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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 12 Mar 1914, p. 6

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1 les tolty i in thed rngnheieal &Id whn te aci walkie . prs bt.neyr trigten téui-Christ'-s3teac1ing ihi -a isynagogue to reepond- to'su-ch' n eOquet a~p hr Oted t, c h h~h~Ir nL etr Fr8IJ~1 êreii~1 gthl cfth~ deii.Yhemnsfoti l) po cr adte parl -of 8iL neing. th erali 811(lrose nd teaxxsw1er ed ihteahes it, ch- The tr~dt~ fteAcrai ho ece, h -rh&ge mnuiît, ho deul t lttrpat-o iis anoty.rdè aae os, n 0nwe race presezrîbes it, btbcuew ls ~a "rur eaiti th;l eý to rte idividli] al s ;tir \the Jewi!ih Ihiérarchý' ba< b9oome conE.iderýable effo, iyfuldttebtrefru-aadttheb T <le~il o! strengh inere growth I hostile tO hi1m iihe elderis of the isyna- .',Your aifectio tae regard for my, Lelvesf. Ours mustbehepit-fHay,"ly wnyo iii. A sptîexpre hebatanist in the i4 ftebgbakor. hneede la 1y ay, ijltîîîs woman ediWenaoygineou f v I9A1pri !infirin)itv--A spirit my appreeiation,P' and rat clown,- arehaeologist inth deeao!lgchkmrkclw h J>,< bultt Vue>' neglocd t1 ii a 'n ne dmnch es nyerin e ueý greaht awdintmtyh;naryaqut a-i h xer-ti0n. uEgypt. In Our 2earc o rtl e iiigi nothe qa-ea tiorie~s m'Jiich 'ile chulîd get.i ltthe lus s5tosî-),trTg iehoulders 'àand sagging denxc>. that Caueed.- dum'ness, is -the novelty -of the situtinoe- usner-e atirfe wt a-onfr ahby cwTmfr j ifftil 'story liouri-*' gatherik gcon- spinine en thaît the ba-cku,c1tges ca]le.d a dumb *spirit (Luke IL. 14),. came my froiu , nBtr ingt oritor aven oron -d irï settleineq 1s'- an.dWoman, .hout artvloosedtfreing on-l o! foe.elderï 12. asked ithonear itysopinioa. We-muf theeeklto a,", 1ithskut - ifgthisyeiy are ofoihe werk. dut i eoossttene' ad r tye t wr .roeno ho terst thiiie iiiirmîty-The,, 'cure is un- had an'y particular personi n innijthe, trtth- at firât AdadweDjklaedh -iro!t lc- teddi s pre nd el hsemaic e- - ~ 9inwoa dd tkoweus, o crne my helpmeet, andi be equal to cost, if need be,of ilthtehoiHarno-ci]< rit u li oril.Thr-child thât IJiis out ne- UnfortunateIy, this obîouB end mgieta grmeýsi-9alth epniblte he -dot ___ '-d no hi ehar late i hs deelopmnt, ~t~ ag~ r~se u .itrngthcnthosemuscle. - ~- imagne tha iongetore eorun ail he resonsibiltiesthey îr out- dear Said homa. ÀuxlW.'toxe o! ue boatheut-eeins Tom thir cwmnî.-ltud a littie stire- of f ai y is likely te lie carrieti too-far, so WI nsorî9 e oita a-licifirelaevMiaw' -iof , the môz t tigmoetofhetiIceedwh -ake t4iie4 ii in is briiia by h~tirpuc hall that the cOnditio' become o.îsý l'B<bt a.Yt ow.htnigwa ieto~ç.vut," s W ~1f- Tuhlebte hniuhcend httc ihu n e wlen ht ed Ou~t-of> hiielssys. e ail. tîa j. iersý i&st-hrug __ of worship, t-le place where lihe Thi8 -eened Vo melike matchmak- grouinds o! my sd weeOnbetIthBt ri-ungrman aceouires t- distasteif s___ woiild lie most Iikely to meet the i .* sd c-hild and namle f-i e earle constanth- told that t>.itr ingwutha vegeane. ]acet hto..meieatifweohrwrd, Lordail t be bt -tome, ue aftr th whicî wascoinrwhat ie &ê.che -11218thl-uth iat somietîni srthe ga prîsstu trihe-4 ~ . - 13. Laid bis hand.s. upon lier- hnei c< V i-rir!Toodrotuher as-sthe penaltyti]Iwudaedhm-odbthwa n- elhil{P.s mmid Le Dot devetîpe i'i ,t he when they Nwere very rold, an4tith i L Somet.imes er tinhe2 dyans heO 'ireso-gi rly nd !Bth to notl". , -ioito âte lakba oltIer 1wnl -a by uji-3paret.l î~ thte eloîiehin; aititacles of M at tuher nus aword worst was stili to crn: Wo e -eody t-sordt od h t hth c ueta i ah IFow1etimle.s i4 due tocondito11aivîtJelw-î nn-- ixy>e- rg.A14. The riler o! the sYnagagile- alreaily reen fher anid told lihen he artig ot hibeans -htw utd rukd l od.Tilh one ho las een 4)off tie Wo'A;d IJ). erfelle.p>jrr. h ai hreo!temeth- yu"ridBohr f-athn lt eas l spoitbe lvide od nt o-it.or oreh nA fiil h »*cag fte nlts;'BohrR-or prudent, evsIW utb iln t.g fli ni megoefi out hi work daily, uelnngbad ha eefi:u Ile lxvi,mu c -b. res3dence 'f rom synagogue. boptlî of the Sabbath -jaiPPa;î. BtBcas tl Rgî. otietenarwbreao iL ru> toftn de t inorîic, ii arumet ilol< s<homlnoi:nm " 'clevehi4i w Ns- v Jersey, bec-auee worship and o! the cases o! law so it. was %ettledi.î I ay adk1 that In al] that w ow utaudteoneitneat ekt aeli wasr-sered ani o-de iisak li -mîîiued ha mi freit-î lteta'x s umû%- çb1 >i-ne law dtring the week. My 'wile and i hv e-o oa-cllhcnieatos !proa ok spreva orW. o éi notion thàat the education (if the l'aid in vomth the price of tht> : " b I><.>LY) . v t ,-lîcha"' Mmîoved with ipýciigyîaii.on becaue prove )his hy f tli IT<tan mo &p-galishn ani undeaf a adu p liset emutnt nurl * - ote o Ai ong, fjîî5ji-à. A prfect carri, g )e )(lus 1).-4tOu o~xT1i,iketcli -ofJesits hnid heale<l un file sablmth- o! mnLain anmaking# but ~uhild ~ enirelya bus gr-7 n;t tu ho- had wi-houÉ ta:.; Mr -r.1xî. a-fie luki-e 'or tw- ithen loistunce oinbjmined wilhthheieternshod irelofepdec.oeos1crrîitobums acacou- pluh1'4s,e 1sai!-d not forte un theheexhomWstre.-ehd evewliich is seilin-a rf evs la].i . e o h lceîtly, .os- - r - ____________acti4,ns o tf Jesià-. on tfii-Sabbat]) cure the best restilts.cstos-cnuttewnd -ihi xe-getrpuesadw-I-eç1 th>ri-d îr Ae dactonu th> rort>i- 'uscfuii exef<4ses -ii.-e <L.-< i anly hepukiî ifteiency, lu to committh unrd-T-êPriesd 1.- fienedfi heeciato f h.ý! *pilktgable sin (if sellingorso.AirghaneopeI»u eutvd iii(4rigrý'oi -É uis l-ser1-b _l tb.t î< pxqîbooks ;m t1eli )74qb cb ars -if econ l(0. 1-5) and cling a À Ai~l'AUJ. wuys liist we a-t like eeasm-tegkt niteeoeli lw o, irtfo th dtie ~ jectillut.ine excellent oise iit <-:1)1 Sad tmi tuenu(.r,6ho6-s1cug). ii a goathie ife"as th Vherîî4~ -be, takeni iin be<I is nm,ýt ftë-..- LSa~, wii.ltt thelan uiiid--iein- Jjs'rieç j uo s ea aso o * - e ed. d~~~~~gtitiut t sas îlotmo gal~ed e-eryth oent pntleiasir'T nwte rth e<o tieoe - -Y biit addre*su-s his, sord-S*. et of ue~ 15Ifue irsxietT Rfr, e vo gelup Si to ý1tu.'1( teEi-fndé td.tmtlgflc IIL oito fwdrgJ il1 ai Liliead. -ear as e-vexrî-. yo -piet-itmarks,-thettx-ptouînlerig iu aepryd-'Othrilteoe i.o---tia nht- row aweh.pai. -utiuds. N4heid lstui hnwit rt prtvlncitéýA efltixlrfâ,ctyu ak týihbt r iL tt>e m n - - 's omn wtî 'sam heam-d, nîo t n-ecny-firtli anni trsgti,.y of tttlîo î,o'tll iys IonJh I< - hangungbut Sli.)Iîw -in ce,.u jou .riitbhuditcha, ui ~ ~ ~ -~y the (LP.R. of ltie floral _____________ -îîIlgbu s #ll ,,t ilieil Ifise glowly tô à a aýttingp - - 1M ut te ilori; answene,<î loidoîîrtilttii t t w li, tbotgh ift ,linm- * 3loflrr soin peupl 11151 hinlç 1ion tume, tue -'ne Ia-bei Bean aiid -and -Ve Ibvp.c-ites-Al i 5110 ediateiv concened wNithaehtiFRM LhEI SOAN ~utirten&larurnsiover the lhe.ad Motluz'ear r R-'i lO :sda naîdsm(;iî d-thelngge fault*fd-îîeffeets. lhiebeen a eplendidly psy->IUh1 e4ff,- d tat et-heisd- it. But adf,,saduît-il ov , oithwen. f.im,îm. Ti'vw iiîn Lucch -l ftesng-gx e~ irig fetrti-e o! t-be organiztion- _ any . wntThz'cors t-hdresseti by Jesîts. Hypo-î-ir.v as the re i. a tîird wr-y. You ca't Wear yoîtn tores Nith your fthîgen iipe <(14)a bi-g ffor b-are&a--t. soniî itniigt ebk -epayuug, thart is, in", tli6 sense of - î wig, lond if voi.chooüseý .0ilubi- thlit a do-ten tfnle: s!toWlY, t-id thlen lut tarhiAriebe pgL eople when it w«as Jesuis whoni lie PUuSv8iîgt t> yseuh lith the !OE FPTRS RMlE alin lit - r~rr, ~n-~atualcolr fn I, ,- a toze-n tiies t- i e sitting po- click -el icket.cc,-'-,k iclidtejH dsîe lol r-tavelling publie. Twert-leya ~ IAKADRAH situîîn wili the unxiis folded ci aeýns spranîg up drt:s-ii and moî-î~îy tending to have a zeal foi- the la-w u tecop-ybgntewr can give N-our poor weary ncîddle a thib it. Yout will hm' chagnnled lit a nd ra 'ilaftei- liii f aiiîer m when, iniraiv it w-as liatred to- tentatively, anti almouFt plgei îew deul ý11round:- Thàt'm. what ii-st tro flid 'shunt Wîn rk yu-iuthon. ~aiFattien B'ear ! 0Mo- vwnrd Je&ius. -caily it eenued, ini a-system w %hich %Vuîat fil Gotag on b in igîa4 eni ai io -è îuy are cM ow'-odn , m>uke of jr ;- butî grthidaill the mutý- ther Fiear, wait- for une" lie called, thfopaitn>oyusîficIva nakdnd ihlid-oe 'IeSwllgrow- og,,-auJnd < " I1 woko Uip, and I -l tu to go isabat ooolu, c1 r i, -s io irk2dbv a- releuless utilitanian- anLwidso i Eegriebsaebegm-I- in curt otut~, forc i bd the fil'Uîlatiuhî laid-'for ing, to -the staîl, anîd lest bis ay '-a- S~MdA t>t'oîepetywnScL. - -Scchlaiwl iimhe, Irienii c f King Edwvard-trhat dit- auedfiui exerc*.ses--Youvhtls Fa-then P'ear and Mot-ber IRear tering f-If an ani*maI were loo:seci yoî> wanted clividcnds wa5t-s e " ficîti rnan4amuselune jst gicn tOrl~-~fl laugleti wlieil they lîeard L tle and sgX-rn a- cane to cuench hamlins-,in an ubsurdly sentimental M iMnobsrcieJa fonn us fi û i il ii t&itÇÇ BJJiu 1lt ~i 'ruaeî'u'orlluîni eadr-s merry .-voice. brue 'i-trirst, hm.w nruch more rnr l aThe wStra-waha-t.. for spning a-reÙiQnO dinne an çi4ççbrah wam Téa-iint o l::w fiflâ.cot 110a- 1 theefor lrkÎ f l fl-.,4W'Mi. A escendQatof ede a theitah, fur.wema-k-oyis soxtuiOn GsfDe-lbe re-quir-ecI te eome witi theiru- li tr-nion uhou< l tlweî entUlat quired Little Be-ar, 'siîeim, bY hop' ba,- shoutçl bc 1o65eci f romtheTheagns nd8ei -uu in sy blu1 its ,naturaâl ' & Th14) ~ v ir ngr,j: er_ p'ig aïid kil)pitmgandi it 110ig.hOiùhfînnltv whluiIad bounà ber so ne howd htwith a< i-i '.uluri rn iisine1 fterpetetfihs h cs ~cy 118's, ijehesi Bre fowlieakdoieiit;." Thiis is o! 'tie lausd reuclhed hi-, îathir-sside. manv vears. couragement their native love o!f oeae o.tgadar-fisfreeig mal.v adhloroeHruni)ý iiprac, ni naci- I N0 indeed.' answerêd Father 16. Whom Satan bath bouind- fl4iwer-s would ho à, factocr which lion, a long -ervice mol h.be h-tb ikwit ee i 1. ~n rtd \~i~ gren wldker>t due obtaneti Bear Mv sn, yu are oo siia-lii ~icîîesswas -houglt tiilie C toMIcîmiti liedepened onVo maleieîe givn to onesIl. Mlla- theuter- tgethe>out f stye..-M n-lltle l X-l wores a ro)eret n e i~iînal hrielr a, n be , tab~ieh tu90flt-fI~ijf t littie by Satan or wpizît-, subject tu him. ifoa lprmetasces .lio-, eeaa-, oya-1 N2s ee-vo n tel1 rajivgeir> 1,Tmnîu1itiinîdicrejoiced -twrncgrew tnfl to-da, from eu-a-st Thé JCakfýIo e&nneoedo h-aipe n Ie. One lad oe mrhlgoe-ipff r .ruat<no aj ou' w Iawrick uc. f B Lveur; Sjimowing <Iat most cf the peýoie re- ï- cea-st, e ven- tation ini theiu-ma.la-gif-uroewch Tehesot-e îw ' an i tuer freelias atirplot oailowers. mxsk plac a-t Vhsllfyal Igiof.stre khue ansendlessly varie-J anInd U1; ILiiheV luad hli ar exce]lefît Pian is tW si" ho1111V i 'Fateî a eur l-ofud sntt.le of thc ru er ieî-e Ppoto loe Father faule- ntdthe glitteing -ith ilvebedttnet nultoo >ùmuch il it, but a. egge hl ln tetakuemysea ýinu9-1«aw s~ltteing-wih ilvr. lit a i ea beta-en-1- leuîo lut fltV fsîtwîtt oum--1ttlA11th gîricus îiuug tlat ereshle bon t-ie nak ue my ee aJStnhergi, ecasei ws anatv6 A lvel pae -ra isoneo! Ir hoI sàçi etae. t it br,wilp. xN if youîcb:u L aid Mo- doue bv hin-Beingdnelvh. bla-ze tif color a-s the train rushes Of okr.nw-ttnelmî-g lvs WeII, well, what a dtirr, tire- avebeV- ltSiie ltiT1aSfurBa- bul, Ifear that >-ou willlk inclu-des mre tne iuthe lealinig o!fy I~urîwyaetetocr Prsl aelodr ~ ie- eu-sa etbeflore lonig in uider W s»tli0he lonu ecieiliett wmn.it lesae îwtb, t-een theIred a.gowt-o.Jln ton-e&ret etcdnp-brnnegdwt b m-s " o c j e - y w e r i n T h . e r î p o , i: i, t n n - h g o - e i' c r A h . r b a n k o f t h e r i v e r , w h e r e F 1 ), t h e )" b r e r(- < - - a b b a t li' d in n - r s w e r e c e r n- t e e a e p t i p n v î c i l y s e a le d w y i e - J u t n t î e o e w . o s e n t b e r o r i i h -vile nat-raI an-lie c toe ?ibath. <il pîliîting the> feet init ot ierrand Muthen Bea r'b.-tted't heirj mon and, î-uîmetimes imtec for their package&, a-tlbast 37 vaieties- injied.Foee otnceel <e à,dYate is -tif greur u%e ini many ca-;es. hook-san uut t dowuu ho tiih. Baby'luxutriy. The icooking, îîowever, e-edis obtiiied frorn maay tivere Jainots T)înlo-p &Ce. ij d r-nee o oîggrsngtcwe --prompt thirirvictims t'O try iîîum a-b- On 1 iliîgdown isa uLfla i se.,hoees athé #i o.wsd4eo geoocoigtaiqates u tew-uefriinplanok.,hv lic4# "-as pn lo-npreodiepday. que rore. axii.t-b-orhul fonmnbge- Wor , hae puri-rthed fr >oooo Nwt-eh fau-cinaing lesh tnt R gsurd anti outragetuu aene f -i tk. oî eî. thewbrari fr ba, lit.te(n, s ae.ma'h od in qit ut-o% usaeuo fies p r ýten minuttes, cuxmtiiuiesmDr.tebak fa o iil ie.uriili- 2.lelup temuilhdc-m n ietaliattflflrl ythse.tees--t nonasHinltunPrkge-ne-e iimraot-rmias t-5pe. Will <ié e Ji., lad be taken jsuisgr--, At the saine line relui axr-anfiohiiig wilhli ii itx-eth-'n le hope of being healet, The, word ScOref thimusaaîibeof tu-se îpack- fWeiiutrgnaniCmu- heilis ieimrtc rce- tneeve u th samewaya ii au,. hr beluolti'indicate,. suirprise at ope -!tOage olanre.n-i-ul ,reut thnd..gutthoed1ud slve--. 11P hy (oUr wn wean'ied idlem tPl%_- - the -ves. intothenéî are jet-aeminoideroi brbya-tthey Wilbte buîw u - tu<iLnlunz~ ra t L Bt-ar t wtjid 1tly : M'qlihave 1nu diFîiculty ili beimug ad-I ufil 1itiuttipeniaplot nue-ult o! tli fintli olînar srsmqj o bUd uT si Wjyso tLi, hnce Pp%. cf course ke-Iilug the --ni;u-rtitiiîg the tVon t-m>i ~li to -tImi, beutu>closK..Theme tw4c poinutisittiuate "Corne ful, corne, fiàh, - nund omfay' ii'~iIîîdert-lie teut-are tun h ia nîot-i see j-(mtms ailb hvwe fices i1Feceigtalo i-ptoacrinxi.ujre C(2ije tu my britte îrowYn t-saW-" ~a..uilwer;rlcr Ju-reaul tie fur t-hen i auJtake a pi:ide in their Put ->i htaxestm rfr t -hiea iîm aJ ithr rt mili ua-i- he'~va-lIable mer-uî s)f! oht.tining it. Ris aong Uvriso ulow rad seet, mnde cf their t> saohintbm- u go ulb liare eu.-l wiîsnufit Teîl.mne -s offl eMwors lnu n - 'erfaniliîr couîtenances of Tlu'- lut>lwmt remedy-ofiia;ilis <o spent d deoui eds laîneease iwrt lîe-firt4huiig hts. îîf bu tll.), lbe re c-at --aî--ils um ioie fMsr.C.L iu rie rad aêiociates uniore tu,,r;it wln sieieday ini tht> trp4iair. This i lluehird sang with lhiel asfIt îa ntt tn-q-ltulp.lvc-tu.dafdllsl '. ee-es Uigs, Nwteel e 1ur' r i tiiofte brek du sîeples lu-hit Core falicouI, tlîi, ath or ot Vlt w-s tte bibath, ortu ailtht'furuillui- itruetwecb Wt-6 btokeî jutandcîttv anitr-fi- mtith li ehlamesmlîî kked t4-b %vilo] lleir tr thehabit uoe lsa- cole, fll , 1!ô! thme lawvers t-o answer ques.tiuns! bave tut-r appeal ti ihe ,,o! dles of g<ld aad im-cu doffmîae. !-iAnd tuet ter u lelkeynCoi iim-lu--e îon ;w ifaisknIra i u llaie- tli-aett ltnîue pt-i t ett-iuti flia:,;Wie h<owlc a-lb1~ e Fil 'l- it tie raitir, ou p"w ic-ce, d, in Tiu! contd i S11 Iafuie j- iTosecndfo tier ine aVili4o! -o ewhicli the e ia perfeehhy wsa îe of a brownii nJtliugh the ii ~kind that ic ~er3- o-e-l,-th-y - i.d r. -ii. lalua-u 'bigo . f ist -z trinraight t-f' dou -5m-Lwiu un tlme iltnereiuL of -litres ou th' 1,11Ciouuu 1.is ce t --. >Lu-.i i-- uili u- mî. îitiîc-is'. - <iiltuit:<. (Xlit. Julîl i toî l. î Il - -h It i-t W lt f whvite aarcvn t - -.io r 1u9iuii .11i heu uip- I it4) a iveli Thi- u-peri pile. or - -Otcle r-il let i L "Idiid ve r- Ç»Iiiiit 11l. hiln't ei -l tliai lislh 'uit o4À tdie- saler i ' tud -uLrnrs, ini leitune au-e nul veu-y 'hil- foir ixîChangem. s-e jrt-î-i iî utth- bricks a-t thti 'i' ' 1t~~su- -rw t,- lý.îIfg ï,,4)s ut-il l iE i I' aa der . f r 1!'el. th i e-1Wt- sutm ute stutmL'î b itte kiti c-i-i-f ,mtîuu-î-r-e11- 1 Puetc-ist-r a f le (l-tle\r? i'-%%*Il.%-,lti V Ie weotir-ebc la-t, anw e-iwliene Fsaiýti - le uît C-uii, llvr ullit- ath -u-le< ltte lie-r, MAT('liîA bIb i I pU. vur- fuîti-ir i ilut u- t iioufmlif ou ( I nt -imle Xa% ims~et a-t- uilog~ tb ire Will nu-t t mît- hi-- -.m-tIti ut u i i-i-iut t while lu iq .ît -d fi o pi. - - )fm 1 w l 1t ol i - l' P iii i -ttl' 1 of te Wa It s Dole. M 'it- mi-i ut * %F lt e i-I -eirc fIin e-itre h pr rr ým st-vr a rin s$:ýo luIt 'aI:- - -f t-uit-l I-i t - 't-s.t-ini-I !, Siun -i't-- in titi r-wt-deat W ootfeir-f11at c-es If nex -u uorhig <irutit-the '-iMu. i t l'iý-i e ar ci-.u. gh t il ieiî'r Ji- -i ,prmn m s rtc- f si p-r nai-lt' ar, - - If -ul: pt-mires rautu a mita uu liai t-- lltl ,îý'oar t t W-n y tie,-1',-1- -lnitit 14) gitoabolit miut a ehip iif I'i' -tive oth, and tht- lke Jus îigetu. '> - i- i. e tse .-Y4 ltI s 11)I f Sev riIitiiy - el Itra'fger - 'Cmut- iiieame l l t-t i r hehu tkt I isBîcrmgt wrs cis ve'ir,îa gi-i 'hef 4 c f tl*l B la 4t i ii. r. - - I i.-repor u stif ati-i-i il- the ir rimu titu-r cie u-ubttj i tg thlbeg f-'r)% cu't f>a, ea JI<llu;liu a liLe klifr-lie -wati-.lot-ha ighiskm-tue Of te- s r ro .fe- at,- ~ ul <îik-tfrhiîafau. I nts tt g itin- ort-rlt tn-o- t Jl tS-hC <mfg-ius lu i-- - itt iutft mu-trs mu n a si,< ~ nslennîtist-.i't tfn iit Utl îu5u - - s t p-v t -j- <f nai iigîie 4tu ltluaci oili tci - îg i-ti )-f- ii < * ih . r .ut«-trd ihemforal tuiiiecifL.W t leu-uitsense, a-nil rît-. Yno v-bs- 'ailîtt-v letteriiiiieendruea itit>r-.lwatr-, avet l. iîuIll rnpu;1nrity Ï4 ia iu-o tul dtbre,"i p~i i. li "I--ul -)W. H i Lit tliat wut->]ives r-t Ttiticuriaf,'iitiLti l-In Tt î ma-il -ére deuiui -t-iC isiEliutXiJam-titmu rn hi- efrs - - uteu hiishy -s to uxcl rIllelee ftwo %vi..u Idi.. -a 1., il 3 7;---~ m-i uvu- iauk Lt surîiherr diug-'e11 ol i! it Jat-, n C.liîinluuu :rm-' 1: ts -i fi t11 I <I1rdi t kiiiîxw,' said Toîmu- I n New 'YeaÈrs lIn>. 1.911, aa s-î> -1î-i utî itsitmi u t l~ i' iisi ~' : - It'Ii l t <uturtiilate-i ulu'.li - tîpy ,fclIrw lt-amjli g tI.,.- a- miv, l-iîghtfî,u1-.taukng nq ' lu r sse-a- in nuy lut-le it <itg f-i-fî ii-rIItii~ o î ig Iîtog - A t i- t .n-LSe ' f r e o n e e v e n i n g . a -n d . t t î i i m î î g f , - 6 i» t , g c s i h u i t o d î c " a t T î t i c u - n , a n i m u e lr I < n 1 e m , l u e - - Y s t m m t t ~ t c î C l f v t l d t i r u v i>f us ~ho r-uked Whex-e lieexp)ec-elt-ugi tereti the(;àverandan îd ceremntciut- -rs ii» fît' 1bot-i iv e rs ftir. 't-)I)ity auJ gurî04 ta tu. 1 ~tn u ie. --i jîîb y gesi six years <ld, bas OrrsY osmo-int-o my nooru, heaniting -rmuu fm t-, ynh-g !t-le îuîuî preubty slow here juist tW Él, eplieti -the drunk, tif 1 anu*ivetiui ha la'em a ll Vitrayeumo! floweî-s, fruuits, raisins, A114-1t-t-lWil ler 15Y-is- sti the SqUam Cor- ean'tgeL along any beftter-t-ai 1dm iisor-tIngage," ou- tho age isigar, whi-c-h they- int-cla-t My feet «bad (J 'at-Iefic entumerlt-u ir.Tii-et a -' -nI'led'etnwo-~Jedu no, sa-' g ri'we-e - liuicilrei-jiuainauuuçs geL hlike îcuppiiauts'w-ho de-sir-e tîm gaît auîuvrttedmme al - -i>uelwt ierprrnqaitît hîg !keigadî~wt e- e th obiki mervedr-Ater e I'.,til. h ejrn Aatii È, hsYtlO tlyiin w t4-ut<ftk l--gci u errmplitheevk.e of iu.r -wh 1tihe hand "rhure. itd le a greut wîr-nld , - Ruauin in ato tho-hou-le atheo t-hon cite.ceriemonial s-tiqîietuîr-lin-d he iuîtu en l lellllm uthlW l off on4,ot the banda loit lydaylînn exelai-nie-"8-0 jr ().! k" - refie~~~~uVed MeGiîîtii,, t-.iined , Mmrq obuerveti, anti-Ihîr hàdilclc-sed 1m3v..cue tour $ppetitt-5 .ei"n'-l.a< sl .i-it,-~-t- -thtui l i' s a tlii i i g u i e s s t o b s - a r s h e i n -e t i t i o n , -s- e st'er eo ni e d t hff rmon tnwi l l' - îagîe iî îft u f ieUr , t ef r p et l l o r g , r e p l i e d t h e lrn aui o f uir Iy ft - l e r -bel- l c t u rng a i l . V i l uomn o- are tellhing aohrfn nie a xtcn',begami-ih~p.îll~ -i o-f Ormiers. i 1ors- ~~~~~anti I tlîink Fl'l ave <o t'j-L-nîa t-awhiu e uetau,îe V.ýbta'he -can't t"tThe dneto)r $aiti ho d i ptme P oru cm -u. oki-en qwi i incTbram stict a-daen-ss, troo'Ie~ourluibn il~ 'ur-dît-lceic ? uiuum>rdes." - on i et i mii-r A, s u hg~' t -in"iad iem tle. tLon - 1trau lke -tbs:- Maino!61quiet fasteh ?" M s, Tones -<l-~te i u -i-iiiu ie.I --V' uit n hî~' Y u runs mîufacurd 1" "Wel, tdi'tlu f e <V-nhe nutswhat. I m-watheglt, ' everet i.Yum iv cw _-"Ydfuwiuldm't 'thuîk- w)if Yqu! ~MI otu ii-:~ rm, Feyman witn a ù rtainuv utti, i1îîad t, arn -l 'i'-- - bestfwed hear4 n-the stuiPreeiouu -n>f r-lt-it> ter-ko keci. nJnr . 'uotvuux dagl-tns"cycle te ,pr-y hMb1.11 a i e-&&aid be',was." ii-frnalvtoyur ra- hmsao p Gare .ouaI sed , aà~i h2I -, 6eiugtW' 1 - i - t-- -f TUE fGLOBER 1NÀ - I(ulTsBELL6 - 'Canis4r, (lie Enip'Ire andtihIe W fil GeicraI1 Dclore Tour Ca». 1 - <Th rs for- slnuue ot;clnedt vu(mir-fuer- te elagepension 'je m .For u-.naal- for-te puosea- 2mlis-ihfl, Joi Mciibthe Ilutls-s!Il sleeping Choly.na - Frutuolurict- ielI a xt -1c-tt Y-l i 1ela - îrvsraj1ay;. tiaoe a fi 4ird xrtle,i pîdy Cü defigt-4 f mon peposiiin hclA 'e 'l-eti - uît--n. r --gk.n -E n ,lc lîo-ouoJtffisraectionser et- m-i-oms 1iii sleeping 4)v -i-h-1,- some trnu - rurnil b iePiwyC t-o luira -t-i ils e i le, l rjtsm, r ii t i rin Gro ithrer i>: -uinion lalwayBoa-r - 1' Dociiiments on- 11' - - sesAl( -uol V àpLu i lu- iife, iim (mtl Djar. ttîancse e i T!m-rie i-1i -u ou l-tiit.m'

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