'Ilie aver-age woiian baler can git- Bruce's Seeci Oatsi Om*OtaConqu.rort A ,tewvlrir4y (rani I INorthern Europe vrry bieary yielder. atraw I il btrouK, Cfo! i i f xiglit, grain i.4 plUMI), f thinaln dlryt-it eand niLkes oipleudid ont MentI t la hardy and rivrna Il ibu mei'1 ~ Obiie 16hxe ezceplontitimrlt, anliumenge yielider ît ,of fisee nlpptrante. lId, nlvwnuchlngvistle- Ont. eny, nttd the stw lu a-ce-ci n c tt-ouig. them hull1,4 hi #md ,,ttht grroin sa eiît"wetll eck nea, busiel 2'w haxt,. 'Naw 2,,à'burihel cotton l.ugs .tk-lc u trai. 'Phrcàuofai-ovge pe-aiparid. i 1 . tsi- 21>. 5!ae. ncu, ilstriuiu, .bîîî:uîc.htisli tidu Gre,-n l uuatlî, alac nk Tveouît .tud -and biank vitr. IF IR -EF ?¶,tt it- ii~ Per nd tîi Pnci- Si-tMb. it.tt Pante (1ert- den 1taîCnutcacolonitry btipli!'h et. JOIIN A. BýRLTCV# & CO., îLr Secd Ierciants lfAMI4TON - .ONTARIO [ted- Got a Sure Thwoat? nn.thing as good for a <old orsoýreîh roat las tlitis Cap- j us ru b îlî\1a el Liraîo f pour clice>,t-and sw-allow- a te'aspoonfule of Pl1a in Wlite "Vaseine." inthe rnorning vou, Il feci file- Cgpshcum «'V,'a&ettne" lis splendid for aIl pains in the - éie5t, heatua, neUr.dpga, lgoucy complaintsec.c Mr ..Èàcnt dieu. the old musiard Plaster; eas.iei- to &ppl, and deas iUUr; ia ktut Mr 14t,s.iin. AppIy cmeternait>' oaly.t - lbes. are oCa. r ",einie" Preparationsu' i bidsiuId 'os itievery ~S'.'f*t secibbmaede foi ita particuisi uset. Aaak your druggast t*,»W Yeu thent. Ail teamily willl bo hterested in the practisa îrai f hiat..given 16,w qt . VieIi=." bookiet. tour copy wilii bc ,aail-ed you on W*<4 ! oaratIe., Write tedAy. \fer- LMwiaf an masJn madm e en b, Of T'his C sfnP6îIl0d WIll _ iiGer-me ,, MC Cat-arrImaI Pover Adld tinular t-le m opM Givenon té Hvxý,' Ton u î tes tàwith tfibm n the a-iiiIOOiS.iY c. hial thrc-wu mbtteMl-cd, -p"ses-t4roa K and àsure for ,Btood M-rtui Baby (tilesuda-lf eterm, Do a400 depeud on'a-ny Powdr ti t-is eias,of lIseeao*. <ire, i-,t.1i hi-ood mares lu limes of, Dîctompon. lionklet, "Diuernver, Cautes, Cule stg.d Prevaiol" frue. ruggt e cl) Spolai'ii (lire. TheW ------------- ~e lre ye tnt--2Uanord Quex y -a"m Lnh- -rl thoro e n"Drb i t no,tde ni- ih the yel'r r. nd -4~ em In y arl aebut P tal- il.titiInirg, xe e»ton, andi ffor oItc, cnuo w Idcanvâto re, na nshr -reroave hun<lred who )W, ehi emoalg) figure , udleu. lu u..ty art- eý direan,,dreams î-broupghwh- blddern rtz-fai, i î rA ure, CQu LadY Iadge Lx>rtuer. saimm A yun maa-vau* idea- of stmbltty a-d brlshgruce, a end *oinoJe-ea-zA u wulh renei noviglnorant 0o Ideas, but remcling ia yuULL; uanc tir ay-ren,,end- Olten of M foeMyy YMuDdér lteé park tN d- ,a0à had cf fait welhed be J ha aient ekitia a -figur <I. <eetnvas.And yeof ciwh&.t.u,, ý'&l - S ciVtonj, , , h Ye*. terau n MPosIbl"- Ideeaji- >f la uaty c iisu mrade m lue itnurorl--ter. my Coual t-he rU.r«fm fate, WOUd t!helî un î1bî-eot'a jie ) t -ald bOVP,-wyould ta Mie - hfr roy--tl Permi.pon to buy ding ring. gr W. ahomild la-due o r [ dre.-, 1o4 andi elàboratib wêdd ehurci oratmNi witi, mop. of the <'iMWeehlie.0 andi~4ct~~ esin ri-orY bedgline,*' !11 gosn-, and'tie eyperaîve ttc >.1ispxlpy païr-, t'h,~ rida,, moîhr o the bnu -penne prtwenîthld Itwsa piezure m eay u lUhforwar<l t'àgadly. W. a-m ifahia oltarblia- ,aua,-,. Iha xea-eua-n,, r <atiyil th, i in ProîPt. lier. -e axe.Of Co - a t--t- h îr.tç.:d ,bthetIuny rtaijuod' litoirtý --rd se'-ebouid .w4.Ia - -- sel bt- <pie. a-,i uual*rly Dncalle ý.na.Iit-yainon,- uhev ditaaixY Wife bt-rt#s]! whirý 8ulubelta'everyWhem al,- thê rigit tlthaiie t10sa-y te frhioaahe tIi -- - - Ild be InrZwes for -the Wuc Brightoanfor G-"ood, f iVe, oot, Boyme for. th,- <rî-Ai, I (î:aîro for tihe wîlter &atand lu- t-uîua ;Parle in the kew erL tl!<rly a-1Um=er.I Laed don"e h <iî. - 00o0 o0nsetuted thatIreOrda Pla'es 'Wlthout thte eeltg <ro wliom wva houlti certaSujj rab Fji -- -andi er-bang. aot, f1lt n Anadforbotobl-I, ha madg<, woiij<i ha- Pre int te vilter. :etd iurot an- <5>tthiry. ]hrîe 3In 1> V uwplm thontbë adtnteattneulitî.. a the4tr.ee, ros terrliope k h o p b i d a a n d i v v e ,tm t i t u c e1 p a i ý Aad'yet in mv.-kdelpajie vhut !ide adI-wou-Id te iasepaýrahîu udme -woffld inspire tnt- art# a"&d-1J hoal for 3lc-.T-hbrojm td< col -lier >-mliraIlure. iiifairylie <-auld -heast'lier bugh Lglhtar ci )no att-or a- long day é4 i<-ppr --rr for il'; Abe wonld live witb mue, and f and 1 for ber. But bar. mv medît ,eed.sei? 1fnund my&eif gpp,,dht& N ' iebolzs ilwra.va trldio, Iu a aide 14 witc- d.I. ew - uclhii rtb1ei d r ]s m d itia- xtcll' v.. n an d itiiC ir ,t.; iîu.i nb f gaýt. Ile a i lle i- ~l - î.I efi - tntrr eai pi -;il)ttyli ,la,4 vi-) fillateai-inura-dtnle Ii-L aat , ia-inlta i- flue- -lit- - 1. t- tii . li.zî ii,, pu f -. il i '-t -a. -- t dt, 11 t-l " Ii - ti v-i-riîa- IrIl -.1 t.- ' iiî. i- t-li tvi yt gtiý1jO laieà di t.,.;an lt-4-tant'- bri lint Ilttefit at fi'i trîtci-. gy-u oet<ueii'- .. tt»Î r ii fl r.lv Lni - -Pkoa- .' a i -.'. - td eu o ill1 - - .,t w atr T lt ta. I r M y u w T <w'i- --ri, lt it Il- 41 thts er- It t i lit' itiilt.<i1c. n t- I ,ds <f ht-l -- '-a .rlt:a.4tiita vail îî-îiiîrnt h iu<--. u et ut- I'i1t . n I i'luc- t--Mac n. ? ý%"anti r , a r - tir" t4)br- n île à% r l~e w ill t.ut Ilti mr n tts -ivoî (ti. I ii lii uiloIld i lleik t u,) io mn lifa o. na t, gtaixot-pt oughv1 cue-s tiraaaon -t.y f,,et. i a-u lnv. ARdI1IVà500lT -1 1 1- 1 1 PARM eSPu SALI. of, W. DAWSON$ HignOty Colbert#@ strub Toronto, TF OU WANT TO BUT OR SEfflL A AFru, Itqk G rain, o, Dairi Fi~ Cibre il W. 1tAn. 'Brampton. 0or;% clnnPt.Toronto. Il i

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