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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 12 Mar 1914, p. 4

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mesures the most- deIicioueàand healthful food By the us-e of Royal Baking Powder a. areat many more articles of food may b readl y made at *home, ail heCalthful, de- licious, and economical, adding mnuch 1 va it n tractiveness to the menu, L The" Royal Baker and Pastry Coke» containiîîg fuve bundred practical re.ceiptu for, 4il kiads of baking And cookery, free. Address Royal IBaklîîg l>wdcr Co., Ncw -York# The Town1 Meirchant Parcel P.ost. and1 lutI lm il mcuse for lmredils-. - '5uOmu wIlbthe buisluon *kick il tn£mail order dopaTtwmon~o a siali scaie. He could advertisea fng, etc., quoting pnlccs whlch la- plude costo! dlivery to. my 'Plue within a 20 mile radiu# A paevot welghing'as muci asuS poundi c«ll b. sent by percel post for -12 cauti If farinersansd others lin lie digtrie' lane supplieti witi sufficient informe tiee as to wbat. caa h. boughî au for Iiow much, there tiiDo reaaoî iwhy the>' shoulal not or4er by mai frein tow;t marchants juâ s s well a; frein large mail order hpuses. Il would, ire tee sune, pty the mer- «m wtUi po" i yutem is belng oper- 1 chants 10 cinculanîze the [surncunelng àM am rngardm lie sire o!- the-. irst community la an experiment to .tri &Muqu % go ri easol Why"tho pyg- eut fthe plan. If mail on4en wonks M éàomld net b. beneliclal to local succeSssullY lainM case iý ougit to M«*rMW la 1budr trade wltla nul- wenk ln the othen. la additiçpn, de- ,Aue -ett~ sîirrounding digtrict. iivery -chargea te places linhedl. ln if lebemx lai lieudays -about, mediato vicinitY o! Whitby would be - w b«ntm s countiry Mmtns by lesu than liose for 'Percnte tirais to Veu a"l Order toulou, but us par- the ilme place. Thus tie local mer- dUS PM% $78"ni ofert a -"Bile Chant WOUld have lthe adsuntage. A u 0 .PaaUcM, oft&ue biou. Ofl ntuleOnlllaina lready' adopted Ratisle r a lpe, tile Camor a, th.ideandsenonedoubI t Oers will puis the. ee's (ease) In sweeplng IT KNOCKS TuE DRIJBGRY OUIT OF - SWEEP. DAY Cýleans Carpets Brightens Floors J-Order a ýlin ioudav ai youî gtroceri or froin vour - i àdware man t Don't ask for sweeping comnpound jSAVwi LUSTBANIE 'ARE 0F SUhiSTITUTES Parntis For Sale U1pwards cf ferty farmef froin 25 acres u'p, and et f rein $35 aen acre, guaranteed b so 8W satisfactory resulte from -inreatment, located in Whitby and Pickering Townships. B very co nceiveble requirement of soil, -buildings, orchard and othrimprovementÉ eau be met in the varied list cored. J Eè WINN, - WIIITBY Bell pion. 109. - P. O. Ber 394 lieaidence, Dundas St., West. - ,The Greaitest >t'and -Si B iAR GAIM -Ever Offered AT_ Pee.l'sShoe Sti uck stil, South$ Wbitbyo Ont. _ Il 1.-J. Stacey, A. coilina, E. Jr. I1.-U' .Jackson; ?iyllls S$hep fierd aqual, IL. Richardson, T. Cane. Primary Form. Clai V.,L.Mayne, G. Rogers, ana D. McCflateu,> eqUal, Jessie Ted andM. MeGrotty, equal. I Clas IV.-T.* Corrait, R. Hall, T.- Gammnon. CseIII.- R. Hall, V. Tomseut!d K. SCOII equal,ý D. Wilsbit. Clasi -I.- W. Galtinger and E. Weling equal, 0. SentI, E..Gurney and L. Smith, equal.- Clasu L-1.H. Dndburn, H. Seldon, S. Robertson. MODEL SOHOOL. Jr. IV-Will Ellimou, Ifarold Iici- ardson, Margaret Edmoadion. Sr. 111I.-John Robertson, Goldie Jemniags, Dorothb MG ,oty. Jr. 'III.- Edwàrd Co>rmack, Ed- ward OunnoT, DMalloîy BoWrooni, Sr. I.-Rosslyn-Shepherd, Stanley Bon neli, IMinute Brown gn4 Geore Ilawâ,. q.ual. -lut. I.-Younie Todt1 MaU4d 1roWal- (tentrude Tucker. ; Jr. I.-tvelrn Itonel1,. Clanonçe Dtaller,.Cladys FRaton. Sn. Primer-Norman Cormack,Hep- ry -Rad&, Fdgar flonneli. Int. Pniner-Edwara Sleeai&. W... Brou.'-, circuit bee n oste jo eu ,would -have been cap tured and on' hus wey te th. aorementioneal show ere Le got -bock tb lte, Ice. Aflter th. asmoke bat! cleared away toe whIo c'ould wâlkcarnie tbe iel- jure! eoues, cane! utiyt-e thein respect,- fire hono n ib ters, doors, ali. azw other available building iaetl found. lyiug arountboue.» Weather.r -COpihAons Permittli»911 tire wl be arre n geme 1nts made for a Ihird batlle lu a qsio,ý1 'tln D. O'Connor, bbc atone-watt geai keeper, waa the star t!bi eenMlng. 1915 JUNIORS PLAY OSHAWA. On Moaday evealng the 1915 Wlbtu Juniors playet a gaine o! hockeyý wlth tbe 1915 Osuzewa Juniors etthle latter Iown. The gnnme waa a good ue, as the teains wene van>'- eveuily matehedl, the 1lnetscare'belag R-M, in f avor of Oshawa, wçiith 4-2 alait tine. On'-the Oshaws tesnà onl4 one ef this yaar's Juntons!'playat!, 50 t-bat nêrt year will 10 araia change inthe Uicne-up cf thia year'a 115Sf chamo. It 1§1ô*11fair tW state tihat et hait lime bibre. or four. of! tbt Oshawa pliyers weechangm. The Whitby boys put upia splenid A'Paint for the ýFloor, That Weara- And ears And Wears. ~rHEREare mnany icincls ariA many colora in'Floor Paint -bthef old relable SENOUR'S FLOOR PAINT ietho "daddy" Qf tthçm -811, -Wei :back în yeur gsfIeflm~"~ QVOI' PFLOOR PMfT w.as standing tidie wear -m-d tea.-r of pLneetclay-oay, it kbau*ly;ng and protecting the. Ward, -- ,"M.gaule, anrd nmade Oshawa biustle. The 1100m mte flfl61 homes ot our counltry- wad.Alvin Sturges$. 1915 Whitby juniors were: J.........nd tA i Bertie McKay, Harold Riée. - iand Roy Smith;'Iorw~ards, î3imdy, " -eceuge it a&utiful colora are lawtng Stewart, C. Il1odge, Geéo. Rice. -because it weara, cdnd weara, and wears. S. S. NO. l' REACH. Naies arfanged in exiler of menit. If you want îanitary floors-floors thatt are r Sr. IV.-Pearl Mole, Roy Corbmn, DiviII GII-andI easl kep oan in and gefr d Neilie Gorbinan, Alfredt Parrott, esiy k tspic s on 11 Thomas Rîsebrough (absent from i)ivision Court was hel'd lst Wed- aclrcr fSnusForPi b il some exanis.). nea, iHno JdeMiteaclrcadoSe ursF orPntshw g 1 nédi-, Iis ono Juge clnyre14 attractive colors frorn which to make Sr. III.- Bernard Barbon, Roy 1 presiding. Parrott. Several cases of',in'or importance Your choice. Jr. 1III.-Gertrude Panrott, Violet camne up. but were settied. -Mole,;* Maggie Corbinan, John. Mcmn- The Whibbv Wate.r and ý1ght'o0M- O Ltyre, TPhomas Ross, <absent froin rilssioners entered 'suit1 agaist Jas. ,soma;: exam$.). Long for $15, belng amount claimed_ £ ftisebTough, Gladys Parrott (absent)! per year. Mr. Long dýnied. that ho A. B. IRWIN, Teacher. was uslng the tap- that bail been ifl- Bstàiled in his cellar. He bail it put S. S. NO. 2. In for a lawn -service a tew years cen. o toal e~uredago, but claimed thtati lie hait fnot, Sit é et f oa eurdbeen using it, and wao therefore en-_____________________________ ;0for era pi _______________standing.______ miaio tndn.titled to. be free froin kny obligation n there bas beeD excellent satisfactiIon l lietil r- Sr. IV..i-WiiIie O'Connor 61. to pay. The Cmisoosclalmed a quantity Of stove wood; iorks, ode of exanaino,o!heoegs A r. IV.-Cl'inton Pascos 57, Willie that Mr. Long " ho beei, using the hoes, rakes, chains and otherý articles prepareit, under the direction,, of theofis.wihcih s Scaley 5É water, and should ' pay $5 a year. too numerous to mention. Lîve stock Com4ssioner, apmh hs Sr. III -Roy Dinginan 68, AnngO, The service had boen' insatalleit by FDElet entitled "The Candling of Eggs" ouied by making aPPlia1o . i 'Connor 62, Grace O'Connor 60,,w M Pringle, wbo teetified te that 200 bushels tburniPs % 5 tansa hay; by Mr. W.A. Brown, B.S.A., Chie! Publications Brancht Departmeiifof Elh Pae le. efe.We r ~etepeet200 blishels Maitgolds ' UnitY Of!giutrOtw, ûcu1sWiý Jr.nI.-dwrd Paco 5, or 'ertnten WenMr.took ,t ifs U1igrinto!the Poultry Division. Thi s parnph-Â iclreOtw, nlue 1b ir I.Ewr ace5,Dr.ýue(tnet okup bi Uties, grin jet, which in NO. 3 of the Lîve Stock the bolloWln5u rarp othy Sonley 49. El Mr. Long's name was not unon the iiURNI'IURE. Division, Points out cleanly thbat the keepers will flnd It to their adamt- Bn.lI-Hlen Arse 7~ leto! ubcnher, miit was quit@-' 1 heater, Oxford 1Laureli 1 side- ot' it SDingman 57, Harold Pascoe 5n. by accident that lie recently .diseilv- bOard; Iextension table:S inin 0cf the armen, th coo a n c- andige eomedd ht .v Primer A&,-Leta Pascoe 88, Rachel ere t Vijt a service limi leen instal- chairs G kitchen chairs 2 cburn& ;s1i ofthe aiycl, coan st ency olIeago avUlt e !'cillyi 1 *adIl SArkoby 98, Luther,. geô 7, aertle led. Mr. Long, of course, -stàted f hat quantity cârpet , I lAdy1i bicycle. b1linso! ey o the nd le eggea os'fe oubprvy "aecl wj~ ~ Wray 20. he had net been usins it, blit the Sale at one o'clock sharp. -tasaec o h ho g aeasml adfng pich oe. My Dow JrMe . 'iltPre. fuoer lîe th-wsTrltre. osoatadalanm ~determning fthe <iiality.* It also guard lier famlly from maAy.unieab= Toce . adud.mntwatgve fI te ta, rcf1.00 ad ud, ash andae! smo plaIno lte conotructIon of!aa§!m, ant oceurroecg a$ tte -Xebtful .1ugmetýas ive fr te Pai-*l491.0 an unêr tah -ôvr fàtpie home-made device whicli gives table."' S- Shn NO,Ftp WIlIT1UY. tif!s for $9, Mr. Long to pay te________________________________ 1 1notes. Five prn cent, per annum n i Namesg In ordterotrnierll. ~for cash. Sr.' iv.-Maudel ivell. 16 JAS. BISHI-I, Auctioneer Jr. IV,-Gcrtàe IWhite, RUby Leacit, AUiCIti ai * Jr. III. - Ethel, White, Ilegie The Th _________________of__________ Stapleton, Etta White, Frank Bal ar stock and impléments. The Cnin fEg lard, Bessie Garbutt. - Wlder51ifld bas neceived instructions Jr. III -Melville Bradley, f read caitaoeg15Ol Pt.11.-Mael Wlîtc atlee frin FRED C. LYNDE o the most difficult of food products IIWhite, Thearn . 'ielHre lot 2.7, con. 3, elle mile north of to gradle- "ortUnately an egg 18 lard.,Kvi, lre Bal- %'hitbyt to seil by Public auction O sein i-transparent when held bel ore r.Primer-Olive Thompson. TIhursday, March 19, the t ollowiiig the iight, and perinits', if caret ully bI r. Pimer.-Vera Leach, Norman, valuable property rttdo:ve onr eet1~en SThonipson, Editli Maynaril. Hb SES. se.Mny apincstnccl1fcn i eei o -wa1er D. A. JONES. Teacher. 1ibay mare, 6 years old, ageti Theclaiand privte use hae been In aymr,4 yeans old, H.D.r, 1 bay ventedl for the detection o! bad eggs, he ýorse, 5 years old, 11I.., 1).;I rouln anîd it is now posâb1e for à1lyoIIO F0ui -aw years 'àao -that thé é'oît,z years ouui, GA1'.; 1 bay horse, witha littie practice t teli at aIgt ntrm~ uIcycr o1a x i ii ese 2ya~gacetl anpitre'n good Mr. Moses noclttle has§Dccli ap- a P., a os, 2yasgan aegegans ont. pointeit Treasuner o! the Townshi p. old, driver. Tanorlhrot e acggs.rpe ich a lowv price, 1best meets the die- j n oley Cook bas re-engaged' __In ___________________ rnanheolail he- eopl. No wîth Mn. Geo. Hebura for the suni- i lgray cow, due Apriý :15 1 brin -______o__ _thepeple___ mier. dle cow, due May 20;. 1 red cow, due, > Miss Maude Wilcoxson andt MiiSsOct. '31 ;S steers, rising 2 yers; 2 1~ w Tee h n they're ail following where Henry >Winnie Moore were lanfthe city for a lielfers, nising 2 years- 5 caives. rP rcl leid. few days. PIGS. I ~ ~ ~ ~ Messrs. Jas. Luke, Geo. Ward, Gleo. 2 brood sowi; shoats. LJi1r..c. y 1 Six lîunclred dollars is the prîce of the Ford > aylor andi Alex. Rtobison ami thein FOULTRY. rup-aboîiit; the touring car is six fiti' the 10 families left for the West on Tuesday '100 hens. '[jI1"uie41Tlephinu onilialiy o iii-n town c.ir nine hundred-f o. b, Ford, Ont., 06 Mn. Robt. Hotigson intenits holdin IMPLEIMENTS. ada i8 soo0i110 Jprioitn as-e ' issnt ?of ite coniffiete with equipment. Get catalog.anit bis sale on the 25th mast. i 1 binder, 6-ft.- M.-H.; 1 niower, 5 Officiai T'elepbene Directory for tii particulars from W J. Luke & Son, or L.W. Mr.n. s esitandtMiss Ia-ft. 1, w F. & W.; 1nake, 1 . jI . 1fC Da ,îiri ,clllinLudley, Whitby, Ont.,or Uriali jones, Brook- > netNeht ar ew lîitby. l'aties Wiîoo Oimîeîilate 1e- > net J. Richardson were quietly mar- H.,' 1 tedder,' M.-Hhg 1 manune coliltg Siîbscrilt-rs or tlî,.se wiliiiigln, Ont. 0 ried at the bride's ho me here on Sat- spreaden,» Success,; 1 séed drill, 12. ichaniges ini îleir Jîremeli nt el-i3 eîotild urday. Congratulations. boe ;i land roller, 1-t ,isprlng' Place tlîeir orderg with 1iLe Loc-al Ilîing. quite a nuffiber atten-deit Mr. WM, tooth .culti t r~, Noxon; 1 dise ha-b ra net ar netoii hs151 lhight's sale on Tuesday. row c iset 'd.iamon-d harrows ; 2j Nearl>' everybpdy had some 'dama.sm e uffles ; 2. plows, Fleury . No. 21; 2 Connecting Cornipanlies > te nepair frei' dia- wlndatonm of gang ploya; i doubleé îWky plow: 2 >îast week. .reot pulpers; ce=n alellen P, 2 wag-1 Sbonld also report additions and changes -- ____ Mii.andMrs.A. union seatens;2 st sei~h; Itop ugg; ~in tlîeir ls of subseribers, either te fihe and rs.A. urisn sentone 2 st sëlgs ; 1 tp bggy Local Manager, or direct te the Advenuug. Sudywith friendginl Oshawa. bay rack; 1 stock rack; l'I1 guvel bol; ing and Directory Depàsrtmnent, MontreiÎt. 1 pea"harveater 1i trnaip dill; I ic-- cular naw ',i1fjIttliÏg bpi', 1 fanni 9The Bl e In oma R A A E T M Hyacinth Show. miii ; 1 horne fork,; alinuga and nrBllTeehoe om 'Y 1 R 1 L 4 E T M ARehbto ycnh a eldmyoe; 8gyioet andw1hft1 tre r eek é CaadaIftyc.-u want the best resuits buy your Bitter Oranges- la the Agicultural Rouais on Mon- 85rd W Efeon; ades day atternoon, under the auspices of!M q un ! ie. ;an 1poene ?iJ1 FqAL s-r-r 'the Hlorticullural Society. Exhilts wene dividet! inte two sect.Ions, the '£IInle10a nd groupa, and some beauti- - fuI flowers were shnwn ,,n.lMreau'h classification. The achool childnen's 811bibits were splendid,_ and tie fol- icwing Were awanded pnizes for thein Care and culture of the bUlbs: Ha.r- old, Richardson, Jim iCoyWt h O liae Brwa Pyllîs Mentyre, Isabel hoJ thererhÎitors naceiving prizea were Mns, Starr (singles), and Miss Po Wnl, Mrs. W. j. I-i. ]Ri-hardson, Notes. The Society was pleasedto bhave so J mnany exhibitors, andi was greatly eneouragei b>' te large number o! visitons. Miss E. Macitoneli acted as iudge. Her thorougl acquaintance with the Hyacinth family made ber a. ver>' capable officiaI. She was speclaîl>' lnterested lanthe cblldren'a exhlbf t,. Townspeople are remindet! that the O re options wil'be celled fla on the lSth o r e lnsI. Anyone desiring a liet e! same mai- gel one frein Mn. E. E. Stenr, PLOI j~jMis Powell or Miae Davey <Donùi- trougu;j 1 gnlnd Stone; quanllty one. lÏcl galvanizet! -pipe; 1 i on hettle; 1 ..tone boaI: I scale, Cak 240 l18,;40 feet beltlng; 1 set teain bannes., bras. ; 1 set teain herness, nickel; 1 Set single harneusP, 50 cedar post5 lie couidn't eat S'oday lie can eat Ilire squilre FRANK E. JONES' LIST. Several boumanad building iots fer sale in Whltby. FarMna for sale ln the Township o! Whltby ani Pickernlxg. GLEN DRU -209 acres. A goot! etock, grain and fruit farm near Whltby. 16 acres erchard; goud buildings and a good fan at a nea- amiable price. Apply te FRANK E. JONES, START RIGHT 1 Yo<U , ulieress In busine- it.if"i le pend alincîst(dltlrlyllPii liî's la atistend, and It. ,îI,iiity t t trf v 'ieWW. ' uTnllOnfl lime à recogu'iz-d s'iding for stiperlo bul"r.4 I ra-,'ingcIDii for ns'is'ilîîr eti dents to get positions. AIl bnstne sclioois are luit ilil.. Write to.day for our argeCatalogue snd sen lhe udvun-. sgtibismeliof cers. (Open al rea. or, Yonte aud I W. J. Eiloti, Alexander St&. Principel Ji-îi4i jatge on California Oranges- Lemoni, nice and ripe ÀJic QIIZ. 20e te 50e doz -30c doz. Use our best sucar to get best results. Extra larRe stalks, 2 for 25 cents Dt)N'T FOR6GET FISfl Yuu cari buy f îozeri fisli now tl',at you tvill flot be àble t ' buy liter, -'îml si l e t .We have A lki nds-try AJno., E. W 3IOUSE, WH ITBY Phono il Prompt t)elý in à ewelryý Cut Glass, C and Silverware you will it here. in Lb?. mnontWh1sbirthstoni indiheates- courage and ti femmels, amd Aul ob au an im -4- ali 'the là6ntir cfMareh. Bloodoton-e-ring. t 'soneI1' otten ur for l- frooî 100 to 8 - 00. "Eclipie,"' gJewl Fas iLe," and 1' LýadeIr"are four leading -rna.liinîes on ma&rketi .to-day.Thiieec cAines, along withhuLtndr of thlu ateistrecorda, ali ia Iftock et, IPASSETT'S Jeweler and'Optkce W141TRY W. 'CX T. LX' -WILI, NOT hAVE IiQOZER One hundred and'twent Y-six -emliloyed 011.a divi'sîon of!Ille 1 hurg and.-, Lake 1',rie railr-oad bee duclîfgd çaccount QI d îig. .Somne weeks -ago flie rai yiloyees mu-st cease drinkig at on pain o!fcis'îîissal-. -In ihe r, time private detecti';e have hee vestigating,, -hielî resulte4i i disëharges 'men.tî ojed 'I hese err ees include men ý%;ho hiave ~ in the servi ei arn ndmplçyvpres-in Positions 'of engineers, firrtn(n, - ductors at1d brake-,n, It la, tliat betwéen tiî nlu n hundred imen aetil-n SLocald1 Peüningý The Irish, Canadidin banquet -a Windsor on Mardi 17 .will lie attending. ' * URRICANE BUSINESS- Fé -' FoMetal IVoOfin& or IVeady gu 9 o bGEO. M. RiCe, -You are invite tot the, Irish aln banquet aI lthe Windsor TuMday evening-if youre el ale speraulon. - er.Ran, . Aad Mss. MLéh 4&e Brooklis faptiot Okurcls e RHODE ES LAND ROOSTE A lew Chocoe Rhode Iland Ooeékeie1s fer sale at I « eCh. te, Clifford Quintoi. *ua le .fieond who so very Ir ren'der-ed thomoi 5ituilàea twbed feweL he-iec -gaines,, lnish ýmusic ad lrish r neta et Uic borne 'nt !.,W. mn Frîday ecnCizig,- iTarll-ZD, cf os 150. Get our piicer ca0tarinu. nuit lawn froui-* Eve.rvtlngx *k'are.GEO'. M. Li(. ment, Nwith.pléîîty o!. PoitoîW buttermilk, etc., -a1ýi1thu' oe COMI N(. F. E. Lut;Opt. D., 151 Qt, Toronto's ablei oPticl5 -11.Alln's dnug atone, Whitb (j -' - - - - - - - - - - - - - olwAàob^lop ý lý p- 1 i

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